Professional qualification groups of public sector employees. The PKG and the criteria for classifying blue-collar professions and office positions as PKG are approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development (). Ya.a. stories, n.n. Kondratyeva, A.L. bakulev

Order of the Ministry of Health and social development RF dated August 6, 2007 N 526
"On approval of professional qualification groups for positions of medical and pharmaceutical workers"

With changes and additions from:

2. Professional qualification group "Nurse medical and pharmaceutical personnel"

Qualification levels

1 qualification level

dental hygienist; instructor-disinfector; hygiene education instructor; instructor physical therapy; medical statistician; occupational therapy instructor; sterilization nurse; optician; junior pharmacist; medical disinfectant; medical receptionist

2 qualification level

3 qualification level

nurse; ward nurse (guard); visiting nurse; nurse of the emergency department (emergency room); physical therapy nurse; massage nurse; nurse for receiving calls and transferring them to field teams; Dental Technician; paramedic for receiving calls and transferring them to field teams; district nurse; medical laboratory technician (paramedic laboratory assistant); pharmacist; medical optometrist

4 qualification level

midwife; paramedic; operating room nurse; nurse - anesthetist; Dentist; medical technologist; treatment room nurse; dressing room nurse; general practitioner nurse

5 qualification level

senior pharmacist; senior nurse (midwife, paramedic, operating nurse, dental technician); head of the dairy kitchen; production manager of dental prosthetics institutions (departments, departments, laboratories); head of the pharmacy of a medical institution; head of the paramedic-midwife station - paramedic (midwife, nurse); head of the health center - paramedic (nurse); head of the first-aid post - paramedic (nurse)

3. Professional qualification group "Doctors and pharmacists"

Qualification levels

Employee positions assigned to qualification levels

1 qualification level

trainee doctor; pharmacist-trainee

2 qualification level

4 qualification level

surgical specialists operating in hospitals of medical institutions; senior doctor; senior pharmacist; anesthesiologist-resuscitator; pathologist; forensic medical expert

Information about changes:

4. Professional qualification group "Managers" structural divisions institutions with higher medical and pharmaceutical education (specialist doctor, pharmacist)"

Qualification levels

Employee positions assigned to qualification levels

1 qualification level

head of a structural unit*(3) (department, section, laboratory, office, detachment, etc.);

head of a structural unit (department, division, laboratory, office, detachment, etc.);

Head of the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise

2 qualification level

Head of the department of surgical profile of hospitals (anesthesiology-reanimation, resuscitation and intensive care, pathoanatomical, forensic medical examination)

*(2) Except for medical specialists classified as qualification level 4.

*(3) Except for heads of surgical departments of hospitals.

In accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, basic salaries (basic official salaries) and basic wage rates for employees of state and municipal institutions are established by professional qualification groups. Professional qualification groups are groups of professions of workers and positions of employees, formed taking into account the field of activity based on the requirements for professional training and level of qualifications that are necessary to carry out the corresponding professional activity. In this regard, professional qualification groups for positions of medical and pharmaceutical workers have been approved.

The positions of medical and pharmaceutical workers are divided into 4 professional qualification groups: first-level medical and pharmaceutical personnel (nurse, housekeeper, packer, etc.); nursing and pharmaceutical personnel (nurse, midwife, paramedic, laboratory assistant, pharmacist, etc.); doctors and pharmacists; heads of structural units of institutions with higher medical and pharmaceutical education (specialist doctor, pharmacist).

The positions of medical and pharmaceutical workers included in one professional qualification group are structured according to the qualification levels of this professional qualification group, depending on the complexity of the work performed and the level of qualifications required to occupy the position.

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated August 6, 2007 N 526 “On approval of professional qualification groups for positions of medical and pharmaceutical workers”

After 10 days after the official publication of the said order

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of November 20, 2008 N 657n

The changes come into force 10 days after the official publication of the said order.

The definition of the term professional qualification groups (PQG), its goals and objectives are given in Article 144 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. PKG is a set of positions and professions in relation to individual production areas. They take into account the training requirements to perform certain functions and responsibilities, as well as the qualifications of those employed in the institution. The system is used in the formation of the organization of remuneration at enterprises of municipal and state significance. Labor relations legislation also contains such a concept as basic salaries for professional qualification groups, that is, the initial rate of remuneration for a person, taking into account the indicators established by the PKG. In our edition we will look at what these concepts mean, the scope of their application, as well as goals and objectives.

The number of PKG depends on the specifics of the enterprise’s activities; it can be very diverse. As we have already noted, professional qualification groups are divided into industries depending on the requirements for professional training and the degree of qualification of workers engaged in production. Accordingly, taking into account these measurements, the amount of remuneration for each of them is established. Difference between smallest and highest value The PKG in relation to wages should be sufficient to stimulate employees to perform work duties of one or another complexity, while high differentiation in pay is unacceptable.

Correctly designated salary amounts for professional qualification groups will significantly reduce the volume of bonus payments, additional payments and allowances, or eliminate them altogether. This is due to several factors. This:

  1. Encouragement and stimulation of employees to perform their duties in a high-quality manner often occurs through the payment of bonuses, additional payments and allowances. But all these indicators can be taken into account in determining the size of the base rates developed according to the PKG system in relation to wages of various types.
  2. In the proposed model for systematizing the establishment of salary amounts, the salary fund is distributed among individual PCGs in full without any remainder. Accordingly, there will be no source for the calculation and payment of other monetary remuneration.

The main goal of the program is to simplify the organization of determining the wage fund, since other monetary remunerations are completely excluded. The mechanism for calculating wage financing is simplified to a noticeable extent, which makes it possible to make it more understandable and accessible to all categories of workers.

Formation order

Basic official salaries for professional qualification groups are established depending on the type of production activity of an organization of municipal or state significance, as well as factors for classifying positions according to the PKG. The formation procedure was approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 525 of 08/06/2007, as well as by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Article 144).

Legislation approves professional qualification groups for general industry positions, taking into account the economic activities of state or municipal institutions.

Table No. 1. Documents approving professional groups according to qualification characteristics, taking into account the specifics of the companies’ economic activities.

All positions and professions according to the approved PKG are distributed according to the degree of qualification, taking into account the volume of skills, abilities and knowledge in the professional field, as well as experience in a certain area of ​​work.

In addition to the PKGs given in the table above, the Orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development approved a professional qualification group: industry-wide positions of employees, managers and specialists (Order No. 247n), as well as industry-wide positions of the working group (Order No. 248n). According to these Orders, PKGs are not tied to a specific area of ​​activity.

Basic salaries according to PKG

In the Labor Code of the Russian Federation there is such a thing as the basic salary according to the PCG, which means the minimum wage rate for the corresponding qualification category of workers in state or municipal institutions.

The base salary does not include compensation, social or bonus payments; the calculation is carried out based on the minimum wage approved for the corresponding period. According to Article 144 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, base rates are established by the Government of the Russian Federation, and the management of the enterprise does not have the right to underestimate their established amount.

Categories of professional suitability

When hiring, an important factor is the professional suitability of the employee, and as we know, when setting the salary of the corresponding professional qualification group, this indicator is one of the important ones. But we note that the category of professional suitability is considered in two aspects:

  1. Qualifying.
  2. Medical.

To calculate the salary, the qualification category is taken into account, which is understood as the amount of knowledge, skills and abilities of the employee, as well as his experience in a certain field of employment. It is on this indicator that the size of his official salary depends.

When hiring, the employer carries out professional selection, in frequent cases this is testing. But the check can be carried out by the manager in relation to already hired employees in order to confirm their qualifications.

The qualification level is divided into four categories; based on the test results, the employer makes an appropriate decision.

Category of professional suitability Compliance with the position
First category Fully suitable for the position, high level of qualifications.
Second category Employees are recommended for employment and meet the basic requirements for the position held.
Third category Persons are recommended conditionally, since their professionalism does not fully meet the requirements. Training and employment are possible if there is a shortage of personnel.
Fourth category The fourth category of professional suitability means complete incompatibility with the position. Such workers are not recommended for employment; their professionalism, skills and knowledge are not sufficient to obtain the appropriate profession.

As for medical suitability, the employer must be guided by Article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which obliges certain categories of employees to undergo mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations. Without medical confirmation of professional suitability, an employee cannot be allowed to perform official duties.


Saratov State medical University them. IN AND. Razumovsky

Rasskazov Yaroslav Alexandrovich

Postgraduate student of the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases

413021, Engels, st. Leningradskaya, 5, apt. 357, tel. 8-917-203-13-23, e-mail:

Laboratory criteria for the effectiveness of using the method of far-long-wave ultraviolet therapy have been studied (UVA-1) in the complex treatment of patients with psoriasis. 70 patients with moderate and severe forms of psoriasis in the phase of progression of dermatosis were observed. For laboratory assessment, a number of cytokine profile indicators were used, in particularIL-1β; γ-INF; IL-17; IL-10. As a result of phototherapeutic procedures, no statistically significant differences in the effect of these methods of psoriasis treatment on the cytokine profile of patients were obtained.

Keywords:psoriasis,UVA-therapy,PUVA-therapy, cytokines.


Saratov State Medical University named after V.I. Razumovsky

Comparative evaluation of the effect of long-wavelength ultraviolet therapy and PUVA-therapy on the cytokine profile of patients with psoriasis

Laboratory criteria of the efficacy of the use of the method long wavelength ultraviolet therapy

(UVA-1) in treatment of patients with psoriasis were studied. We observed 70 patients with moderate to severe psoriasis in a phase progression of dermatosis. For laboratory evaluation of a number of indicators the cytokine profile is used, in particular they are: IL-1β ; γ -INF; IL-17; IL-10. As a result of phototherapy treatments of statistically significant differences in the impact of these therapies on psoriasis indicators cytokine profile of patients had not been received.

Key words:psoriasis, UVA-therapy, PUVA-therapy, cytokines.

Psoriasis is a systemic immune-associated disease of a multifactorial nature with a dominant role of genetic factors, characterized by accelerated proliferation of keratinocytes, impaired differentiation, immune reactions in the dermis and synovial membranes, an imbalance between anti-inflammatory and pro-inflammatory cytokines, frequent changes in the musculoskeletal system and internal organs. Currently, psoriasis still remains one of the most difficult problems of modern dermatology - 2-4% (130 million people) of the entire population of the planet are affected, and its share in the structure of all skin diseases is up to 30%. Modern researchers note an increase in the incidence of this dermatosis, an increase in the number of severe, treatment-resistant, disabling forms. In most cases, without threatening the lives of patients, dermatosis significantly worsens the quality of life, reduces the performance and social activity of patients, being the cause of socio-psychological problems, a reason for social maladaptation and self-isolation, changes in socio-psychological comfort, which determines not only medical, but also social significance of the problem.

The study of the immunopathogenesis of psoriasis is currently not possible without studying the system of regulatory polypeptides - cytokines. In the development of the immune response, differentiation and balance of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines are of key importance as regulators of activation or suppression of immunopathological processes in the body of patients. In this regard, determining the characteristics of the balance of the cytokine system in patients with psoriasis can become one of the directions that allows not only to judge immunological disorders, but also subsequently to improve and individualize methods of treating dermatosis, and, possibly, to identify changes in the molecular, yet functionally compensated level of emerging pathology.

The method of using far-long-wave UV therapy was proposed in the early 90s, when R. Mang and J. Krutmann were the first to use ultraviolet radiation in the UVA-1 range (wavelength 340-400 nm) and showed the effectiveness of this method. Compared to the general UVA range (320-400 nm), UVA-1 radiation penetrates deeper into the skin. Unlike PUVA therapy, UVA-1 does not require the use of photosensitizers and has fewer side effects, such as: nausea, vomiting, burning, itching, erythema, bullous rashes. There is no information in the available literature about the use of far-long-wave ultraviolet therapy in patients with psoriasis.

Purpose The study was to evaluate the effectiveness of therapy for patients with moderate and severe psoriasis using far-long-wave UVA-1 therapy.

Material and methods

70 patients with psoriasis were treated, of which 45 (64.3%) were men and 25 (35.7%) were women. The main group of subjects who received far-wave ultraviolet therapy consisted of 40 people suffering from moderate and severe forms of psoriasis, aged 18-60 years, without the presence of severe somatic or infectious pathology. As a comparison group, we observed 30 people with psoriasis who received traditional therapy in combination with PUVA therapy, comparable to the main group in age, duration and form of the disease. All patients were in the stage of progression of the psoriatic process. The control group consisted of 30 healthy individuals.

Far-long-wave ultraviolet therapy (UVA-1) was carried out using a photobooth WaldmannUV-7001K (HerbertWaldmannGmbH&Co, Germany) and lamps F85/100W-TL10R, creating radiation of the UVA-1 spectrum (ƛ=340-400 nm) and a maximum emission at ƛ= 370 nm. The procedures were carried out 5 times a week, starting with a dose of 5 J/cm², and it was gradually increased by 1-2 J/cm² until a maximum single radiation dose of 12 J/cm² was reached, while the course dose did not exceed 156 J/cm².

PUVA therapy was carried out in a universal ultraviolet cabin Waldmann UV 7002K (Germany, 2010). The procedures were carried out according to the method of irradiation 4 times a week with a gradual increase in the UVA dose by 0.5 J/cm 2 with systemic (oral) use of the photosensitizer oxoralen (GerotFormatzoitika GmbH, Austria, registration No. LS-00114205 dated January 19, 2006). The initial dose of ultraviolet radiation was 0.1-0.5 J/cm², followed by an increase in dose by 0.25-0.5 J/cm² until a maximum radiation dose of 7.5 J/cm² was achieved.

To assess the content of the studied cytokines - IL-1β, IL-10, IL-17 and γ-INF in blood serum, the method of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was used.

Ready-made diagnostic kits “ELISA-BEST” were used for the study.

Statistical processing of the obtained data was carried out using the application package “Med_Stat©” (version 8.0) for IBMPC-compatible computers.

Parametric (generally accepted Student's t-test; paired correlation coefficient between different indicators; paired t-test) and non-parametric (Spearman's rank correlation coefficient) mathematical criteria were used.

The Microsoft ExcelXP™ program was used to display the results graphically.

Results and its discussion

The conducted studies revealed the presence of pronounced changes in the concentrations of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines, and also made it possible to demonstrate the participation of an altered cytokine profile in the development and maintenance of immunological disorders in psoriasis. Direct correlations of the nature of the course of dermatosis were established in accordance with fluctuations in the level of the studied indicators of the cytokine cascade in the body of patients with psoriasis. Data indicating the level of the studied cytokines in the blood of patients before phototherapy, depending on clinical form psoriasis are presented in Table 1.

Table 1.

Absolute concentrations of the studied cytokines in peripheral blood, study patients, pkg/ml

Persons examinednIL-10, M±mIL-1β, M±mIL-17, M±mγ-INF, M±mp
Healthy donors30 2.25±0.245.55±0.312.46±0.212.39±0.24
Patients with psoriasis, including70 59.42±3.5925.01±1.1921.44±1.3354.68±3.19
- vulgar39 62.305±4.8524.41±1.6119.95±1.9253.92±3.66<0,05
- exudative9 64.06±6.9327.39±3.6228.83±2.8492.52±5.61<0,05
- seborrheic16 54.81±6.8427.15±2.7623.95±2.0543.32±5.74<0,05
- palmoplantar6 54.99±7.8622.69±1.0720.66±6.0133.66±5.01<0,05

When analyzing the data obtained during the study, attention is drawn to the fact that in groups of patients with exudative and seborrheic types of psoriasis, the absolute concentrations of the studied cytokine profile indicators exceeded the values ​​​​obtained in groups with the vulgar and palmoplantar forms. Probably, this observation allows us to judge the increase in the concentrations of the studied cytokines, respectively, with the intensification of the processes of hyperproliferation and exudation.

As a result of the phototherapy, the level of the pro-inflammatory cytokine - interferon gamma - in the groups of patients suffering from psoriasis was 56.08 ± 4.88 pg/ml, in those receiving PUVA therapy, respectively, 53.75 ± 4.16 pg/ml. Data on changes in the content of interferon gamma in the blood serum of patients suffering from psoriasis under the influence of various treatment methods are presented in Table 2.

Table 2.

Interferon gamma concentration before and after therapy, pkg/ml

p1 - ​​reliability of differences in indicators before and after treatment;

p2 - significance of differences in indicators after treatment in both groups

As a result of the treatment, a statistically significant decrease in the level (p) was established in each of the groups<0,05).

Using Student's t test, we found that the difference in the decrease in serum interferon gamma concentration in the peripheral blood of study patients who received PUVA therapy and UVA-1 therapy was insignificant (p<0,05).

The data obtained indicate a clear positive effect of far-long-wave ultraviolet therapy on the dynamics of interferon-gamma content in the peripheral blood of patients with psoriasis, which is quantitatively comparable in this indicator to the effectiveness of the currently widely used photochemotherapy with the internal use of photosensitizing drugs.

After treatment of patients with PUVA and UVA-1 methods, a statistically significant decrease in the concentrations of interleukin-1beta was recorded compared with the values ​​before the start of therapy (p<0,05).

Data on IL-1beta concentrations before and after treatment are presented in Table 3.

Table 3.

IL-1 beta concentration level in patients before and after therapy, pkg/ml

Notes: the numerator indicates the indicators before treatment, the denominator - after treatment;

It was found that the differences in IL-1β beta levels after treatment in the main and control groups of patients are not mathematically distinguishable (p>0.05; t=1.003), which in turn indicates a similar, quite comparable effect of the use of the study and traditional phototherapy techniques psoriasis on the concentration of IL-1β in the blood serum of patients. The results obtained indicate the effective therapeutic effect of the method of far-long-wave ultraviolet UVA-1 therapy with an increased content of IL-1β in the peripheral bloodstream of patients with psoriasis.

Data on changes in the concentration of IL-10 in patients of different therapeutic groups are presented in Table 4. After PUVA therapy, in patients in the control group of patients, the level of IL-10 decreased significantly, which was statistically significantly different from the concentration of this cytokine before therapy (p<0,05). В группе исследования UVA-1-терапии среднее значение концентрации IL-10 после проведенного лечения, также достоверно отличалось от первоначальных значений (р<0,05). Отметим, что математически достоверного различия в результатах, полученных после проведения UVA-1-терапии и PUVA-терапии, нами выявлено не было (р>0.05), which allows us to state an equivalent effect of these treatment methods on the level of IL-10 in the blood serum of study patients.

Table 4.

ConcentrationIL-10 in patients with psoriasis before and after therapy, pkg/ml

Notes: the numerator indicates the indicators before treatment, the denominator - after treatment;

p1 - ​​reliability of differences in indicators before and after treatment;

p2 - significance of differences in indicators after treatment in both groups

Data on the dynamics of IL-17 concentration during the study are presented in Table 5.

Table 5.

ConcentrationIL-17 in patients with psoriasis before and after therapy, pkg/ml

Notes: the numerator indicates the indicators before treatment, the denominator - after treatment;

p1 - ​​reliability of differences in indicators before and after treatment;

p2 - significance of differences in indicators after treatment in both groups

A significant, mathematically confirmed decrease in IL-17 levels was obtained as a result of the use of the main and control methods of therapy (p<0,05). Однако, отмечено достоверное различие показателей после лечения в исследуемых группах. Среднее значение концентрации IL-17 в результате проведенной PUVA-терапии составило 2,33±0,17 пкг/мл, и статистически достоверно было ниже абсолютной концентрации изучаемого цитокина, зафиксированной после лечения в группе UVA-1, - 3,22±0,27 пкг/мл (р<0,05).


Far-wave long-wave ultraviolet UVA-1 therapy as part of complex treatment of patients with moderate and severe psoriasis in the stage of progression of the skin process has a pronounced beneficial effect on a number of indicators of the cytokine profile of people suffering from this dermatosis, equivalent in effectiveness to traditionally used PUVA therapy.


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2. Molochkov V. A., Badokin V. V. Psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis // KMK Scientific Publications Society. - 2007. - P. 133-145.

3. Katsambas A.D., Lotti T.M. Psoriasis // European guidelines for the treatment of dermatological diseases. - 2008. - P. 392-406.

4. Avdienko I. N., Kubanov A. A. Efficiency of long-wave ultraviolet therapy in patients with atopic dermatitis // Bulletin of Dermatology and Venereology. - 2009. - No. 3. - P. 61-64.

5. Znamenskaya L.F., Volnukhin V.A., Yakovleva S.V. et al. Modern methods of therapy for patients with psoriasis // Bulletin of Dermatology and Venereology. - 2011. - No. 1. - P. 11-14.

6. Sobell J. M., Hallas S. J. Systemic therapies for psoriasis: understanding current and newly emerging therapies // SeminCutan. Med. Surg. - 2003. - Vol. 22. - No. 3. - P. 187-195.

7. Kapp A. The role of cytokines for the pathogenesis of psoriasis // Hautarzt. - 1993. - Vol. 44. - No. 4. - P. 201-207.

8. Beani J. C. Prescription of phototherapy in psoriasis // Rev. Prat. - 2004. - Vol. 54. - No. 1. - P. 143-147.

9. Dawe R. S., Cameron H., Yule S., Man I. Randomized controlled trial of narrowband ultraviolet B vs bath-psoralen plus ultraviolet A photochemotherapy for psoriasis // Br. J. Dermatol. - 2003. - Vol. 148. - No. 6. - P. 1094-1204.

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of May 5, 2008 N 216n
"On approval of professional qualification groups of positions for education workers"

Professional qualification groups of employee positions
(approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation
dated May 5, 2008 N 216n)

With changes and additions from:

Professional qualification group of positions for first-level educational and support staff

Professional qualification group of positions for second-level educational and support staff

Professional qualification group of teaching positions

Qualification levels

1 qualification level

Labor instructor; physical education instructor; musical director; senior counselor

2 qualification level

Instructor-methodologist; accompanist; additional education teacher; teacher-organizer; social teacher; trainer-teacher

3 qualification level

Educator; master of industrial training; Methodist; educational psychologist; senior instructor-methodologist; senior teacher of additional education; senior trainer-teacher

4 qualification level

Teacher-librarian; teacher*(2) ; teacher-organizer of the basics of life safety; head of physical education; senior teacher; senior methodologist; tutor*(3) ; teacher; teacher-speech pathologist; teacher-speech therapist (speech therapist)

Professional qualification group of positions of heads of structural divisions

Qualification levels

Positions assigned to qualification levels

1 qualification level

Head (chief) of a structural unit: office, laboratory, department, division, sector, educational and consulting center, educational (training and production) workshop and other structural units implementing the general education program and the educational program of additional education for children * (4)

2 qualification level

Head (chief) of a separate structural unit implementing the general education program and the educational program of additional education for children; head (manager, director, manager, manager): office, laboratory, department, department, sector, educational and consulting center, educational (training and production) workshop, educational facility and other structural units of an educational institution (division) of primary and secondary vocational education *(5) ; senior master of an educational institution (division) of primary and/or secondary vocational education

3 qualification level

Head (head, director, manager, manager) of a separate structural unit of an educational institution (division) of primary and secondary vocational education


*(1) With the exception of positions of employees of higher and additional professional education.

*(2) Except for teaching positions classified as teaching staff.

*(3) With the exception of tutors employed in the field of higher and additional professional education.

*(4) Except for positions of heads of structural divisions classified as qualification level 2.

*(5) Except for positions of heads of structural divisions classified as qualification level 3.

The positions of educational workers (except for the positions of higher and additional vocational education workers) are divided into the following qualification groups: first-level educational support staff (counselor, assistant teacher, secretary of the educational unit); educational support staff of the second level (regime duty officer, junior teacher, educational institution dispatcher, senior regime duty officer); teaching staff (labor instructor, physical education instructor, music director, teacher, methodologist, educational psychologist, etc.); heads of structural units (head of office, laboratory, department, department, etc.).

The positions that make up the qualification group are structured by qualification levels depending on the complexity of the work performed and the level of qualifications that the employee must have (qualification levels are absent only in the group of positions of first-level educational and support personnel).

Taking into account professional qualification groups, the Government of the Russian Federation can establish basic salaries (basic official salaries), basic wage rates for employees. The wages of employees of state and municipal institutions cannot be lower than the basic salaries (basic official salaries) established by the Government of the Russian Federation, the basic wage rates of the corresponding professional qualification groups.

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated May 5, 2008 N 216n “On approval of professional qualification groups of positions for education workers”

Registration N 11731

This order comes into force 10 days after the day of its official publication

This document is amended by the following documents:

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of December 23, 2011 N 1601n

The changes come into force 10 days after the official publication of the said order.


Professional qualification groups (PQG) are groups of occupations of workers and positions of employees of state and municipal institutions, united by areas of activity and taking into account the level of qualifications of such workers (Article 144 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). We will tell you more about what PKG positions are in our consultation.

How are PCGs formed?

The PKG and the criteria for classifying blue-collar professions and office positions as PKG are approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development (Article 144 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Groups of professions and positions are approved within a particular field of activity. Currently, for example, the following PKGs are approved:

Scope of activity of employees of state and municipal institutions Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development
Medicine and pharmaceuticals dated 06.08.2007 No. 526
Education dated 05.05.2008 No. 216n
Agriculture dated July 17, 2008 No. 339n
Print mass-media dated July 18, 2008 No. 342n
physical Culture and sport dated 02/27/2012 No. 165n

In addition, the Ministry of Health and Social Development also approved the PCG for industry-wide positions of managers, specialists and employees (Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated May 29, 2008 No. 247n) and industry-wide professions of workers (Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated May 29, 2008 No. 248n). In these directories of professional qualification groups, positions and professions are given without reference to a specific field of activity of a state or municipal institution.

Qualification level for PKG

The positions of employees and professions of workers in the PCG, approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development, are distributed according to qualification levels that reflect the amount of knowledge, skills, professional skills and work experience of workers.

PKG salary: what is it?

Labor legislation contains the concepts of basic salary (basic official salary), basic wage rate. They mean, respectively, the minimum salary (official salary), the wage rate of an employee of a state or municipal institution assigned to the relevant PCG, excluding compensation, incentives and social payments (Article 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

These salaries and rates can be established by the Government of the Russian Federation (Article 144 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Accordingly, the wages of employees whose position or profession is provided for by the PCG cannot be lower than the established minimum wages and rates.

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