Pump up your basic shoulders. Shoulder workout. Effective shoulder exercises. Shoulder presses

Surely, you have noticed that any gym goer does shoulder exercises, but how often have you seen this muscle group truly developed well? Most advanced athletes have a massive back, chest and even arms, but only a few manage to achieve proportional development of the shoulder system. How to achieve uniform pumping of all the deltoid muscle bundles and build your workout for broad shoulders correctly, we will tell you in this article! But, read it to the end, as many bonuses and useful features await you.

On a note, when we train the shoulder, one way or another we also use the arms, but today we will tell you a few secrets on how to turn off the forearm as much as possible for more intensive work on the anterior and middle bundles. And by the way, we don’t forget to delight you with bonuses, and this time you will get shoulder training from the Fit Magazine team with Yuri Sakharov and Sergei Soklakov (the creator of this project)! Read the article to the bitter end and discover many new features training process, which will give you new sensations and new results!

How to properly organize delta training in terms of anatomical features?

Even though the shoulders seem like a very small muscle group, they are capable of generating enormous force. But, unlike, for example, the lower leg, the shoulders can make more movement in the joints when performing exercises. By using various muscle fibers, the joint can rotate the arm inward and outward, abduct and adduct, lift in front of you, etc.

From an anatomical point of view, the structure looks like this: the outer part of the clavicle connects to the upper edge of the scapula and the round head of the humerus, forming a hinge-type joint. Due to the fact that the glenoid fossa is shallow, we can rotate the arm in any direction (which is impossible to do with some other joints in our body). The muscle that attaches to the joint is the deltoid, which divides into three heads: anterior, middle and posterior.

Shoulder training is most often compiled on the basis of which of the heads responds better to the load, which is better developed genetically, and which is lagging behind. It is very important to arrange the load so that the deltoids develop evenly, creating an aesthetic, rounded shoulder shape with a peak in the middle. To better understand how to quickly pump up your shoulders by using all deltoids, you need to understand the functions of each of them:

  • The anterior delta flexes the shoulder, turns the arm inward and lifts it up;
  • The middle bundle abducts the arm;
  • The rear delta extends the shoulder, turns outward, and lowers the arm down.

If you look at any TOP of the best shoulder exercises, you will see that such training uses both basic and isolating types of load.

Compound exercises for developing shoulder strength are used most often, simply because they allow you to handle heavier weights and engage ALL heads of the deltoid. Such exercises include:

  • Standing press or military press;
  • Seated dumbbell press or similar machine presses;
  • Press in Smith;
  • Barbell row to the chin or broach;

Isolating shoulder exercises usually complement the basic ones and are used to develop lagging deltoid heads (most often the posterior or middle). Isolation is called that because it allows one of the deltas to be loaded to the maximum and the rest “switched off” from operation. Isolation exercises for the posterior bundle include:

  1. Swing dumbbells to the sides in an inclined position;
  2. Dumbbell swings lying on your stomach;
  3. Reverse flyes in the simulator.

Isolation of the anterior delta is presented:

  1. Raising the lower block in front of you;
  2. Lifting dumbbells or barbells in front of you.

Middle beam isolation:

  1. Swing dumbbells to the sides while standing or sitting.

Let us repeat once again that it is necessary to build your training program based on your anatomical features, the lag and predominance in the development of the anterior, middle and posterior deltas. Beginners are recommended to start by developing strength in BASIC exercises and adding small isolation exercises.

It has already been stated many times that male and female training is fundamentally no different, since the recruitment muscle mass for girls, the mechanism of muscle growth occurs in the same way in both sexes (the only difference is that men have a genetic advantage for more massive growth and strength development).

Will shoulder training for girls be different from men's? No! Women can do all the same effective shoulder exercises and get great results.

Some differences in women's training may be included depending on what kind of result you are expecting. Some girls do not do shoulder width exercises due to their anatomical features, since they initially have wide bones. In this case, it is advisable to reduce the load on the middle delta, which increases the width, and focus on the back and front beam, which will help round the shape of the shoulders, but will not make them visually wider. Shoulder training for men, on the contrary, includes a lot of exercises , placing emphasis on the middle delta, since it is this that provides the bulk and width, and also forms the peak of the deltoid.

Based on the above, let’s summarize how to properly pump up shoulders for men and women?

The TOP exercises and rules for women should include:

  • Isolation of the anterior beam;
  • Posterior deltoid isolation;
  • Targeted work on the middle beam based on needs;
  • Repeated work with light weights, if there is no goal to gain weight;
  • Low-repetition work with large (as much as possible in women's training) weight if the goal is to add weight (and contrary to the misconception, girls go to the gym not only to lose weight).

How to pump up a man’s shoulders in the gym:

  • Uniform processing of all beams;
  • Proper connection of insulation to the base;
  • A combination of high-repetition training with light weights and low-rep with heavy weights;
  • Cycling and load variability.

Below we will talk about exercises for wide shoulders with a barbell, dumbbells and other equipment, but do not forget to take into account the individual characteristics of your anatomy when drawing up training program. Training on the deltas should be carried out by placing emphasis on the lagging beams, and reducing the load on those heads that already respond well to it (otherwise the development will not be harmonious).

Below you will see a set of shoulder exercises in pictures with descriptions, which in our opinion is very convenient for understanding.

The seated dumbbell press should definitely be included in your exercises for wide shoulders, as it allows you to use all the bundles of your deltoid, but does not load them evenly.

Involved beams: the main load is on the front, moderate - on the middle and less - on the back.

Technique: seated dumbbell lifts are carried out along an arcuate trajectory with the balls brought together at the peak point. The position of the hands is as if you were holding a barbell above your head; no turning of the hands is required.

Raise the dumbbells up as you exhale and lower them as you inhale, smoothly without jerking. The back should be in a natural arch in the lumbar region and stay straight throughout the exercise.

Features of the technique: the elbows should be strictly under the hands, do not move forward and backward. If you lower the dumbbells down too much, the shoulder joint will be “covered” by the deltoids, which will disrupt the classic technique.

Some professionals believe that working your shoulders in the gym without basic exercises such as dumbbell or barbell presses is not effective. And in general, they are right. It is the basic exercises that allow you to develop the strength of your deltoids, which will allow you to progress in weights and technique.

Standing barbell press or military press

It is advisable that the shoulder training program include this exercise (just not on the same day as the dumbbell press). It is also basic and allows you to work the entire deltoid muscle. Moreover, this barbell shoulder exercise involves a full range of motion (from the elbows below the shoulders to above the head) and forces the deltoid to work at full strength.

Involved beams: main work - middle, moderate - front, lesser - back. Many small stabilizer muscles are also involved in the work.

Technique: When performing this exercise on your shoulders, throw the barbell over your chest in one jerking motion. Starting position: standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart, palms slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. As you exhale, press the projectile up, and as you lower, make an entrance. Performing this exercise while standing without inertia is quite difficult for a beginner, but you should not sway, sit down or lean your body back.

Features of the technique: according to the classic pattern of standing bench press with a barbell, the elbows should be exactly under the hands in order to maximally include the middle beam of deltas in the work. But, depending on your goals, you can emphasize the front deltoid by tucking your elbows forward, much like you would hold a barbell in a front squat.

Remember that when doing standing barbell shoulder exercises in the gym, your support is your back, and the musculature of this part of the body must also be evenly developed in order to stabilize you during the exercise without the risk of injury. Therefore, your training split must include exercises for the back and, in particular, the lower back.

This technique is also included in basic shoulder exercises, as it involves the entire deltoid, but is especially traumatic and difficult for people with poor shoulder stretching and mobility, as well as for those who have had injuries to the joint of the same name. Definitely not recommended for beginners!

Involved beams: main work - front, moderate - middle, back - slightly.

Technique: This exercise for the shoulder muscles can be performed both standing and sitting. It is recommended to place the barbell on racks. The position of the arms is wider than the shoulders, the elbows are strictly under the hands and the barbell. Perform an overhead press, without moving the barbell forward, but moving it strictly perpendicular to the floor. Slowly lower the barbell down as you inhale, and press it back up as you exhale.

Advice: if you are performing the exercise for the first time, we recommend doing it in a Smith machine (and in general it is better to do it in a Smith machine) so that you can work safely even without insurance. Smith will also allow you not to think about controlling the trajectory of the barbell, since, thanks to the limiters, it will move strictly perpendicular to the floor.

Presses are the most popular shoulder exercise in bodybuilding because they involve a huge number of muscles. And if you do them standing, your whole body works (which is not always a plus)!

Exercises for deltas in simulators are quite a convenient option for beginners, as they allow you to work within a given range of motion, reducing injury. Typically, presses are performed while sitting on a bench with a backrest (we’ll talk about the features of its inclination and what this gives below).

Involved beams: main work – front/middle (depending on the inclination of the bench), lesser work – back.

Technique: sit on the machine facing forward, support on the sit bones. Grasp the handles, inhale and, as you exhale, press the handles up. As you lower the handles down, inhale.

Features of the technique: if you are interested in what exercises make your shoulders wider, then the bench press in the simulator can be included in the TOP5! We have already said that the main width of the shoulder is made by the middle head of the deltoid, but how to make it work? Most often, the bench of bench press machines is tilted back, which includes the front deltas in the main work. But even an incline bench is not a hindrance to you! It is enough just to sit on it in reverse so that your back remains straight and the pressing movement occurs strictly perpendicular to the floor. Another secret is that in order to relieve tension from the forearm in this exercise, you must not grasp the handle, but push it with an open palm.

To develop shoulder muscle mass, be sure to include presses in your workouts, because muscle strength and volume clearly correlate with each other.

Dumbbell lateral raises are an isolated exercise for working the middle fascia of the shoulders. The main work falls on the middle delta, but the work also includes the anterior bundle, and with some technical and anatomical features, the posterior one. Therefore, some athletes consider side swings to be basic exercises.

Involved beams: the main work is the middle one, the smaller ones are the front and back.

Technique: stand up straight or sit on a bench, keeping your back straight. Inhale, and as you exhale, lift the dumbbells out to the sides just above parallel with the floor. Don't sway or sag your shoulders.

Features of the technique: it is better to start lifting dumbbells from the sides with a weight that is comfortable for you in order to master the technique. The palms should be parallel to the floor, and the elbows should be turned back, not raised up. This will allow you to include the middle delta as much as possible.

Flyes are a great exercise for widening your shoulders, but only if done technically correctly! Incorrect technique can include the front beam in the main work, which already works perfectly in other exercises and responds to the load, as well as the trapezius.

Bent-over dumbbell raises are an isolating exercise for the rear deltoid and can be performed either standing or sitting. The main task is to feel the work of the rear beam and understand that you have hit it, and this is not easy.

Bundles involved: the main work is the back.

Exercise technique: starting position - the body is tilted parallel to the floor or slightly higher, the arms are slightly bent. When lifting the projectile, your elbows should move upward. At the peak point, the shoulders should form a straight line parallel to the floor, and the forearm should be perpendicular to the floor. Alternatively, if you work with straight arms, your arms should form a straight line at the peak point.

Features of the technique: bent-over dumbbell raises are quite a complex exercise, because not every athlete is able to turn off additional muscles from work and focus only on the rear deltoids. The main mistake is bringing the shoulder blades together at the peak point and raising the arms precisely due to them. Bent-over swings with dumbbells should be accomplished through the movement of the elbow. Simply put, you should imagine that you are pulling the projectile straight up with your elbow.

Crossover rows are included in the exercises for the shoulder muscles, which are added after gaining some experience in training and mastering the technique. This exercise is an isolating exercise for the rear deltoid and can be performed either standing straight or bending over.

Involved beams: the main work is the middle one, the middle and anterior delta can also be connected, but only slightly.

There are two technology options.

Technique for performing traction with a rope rope: starting position – standing with a slight deviation of the body back. Grasp the rope with your shoulders perpendicular to your body and your forearms extended. As you exhale, pull the rope into your chin, spreading your shoulders until a straight line is formed. How to pump up your shoulders in this way is better seen in the picture below.

Cross traction technique (performed with a cable without handles): can be performed either standing straight or bending over. Grab the ends of the cables with your arms crossed in front of you. As you exhale, spread your arms to the sides until they form a straight line.

Features of the technique: when performing this exercise to increase the size of the shoulders in an incline, you can rely on the basics of the technique of swinging with dumbbells in an incline.

Raising the barbell to the chin or pulling

The barbell row to the chin is a basic exercise, as it is multi-joint and involves almost all deltoid bundles.

Involved beams: main work - middle, moderate - front, lesser - back.

Technique: stand up straight, take the barbell slightly narrower than your shoulders. As you exhale, stretch the projectile along your body, bending your elbows. At the peak point, your elbows should be higher than your shoulders and your hands should be approximately at chin level. Lower the apparatus down and repeat the exercise.

Features of the technique: it is better to do the barbell row to the chin with a medium grip rather than a narrow one. The narrower you place your hands, the more you will move your elbows forward, which will shift the load from the middle deltoid to the front. There is an option to perform the exercise with a wide grip.

Pulling the barbell to the chin also engages the trapezius, and if the technique is incorrect, the entire emphasis can shift to it. To prevent this from happening, try not to press your shoulders towards your ears, but to pull the projectile with your elbows.

This exercise for pumping up the shoulders is basic, as it involves all three heads of the deltoid, but, unlike a regular dumbbell or barbell press, the Arnold press is not recommended for a beginner due to its technical complexity.

Involved beams: the main work is the middle and front delta, the smaller one is the back. The rotator cuff muscles are also involved.

Arnold lift technique: sit on a bench with a flat back. Take dumbbells in your hands at chest level, palms facing your body. As you exhale, press the projectile up, smoothly spreading your elbows to the sides. The shoulder exercise involves rotating your forearms with the dumbbells just above your ears.

Features of the technique: the exercise is recommended to be performed only by professionals due to its complex technical features. To maximally engage the posterior and middle heads of the deltoid, during the press your arms should move from a position in front of the body smoothly while turning the forearms to a position on the sides of the body.

Your shoulder workout should definitely include dumbbell swings in front of you if you want to increase the load on the anterior deltoid. Yes, this exercise allows you to isolate the anterior deltoid as much as possible, but only if done correctly!

Involved beams: main – front, lesser work – middle.

Technique: The exercise can be performed standing or sitting. Take dumbbells and press them to your thighs with your arms extended. As you exhale, lift the dumbbells up until they are parallel to the floor. Don't swing.

Features of the technique: to remove the load from the middle beam and maximize the connection of the front one, it is recommended to turn the elbows down. This can be done by holding the dumbbells not parallel to the floor, but perpendicularly, or by completely turning your palms up. We do not recommend raising your arms above parallel with the floor, since in this case, the trapezoids will take on part of the work.

This exercise is similar to the previous one, but is a little more convenient in technique, due to the fact that it is easier for you to raise both arms symmetrically while holding the barbell. This will allow you to work with more weight.

Features of the technique: if you want to achieve greater tension in the front deltoid, it is recommended to take the barbell the other way around - with your palms facing up. The movement should be directed strictly upward, without swinging or lifting the projectile above parallel with the floor. If you break the technique, then most of the load falls on the middle delta or trapezius. If you can’t “escape from cheating” and you continue to sway by inertia, then sit on a bench from a standing position. This way you can concentrate on lifting the projectile using your shoulder muscles.

Why is it so important to think through the training process? Yes, because your return on training and results directly depend on it. Naturally, if a beginner takes a ready-made program from a professional and tries to achieve something by studying according to it, a good result is unlikely to come out...

First, decide what your goal is:

  1. Are you training your shoulder strength?
  2. Do you want to achieve relief and make your deltoid muscles even more attractive?
  3. Looking for shoulder exercises in the gym for mass?
  4. Do you want to diversify your workouts and break out of a plateau?
  5. Or maybe you just want to master the technique and understand the essence in general?

Perhaps, for a beginner, the most reasonable approach would be the last one, but more on that below...

The main feature of shoulder pumping for a beginner is the following:

  • You must master the correct technique;
  • Develop strength to be able to lift weights;
  • Turn on the neuromuscular connection as much as possible and learn to feel the target muscle.

What is needed for this?

First of all, take one or two basic exercises as a basis for pumping up your shoulders in order to engage all the deltoid bundles (the best exercises would be barbell presses).

Secondly, perform the exercises in the FULL amplitude to maximally involve the muscle in the work and create a reliable neuromuscular connection.

Thirdly, choose a weight that is comfortable for you, with which you can work for 10-12 repetitions using the CORRECT technique.

To “pump” the shoulders with blood and create a pumping effect, you can include several approaches of working in incomplete amplitude (that is, you work in constant muscle tension), BUT a beginner can only supplement classical training in full amplitude with static dynamics. Please note! When working in static dynamics, you should increase the number of repetitions to 25-35, performing exercises until the muscles burn moderately. This allows for maximum expenditure of the energy component of the cell and promotes better production of anabolic factors, and, accordingly, better growth in the future.

Strength exercises such as bench presses are best performed on a Smith machine or other bench press machines. The machines already have a predetermined range of motion, allowing you to shift your focus from technique to physical sensations.

Isolation exercises should be used to push the target group, and the concept of variability has not been canceled.

Example training for a beginner:

Day 1:

  • Seated dumbbell press: 4*8-12;
  • Broach with rod: 4*8-12;
  • Standing fly: 4*15;
  • Swing in front of you: 4*15.

Day 2:

  • Smith barbell press: 4*8-12;
  • Broach with dumbbells: 4*8-12;
  • Standing fly: 4*15;
  • Bent over swing: 4*15.

An approximate training split for a beginner looks like this:

  1. Chest/biceps;
  2. Back/triceps;
  3. Legs/shoulders.

Depending on your goals and recovery ability, you may want to add another shoulder workout per week. And remember, the best shoulder exercises for a beginner are basic ones, and only then the simplest isolating ones.

The training of professionals is radically different. Advanced athletes can usually train much more often, as they recover much faster thanks to “hormonal games” and sports nutrition (in general, sports nutrition should be taken by all people, not just bodybuilders). As we already said, pros can devote an entire workout to one muscle group (so, on some days they can only do shoulder exercises).

Another feature of professional training is the need for training stress and “introduction of innovations.” Unfortunately, if you train according to the theory of muscle breakdown that we discussed above (constantly working on increasing weights, and, accordingly, counting on muscle adaptation and return), then sooner or later you will reach your genetic limit (even in the “hormonal games” ").

In this case, only killer shoulder training, also called stress training, will save you. How to create this stress? There are several ways:

  1. Increase in projectile weight;
  2. Combination various types exercises (supersets, trisets, etc.);
  3. Pre-fatigue;
  4. Different number of repetitions / time under load;
  5. Different range of movements: trajectory and angles.

A good solution in this case is the introduction of static-dynamic training with moderate acidification. You give your muscles a different challenge and allow your body to produce more anabolic factors for growth.

The main features and rules by which shoulders are pumped in static dynamics are:

  • Work in partial amplitude / within amplitude;
  • High intensity training – 25-35 repetitions or 40 seconds under load;
  • Short rest between sets – 40-45 seconds;
  • Long rest between exercises – 6-8 or 8-10 minutes.

It is mandatory to have a moderate burning sensation while performing exercises according to this scheme!

Another way to diversify the training process is to do shoulder exercises in a machine, but not according to the classical scheme! For example, good option is the use various types loads – simultaneous work with crossover cables and dumbbells.

Well, as for classical rules, That:

To make your shoulders wider, you need to pay special attention to basic exercises and focus on the middle deltoid. The most good exercise in this case - classic presses, stretching, as well as the Arnold press.

Naturally, advanced athletes are simply obliged to focus on isolating exercises on the shoulders - these are the ones that allow them to efficiently work out lagging heads and “hone” their form. The most problematic area is the posterior bun, which forms the roundness of the shoulder at the back.

In truth, the “pro” arsenal includes almost every possible exercise for training the shoulders. But this does not mean that they use them all in one or two workouts. Programs for advanced athletes are constantly changing - one set of delt exercises may be planned one week, and a radically different one the next. But what remains unchanged is the very basis of delta training and the emphasis placed.

Constant training stress and introducing variety allows the “pro” to constantly improve their form without standing still. But let us remind you that a beginner does not need such stress. For a beginner, the main task is to master the technique and create a neuromuscular connection.

How to pump up your shoulders in the gym - video from our team

If your shoulder workout seems boring to you and you would like to add some variety to it, then we invite you to try training with the Fit Magazine team! We have prepared a fitness video especially for you about the best shoulder exercises in the gym together with Yuri Sakharov and Sergei Soklakov:

Follow the link to find another cool video of our training and a lot of useful information about how to pump up your shoulders.

We hope that our exercises for working out shoulders in the gym were very useful to you, and below you will see a description of our workout.

Description of our training and nuances

Our shoulder training program:

  1. Swings with dumbbells to the sides (we “pump” the deltas with blood as much as possible);
  2. Crossover pull-down (we include antagonist muscles to give maximum blood flow to the upper body, since they themselves are a very small muscle group);
  3. Heavy dumbbell swings (maximum weight);
  4. Smith machine incline press with a medium grip (uses all parts of the deltoid, but focuses on a shocking, forceful movement on a large number of repetitions and inclusion of the anterior deltoid);
  5. Swings with dumbbells in a tilted position on the rear delta;
  6. Pulling the barbell back while bending over the rear deltoid (allows you to maximally strain and stretch the rear deltoid for greater blood flow);
  7. Swings with dumbbells in a tilted position on the rear delta (maximum pump);
  8. Bench press with a straight grip (performing a bench press increases the intensity of the workout and blood flow to the anterior deltoid area);
  9. Swing with dumbbells in front of you to the front deltoid;
  10. Swing in a crossover in front of you.

We hope our workout gave you an understanding of how to pump up your shoulders in the gym with the correct technique.

Thoughtful shoulder training + sports nutrition = maximum results

What do you think is needed to achieve a decent result and high-quality form? Most of you will answer - “cool, thoughtful workouts.” And, damn it, you will be right!.. But only half) An equally important component of progress is full recovery. Let's not forget that according to the classics of the genre, our muscles receive microtrauma during training and grow precisely DURING RECOVERY!

So what does it take to recover and grow? “A competent nutrition plan,” you say, and again you will be only half right! The reality is that an athlete cannot get all the necessary elements for recovery from regular food, and various factors can prevent this:

  1. Poorly thought out diet (amount of kcal, dietary supplements, vitamins, minerals, etc.;
  2. Insufficient function of the gastrointestinal tract, which does not allow everything to be absorbed useful material fully;
  3. Poor quality of food (which is not uncommon in modern realities) etc.

Thus, you can supplement and improve your diet only with the help of sports supplements, and the following should be mandatory on your list:

  • Multivitamins (allow you to support the immune system and, in principle, the balanced functioning of the body systems);
  • Amino acids (are a quick restorative material for muscles);
  • Protein (allows you to supplement the lack of protein from food + is a truly high-quality source of protein);
  • Creatine (makes it possible to increase the energy reserves of muscle cells to give impetus to weight progression and greater returns from training);
  • Summary

    We told you about the most effective shoulder exercises and some of the nuances of creating a training process. Don’t forget that you need to approach the creation of your training program based on two factors:

  1. Your level of training (beginner, amateur, professional);
  2. Your goals (strength, mass, relief, shape correction, etc.).

Also, do not forget that you need to perform shoulder exercises as technically as possible, not only to avoid injury, but also to get the full benefit from the workout. It is incredibly important to create a neuromuscular connection and feel the target muscle.

We advise you to definitely read the article about exercises with dumbbells at home, because it will tell you in more detail about the energy supply to muscle activity and special “tricks” that will help you achieve even better results!

Point your finger at at least one representative of the strong half of the population who does not want to have an ideal muscular figure, which undoubtedly attracts the admiring glances of everyone around him. Among the many prominent muscles on a man’s body, the shoulders play a significant place.

According to a survey among girls, the shoulders are one of the most attractive parts of the body. Women associate strong, broad shoulders with reliable support for them in difficult times. Imagine that you have signed up for a gym and today you are training this muscle.

Before starting shoulder exercises, it is imperative to do a thorough warm-up, both for the whole body and for the shoulders separately. Since shoulder exercises are prone to injury, warming up requires a lot of attention! Let's look at the basic and most effective shoulder exercises, as well as the correct technique for performing them.

Remember, shoulders are red muscle fibers, and they are known to love high reps, 12 or more. You must focus carefully on the exercise and, despite the pain, perform it at the correct amplitude and correctly.

The interval between sets should not be long, about 45-90 seconds, so as not to allow your shoulders to relax.

Be prepared for a strong burning sensation in your shoulders, but it's worth sticking with. As a result, you will undoubtedly get an excellent result!

Let's start with the fact that shoulder exercises are divided into two large groups: presses and swings. Shoulders, like no other muscle, require meticulous, scrupulous and correct execution. The most correct technique in each repetition is the true key to success. Presses are basic exercises, particularly aimed at increasing muscle mass. Swings are isolated exercises and are aimed at isolated development.

Shoulder presses

1) Press sitting or standing

2) Press dumbbells or barbells from various positions

3) Press from behind the head or from the chest

4) Press in the simulator

It makes sense to start a good shoulder workout with a basic heavy bench press. After which you should “finish off” the muscle with isolated swings. At the beginning of the lesson, you are full of strength and energy, so you are able to complete the most difficult exercise. Swings are very dangerous exercises due to the specific structure of the shoulder joint. They are recommended to be performed with light weights.

The military press is designed for high-quality deep work of the lateral and anterior deltoid muscles. Performing the exercise is most effective in terms of strength from a standing position. The exercise technique is as follows: from a standing or sitting position, you need to completely bend at the waist and grab the barbell with your hands shoulder-width apart. Then lower your elbows down and keep them at the level of your collarbones. Your legs should be parallel to the floor and very stable. You should tilt your head slightly forward and not lift it up, looking clearly in front of you.

Number of sets, repetitions: 1 warm-up, 3x12

Press dumbbells or barbells from various positions

Performing this exercise also actively affects the anterior and lateral deltoid muscles. The work of the triceps is also affected. Labor-intensive presses with large weights from behind the head are quite traumatic for the joints. The dumbbell or barbell press is not recommended as a first exercise. The exercise should begin from the selected position so that the forearms are parallel to each other, perpendicular to the floor. The head should be in a stable, straight position, without tilting forward in any way. The body should be in a straightened position, with a straightened lower back. Then smoothly lower the bar with the weight onto your trapezius. It is also worth paying attention proper breathing. When lowering the bar, inhale, when raising it, exhale. Thus, the muscles are better enriched with oxygen.

Number of sets, repetitions: 1 warm-up, 4x12

Dumbbell presses

Exercises with dumbbells differ to a certain extent from exercises with a bar. When lowering and raising a dumbbell, stabilizer muscles are activated, controlling the stable, stable position of the muscles. The amplitude and dynamics of the press also partially increase. The total weight of the load lifted is usually 10-15% less than on the bar press. You will be able to lower the shells to a level lower than you would with a regular bar. However, it is more difficult to control two dumbbells; you must also adhere to the correct technique and correct breathing.

Number of sets, repetitions: 1 warm-up, 3x15

Standing Dumbbell Raises

The exercise is aimed at working the lateral head of the deltoid muscle. The dumbbell fly requires the absence of cheating, that is, unplanned swinging of the body to lighten the load. You should feel a burning sensation. It will be more effective to perform the exercise by slightly tilting the body forward. At the top point, you should fix your hands for a second, that is, do not swing the dumbbells. Also, at the top point, you should turn your wrists parallel to the floor, as if you were pouring water from a bottle. The pace of the swings should be moderate and smooth.

Number of sets, repetitions: 1 warm-up, 4x16

Alternating arm raises with dumbbells in front of a mirror

Raises have an excellent centralized effect on the anterior deltoids. The trapezoid at the highest point is also partially activated. However, this exercise should not be used often in your program, since the anterior deltas are actively involved in various chest presses (straight, inclined, with dumbbells).

Stand in front of the mirror, holding dumbbells in both hands, then lift them one by one to a level just above your shoulder, turning your hand toward you or, alternatively, away from you. Perform the movement smoothly without using other muscles. At the top point, fix your hand. The number of repetitions should be increased to 15-20.

Number of sets, repetitions: 1 warm-up, 3x18

Bent-over dumbbell raises

The purpose of this exercise is to thoroughly work out and isolate the posterior deltoid muscle. In an angled position, your muscles are much more susceptible to stress. The exercise technique should be moderately smooth with a short delay at the top point. Stand in front of a mirror at a 45-degree angle and extend the dumbbells straight out in front of you. The body must be in a stable position. When lifting weights thumb should be just below the little finger. Your main task is to control your weight and not let it move up and down freely. There is also the option of performing bent over raises from a position sitting on a chair.

According to statistics, most novice athletes in the race for muscle mass and heavy weights put so much weight on the base that they simply do not have enough time or energy to work on other muscles. As a result, after a few years, many begin to notice disproportion in their own body: lack of trapezius and neck muscles, underdeveloped calves and forearms, narrow shoulders and lack of abdominal muscles. To prevent this, you should pay attention to the listed muscles at least once a week. And the topic of this article will be exercises with dumbbells on the shoulders, which will fit into any complex and will not take too much time from a novice athlete.

A delight for any novice athlete

Yes, all basic exercises are based on working with a barbell, and their effectiveness is beyond doubt - military press, pull-up and overhead press. But all of the best shoulder exercises listed are compound exercises that require working with heavy weights and extreme caution during execution. These are essential activities for any professional athlete. But for a beginner in the first years of training, a few exercises with dumbbells will be enough, which, if you know the technique, will help you achieve excellent results. Good growth at the start when using light weights will be ensured by isolated exercises that will work separately on each head of the deltoid muscles, but first things first.

Lagging muscle

The most underdeveloped bundle of the deltoid muscles is the posterior delta. And if the remaining bundles participate in some exercises, then the posterior bundle is constantly at rest. Hence the narrow shoulders and the back like a wheel. It is enough to devote only one workout per week to this muscle, consisting of two or three exercises. The main thing is to put the rear delt exercise first in line in the program, and the result will be.

Many athletes, starting to work with the posterior beam and performing exercises with dumbbells on the shoulders, strive to load it with large weights, completely ignoring the technique. This is an extremely wrong approach. The slightest tilt, incorrect swing, incomplete reduction, that's all - the load is transferred to other muscles. Naturally, there will be no progress, never.

Ideal for rear deltas

The most effective shoulder exercises for the posterior bundles are performed with a minimum weight of 3-5 kilograms with a number of repetitions from 12 to 20 times. Professionals recommend that all beginners, without exception, work out the technique without any weight at all, because in this particular exercise it is very difficult to control the correct application of the load on the rear deltoid muscles.

Sitting on the edge of a horizontal bench, you need to stretch your legs forward, bringing your knees together. Lean forward so that the angle of inclination is 45 degrees. The back is straight (ideally it is recommended to arch the back), the neck is stretched forward. In the starting position, hands with dumbbells clenched in fists hang perpendicular to the floor.

Raising dumbbells to the sides is carried out with the elbow joints - the trapezius, triceps, biceps and forearm should not strain in this exercise. The elbows are spread parallel to each other. Spreading your elbows to the sides as much as possible, you need to linger for a second at the end point and smoothly return to the starting position.

Something easier?

Exercises for the shoulder muscles with dumbbells to develop the posterior fascicles can be performed in a simplified version. It may be less effective due to the fact that part of the load is taken over by the trapezoid, but it still guarantees results. The exercises are made easier due to the rigid fixation of the body. There are two types of fixation:

  1. Using an inclined bench, for which you need to select such a minimum angle that in the “lying on your stomach” position, the dumbbells do not touch the floor with outstretched arms. Ideally, you can install a horizontal bench on elevated barbell discs. Swinging your arms to the sides is performed with your elbows, which should be parallel to each other.
  2. Using a head support. Having installed an inclined bench at an angle of 90 degrees, you need to rest your head on it. In this case, the back should be flat and parallel to the floor. Many athletes generally rest their heads against a wall or mirror, having previously placed a towel as a soft lining. Swings are performed in the same way.

Available presses

Seated dumbbell press incline bench at an angle of 60 degrees has proven itself with the best side not only in the world of bodybuilding. This exercise is preferred by beginner triathletes and weight lifters. The back muscles are not involved in the work - the spine is relaxed, because the body lies on the bench at an angle, and accordingly the energy is focused on the shoulder girdle.

The technique of performing the exercise is very simple, the only recommendation from professionals is to place your feet in front of the knee line, so as not to bend the spine during efforts, resting your feet on the floor at the pelvic line. Exercises with dumbbells on the shoulders consist of evenly lifting dumbbells through the sides up above your head. At the end point, it is prohibited to straighten the arm at the elbow joint - ideally, bring the elbows to eye level and return the arms to their original position.

About the Arnold Press

Best exercises shoulder exercises with dumbbells, they also have a technique called “Arnold press” in their arsenal. A powerful exercise for the shoulder girdle is clearly not for beginners, if only because it has a very complex execution technique, where the angle of grip of the dumbbells is very important, at which you need to perform a turn. Yes, from the outside everything looks quite easy, but at first glance it is deceptive. Bodybuilding trainers not only do not recommend this exercise to beginners, but also prohibit it from being performed due to low performance among beginners.

When performing it, the spine is subjected to a very heavy load, which can be damaged due to careless swinging with dumbbells in your hands. For the same reason, the article does not contain information on the military dumbbell press from a sitting position. More complex and better exercises for the shoulders will be available to beginners after developing the back muscles and increasing the working weights in dumbbell swings.

Popular exercises

Side swings are probably the most popular dumbbell shoulder exercises in the world. Photos in popular magazines and media mass media confirm this fact. Why are they so popular among beginners and professionals, because in terms of complexity, their technique is not much different from bent over swings. The thing is that the exercise makes your shoulders grow wider. And broad shoulders are the dream of all athletes! Hence the love for very complex dumbbell swings to the sides.

However, as practice shows, even many trainers in sports sections they don’t know how to perform these same swings correctly. After studying the reviews of many athletes in the media, you can find the source of all troubles - Arnold's swing. In the photo, a young Arnold Schwarzenegger poses sitting in front of the camera, spreading dumbbells to the sides and holding them on straight arms. Are training programs and execution techniques really written from photographs, and not from primary sources, which lack information on such techniques?

Correct swings of dumbbells to the sides

It is recommended to perform the exercise in a sitting position to completely eliminate the assistance of the body to the deltoid muscles (cheating). The technique is very similar to dumbbell swings for developing the rear deltoids, except that you do not need to tilt your body forward. In a sitting position, your back is straight, your legs are extended forward and your knees are brought together. Lifting the dumbbells is again done with your elbows through the sides. When performing this exercise, it is very easy to see a violation of technique.

  1. Hands with dumbbells should be at an angle of 30-45 degrees below elbow level.
  2. The back should always remain straight - pain in the trapezius indicates stooping.

You need to work very carefully on this exercise. Having learned the technique, you can immediately apply it to the development of the rear deltas. If the exercise is performed correctly, there will be a decent result.

Swing dumbbells in front of you

But complex exercises with dumbbells for arms and shoulders in the form of swings in front of you do not have strict requirements for execution technique. The front deltas will work in almost any position of the arms in front of you. All angles of the hands and elbows allow you to transfer the load between the triceps, biceps, forearm and ligaments. But if we talk only about the anterior deltoids, then it’s worth listening to professionals who give practical advice.

Exercises with dumbbells for the shoulders, aimed only at developing the front delts, require a special technique. First, you need to sit on a bench and stretch your legs forward, bringing your knees together. Hands with dumbbells are relaxed and hanging along the body. Alternately raising your arms forward in front of you, you need to control that your hands do not rotate (palms should always be directed towards the floor). The arms are slightly bent towards each other, and the hands are located just below the elbow joint.

Actual question

Many novice athletes are interested in the question of whether it is possible to perform the listed shoulder exercises at home with dumbbells. In fact, training can take place anywhere - in the gym, at the stadium, in the park, at home or away. It is enough to know the technique and train under the supervision of a trainer, who will promptly correct the correctness of the exercise. If there is no trainer, you can ask a friend who, by placing their fingers on the working muscle, will confirm or deny its activity. As a last resort, you can practice near a large mirror or videotape your workouts. There are a lot of ways, if you would like to learn how to do everything correctly and effectively.


A set of exercises with dumbbells for the shoulders is not as poor as it might seem at first, in the first days of training. This primarily means that you don’t need to grab heavy barbells and try to become a weightlifter in a few days. Chasing weight in violation of execution technique will not lead to good. Every novice athlete should try all the exercises available in their arsenal and only then decide for themselves what will be included in the training complex, and what will wait a few months, because the body needs to get a little stronger. Professional athletes recommend that all beginners, without exception, first learn how to perform the exercise correctly, and only then begin to perform it. All the celebrities grew up with this, has something really changed in a person today?

The shoulder girdle is the calling card of any athlete. Powerful shoulders form the classic inverted triangle shape and indicate high levels of strength and muscle mass.

Shoulder training has many features that are often not obvious even to experienced athletes. Let's analyze the basic training methods and consider the best shoulder exercises with dumbbells, barbells and exercise machines.


The basis of the shoulder girdle is the deltoid muscles. Where the deltoid muscle of the shoulder is located can be seen in the photo below. It includes three separate muscle bundles - anterior, middle and posterior. Each of the bundles is responsible for a specific direction of movement in the shoulder joint:

  • the anterior bundle contracts when the arm is raised forward in front of the body and when it is turned inward;
  • the middle beam does the bulk of the work when raising the arms through the sides;
  • the posterior bundle is responsible for abducting the arm down and extending it backward.

The layout of the delta muscles is shown in the photo. Thanks to the complex structure of the delta, the arms in the shoulder joints are able to make intricate multi-plane movements. Other large joints in the human body do not have this degree of freedom.

The right approach to training

To achieve maximum efficiency when pumping up your shoulders, you need to follow a few basic training rules. How to pump your shoulders correctly, watch the explanatory video at the end of the article.

Thorough warm-up

To prevent injuries and warm up the muscles and joint capsule, it is necessary to perform swinging movements with your arms without weights and up to 20 repetitions of basic exercises with light weights. As a result, light perspiration and a feeling of increased blood flow in the shoulder area should appear.

Ideal exercise technique

Accuracy and coordination of movements when pumping deltas is a prerequisite. Poor technique increases the risk of injury and robs the shoulders of some of the payload.

From general to specific

First, basic exercises are performed, then isolated movements to target the beams. In this way, the loading of all muscle fibers is achieved, providing a stimulus for increasing strength indicators and increasing mass.

Muscle failure

It is necessary to choose a weight that will allow you to complete the approach with maximum effort without compromising the technique of performing the exercise.

Basic exercises

The starting point for starting shoulder training is basic compound exercises. These are multi-joint movements that additionally target the muscles of the back, chest, legs and arms. They are especially important for developing the strength of the deltoids. Let's look at the best basic shoulder exercises that you can do in the gym and at home.

This is the main barbell shoulder exercise. The middle and central deltoids are loaded, and the trapezius and triceps work indirectly. Sitting on a bench, hold the barbell with a medium grip behind your head at the base of your neck. Squeeze the bar upward, pointing your elbows straight to the sides. At the lowest point, the bar drops to the level of the base of the skull; the range of movement should not cause discomfort in the shoulder joints.

Variation of the previous exercise. In addition to the deltoids, the upper chest and triceps are also included in the work. In the starting position, the bar lies on the collarbones, elbows are brought forward. As you exhale, press the bar up. With a wide grip and spread elbows, the middle bundle is loaded more; with a narrow grip, the front bundle is connected.

The seated dumbbell press is the best basic shoulder exercise to do at home. The technique is similar to barbell presses. The target load falls on the middle and anterior deltoids; the trapezius, upper chest and triceps also work. There are options for both simultaneous two-handed and alternating presses. The ability to rotate dumbbells in the hands during movement additionally allows you to dynamically redistribute the load between the bundles.

A technically difficult exercise that requires good coordination. The main bias is towards the front and middle beams. In addition to them, the trapezius, biceps, forearms, lower back and buttocks are involved. In a standing position, hold the barbell in your lowered hands with a narrow grip. Pull the barbell up to neck level, pointing your elbows toward the ceiling.

It is important to avoid rocking your body - this can lead to injuries to the lumbar spine!

Isolated exercises

After a heavy base load, spot work on each of the delta beams is necessary. Isolated mono-articular or in simulators are intended for this purpose. Let's look at the most effective isolated exercises with dumbbells and on a crossover for pumping individual deltoids. Using a set of exercises with dumbbells, you can conduct a quality shoulder workout at home.

A variety of exercises for the shoulder muscles are effective swing-type exercises. Standing flyes are a popular isolated exercise for the middle deltas.

In a standing position at a slight inclination, we hold the dumbbells with our arms slightly bent at the elbows at the bottom, just in front of the hips. We swing our arms upward from the sides. At the top point, the arms are located slightly above parallel to the floor, the hands are turned with the thumbs down. To avoid injury, it is important to control the weight when lowering. There is an option to perform the exercise while sitting. Mastering the correct fly technique is the key to how to properly pump up your shoulder muscles with dumbbells.

A simple exercise for the front deltoid with dumbbells allows you to concentrate as much as possible on the front beam. While standing, hold the dumbbells below with your arms outstretched in front of your hips. We make a swing movement with one hand forward. At the top point of the movement, the hand reaches parallel with the floor. After lowering the dumbbell to its original position, perform a similar movement with the other hand.

How to pump up the rear deltas of the shoulder at home without complex equipment? One of the few exercises that allows you to effectively load the rear deltoids is bent-over dumbbell flyes. The trapezius and upper back are indirectly loaded. Standing at an angle of 70 to 90 degrees with a straight spine, hold the dumbbells below with slightly bent arms. We make swinging movements to the sides, pointing the elbows straight up and turning the hands with the thumbs down.

Unlike other swing movements, the maximum load in this exercise falls on the initial phase of the movement, which allows you to feel in detail the work of the middle delta beam. In a reclining position on your side on an inclined bench, hold the dumbbell in your outstretched arm below, touching your torso. Raise the dumbbell up, almost reaching the vertical. After completing the specified number of repetitions, flip over with one arm and continue working on the other side.

Despite the fact that the basis of rear delt training is exercises with dumbbells, using a butterfly machine also allows you to effectively load hard-to-reach areas of the muscle. Sitting on the bench of the exercise machine, we rest our chest against its back. Holding the handles with your elbows bent, we spread our arms back, trying to close our shoulder blades at the end point.

Working in a crossover

We figured out the question of how to properly pump your shoulders with dumbbells at home. But in addition to dumbbells, all isolated swing exercises can be performed in block crossovers. The use of exercise machines will allow you to further diversify the load and exclude non-target muscle groups from work.

To pump up massive shoulders, the following rules apply:

  • use of heavy weights;
  • a small number of repetitions in a series (from 6 to 10);
  • The duration of rest between series is about 2 minutes.

Let's consider a typical delta mass for pumping. These are the most effective exercises, which are the key to how to properly pump up your shoulders for mass.

  1. Bench press sitting behind the head.
  2. In 3 series we perform from 6 to 10 repetitions, with an interval of 2 minutes between series.
  3. In 3 series we perform 8 repetitions, with an interval of 90 seconds between series.

Work on the relief

To achieve relief and separation of deltas, the following postulates must be observed:

  • use of average weights (from 50 to 70% of the maximum);
  • number of repetitions in a series from 10 to 12;
  • the use of super series, when two exercises are performed at once during a series without rest between them;
  • The duration of rest between series is no more than 90 seconds.

A typical delta workout for relief looks like this:

  1. In 4 series we perform from 10 to 12 repetitions, with an interval of 90 seconds between series.
  2. Dumbbell lateral raises while standing and bent over raises (super series). In 4 super series, we perform 10 repetitions of each exercise, with an interval of 60 seconds between super series.
  3. In 4 series we perform 12 repetitions, with an interval of 50 seconds between series.
  4. In 4 series, we perform 10 repetitions without rest (one side of the body rests while pumping the other).

Rear delts

How to pump up the rear delts when they are lagging behind? It is necessary to perform maximum movements that force the posterior bundle to work. A specialized program includes the best rear delt exercises in gym and looks like this:

  1. In 4 series we perform from 6 to 10 repetitions, with an interval of 2 minutes between series.
  2. In 4 series we perform from 7 to 10 repetitions, with an interval of 90 seconds between series.
  3. Raising your arms to the sides while standing in a crossover.
  4. In 3 series we perform from 8 to 10 repetitions, with an interval of 90 seconds between series.

Middle deltas

A set of exercises with an emphasis on the middle deltoids includes the following:

  1. In 4 series we perform from 8 to 10 repetitions, with an interval of 2 minutes between series.
  2. In 3 series we perform from 8 to 10 repetitions, with an interval of 2 minutes between series.
  3. In 4 series we perform from 8 to 10 repetitions, with an interval of 90 seconds between series.
  4. In 4 series we perform 8 repetitions, with an interval of 60 seconds between series.

Front delts

The anterior delta bundle rarely requires specialized loading. It is involved in all pressing movements and is in most cases well developed. If you need to work it out in depth, it is enough to regularly include in your training barbell rows to the chin and swinging dumbbells in front of you in 4 series of 8-10 repetitions.

5 effective exercises for girls

But what can be said about the features of shoulder training for girls? To acquire a proud posture and a beautiful turn of the shoulders, girls need to follow the following training rules:

  • using medium weights that do not lead to muscle failure;
  • number of repetitions in a series – from 10 to 15;
  • performing 3 series in each exercise.

Let's look at the best exercises for pumping up shoulders for girls and note their key features.

Sitting on a bench with emphasis on the vertical back, hold the dumbbells at shoulder level, with your hands facing forward. We press the dumbbells up, avoiding bringing them together at the top point. At the top point, the elbows do not fully extend - this is to prevent injuries in the elbow joints.

Seated dumbbell press with wrist rotation

Sitting on a bench, hold the dumbbells in the area of ​​the collarbones, with your hands facing your torso. We press the dumbbell upward with one hand, turning the hand outward. When lowering, rotate the brush back. Next, we continue the movement with the other hand.

Dumbbell row to the chin

While standing, hold dumbbells in straightened arms. Pull the dumbbells up, pointing your elbows toward the ceiling. At the top point, the dumbbells should not rise above the level of the base of the neck. We return the dumbbells under control to their original position, preventing them from falling down. It is possible to perform the exercise alternately with each hand.

This exercise simultaneously combines the load on the middle and anterior deltas. While standing, hold the dumbbells with your arms lowered and slightly bent at the elbows. We swing the dumbbells upward from the sides. After returning to the starting position, we swing our arms in front of us. Then the cycle repeats. At the highest points, your arms should rise to parallel with the floor.

The best, acting in isolation on the rear deltoids.

Lying face down on an inclined bench, hold the dumbbells with your arms lowered and slightly bent at the elbows. We swing the dumbbells upward from the sides, trying to achieve the convergence of the shoulder blades at the top point. We control the negative phase of the movement, avoiding acceleration and collision of dumbbells.

Don't forget that even the most effective training method for pumping up the deltoid muscles stops working when the body gets used to the load. Experiment and change exercises, try to develop individual training programs. Listen to your body, analyze, compare, draw conclusions about what works well for you and what doesn’t. Good luck in building powerful shoulders!


In this video you will find effective exercises with dumbbells for the shoulders.

A beautiful wide back with voluminous shoulder muscles is an integral part of an athletically built figure. Effective pumping of the shoulder muscles with the provision of mass is ensured by basic exercises, and the growth of muscle mass is ensured by isolated exercises. That’s why it’s so important to use both together.

The shoulder joint connects the torso to the arms, allowing movement. The shoulder muscle frame strengthens and protects the joint. The shoulder is represented by the deltoid (thick triangular) muscle. Anatomically, it is involved in the extension (flexion) of the shoulder and ensuring the movement of the arm. It is divided into three bundles, each of which has its own function.

Table 1 - Functions of the muscle bundles of the shoulder

Each part of the deltoid muscles can be pumped separately or in combination. One-time shoulder training programs will not give the desired result. For optimal shoulder development, the load area should be distributed to all muscle sections.

The shoulder joints are fragile. For their development, a set of exercises has been developed, consisting of basic and isolated ones.

Basic shoulder exercises

They are rightfully considered more effective among measures for gaining muscle mass. Activate the functions of different muscles, increasing the desired shoulder width. When performing a basic training complex, you should not abuse excessive weight. When reducing weight, the load is compensated by increasing repetitions (no more than 15). All basic exercises maximally load the middle deltoids.


This exercise should be included in every workout. Mainly the anterior muscle bundles work.

Starting position (IP): feet wider than shoulders, head straight, grip of the implement wider than shoulders, focusing on chest level.



  • avoid deviations forward and backward;
  • place the torso and upper limbs in the same plane;
  • do not allow pauses at the lowest point;
  • shoulders in different sides do not move, try not to spread your shoulder blades.

This training exercise is considered one of the best for building muscle mass. The anterior and lateral muscle bundles are set in motion, which additionally creates a load on the triceps.

IP: sitting, the barbell is located on the shoulders slightly wider than them. The chest is slightly forward, the shoulder blades are together, the limbs are firmly placed on the floor, the lower back is arched, the forearms are perpendicular to the ground in the lower position.


Advice: The press is performed smoothly, slowly.

EZ-bar row to the chin area

The load during this traction is carried out on the area of ​​​​the middle deltas. The exercise helps relieve excessive stress from the wrists, thanks to their natural position, which ensures the curvature of the barbell.

IP: standing straight, the barbell in front on extended lowered arms, slightly bent at the elbows, feet shoulder-width apart.



  • forearms do not rise above the shoulders, only to a parallel position with the floor (or slightly higher);
  • when moving upward, breathing should be held;
  • Do not raise your hands above your elbows;
  • place your elbows further from the body;
  • Do not shift the center of gravity to the toe to avoid loss of balance.

Each of the exercises requires cleanliness and correct technique.

Shoulder isolation exercises

The shoulder muscles require high-quality isolated work. This type of exercise works all areas of the shoulders. Each of them is aimed at a specific area. An important condition is adherence to technique and repeated repetition.

Standing raises with dumbbells

The anterior and middle muscle bundles work.

IP: stand up straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart with your toes pointing to the sides, take the shells with your palms facing inward into your straight arms.



  • elbows turn towards the ceiling, thumbs below the little fingers;
  • do not sway, maintaining balance;
  • effectiveness is lost with excessive weight;
  • arms need to be raised only to the horizontal, without moving to the vertical;
  • monitor correct breathing, holding air serves as support for the spine;
  • the back is straight;
  • When lifting, you can bend your elbows.

Dumbbell lateral raises on an incline bench

IP: lying down, face down on the bench, arms with the apparatus in front slightly bent, fingers resting on the floor.


Advice: try to bring your shoulder blades together

This exercise is convenient for training at home.

IP: sitting on a bench (back angle 80-90°), place dumbbells at eye level with elbows turned to the sides. The position of the forearms is vertical, the lower back is arched, the feet are firmly placed on the floor.



  • make hand movements in a single plane, do not straighten them sharply;
  • bring projectiles overhead;
  • do not bend, do not lean back.

The anterior and middle deltoid bundles are worked on. The press is difficult, but effective. It differs from a regular bench press in the presence of torque.

IP: sitting on a bench with a back angle of 90°, pressed tightly, with dumbbells in your hands at neck level. The palms are turned towards you, the legs are placed wide apart at a right angle.



  • use lighter weight equipment than in other exercises;
  • ensure a slow pace, proper breathing;
  • Do not straighten your elbows completely at the extreme point.

Raising dumbbells in front of you

The main load is distributed to the front bundles.

IP: standing, arms are lowered with shells forward in front of the hips, palms facing you, arms slightly bent.



  • do not lift the equipment with a jerk;
  • try not to rock the body,
  • keep your elbows as motionless as possible.

Isolation exercises, which involve only one muscle group, are important for additional muscle development.

Features of organizing training

Before any workout, you need to warm up, “warm up” your muscles and joints. This is a kind of prevention of widespread shoulder injuries. A set of swings and circular movements of the arms is optimal. After which you should start training directly.

First, 1-2 exercises of the basic direction are performed, after which isolating exercises for certain muscle bundles are performed. Presses are considered particularly effective. To achieve results, regular exercise combined with proper nutrition is important.

Training can be carried out both in the gym and at home if you have dumbbells and barbells. Beginners should first master one or two basic presses to evenly work the shoulder. If he is sufficiently trained, gradually add isolation exercises.

An indicator of masculinity - broad shoulders - can be found not only in versions of artists and sculptors, but also in Everyday life. Proper combinations of base and insulating components will help achieve ideal proportions.

Be sure to read about it

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