Tarot divination 78 doors. Images of open and closed doors. The personality represented by this card

Tarot cards 78 doors

Basically, with the Tarot, the 78 doors work only in an upright position, but if a person also works with inverted cards, then the cards that fall upside down are interpreted as the opposite meaning.

Major Arcana

0 or (XXII) – Fool, Jester
The previously established rules no longer apply. You are about to gain a completely new experience, perhaps creative, but it will happen chaotically. But finding the right key to the door will be almost impossible.

I Mage
A door that will open many new opportunities, but in order to take full advantage of them, you need to work hard, and this can take a long time.

II High Priestess
This door will open the way to secret knowledge.

III Empress
A door that will open emotions and beauty for you. This door will allow you to see the most important events and directions for your path. The card can also show a young mother, or just a new friend.

IV Emperor
The door that will lead to success and security. A stable situation will come with plans that are successfully completed. May indicate a wealthy groom, or a noble person.

V High Priest
You are provided with the keys that will open the doors to spiritual growth. It is necessary to listen to the inner voice or the Heavenly Teacher. You can also safely trust people who have authority.

VI Beloved (Lovers)
Love triangle. Obstacles. Difficult choices in matters of love. In any case, the decision, the choice, may be more difficult than initially expected.

VII Chariot
The door opens, and behind it is success. Honor, prosperity. Keep going and believe in yourself and your success, you are in the right direction. Do not refuse help to those who are in dire need of it.

VII (XI) Strength
The Door of Power is guarded by Lions, who can be your allies, but can also cause you fear. The card makes it possible to use your instincts, which in the future can be transformed into willpower and self-control.

IX Hermit
Self-analysis, which should not cause loneliness or self-imposed isolation. The door is not closed, which means the person is expecting short-term successful circumstances. This door makes it possible to open its internal area.

X Wheel of Fortune
The door of a new stage, a process of change, opportunities. Fate has already begun to change, change, an opportunity is presented that cannot be missed, come to terms with it, and leave everything in the hands of Fate.

XI (VIII) Justice
If a person follows an honest path, then he has no reason to fear the Door of Justice. The door provides an opportunity to solve problems. At the right moment, the Door will give wise advice in the form of a wise person.

XII Hanged Man (Victim)
The person is not in control of the situation and is in prostration. But the time just hasn't come yet. The door will open itself when needed.

XIII Death
There is danger behind the door if a person tries or wants to change the past, but the past cannot be changed, this is the law of Existence, any end is a new beginning.

XIV Temperance
This door will lead to peace of mind, balance. Optimism. The card can also indicate a new strong friendship.

XV Devil
The doors that a person so wants to open must remain closed. Danger, sexual intercourse, temptation, lust.

XVI Tower
The doors were blown open by a hurricane, causing serious damage. Old ideas and plans are destroyed. We must start all over again, build everything anew, and this will lead to a new revival.

The door to infinity, which is located inside the person himself. Creative inspiration will lead to the right door. Romantic connection.

A door that opens the way to the depths of the human soul, but behind the door a person can be waiting either anxious or positive life experience. There is continuous change, reality and illusions intersect.

All shadows of doubt are erased, destroyed. A person needs to meet a new period with an open heart and positive emotions. The fear of life-changing decisions will disappear.

XX Last Judgment
An awakening that will bring new strength to man is inevitable. You shouldn’t be afraid of surprises, you need to accept them for what they are and what emotions they can cause. Old stereotypes should be destroyed and gotten rid of them. Long distance travel is possible.

XXI World
The man finally found the key he had been looking for for so long. The old cycle of life ends (or has ended) and another begins. The plans will be successful. A person should rejoice in the Gifts that come from Above.

Minor Arcana

Ace of Wands
Creative potential, which gives additional inspiration and unstoppable energy to achieve new goals and projects.

Two of Wands
Implementation of plans and projects. Curiosity that leads to development and new discoveries.

Three of Wands
Cooperation. A person’s ability to find an alternative way out to turn new ideas into reality.

Four of Wands
A person is satisfied with what he has earned through honest and conscientious labor. Good organization, trustworthy friends, affection.

Five of Wands
Too much ambition, composure, and it sweeps away everything in its path, even old friendships.

Six of Wands
Success, well-deserved respect, recognition, respect. Climbing the career ladder, increasing status (social, life).

Seven of Wands
Physical strength, courage, willpower. The person shows interest in “closed doors.”

Eight of Wands
Intuition that will help you make the right decision in a difficult situation. Trust your intuition.

Nine of Wands
A project, an idea moves from theory to practice. Payment for what has been done. Gratitude for the work done.

Ten of Wands
Waste of energy in search of useless life values ​​or the person is weighed down by too heavy a responsibility.

Paz Zhezlov
Fan. A young man who is full of enthusiasm.

Knight of Wands
Impatience, passion, impulse, inability to restrain yourself in time, to stop.

Queen of Wands
Woman with strong character. Creative and sensual nature.

King of Wands
A man who has power, but also has an iron will. Excessive seriousness.

Ace of Cups
Emotions, feelings. Love. An overly emotional approach to something or someone.

Two of Cups
The affection of a lover, a friend.

Three of Cups
Good health. Kindness, generosity, inner balance.

Four of Cups
Contentment and excessive calm can lead to stagnation.

Five of Cups
Regret, pain for what was lost, lost. It is necessary to stop living in the past and open up to the future.

Six of Cups
A person looks at life like a child, with simplicity and curiosity. Good welfare.

Seven of Cups
Illusions. A person seeks comfort in his illusions. Fear of reality.

Eight of Cups
In search of something better, sublime, a person may lose his friends or a stable position.

Nine of Cups
Wealth, recognition, success, stable condition. Conscious desires.

Ten of Cups
Happiness, love, feelings, and all this brings fruit to a person.

Page of Cups
A very sensitive, dreamy person, perhaps superficial. There will be news soon regarding feelings.

Knight of Cups
Impulsive, romantic, utopian, visionary.

Queen of Cups
Not greedy woman, tender, sensual, with a sense of duty, ready to make sacrifices. Rich spiritually.

King of Cups
An educated, creative person with well-developed intuition and a sense of humor.

Ace of Swords
New ideas. Idealism, which can lead to selfishness. Imagination.

Two of Swords
A person needs the protection of influential friends. Unexpected surprise. Positive situation.

Three of Swords
A person is tormented by doubts and pessimism, which cause suffering. Renewals that will be overcome after certain interventions.

Four of Swords
Self-centeredness and self-examination lead a person to indifference and emotional emptiness.

Five of Swords
The man has lost faith in his own strength. Problems that have arisen may not be resolved without faith in the lost strength.

Six of Swords
Interests, hobbies, romance. A person is given the opportunity to change his routine life. Travel, trip, etc.

Seven of Swords
Search, aspiration. A person will persistently seek new solutions in search of his problems.

Eight of Swords
Indecision, fears that will lead a person to isolation and spiritual emptiness. Pressure on a person from the outside.

Nine of Swords
Life moves on by inertia. Pessimism, inaction, fatigue, loneliness.

Ten of Swords
A person is overwhelmed with worries and problems that force him to look for some unreal world in his fantasies. Jealousy.

Page of Swords
An intelligent person can be cunning and vindictive.

Knight of Swords
A person needs to take care of his acquired property. A brave but cunning man.

Queen of Swords
An independent, energetic woman. Cunning, hypocritical and resourceful.

King of Swords
A person can control other people. Thinks only about himself. A narrow view of the world. Well educated.

Ace of Pentacles
Well-being. Money, property. Fate gives a person a wide variety of keys to material wealth.

Two of Pentacles
A joint project can lead to great things. The success of the new, unknown.

Three of Pentacles
Implementation of plans. A person is given the opportunity to solve his problems and find a way out of a difficult situation.

Four of Pentacles
A person proves that he is right by any available means. Rage, possibly a fight. Meanness.

Five of Pentacles
Anxiety regarding material problems. A painful wait.

Six of Pentacles
A person who is ready to help other people. A surprise that will lead to prosperity and gifts.

Seven of Pentacles
The desire to give up everything, to move away from everything. Excessive demands on yourself and people.

Eight of Pentacles
Pettiness, painstaking work, monotony. The movement is to follow the crowd. Herd instinct.

Nine of Pentacles
Satisfaction with your position. Potential. Creative approach to business.

Ten of Pentacles
Stability, stability, both material and spiritual. Family happiness.

Page of Pentacles
Scientist. Student. A person who knows how to think.

Knight of Pentacles
Responsible, generous person. Plans need to be carefully thought out.

Queen of Pentacles
A person needs to listen to other people's opinions. Attractive woman.

King of Pentacles
Energetic, practical person. Patience. A person's tendency to have empty fantasies.


We continue to get acquainted with the most popular decks that have won the sympathy of tarot readers from all over the world. And today we’ll talk about 78 doors - the Tarot is very unusual, although in many ways it repeats the classics. It will be easy for even a beginner to get used to these cards, thanks to clear, clear and bright plot images. Are you ready to dive into the world of real and metaphysical doors? Then let's begin!

History of the deck

Many masters of working with magic cards call this deck one of the most interesting among those that have appeared in the last decade. Initially appearing in Italy, the 78 Doors Tarot cards very quickly conquered other countries, including Russia. The author was the famous Pietro Alliego, who previously presented to the world one of the most popular decks - the Dwarf Tarot, as well as other cards. The illustrations were created by Antonella Platano. You most likely know the name of the artist, because her other creations are also well-known - the Wheel of the Year Tarot, the Union of Goddesses Tarot and the Witches Tarot.

The main theme of the deck was chosen for a reason. Any door at the associative level is considered an entrance to new world, new life. It symbolizes the process of change and the formation of something new. If we turn to history, we remember that in ancient times, the entrances to various sacred or important places were guarded by special guards - statues depicting lions, dragons, sphinxes, angels and other mythical creatures or animals. And how many traditions exist associated with passing through the door threshold! All this deep symbolism makes the meaning of the 78 Doors Tarot cards multifaceted, ambiguous, and therefore very interesting.

The deck was first published in 2005 by the Italian publishing house Lo Scarabeo, in 2010 it was released by Llewellyn (USA), and an official Russian version was also released from the Lo Scarabeo distributor Avvalon (Russia).

Key features of the deck

We'll talk about the symbolism of the deck a little later, but first let's see what school these unusual cards can be attributed to. For those who have studied with the Waite deck, even a quick glance at the illustrations will make it clear that the interpretation of the 78 Doors Tarot cards is very close to English traditions, i.e. to the same Rider-Waite, although at the same time the author’s processing of familiar symbols is clearly felt, but we will analyze this nuance later, when we move on to considering the Major and Minor Arcana separately. The only difference is the numbering: Strength is the eleventh Arcana, Justice is the eighth. The suits are standard: Wands, Swords, Cups, Pentacles. The court cards are traditional - Page, Knight, Queen, King. The Major Arcana are numbered with Roman numerals, the Minor Arcana are numbered with ordinary numerals.

Symbolism of the Tarot 78 Doors

The main idea that can be traced in the Arcana of 78 Doors is, of course, the physical or metaphorical doors through which the hero of each card must pass. Doors can be open or closed, immediately visible or hidden in detail. Also in the illustrations, the keys to these doors are presented in direct or encrypted form - they are either in a visible place or well hidden, which forces the characters to look for other ways to pass through the doorway.

In this case, the key can be not only a physical object, but also any other thing or phenomenon - this is what forces the Master working with cards to consider not only the plot, but also the hidden meaning of the Arcana. The idea is very new, interesting, and not similar to the work of other deck authors. Thanks to the unique author's idea, the interpretation of the 78 Doors Tarot cards resembles interesting game in association - the tarot reader needs not only to pay attention to the plot itself, but also to find these very doors, as well as find entrances and exits - with or without a key.

Let's take a closer look at the meaning of the 78 Doors of the door and the key in the Tarot cards. So, as you already understand, a door is always an entrance or exit, which symbolizes a transition from one state to another, some kind of change. When the door is open, changes happen easily and most often in positive side. If the passage is closed, then you need to either look for the key or other workarounds. Most often, closed doors symbolize some difficult situations, obstacles that need to be overcome in order to make a quality transition.

A key is an object that allows you to open and close, and therefore it is with its help that you can gain access to something or, conversely, hide something from prying eyes. In essence, the key is a magical tool that removes the boundaries between the secret and the obvious. In the deck of 78 Doors, the keys can be both the most common and those that you need to try to find, because they do not always look like a well-known object. And now it’s time to talk about what these keys could be, so let’s move on to looking at individual cards.

Major Arcana

The Major Arcana of the deck repeats classic plots, but with an additional semantic nuance, because, as mentioned earlier, the deck contains a special symbolism of doors and keys. Let's look at a few basic meanings of the 78 Doors Tarot cards.

Let's start, according to tradition, with the Fool opening the deck. As you can see, the image of Arkan is very similar to the classics - a young tramp with a knapsack on his shoulder stands in front of an abyss, and at his feet we see a familiar dog. But pay attention - our Fool holds a key in his hand, but there are no doors around him, but there is a whole world stretching around. Perhaps he is a Fool because he is trying to find one single door, although many options are open to him?

The High Priestess is a witch who tries to see the future in a crystal ball. Where are the keys and doors? I assume that the door is the magic ball, since it opens the door to secret knowledge. And the key in this case is the ability to listen to the voice of intuition and see the essence of the situation.

In the Tarot of 78 Doors, the meaning of the Strength card seems classic, but behind the main characters of the Arcana - the girl and the lion - there is a mysterious door. Apparently, the beautiful lady needs to get into it, but to do this she needs to be able to overcome the animal. How she does this - with cruelty or affection - is not so important, the main thing is that the key to the guarded door is the need to overcome her own fear of the formidable king of the animal kingdom.

The Temperance card is very beautiful in this deck. To cross the threshold of a locked door, the girl first needs to wait until the goblets are filled with water. The key is the ability to control yourself, patience, and the belief that everything will work out.

And now, to complete the picture, let’s look at two negative Arcana - the Devil and the Tower. Let's try to solve the mysteries of these cards.

In my opinion, on the fifteenth Arcana we see people (perhaps this is a reference to Adam and Eve) who, figuratively speaking, entered the “forbidden door” - succumbed to temptation. And now the key to getting out of the situation is the most severe self-control to resist the Devil, whom they themselves allowed into their souls.

But the Tower of this deck seems to me much more optimistic than that of Waite. Look: people are not falling from the windows of a burning building, they managed to find a way out and are now leaving what will soon be nothing but ashes, with their own feet. The disaster happened, but they managed to avoid serious injury.

Minor Arcana

Now let's look at the meanings of the Minor Arcana cards of the 78 Doors Tarot. I think it will be enough to take one card of each suit. From the Wands I chose Two. Most often, this card correlates with the acquisition of strength, a sufficient amount of resources to carry out plans, the arrival of favorable circumstances, or with a crossroads in life, from which something new, but as yet unknown, begins.

Look at this girl walking through the locked door! I think she definitely understood that now is the time to move forward carefully - this is her key. One feels that she is confused and even a little scared, but in some mysterious way she managed to get through the door and is now carefully looking at what was on the other side.

From the suit of Cups, I propose to consider the Five. On this Arcana we see a woman who was locked in a burning house. The fire has already engulfed the entire first floor, but has not yet reached the desperate lady. And now she faces a difficult choice: to save herself, she needs to jump from the window, but the woman does not do this, still hoping that someone passing by will see her and help. In fact, this is one of the traditional interpretations of the Five of Cups as a situation of being stuck in an emotional crisis, when a person does not see or does not want to notice new opportunities that are opening up. The key is to look wider, to notice what was not noticed before. In my opinion, it’s an amazing interpretation and a story that perfectly illustrates it.

Now let's turn to the suit of Swords of the 78 Doors Tarot. I propose to analyze Ace. We see a traditional sword cutting through the air, which is confidently held by the hand, and a huge green labyrinth stretches underneath it. I think that the labyrinth symbolizes a confusing situation from which you can only get out of it with the help of logic. This is a triumph of the mind, labyrinths of the mind, a real workout for the intellect - a great analogy, isn't it?

And at the end of the review of the Minor Arcana, let's look at the Eight of Pentacles. In this deck, it reflects the classic meaning of the card as professionalism, the ability to painstakingly do monotonous work, precision and accuracy - we see this in the tattoo parlor artist doing a large tattoo on the client’s back. But there is also another important nuance here - a girl who stands and watches the work of the master from the street.

What is she thinking about? About following the example of the young man and getting the same tattoo for himself? Or maybe she also has artistic talent, knows how to get tattoos and wants to get a job in this salon? Or maybe you will see something completely different in this illustration? Here you must figure out for yourself what is the key to this door. But Arkan makes you think - and this is very cool, because it is your own achievements that are very important for a tarot reader.

Court cards

Now let's look at the court cards of the 78 Doors Tarot. I really liked the author’s approach to depicting the Arcana of the Court. Many of them are represented not by single characters, as we are used to, but by plot drawings showing several characters at once. And even those cards where, as expected, there is only one person, look very dynamic - this, perhaps, is the main feature. Looking at such court cards, you don’t need to think for a long time about a specific person or situation - in the layout, everything immediately becomes clear from the surrounding cards.





Features of card interpretation

As you can see, the interpretation of the 78 Doors Tarot cards can take place on two levels - analysis storyline and consideration of key doors, i.e., entrances and exits from the situation from the perspective of the Arcana characters. In the IBC for the deck, only the direct meanings of the cards are presented, however, a reservation is made that if you use inverted ones in your work, you need to read them as opposites. Personally, it seems to me that even on the direct Arcana there is enough symbolism to describe absolutely any situation. But this, as they say, is at your discretion.

What questions is the deck suitable for addressing?

The deck is absolutely universal, so you can use it to work through issues in your personal life, social relations, work, business, finance, as well as for self-knowledge, predicting the future.

Who is the 78 Doors Tarot suitable for?

  • For those looking for a bright universal deck with non-classical plots and deep detail, but at the same time working in the usual Waite system
  • For those who like to look closely at cards, looking for more and more previously unnoticed nuances
  • For connoisseurs of the artistic talent of Antonella Platano

Naturally, the MBK will not be enough for a detailed study of the deck. Personally, I have seen three books based on these cards: “Tarot of 78 Doors” by Vadim Kisin, “Tarot of 78 Doors - An Invitation to the Past and Future” by Andrey Lobanov, co-authored with Tatyana Borodina, and another author’s manual on the cards from Irina Voloshkova. In all the literature mentioned above, you will find the meanings of the 78 Doors Tarot cards, layouts, useful additions, and author’s interpretations. We hope that you will find it very interesting to study this unusual deck.

The meaning of the "78 Doors" cards


Not a day goes by in our life that we don't use doors. We constantly enter and exit, “pass” through doors, and we are so accustomed to this indispensable detail of our life that we have forgotten about the most important symbolic role of doors.
The door is the entrance. In many cultures, the concept of “discovery” is associated with rituals that symbolize a change in psychological and spiritual meaning - a new status, a new worldview, insight and, in fact, discovery, or in occult terminology - “Initiation”. In ancient traditions, the entrances to sanctuaries and chromes were guarded by "Guardians of the Threshold" to remind of the deep sacred meaning of this “passage”: these were statues of knights, dragons, lions, sphinxes, angels and deities, such as, for example, the Catholic Janus. The role of the Threshold Guardians was to keep demons, forces of evil and unworthy people out of the door. This started a tradition that has reached our time, when the groom carries the bride into the door of the house in his arms, as if dedicating her to his wife and introducing her to the Guard as the mistress of the house. Open or closed, the door always defines the boundary of the space of sacred power.

In the Gospel of John, Christ speaks. “I am the door. If anyone enters through me, he will be saved.” In the churches of ancient Judea there was a door and the Holy of Holies where sacrifices were made for the sins of the people, which only the High Priest could enter. For independent Turks, the “Supreme Portal” was a symbol of power. Among alchemists, the door is a common symbol connecting external world with the inner world. The ritual of crossing a threshold, the possibility of passing through a door, is a metaphorical act associated with spiritual growth, transformation and Initiation.

Every door has a Key.
It doesn't matter how small or big it is, made of gold or metal,
simple or intricate - the main thing is that it must fit the lock.
The purpose of the Key is to “open” or “close,” which symbolizes the possibility of access to almost everything: power, place, person, and even social consciousness. The key is needed to enter. To this we can add: “to bind” or “to free.” In a deeper sense, the key is a magical tool that allows you to overcome the boundary between the conscious and unconscious, meaning Dedication and the presence of higher knowledge. In some Masonic lodges, the key is the emblem and distinctive sign of the Master.

Each case has its own key. So, for example, in the architecture of Gothic churches, the key, or “cornerstone” that supports the entire multi-ton structure of the vaults, is the architraves. Failure to correctly calculate their parameters, that is, making the wrong key, can negate all the work and even lead to the collapse of the building and the death of people. We must also not forget that a key that is not used will rust, which makes it unsuitable for use.

Understanding a book, a metaphor, or a piece of music also requires “keys,” which are often stored in our memory and come to mind unexpectedly as we seek to understand and uncover mysteries. The symbolic images and variations of the “key” are countless. Great scientists and esotericists searched for the “keys” to knowledge. An example is the famous English mystic and linguist Edward A. Waite, who dedicated his book “The Illustrated Key to the Tarot” to the interpretation of symbols and signs of the Tarot. In the introduction to the book there are these words: “The real Tarot is symbolism; no other language or other signs are known to him. Its emblems, from the point of view of their hidden meaning, form a kind of alphabet, forming a myriad of combinations and giving everything a true meaning. At the highest level, it gives us the key to the Sacraments...”

Two types of Doors

A door can serve as an entrance or exit, it can be open or closed.
In the same way, the cards in this deck have double meanings. A closed door always has negative meaning. This can be seen as a physical or mental barrier that limits our progress. This is inflexibility, exile, inability to contact others, everything that does not allow the flow of energy to flow freely and naturally.

How can we overcome resistance and open the door? There are different possibilities: for example, to use force and destroy the obstacle, as did the biblical Samson, locked in Gaza, who, in order to get out, simply lifted the city gates and carried them to a nearby mountain; you can look for another door; You can think about it and find the key that fits exactly that door.

An open door always has a positive meaning, symbolizing overcoming obstacles and entering. We have the opportunity to imagine what is on the other side, expanding the boundaries of our space. The door is also a thirst for knowledge, a desire for change and change, direct personal vision. Open doors allow you to better understand, hear your heartbeat, analyze the past to create the future and, finally, look into the depths of your consciousness and be open to others.

The inverted (upside down) position of the card is interpreted as the opposite of the upright position.

0 (XXII) Fool - All established rules are overturned. You will have a completely new creative experience, often quite chaotic. However, it is not very helpful in finding the correct key.

I Magician - The door opens to a path full of opportunities, and in order to use them, you will have to master the skills of a Magician and an illusionist. To do this, you will have to work hard, which will take a lot of time.

II High Priestess – The door opens to knowledge. The prospect of your future achievements and the dramas of your life's journey unfolds before your eyes. If you are patient, restraining your desires, this vision will help you and become a good advisor.

III Empress – The door opens to a garden of emotions and beauty. You have the opportunity to see the most important milestones and directions of your path. The card may also indicate a young mother or a new friend.

IV Emperor – The Emperor opens the doors of the kingdom of success and safety. Completed plans and good business will create a stable position for you. A noble person or a wealthy groom.

V High Priest - You are given the keys to spiritual growth. You can safely trust an authority figure, a leader. It can also be Our inner voice and heavenly Teacher.

VI Beloved – Choosing the right door in matters of love may be more difficult than expected. There may be minor obstacles or a “love triangle”.

VII Chariot - Honors and prosperity, the doors of success swing open, and all you have to do is enter and reap the benefits. Continue to believe in yourself and do not refuse to help those less fortunate.

VIII (XI) Strength - Lions guarding the door of Strength can be feared or your best allies. You have the opportunity to use your instincts, transforming them into future willpower and self-control.

IX Hermit - Impermanently closed doors mean a short-term wait for favorable circumstances or indicate the opportunity to independently open another door to the inner area. This card marks a period of introspection when loneliness does not mean isolation.

X Wheel of Fortune – The door of a new stage is open to transformation, a process of change, an opportunity that cannot be missed. Sail peacefully into the new on the waves of changing destiny.

XI (VIII) Justice - If you have followed the path of honesty, you have no reason to fear anything from the door of Justice. Take on the solution of your problems energetically and at the moment when you least expect it, you will find wise people who are ready to give good advice.

XII The Hanged Man - You may feel unable to find the right key and are not in control of the situation. Your time has not yet come. It takes time for the past to model the future. Rest assured that the door will open on time.

XIII Death - The danger that may be lurking behind this door comes from the fact that the desire to change the old situation is incorrect. And yet every ending leads to a new beginning. This is the law of existence.

XIV Temperance – Life energies within you are balanced again, opening the door to recovery and peace of mind. Deep friendships can also be born or strengthened. Optimism.

XV Devil - Great temptation to open some doors that probably should remain closed. The game can be dangerous. Strong sexual impulses, magnetism, even possible moral temptation.

XVI Tower
The doors are thrown open by a hurricane of destruction, destroying old ideas and unbending edges of individuality. Fearlessly cross the threshold of temporary setbacks if you feel that this is leading you to rebirth.

XVII Star – The Door to Infinity, leading to the Higher Mind, is directly within you. Follow the creative inspiration that comes from deep inside your soul. Romantic connections.

XVIII Moon - This door opens into the depths of the soul, and entering it can bring a wonderful or disturbing experience. Everything that is manifested is in continuous change, reality harmoniously combines with memories and illusions

XIX Sun - All shadows are destroyed, all doubts are erased. Meet the dance of life with an open heart and positive emotions. Important goals will be realized, fear of fateful decisions will disappear.

XX Last Judgment - The time has come for awakening, breathing new strength into every aspect of your life. Don't be afraid of the unexpected and embrace any change, no matter how surprising it may be. Give up old dogmas and stereotypes and follow the light, a long journey is possible.

XXI World - You have found the key you were looking for, the cycle has ended and another one begins. Current plans will bring success. Rejoice in stability, peace and all the gifts given to you.


Ace of Wands – Creative potential. Inspiration that gives you extra energy to achieve future goals.

Two of Wands – Curiosity leading to intellectual development and discovery. Implementation of your own ideas.

Three of Wands – The ability to discover an alternative path for implementing new ideas. Cooperation.

Four of Wands – Satisfaction from what has been earned through conscientious labor. Good organization, trustworthy friends, affection of employees.

Five of Wands - Ambitiousness, composure, sweeping away all obstacles on the way, even friendship.

Six of Wands - Well-deserved success and career advancement or increased social status. Appreciation.

Seven of Wands – Interest in “closed doors” and the secrets of the world. Great courage, will and physical strength.

Eight of Wands – Intuition, helping in making difficult decisions. Serendipity. Clairaudience.

Nine of Wands – Transition from the end of a project to the beginning of a successful enterprise, final payment, final stage, gratitude to employers for what they have done.

Ten of Wands - Waste of energy in search of useless values ​​or due to the pressure of heavy responsibility.

Page of Wands - A young man full of enthusiasm. Fan.

Knight of Wands - Passionate and impetuous person. Impatience and inability to restrain yourself.

Queen of Wands – A sensual woman with a very strong character. Creative and sensitive nature.

King of Wands - A powerful man with an iron will. Overly serious at times.


Ace of Cups – A surge of emotions. Love. towards another person or an emotional approach to something.

Two of Cups – Strong affection, lover or sincere friend.

Three of Cups – Generosity and goodwill. Inner balance and good health.

Four of Cups – Calmness and contentment can lead to stagnation and inertia.

Five of Cups – Pain for something lost, regret. Stop looking back at the past and open up to the future.

Six of Cups – prosperity. Look at life with simplicity and curiosity, like a child.

Seven of Cups – Due to an unconscious fear of reality, there is a tendency to seek comfort in an illusory world.

Eight of Cups – Discarded ideas. In search of something sublime, you can lose friends or a stable position.

Nine of Cups – Recognition of virtues that give a stable state. Wealth and conscious desires.

Ten of Cups - Happiness in feelings, rewarded love that bears fruit.

Page of Cups – Sensitive and dreamy person, a little superficial at times. Future news related to the sphere of feelings.

Knight of Cups - An impulsive and romantically inclined person, a utopian and a dreamer.

Queen of Cups – A generous woman, gentle, with a great sense of sacrifice. Spiritual wealth.

King of Cups – Educated and creative person with a highly developed intuition and sense of humor.

Ace of Swords – Creating new ideas. Imagination. Idealism, which sometimes threatens to degenerate into selfishness.

Two of Swords – Need for protection from influential friends; surprise from an unexpected but positive situation.

Three of Swords - Doubts and pessimism that cause suffering, but after a period of intervention will be overcome. Resumption.

Four of Swords – Introspection and self-centeredness, which can lead to indifference or emotional emptiness.

Five of Swords – Dejection and lack of faith in one’s own strengths, which, when faced with a problem, prevent one from overcoming it.

Six of Swords - The opportunity to change the daily routine of life by going on a Journey or in any other way. Hobbies and romantic thoughts.

Seven of Swords – Aspiration and persistent search, an impetus to discover new solutions to any problems.

Eight of Swords – Fear and indecision, which leads to isolation and devastation. Pressure from society and government.

Nine of Swords - Loneliness, as the main cause of pessimism, fatigue, inaction or life by inertia.

Ten of Swords – Concerns and unresolved problems leading to seeking refuge in fantasies and the unreal world of dreams. Jealousy.

Page of Swords - An intellectual and critic who can also be cunning and vindictive.

Knight of Swords - A brave and elusive person for enemies. The need to protect the fruits of one’s labor and intellectual activity.

Queen of Swords – An energetic and independent woman whose personality can set her apart from others. Trance.

King of Swords – A highly educated person with a strong tendency to control others. A narrow and indifferent view of the world.


Ace of Pentacles – Various keys of material happiness. Wealth determined by money and property.
Two of Pentacles - A new and unknown business, which turned out to be quite successful, especially if you do not neglect the help of a strong ally.
Three of Pentacles – Development and implementation of plans. Ability to solve problems and find multiple solutions.
Four of Pentacles - Rage and fighting at any level, the desire to prove that you are right in any way - all this is too much and will lead to meanness and devastation.
Five of Pentacles - A painful wait for a solution to the problem. Material worries and worries

Six of Pentacles
– Unexpected increase in wealth and gifts. A generous person, ready to help others.

Seven of Pentacles – Constant excessive demands on oneself, which leads to hassle and the desire to give up everything.

Eight of Pentacles – Pettiness and craving for monotonous painstaking work. The tendency to follow the movement of the crowd and herd feelings.

Nine of Pentacles – Satisfaction with financial situation.
Creativity, regulated by a certain amount of prudence.

Ten of Pentacles – Material security, giving family happiness and stability in relationships.

Page of Pentacles – A capable and thoughtful person, a scientist or public figure.

Knight of Pentacles – A responsible and generous person. Carefully thought out plans.

Queen of Pentacles – A charming and ambitious woman. The need to listen to other people's opinions.

King of Pentacles – Energetic, patient and practical person. Tendency to empty fantasies.

Tarot cards are a mantic tool tested by many fortune tellers and clairvoyants, which allows you to predict the course of future events and timely correct the situation in better side. There are many Tarot decks created by different authors.

The Rider Waite deck is considered universal, but despite this, many alternative versions allow you to get no less truthful answers to questions. Each deck has its own distinctive features that are worth paying attention to.

In this article we will look at the meaning of the 78 Doors Tarot.

By the way! It’s on our website - enjoy it for your health!

Tarot 78 Doors is one of the most unusual decks released over the past ten years. The deck was designed by Italian artistic director Pietro Alliego and drawn by artist Antonella Platano. Tarot of 78 Doors quickly gained popularity and spread throughout our country.

The deck contains a metaphorical opening of doors, symbolizing changes, the replacement of one state by another. Approaching the door, a person needs to make a decision: “Do I go in or stay outside?” Also, the questioner is concerned about what is hidden behind this door?

The idea of ​​doors is complemented by images of keys and guards. Doors on the lassos are depicted open or closed. People either enter them or leave them. And the keys to the doors are either in plain sight or securely hidden on the lasso. Next we will look at the meaning of each of these images in more detail.

Image of Doors

We have to use the doors every day. We constantly have to enter and exit, go through various doors, and we are so accustomed to this object of our everyday life that sometimes we forget its important symbolic meaning.

The door is the entrance. For many peoples, the concept of “discovery” is closely intertwined with rituals that symbolize personality changes. A person acquires a higher status, changes his usual worldview, and becomes an “Initiate.”

In ancient times, traditionally, the entrances to sanctuaries or temples were always guarded by “Guardians of the Threshold.” The latter were statues (knights, dragons, lions, sphinxes, angels and deities). The guardians of the threshold were supposed to prevent evil forces and bad individuals from entering the door.

This is where the famous wedding tradition comes from, when the groom must carry his bride into the house in his arms - this is how he initiates her as his wife and demonstrates to the Guardian that she is now the mistress of this house.

Images of Keys

All doors open and close with keys. No matter what - large or small, metal or gold - it is important that the key fits the lock.

The main task of the Keys is to “open” and “close” - symbolically this demonstrates the possibility of gaining access to everything: to power, certain places, people, and so on.
In its deepest sense, the key is a mantic instrument, with the help of which it is possible to eliminate the boundaries between the obvious and the secret, which also symbolizes Initiation and access to higher knowledge. There are even Masonic lodges that use the key as their emblem, and also as a sign of the Master.

Images of open and closed doors

In the deck of 78 Doors, open doors always have a positive meaning, they represent the removal of obstacles and entry. An amazing opportunity opens up for a person to visualize what is there, on the other side of the door, to expand the scope of his life limitations.

In addition, the door indicates a thirst for knowledge and a desire to make changes in your life. Thanks to open doors, you better understand what is really happening, you feel the beating of your heart more acutely, and you can analyze the past to create a favorable future.

Cards in an inverted position (when they are upside down) radically change their meaning.

The meaning of the cards in the Tarot 78 Doors

In general, it is almost no different from a traditional deck, but there are some changes:

  • Thus, he is depicted standing on the edge of an abyss with a key in his hands, there is no door in front of him, the whole world is revealed to him - he just needs to take a step forward.
  • the artist painted in the image of a witch sitting at a table on which a deck of Tarot cards is laid out. She peers into the magic ball and unlocks the door to hidden knowledge. Its key is a real vision of the problem.
  • seduces the spirit that comes out from behind a loosely closed door and points out his weak points. The hermit is looking for the key.
  • The door is guarded by a lion. To open it, the daredevil will have to either defeat the lion, or come to an agreement with him, but be that as it may, he must, first of all, defeat himself.
  • The door is closed, in order to enter it, you need to achieve a state of harmony and be patient, but the water the girl collects in jugs gives faith in her own abilities.
  • Here we see an image of people who were unable to cope with their vices and opened a door that was forbidden to open. Their fate now depends entirely on their further behavior.
  • Door Last Judgment is the door of patterns and the final one - having passed through it, we reach a new step. Now our actions no longer change the situation, so we have to come to terms with any changes.

As for, they already talk about some specific details, and also advise how to open the door and shed light on what is hidden behind it.

Suit of Swords

Swords allow you to reveal secret thoughts.

  • – a door is drawn on it leading to a gigantic labyrinth. Of course, going through it will be quite difficult, and while a person still has the opportunity to return back, having lost all his illusions. Because after entering the labyrinth, his illusions will dissipate instantly.
  • The woman is older in age than in the traditional deck; she sits under the door, which she does not dare to open. The door managed to hide under the lush vegetation during her thoughts.
  • indicates that it will take a lot of effort to open some of the doors. It will be necessary to find a special key for them, as well as creatively rethink the current situation.
  • – protects one’s personality by destroying society’s prejudices.

Suit of Cups

Cups open the doors to the emotional, sensual world.

  • - teaches you to part with the past: a woman on the map sees that her home is on fire, the flames have engulfed it brightly and she has no choice but to jump out the window. But she does not want to do this, still hoping that at the last moment someone will come to her aid and everything will be the same as before.
  • depicts children listening to their grandmother who reads fairy tales to them.
  • enters a cave located under a waterfall, he lives an imaginary life - attractive, but fabulous, and very soon he will encounter harsh reality.
  • personified with the river element, she sympathetically listens to the woman who prays to her and wants to provide her with her help.

Suit of Wands

Wands are symbols of the world of activity, self-realization and career growth.

Tarot cards are a mysterious tool for predicting the future. There are many speculations and legends about how Tarot cards came to our world. A number of sources indicate that Tarot cards existed back in ancient Egypt in the form of gold plates with images printed on them, from which ancient predictors could read the future.

Other sources claim that the gypsies brought Tarot cards with them, and they looked like paper with images printed on it. Moreover, the gypsies also used these magic cards for magical purposes: they kindled love between people or contributed to the death of livestock. Tarot cards have been used for fortune telling and witchcraft since time immemorial. There are thousands of different Tarot decks, and one of the most popular last years became the Tarot deck 78 days.

Structure of a Tarot deck

The Tarot deck contains 22 Major and 56 Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana carry basic, basic information, and many Tarot masters use only them. Each card has its own name: Fool, Magician, High Priestess, Emperor, Empress, Hierophant, Justice, Chariot, Wheel of Fortune, and others. At the same time, the Major Arcana are numbered from 0 to 21, therefore very often when interpreting the cards, their numerological meaning is also taken into account; obviously, the Tarot deck of 78 doors is structured in the same way.

Major Arcana Tarot

Major Arcana cards are good for viewing karmic issues and cause-and-effect relationships of events. This is where the study of the Tarot deck begins. The Minor Arcana looks at simpler, everyday situations, and is often used as a supplement to layouts made on the Major Arcana.

Minor Arcana Tarot

The Minor Arcana cards (56 of them) are classified by suit: staves, swords, cups, pentacles. It was believed that they originally personified the four classes of medieval society: peasants, merchants, clergy and warriors. At the same time, the suits of the Minor Arcana also represent four elements: water, air, earth and fire, therefore, when interpreting the layout, they use categories that also interpret these elements. Each suit contains cards with a numerical designation (from two to ten), face cards (pages, knights, kings, queens) and an ace. Figure cards represent people endowed with certain properties of the suit. Numerical cards contain a pattern according to which interpretation occurs. Ace is a designation of the highest properties of the suit and is interpreted depending on the situation. Moreover, each card contains many symbols, including those introduced by the author of the deck, and therefore an experienced tarot reader additionally interprets these symbols.

The symbolism of the Tarot has inspired artists and philosophers of all times to create their own Tarot decks. Nuances of meaning, different accents, a wide range of illustration themes. Everyone can find a Tarot deck that is consonant and close.

Tarot deck 78 doors

"Tarot of 78 Doors" is one of the popular decks, published in Russia in 2010 by the Avvallon Lo Scarabeo publishing house. The author of the deck is Italian tarot reader Pietro Alligo, and the plots were drawn by artist Antonella Platano.

The 78 Day Tarot deck belongs to the Rider-Waite tarot system and contains 78 cards. In the series of major arcana, the author assigned “Justice” number 8, and “Strength” number 11. The size of the cards is approximately 6.5x12 cm, the pictures are framed by a white frame, in the images minor arcana There are no traditional symbols of the suit, and it cannot be said that the artist gives preference to any color when drawing the suits; for convenience, the names of the arcana are signed at the bottom of each card.

Deck style and theme

The overall style of the images of the 78 Doors Tarot deck evokes thoughts of comic books, but this does not mean that the 78 Doors is a humorous deck. On the contrary, cards and pictures are filled with deep meaning. In each image there is a door or exit, implying that behind that door there is some answer or path that will lead to the answer. The key to the door is a way to get an answer, to gain knowledge. Finding a way out of the situation has become one of the main topics of fortune telling on the Tarot 78 doors.

Suit of Swords

Doors of the suit of swords are doors to the world of thoughts. The meaning in the Tarot of the 78 doors of the “Two of Swords” card, traditionally denoting the difficulty of choice, receives new facets through the image of a nun who opened the door and saw a foundling baby on the threshold. And she doesn’t know what decision to make - to keep the child with her or to look for his parents. On the “Seven of Swords” the young artist draws a door, presenting it in the style of cubism, that is, not quite as it really is. Distortion of the truth is so in the style of this lasso.

Suit of Cups

The doors of cups are the doors of feelings and emotions. Women on the “Three of Cups” enjoy new clothes, children on the “Six of Cups” carefully listen to their grandmother’s tale - the old woman and the kids are like an inextricable link between the past and the present.

Suit of Wands

Wands open doors to the world of actions and deeds. The man with the Five of Wands is determined to break the passage blocked with brick with a hammer.

Suit of Pentacles

Pentacles, as always, are doors to the world of realities, money, property and everything earthly. In the Three of Pentacles, symbolizing creation and creativity, a carpenter is working on a door; in the Five of Pentacles, an elderly man humbly waits for his turn to see a doctor.

Court cards

Pages of all stripes, as harbingers of good news, knock on their doors, holding gifts in their hands. Closed doors in the deck often mean obstacles and problems - the “Knight of Swords”, a huge strong centaur, fights in vain against a locked gate, and on the “Ten of Wands” the prisoner is trying to shout to passers-by from behind a closed door. Open doors are a symbol of chance, joy, a man with the “Six of Wands” opens the door and sees people who are sincerely happy to see him, a gate is open for a man with the “Eight of Cups” through which he can enter a completely new world.

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