Examples of nouns in English. Nouns in English: english nouns. Singular and plural noun

We all know that words are one or another part of our speech. Name noun in English language (the Noun) is one of the main and most important parts of speech, which denotes objects, living beings, substances (matter), abstract concepts, and various phenomena.

If we classify nouns in English ( classification of nouns) according to the value they express, we obtain our own ( proper nouns) and common nouns ( common nouns) nouns. It should be recalled that by proper names we directly include first names, surnames and all kinds of names (geographical, names of books, newspapers and magazines, historical events, days of the week, months, holidays, etc.). Common nouns in English can be specific ( concrete), abstract ( abstract), collective ( collective), real ( material).

Give the same amount of time to a noun in English as you do to a verb. This way, you will make it easier for yourself to learn in the future, since you will easily operate with any word of this part of speech.

Now take a short test to make sure you can easily distinguish nouns from other parts of speech:


Noun in English

The bitter truth when learning English is that it will not be very easy to immediately form beautiful sentences with introductory words and participial phrases. The fact is that, as in Russian, you first need to type active and passive lexicon. At the initial stage, it is not necessary to memorize some pompous and pretentious adjectives in order to amaze native speakers. Even if you achieve this goal, the conversation will not work out for you, because conversations in Everyday life Usually they talk about everyday trifles. That is why let's look at English nouns, touch on their differences, methods of formation, and compile the top 100 most common English words of this part of speech.

First, let's figure out what English nouns are.

The Noun () or noun in English an independent part of speech that denotes an object / person / phenomenon / abstract concepts and answers the questions what is this? (what is this?) and who is this? (who is this?).

Depending on their structure, meaning and method of formation, nouns can be divided into several groups.

English nouns are formed by:

  • Rodu (gender)
  • Case
  • Number

Gender of nouns

The gender of nouns in English is masculine, feminine and neuter. There is no grammatical ending for separating genders in the English language, so they do not change by gender and do not obey any grammar rule, which greatly facilitates the use of nouns. However, when replacing nouns with pronouns, you need to take into account that:

  • The pronouns he (he) and she (she) are used when talking about people:
  • The pronoun it (it) is used when talking about the neuter gender, that is, about inanimate objects and animals.

Nowadays, pet owners often use the pronouns she / he in relation to them when they know their gender, so this English form substitution of a noun is also possible.

Noun cases

English grammar has two cases in its arsenal:

  • General case is a case that absolutely all nouns have. They are given in this form in dictionaries and textbooks. The noun in this case has no ending.
  • - a case that is usually characteristic of animate objects. This case shows that some object or sign belongs to one person or another. The form is formed by adding an apostrophe and the ending –s to the noun. Let's look at some features of using this form on tables:
  • If the noun is in singular, an apostrophe and the ending –s are added to it:
  • If a singular noun ends in –s, you can use two options:
  • If an object or attribute refers to several nouns at once, then the apostrophe and ending are used only with the last one:
  • If an object or attribute refers to several nouns separately, then an apostrophe and an ending are used with each:
  • In the case of inanimate nouns possessive usually not used, replaced by the preposition of, but such use is possible:

From the examples above we can conclude that possessive nouns perform the function of defining another noun. However, nouns in the general case can also be used as modifiers. These nouns stand before another noun and are translated into Russian as adjectives or nouns in the indirect case, used in a sentence as a definition:

The definition of a noun can be determined not by one word, but by several at once. The word being defined will still be at the end:

If there is a numeral before the qualifying noun, the noun that is used as a qualifying noun is used in the singular, connected with a numeral hyphen:

You can understand that a noun is used in a defining function by looking at the context.

When deciding which of the two cases to choose for the word being defined, keep in mind that the possessive case is usually used with animate nouns and shows ownership, while the common case is used as a determiner, “complementing” the main noun.

Singular and plural noun

Apart from the cases above, nouns vary according to number. They are singular and plural. Singular noun – dictionary form of a noun with (not) definite article. There is no singular ending. The plural according to the rules is not used with the indefinite article and is formed by adding the ending –s:

But there are a number of nuances related to the features of nouns that need to be taken into account. To simplify their understanding, nouns can be divided into 2 groups: “regular” and “irregular”. No, no, don’t be afraid, you won’t have to learn three forms again, as is customary with irregular verbs, but it is necessary to know such nouns.

  • Let's start with the features of the plural of regular nouns.
  • Nouns ending in –o are added with the ending –es:
units plural




mosquito mosquitoes

However, this rule does not work for all such nouns, so note the following exceptions, to which only -s is added:

  • In nouns that end in –y, this letter changes to –i, and the ending –es is added to the word. The rule only works if there is a consonant before –y:
  • Nouns that end in –ch, –tch, –sh, –s, –ss, –x, –z also end in –es:
  • Nouns ending in –f or –fe change the plural from –f to –v, adding the ending -es:
  • In compound nouns, the ending is added only to the last word:
  • In compound nouns, the ending is added, on the contrary, only to the first word:
  • Certain words only have a plural form. Here are some commonly used words from this group:

The reason for creating all these rules is to simplify the language. Try saying a word ending in –ss or –x, adding the standard ending –s. It’s not very easy to pronounce several identical sounds at once, is it? And it will be even harder to understand you. Therefore, do not perceive these rules as an additional burden, because in fact they only help you.

  • Now let's focus on irregular nouns. While the regular form of nouns can be explained, irregular nouns cannot be explained. TO irregular shape relate:
  • Exception words that have their own plural form. The table shows the words that are most common in speech:
units plural












tooth teeth
foot feet
goose geese
ox oxen
mouse mice
  • Words that have the same form in singular and plural are also called irregular:

Please note that such words in English do not differ in either spelling or pronunciation, but when translated into Russian there is a difference between singular and plural person.

They need to be remembered, since adding an ending to some of these words can lead to a change in meaning:

English nouns: morphological composition

Based on their composition, English nouns are divided into 3 types:

  1. Simple nouns or simple nouns, the group of which includes monosyllabic words. They are easy to recognize because they do not look “overloaded” because they do not contain prefixes (prefixes) and suffixes. Let's look at the table as an example:
  1. Derivative nouns or derived nouns are words that have a prefix and/or suffix.

There are not many prefixes in English. They are usually used to turn a word with a positive connotation into a negative one, that is, to turn a word into its antonym. The Russian analogue of such prefixes can be the prefix “not”. Let's look at the most common of them:

  • The prefix dis- can be used both with words starting with a vowel and with words starting with a consonant. There is no specific rule for using this prefix, so you should just remember the words in which it can be used:
  • The prefix im- is usually used with adjectives, but there are also cases of use with a noun:
  • Among the prefixes not related to antonymy, we can note the following: ex- (meaning “former”) and pre- (before / before):
  • With nouns you can also find the prefix re- in the meaning of “re”:

There are many more suffixes in English. They are actively used to form nouns. Here are some of them:

  • Suffixes -er, -or, -eer, -ant, -ent for professions:
  • Suffixes -dom, -ty, -sion, -ness, -ship, -hood, -ment, -ism for concepts, processes, feelings, sciences:
  1. Compound nouns or compound nouns are nouns that have 2 or more roots, which are written together or with a hyphen. These words are created when two or more nouns become one:

English nouns: method of formation

Based on the above cases, it is not difficult to guess that the following are used to form nouns:

  • Affixation;
  • Suffixes;
  • Composition.

However, there is another way of forming nouns, which is quite common - the formation of verbal nouns. Such nouns are formed from verbs by conversion or adding the ending –ing. During conversion, the word does not change its form, but changes the part of speech, turning the verb into a verbal noun. In the second case, a noun becomes a verbal noun when an ending is added to the verb in the infinitive. Let's study the table:

English nouns: classification

English nouns can be classified into proper and common nouns:

  1. Similar to the Russian language, Proper Nouns or proper names indicate the singularity of objects and phenomena. Such nouns are written with a capital letter. If such an English noun consists of several words, each is written with a capital letter, with the exception of articles, conjunctions and prepositions. A proper name is used with:
  • First names, last names, nicknames, pseudonyms, animal names:
  • Nationalities and languages:

If languages ​​are followed by the word “language”, they are preceded by the article the: the English language.

  • Astronomical names:
  • Geographical names include: continents, countries, cities, settlements, oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, deserts, caves, canyons, waterfalls:
Continents Asia, Europe, Africa, Australia Asia, Europe, Africa, Australia
Countries Russia, the USA, Sweden, Scotland, the Netherlands Russia, USA, Sweden, Scotland, Netherlands
Cities Moscow, Tallinn, Edinburgh, Milan Moscow, Tallinn, Edinburgh, Milan
Oceans the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean
Seas The Black Sea, the Dead Sea, the Caspian Sea Black Sea, Dead Sea, Caspian Sea
Deserts The Sahara Desert, the Lut Desert Sahara Desert, Lut Desert
Waterfalls Niagara Falls, Victoria Falls Niagara Falls, Victoria Falls
Canyons The Grand Canyon, Antelope Canyon Grand Canyon, Antelope Canyon
  • Names of streets, attractions, theaters, galleries, hotels:
  • Names of newspapers, magazines, books, films, TV series:
  • Names of days of the week and months
  • Names of holidays
  1. The remaining nouns belong to common nouns or common nouns, the list of which includes objects, persons, phenomena and concepts:

Common nouns are further divided into several subgroups that help determine the type of noun:

  • Concrete nouns or concrete nouns include English words, which define a person and an object. Such nouns can be presented in either singular or plural. They can usually be felt by at least one of 5 senses:
  • Abstract nouns or abstract nouns in English - abstract words in English grammar, used to express states, feelings, emotions, character, ideas. Such nouns cannot be seen, touched, smelled, or counted:

Although these groups are very different from each other, there is some debate among linguists that some abstract nouns can also be concrete nouns:

  • Collective nouns or collective nouns in English are used to express classes of animals/birds/plants/people. They are called collective because, in one word, they characterize an entire group.
  • Material nouns or material nouns, the group of which includes substances, substances and materials that cannot be counted:

Based on the above types, common nouns form another classification: countable and uncountable nouns in English.

  • Countable nouns can be counted and are used with indefinite and definite articles in the singular and plural. These include the following examples of concrete and collective nouns:
  • Uncountable nouns, accordingly, include nouns that cannot be counted. They are used exclusively in the singular, and adverbs are often used to determine their quantity. The indefinite article cannot be substituted for such words. Abstract and real nouns are called uncountable.

However, there are certain situations where uncountable nouns become countable. It happens:

  • When a different meaning of a word is assumed:

Such count nouns are formed from real nouns and consist of the materials that these real nouns represent.

  • If we add the ending of the 3rd person singular in the present tense to the uncountable, that is -(e)s. The meaning of the word in such cases also sometimes changes:
  • To specify abstract nouns:
  • To denote real nouns used in the meaning of portion:
  1. If we go into classification in more detail, nouns can also be divided into animate and inanimate.

An animate noun includes words that answer the question “who?”

Inanimate English nouns are words that answer the question “what?” and having no signs of life.

As you can see, the classification of nouns in English is a fairly extensive topic. However, due to many similarities with Russian nouns, mastering it will not take much time. If the types of nouns are not memorized, solving a series of exercises on this topic may help.

English nouns: role in a sentence

A noun in a sentence can play the role of subject, attribute, object, circumstance, and even predicate. Table with examples for clarity:

My student was confused with the transcription of this word.

(My student got confused with the transcription of this word.)

Noun student as subject
Do not forget about the privacy policy.

(Don't forget about the privacy policy.)

Noun privacy as definition
He gave me gorgeous flowers.

(He gave me beautiful flowers.)

Noun flowers as an object
She's watching a popular show.

(She is watching a popular show.)

Noun show as an object
Fred speaks the language well; he even knows more than a hundred idioms.

(Fred has a good command of the language; he even knows more than a hundred idioms.)

Nouns language and idioms as objects
I am going to Paris.

(I'm going to Paris.)

The noun Paris as an adverbial circumstance
Marlon Brando was a talented actor.

(Marlon Brando was a talented actor.)

The noun actor as a predicate

English nouns: 100 most popular nouns in the English language

Having studied all the features of nouns, the question may arise: “Where, exactly, should I start?” This confusion is understandable, since there are about two hundred thousand nouns in the English language. In such cases, both in English and in any other language, you can find a frequency dictionary in the form of a list, the words in which are recognized as the most commonly used in the speech of native speakers. However, such dictionaries indicate not only nouns, but also verbs, adjectives, and even prepositions. Therefore, so that you do not waste time searching for the most common nouns, we have compiled a list of 100 nouns that you need to know at an elementary level. Table for convenience:

Most used nouns in English
Word Translation into Russian
1. air air
2. area square
3. art art
4. back back
5. body body
6. book book
7. business business
8. car automobile
9. case case
10. change change
11. child child
12. city city
13. community community
14. company company
15. country a country
16. day day
17. door door
18. education education
19. end end
20. eye eye
21. face face
22. fact fact
23. family family
24. father father
25. force force
26. friend Friend
27. game a game
28. girl young woman
29. government government
30. group group
31. guy boy
32. hand hand
33. head head
34. health health
35. history story
36. home house
37. hour hour
38. house house
39. idea idea
40. information information
41. issue problem
42. job Job
43. kid child
44. kind view
45. law law
46. level level
47. life life
48. line line
49. man man
50. member member
51. minute minute
52. moment moment
53. money money
54. month month
55. morning morning
56. mother Mother
57. music music
58. name Name
59. night night
60. number number
61. office office
62. parent parent
63. part Part
64. party party
65. people People
66. person Human
67. place place
68. point dot
69. power power
70. president the president
71. problem problem
72. program program
73. product product
74. question question
75. reason cause
76. result result
77. river river
78. room room
79. school school
80. service service
81. side side
82. state state
83. story story
84. student student
85. study studies
86. system system
87. teacher teacher
88. team team
89. term term
90. thing thing
91. time time
92. war war
93. water water
94. way path
95. week a week
96. woman woman
97. word word
98. work Job
99. world world
100. year year

Of course, it is quite difficult to fit into a hundred nouns with such a variety of languages. Someone might argue with the choice of these particular nouns, arguing that the list is biased. However, this choice could not have been objective from the beginning, since each person will have a unique list. However, we can guarantee that these words occur very often and ignorance of them will affect your understanding of the language. Therefore, try to learn this list through exercises, associations, compiling your own examples and other methods familiar to you.

Views: 248

They denote objects in the broad sense of the word, that is, everything that can be asked about: who is this? who is it? What is this? what is it? For example: things, materials, people, living beings, substances, abstract concepts, states, etc.

Proper and common nouns in English

English nouns, like Russian ones, can be proper nouns and common nouns.

  • Proper nouns– denote the names of one-of-a-kind items, for example:

Geographical names:

New Hampshire, Rodeo Drive

Titles of books, newspapers, films:

How I Met Your Mother, The New York Times

Names of holidays:

Personal names:

Noun cases in English

Case is a grammatical category that expresses the relationship of a noun to other words in a sentence. In the Russian language, as we know, there are six cases. Old English also had several cases, but later the language changed so that there were only two cases left: common and possessive (luckily for us).

  • Common case– has no case endings and special meanings. In other words, it's just a noun in general meaning, taken in initial form, as in the dictionary.

Boy, brick, elephant (and thousands of other examples, just choose any noun from the dictionary) are all nouns in the common case. Nouns in the general case also express relationships with other words in a sentence, but not with the help of case endings, which they do not have, but with the help of word order in the sentence and prepositions. This is a huge difference between Russian and English grammar: if in Russian the words in a sentence are interconnected mainly through endings, then in English - through word order and .

  • Possessive– denotes belonging to something when the noun A belongs to or refers to the noun B (“attracted”).

The possessive case is worth considering in more detail.

Possessive case of a noun

1. The possessive case is formed using the ending – 's(apostrophe + s).

Jim 's car – Jim's car

John 's house – John's house

Professor 's book - professor's book

2. If a noun singular ends with – s, -x, -ss, in the possessive case it ends simply with an apostrophe or 's.

Max jacket = Max 's jacket – Max's jacket

Actress 's notes = actress notes – notes of the actress

3. However, nouns in plural ending with -s, form the possessive case using an apostrophe.

kids toys - children's toys

students reports – student reports.

4. If a noun consists of several words (compound noun), the ending is 's is added to the last one.

my father-in-law 's car – my father-in-law's car

the commander-in-chief 's order - order of the commander-in-chief

5. If two persons possess the same object, the ending is added to the last noun:

Martin and Helen 's house is huge. – Martin and Helen’s house is huge.

English noun gender

In English there are no special endings by which one could determine the gender of a noun (as in Russian). Gender is determined by meaning only. In practice, gender is important only when using a pronoun sheshe, heHe or itit.

Everything is very simple. Animate nouns are either feminine or masculine depending on who they refer to.

Female persons – feminine gender:

My sister is busy now. - My sister is busy now.

Male persons – masculine.

Where is your daddy? - Where is your dad?

There are many nouns that can name both female and male persons. The gender depends on the context.

This is mine colleague. He is from Alaska. - This is my colleague. He's from Alaska.

This is mine colleague. She is from Alaska. - This is my colleague. She's from Alaska.

Inanimate nouns are all neuter. In Russian, let me remind you, they can also be masculine or feminine.

I received a parcel. It is heavy. – I received the parcel, it is heavy.

Please note that animals are called in English it(that is, classified as neuter) if their gender is indifferent or unknown to the speaker.

The Noun n

A noun is a part of speech that denotes an object and answers the questions: who is this? what is this? (who is this? what is this?).

By way of word formation there are: 1) Simple; 2) Derivatives; 3) Composite (complex).

In my own way lexical meaning are divided into: 1) Own; 2) Common nouns: a) countable; b) uncountable.

Have grammatical forms : 1) Numbers; 2) Case: a) general case; b) possessive case; 3) They do not have genus forms (see below for more details).

Simple, derived, compound nouns

Nouns are simple, derived and compound/complex.

1 TO simple include nouns that do not have prefixes or suffixes, for example: dog – dog, book – book, town – city.

2 TO derivative These include nouns that contain suffixes or prefixes (the latter are quite rare). The most common noun suffixes include:

-ant (-ent): assist antassistant, stud ent - student

-dom:free domLiberty,wis domwisdom

-er (-or, -ar): work erworker, act orartist

-hood: child hoodchildhood

-ion (-ation): connect ionconnection examin ationexam

-ity: active ityactivity, sincer ity - sincerity

-ment: govern mentgovernment, agree mentagreement

-ness: dark nessdarkness,kind nesskindness

-ship: friend shipfriendship

3 Compound/complex nouns include nouns formed from two or more words that make up one concept: classroom – class (classroom), blackboard – blackboard, newspaper – newspaper, son -in -law – son-in-law.

Nouns are divided into proper and common nouns.


Proper nouns are names of individual concepts, places and objects. This also includes personal names, names of months and days of the week, holidays and nationalities. They are all written with a capital letter, and if the name consists of several words, then all words are written with a capital letter, with the exception of articles, prepositions and conjunctions. These include:

1 Geographical concepts: mountains, deserts, oceans, seas, rivers, countries, regions, cities, villages: the Caucasus Caucasus, the Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean, the Volga Volga,France France,London London.

2 Names of streets, squares, famous buildings, hotels, ships, inns, museums, clubs, newspapers, magazines, works: Oxford Street Oxford Street(street), Hyde Park Hyde Park, the British Museum British museum, "New Times" – "New Time"(magazine).

3 First names, last names, pseudonyms, nicknames, as well as titles of people; animal names: Mary Mary(name), Brown Brown(surname), Mark Twain Mark Twain(literary pseudonym).

4 Astronomical names: the Sun Sun, the Earth Earth, the Milky Way Milky Way, Mars , Venus , Jupiter .

5 Nationality and national language: the Russians Russians, English English language.

6 Names of holidays: New Year New Year, Christmas Christmas, Easter Easter, May Day may Day.

7 Names of months and days of the week: January January,September September Sunday Sunday,Tuesday Tuesday.

All other nouns are common nouns. These are the names of categories of objects, persons and concepts. Common nouns are divided into:

1 Subject– denoting individual objects or persons (countable): a boy boy, a dog dog, a book book, a tree tree, a question question.

2 Collective– representing the names of groups of persons or animals considered as one whole (countable): a family family, a party the consignment, a herd herd.

3 Real– denoting various substances or materials (uncountable): milk milk, butter oil, steel steel, coal coal, snow snow.

4 Abstract– nouns denoting actions, states, feelings, phenomena, etc. (uncountable): love Love, beauty beauty, work Job,peace world, heat heat, light light, friendship friendship honesty honesty.

Common nouns nouns are divided into countable and uncountable.

1 To countable nouns include names of objects, objects and concepts that can be counted. They are used in the only one and plural number, both with the indefinite and the definite article. For example:

A) Subject: a pupil student(s)– five pupils five students; a table table– many tables many tables; an engineer engineer– engineers engineers.

b) Collective: a family family– families families, an army army– armies army, a team team– ten teams ten teams.

2 To uncountable nouns include names of substances and concepts that cannot be counted. These include real and abstract (abstract) nouns. Uncountable nouns are used only in the only one number and are not used with the indefinite article. When distinguishing them from the category of substances or concepts, they are preceded by a definite article.

As a subject, they are used with a singular predicate and can be replaced by a singular pronoun (most often: it).

Uncountable nouns combine with pronouns much a lot of, little a little, little, some several, some amount, any any, any.

A) Substances (materials; bulk, liquid, gaseous substances; food): water water,bread bread, tea tea, wool wool, oil oil, air air.

b) Abstract (actions, states, natural phenomena, feelings, etc.): life life, time time, music music, news news, cold cold, freedom Liberty, bravery bravery, sleep dream, winter winter.

Many uncountable nouns become countable and are used with corresponding articles in the following cases:

1 Real nouns are used to denote an object (or objects) from a given material or when the whole and its elements are denoted by the same word: hair hair- a hair hair.


Countable noun :

iron– iron

wood – tree (wood)

paper -paper

an iron –iron

a wood –forest

a paper -newspaper, document


a coalember

A coal fell out of the fire.– A coal fell out of the fireplace.

The ground was as hard as stone. – The ground was hard, like a stone .

The boy threw two stones into the water. – The boy threw two stones into the water.

2 Real nouns are used to denote different varieties and types of something or to denote a portion of something that can, for example, be bought:

Uncountable noun :

Countable noun :

wine wine

muchfruit - a lot of fruits

a good wine - good wine

wonderful fruits - wonderful fruits

He made sometea . – He made tea .

This is an Indiantea . – This is one of the Indian teas.

I hatecoffee . – I can't stand coffee.

He bought a coffee and a sandwich. –He bought ( cup ) coffee and sandwich .

3 Abstract nouns denote specific objects or persons (are specified):

Uncountable noun :

Countable noun :

beauty – beauty

life - life

light – light

fire – fire

play -a game

time -time

a beauty – gorgeous

a life - life path

a light – light, lamp

a fire – fire, bonfire

a play -play

a time -once

My room is full of light. – My room is full of light .

We saw a light in the distance. –We saw a light in the distance .

Some of the uncountable nouns are almost never used as countable nouns, for example: freedom Liberty,weather weather, news news, news advice advice, progress success,money money.

4 If the ending is added to the base of an uncountable noun –s (-es), then it is usually converted into a count noun, for example:

Uncountable noun :

Countable noun :

iron – iron

color – color

sugar – sugar

tin – tin, tin

beauty - beauty

hair – hair

iron sshackles, chains

color sbanners

(two) sugar s (two) lumps of sugar

tin sjars, canned food

beauty sbeauties

hair shairs

Note. In addition to the noun, the ending –s (-es) takes only a predicate verb in present form Indefinite to agree with the subject in the 3rd person singular. numbers.

In other cases the end –s (-es) certainly indicates that this is a noun. For example, other parts of speech, such as adjectives, adverbs, etc., taking the ending –s, become a noun: yellow s yolks, good s goods why s causes, up s and down s ups and downs etc.

Here you can find the noun in English. English nouns. English noun.


1. A noun is a part of speech that denotes objects in the broad sense of the word: inanimate objects book book, living beings dog dog, phenomena frost frost, names of actions movement movement, abstract concepts beauty beauty, history history, etc.

2. In English, as in Russian, nouns according to their structure are divided into:
Simple, i.e. consisting of only one root:

man - person, man
tank - tank; tank; tank

Derivatives, i.e. In addition to the root, they also contain suffixes or prefixes, and sometimes both:

re port - report, report; report
dis play - show; demonstration; parade
command er- commander, chief
teach er- teacher
de touch ment- squad; gun crew
care absence- carelessness, frivolity
dis organ ization- disorganization, frustration

Complex, i.e. consisting of two or more bases:

headphone - head phone
hothouse - greenhouse
tooth-brush - toothbrush

In compound nouns, the stress usually falls on the first word:

bl a ck-board - chalkboard
h y groscope - hygroscopic

Compound nouns can contain suffixes and prefixes:

scene-paint er- decorative artist
type-write er- typewriter

3. According to their lexical meaning, nouns are divided into:

Proper names, which are individual names of individuals, objects or phenomena. Proper nouns include first names, surnames, geographical names, names of books, newspapers, historical events, as well as days of the week, months, holidays, etc. Proper names are written with a capital letter:
John, Charles Dickens, Trafalgar Square, Moscow, the United Kingdom, Victory Day, Tuesday, March.

Common nouns, which are common names for all homogeneous objects. They denote individual objects, various substances, signs, actions, states, feelings, etc.

room - room
mission - mission; task, task
lesson - lesson, lesson

4. Common nouns are divided into countable and uncountable.
Countable nouns denote things that can be counted:

bullet - bullet
horse - horse
conference - conference

They are used in both singular and plural. Countable nouns can be used with cardinal numerals:

house - house
two houses - two houses

Uncountable nouns denote objects and concepts that cannot be counted:

air - air
weather - weather

Uncountable nouns do not have a plural form and cannot be used
with cardinal numbers and the indefinite article.

However, some uncountable nouns can be used as countable nouns. In this case, they can take the plural form, but then their meanings change:

iron - iron
irons - irons; fetter

color - color
colors - paint banner

Some nouns, such as advice, money, etc., do not have a plural form and are not preceded by an indefinite article.


5. In a sentence, nouns can perform the following functions:

1. Subject:
The conference was very interesting. The conference was very interesting.

2. Nominal part of the predicate:
My brother is an officer. My brother is an officer.

3. Additions:
a) direct:
We have lectures, tutorials and seminars. We have lectures, practical classes and seminars.

b) indirect:
The teacher explained his students a new rule. The teacher explained the new rule to the students.

c) prepositional:
Comrade N. went to the cinema with his friend. Comrade N. went to the cinema with his friend.

4. Definitions:
a) with a preposition:
His brother is a student of the university.
His brother is a university student.

b) without preposition:
The entrance exams were very difficult for me. The entrance exams were difficult for me.
There is also a students research society at our Institute. Our institute also has a student scientific society.

5. Circumstances (time, place, manner of action, reason, purpose, etc.):
We decided to meet after classes. (circumstance of time)
We decided to meet after class.

There is a good library at our academy. (circumstance of place)
Our academy has a good library.

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