The worst rapists. The most terrible serial killers in the history of mankind. Vampire from Sacramento

But last time we were talking about the most famous criminals. Besides them, in the history of Russia there were many other bloodthirsty killers that you may not have even heard of. They will be discussed below.

Vasily Komarov

Vasily Ivanovich Komarov was born in 1877 and is the first Soviet serial killer. The maniac operated in Moscow from 1921 to 1923. He committed all his crimes according to one scenario: he met people who wanted to buy this or that product, after which he brought them to his home and gave them vodka. When the victim was drunk, he killed him with a hammer, and sometimes strangled him. The bodies were packed in a bag and hidden. Already in 1921, he committed no less than seventeen murders, and over the next two years twelve more. Although Komarov later claimed that he was responsible for killing 33 people. Most of the first serial killer's victims were discovered only after he was caught. In the winter of 1922, his wife Sophia found out about the murders, but did not denounce her husband, but rather began to take part in the murders. The court sentenced Komarov and his wife to capital punishment - execution. The sentence was carried out in 1923.

Valery Asratyan (“Director”)

Valery Georgievich Asratyan was born in 1958. He committed his first murder in 1982 by raping a minor girl. But almost immediately he was caught and sentenced to two years. After his release, he commits rape again and again falls into the hands of law enforcement agencies. After serving his second term behind bars, his wife leaves him, but he almost immediately finds another woman (who had a minor daughter). With the help of threats, the pedophile induces his stepdaughter to have intimacy and forces her and her mother to participate in his crimes. In 1988, he comes up with a new scheme to lure victims. To do this, he introduces himself as a famous film director and invites girls to his home to audition for the role. In his apartment, he added drugs to drinks, after which he beat and raped his victims for several days. When he got tired of the new “toy”, he let it go. Later, fearing that he would be caught, he began to kill. In order to confuse the police, the “director” killed women in different ways, which is why law enforcement agencies for a long time believed that the murders were the work of different people. In the process of investigating a series of murders and rapes, the police were able to trace the maniac and arrest him in 1990. Fearing reprisals in the colony at the hands of other prisoners, the “director” asked the court for capital punishment. His request was granted and in 1992 the maniac was shot by court.

Alexander Bychkov was born in 1988. His father and mother abused alcohol, and because of this, his father hanged himself at the age of forty. From a young age, Alexander’s mother forced him to do hard work, forcing him to earn money for her alcohol. Perhaps that is why in the future he will hate drunkards and homeless people so much that he will begin to kill them. The serial killer killed his first victim on September 17, 2009. It was Evgeny Zhidkov, who came to the Belinsky district to get documents to apply for a pension. Bychkov met him in a drink shop, after which he invited him to his apartment, and when Zhidkov fell asleep, he killed him. He killed the rest of his victims according to a similar scenario. Subsequently, he came up with the nickname “Rambo” and carefully recorded each murder in a journal, which he called “the bloody hunt of a predator born in the year of the dragon.” In order to ward off suspicion, he committed all the murders from May to September. It was then that workers from other republics came to his city to work. On January 21, 2012, Bychkov stole material assets and money from the store totaling 10,000 rubles. The theft was quickly discovered and Alexander was arrested. During the investigation, he confessed to the earlier murders. During interrogation, the killer admitted that he had cut out internal organs and ate them. No evidence of this was found. On March 22, 2013, the Penza Regional Court sentenced the serial killer to life imprisonment, to be served in a special regime colony.

Anatoly Slivko was born on December 28, 1938. In 1961, he witnessed a terrible accident in which a motorcyclist crashed into a column of pioneers, fatally injuring one child. Subsequently, Slivko claimed that at that moment he experienced strong sexual arousal and the sight of a suffering child haunted him all his life. After he organized the children's tourist club "Chergid" (through rivers, mountains and valleys) he began to use his position to recreate that terrible accident. Having good knowledge of child psychology, he used threats and bribery to involve them in the filming of films with simulated violence. Dressing the children in pioneer uniforms, he hung them on a tree or stretched them with ropes, watching with pleasure their suffering. After which he resuscitated the children. The surviving victims either did not remember what happened or were simply afraid to tell adults about it. Still, there were children who spoke about terrible experiments, but no one believed them. He filmed all his abuses and murders of children and wrote them down in his diary. In total, the murders of seven children under the age of sixteen were subsequently proven in court. Despite the disappearance of children from the tourist club and stories from students about strange filming, Slivko committed his terrible atrocities for ten years. He was arrested only on December 28, 1985. Within a year after this, he confessed to all the murders and in June 1986 was sentenced to death. The sentence was carried out in 1989 in Novocherkassk prison. A few hours before his death, the serial killer managed to consult investigator Issa Kostoev on the Chikatilo case.

Sergei Golovkin was born on November 26, 1958. At school I was a quiet and inconspicuous child who practically did not communicate with anyone or make friends. No one imagined then that a few years later he would become a serial killer known as “Fisher.” As a child, Sergei suffered from enuresis and was constantly afraid that others would smell his urine. When masturbating, he imagined himself torturing and killing his classmates. At the age of 13, he first showed his sadistic tendencies by killing and cutting off the head of a cat. He committed his first murder in April 1986, when in a forest area near the Katur station he met 15-year-old Andrei Pavlov, whom he led into the forest with threats, where he raped and killed. Three months later, he rapes and kills another child near the Zvezdny pioneer camp. After the murder, the maniac cut off the victim’s genitals and head, ripped open abdominal cavity and pulled out the internal organs. Four days after this brutal murder, the dismembered corpse of a sixteen-year-old teenager was discovered in the Odintsovo district. Later, Fischer does not admit to this murder, and the investigation will never prove his guilt. During the investigation, an acquaintance of one of Golovkin’s victims will tell that he met a man who introduced himself to him as Fischer, but it later turns out that this was just a child’s fantasy. However, the nickname “Fisher” will firmly stick to the maniac. Rumors about a maniac near Moscow began to quickly spread throughout the region, forcing Golovkin to stop killing for a while. In 1988, he buys a VAZ 2103 car and with its help in 1989 he commits his third crime. In 1990, Fischer dug a cellar in his garage, planning to use it as a workshop, but the idea of ​​using the cellar to commit his terrible crimes came into his sick head. And already in August 1991, while driving past a bus stop in his car, Fischer met a child, whom he fraudulently brought to his garage, where he committed violent acts against the child. After which he hangs the child and skins him, and dismembers the corpse. The maniac fried the child’s soft organs on a blowtorch and ate them. He took the body parts (except for the head, which he kept as a souvenir) to the nearest forest and buried them. In 1992, a serial killer lures and kills three boys at once. Moreover, he told the children who and in what order he would kill. He rapes the last victim for twelve hours, after which he kills and calmly goes to work. On October 5, 1992, random mushroom pickers discover the corpses of these children in the forest. Having established the identity of the dead, investigators went to the school where they studied. One of his classmates, during interrogation, spoke about Sergei Golovkin, who gave him a lift along with the murdered schoolchildren on September 14, 1992 from the Zhavoronki station, offering to participate in the theft of a store along the way. The next day, the witness was unable to go with his friends to Moscow for the robbery. They organized surveillance of Fischer and detained him on October 19, 1992. During the investigation, the pedophile maniac confessed to the murder of 11 children. On October 19, 1994, the court sentenced him to capital punishment - execution. The sentence was carried out on August 2, 1996. According to some reports, Sergei Golovkin was the last person executed in Russia.

Sergey Kashfulgayanovich Martynov was born on June 2, 1962. In 1991, in the city of Abakan, he raped and killed a girl, for which he was sentenced to fifteen years in prison. In 2004 he was released early. After which he began to travel around the country in search of his new victims. In the city of Kemerovo in 2005, he attempted to rape a girl by stabbing her with a knife. Two years later, in June 2007, in the city of Glazov, a killer kills a woman and cuts out her organs. A month later, the maniac rapes a child in the village of Vyazovka. A year later, in Vladimir, he kills a man and commits a theft in the Konstantin-Elinsky Church. In the same year, in August, Martynov commits the murder of a woman in Novgorod region. And this time he cuts out organs from his victim. Three months later, another victim. This time he kills his partner in the village of Znamenko. In 2010, the maniac again continues his murders. Now his victim has become a seventy-year-old woman in Bashkortostan. That same year, in the Voronezh region, Martynov stabbed a woman to death. Is not full list victims of the Bashkir murderer. In total, the investigation assumed that the serial killer had at least 10 victims, but only eight episodes were proven. The maniac was detained on the night of November 18-19, 2010 in the Voronezh region in a cafe where he worked and spent the night. Already in November 2012, he was sentenced to life imprisonment.

Nikita Lytkin was born on March 24, 1993, his accomplice Artem Anufriev on October 4, 1992. Artem and Nikita were participants in the skinhead movement. From December 2010 to April 2011, they killed approximately eight people. If you believe Anufriev, then the idea to kill came to Lytkin. In search of a victim, they walked along the same route from the State University stop to Akademgorodok, every day from six to ten in the evening. At the same time, they could pass by dozens of people in search of exactly the victim who, in their opinion, was suitable for them. They used knives, baseball bats, hammers and mallets as murder weapons. They attacked their victims from behind, hitting them on the head, which is why the surviving victims of the academic maniacs could not tell the investigators the signs of the criminals. They were able to catch the milkmen from Irkutsk after sketches of the criminals were distributed at the Institute of Organic Chemistry, where Lytkina’s grandmother worked. Nikita Lytkin’s grandmother and her son Vladislav noticed that the identikit looked like their relative. Vladislav went home to Lytkin to talk to him. But I didn’t find him at home, but I found a video camera in which the killers accidentally forgot a flash drive with footage of the murder of one of their victims. Having seen the recording, Vladislav took it to the police. Within an hour and a half, the academic maniacs were detained. On April 2, 2013, the Irkutsk Regional Court sentenced Lytkin to 24 years in prison, and Anufriev to life imprisonment.

Vladimir Anatolyevich Mukhankin was born on April 22, 1960. Already at the age of thirteen, Mukhankin began committing robbery and theft, stunning his victims metal pipe. For which he was convicted several times. In 1995, a serial killer begins killing people and commits eight murders in two months, while performing various manipulations with dead bodies. In addition to murders, he also committed fourteen more crimes, mostly thefts and attacks on people. The criminal was caught by accident when he attacked a woman and her daughter. The woman was killed, but the daughter survived and was able to identify the killer. The court found him guilty of twenty-two crimes, including eight murders, and sentenced him to capital punishment - execution. Subsequently, the penalty was changed to life imprisonment. He is currently being held in the Black Dolphin colony.

Irina Gaidamachuk (Satan in a skirt)

Irina Viktorovna Gaidamachuk was born on September 26, 1972. WITH early years Irina began to abuse alcohol, for which she was deprived of parental rights in relation to her eldest daughter. At the end of 1990, she moved to Krasnoufimsk, where she met a man with whom she later gave birth to a daughter. Irina did not work anywhere, she new husband I didn’t give her money, afraid that she would drink it away. Perhaps because of this she decided to kill. Under the guise of a social worker, Gaydamachuk visited elderly people, whom she killed with a blow to the head with a hammer, after which she took valuables and disappeared. Over the course of eight years, Satan in a Skirt (as she was called) killed seventeen pensioners and committed eighteen robberies. The serial killer wearing a skirt was only apprehended in 2010. The court sentenced her to twenty years in prison.

Vasily Sergeevich Kulik was born on January 17, 1956. Already from childhood he showed sadistic tendencies, torturing and killing cats. At school, Kulik played sports and even became the Irkutsk boxing champion. While studying at the medical faculty of Irkutsk medical institute in 1980 he was beaten and robbed by teenagers. According to him, this event (and most likely a serious head injury) gave rise to his passion for children. In the same year, Kulik tries to seduce a fourth grade student. In 1981, Kulik got married, and a year later his children were born. In 1984, Kulik committed his first murder; the body of his nine-year-old victim was discovered a few days later in the basement of one of the houses in Irkutsk. Working as an emergency doctor, he easily and unhinderedly entered the apartments of his victims. Over the two years of its bloody activity, the Irkutsk monster killed thirteen people (including seven pensioners and six children). During another attack on January 17, 1986, he was captured by random passers-by and taken to the police, where he confessed to his crimes. True, at the trial he retracted his words, saying that Chibis’s gang forced him to confess everything. But this lie did not help him avoid punishment for his crimes, and on August 11, 1988, the court sentenced him to capital punishment - execution. On June 26, 1989, the sentence was carried out in a pre-trial detention center in the city of Irkutsk.

John Wayne Gacy Jr. (03/17/1942 – 05/10/1994)

In a short period of 6 years, John Wayne Gacy raped and murdered at least 33 boys - his involvement in more crimes was not proven. After his arrest, police found 27 bodies in the basement of Gacy's Illinois home. The remaining bodies were found later in the river. The maniac received the nickname “Pogo the Clown” and “Killer Clown” due to the fact that he often worked part-time at children’s parties as a merry fellow in a red wig. John Wayne Gacy Jr. was executed on May 10, 1994 by lethal injection.

Theodore Robert Bundy (11/24/1946 – 01/24/1989)

He was executed by electric chair in 1989, but memories of his inhumane criminal activities that began in 1974 still chill the blood. When Bundy was caught, his “record” included at least 29 corpses - he confessed to a little over thirty murders, but the investigation suspected him of almost a hundred crimes. He didn't just kill his victims, he liked to strangle and beat the people he doomed to death. He often raped those who were in his hands, and his sexual preferences were not taboo - Bundy did not hesitate to have sexual intercourse with both living and dead victims of his brutal mania.

Sergei Tkach (1952 – still alive)

The most difficult case for the police: Tkach worked as an investigator in the local law enforcement department and raped and killed 29 girls and teenagers over 20 years. He was caught in 2005 and sentenced to just two years in prison. The number of his victims may not be accurate, since he himself claims that he killed between 80 and 100 people. For his manic disorder, Tkach blames his ex-wives, who instilled in him hatred of the entire female sex.

Donald Harvey (04/15/1952 – still alive)

Before you receive prison term, which Harvey is now serving in the North Idaho colony, the criminal worked in a hospital and called himself the “Angel of Death.” He is credited with 36 to 57 murders, but he himself claims that in twenty years of serving medicine he “helped” 87 patients pass into the world of the dead. Harvey used arsenic, cyanide and even insulin as murder weapons, from which his victims died a long and painful death. He did not limit himself in actions and often resorted to violence. The maniac strangled the patients and in some cases even pierced their internal organs with the pointed end of a coat hanger.

Moses Sithole (11/17/1964 – still alive)

Sithole, dubbed the "South African Strangler", is now serving another year of his 2,410-year sentence. imprisonment for torturing and killing 38 victims in his secluded lair. His list of crimes also includes more than 40 rapes. The punishment seems unrealistic - the criminal is unlikely to live to old age and will be able to serve even a small part of the assigned sentence for the simple reason that in 2000 he was diagnosed with AIDS, which means that he does not have long to live. Sithole “became famous” for his truly murderous speed - he committed his brutal crimes in just a year - from 1994, after his next release from prison, to 1995, when he was eventually caught.

Bell Sorenson Gunness (11/11/1859 – 28/04/1908)

Having killed more than 40 people over several decades, Bell (née Brynhild) became the personification of female cruelty and madness. She did not work a single day, and paid all expenses from insurance payments after the death of her loved ones, whom she herself killed. A not at all fragile lady weighing 91 kilograms and 173 cm tall with nerves of steel, she began her trade with her husband and children, and then switched to men who were looking for her suitors. At that time, despite her far from graceful forms, she was considered a rather attractive lady, given the number of suitors who suffered from her cold hand. The death of the black widow is still shrouded in mystery: one day the criminal disappeared, and some time later the police discovered her headless, charred corpse. The belonging of these remains to the criminal remains unproven today, because at the time of the examination of the DNA material it was not enough to fully prove or refute the police’s conclusions.

Ahmad Suraji (1951 – 07/10/2008)

Indonesian herder Suraji confessed to police that he killed 42 women of different ages over 11 years. He not only hunted down and predatorily killed them - he committed his crimes according to a certain savage ritual: he buried the victim up to his throat and strangled him with a piece of cable. Ahmad had three wives, who were also put on trial for helping to carry out his wild rituals. He claimed that his father once appeared to him in a dream and told him that Sraji could become a healer if he killed 70 women and drank their saliva. The son did not doubt the words of his parent and managed to more than half do what he was told. The criminal was shot in 2008.

Alexander Pichushkin (04/09/1974 – still alive)

The press dubbed him the “Chess Killer” because Pichushkin intended to kill exactly 64 people - the number of squares on the chessboard. He claims to have nearly achieved his goal of killing 61 people, but a court in 2007 convicted him of 48 murders, most of them homeless men, and sentenced him to life imprisonment, the first 15 years of which the offender must spend in solitary confinement. Pichushkin, who began to be called the “Bitsevsky maniac,” lured homeless people into the thicket of the Bitsevsky forest park, promising to treat them to vodka, and broke their skulls with a bat.

Gary Leon Ridgway (02/18/1949 – still alive)

The "River Man" claims to have killed more than 90 women in Washington state over 16 years. As a result, he was convicted of 48 murders, to each of which he confessed. His methods were truly brutal: having satisfied his lust and tormented his victim, he strangled her with ropes, fishing line and pieces of cable. Necrophilia was never a forbidden area for him: having killed another woman, he could easily have sexual intercourse with her corpse, if it was not possible to do this while the victim was alive. After Ridgway fully admitted his guilt in 2003, his lethal injection was commuted to serving a life sentence.

Anatoly Onoprienko (07/25/1959 – still alive)

Anatoly Onoprienko, "Terminator", admitted to killing 52 people during six years of his brutal manhunt. According to the maniac’s plan, the places of his crimes on the map of Ukraine were to become dots forming a cross. Onoprienko claimed that he was commanded by voices in his head. During the arrest, the maniac had a gun with him, which had already appeared in several previously committed crimes, and some belongings of the murdered people. The maniac was sentenced to death in 199, but then the sentence was changed to life imprisonment, which he is now serving.

Andrei Romanovich Chikatilo (October 16, 1936 – February 14, 1994)

Another Ukrainian by birth, Chikatilo, earned his nicknames “Rostov Ripper”, “Red Ripper” and “Rostov Butcher” by killing 52 people in 12 years - the maniac operated from 1978 to 1990. Its victims were mainly the fairer sex and children. He raped or attempted to rape women - he could achieve sexual release only by watching the terrible physical torture of the dying. He usually stabbed his victims while performing sexual intercourse with them. In 1994, Chikatilo was executed by a shot in the back of the head.

Pedro Alonso Lopez (8.10.1948 – still alive)

Lopez's terrible story is not over yet, because the maniac is still among us. From the very moment of his birth, his life can be considered a real tragedy - Pedro Alonso was both a victim of molestation and molested others, he was beaten, raped, and in response to those who mocked him, he began to kill while still a teenager. People nicknamed him the “Monster of the Andes” because he was responsible for more deaths than any known case. The court found him guilty of killing 110 girls, but by his own admission, he sent several hundred people to the next world. Lopez served 14 years, then spent another three years in the Columbia Hospital for the Mentally Ill, and then... for some unknown reason, he was released. The real location of the maniac is unknown.

Yang Xinhai (July 1968 – 02/14/2004)

Over the course of four years, a Chinese maniac killer took the lives of 67 people. Having started his criminal career as a petty thief, he soon began to rape and then kill. The maniac entered the house and often massacred entire families, wielding an ax and saw with bloody cruelty. Yang raped pregnant women and killed children, and because of his bestial passion, the Chinese began to call Xinhai the “Murderer Monster.” Xinhai suffered his death from a bullet to the temple in the prison execution yard in 2004.

Pedro Rodriguez Filho (1954 – still alive)

Nicknamed "Pedrinho Matador" ("Little Pedro the Killer"), Filho killed more than a hundred people, most of whom were prisoners serving time in the same prison as him. In 2003, he confessed to killing 70 people, including his own father. The court sentenced him to 128 years in prison, but according to Brazilian law, he can only remain behind barbed wire for 30 years of his sentence.

Elizabeth Bathory (08/7/1560 – 08/21/1614)

Known in history as the "Bloody Duchess", Elizabeth Bathory, along with her four assistants, was found guilty of murdering 600 women, most of them virgins. The desire to kill took possession of the duchess after the death of her husband from a wound in battle. Bathory was found guilty of murdering 80 women, but never formally appeared in court, since it was decided not to damage the good reputation of her famous family - as punishment she was imprisoned in one of the parts of her own castle under house arrest. Bathory died four years after receiving a more than lenient sentence. Despite the fact that they tried to hush up the matter, legends about the bloody torturer, which ranked her among the continuers of the fierce “traditions” of Vlad Dracula, spread throughout Europe. According to the legends, the savage loved to bathe in a bath filled with the blood of virgins, considering it an excellent means of rejuvenation. Elizabeth Bathory tops the list of the most insatiable female killers in all of human history.

Javed Iqbal (1956 – 8.10.2001)

Iqbal committed suicide in 2001 while in a Pakistani prison, after an autopsy revealed signs of severe beatings. The court found him guilty of raping and murdering 100 children, but Iqbal's case was reviewed after his death because a quarter of the alleged victims were eventually found alive. Even before his arrest, the maniac admitted to killing hundreds of boys - according to the criminal himself, he first strangled his victims, and then dismembered the corpses, dumping the remains in tanks of acid. They were found along with photographs and belongings of the deceased at the crime scene indicated by the maniac. Given the manner in which Iqbal disposed of evidence, the actual number of victims cannot be determined.

Tagh Behram (circa 1765 – 1840)

He is credited with killing 1,000 people in 50 years, from 1790 to 1840. Tag Behram was the leader of an Indian gang called Tagi Cult. Members of this bloody society strangled gullible travelers with a ritual piece of cloth, believing that only after the completion of this godless ritual would it be possible to take the belongings of the dead.

Louis Alfredo Garavito Cubillos (01/25/1957 – still alive)

Louis "The Beast" Cubillos is currently serving a 22-year prison sentence in Colombia. In 1999, he confessed to the rape and murder of 140 boys, but at least three hundred victims are attributed to him. The criminal indicated the location of the corpses and evidence of his crimes, and therefore he was given eight years less than the maximum sentence under Colombian law of 30 years. Recent changes in the country's criminal law make it possible to extend his prison term, and there are all the prerequisites for this, since the police suspect him of much more crimes than has been previously proven.

Gilles De Rais (1404 – 1440)

Gilles de Rais is known to history both as an associate of Joan of Arc and as a serial killer. He is credited with the killing of two hundred children brought as sacrifices to appease the devil. He was excommunicated and sentenced to hang in 1440.

Harold Frederick "Fred" Shipman (01/14/1946 – 01/13/2004)

Harold Shipman “distinguished himself” with the longest list of proven murders, which means he can rightfully be considered the most bloody serial maniac in the world. The court found him guilty of 250 crimes, but the real number of his victims may be much more extensive. The once-respected family physician, who later became known as "Dr. Death," administered lethal injections to his mostly female patients. He was sentenced to life imprisonment, but decided to take his own life before natural death and hanged himself in his cell in 2004, six years after his arrest.

I’ve been wanting to do something useful for my favorite site for a long time. I thought a lot about what should I write so interesting? About something that will be interesting to the inhabitants of the Horror Zone and not only to them) And you know, everything somehow came by itself, the idea of ​​​​creating the top most terrible and cruel killers came to me only now, since this is my first blog (I have never blogged I’ve never driven in my life) please don’t judge me harshly.

So, let's go!...

10th place John Wayne Gacy

Known in the US as the "Killer Clown". As a child, he suffered from his father's alcoholism and aggressiveness. At the age of 9 he became a victim of a pedophile. Before his first arrest in 1968 (for raping a teenager), he was known as an exemplary family man and workaholic. Instead of 10 years, he spent 18 months in prison (exemplary behavior). Having been released and married for the second time, he began to participate in all kinds of holidays and festivals dressed as a clown. From 1972 to 1978, he strangled 33 people to death. As a rule, in the evenings he drove his car to entertainment venues, looking for a sexy guy. Then he met him, brought him to his home, tortured and raped him for a long time. The torture was accompanied by reading passages from the Bible to the dying man. The victims were buried in the basement of the house and in the river nearby. Executed on May 10, 1994.

9th place Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer

One of the most brutal and savage serial killers in US history. For 13 years (1978-1991), this maniac who protected doctoral dissertation in chemistry, killed 17 young men and teenagers. He found his victims in bars and invited them to pose in the nude. When they agreed and came to his home, Dahmer drugged them, had sex with them, and then strangled them. He continued to have sex with dead bodies, dismembered them, and ate some parts of their bodies. He loved to drill a hole in the head of a still living person with an electric drill. He was arrested completely by accident. On November 28, 1994, he was beaten to death by his cellmate.

8th place Theodore Robert Bundy

American serial killer known as the Nylon Killer. He always looked brand new and was friendly to everyone. But under the guise of a charismatic gentleman was hidden the face of a cruel beast. From 1974 to 1978, he kidnapped and killed 30 young women. Experts argued that he was responsible for many more victims. Luring the unfortunate, he often pretended to be disabled and asked them for a little help. He often entered houses at night and killed sleeping women. Then he had sex with them and dismembered their bodies. He took “souvenirs” with him - the heads of the dead. Executed by electric chair in January 1989.

7th place Gary Ridgway

The Green River Killer strangled at least 71 women in the 1980s and 1990s. He was arrested after the investigation was able to prove, using DNA analysis, his sexual relationship with the found corpses. Most of his victims were prostitutes. The favorite method of murder is strangulation. Arrested in 1997. In 2003, he was sentenced to 48 life sentences. He is currently serving the first of them in one of the American prisons.

6th place Ed Gein

This maniac committed only two murders of women. However, their cruelty, as well as the sadistic tendencies of the fanatic, shocked all of America. The corpses were dismembered, gutted like animal carcasses, and then used as a kind of “decor” in the house. When the police broke into Gein’s home, they discovered a terrible collection - the maniac had been secretly digging up the graves of recently deceased young women for several years and bringing the bodies home. There he skinned them and sewed clothes from it, and hung the severed heads on the walls. Since the court declared the killer insane, Gein spent the rest of his days in a mental hospital, where he died on July 26, 1984.

5th place Henry Lee Lucas

This American serial killer has 11 proven victims. However, the criminal himself boasted that he actually committed 350 (!) murders. This subhuman began his bloody “activity” with the murder of his own mother. In 1998, he was sentenced to death in Texas, but George W. Bush, then the state's governor, canceled the execution. After a retrial he was sentenced to life imprisonment. Died in prison on March 13, 2001.

4th place Eileen Carol Warnes

The only female killer in this top ten. Many experts call her the first female maniac in the United States. This prostitute was acting promiscuous sex life with both men and women. She did not shun incest with her own brother. In 1989-1990, seven men were killed in Florida. As she later explained to investigators, they all wanted to injure her during sex. She was arrested in 1991. On October 9, 2002, a lethal injection stopped her heart.

3rd place Richard Trenton Chase

Nicknamed "The Vampire from Sacramento" - he drank the blood of his victims, washed himself with it and ate parts of the bodies of the dead. Necrophiliac. In just one month in 1977, seven people were killed in northern California. He suffered from paranoid schizophrenia and incredible and painful visions. After the murder, he had sex with the corpses, among which were the corpses of two children. The murder weapon of choice was a .22 caliber semi-automatic pistol. He was identified by a former classmate. In 1979 he was sentenced to death in the gas chamber. However, the execution did not take place - Chase committed suicide on December 26, 1980.

2nd place went to Andrei Chikatilo

Perhaps the most famous of the serial killers Soviet Union. In 1978-1990 he committed 53 proven murders in the territory Rostov region. The maniac himself claimed to have committed 56 murders; operational data indicate 65 murders. Its victims were mainly young people of both sexes and very young children. Moreover, he killed not because of sexual intemperance (according to some sources, he was impotent), but because he was a very emotional sadist. For a long time he cleverly evaded the investigation. In the “Rostov Ripper” case, one person was mistakenly shot. Captured as a result of a complex operation by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the KGB of the USSR in November 1990. According to a court verdict, he was shot on February 14, 1994.

1st place went to Denis Ryder

He received the nickname “BTK killer” in the USA. This abbreviation refers to the way he killed his victims (“tie-torture-kill”). From 1974 to 1981 he killed ten people. After each murder, he sent letters to the police and newspapers, mocking the helplessness of the detectives. As a rule, he did not kill the victims immediately: he strangled the bound people until they lost consciousness, then brought them to their senses and repeated his terrible “experiments” over and over again. The suffering of people gave him, as he himself admitted during the investigation, pleasure comparable to an orgasm. A Kansas court sentenced him to 10 life sentences in 2005.

P.S information taken from the site

number of victims: 13–14
Richard Ramirez, also known as the "Night Stalker", is a convicted American serial killer sentenced to death in the gas chamber. At one time, he opened a real campaign of terror against the population of California. At night he broke into houses, robbed, raped and killed. He often left images of a pentagram at crime scenes and also forced his victims to say “I love Satan.” Died of liver failure at the age of 53 on June 7, 2013 in a hospital in California, USA.

victims: 17
American serial killer, known by the nicknames "Milwaukee Monster", "Milwaukee Cannibal". It killed at least 17 boys and men between 1978 and 1991. All but one of the crimes took place in the city of Milwaukee. His murders were extremely brutal. The “Milwaukee Monster” raped and ate the corpses of its victims. After his arrest on July 22, 1991, the court found Dahmer sane and sentenced him to 957 years in prison. In 1994, a serial killer was beaten to death by his cellmate.

victims: 33
In eighth place in the ranking of the most famous serial killers in the world is John Wayne Gacy, also known as the “Clown Killer,” an American serial killer who raped and killed 33 young people, including several teenagers. He was arrested in 1978 and sentenced to death. While on death row, Gacy wrote a book in which he claimed that God had restored his heterosexual orientation, and also painted paintings and sold them to collectors. He was executed on May 10, 1994 by lethal injection.

victims: 36
Gennady Mikhasevich, known by the nicknames "Vitebsk Strangler" and "Patriot of Vitebsk", is a Soviet serial killer who killed 36 women in the city of Vitebsk, Belarus, between 1971–1985. Almost all of his crimes involved rape. He did not attack his victims, but, on the contrary, voluntarily lured them into a car (a red Zaporozhets), where he tempted them, or forcibly drove them to a deserted place and strangled them at the moment of experiencing orgasm. He did not carry the murder weapon with him; he preferred to use improvised objects for strangulation. The “Vitebsk Strangler” was arrested on December 9, 1985 and sentenced to death. The sentence was carried out on September 25, 1987.

the number of victims ranges from 5 to 37
Serial killer active in Northern California and San Francisco in the late 1960s. The identity of the perpetrator has not yet been established. He called himself the Zodiac in a series of caustic letters he sent to the editors of regional newspapers. The letters also contained cryptograms in which the killer allegedly encrypted information about himself. Three out of four cryptograms are still undeciphered.

casualties: 53–65
Andrei Chikatilo is also known by the nicknames “Mad Beast”, “Rostov Ripper”, “Red Ripper”, “Forest Belt Killer”, “Citizen X”, “Satan”, “Soviet Jack the Ripper” - one of the most famous Soviet serial killers, who from 1978 to 1990 committed 53 proven murders (according to operational information, the maniac committed more than 65 murders). He was arrested on November 20, 1990 and sentenced to death on October 15, 1992.
While on death row, Chikatilo wrote numerous complaints and requests for pardon, took care of his own health - did exercises, ate with appetite. January 4, 1994 last request a pardon in the name of Russian President Boris Yeltsin was rejected, and on February 14 Chikatilo was shot in Novocherkassk prison. It is interesting that the murderer Alexander Kravchenko was mistakenly executed for the crimes committed by Andrei Chikatilo.

number of victims: 19–82
Alexander Spesivtsev is a Russian serial killer, maniac and cannibal who, from February to September 1996 in Novokuznetsk, together with his mother (she brought girls to her son and then buried their remains), killed and ate 19 women and children. Suspected of committing more than 82 murders. Spesivtsev was sentenced to compulsory treatment and, as of 2015, continues to undergo rehabilitation at the Volgograd Special Psychiatric Hospital with intensive observation.

casualties: 30–100
In third place on the list of the most brutal serial killers in the world is Theodore Robert Bundy, known as the “Nylon Killer,” one of the worst serial killers in US history, operating in seven states in the 70s of the last century (mostly between 1974– 1978). He was found guilty of the murders of 30 young women and executed by electric chair on January 24, 1989. However, the exact number of his victims is unknown. Estimates range from 30 to over 100.

victims: 49–90
Gary Leon Ridgway, known as the Green River Killer, is one of America's most notorious serial killers, having committed at least 49 murders of women in Washington state between 1982 and 2001. Most of his victims were prostitutes or minor runaways. Ridgway began to be suspected in 1983, but his guilt was proven only in 1997 thanks to DNA testing. On December 18, 2003, the Green River Killer was sentenced to 48 terms of life in prison without the possibility of parole. At the trial, Ridgway cried and asked for forgiveness from the relatives of his victims. Currently serving a sentence in a maximum security federal prison in Florence, Colorado, USA.

casualties: 11–600
Henry Lee Lucas is the most famous and “prolific” American serial killer and cannibal. He has 11 proven murders to his name, although during the investigation he confessed to more than 300, of which only 213 can be regarded as more or less plausible. He was sentenced to death, but in 1998 the Texas Bureau of Pardons and parole at the request of Governor George W. Bush, Lucas' death sentence was commuted to life imprisonment. On March 13, 2001, he died of heart failure at the age of 64. A psychological horror film based on real events called Henry: Portrait of a Maniac Killer (1986) was made about Henry Lee Lucas.

Murderers, maniacs, cannibals - all these are criminals guilty of terrible crimes. Among them there are also representatives of the fairer sex, who were no less cruel than men.

There are many maniac killers in the world. They are responsible for the deaths of several thousand people. According to psychologists, maniacs are people with serious mental disorders caused by mental trauma received in childhood or congenital diseases.

John Wayne Gacy Jr.

John Wayne Gacy Jr. (1942-1999). This maniac was on the rampage for only 6 years, but during this time he managed to rape and kill at least 33 young men. Gacy's involvement in the remaining murders remained unproven. After the gunman was arrested, police found 27 dead bodies in the basement of his Illinois home. The rest of his victims were found in the river a little later. Some of them were in obscene positions, with dildos or penises in their mouths. The maniac loved to earn extra money at children's parties, dressing up as a clown in a red wig. For this, Gacy was nicknamed “Pogo the Clown” and “Killer Clown.” The series of murders was based on a sexual motive. In 1980, the criminal was sentenced to death, but the sentence was carried out only 14 years later by lethal injection.

Theodore Robert Bundy

Theodore Robert Bundy (1946-1989). The criminal was executed in 1989 using the electric chair. But memories of his brutal activities, which began back in 1974, still terrify. When the maniac was caught, he confessed to more than thirty murders. But the investigation suggested that the number of victims could be more than a hundred. At the same time, the maniac not only cold-bloodedly and quickly killed his victims - he liked to first strangle people doomed to death. Bundy also raped the people he captured, and he did not know any prohibitions in his sexual activity. His sexual contacts were made not only with living people, but also with those already dead.

Sergey Tkach

Sergei Tkach (born 1952). This case turned out to be quite difficult for investigators. After all, Tkach once served in the internal affairs bodies. From 1980 to 2005, he raped and then killed 29 girls and young women. Several rape victims are lucky to be alive. The maniac himself claims that he took the lives of 80 to 100 people. Several people were convicted and served prison terms for crimes committed by him. In 2008, Tkach was sentenced to life imprisonment. The maniac blames his ex-wives for his aggression towards women, who turned him into a monster. The killer's extraordinary cunning helped him remain unpunished for a long time. For example, he carefully hid his tracks, and left the crime scene along the sleepers so that the dogs could not pick up his trail.

Donald Harvey

Donald Harvey (b. 1952). Harvey is currently serving his life sentence in the North Idaho Colony. And before going to prison, he worked in a hospital. The maniac nicknamed himself “Angel of Death.” After all, over twenty years of work in medicine, he helped 87 of his patients die. So he claims, and the investigation attributes 36 to 57 murders to Harvey. The orderly killed people using cyanide, insulin and arsenic. As a result, the victims died long and painfully. At the same time, the killer did not limit himself in the ways of committing violence. He strangled some of his victims, and sometimes even pierced their insides with the sharp end of a hanger, infected them with hepatitis and turned off life-sustaining machines.

Moses Sithole

Moses Sithole (born 1964). This maniac received the nickname “South African Strangler” for his bloody activities. He was sentenced to a total of 2,410 years in prison. In his secluded hideout, Sithole was able to torture and kill 38 people. The criminal also committed 40 rapes. It is clear that the killer will not be able to serve the entire term in prison. And he won’t live to see old age. After all, he was diagnosed with AIDS in 2000, which will significantly shorten his life span. The short interval between his crimes brought the maniac notoriety. He accomplished all of them in just a year. In 1994, Sithole was released from prison and was imprisoned there again in 1995. This time it's forever.

Bell Sorenson Gunness

Bell Sorenson Gunness (1859-1908). It's not just men who become maniacs. This woman operated for several decades, during which time about 40 people became her victims. Born Brynhild, she became a real symbol of female madness and cruelty. She herself did not spend a single day at work, and received money for her living from insurance companies. They compensated her for the death of her loved ones, not suspecting who skillfully killed them. Bell herself was a very impressive lady, weighing 91 kilograms and 173 centimeters tall. She calmly started her business with her husband and children, then potential suitors began to fall into her clutches. In those days, such body shapes were considered quite attractive by men, as evidenced by the number of victims of the cold-blooded killer. Bell herself received the nickname "Black Widow". But her death is shrouded in mystery. One day she simply disappeared, and the police discovered her headless corpse some time later. It is still unclear whether it was the criminal herself or whether she faked her death. After all, at the time of the examination, the DNA material was not enough to confirm the death of the bloody killer.

Ahmad Suraji

Ahmad Suraji (1951-2008). This Iranian herder has confessed to killing 42 women. They were all of different ages, and the bloody chain lasted for 11 years. The maniac first tracked down his victims and then energetically killed them. At the same time, he used his own cruel ritual. Suraji buried the women up to their necks in the ground and then strangled them with a piece of cable. The killer was assisted in his actions by three wives, who were also convicted. Ahmad himself said that a prophetic dream prompted him to commit such atrocities. In it, his father appeared to him, who predicted the glory of a healer if a man kills 70 women and tastes their saliva. The son was unable to doubt these words and more than half accomplished his plan. In 2008, the authorities shot the criminal.

Alexander Pichushkin

Alexander Pichushkin (born 1974). After the trial, the media dubbed the maniac “The Chessboard Killer.” The fact is that the maniac intended to kill exactly 64 people, according to the number of squares on the chessboard. After each victim, one of its cells was closed. According to the killer, he almost accomplished his plan, taking the lives of 61 people. At the trial, Pichushkin’s involvement in 48 murders was proven, which was enough to sentence the maniac to life imprisonment. He committed his first murder at the age of 18; the victim was Alexander’s classmate. The maniac’s psyche finally took shape after the trial of Chikatilo, Pichushkin realized that he wanted to be like him and even surpass him in the number of victims. The killer launched his activities on the territory of the Bitsevsky forest park. He lured homeless people and alcoholics into the area, promising them free drinks, and then smashed their heads in with a bat. Soon the maniac began to hunt his acquaintances, since it was especially pleasant for him to kill them.

Gary Leon Ridgway

Gary Leon Ridgway (b. 1949). This maniac, nicknamed “River Man,” claims that he was able to kill more than 90 women in Washington state over 16 years. As a result, the court was able to prove 48 murders, and the criminal confessed to committing them. The methods he used were truly cruel. First of all, he satisfied his sexual passion and tortured the victims, then he strangled them with ropes, cable or fishing line. He even used necrophilia. If the maniac did not have time to take possession of the victim during the life of the victim, then he would have sexual contact with the corpse. In 2003, Ridgway fully confessed to his crimes, and his death penalty was commuted to life imprisonment.

Anatoly Onoprienko

Anatoly Onoprienko (born 1959). The maniac nicknamed “Terminator” admitted that during the six years of his hunt for people he killed 52 people. Onoprienko calculated that the points of his acts on the map of Ukraine should form a cross. According to the maniac, all his actions are controlled by certain voices heard in his head. When Onoprienko was arrested, they found on him a gun that was involved in his early murders, and personal belongings of the killed people. He himself attacked people on highways and in remote houses. The court sentenced the maniac to death in 1999, but it was soon commuted to life imprisonment.

Andrey Chikatilo

Andrei Chikatilo (1936-1994). This maniac is also of Ukrainian origin. For his actions, he received the nicknames "Red Ripper", "Rostov Butcher" and "Rostov Ripper". The killer operated from 1978 to 1990, during which time he killed 52 people. Most often the victims were women and children. Chikatilo tried to rape them, but this was not always successful. But he received sexual pleasure from watching the suffering of dying people. The maniac brought death to his victims by trying to have sexual intercourse with them. In 1994, the killer got what he deserved - a death penalty ended his life with a shot in the back of the head.

Pedro Alonso Lopez

Pedro Alonso Lopez (born 1948). This Colombian killer still continues to scare people because he has remained uncaught. His whole life is a complete drama. Lopez himself was a victim of molestation, had sex with his sister, and visited a pedophile's den. When the boy grew up, he himself began to beat, rape and molest, as if in revenge on life. As a teenager, Lopez became a killer, his first victim being his owner. The killer also flayed him, as well as his other three clients. As a result, the number of victims of the maniac exceeded all known cases. He was nicknamed the "Monster of the Andes." During interrogation, Lopez indicated the burial places of 110 of his victims, claiming that he had killed more than 300 people in total. But in Ecuador, where the trial took place, there is no death penalty. As a result, Lopez served 16 years in prison, being released in 1999. His current whereabouts are unknown. Lopez even got into the Guinness Book of Records as the most bloody maniac in the world.

Yang Xinhai

Yang Xinhai (1968-2004). This Chinese maniac was able to kill 67 people over the 4 years of his activity. Xinhai's criminal life began as a petty thief, but he soon moved from theft to violence and murder. The maniac often entered residential buildings and massacred entire families. His weapons included a saw and an axe. Yang killed children and raped pregnant women, and because of his inhumanity, the Chinese gave him the nickname “Monster Killer.” He traveled around the country by bicycle. When Xinhai was arrested, he said that killing gave him pleasure. According to a court verdict, the maniac was shot in 2004.

Pedro Rodriguez Filho

Pedro Rodriguez Filho (born 1954). This maniac is called "Little Pedro the Killer." After all, he killed more than a hundred people in his life. Most of them were in prison with Filho, being prisoners like himself. In 2003, the killer went to jail after confessing to killing 70 people. Among them was the father of the maniac. The court sentenced Filho to a total of 128 years in prison, but Brazilian laws will not allow a maniac to be behind bars for more than 30 years.

Elizabeth Bathory

Elizabeth Bathory (1560-1614). This woman went down in history as the “Bloody Duchess.” The Duchess operated with her four assistants. The court found her guilty of murdering 600 women. Wherein most of of them were virgins. Bloodlust appeared in Bathory after her husband died from battle wounds. The Duchess was personally found guilty of murdering 80 women, but was never officially brought to trial. The noble family decided not to bring the matter to public hearings, simply imprisoning Elizabeth in the dungeon of her own castle. Four years after the hearings, the Duchess died. But it was not possible to hush up the matter; the fame of the bloody tormentor spread throughout Europe. She began to be counted among the successors of the work of Count Dracula. Many legends about Bathory immediately appeared. So, they said that she loved to bathe in a bath filled with the blood of virgins. The Duchess believed that this would help her rejuvenate. As a result, Bathory went down in human history as the most brutal female killer.

Javed Iqbal

Javed Iqbal (1956-2001). This maniac chose to commit suicide. In 2001, his body was autopsied in a Pakistani prison, and his body showed signs of numerous brutal beatings. At one time, the court found Iqbal guilty of raping and murdering more than a hundred children. But the matter is far from over. After all, after the death of the maniac, it turned out that many of the victims attributed to him were alive. Iqbal himself confessed to killing hundreds of children. The criminal said that he first strangled them and then cut the corpses into pieces, destroying evidence in acid. At the crime scene indicated to the investigation by the maniac, the remains of bodies, their photographs and belongings were found. Given the method used by the killer, it is impossible to accurately determine the number of his victims.

Tag Behram

Tag Behram (1765-1840). It is believed that this maniac killed a thousand people. He operated in India from 1790 to 1840. Behram was the leader of the brutal Tagi Kult gang. This bloody community attacked weary travelers and strangled them with a special, ritual piece of cloth. The bandits believed that only after performing such a deadly ritual would it be possible to rob the dead.

Louis Alfredo Garavito Cubillos

Louis Alfredo Garavito Cubillos (born 1957). The maniac received a very eloquent nickname - “The Beast”. He is now serving time in Colombia, the court sentenced him to 22 years in prison. In 1999, the criminal admitted that he had committed 140 rapes and then murders of boys. And according to rumors, the actual number of victims was twice as high. But Cubillos cooperated with the investigation and indicated the location of the remains of his victims, and also provided evidence of his crimes. That is why the maximum term under local laws of 30 years was reduced by 8. But the country recently adopted changes in criminal law, which makes it possible to increase the duration of a maniac’s imprisonment. I must say that there are all the prerequisites for this. After all, the police believe that Cubillos committed many more murders than was previously proven.

Gilles de Rais

Gilles de Rais (1404-1440). This nobleman, marshal and alchemist also went down in history as an ally of Joan of Arc. It is believed that it was he who served as the prototype for the fairy-tale character " Blue Beard" The judges accused Gilles of killing two hundred children, whom he allegedly sacrificed to the devil. De Rais was excommunicated, hanged, and his body burned. It should be noted that historians have doubts that it was de Rais who committed the alleged murders. After all, he refused the charges until the very end, confessing only under the threat of torture.

Harold Frederick "Fred" Shipman

Harold Frederick "Fred" Shipman (1946-2004). This criminal had the longest list of proven murders. He is rightfully considered the bloodiest serial killer in history. The court proved 218 murders he committed, but the exact number could be much higher. Shipman was once an ordinary family doctor, respected in the area. But later he turned into "Doctor Death". The killer gave his patients lethal injections of heroin, most of the victims were women. Although Shipman was sentenced to life imprisonment, he decided not to wait for his natural death. The killer spent only 6 years in the cell, after which he hanged himself. After the high-profile case, significant amendments were made to the legislation of England in the field of medicine and health protection.


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