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“Emergency” protection from fertilization of the egg is resorted to to prevent pregnancy. Emergency contraception is a list of methods and means used after unprotected intimacy between a man and a woman. Methods include medicinal and mechanical. Emergency medication is effective for 72 hours after sexual intercourse. Intrauterine devices can prevent fertilization for 120 hours. Despite their effectiveness, the solutions cause damage to the woman’s body, and their constant use is contraindicated.

When is emergency contraception needed?

For any woman, an unplanned pregnancy is a serious stress. Intimacy is not always associated with long-term relationships, so in some cases it is better to immediately interrupt the process of fetal formation. The circumstances in which a woman may find herself “in a position” that was not planned can hardly be called ordinary, but it still happens. Below is a list of cases after which emergency contraception is required:

  • unprotected sexual intercourse;
  • rape;
  • improper use of regular contraception when ejaculation occurs during vaginal sex;
  • unsuccessful use of regular contraceptives.

The last point may include any of the following cases:

  • ruptures of barrier contraceptives;
  • skipping a contraceptive pill medications;
  • delayed introduction/displacement or premature removal of the hormonal contraceptive ring;
  • premature removal of the contraceptive transdermal patch;
  • incomplete dissolution of spermicidal agents;
  • premature removal/displacement/breakage/rupture of the contraceptive diaphragm/cap;
  • loss of the contraceptive intrauterine device;
  • interrupted sexual intercourse.

Types of postcoital contraception

Modern medicine knows several ways to effectively and at the same time safely prevent fertilization after unprotected sex. Every sexually mature girl should know the classification of emergency contraception. You need to have a general understanding of each variety. In the following sections we will look at the most reliable methods of getting rid of possible consequences unprotected sex.

Hormonal drugs

This category of emergency medicinal contraception is aimed at hormonal suppression of ovulation. Such drugs contain synthetic analogues of female sex hormones that provide protection against fertilization. There are two types of hormonal contraception for emergency use: oral (tablets) and long-acting (injections/injections). Below is a list of the most effective drugs belonging to this category:

  1. Agest. A modern drug that demonstrates high efficiency and does not cause harm female body. Taken no later than 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse.
  2. Fasile-Van. A drug that prevents the fertilization of an egg within 72 hours after sexual intercourse without contraception. There are no strict contraindications.
  3. Postinor. A widely used remedy. The sooner a woman takes the pill, the higher the contraceptive effect will be. The maximum interval is 72 hours after unprotected intercourse. The drug contains a powerful dose of the hormone levonorgestrel, which provides high probability termination of pregnancy, but at the same time causes significant damage to the ovaries. In 90% of cases the drug violates menstrual cycle. The use of Postinor more than three times a year is strictly contraindicated.
  4. Escapelle. Exclusive pills against unwanted pregnancy based on hormones. The desired effect is achieved within four days after unprotected sex.
  5. Gynepreston. The drug is indicated for use when emergency contraception is necessary. A Ginepreston tablet is taken no later than three days after unprotected coitus.

Intrauterine devices

The only non-drug method of emergency pregnancy prevention is the installation of an intrauterine device. The mechanical device is inserted by a gynecologist within five days after unprotected sex and provides a contraceptive effect in 99% of cases. The disadvantage of this method is the lengthy preparation, which includes undergoing a medical examination (tests, ultrasound, etc.). Emergency insertion of an intrauterine device is contraindicated in women who have given birth, adolescents and victims of rape.

Traditional methods of contraception after unprotected intercourse

Traditional methods of preventing unplanned pregnancy are not the only ones. There are also traditional methods contraception for women. It’s worth noting right away that none of them can provide a guaranteed effect. If you do not want to risk your future, use medications or an IUD. Grandmother's recipes are used in cases of absolute necessity, when it is not possible to visit a doctor or purchase a contraceptive drug.

Write down for yourself more or less effective folk remedies so as not to be unarmed in an unforeseen situation:

  • Douching with a weak solution of lemon juice and water using an irrigator. Mix 200 ml of boiled water with the juice of one large lemon and thoroughly rinse the vagina with an irrigator. At the end of the emergency contraception procedure, wash the mucous membranes with clean water so that the acid contained in lemon juice does not disturb the vaginal microflora.
  • Emergency douching with a solution of potassium permanganate. This procedure provides a contraceptive effect in 60% of cases, however, if the vagina is not properly treated, it can harm the internal genital organs, so be extremely careful. Make a solution in a ratio of 1:18 and perform the douching procedure. Potassium permanganate is a strong oxidizing agent that can deprive active sperm of their main function. After washing, perform genital hygiene using gentle soap.

  • Slice of lemon. A dangerous, but at the same time quite effective method of contraception. After completing sexual intercourse, place a peeled medium-sized lemon slice into your vagina. The acid will do its job in a matter of seconds. Remove the pulp and wash the mucous membranes with warm water and soap to prevent disruption of the microflora.
  • Laundry soap. Such contraceptives are extremely dangerous for women, but in some cases, when it is not possible to avoid pregnancy in other ways, you have to take risks. Within 10 minutes after unprotected intercourse, insert a matchbox-sized piece of soap into your vagina. After 15-20 seconds, remove it and immediately rinse the mucous membranes with clean water. To avoid depressing consequences, try to quickly get a moisturizer for the intimate area.
  • Aspirin. Another method of emergency abortion using acid. Its effectiveness is about 50-60%. Like lemon juice, acetylsalicylic acid reduces the activity of sperm, as a result of which they do not reach their main goal– eggs. Do not try to use such contraceptive methods regularly as there may be consequences. Violation of the acid balance of the vagina can lead to serious diseases.

The listed “grandmother’s” means of emergency contraception can provide the desired result if used within 5-7 minutes after unprotected coitus. Combining the described methods is not recommended, as this can cause even more serious complications. If you are forced to resort to one of them, visit your gynecologist as soon as possible and describe in detail everything you have done for contraception.

Side effects and contraindications

When studying the topic of postcoital method of protection against pregnancy, you must clearly understand the main thing: any, even the most effective methods medicinal emergency contraception cannot be completely harmless. The following side effects may occur after using medications:

  • disruption of the menstrual cycle;
  • heavy menstrual flow;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • drowsy, lethargic state;

Birth control pills after unprotected sex are contraindicated if the following diseases/conditions occur:

  • uterine bleeding;
  • age over 35 years;
  • attacks of headache;
  • many years of smoking experience;
  • severe forms of liver disease.

If you want to protect yourself from an unplanned pregnancy after unprotected sex, listen to the advice in the video below. A qualified specialist will tell you how to operate contraception of an emergency nature, will explain in detail the rules for their use. In addition, your doctor will list the names of the most effective and safe emergency contraceptive medications to make it easier for you to choose the right one.

How to avoid pregnancy after an act during which ejaculation occurred in the vagina or there is a high probability that contraception did not work (for example, the condom broke)? Women, and men too, are sometimes very inventive. Especially the young ones. They try to take action to prevent sperm from entering the uterine cavity and to “neutralize” (“kill”) sperm. How they try prevent pregnancy on early stages ordinary people?

1. Using “chemical” contraception. These are suppositories, vaginal tablets, creams from Pharmatex, Patentex Oval and their analogues. These drugs act only locally; they immobilize sperm. And they become incapable of fertilizing an egg. But there is one very important “but”. These products are effective only if they are used strictly according to the instructions. Well, the instructions say that at least 5-10 minutes from taking them should pass before the start of sexual intercourse. This time is necessary so that the active substance can be evenly distributed throughout the vagina. The remedy may not work if you start sexual intercourse earlier than recommended by the instructions. What can we say about the use of “chemical” contraception after sexual intercourse. After all, by that time many sperm will be in the cervical canal (cervix). Well, no drug can get them there.

2. Douching. The goal is to mechanically remove sperm from the vagina. The method is essentially the same useless as the one described above. Firstly, you cannot wash sperm out of all corners of the vagina. Secondly, even before douching, some of the sperm ended up in the cervix.
Many women know that sperm die in an acidic environment. Therefore, add lemon juice to the water for douching. But this will only lead to disruption of the microflora. Spermatozoa do not like an acidic environment, but they are very fond of fungi of the genus Candida. The same ones that cause thrush.

3. Install the intrauterine device. Few people wondered whether it was possible to avoid unwanted pregnancy in the first days after unprotected sexual intercourse in this way. And it turns out that this is real. If you install intrauterine system in the first five days after sexual intercourse. This method is suitable for women who have given birth, those who were already planning to install a spiral. Before installation, you need to undergo a short examination. Its goal is to exclude the presence of pregnancy and inflammatory processes in the pelvic area. For this purpose, vaginal smears are also taken.

4. Accept emergency contraceptive drug. This method is quite reliable and recommended by doctors themselves. But of course, not for regular contraception. There are two types of drugs. Those containing levonorgestrel are Escapelle and Postinor. The first is taken 1 time after sexual intercourse, and the second - 2 times. Another type of drugs contains mifepristone (antiprogesterone). These are “Zhenale” and “Ginepriston”. They are more modern and less likely to cause side effects such as nausea, vomiting, and intermenstrual bleeding. The effectiveness of all of these drugs depends on how quickly they are taken. Reception is effective to one degree or another until 72 hours have passed after sexual intercourse.

By the way, about the effectiveness and necessity of the measures taken. Some gynecologists do not advise taking emergency contraception if sexual intercourse occurs during menstruation or 3 or less days before it begins, since the likelihood of pregnancy during these days is very, very small. If the menstrual cycle is regular and has a normal duration (28-35 days), then pregnancy is impossible on these days. But hormonal drugs can lead to hormonal imbalance, disrupt the cycle, and cause acyclic bleeding.

If you are worried about the onset unwanted pregnancy, but are in doubt about which drug to take and whether it is necessary to take it, visit a gynecologist on the very first day after sexual intercourse. Perhaps this is what will save you from an abortion and keep you healthy.


Hello. I really hope your consultation will help. Let's start with the fact that I am 18 years old. I had my first sexual intercourse at the age of 16, after which there was no sex for almost 1.5 years. With my boyfriend I had (04.02.14) Unprotected Interrupted sexual intercourse. (The guy is completely healthy in this regard, like me, they were tested for Sexually Transmitted Diseases, AIDS and HIV together) - The problem is that on February 4, it was on this day ovulation...its peak so to speak. Menstruation is regular, the cycle is 28 days, the duration of menstruation is 5 days. I am very worried about the possibility of pregnancy! I read on the Internet, in various forums, that Interrupted sexual intercourse is very dangerous because the guy releases some kind of liquid during the process..... droplets of sperm are also released during sexual intercourse and you can get pregnant. I really hope that you will inform me on this matter. I would like to add that my young man reacted 40-60 seconds before ejaculation and nothing got inside, after which 15-20 minutes later there was another unprotected interrupted sexual intercourse, which ended the same way (pulled out in 40-60 seconds) but before With this (second sexual intercourse) both my boyfriend and I took a shower. The young man refuses condoms because he is not comfortable with them and without them he gets much more pleasure, which I agree with him. I'm really stressing myself out. After the first interrupted sexual intercourse, I had a slightly strange feeling in the lower abdomen and a tightening in the lower back, they lasted... well, about a minute. So far I haven’t noticed any strange sensations.. I don’t want pregnancy, and it’s not a good idea now.. I still have 15 days until my period, during all this time I’m slowly going crazy.. I’m worried! I ask you to answer the questions that arose after the incident: Is it worth practicing unprotected interrupted sexual intercourse if the guy pulls out in advance... and in general, the pros and cons of PPA? Is pregnancy possible for me in the situation I described? And is it worth drinking “Pastinor” just in case... to be sure?? Thank you very much in advance for your answer! Thank you

Hello! I agree with you that indeed during sex a young man secretes a lubricant that contains sperm, but their concentration there is very small, and usually it is not enough for conception. I want to say that not a single method guarantees you the absence of pregnancy 100%. Hormonal contraceptives and a condom are considered the most effective, intrauterine devices, interrupted coitus, vaginal diaphragm, and even less effective local remedies with spermicides. So in my practice, I observed even after the most reliable contraceptives. However, there are statistics that, for example, if you perform interrupted coitus correctly (and from your description it looks like you are doing everything correctly), then with regular sex, pregnancy will occur once every 5 - 7 years. It is clear that all people are different, and that many people use this method of protection all their lives and pregnancy does not occur, while others become pregnant after a single sexual intercourse. But the choice is yours! My opinion, subjective, is that if there is trust and understanding between people in love, and that even if pregnancy occurs and their relationship does not suffer from this, then coitus interruptus is an excellent method of contraception! And from the experience of my friends and acquaintances, I can say that only the desired pregnancy occurred! Regarding emergency contraceptives (, escapelle), I want to warn you, since they can be harmful if used frequently women's health. Therefore, I would recommend using them only in the most emergency situations (during sex without contraception at all, or during “casual” sex).

Pregnancy- this is simply wonderful. But there is one BUT! It is wonderful when it is long-awaited and desired, and not spontaneous, extramarital and early. When, in a fit of passion, you lose your head, forgetting about contraception, they come to the rescue after unprotected sex.


Thanks to the development of pharmacology and medicine, such products are sold in any pharmacy, are available without a doctor’s prescription, and most importantly, no surgery is required. the site will tell you which pills to take after sex, their benefits, side effects and contraindications.


If the pill is taken within 24 hours, the risk of becoming pregnant is minimized to 5%, if within 25-48 hours, the percentage increases to 15, and if within 49-72 hours, you can get pregnant with a 40% chance.


Abortion pills are absolutely safe if you have no contraindications for taking them. They do not injure the uterine mucosa, which minimizes the risk of infertility in the future.

Despite the safety of a medical abortion compared to a surgical abortion, there may be complications after it, because each body reacts differently to interference in its “life”. Among the complications are the following:

  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Upset stomach, constipation, diarrhea;
  • In the first cycle after taking the pills, there may be no periods;
  • Aching and cramping;
  • , dizziness;
  • Demotion blood pressure;
  • Temperature increase;
  • Allergy;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Chills, weakness;
  • Exacerbation of chronic inflammatory diseases genitourinary system;
  • Profuse uterine bleeding.

Can birth control pills affect my next period?

Taking "emergency" birth control pills may cause your next period to be slightly different from your normal period. For example, menstruation can:

  • Go earlier or later than expected.
  • Be heavier or weaker than usual.
  • Accompanied by symptoms such as nausea or cramps.

If you take a birth control pill after unprotected sex, the delay lasts longer than a week, be sure to take a pregnancy test to rule out the possibility of pregnancy.

How do pregnancy pills interact with other medications?

As we have already said, pregnancy pills contain significantly more hormones than regular ones birth control pills. Taking this emergency contraceptive causes an increase in hormone levels in the body, which increases the chance of preventing pregnancy. However, there are medications and herbal supplements that can affect the way the tablets work.

Medicines that can make pregnancy pills less effective:

  • Barbiturates
  • Carbamazepine
  • Felbamate
  • Griseofulvin
  • Oxcarbazepine
  • Phenytoin
  • Rifampicin
  • St. John's wort
  • Topiramate

Be sure to tell your doctor about any medications you take to find out how they may affect the effectiveness of your birth control pills.


There is a myth that most girls have gotten into their heads and they just don’t want to get it out of their heads. Unprotected does not lead to pregnancy. But this is not true. It is possible to get pregnant, especially if a woman has a short cycle.

And there is another myth according to which discharge after unprotected sex is mistaken for sperm leaking from the vagina. But this is not always true. Sometimes just one drop of seminal fluid is enough to fertilize an egg. Yes, and not always leaking liquid white is semen - this may be vaginal lubrication or a symptom infectious disease. So you need to take the pregnancy pill anyway.


There are many, they vary in price and effectiveness. We chose the most popular and effective.

Escapellea modern progestational postcoital contraceptive with less pronounced side effects than Postinor. Taking Escapel is effective within 96 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse, but the rule “the sooner the better” is not canceled.

Genaleone of the most common and effective modern antigestagenic drugs. Not suitable if you are already pregnant and need a full-fledged abortion. The pill should be taken within the first 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse.

Pencroftonused when it is necessary to get rid of a child in the early stages of pregnancy. The main active ingredient is mifepristone. Suitable for use by nulliparous women, does not cause infertility.

Mifeginthe safest and most reliable drug for abortion. Efficiency - 100%. Can be used up to 8 weeks of pregnancy, prescribed only by a gynecologist after all necessary tests and examinations. The drug is not commercially available and is available only with a prescription.

Mifeprexa synthetic steroid antigestagenic drug suitable for termination of pregnancy in very early stages (up to 42 days). Medicine well tolerated, practically does not cause side effects and guarantees 98% results. After taking Mifeprex, a woman may experience some spotting for a while.

And remember that the pregnancy pill is for emergency medical use only, so it cannot be used as a regular method of contraception.

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