Yellowing of the nails on the big toes. Why do toenails turn yellow and how to deal with it? Diseases that lead to yellowing of the nail plate

Yellow toenails are not just a cosmetic defect. Changes in the color of the nail plate and its thickening may indicate the development of serious health problems. Why do nails peel and turn yellow?

Causes of yellow nails

There are several conditions that can lead to a change in the color of the nail plate:

  • fungal infection;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • skin diseases;
  • injuries;
  • exposure to chemicals;
  • smoking.

Fungal infection

The most common cause of changes in the color and thickness of the nail plate. The disease most often develops in people who walk barefoot on the sand of a public beach or on the floor of a swimming pool. Often a fungal infection affects people with reduced immunity and various diseases metabolism (diabetes mellitus and others).

The disease develops slowly, gradually covering more and more surface of the nail plate. The nail turns yellow, thickens and gradually peels off. Often the nail plate takes on a bizarre shape in the form of a “griffin’s claw.” This phenomenon is called onychogryphosis, and in most cases it occurs on thumb feet.

If you notice the first signs of a fungal infection, consult your doctor.

Fungal infection of the nail plates is quite often combined with infection of the skin of the feet. Foci of inflammation are found in the interdigital folds, as well as around the nail. They itch and cause constant anxiety. In severe cases, the process can spread to the skin of the legs and spread throughout the body.

Treatment of a fungal infection begins with the selection of antifungal drugs. Products that can cope with fungus are available in the form of varnishes, gels, creams and ointments. In some situations, antifungal drugs in tablets and capsules are prescribed. The duration of therapy and dosage of medications are determined by the doctor.

Metabolic diseases

Diabetes mellitus, vascular pathologies and some other diseases can cause yellow nails. At the same time, the nail plates thicken and peel, and the surrounding skin takes on an unhealthy appearance. This phenomenon is associated with impaired blood circulation in the small vessels of the lower extremities. Specific treatment is not carried out. To eliminate yellowness, you need to get rid of the general disease or at least achieve some improvement in the condition.

Skin diseases

Thick and yellow fingernails are found in many dermatological diseases. Quite often, a similar phenomenon occurs with psoriasis, scleroderma and other autoimmune pathologies. These diseases affect not only the nail plates, but also many other structures of the body. As a rule, yellowness on the nails is accompanied by changes in the skin. This could be a rash, spots, plaques, peeling or any other manifestation of the disease. If such symptoms appear, you should consult a dermatologist. Treatment of such a condition should be comprehensive, taking into account all the features of the course of the disease.


Changes in the color and thickness of the thumbnail may be due to previous injury. Most often, it is the first toe that suffers from bruises, although damage to other areas is also possible. If the nail turns yellow and begins to peel after a blow or bruise, you should pay close attention to it. It is quite possible that soon the nail plate will peel off completely. Over time, with proper care, a new nail will form in its place. If a change in nail color is accompanied by severe pain and swelling, you should consult a doctor - a fracture of the finger bones is possible.

Yellow nail plates on the hands and feet occur in people addicted to nicotine. Constant spasm of blood vessels leads to the fact that sufficient oxygen does not reach the limbs. Fingernails peel, turn yellow and take on weird shapes due to lack of nutrients. The longer the smoking experience, the higher the likelihood of nail plate destruction.

Exposure to chemicals

Thick and yellow nails are not uncommon among young women. This situation occurs when using low-quality nail polishes. Many such products are made on the basis of nitrocellulose, which, with prolonged use, leads to a change in the color and thickness of the nail plate.

Choose nail polishes based on synthetic analogues of nitrocellulose.

Treatment of damaged nail plates chemicals, consists in treating them with special means that restore the color and structure of fabrics. It is best to undergo a course of treatment from a specialist (cosmetologist or dermatologist) to get rid of the unpleasant problem once and for all. In the future, be sure to use a base coat before applying varnish.

Knowing why nails peel and turn yellow, you can take all measures to prevent this phenomenon. If the nail still turns yellow and changes its structure, you should consult a doctor. An examination by a specialist will help rule out serious diseases and determine treatment tactics for damaged nails.

Many people have the problem of changing the color of the toenail plate. Since this issue is very delicate, most victims are embarrassed to see a doctor, and in vain. A yellow nail on the big toe does not appear without a reason; a change in the color of the plate can signal the appearance of diseases that require mandatory treatment.

What is yellow nail

The yellowness of the nail plate on the hands and feet is a consequence of exposure to any unfavorable external factors, which subsequently lead to pigmentation. Some people are born with a specific nail color that can range from yellow to a distinct orange, but in this case this color is normal. It happens that the color changes and begins to peel off from the nail bed due to loosening the structure of the nail plate, in which case you need to check for fungal infections.

Why do the nails on my big toes turn yellow?

There are many reasons why a yellow toenail appears. At the same time, both men and women suffer from this problem for completely different reasons:

  1. Often, yellow toenails form when the patient has acute or chronic liver disease. In this case, an uncharacteristic shade of the nails first forms, and then the color of the whites of the eyes and skin becomes yellow.
  2. Imbalance of microflora. A lack of beneficial microorganisms in the stomach can lead to yellowness and disease. internal organs.
  3. The presence of a fungal infection. In this case, the plate on the toe looks painful, takes on an uncharacteristic color, and the tissue structure of some areas of the nail plate begins to change.
  4. Middle-aged and elderly people may experience the so-called yellow nail syndrome. In this case, the toenails begin to peel, thicken and change color.
  5. If the toenail turns yellow and becomes thicker, this may be a consequence of diabetes mellitus or other pathologies, such as psoriasis.
  6. The plate may become yellow and thick when the immune system is reduced or the protective or nervous system is impaired.
  7. Failure to comply with hygiene rules can also lead to the appearance of a yellow tint on the nail plates of the feet.
  8. Excessive sweating or wearing synthetic and uncomfortable shoes is also undesirable. These conditions cause symptoms characteristic of fungus - thickening of the nail and the appearance of white spots.
  9. At long-term use antibiotics, you should not be surprised if the nail on your big toe turns yellow, since this factor can also cause the manifestation of the disease.
  10. Infectious or somatic diseases can affect the color of nails.

Why do women's toenails turn yellow?

A yellow toenail in women may appear as a result of using low-quality nail coating products (varnishes). Contained in the composition chemical elements, penetrating deep into the keratin, can cause staining of the nails. The lack of a base coat can also affect the color of the plate. When applied, any varnish gives the plate a yellowish tint. The brighter the color, the stronger the staining will be, so you should apply a nail base coat before using any bright polish.


Before starting any treatment, you must consult a doctor for diagnosis. In order to determine the cause of the appearance of a yellow nail on the big toe, a dermatologist needs to examine the yellowed plate under a specialized lamp and take biomaterial (a piece of a thick plate) for microscopic examination and identification of mycoses. After this, a scraping is taken from the skin around the diseased nail and blood is drawn to detect antibodies to leprosy and syphilis.

What to do

For any reason of the disease, it is necessary to monitor your lifestyle and proper nutrition. In addition, you should start taking vitamins. If the plate on the big toe has turned yellow or a yellow spot has formed as a result of improper use of nail polishes or prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays, then they can be bleached. For this procedure, you can use toothpaste or lemon juice.

Drug treatment

Depending on the cause of the disease, your doctor may prescribe various types of medications:

  1. If the cause of yellow spots is liver problems (cirrhosis or hepatitis), then in such cases medication is carried out effective treatment using drugs designed for courses (Heptral, Essentiale Forte, etc.). In this case, the overgrown part of the plate requires careful removal.
  2. Due to decreased immunity, treatment with vitamin and mineral complexes is used. In severe cases, medications aimed at stimulating the functioning of the immune system may be used.
  3. To treat fungal diseases, varnishes are applied: Loceryl, Mikozan or Batrafen. They are expensive, but they give quick results.
  4. If the disease is extensive and the fungal infection spreads rapidly, it is necessary to take antibiotics: Diflucan or Fungavis. If a fungal infection leads to deformation of the plate, then ointments are used: Lamisil, Exifin, Thermikon. It is worth considering that the active ingredient of these drugs - ciclopiroxolamine - is effective only in the early stages of foot fungus disease.

Traditional methods

To restore healthy nail color, you can use traditional methods treatment:

  1. Yellowing of the plates can be treated fresh lemon juice. Use a cotton swab dipped in juice or pieces of fruit to wipe your nails every day for a few minutes or make compresses.
  2. You can eliminate signs of disease and yellowing of the skin of the feet and nails using special ointment. To prepare it you need one tablespoon of 70% vinegar and vegetable oil, then added to the solution a raw egg. The ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and applied to the affected area, wrapped in a clean bandage and put on a warm sock.
  3. If the color of natural nails changes due to the use of varnishes or prolonged exposure to other unfavorable factors, you can use tea tree or celandine oil that successfully cope with skin lesions on the feet. Apply medicines You can do this at any time of the day, but to maintain the positive effect you must wear socks. To improve the condition of the nail, you can use nourishing creams.

If you start to notice that your toenails are turning yellow and changing, this may be a sign that you have contracted an infection, or it may be a sign that there is a problem in your body, one of the organs is not working properly. This will make you feel uncomfortable. Because it will not be possible to wear it open and visit public places. You need to solve the problem, and not try to hide it with varnishes or extensions.

Reasons for appearance

The appearance of yellowness can be influenced by various factors, not only internal, but also external. Sometimes this happens if you have previously had jaundice. And it, as you know, has a great influence on all systems of the body, because we are talking about the work of the liver. This not only causes the nails to turn yellow, but also causes hepatitis or cirrhosis.

It also happens that you have been taking antibiotics for a long time, in which the main component is tetracycline. And this drug causes yellowness. Then we can talk about metabolic disorders and stomach problems, diabetes, kidney disease, stress, chronic immunodeficiency can be a prerequisite for the appearance of yellow nails. But the most common problem is still considered to be a fungal infection, which actually affects the toenails.

Although even a solarium or harmful Sun rays cause yellowness. Just like bad and low-quality coatings. Therefore, to determine the cause, you need to consult a doctor. He will collect all the tests and draw a conclusion, then treatment will be prescribed. If your problem is not medical, but cosmetic, then it can be solved quickly at home or in a salon.

Yellow nail syndrome

One more strange phenomenon can be identified, which concerns the yellowness on the hands of middle-aged men or women. Often this indicates a malfunction in the body’s system, but without an examination nothing can be established for sure. If we talk about external factors. Even using water and detergents without gloves can lead to this problem. After all, the nail plate absorbs everything, but a lot of it is also washed out with water.

How is the treatment carried out?

If the problem is in the care products, then simply change them or completely abandon them. After all, low-quality varnish or acetone will not only dry out the nail, but also make it brittle, yellow and thin. Most experts advise applying a protective treatment coating before using varnish. It will not only prevent it from affecting the nail, but will also keep the polish on much longer. Wearing nail polish or shellac should be limited to five days and take a break on weekends.

Between this, you can do revitalizing baths, masks, or apply cuticle and nail oils. They will not only give freshness and well-groomed appearance, but also nourish the nails with moisture, useful substances and vitamins.

If the problem is a fungus, then you cannot do without the help of a doctor. Because individual treatment will be developed for you according to the degree of infection and type. Often used local remedies in the form of gels and creams, patches. But sometimes this is not enough, and then you also need to use pills or serious antibiotics, but this only happens in the final stages, when you have really started the infection. Folk remedies made from infusions of herbs, garlic and honey also help in this matter; baths with salt and; iodine rubbing; usage .

If you are not yet sure that you have a fungus, then take a closer look at your toenails, yellowness, dark spots, scales, softness or noticeable thickening of the nail, unpleasant odor, damage to the skin by nearby inflammation and indicates that. That's why you need professional help. Especially if you already have a serious stage of infection. When iodine alone is not enough. This will require a more global set of procedures.

It should be noted that you will have to disinfect all your things, towels, shoes and even the floor, because fungal spores live for a very long time even in sand or soil. This means that you or your loved ones can become infected again.

You will need to take care of your diet and include more meat, dairy products and minerals. Avoid bad habits, especially smoking, because this can also cause your nails to turn yellow. Always use closed slippers on the beach or in the pool or sauna.

Traditional methods of treating yellow nails

If the problem has already been solved and the symptoms have been eliminated, then you can deal with the aesthetic side of the issue and remove yellowness from nails at home:

  • Lemon juice when rubbed into the plate or used in baths with it, it perfectly brightens the nails and returns them to their former shine;
  • Tea tree oil not only treat nails, but also disinfect them, will be able to overcome initial stages fungus (how to take it for nail fungus in detail);
  • Vinegar, oil and raw egg Not only will they restore the nail, but they will also be able to whiten it and prevent the appearance of bacteria or fungal spores on your nails. Just mix it all and apply it on your nails at night. Put on cotton gloves on top and go to bed. In the morning, rinse off the composition and apply moisturizer;

  • Salicylic ointment It also whitens the nail well and takes good care of it, disinfects and restores it. Just apply it at night, put on socks and go to bed. A few weeks of such procedures and there will be no trace of fungus and yellowness;
  • Tinctures of oak bark, calendula and celandine They help a lot with problems like this. You can make baths or lotions with them for a couple of months;

Moreover, you can combine all these methods and change them. At the same time, from time to time, do a manicure and file off the yellow part of the nail, but do it carefully and accurately. Because you can damage the inner layers of the matrix and the problem will get worse. After all, the nail may completely stop growing and renewing itself. In general, you will have to wait about three months until the cells are completely renewed and a new nail grows.

Whatever the reason, always carefully monitor the condition of your feet and hands to avoid such situations. Because they not only lose beauty, but also complicate life and cause discomfort.


Are you really happy with life with this disease? With its side effects? Are you ready to endure itching, hiding your feet from others, suffering from pain, losing your nails?

The color and structure of the nail plate changes with age. In older people over 60-70 years of age, toenails thicken and may take on a yellowish tint. If the changes are not accompanied by other symptoms, they are considered normal and do not require treatment. The appearance of yellow spots or a yellow tint to the toenails in young people is a symptom of the disease. This is a reason to contact a podologist or dermatologist, undergo a comprehensive examination and determine the source of the problem.

Common Causes of Yellow Toenails

Toenails turn yellow for two reasons: external and internal.

The first include:

  • use of low-quality varnish or materials for nail extensions;
  • mechanical injuries;
  • incorrect and too tight shoes;
  • excessive abuse of cosmetic nail polishes;
  • increased sweating of the feet;
  • long-term use of penicillin antibiotics.

Internal causes include infection, genetic disorders and acute or chronic diseases. The most common include:

  • onychomycosis;
  • imbalance of intestinal microflora;
  • cirrhosis or hepatitis;
  • diabetes;
  • yellow nail syndrome;
  • tuberculosis;
  • psoriasis;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system and hormonal imbalances.

The exact cause of yellow toenails can be determined after a comprehensive examination by a dermatologist. This cannot be done at home.


The symptoms that accompany a change in nail color can tell a lot about the cause of the pathology:

  • In patients with hepatitis, not only the nail plates turn yellow, but also the skin, as well as the whites of the eyes.
  • If there is an imbalance in the intestinal microflora, there are no other signs other than a light brown tint to the nails.
  • Fungal infections are accompanied by itching, peeling and an unpleasant odor; the nail plate becomes loose and brittle, flakes and crumbles.
  • Yellow nail syndrome is usually diagnosed in people over 50. K characteristic symptoms pathologies include: deformation of nails, loss of cuticle, swelling of the upper and lower extremities, splitting of the nail plate, rough surface, frequent or chronic secondary infections, diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
  • In patients with diabetes, the nails turn yellow due to poor circulation in the soft tissues. The stratum corneum becomes brittle and crumbles, and bruises may form on the toes. Hematomas often become infected with a bacterial or fungal infection, which causes inflammation and even suppuration of the soft tissues.
  • If the cause of the yellow tint is bright varnish or low-quality extension materials, the nails become weak, thin and brittle, but quickly recover after giving up harmful decorative products.


Treatment of nail plates depends on the reason why they changed their color. In some cases, the problem can be dealt with folk remedies, in others only medications will help.

Yellow nail syndrome

Patients with inflammation are prescribed antibacterial drugs. If a genetic pathology is accompanied by a fungal infection, local antimycotic agents and immunomodulatory supplements will help.


People with diabetes have yellow and deformed toenails due to improper footwear. The disease causes hypoxia and reduces the sensitivity of nerve endings, so the person does not feel that the shoes are too tight or uncomfortable and that they are injuring soft tissues.

The main treatment for diabetes mellitus– Wearing comfortable shoes of the correct size and shape. It should not squeeze or rub your fingers. If your new boots are causing your toenails to turn yellow, you should avoid wearing a pair that is too tight.

If you have hematomas, you should immediately consult a doctor. Bruising can turn into ulcers, so a specialist should select medications that will speed up the healing of bruises and protect against secondary infection.


Fungus is one of the most common causes of yellow toenails. On early stage onychomycosis can be treated. The most popular recipes for fungal infections include:

  • Vinegar baths. Mix 3-4 liters of water and 220-250 ml of regular table vinegar. Before the procedure, do a pedicure and keep your feet in the solution for 15-20 minutes. Repeat three times a week.
  • Tea tree oil. Concentrated essential oil rub with a cotton swab into damaged nail plates twice a day. Before the procedure, the nails are steamed in a solution of laundry soap and the affected areas are carefully cut off.
  • Novocaine compresses. At an early stage, cotton swabs soaked in a solution of novocaine are applied to the yellowed nail plates. The compress is secured with a band-aid and left overnight. It will take 2-4 procedures.
  • Garlic lotions. Peel and chop the garlic clove. Mix the mixture with a small amount of vegetable oil and place on your nails. Secure with cling film and bandage. Repeat daily until new nails grow in a normal color.
  • Mint compresses. A bunch of fresh mint is ground with table or sea salt, applied to the sore nails and secured with a bandage. Leave for 50-60 minutes. The procedure is repeated daily until new nails grow.
  • Tar ointment. Mix 100 g of baby cream or interior fat and 5 g of tar, bring to homogeneity. Apply the ointment to steamed nails twice a day and leave for 1.5-2 hours. The tar concentration must be gradually increased; sulfur powder can also be added to the home remedy.

If treatment with backgammon does not produce positive results, it is combined with medications for onychomycosis. Nails are treated with creams or varnishes:

  • Clotrimazole;
  • Candide.

Local agents are supplemented or capsules:

  • Terbinafine;
  • Nizoral;
  • Orungal;
  • Fluconazole.


Prevention of yellowing of toenails consists of several points:

    • Do not neglect treatment for chronic diseases of the liver, lungs, gastrointestinal tract and endocrine system. Follow all doctor's recommendations and take all prescribed medications.
      • Visit the sauna, swimming pool, beach and other public places in shoes that are easy to disinfect. Avoid walking barefoot to avoid getting a fungal infection.
      • Dry your feet only with a clean personal towel. Do not give hygiene items to other people.
      • Carefully monitor the condition of the nail plates on your big toes. Protect them from mechanical damage. Trim your nails properly to prevent ingrown nails.
      • Use high-quality varnishes and do not abuse them. Allow the nail plates to periodically rest from decorative products.

Simple rules will help keep your nails healthy. If prevention turns out to be ineffective and yellow spots appear on the toenails, you should show them to a doctor, undergo an examination and, together with a specialist, select an adequate treatment.

Having noticed the first signs of the appearance of yellow nails on the hands or feet, everyone experiences great concern because they look ugly. Attribute successful person- beautiful and well-groomed nails. Yellow toenails bring a lot of trouble to their owners, the reasons for this can be different. However, many consider the yellow color of the nail plate to be just an annoying cosmetic nuisance. Few people realize how serious such a complex problem is. Clean pink horny transparent plates on the fingers of the limbs are an indicator of good physical health

An intact plate has a pink color, flexibility, moderate density, and a smooth, even surface. An important sensitive part of the nail is the lunula, which is located at the base of each nail. The growth of the plate occurs here. This pale pink or white hole on the nails has the shape of a crescent.

Why might toenails turn yellow? You need to promptly seek help from a specialist. An experienced diagnostician can tell a patient a lot by studying the changes in color and texture of ungnis, which have a complex anatomical structure. In order for the treatment of horny plates located on the nail bed to be as effective as possible, it is important to immediately determine the etiology of yellowing of the nails.

Causes of pigment abnormality ungnis

If a yellow color appears in the horny plates, it is necessary to determine the problem. Why do my toenails turn yellow?

If a person has unsightly yellow nails on his big toes, the cause of such disorders may be a painful condition of the body. Under the influence of internal diseases, the structure and color of the ungnis often change. This is due to damage to various organs. Yellowness of the nail plate is a clear visible symptom of various ailments. What diseases are accompanied by transformation appearance nails?

The horny plates turn yellow due to such serious health problems as:

  1. Multiple sclerosis is a progressive neurological pathology. This is a dangerous chronic autoimmune disease. The patient's nervous system is seriously affected. The nutrition of all tissues in the body is significantly disrupted.
  2. Tabes dorsalis - progressive syphilitic lesion CNS. At the late stage of syphilis, pronounced autonomic disorders and sensory disturbances are observed. Since the nervous system is affected at various levels, serious problems arise. The horny plates on the toes lose their healthy appearance.
  3. Infantile spinal paralysis - polio. Clinical manifestations of this infectious disease accompanied by significant impairment of muscle function and tissue damage. Blood supply to the extremities deteriorates. Usually, parents do not immediately pay attention to defects in the transparent plates on the legs.
  4. Diabetes. One of its striking manifestations is the yellowness of the nail plates, since with this disease small capillaries are gradually destroyed. Blood circulation in lower limbs severely disrupted. Fungal infections often affect the ungnis and diabetic feet. Damage to the nail plates is very dangerous for patients with diabetes.
  5. Skin diseases. Psoriasis is a common cause of sudden yellow discoloration of affected nail beds. Yellowed ungnis flakes greatly and quickly fades. Numerous noticeable depressions appear throughout the entire area of ​​the plate.
  6. The thickness and color of the nail plate are always affected by varicose veins, previous jaundice, diabetes and erythroderma, serious problems with the myocardium, liver, lungs, taking certain medications. Congenital disorders often cause changes in the normal structure and color of the nail plates in children.

Onychiae is the general name for all diseases of the horny plate on the fingers. A congenital disease of ungnis is onychogryphosis. The nail plate thickens and becomes dirty brown or yellow. It rises and bends to the side, acquiring a claw-like shape, which is characterized by a striated, uneven surface of an unusually hard plate. Several deep transverse and longitudinal grooves appear here.

A disease of fungal origin - mycosis. The condition of the nails may be affected different kinds mushrooms Pseudomonas infects the base of the nail. Trichophyton is one of the most common pathogens. Horny plates affected by a fungal infection take on a characteristic unkempt appearance. In the center, on the sides of the dense horny plate, yellowish spots and stripes appear. Such disorders most often appear on the legs. Yellow nail plates become loose and flake. The nail on the big toe is gradually destroyed. Often the foot is also affected by a dangerous pathogen.

Due to dangerous fungal infections, the nail plate acquires a greenish or yellow color. Fungus - common reason destruction of the nail plate. Its tissues become denser and pathologically change. The nail plate affected by candidiasis becomes thinner at the lateral edges. Mycosis cannot be started. You need to contact a mycologist who treats fungal tissue infections.

Trophic changes in the nails (onychodystrophia) are common. In this case, a change in their natural color is observed. Various abnormalities appear in the nail matrix area. The nail folds and the bed of the horny plate are affected. Why do toenails often peel and turn yellow?

A very rare disease is yellow nail syndrome. Hypoplasia of the lymphatic system is another name for this pathology. Middle-aged and elderly men most often suffer from this disease. In such patients, nail growth slows down significantly. Due to the growth of horny masses on the plate, the ungnis thickens. Toenails are yellow. The edges of the nail plate may darken, its surface acquires a greenish-yellow tint. Only in rare cases can the normal shape and structure of the fingernails be restored.

Smoking always harms the entire human body. Nicotine turns a smoker's fingers and nails an unpleasant yellow color because every cigarette contains tar. Damage to the body caused by tobacco can be very severe. Due to the effects of nicotine, smoker's nails do not receive enough oxygen. They look extremely unpleasant and become very weak.

Food also has an impact on this problem. Even healthy people If there is an excess intake of beta-carotene from food, carotenoderma may occur. If the carotene content exceeds the norm by 3 times, clinical manifestations of this pathology occur. With these disorders, there may be a yellow-orange pigment in the nails, mucous membranes and the entire surface of the skin. Keratin scales are visible on yellowed nail plates, causing the nails to become rough. In severe cases, carotene jaundice develops.

Negative effects of exposure to various toxic chemical compounds with frequent use household chemicals, low-quality nail polish removers.

Nails become yellow and brittle as a result of constant painting with varnish. Coloring pigments based on nitrocellulose intensively tint the nail plate, penetrating deep into the tissues. The nutrition of nails under a dense layer of decorative coating on the hands is significantly impaired.

Visible yellowing of the nail plate is often the result of a long course of treatment with arsenic drugs, quinol group drugs, and tetracycline antibiotics. Yellow-brown stains remain on the affected nails.

At the first symptoms of a change in the appearance of your nails, you should immediately seek help. Problematic nails need to be properly examined. If yellowness appears, the cause is determined by the doctor after examination. Consultation with an endocrinologist is required.

It is necessary to determine the etiological factors of the abnormal color of the nail plate. Serious internal disorders can only be treated by a specialist. The doctor will prescribe a course of treatment or advise you to change your lifestyle. It is useful to give up bad habits. The treatment regimen must be strictly followed.

Nail fungus is treated with turpentine salt baths. It is necessary to disinfect shoes with chloramine or formaldehyde solution. A dermatologist can prescribe Lamisil in the form of a gel or cream, antimycotic varnish Loceryl, Terbinafine in tablet form. Pass required full course treatment in advanced cases of fungal infection.

It is necessary to use special cosmetics for a basic base for varnish, high-quality decorative cosmetics. Do not use manicure polish for more than 5 days in a row. Why is this necessary? Since the nail plate has a porous structure, the ungnis tissue must be able to “breathe”. Professional types of manicure are safe for the healthy growth of ungnis.

Supportive and symptomatic treatment is usually prescribed to patients suffering from yellow nail syndrome. Damaged areas of the horny plate must be lubricated with antimycotic agents. Ungnis is carefully applied to damaged areas. special drugs with zinc, vitamin E in oil. Nail plates should always be protected from the slightest damage. Daily warm baths with baking soda are helpful.

If the untidy yellow color of the nails is not associated with internal diseases, you can return the horny plates to normal at home pink color. A sea salt bath is effectively used for this purpose. You can lubricate your nails with a piece of lemon every day. In the process of conducting household You should definitely use gloves to protect the nail plates on your hands.

A yellow toenail is not normal. A change in color should always be a reason to seriously think about your health. Yellowed plates on the leg can be both a sign of a serious disease and an annoying cosmetic nuisance. Self-medication can do a lot of harm. It is necessary to include a visit to a qualified medical specialist in your plans in a timely manner. It is necessary to consult an experienced dermatologist. If necessary, he will refer the patient to other specialists.

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