Spelling of adverbs with n and nn. Spelling N and NN in participles and adjectives. Algorithm for determining the number of N. Spelling -N- and -NN- in noun suffixes


1) Adjectives with suffixes -an-, -yang-, -in- are written with one -n-: clay, silver, chicken. Exceptions: glass, tin, wood.

2) Adjectives with suffixes -onn-, -enn- written with two -n-: aviation, related.Exception : windy, oily.

3) In adjectives formed from the stem on -n using a suffix -n-, spelled two -n-:picturen -a + n th).

Participles and adjectives formed from verbs:

Two letters -n- are written in suffixes of full participles and adjectives formed from verbs:

1) if they have the prefix: everything is plowed, from boiled(But: with a mental boy, called brother);

2) if they have dependent words: Varennaya with milk;

3) if the word has suffixes -ova-, -eva-, -irova-: pickled, paved;

4) if the word is formed from an unprefixed verb of the perfect form (except wounded):deprived;

In short participles one is written -n-, and in adjectives - two (except for the masculine singular form). It is necessary to distinguish between full and short forms of passive past participles with suffixes -enn- And -nn- and adjectives formed from verbs. Compare:

well-mannered participle from the verb “to educate”; short form: brought up, brought up a, brought up o, brought up s And well-mannered adjective; short form: brought up, brought up, brought up, brought up.

How to distinguish? It’s possible according to the meaning, but it’s easier to try substituting the word ‘ more’:Masha was raised by her grandmother And Masha is well-mannered, polite and smart. As you can see, in the first case the substitution of the proposed word is inappropriate, but in the second it is quite possible. In addition, passive participles require the presence (at least on a subconscious level) of an indication of who performed the action indicated in the participle.

Writing one or two letters -n- V complex adjectives obeys the general rule: plain painted (paint, imperfect species); smoothly colored (painted, perfect view).

Adverbs, formed from adjectives with two -n-, also written with two -n-: were organized.

In nouns, formed from adjectives, participles and verbal adjectives, so many are written -n-, how many of them were in the production base: pupil ( from ‘ well-mannered), martyr ( from ‘ tormented) .

Two - n- written in all words formed from stems to -n, with a suffix starting with -n:foam (pen -a+n -y), hexagon (six+sided b+n ik).


His manners were not simple, but rather sophisticated. In the labyrinth of crooked, narrow and feeble streets, people were always sneaking around. The drivers argued with the loaders that the car was underloaded (3).

Manners are (what?) sophistication(1). This is a short adjective because it can be replaced with the full form exquisite. We determine the spelling of the full form: izizka…y is formed from the verb izyskat, which has the prefix iz-. Thus, we write two NNs in both full and short form. Weak(2)th (which?) streets. This is a full adjective formed from the imperfect verb to pave. The prefix ne- does not affect the spelling, there are no suffixes -OVA/-EVA, and there are no dependent words either. We write one N. The car is underloaded (3) (what has been done?). This is a short participle, as it can be replaced with the verb underloaded. In short participles, one N is written. Thus, the correct option is answer No. 4.

Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers in whose place NN is written?

The house stood somewhat away from the forest; its walls here and there were renovated (1) with fresh wood, the windows were painted (2) white, a small porch on the side, decorated (3) with carvings, still smelled of resin.

In the foreground of the picture, against the background of figures of mummers with (2) sooty faces, a girlish figure in a snow-white dress with braided (3) sleeves stands out clearly.

Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers replaced by one letter N?

In the painting “Kermessa,” Rubens depicted a crowd of heated (1) townspeople, desperately (2) dancing a frenzied (3) dance.

Spelling: Spelling -Н- and -НН- in various parts of speech (nouns, adjectives, participles, adverbs).

1. Two letters H written: 1) in adjectives formed using the suffix -n- from nouns with a stem on n(sleep - sleepy); 2) in adjectives formed from nouns using suffixes -onn-, -enn-(station). Exception: windy.

2. One letter N written: 1) in the suffix -in-(goose); 2) in the suffix -en- (-yang-) adjectives formed from nouns (leather). Exceptions: tin, wood, glass.

3. B short adjectives the same number of letters is written n, so much in full. Tumanna (foggy).

4. Two letters N are written in suffixes of full participles and adjectives formed from verbs: 1) if they contain a prefix, except Not-; 2) if they include dependent words; 3) if the word has a suffix -ova-(-Eve-); 4) if the word is formed from an unprefixed perfective verb, except wounded. Dried, galvanized, stripped (from deprived - verb. Sov. v.), measured with a ruler

5. One letter N written in suffixes: 1) short passive participles; 2) prefixless adjectives formed from imperfective verbs, and also without a dependent word (confused answer). Exceptions; slow, desired, sacred, unexpected, unseen, unheard, unexpected.

6. In adverbs on -O (-e) is written the same amount n, how many are in the adjectives from which they are derived. Ordinary (ordinary).

Table “Spelling -Н- and -НН- in various parts of speech”

Lesson summary “Spelling -Н- and -НН- in various parts of speech.”

Written with NN suffixes of full forms of passive past participles: -nn- And -yonn- (-enn- ). Adjectives correlative to them in form are written in some cases also with NN in a suffix, in others - with one n .

1. Written with NN participles and adjectives -ovanny, -evanny, -evanny(formed from verbs in -ow, -eat), For example: pampered, uprooted, lined, painted, organized; uprooted, spoiled, painted over, lined, reorganized.

2. Also written with NN communion not on -ovated (-evanny, -evanny) verbs perfect form and correlative adjectives; the vast majority of such verbs contain a prefix.

  • Examples of forms formed from prefixed verbs: bleached, washed, knitted, fried, written on, dyed, peeled, scolded, dyed, counted, unraveled, made.
  • A list of forms of native verbs without prefixes, as well as some verbs in which the prefix can only be distinguished etymologically: abandoned, given, finished, bought, deprived, captured, forgiven, abandoned, decided, captured, revealed; met, started, offended, acquired, obliged, visited, supplied.

Forms are also written according to this rule. two-species(having the meaning of both perfective and imperfective forms) verbs to marry, bequeath, promise, execute, give birth: married, bequeathed, promised, executed, born.

Exceptions. Are written with one n adjectives correlative with participial forms in the following stable combinations: finished man, named brother, named sister, imprisoned father, imprisoned mother, Forgiveness Sunday .

3. Participles are not on -ovated (-evanny, -evanny) verbs imperfect form(they are formed only from prefixless verbs) and the adjectives correlative with them are written differently: participles with NN , adjectives - with one n , For example: carts loaded with firewood, fish fried in oil, an oil painting, hair cut by a barber And short-cropped hair, green-painted benches, a floor that has not been swept for a long time, walls that have not yet been whitewashed, money that has been counted more than once, an offer made many times; But: loaded barge, fried fish, painted beauty, cut hair, painted benches, swept floor, whitewashed walls, a few minutes, feigned indifference; similarly knitted And knitted, ironed And ironed, woven And braided, brushed And cleaned; also written: chewed And chewed, pecked And pecking, forged And forged.

According to this rule, forms of two-type verbs are written concuss, baptize And injure. Wed: a shell-shocked soldier, a seriously wounded soldier, a soldier wounded in the leg, a newly baptized baby, But: shell-shocked commander, wounded soldier, baptized child.

Recognition algorithm " N or NN write in words" presupposes the ability to determine:

  1. Part of speech the word being analyzed (adjective, participle, noun, adverb);
  2. grammatical form in which it is used (full or short);
  3. Part of speech producing words ( the word from which the analyzed word is derived ), and if it is a verb, then it view ;
  4. Availability dependent words .

In nouns, adverbs and compound adjectives, write as much N, how much is in the original word. First, find the generating word, then work according to the algorithm: dumpling - boiled - cook (non-sov. species); confusing (reply) - confused confuse (non-sov. species); confused (to think) - confused - to confuse (owl. species), freshly frozen - ice cream - to freeze (non-owl. species), non-frozen - ice cream - (not) to freeze (non-owl. species).

Remember: you need to find the closest adjective or participle in meaning.

Don't skip a step - don't form a noun or adverb directly from a verb or noun: oil worker derived from oil (oil industry worker), but oil already from oil . According to the laws of word formation, all adverbs in -ABOUT derived from adjectives ( reserved - restrained and so on.)

Н and НН in full forms of participles and adjectives

The most difficult thing is to distinguish between N and NN in full forms adjectives and participles. Here the distinction between adjectives and participles is not important: the sequence of actions and the result are the same for both.

Exceptions for the specified algorithm:

  1. N - windy (But: windless ), dowry, young, ruddy, crimson, pork (non-derivative words);
  2. NN - glass, tin, wood , unheard, unseen, (un)seen, unexpected, unexpected, desired, sacred, slow, read, counted, given, accursed (from the old. curse = condemn, owl. species), unexpected, accidental, imperishable, cutesy, made and some others.
  3. With one H they are also written possessive adjectives (answer the question whose?) with the stem ending in -N: mutton, pheasant, crow, wild boar.
  4. Verb injure - the so-called two-species: it can appear in a sentence in the meaning of both perfect and imperfect forms. In order to correctly write N-NN (except for particularly difficult cases), it is enough to work with it as an imperfective verb: wounded fighter - a wounded soldier, wounded in a firefight, seriously wounded, seriously wounded.
  5. Adjectives differ oil (derived from the noun oil + -yan-; meaning “for oil, from oil, on oil” (oil stain, oil paints, oil pump) and buttery in the meaning “soaked, smeared with oil”, formed from the imperfective verb to oil (remember, before N-NN the vowel I of the infinitive changes to E): buttery porridge, buttery pancake, buttery week (Shrovetide), and also in a figurative meaning - oily eyes (eyes that shine as if soaked in oil). Compare also: windy person - chicken pox, windmill; salty mushroom (from the verb to salt) - hydrochloric acid.

Н and НН in short forms of participles and adjectives

The short form is most common among passive past participles (abandoned - abandoned, abandoned, abandoned) and for adjectives (cheerful - cheerful, cheerful, cheerful).

The spelling of N and NN in participles and adjectives is quite clear and concise:

  1. short passive participles are written N;
  2. in short adjectives - as much as in full ones.

Therefore, it is only important to accurately determine what part of speech - adjective or participle - is the word .

Remember the semantic and grammatical features that distinguish adjectives and participles.

  1. Participle denotes action , usually it can be replaced with a synonymous verb, “turning over” the sentence or constructing an indefinite-personal (impersonal): Barge unloaded by workers Workers unloaded the barge ; What was written with a pen - What was written with a pen.
  2. At communion there is or you can think of dependent word in instrumental case , which denotes the producer of this action or tool: unloaded (by whom?) workers ; written(how?) pen.
  3. Those words that do not satisfy the two criteria described above are those. are not participles - short adjectives. Let's add for greater reliability that they answer the question what? what? , usually refers to a noun and denotes quality: the girl was beautiful and well educated(a hint can be a homogeneous term - a short adjective beautiful).

Seeing a word with a final -ABOUT, first check if adverb is it (an adverb refers to a verb and answers the question How? ). If yes, write as much N, how many are in full shape. If not, then see if it is a short participle or a short adjective.

Sample. He acted rashly..o - How did you act? thoughtlessly..o , This adverb(in a sentence is a circumstance), therefore, I define the generating word - thoughtful (from a perfective verb). Writing: thoughtlessly .

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