Health benefits of fresh air. Fresh air is an important condition for the healthy development of a child. Where to look for these “air vitamins”

Hello dear readers! We all know how important it is to be outdoors. What role does it play for our health? It is very important to know how to dress properly for a walk to benefit from it.

From the article you will learn that fresh air not only saturates our body with oxygen, but is also able to regulate our weight. Find out what kind of air is capable of doing this

Whatever it is, wherever you are, always remember that fresh air is very important for health. Especially if people most time spent indoors. After reading the article you will find out how useful it is to us.

Fresh air

We all know about the benefits of fresh air, but unfortunately not everyone fully saturates their body with it. Hence the ailments, constant fatigue, you want to sleep all the time and, most importantly, your health begins to fail.

Of course, diseases begin not only from a lack of fresh air, but it plays a very important role for health. After all, air is an integral part of our life. That's how we are made. Absolutely everything breathes, without it there’s no way!

Due to the modern rhythm of life, many of us rarely spend time in the fresh air. Here I am also proof of this. I know that for the sake of my health I need to find time for walks. I try to do this as best I can.

The way we are designed is that we constantly need fresh air. The human body cannot live without oxygen. Due to the work of the lungs, it is only one third saturated. We receive the main oxygen through the skin – that’s two-thirds.

Therefore, walking in the fresh air is very important. We should make it a rule to walk for at least half an hour every day. It doesn’t matter where - be it a park, a green street or a garden, as long as it is in the yard of your house.

Fresh air supply

The flow of fresh air is necessary because the human body needs oxygen. American doctors generally advise sleeping without clothes. They believe that this way they restore strength faster and sleep much better.

Every cell of our body needs an influx of fresh air. Does not allow air to enter the body thick fabric long clothes. Especially in summer it should be free and light.

Fresh air is needed

I'll start with one story that happened to a little boy. She is proof that fresh air is vital. This happened a very long time ago and this incident was recorded in the book “History of the Ancient World”.

At one of the holidays of Emperor Augustus, a six-year-old boy was painted with gold paint to represent the god of love, Cupid. Twelve minutes later the boy died of suffocation.

This is what skin breathing and fresh air mean to each of us. That is why our body should always be clean, so that the air around us can be easily absorbed through the skin like a sponge.

Outdoor recreation

Of course it's good to relax in the fresh air. I remember how we gathered in a large group with our children for the whole day and went out into nature. We grilled kebabs, ate vegetables and fruits, and most importantly played different games with the children.

In the evening they returned home cheerful, rested and full of energy. This is what outdoor recreation means. How I miss those times. Now the children have grown up and have their own children. They also try to spend more time outside the home and actively relax in the fresh air.

Air temperature

Air temperature may vary. In this section I want to tell you about such air temperature as cold. Of course, it preserves our body very well. But it also harms if you don’t protect yourself from it. It is especially important to remember for people who love winter resorts and often go to them.

The complexion improves under the influence of cold, it becomes clean and fresh. This happens according to the principle of alternate narrowing and expansion of blood vessels. This leads to increased elasticity of the skin and accordingly rejuvenates it.

Cold also helps to lose weight. Fresh air contains a lot of oxygen, which enters the body and helps rapid oxidation and fat burning. Since in this case they serve as fuel that warms the body.

It all depends on the air temperature. If it's cold, what I just wrote about happens. If the air is at a different temperature, reactions of the corresponding time of year and weather also occur. Most importantly, fresh air can bring many benefits to our body.

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Be healthy and happy.

Video – Walking in the fresh air

Since childhood, we have heard about how useful it is to be in the fresh air, and now we ourselves say these words to our children, without thinking about what this very “fresh” air is and why it is so useful?

Let's try to figure it out. And first, seven facts about air:

Fact one

Air is a mixture of nitrogen (78%), oxygen (21%), carbon dioxide (normally 0.3%) and several inert gases.

Humans need oxygen to live. After all, 90% of the energy that is produced in our bodies is produced as a result of the combustion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates obtained from food in oxygen. Without this, there will be no energy - and the body will die. That is why, in the absence of oxygen supply, death occurs. And air is its only source.

At the same time, in enclosed spaces (especially in cities) the air consists mostly of carbon dioxide. And if we remember that it accumulates closer to the surface of the earth (floor), it becomes clear: the shorter a person is, the more he suffers from this, the more dangerous it is for him to constantly be in “stale air.” And children also love to play on the floor - where the concentration of carbon dioxide is highest.

Fact two

Carbon dioxide is harmless in small doses. However, even a three percent concentration in the air causes people significant discomfort, including a feeling of suffocation. A concentration of 5 - 6% can cause fainting and even death. Of course, this happens extremely rarely. However, it is necessary to ventilate rooms as often as possible, especially those in which there are children. This must be done at any time of the year, in any weather. Are you concerned about your children's health? Just take them out of the room you will be ventilating.

Fact three

All people are sensitive to excess levels of carbon dioxide in the air. But especially children under 12 years old. It is on them that he has the strongest impact. They are the ones who suffer faster from its increased concentration in the air. Therefore, if you notice that the child is lethargic, absent-minded, and often yawns, try to provide access to fresh air in the room. Perhaps it's all about carbon dioxide.

Fact four

Air has very low thermal conductivity and is able to absorb a large number of moisture. Thanks to this, moving air carries away the evaporation of the human body, thereby cooling it. And this is necessary to maintain normal temperature, especially in the heat. You need to understand that air is moving only if there is wind or when a person moves.

At the same time, active movements of a person, and even more so of several or many people in a room, contribute to an increase in the respiratory rate, and therefore an increase in the volume of exhaled carbon dioxide. In the air exhaled by people, its content can reach 3 - 5%. And this is already an unsafe amount for us (see Fact Three). Therefore, it is best to move actively - play, play sports - outdoors. And children, who are normally much more active than us adults, especially need regular long walks and a constant flow of fresh air.

Fact five

Fresh air has a beneficial effect on the brain and prevents its aging. American scientists have proven this. After a series of studies, it was found that regular walks in the fresh air increase brain volume by about 2%, while neglecting them reduces it by 1.5%. It would seem like minor changes, but they seriously improve or worsen the quality of life.

Interestingly, those who walk at least three times a week for at least 40 minutes have an increase in those areas of the brain that are responsible for memory. Therefore, “walkers” are much less likely to suffer from age-related memory decline. At the same time, in order to help your brain develop faster or age more slowly, you don’t have to move intensely; regular walks without additional stress are enough. So, if you're not too keen on hanging out with your kids, think about the benefits of being outdoors for both your kids and yourself.

Fact six

Fresh air improves the functioning of several systems in our body. In addition to the brain (see Fact five), it is very necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, as well as organs gastrointestinal tract. Walking in the fresh air is beneficial for both children and adults who have problems with excess weight. And the point is not only that during walks the child moves much more than at home, and it is not possible to eat something tasty at the first opportunity. But thanks to fresh air, metabolism improves and work intensifies. circulatory system. Moreover, all this happens in a soft mode, without excessive loads. In addition, walking strengthens muscles, ligaments, joints and contributes to the formation of correct posture.

Fact seven

Fresh air is for absolutely everyone. Even for those who are sick, doctors recommend ventilating the rooms in which they are located as often as possible. There is no overdose from prolonged exposure to fresh air. Well, perhaps among residents of megacities who suddenly escaped into nature. And they also have “strange” sensations from the fact that there is no usual “gas chamber” around, quickly pass, giving way to good health and the same mood. It is in the fresh air that our strength is restored faster than anywhere else. And neglecting walks is fraught with a decrease in the body's defenses, physical weakness and even the appearance of chronic fatigue syndrome.

As you can see, the notorious “fresh air” is really necessary and useful for us. Especially if you use its influence correctly.

Let's walk properly

  • You also need to be able to walk. Our children are often so busy during school year that only very young children and kindergarteners take regular walks, for whom walks are an indispensable part of their daily routine. Schoolchildren’s “walks,” alas, most often consist of short runs between home, school, and various classes and sections. And this is very little. Therefore, try to ensure that children spend as much time as possible outdoors at least on weekends. If possible, choose sport sections, whose classes are held not indoors, but outdoors.
  • Although, as has been said, even a sedentary stay in the fresh air is beneficial, it is still better for children to walk as actively as possible. For adults, leisurely walking along the alleys of the park is a wonderful pastime (and even then not for everyone), and for children, decorously following the hand with their mother is usually a martyr's torment, from which they get tired much more than from running, jumping and climbing all over the place. more or less suitable surfaces for this. Parents should be understanding about this arrangement of children and make sure that their children have the opportunity not only to breathe fresh air, but also to move more.
  • Everyone knows about the benefits of sea, mountain and forest air. But even in a big city you can find places where you can breathe easier and the air tastes better. And we’re not just talking about parks and squares. Walk with your children in courtyards fenced off from roads by tall buildings, where harmful effects exhaust gases are much less than those of highways.
  • Walking is also useful immediately after rain, when the dust is nailed to the ground and the air is saturated with ions.
  • Encourage children to take walks after a heavy meal, before bed, while recovering from illness, etc. In general, from childhood, instill in them the habit of walks, trips to nature, and games in the fresh air. Come up with a common thing that doesn’t allow you to stay inside four walls.
  • If both you and your children are desperate homebodies, and you can’t cope with the established habit of going out only in cases of emergency, . Loving your pet is sure to get you and your kids off the couch. At first, of course, it won’t be easy, but soon you will definitely get used to it, and three daily walks will become a pleasure.

Improving air quality in the apartment

Even if a child walks a lot, he spends much more time indoors. What to do about it?

  • Try to choose for your child whenever possible. kindergarten or schools located far from big roads, in green areas.
  • Ventilate your apartment more often.
  • Don't forget to regularly vacuum and wet clean the house, even if it seems that the rooms are completely clean.
  • “Place” indoor plants in the nursery and other rooms.
  • Wash the ventilation grilles from time to time so that dust accumulation on them does not interfere with air access.
  • If possible, purchase an air purifier and/or humidifier.

What are air baths and what are they for?

The above-mentioned ability of air to cool the body, doing it as gently as possible, is used in numerous hardening systems. Air baths are beneficial for everyone, even babies, and even more so for older children. And summer - best time to start hardening the children. It is only important to know a few nuances:

  • If a child is often sick, air baths will help him. Moreover, it is better to start taking them not on the street, but in a well-ventilated area.
  • The air temperature in the room where air baths are carried out should be 5 - 7 degrees below comfortable (also called thermoneutral).
  • At a thermoneutral temperature, it is pleasant for a person to be in the room; he does not feel hot, but at the same time there is no desire to get dressed.
  • Children under eight years old do not need to specially lower the temperature in the room for hardening, since for a child five to seven years old the comfortable temperature is 26 - 27 degrees. Those. Hardening occurs already at twenty to twenty-two degrees. And in most of our apartments this is just the usual temperature. However, if a child aged eight years and older is often sick or weakened, you can start taking air baths at room temperature.
  • How older child, the lower the comfortable temperature for him. For adults it is 23 - 24 degrees. Therefore, for children over eight years old, the usual room temperature no longer suitable for hardening.
  • The air temperature for hardening should be as follows: preschoolers and first-graders - 20 degrees; older children - 19 degrees; adults - 18 degrees and below.
  • It is necessary to take air baths, gradually increasing the time from several minutes for newborns and 25 - 30 minutes for five to six year olds.
  • For school age children alone air baths hardening is not enough; a whole range of measures is required. However, there are many benefits from them, so pediatricians advise not to neglect the opportunity to strengthen the child’s body and carry out air baths.

Photo - photobank Lori

For the human body, nothing is more important than oxygen. Therefore, young children are often sent for a walk. But as a person grows up, he begins to spend less and less time outside of home and work, limiting himself to the road to the store, bus stop or car. Walking in the fresh air is extremely beneficial. Setting aside some time for this is important at any age. And if it’s difficult to force yourself, then the incentive will appear after reading information about how fresh air affects the body.

In modern living conditions, when a person is surrounded by endless stress and thoughts about problems, and everyone has to rush somewhere, many people completely forget about their health. And maintaining it is not that difficult. To do this, it is enough to spend a little more time in fresh, unpolluted air. It will help improve not only your health, but also influence many areas of your life. The importance of fresh air is much greater than many people think. So what are the benefits of walking outdoors? How do they affect a person?

Improves mood and relieves stress

Walking in the fresh air is very useful for low mood, severe stress, and fatigue. This is very important for modern man. A pleasant clean smell promotes relaxation and improves mood, and the smell of trees reduces fatigue and stress. When walking slowly, a person begins to feel calm and happy. He remains alone with the beauty of nature and his thoughts, which allows him to extract maximum benefits for the nervous system. A park is best for walking in the fresh, clean air.

interesting fact

Stanford University conducted research that proved that an hour and a half walk in nature reduces the activity of the area of ​​​​the brain that is responsible for negative emotions. Scientists have noted that people living in the countryside are less prone to negativity and depression.

Improve health

The main benefit of walking in the fresh air is its positive effect on overall health. Physical activity combined with a walk in nature helps strengthen the immune system, even during cold periods. Daily walks improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels and lower blood pressure. Metabolism accelerates, which cannot be achieved by visiting a regular gym. Fresh atmospheric air helps plants produce phytoncides that destroy tumor cells and reduce the risk of developing cancer if a person inhales them.

Fill with energy

If you regularly walk in the fresh air, the need for energy drinks will disappear. Human energy in conditions of the pure pleasant smell of nature and beautiful view rises by 90% . If you want to drink another cup of coffee, you should try walking a little - the effect will be amazing. In addition, frequent physical activity tones the muscles, which also gives an additional boost of energy.

Improve sleep

Most people don't even consider the importance of fresh air for quality sleep. Those who spend more time outside the home sleep approximately ¾ hours longer than others. Their sleep is much stronger, and when they wake up, they feel much happier and more active. Walking in the fresh, cool air before bed is also important.

Improve brain function

If you want to become smarter and increase your productivity, then you need to spend more time outdoors. Short walks in parks or forests improve memory and increase concentration by about 20% . And fresh air is generally required for children with hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder, because... This The best way make them concentrate.

interesting fact

American scientists compared the effects of walking and stretching exercises on brain function. For this purpose, two groups of people from 50 to 80 years old were selected. One had to do stretching exercises, the second had to spend the same amount of time in the fresh street air as the first ones spend doing exercises. A year later, the results were summed up using special diagnostics: for those who walked, the brain increased in volume by 2% , which fell on areas responsible for memory and activity planning.

Makes a person more attractive

Walking in the fresh air allows you to get enough oxygen, which is extremely beneficial for the entire circulatory system. This results in a light blush, with which the skin looks more beautiful and the person takes on a rested appearance. Improving metabolism and removing toxins can also change the appearance of positive side why fresh air is even more beneficial. Regular walks burn calories, and a person begins to lose extra pounds. The benefits of walking are invaluable.

Strengthens family relationships

Walking does not have a direct impact on social life. However, the psychological state that is strongly influenced is very important for relationships with others. If you spend more time in the fresh air, it will become much easier for a person to communicate with loved ones. You can do this together. Then the health benefits of fresh air will be complemented by even more pleasant time with loved ones.

Features of the winter period

In winter, people experience even more stress than usual. New Year's bustle, cold, lack of vitamins - all this leads to unpleasant health problems. To correct this, you need to walk in fresh, cool air every day. There is no need to worry that you can catch a cold from a low temperature. Winter air has its own characteristics that are especially useful. And people usually get colds during the transition periods between summer and winter, and not during cold weather. Frost destroys all viruses, which reduces the risk of getting sick. What are the benefits of walking in the fresh, cold air in winter:

  1. Fresh frosty air contains increased level oxygen. This improves: health, brain function, mood, appearance.
  2. Severe cold hardens a person. If you walk more, your immune system will noticeably become stronger.
  3. Walking in cold weather helps fight headaches and strengthens the heart.
  4. Winter air in the evening guarantees even more sound sleep.
  5. Low temperature maintains the tone of the nervous system, which enhances resistance to stress.
  6. Air in winter cools the skin, saturates it big amount oxygen. This makes it smooth, elastic, beautiful, and also acquires a pink blush.

Spending some time outside during the winter is important. This will improve health and make a person happier.

interesting fact

Harvard researchers have proven that girls seem more attractive to men in the winter, even taking into account a large amount of warm clothing. The reason is that in winter men produce more sex hormones, and therefore they become more attentive to appearance of the opposite sex.

Shinrin-yoku (forest bathing)

Shinrin-yoku- a way to prevent your health. It is also called "forest bathing" and translates as “bathing among the forests.” The homeland of Shinrin-yoku is Japan, whose inhabitants have always been very concerned about their health. This method of improving health involves slow walks in the forest, calm breathing and maximum relaxation while opening yourself to nature.

Why such walks through the forests are useful:

  • getting rid of depression;
  • decreased cortisol;
  • relieving irritability;
  • restoration of strength;
  • decrease in blood pressure and pulse.

This is something that has been scientifically proven. But there is another reason why it is useful to walk in the forest according to the Japanese method: the phytoncides, which were already mentioned above, are present in the highest concentrations in the forest, which is why the risk of developing tumors from such walks is reduced to almost zero.

How long to walk?

How much time do you need to spend in the park walking for it to be beneficial? You can start with short 10 minute walks, and only then gradually increase this time. When the body gets used to it, the minimum time should be 30 minutes. Walking is recommended from 1 to 2 hours, and exactly how much time to spend on the street is up to the person to decide – you can even allocate 6 hours. It is important to do this daily. Morning or evening – it doesn’t matter.

The purpose of the walk is an opportunity to breathe calmly and relax. Therefore, it is best to walk slowly, sometimes speeding up your step to enhance physical activity, but under no circumstances should you run. At the same time, you need to be as relaxed and calm as possible. The path should pass through places least polluted by cars and factories, i.e. parks or forests.

interesting fact

Scientists from the USA have come to the conclusion that a person needs to go for a walk every day for one hour. This means that you need to go through at least 5 km. They believe this is the best way to maintain heart health even in old age.


Fresh air is good for your health – there’s no arguing with that. Every person who cares about themselves should set aside a little time for a walk every day in order to cover their minimum distance and get a boost of energy and at the same time improve their health. And the best incentive is knowing why it’s good to walk outside every day. All that remains is to start.

Agree, I don’t really want to go for a walk when it’s cloudy outside. Everyone knows that thanks to the sun we get vitamin D, but few people know that this happens even when the sun is not visible behind the clouds. We have collected as many as 6 benefits of walking in the fresh air that literally push you to go for a walk.!

First let's figure out what happens when you for a long time you are indoors. Firstly, you breathe the same air, which reduces the amount of oxygen. Breathing in this stale air does not provide your body with enough oxygen. This can lead to problems with physical and psychological health, for example, dizziness, nausea, headaches, fatigue and mental exhaustion, irritability, anxiety, depression, colds and lung diseases. Not a particularly attractive set, right?

Fresh air is good for digestion

You've probably often heard that after eating it's good to go for a light walk. Not only movement, but also oxygen helps the body digest food better. This benefit of fresh air is really important if you're trying to lose weight or improve your digestion.

Improves blood pressure and heart rate

If you have problems with blood pressure, you should avoid polluted environments and try to stay in a place with clean and fresh air. Dirty environment causes the body to work harder to get the amount of oxygen it needs, so blood pressure may rise. Of course, it is difficult for residents of megacities to find clean air, but try to get out into nature at least once or twice a week.

Fresh air makes you happier

The amount of serotonin (or the happy hormone) depends on the amount of oxygen you inhale. Serotonin can significantly improve your mood and promote feelings of happiness and well-being. Fresh air helps you feel more relaxed. This is especially important for those who are used to lifting their mood with sweets. The next time you feel depressed, just go for a walk in the park or forest and see how it affects your mood.

Strengthens the immune system

This is especially important in the spring, when immunity is significantly reduced. Dirt, grayness, and rain are not particularly attractive for a walk, so at this time of year we go for a walk less often. However, white blood cells, which fight bacteria and germs, need enough oxygen to do their job properly. Therefore, get into the habit of going out for at least a half-hour walk to help your immunity strengthen.

Cleanses the lungs

When you inhale and exhale through your lungs, you release toxins from your body along with the air. Of course, it's important to breathe in truly fresh air so you don't absorb additional toxins. Therefore, we again advise you to go out into nature as often as possible to restore lung function.

Increased Energy

Fresh air helps you think better and increases your energy levels. Human brain you need 20% of body oxygen, can you imagine? More oxygen gives greater brain clarity, improves concentration, helps you think more clearly and has a positive effect on energy levels.

And now we give specific tips on how to absorb more fresh air, and some of them can be done without leaving the city.

Try running in the fresh air. Find a wooded area or park in your city with a lot of trees and go for a run there. The combination of cardio and oxygen has a good effect on the respiratory system and increases the body's endurance.

Once every week or two, go hiking in the forest. In addition to providing your body with oxygen, it can also become an enjoyable pastime and even a family tradition. And combining business with pleasure is always good!

Keep plenty of plants in your home and workplace to improve air quality. Plants produce oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide(remember back to school?) and some can even remove toxic pollutants from the air.

Do it every day physical exercise. If possible, do this outside. Sports help to boost blood circulation and supply the body with oxygen.

Ventilate your bedroom before going to bed and, if possible, sleep with an open window. But this point should only be followed by those who do not live in the center of a metropolis.

Ekaterina Romanova

A person can live for more than a month, without water for several days, but without air one can survive only for a few minutes. Healthy image life is possible only in the presence of fresh air. There are restrictions on food intake, and it is not always healthy to drink a lot of water. It is impossible to breathe in the air. We will look at three aspects of the undoubted health benefits of air:

  • walks in the open air,
  • holiday in the countryside, in the forest, at the sea
  • holiday in the mountains.

Walks in the open air

We benefit from regular leisurely walks down the street. At first, slowly, completely imperceptibly for us, the breathing rate increases, and therefore the heart rate, and the metabolism is activated. Since this happens gradually, the heart does not feel the stress. Thus, we train the heart muscle, therefore reducing the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Air baths are used to harden the body from infancy.

We put stress on the leg muscles and the entire musculoskeletal system, blood circulation improves, and the leg muscles warm up.

By breathing in fresh air (and with it oxygen), we burn extra calories, which means we lose weight. Walking after lunch means not allowing fat to be deposited in places we don’t want.

Fresh air is necessary for good night, and proper sleep is the key to mental health.

How to be healthy ? What to choose for walks? What places? Of course, it’s best away from the roads, in parks. It happens that such a place is impossible to find for daily walks. So, walk home from work, choosing a new road each time. Firstly, you will definitely find something suitable for you, and secondly, isn’t it interesting to learn something new in familiar surroundings? Have you ever tried to get lost this way? An adrenaline rush and positive emotions are guaranteed at the end.

Air in the countryside, forest, sea

Of course, the air away from the city is much cleaner and therefore healthier. Even if you don’t have relatives in the village (or maybe, on the contrary, it’s better to choose a place where they don’t), spending a vacation in nature is a charge of vigor and health for the whole year. You can find quite a budget option, renting a house in the village. You will smell the herbs, and the unity with nature is such that it seems that your mother is hugging you... It is very interesting to meet wild representatives of cultivated plants. Pay attention to sorghum, wild rye, wheat. The forest air is saturated with the aromas of pine needles, the sea - with algae and salt. Please note that we are not talking about a seaside holiday as spending all day on the beach. Clean air not only affects your well-being, it improves your mood. Cause positive influence– ionized air. Air ionization (the process of converting neutral molecules into positive and negative ions) occurs for various reasons, including atmospheric phenomena during a thunderstorm, the friction of molecules on sharp needles of coniferous trees and even grains of sand, and the collision of molecules. It has been proven that positive ions contribute to rapid fatigue of the body, it is possible headache. Negative ions have a positive effect on nervous system, improve well-being.

Air in the mountains

Mountains have always attracted people. They are beautiful and majestic. There is something incredibly mysterious about them. Dry statistics show that it is among the inhabitants of the mountains that the longest-livers are greatest, and they maintain a clear mind and physical activity until their death.

When going uphill, the thickness of the air column decreases, the air density is less, the pressure decreases, and therefore the volume of oxygen entering the body decreases. Why is this useful? Oxygen is an oxidizing agent and therefore causes aging of the body. But life is impossible without oxygen! Increasing oxygen supply is also harmful. This means that you need to choose a middle ground in order to slow down the aging process, but not cause oxygen starvation.

It is believed that the most favorable percentage of oxygen for the body is 10% (in the clean air of the plains it is 23%). This is the percentage of oxygen in mountains up to 1500 meters high. The lack of oxygen in the blood forces all the body's reserves to turn on, a person begins to breathe more often, and blood circulation increases. A person’s mood improves and physical activity appears.

Radiation is stronger in the mountains (full spectrum of solar radiation). Radiation contributes to the ionization of air. Again, ionized air in small quantities is beneficial. The radiation has antibacterial properties.

But with further ascent to the mountains, unprepared people may experience hypoxia (oxygen starvation), which primarily affects the functioning of the brain. In addition, the effect of ultraviolet rays, which cause burns to the skin and retina of the eyes, is enhanced.

In the mountains you can find holidays for every taste. This includes a relaxing holiday with walks (you will not only get a boost of energy, but also pump up your leg muscles), this and different kinds active rest. You just need to know that holidays in the mountains are not beneficial for everyone; it is better to consult a doctor.

A person spends most of his time indoors, the air of which is far from ideal. This is reality. Therefore, you need to take advantage of every opportunity to be in the fresh air. Take walks with your children, take family walks as a rule. Buy a dog, it will take you for a walk in any weather. And relax somewhere away from the city.

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