Tire septic tank service life. Do-it-yourself cesspool from car tires: sewerage in a private house, in a country house and in a bathhouse. Rules for building a structure

It is rare that an advertisement for the sale of a dacha or a village house does not include the clause “autonomous sewerage” in the description of the amenities accompanying the property being sold. It certainly sounds promising...

But upon personal inspection, it turns out that this expression meant a septic tank made of tires, which was very modest in its capabilities, but simply a slightly improved cesspool, to which the drainage from the house was piped.

How to make a septic tank from tires?

The septic tank is usually located near the fence on the street side to facilitate access for a sewage disposal truck. A trench is dug from the house to the place where the septic tank is installed. In the area of ​​the foundation of the house, the sewer pipe must exit at a depth of at least 70 cm from the ground level. Otherwise, in winter you risk sitting for a couple of months with a frozen drain.

A drainage hole is dug “six to seven tires deep.” A layer of coarse crushed stone or broken bricks is poured onto the bottom, which will protect the pit from spreading and serve as a rough “filter”. A pyramid of tires is laid on a crushed stone bed. A hole is cut in the third tire from the top into which the drain pipe is inserted.

The gap between the outer walls of the pit and the tires is filled with the same crushed stone. The composition is usually complemented by a sheet of metal as a cover and turf around the perimeter - the septic tank is ready for use.

What is the result?

You will be lucky if tires from a large-capacity truck or wheeled tractor were found to install a septic tank. The large diameter of the tires increases the useful volume of the septic tank. However, you don’t need to count on much, in fact best case scenario this figure will not exceed 2 m3 - it sounds respectable, but in practice it is very modest.

If a family of three to five people permanently lives in a house, such a septic tank will have to be pumped out at least once a quarter. It doesn’t even make sense to talk about any serious volume of a septic tank made from passenger tires.

The popularity of such a septic system is based on three pillars - simplicity, cheapness and accessibility. To create it, you need to have a shovel, get used tires and buy a pipe. You don't need special mechanisms or special engineering knowledge, just your own physical strength and free time.

Septic tank made from tires - is cheapness always beneficial?

Passive accumulation of wastewater in a septic tank requires regular pumping of the contents. The design of the “tank” promotes the gradual seepage of water into the soil and the accumulation of suspended matter in the septic tank - silting. The gradual accumulation of solids in the septic tank will significantly speed up its filling. Taking into account high cost pumping services, you can imagine in advance how much it will cost you to maintain a septic tank in the next five years.

The leakage of a tire septic tank can also play another negative role. During the spring melting of snow, the groundwater level often rises. Since the septic tank’s capacity communicates with the ground through a crushed stone layer, there is often a sharp rise in the level in the septic tank during this period, excluding the possibility of using the home sewerage system for a significant period of time.

But the small “working” volume of a septic tank made from car tires is not its most significant disadvantage. A more annoying accompaniment of its operation is the obvious sanitary hazard. The wastewater in a septic tank is a breeding ground for many types of bacteria, microorganisms and insects. Evidence of this is the characteristic “sewage” smell, which is especially noticeable in calm weather.

And again we have to mention that the design of the tire cesspool is not airtight. There is a high probability of contents leaking into the aquifer. This is a direct threat to the health and lives of people using water from such sources.

Most people don’t even think about it or rely on the usual “maybe”. In this case, it is much more reasonable to remember that “God protects those who are careful.” Indeed, if a claim arises against you on these grounds, you may face both an administrative fine and criminal liability under Article 250 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Water Pollution”.

As you can see, the initial simplicity and savings will later bring quite a lot of trouble. The most annoying thing is that some of them are a consequence of objective circumstances and do not depend on how you equipped the “wheeled” septic tank. In addition, it is difficult to say that a house with such a system fully has “all the amenities.”

How to solve the septic tank problem once and for all?

The disadvantages of a tire septic tank listed above significantly outweigh its modest advantages. The first year of use will inevitably make you think about a radical change in the system.

You can go two ways to solve this problem. Let’s give them the names “traditional” and “progressive” and briefly formulate the essence of each of them.

Traditional- the septic tank is made of brick or constructed of reinforced concrete products, metal or plastic tanks.

Compared to “wheeled” septic tanks, these septic tanks have sufficient tightness and better drainage treatment. They are significantly larger in volume, which allows you to equip your home with several entry points to the sewer system, including a bathroom and toilet.

It is already difficult to equip such a septic tank only on your own, and the amount of money you spend increases by orders of magnitude. Of course, these septic tanks are more reliable than the archaic design of tires. But the problem of silting and regular pumping costs remains, and the ratio of installation and operating costs and operating benefits is also far from ideal.

The most progressive option- installation as a septic tank of the so-called VOC, a local treatment plant, often called a biological treatment station. A striking example of such a system is the Topas (TopolWater) biological station. Their main advantages are:

  • Active system for separating fractions of suspended solids contained in wastewater;
  • Deep, up to 98%, wastewater treatment and obtaining technically pure water at the output, which eliminates sanitary risks;
  • Biological processing of suspended matter, as a result of which the residual contents can be used as fertilizer;
  • An impressive useful volume of containers, allowing you to equip your home with the most modern set of amenities;
  • Guaranteed functional life up to 50 years.

The output from this system is biologically pure water that enters the natural filtration field. Its environmental and sanitary condition meets the most stringent standards and will not cause any complaints from the relevant services.

The septic tank is equipped with an active system for pumping the contents and biological processing of accumulated sediment. Thanks to this, Topas eliminates the unpleasant odor that accompanies a conventional sewer structure.

Bioprocessed sludge that accumulates in the septic tank is easily removed. It is useful as a fertilizer for plants or restoring the fertility of depleted soil.

Unlike many similar systems, the Topas design has not one, but two pumping compressors operating alternately. This scheme shortens the service life of the compressors themselves, but ensures uninterrupted operation of the septic tank if one of them fails.

Deciding to purchase a local treatment plant is not easy; its cost is quite significant. However, after spending the evening with a calculator, you will come to the conclusion that the initial costs of installing a biological station will pay off in the next few years.

Subsequent long-term operation will provide significant cost savings and ensure modern level comfort in the home.

Many summer residents, arriving at their site, stay there overnight or spend the entire vacation caring for their garden. And the presence of an autonomous sewage system makes their life much easier, bringing them at least to some extent closer to urban conditions.

Making a sewer system from tires is not difficult and requires virtually no financial costs, while the device modern system sewerage is expensive.

Old car tires can become good budget option for the construction of a small septic tank or cesspool, if the volume of wastewater is small, which happens when people live in the dacha non-permanently. In addition, the installation of sewerage from tires does not require special knowledge and skills in construction.

Advantages of a septic tank made from tires and its disadvantages

The most important advantage of such a septic tank is:

  • almost zero cost, unlike other types of septic tanks;
  • Tires from any vehicle can be used;
  • Easy installation that can be done by one person.

The disadvantages of a septic tank made from tires include:

  • the fragility of such a structure, no more than 10-15 years; unreliable sealing due to the mobility of tires;

  • the appearance of unpleasant odors, which can only be eliminated by installing a drain pipe;
  • Repair of such a septic tank is almost never carried out, as well as dismantling, due to its uselessness.

How to dig a sewer

First of all, you need to find out at what level the groundwater on your site. To do this, near the house, at a distance of about one meter, you should dig a hole 1.5 m deep. If no puddles of water have formed at the bottom, you can safely begin building an autonomous sewer system.

You can buy old car tires at any car service center. It is better to choose larger diameter tires from tractors or heavy-duty vehicles. In this case, the volume of your septic tank will increase. The number of tires is calculated based on the depth of soil freezing in your area. It is necessary that the depth of the pit for sewage from car tires be below the freezing level of the soil. This is done if you plan to use your septic tank in the winter, even periodically.

Secondly, after the car tires are already on your site, you need to choose a place for the future septic tank.

Remember that it should be located no closer than 25-30 meters from sources of drinking water - wells, boreholes, as well as from a river, lake or pond.

The location of a cesspool or septic tank made from tires, however, like any other, is influenced by the direction of the winds in your area. It is necessary to locate the septic tank in the direction from which the unpleasant odor will not be carried by the wind into the living space.

Having chosen a place, they decide how to dig the sewer - manually or hire a small excavator. It's all about time and the presence of men's hands. You can dig by hand, but it will take longer than digging a hole with an excavator. And hiring equipment will require some financial investment. The choice is, of course, yours.

When the hole is dug, several holes are drilled in its bottom with a garden drill, into which two perforated special pipes up to 4 meters long are inserted.

This is explained by the fact that water from the septic tank will go into the soil, where it self-purifies.

The bottom of the pit is cleaned, giving it a flat surface, and a layer of gravel or crushed stone 15-20 cm high is poured. Pipes inserted into the drilled holes should protrude 60-70 cm above the level of the bottom of the pit, and their top should be covered with polypropylene mesh so that solid sewage waste did not enter the pipes.

Before laying tires, you need to trim all the edges that are turned inward so that solid fecal waste does not accumulate in these places. Trimming tires can be done using a hacksaw or jigsaw.

Towards the dug hole, you still need to dig a trench into which the sewer pipe will be laid, leading from the country house from the plumbing fixtures - sink, toilet, shower or bathtub. The trench must be dug while respecting the slope from the house to the septic tank. The slope should be such that wastewater can flow by gravity into the septic tank.

This is followed by the installation of sewerage from car tires. The cut tires are stacked on top of each other, after laying liquid sealant between them.

The top tire should protrude somewhat from the surface of the soil.

The space between the walls of the pit and the tires is backfilled after the sealant has hardened. The excess soil remaining after backfilling can be used for other needs.

When backfilling, you can put coarse gravel between the car tires and the walls of the pit, which will prevent the soil from silting and become an extra outlet for wastewater through the cracks that invariably form between the tires, no matter how they are sealed.

The top car tire is covered with a cover made of polypropylene, metal sheet or other material resistant to moisture and temperature changes.

To get rid of the unpleasant odor, the septic tank is equipped with a fan exhaust pipe, which should rise above the septic tank.

The length of the hood depends on:

  • places where the septic tank is located,
  • prevailing winds in a given area.

The closer the septic tank is to a residential building, the higher the exhaust pipe should be.

The top of the septic tank can be decorated ground cover plants, their growth does not require much soil; they can grow practically on stones. And you can lift the lid to check the level of the sewer directly with the plants.

Often, owners of summer cottages resort to digging a standard cesspool to create their own sewage system. However, this approach to the organization of household waste threatens an environmental disaster, at least for one’s own site and all its residents. Therefore, the notorious pit was replaced by a septic tank made from tires.

Such a structure is a two- or three-chamber tank designed to collect, settle and purify wastewater using special bacteria. As a result, all liquid that has undergone purification in such a facility, according to SNiP standards, is considered 97-98% purified. The walls of such a treatment plant are made exclusively from old car tires, as shown in the video below.

Important: we suggest not to confuse the standard pit for domestic waste, lined with car cameras. In this case dirty water it simply drains from the storage chamber into the ground, which does not guarantee high-quality wastewater treatment and is not a septic tank. Or, a similar septic tank from tires can be made exclusively for gray wastewater (from a shower, bath, sink), but not from a toilet.

A high-quality and reliable septic tank made from tires requires adherence to certain principles when constructing it. This will guarantee not only the efficient operation of the wheel treatment plant, but will also prevent environmental problems that may arise as a result of ignoring these requirements. More details in the video below.

So, a septic tank from tires can be made under the following conditions:

  • If the groundwater level in the area is below 2 meters. In this case, the plastic wheels of the car are not at risk of shifting, washing away and deformation as a result of soil heaving.
  • It is advisable that the area where it is planned to make a septic tank from a tire should have sandy loam soil. This will ensure better and faster drainage of purified water.
  • It is important to dig a hole for the tire septic tank below the freezing level of the soil. Even if it is a small tank for draining gray domestic water.
  • It is worth remembering that the tire septic tank must be correctly located in relation to all buildings on the site and water intake sources. So, you need to make a septic tank from a tire at a distance of at least 5 meters from the house. And from a well or borehole - at a distance of 20 meters or more. In this case, it is advisable to make a tire septic tank with your own hands at the lowest point of your site. This reduces the risk of groundwater contamination to a minimum.

The advantage of a car wheel cleaning system

If you decide to make a septic tank from a car tire with your own hands, then in some cases such a design has advantages as well as disadvantages. The main advantages of the treatment plant are:

  • The minimum level of costs for installing a sewerage system with your own hands;
  • Simplification of work, which allows you to mount cameras alone;
  • The average service life is 10-15 years, which, in principle, will suit summer residents and owners of a non-permanent house/dacha.

The disadvantages of a tire treatment plant include:

  • Susceptibility of rubber to aggressive environments. Over time, the tires of the wheels will simply be “eaten” by wastewater;
  • Possible depressurization of tanks due to heaving and mobility of the soil (provided errors were made when installing the tire septic tank);
  • Excluding the possibility of repairing the septic tank with your own hands due to its uselessness. If such a wastewater treatment system is damaged, you will simply have to make a new septic tank in another place, since even dismantling it will not make sense;
  • The appearance of an unpleasant odor from the tire septic tank. But here the situation can be corrected with the help of a fan pipe.

Important: you should place the vent pipe with your own hands above the level of the buildings so that the smell is carried away with the wind, bypassing the buildings, as shown in the video.

Construction of a septic tank from car tires

To do the work with your own hands on arranging the sewer system of a private house or cottage, you need to stock up on car tires. It is desirable that they be large enough (from trucks). This will allow you to create a treatment system of the required volume. To obtain a septic tank from a tire of the required size, it is correct to use 5-7 tires of large diameter and 5-7 tires of smaller diameter for each of the next two chambers.

So, we will perform the work as follows:

  • First of all, you should apply markings on the ground. To do this, just lay out three tires side by side and mark the corners of the future pit. They dig a hole with their own hands to a depth corresponding to the height of the number of tires and add 30-50 cm to the depth, and 30 cm to the width on each side.
  • After the hole is ready, it is advisable to carefully level the bottom and fill it with sand about 30 cm thick along its entire perimeter. After this, the sand is compacted well.
  • The tires are mounted on top of each other, connecting them together with wire through perforated holes. Subsequently, all holes and joints between tires will need to be coated with liquid sealant. This will ensure reliable sealing of the treatment plant.

Important: before laying car tires for a septic tank, the tires must be trimmed on the inside. Their inwardly curved edges, which can accumulate feces and other debris in their nooks and crannies, are removed.

  • At the stage of installing septic tank chambers for a country house, it is worth creating holes for installing overflow pipes and for the receiving sewer pipe. Here the joints are also treated with sealant.

  • In order for the first two tanks of the tire septic tank to be completely sealed, it is necessary to provide a monolithic bottom. To do this, you can use either a clay pad (well-compacted clay) or cement mortar. If a concrete screed is used, it is better to reinforce it with a metal mesh, and pour the solution itself so that Bottom part The first tire was slightly recessed into the cement. The same is done if a clay bottom is installed. The bottom of the third chamber must be covered with a layer of fine crushed stone 20-30 cm thick. This will ensure reliable filtration of clarified wastewater.
  • Now we backfill the tire septic tank. Ideally, clay or a mixture of sand and cement in a ratio of 1:3 will be used for this. Such bulk materials will ensure the solidity of the structure under the influence of soil shifts. The sprinkling around the septic tank from the tire is well compacted to the very top.

Important: it is better to sprinkle the third drainage chamber with the soil that was removed from the pit. But at the same time it needs to be well compacted. And in order to improve water drainage from the third chamber in its lower tire, perforations can be made at the installation stage, but the joints themselves cannot be sealed.

  • Lastly, the tire septic tank is covered with a dense, but not heavy shield. This could be wood, plastic hatches, etc.
  • The first two chambers of the treatment plant are equipped with a ventilation system.

Important: if you want to speed up the process of cleaning household wastewater private sewer and improve the quality of purified water, you can resort to the help of bacteria. In this case, the tire septic tank will be called biological.

Several mistakes that owners make when building a septic tank from car tires

When arranging a private sewer system with your own hands from old tires, unforgivable mistakes are often made, which lead to the ineffectiveness of the treatment system. One of the most common is to install a perforated pipe in the third chamber in a small well. It is believed that a pipe protruding upward 40-60 cm above the bottom of the drainage chamber will speed up and deepen the drainage of purified water. In this case, the bottom is not compacted with sand.

Such installation of a tire septic tank is unacceptable according to reviews from professionals. Firstly, wastewater does not undergo additional filtration through a layer of sand, which can have a detrimental effect on the groundwater of the site. And, secondly, even the existing drainage layer of soil deteriorates even more as a result of disruption of its structure through drilling a well.

Sewage is one of the most important elements of a private home, which will help ensure comfortable living activities for residents. While apartment owners decide this problem, simply connecting to the central sewer network, then summer residents or owners of a private house have to build a sewage system from tires with their own hands. This is a simple and inexpensive option for arranging a private plot.

The structure looks like a tank consisting of two or three chambers, the purpose of which is to collect, settle and filter waste, which is ensured by special bacteria.

As a rule, all liquid that gets into the septic tank from tires is purified by 97-98%, according to SanPin standards. Home owners will not have to spend a lot of money to create such a structure, since worn-out tires are perfect materials.

In this article you can learn how to competently build a high-quality sewer system from tires.

Rules for building a structure

Locating the tank too far from the house is also a bad option. This will significantly increase the cash costs of building the structure.

As a rule, at least one manhole is required for the external part of the sewer. If the pipeline is longer than 25 meters, additional wells will have to be added.

If the water supply is too long, there is a high probability that blockages will often form inside. This should be taken into account even though a special pump will be installed that will remove wastewater from the sewer.

Tire sump options

The choice of structure is made depending on how much wastewater will come out of the residential building. If few people live on the site, the simplest option will be enough for them.

Watch the video

For a family of more than four people, this option will not be suitable, as it will quickly become unsuitable due to excessive load. Therefore, experts recommend considering the option with two wells.

Sump with filter system

This is an inexpensive sewer option. To build it, you will need to dig a hole for the pit, arrange the bottom and put the tires down. It should be borne in mind that it is not advisable to build such a septic tank next to buildings or cellars.
It is better to give preference to wheels from large vehicles with a wide diameter, as they accommodate more waste and increase the working capabilities of the sewer.
The operating principle of such a septic tank is simple:

  1. waste flows through sewer pipe into the well through the drain;
  2. that part of the wastewater that does not dissolve does not fall into the ground and remains on the crushed stone layer;
  3. the purified liquid is absorbed into the ground through the drain.

The advantage of this design is that it does not require large construction costs, and also does not harm environment, which makes it attractive in comparison with other options.

The main essence of the design is that water passes through the pipeline, bypassing the bottom contaminated with silt. However, the pipe quickly becomes clogged with the same silt and therefore it is short-lived.

Materials and tools necessary for the construction of sewerage from tires

If the owner of a private plot cannot afford to install an expensive sewer system, he can perfectly cope with this task using improvised materials, which, as a rule, are available to any home craftsman. Old car tires or tires are perfect for installing a septic tank.

This material is not so difficult to find; it is available at enterprises that write off tires and tires as unnecessary. In addition, you can find advertisements from private individuals on the Internet. The best option is to go to a tire service station. There, there will be an abundance of old tires from various cars, and the owner of the service can give away heavily worn tires for free, thereby saving on their disposal.

However, it is still important to take into account several basic rules that will help you correctly build a cesspool or septic tank in a private house. Care must be taken to seal all joints and seams between the wheels to prevent wastewater from entering the ground.
It is worth deciding in advance on the type of structure and its location.

The location of the sewerage must meet all the standards previously specified in the article. Also, the structure itself must be installed below the ground freezing level.


Provided that the dacha is rarely visited seasonally (for example, only for gardening or harvesting), there is no need to install expensive cleaning stations or. A sewer system operating without maximum load will make do with a simple pit, the walls of which are assembled from old car tires.

Into such a pit you can dump both water from showers and sinks, as well as the contents of home toilets. And construction work does not require any special skills from the owners. The cost of sewerage will be extremely low. After all, the main construction material You often get it for free from friends or neighbors who have replaced the old tires of their car with new ones.

At first glance, such a sewer pit has many advantages:

  • it can cost the owners free of charge;
  • construction takes a maximum of one day;
  • Tires of any size can be used;
  • You can build alone.

However, such a structure also has serious shortcomings, such as:

  • short service life (on average up to 10 years);
  • poor tightness of sections (in fact, its absence);
  • the presence of an unpleasant odor;
  • low productivity;
  • impracticality of repair or dismantling.

In addition, a structure of this type is absolutely not suitable for areas with.

The release of sewage waste into surface and groundwater is fraught with the spread of infections dangerous to human health.

Principle of operation

The pit is actually a settling tank with the ability to filter the contents into the surrounding soil. Through the gaps in the walls, the liquid gradually goes into the soil, and large organic matter settles to the bottom. Rotting is a mandatory attribute of a pit.

At the same time, you cannot equate a classic tank with a septic tank built from tires! The latter has much less frequent pumping with the use of sewage disposal equipment.

If desired, you can build a simple cleaning system from tires. To do this, two pits (wells) are connected to each other by overflow pipes. The primary settling tank takes over most large organic impurities. The second chamber contains only partially clarified water, which is absorbed into the soil faster.

In this case, the decomposition processes will accelerate and the presence of sewer odor will be partially reduced.

How does it work?

A hole for tires is dug only in areas with deep groundwater! The minimum distance from the bottom of the structure to the upper water layer is 100 centimeters.

The possible danger of contamination of drinking water should also be taken into account. Therefore, the pit is placed taking into account the characteristics of the soil and the distance to or. For sandstones this is 30 meters, and for clay soils - 20 meters. The structure is separated from residential buildings by at least 5-6 meters.

It is advisable to locate the structure on the natural slope of the site, that is, below the water intake level. Pipes and the sewer tank itself must be placed below the freezing point of the soil in a particular region! Some resourceful owners enclose both the pipes and the septic tank in a special wood box. This engineering feature prevents deformation during possible freezing of the soil.

What materials are suitable?

As mentioned above, any tires can be used. Naturally, these will be already used, fairly worn-out products. But wear will not affect the safety of tires in the ground– rubber does not rot and does not react with aggressive environments.

To increase the volume of the structure, it is advisable to choose tires from large vehicles (if possible) - trucks, tractors, buses. Tires for domestic passenger cars They have a metal frame that provides additional rigidity.

How to build?

For the work you will need the following tools and materials:

shovel and bayonet shovel;

  • knife for cutting rubber;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • sewer;
  • wire for fastening structural parts;
  • cover (hatch) of suitable diameter;
  • sand for sprinkling, but you can use regular soil;
  • tires in the amount of 5-7 pieces (this is enough to serve two or three people).

Step-by-step installation looks like this:

  1. Markings are made for both sections of the septic system. To do this, the tire is placed on the ground and the perimeter is marked.
  2. A common hole is dug with a small margin to ensure free movement when lowering the tires. The bottom of the pit can be filled with sand, clay (additional tightness is ensured) or filled with concrete (such a base prevents deformation during soil heaving).
  3. The design details are prepared - the upper part of each tire is removed with a jigsaw, which ensures the most even surface of the walls (there will be nothing for impurities to linger on).
  4. The tires are lowered into the pit one by one and tied with wire. Additional tightness can be achieved by lubricating the joints with rubber glue.
  5. An overflow pipe is installed between the wells (about two-thirds from the bottom of the structure).
  6. The sewerage system is connected to the first well. To do this, a hole is cut in the tire. A rubber coupling and sealant are used for connection.
  7. The pit is filled with soil or sand. The backfill is carefully compacted along the perimeter of the structure.
  8. A lid is installed on top. This could be a polymer hatch, an iron or wooden cover.
  9. An access area is being built around it in case the vacuum cleaners are called. At this point, construction work is considered completed.

And to get rid of the unpleasant smell, you need to install a pipe. The closer the sewer drain is to residential buildings, the higher the pipe should be. Much also depends on the prevailing winds in a particular area. It is better to position the structure so that the wind carries the smell away from the house.

Errors made during installation are as follows:

  • the slope of the main pipeline is not maintained - waste flows slowly, the pipe becomes clogged;
  • the level between the inlet and outlet pipes is not maintained - the overflow pipe must be
  • below the incoming sewer, between the wells it is also located at a slope of 20 centimeters;
  • the structure is located above the freezing point of the soil - pipes suffer in winter;
  • the structure is immersed in groundwater - the working tanks become silted, often float, and the infection enters the soil.

Cost of construction

If the owners were unable to get tires for free, you can purchase a used set of two of these products at a price of 1,200 rubles. There are also cheaper options to choose from.

Construction work is carried out independently or with the assistance of a digger and plumber. The range of prices for excavation work ranges from 240-600 rubles per cubic meter of volume. Plumber services will cost from 500 rubles (relevant for the Moscow region).

How to use?

The use of such a sewer is subject to all basic rules that apply to any sewer system.

Properly installed sewerage means:

  • ensuring proper slope of pipes connected to the storage tank (septic tank, pit);
  • no sharp turns that reduce the flow rate and lead to the formation of grease blockages;
  • insulation of the cover (hatch or upper ceiling).

To avoid problems with operation, you must:

  • Promptly remove the contents of the storage container. The sludge is pumped out using sewage disposal equipment or a powerful household type.
  • Prevent large debris from entering the system - scraps of fabric, plastic bags, feminine hygiene items, large food waste, foreign objects.
  • Regularly add biological preparations containing cultures of bacteria that process sewage waste to the drain.

It is by observing these simple rules operation guarantees comfortable use of the sewer system for owners of a summer house or country house.

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