Ural Tank Corps history. How the Urals created a tank corps that beat the Nazis from Kursk to Prague. Shakhovo-Bryansk forests - Unecha

1. Phraseologisms in a meaning unusual for them:

1) This word has no prototype in Russian.

2) People who are stuck in laziness lose a lot.

3) Our officials are sucking up to the mayor.

4) These examples expose the poet as a romantic.

5) Slavka appears in this text as a workaholic patriot.

6) Laziness is the monster of modern youth.

7) One can only agree with this position with a squeaky heart.

8) These children were deprived of joy.

9) A difficult fate has befallen our people.

10) The children were poor, they ate bread and salt.

11) Low bow to those who fought.

12) They played a joke on him.

13) This act was the last straw that overflowed the barrel of gunpowder.

14) To prevent such hooliganism, it is necessary to strengthen and enlarge the internal organs.

2. Mixing paronyms:

1) The book gives hormonal education to a person.

2) She has always been a closed, hidden person.

3) Crystal honesty.

4) He did not want to be treated for alcohol.

5) The book should be treated very carefully, it deserves it.

3. Pleonasm:

German Germany. The working proletariat. In a rural village. You need to read each book thoughtfully and carefully. But these heroes only talk and chatter. Here revealed and touched interesting problem. The mother stood quietly and silently. These fashionistas are only interested in dresses and outfits. Flattering compliments. Money penalty.

4. Tautology:

It was as if I looked in the mirror and saw myself. I think that we should not be angry with Ukrainians or even Estonians. Based on the above, Tendryakov concludes...

5. Violations of the usual lexical compatibility of words:

1) Today's youth read little and do not broaden their horizons.

2) His speech is filled with an abundance of bookish words.

4) Today we have a dangerous and ill-mannered teenage generation.

5) The mother stood with a pitiful appearance, tattered, in shabby clothes.

6) The son treats his mother shamelessly.

7) The veteran only wanted more understanding.

8) Each word has its own unsurpassed history.

6. Stylistic mistakes

1) Marmeladov once had a job, but then he was laid off.

2) I slightly disagree with the author’s point of view.

3) Gogol showed Plyushkin with a similar miser.

4) We need to fill our heads with knowledge. Catherine II sought to ensure that philosophers and writers glorified her name throughout the world.

6) Sharikov, having received some power, became a lawless man.

7) Syntax errors:

2) Upon arrival in Britain, he immediately goes to London.

3) From a backward country, Russia has turned into a great power.

4) Russian youth are ready to lie down on the embrasure to prevent this.

5) Those who love literature know this name.

6) Good triumphs over evil - even fairy tales convince us of this.

7) D. Likhachev focuses on the problem of nationalism.

8) Not only he, but even all of us together could not do anything.

9) To confirm this, I will cite the following episode.

10) Cultural monuments that should be proud of, not destroyed, are being destroyed. Travel is not only a source of information, but also a component of history.

11) A good example This problem is our public transport.

12) For his feat as a scientist, he was awarded an order.

13) I am sincerely surprised and admired by the writer’s talent.

14) Violations are especially common in sentences with participial phrases:

15) Commenting on this text, it seems to me that the author loves to travel.

16) After visiting museums, the traveler became bored looking at all these physical values.

17) Without caring about the monuments of small nations, they can disappear from the face of the earth.

19) Sitting by the river, I like to watch the life of ducks.

20) Without developing talent, you can ruin it.

8) Ethical mistakes:

1) This text infuriates me.

3) You have to be completely crazy to read books today.

4) You can’t be too kind, because you yourself will end up without pants.

5) Ageev is a very bright writer of his time, the writer’s story is an example of human stupidity.

6) Tired of these pensioners: they all cry; but if you don’t like it, let them go to the next world.

7) Why does the school curriculum force you to read all the junk that is called the classics?

8) While studying at school, I, like all modern youth, did nonsense.

9) Dmitry Likhachev expressed his thoughts quite clearly... I would like to thank the author of the text for the ability to convey my thoughts.

10) Small nations gave our country a lot of things, knowledge, and we, like the last pigs, turned our backs to them.

9) Factual errors:

1) In Turgenev’s story “Crime and Punishment”...

2) The book means a lot to me, because Lenin said: “Live forever, learn!”

3) Bazarov was a nihilist and therefore killed the old woman with an ax.

4) The soldiers who defeated fascism returned to peaceful life and continued to write: “Moscow, how much has merged in this sound for the Russian heart!

10) Examples of sentences for finding and qualifying speech errors:

1) Bulgakov regretted that the White army failed.

2) This young man repels everyone with his selfishness and selfishness.

3) The young teacher had no choice but to show his enormous knowledge.

4) This fact had a huge impression on me.

5) The main feature of Russia has always been respect for rank.

6) Nowadays, no one does anything selflessly and for free.

7) This man was a nobleman from brain to bone.

8) This is the main problem inherent in the text.

10) After reading the text, you clearly understand and see the problem that the author conveys to us.

11) Chess develops combativeness and memory.

14) We are advised to listen to Mozart’s music to improve mental performance.

15) The writer of this article says that the great Volga is located throughout Russia.

16) The name of my favorite writer Gogol burns like a hot coal in the fire of world literature.

17) A high school student, ashamed of his mother’s poverty, lies to the boys that she is his former governess

18) Vadichka burned with shame in front of his comrades, but still approached his mother.

19) This problem is caused by active development Sciences.

20) It was the fate of fate.

21) She wanted to help her family and father.

22) School years were not wasted in vain.

Appendix 4.

Chapter 3. What is the burden of a woman’s lot?


Before I start this chapter, I want to apologize. I want to apologize to all women reading this book. Please forgive me for all the harshness that you are about to read.

Excuse me.

But this style of presentation was chosen specifically. So that there are no illusions and blinders that make you think “this is my destiny.” I hope that what I read here will encourage some women to reconsider their self-worth. Will push someone to self-correction, self-improvement. It will push you out of the everyday circle of problems, the border of which is often the most common fear of starting something new. And the fear of failure. And fear - what will your family (neighbors, acquaintances) say?

I know how hard it is to start changing. I've done this several times in my life! A radical life change. Giving up old habits. Admitting to myself that I am not smart and I need to learn. Read smart books and ask yourself: “So what, should I do this?!” Yes, I'd better turn on the TV. Or I’ll read a detective story – it’s interesting, after all. And at home, besides, the curtain was sagging. And the socket sparks. You never know what kind of things to do at home when you can also watch TV with half an eye.

Believe me, I understand how difficult it is to review your life and start something new.

So. What is the burden of a woman’s lot? And what kind of share is this – women’s? What role does a woman play in family life that quickly begins to age? Which functions does he perform with satisfaction and which ones does he not want to? Which aspects of life are useful and which are harmful to the “man-woman” union?

The main problematic aspect of life, where women have taken responsibility, is preserving the family.

This is how we are created, that the keeper of the home is a woman. She also had the part-time job of creating the family structure, otherwise there would be nothing to keep. And also to draw a man into this union. Against his own nature, against his habits and nature. Against his passion for searching and moving. In search of prey. Or in search of adventure.

A woman wants and expects courtship. The morals and customs of humanity (what a strange allegory!) do not welcome obvious initiative from women. Someone has destined this fate - to wait. Plus, fatigue and laziness, ordinary laziness closes a woman’s eyes, mouth, and “ties her hands.” And the woman freezes and waits...

All this is far-fetched. No need to wait. Remember the chapter “Happiness: wait... take...”

But the “heaviness” of the female lot lies precisely in the fact that women have more barriers than men. A woman was created to build a union, and she does that. But the initiative must be hidden - that’s the difference, that’s the difficulty, that’s the “heaviness”. Hide from the so-called stronger sex. Otherwise, this so-called stronger sex will be immediately defeated by one of the deadly sins, which is called pride. And from my pride - not pride, pride! – the so-called stronger sex is retreating, and the woman will have to start all over again. Plus, the fear of failure pushes a man “on the run.” But the woman has nowhere to “run”. A woman is destined by nature to build a union and continue the family line. A very thankless task. Find a man, “bewitch” (charm) and then give him offspring. Him!.. As if he had any merit here. And at the same time hide your mind all your life. Play the role all your life that a man is a king. At least in the family.

That's how it should be. Otherwise this “king” will run away.

That's the heaviness. This is where the image of a “suitcase without a handle” lies, which is hard to carry and a pity to throw away. But the woman has to carry it.

· But for whom is this a burden?

For modern ladies. For the uneducated. More precisely, educated, trained, but not for that. Not trained for that. Not trained in terms of communication, flirting, accepting advances. Boarding houses for noble maidens have sunk into oblivion. And it's not about nobility. And in the inability to attract attention. After all, civilization (let it be empty) with its increasing rhythm of life is killing sensuality. There is more and more logic, adequacy, and rationalism in actions. And less and less sensuality. And this is destructive for female nature. This is deadly for women's happiness.

A man is by nature a better leader than a woman, and creating barriers provokes him to look for loopholes. I must say more precisely - not a leader, but a search engine. To hold tightly means to extinguish its energy. But it is not extinguished completely, but accumulates, so that later, like a volcano, it erupts. This will either be a search for adventure on the side, or grumbling in the home circle. Both the first and second cases lead to the destruction of the union.

And if the accelerating pace of life is called the first problem, then

· The second problem is lifestyle.

At home – leisurely movements, then we slowly go to work (we’re not in good health). Or in general - we drive a car, sitting down. At work we sit down again. So what's the result? As a result, we look at the TV, they show smooth asses. They are definitely resilient. We touch my wife... After sitting at home, in the car and at work, the elasticity is not palpable. Is this a reproach? Yes, this is a reproach. A reproach to women. If you sit or stand all your life, and the word sport is just a joke for you, then don’t blame your man if he is looking for elasticity. Help your self, say the Americans. Help yourself (yourself). And blame yourself. There's nothing you can do here except keep moving and healthy image life. In the morning – exercises, water treatments. Trite? But there is no alternative!

But as? How to lead a healthy lifestyle when after work there are still chores and tasks for the children. There is simply no strength left for this. But still how!?

…No comments. There are specialists for this, they will tell you, they will help.

And it turns out that the burden of a woman’s lot is not in the selection of functions or in social status. It’s much easier to be ignorant. In ignorance of the basic concepts among which we live. More precisely - in knowledge, but non-acceptance of other people's positive experience.

· And this is the third and no less serious problem.

I had to talk to women about the question “what is love.” It's not a matter of who knows what. The fact is that a common answer is “but it’s just love, that’s all.” Or – “no definitions are needed. Love is just love." All that remains is, as the Eastern proverb says, “putting the fingers of amazement in your mouth, sit on the carpet of reflection.” The woman (!) does not want (!!) to have a debate on the topic of “love” (!!!).

Ordinary laziness of thinking. And somehow, out of the corner of my eye, I watched a woman spinning in front of the mirror. She looked at herself in the mirror and said to herself a very stupid (in my opinion) phrase: “And I’m not ugly. It’s very possible to love me.”

In ignorance! In ignorance of life! Ignorance of the basic concepts of interhuman relations. In ignorance of the definitions and meaning of feelings. What does it mean to “love”? How does it mean to “love”? Should I bring a salary? Or in the morning say " Good morning"? By the way, what does “ugly” have to do with it? Or “not ugly.” Is this the main thing and important condition, in which “one can love”? Remember, they love “for no reason”, but “in spite of everything”.

· Here is another problem that destroys a woman

- the pattern of life, ugly cliches that do not allow a woman to realize her greatness. The first and incorrect stamp - creation appearance. (Remember - “Two sides of the same coin”?) All strength, all energy, all money goes into appearance. And there is no time left for anything else, more important - charm, charm, posture, gait, wit. All this together and individually is more important than appearance.

Or – “feminine ostentatious weakness”, when you want to give a woman a hand. Offer your hand not because the woman’s gait is heavy and it’s hard for her to get down the steps, but because this gesture is very beautiful. But if the gait is heavy, then the gesture is no longer intended for the woman, but for the old woman - to offer a hand. And let this “old lady” be thirty years old.

Now, if the gait is light and graceful (by the way, gracefulness does not depend on the weight, mass, or plumpness of a woman), then you just want to extend your hand. It seems to everyone around that the man is making a polite gesture. I’ll reveal a secret: in fact, a man reaches out intuitively, with a desire to grab and touch. And only at the last moment does fear or reasonable behavior stop the movement of the hand from the body. All that remains is to offer your hand. But from the outside it looks beautiful. Beauty is also not alien to men.

Needless to say, it’s a beautiful gesture when a man offers his hand as a sign of attention. What if he serves because it’s difficult for a woman to get off the steps? Here, in the subconscious of a man, the image of this particular woman is laid down, that she is not an object of courtship, attention and intrigue, but an object of compassion. And as a consequence - erectile disfunction towards this particular woman. Sorry for being blunt.

Now, if a woman hides her weakness (well, it happens!) behind a sly look, behind an inviting gesture, if the call for help itself is hidden behind flirting, then you want to help such a woman now, immediately and no matter what! And then, after help, after contact by the hand and various other places - and playful thoughts are noisy in my head...

And so I began to master “just a little”: grace, posture, gait. For life. Daily. Hourly. Every minute. Believe me, this is more important than makeup.

The beauty of gestures, the beauty of relationships - this is external beauty. Not the beauty of appearance. And we need “inner” beauty – charm.

True, the beauty of appearance is truly attractive. But also depraved. Outwardly very beautiful woman Doesn't inspire confidence as a life partner. Not a girlfriend, but a girlfriend. Go to the sea...

And now the specifics.

Women have a wide range of vital functions. Too big. Compared to a man. The main functions are:

– working is inherent in both women and men,

- caring for the home (household) - both women and men,

– raising children – predominantly by women,

– caring for yourself (and for a man) – only a woman,

- only a woman can keep a man from doing stupid things.

Too much. Too much.

This is her – a difficult woman’s lot.

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Chapter 9. Social maturity, morality, law and the frontal lobes 1. Oppenhelm H. Zur Pathologie der Grosshirngeschwulste // Archives of Psychiatry. 1889. Vol. 21. P. 560. 2. Schore A. Affect Regulation and the Origin of the Self: The Neurobiology of Emotional Development. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc, 1999. 3. Anderson S. W. et al. Impairment of social and moral behavior related to early damage in human prefrontal cortex // Nat.

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On March 11, 1943, the Ural Volunteer Tank Corps was created under the command of General Rodin.
History of creation:

The Ural Volunteer Tank Corps (UDTK) is a unique tank formation that was created by overtime work of Ural workers with voluntary contributions from residents of three regions - Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk and Molotov (now Perm Territory).

The idea of ​​​​creating a tank corps arose in the Urals during the days of the completion of the defeat of Nazi troops at Stalingrad. In the newspaper "Ural Worker" January 16, 1943. a note “Tank Corps Beyond Plan” was published, which talked about the initiative of tank building teams: to produce in the first quarter of 1943. in excess of the plan, as many tanks and self-propelled guns as necessary to equip the tank corps; at the same time train combat vehicle drivers from among their own volunteer workers.

To the Chairman State Committee A letter was sent to the Defense Ministry in which the Ural workers asked for permission to form a special volunteer Ural Tank Corps named after Comrade Stalin. February 24, 1943 A telegram in response came from Moscow: “We approve and welcome your proposal to form a special volunteer Ural Tank Corps. I. Stalin." February 26, 1943 Commander of the Ural Military District, Major General A.V. Katkov issued a directive on the formation of UDTK. 110 thousand applications were submitted voluntarily, which was 12 times more than was required to complete the corps, and 9,660 people were selected.

The UDTK's combat route was over 5,500 km, of which 2,000 km included combat, from Orel to Prague. During two years of participation in the Great Patriotic War, the tank corps liberated hundreds of cities and thousands settlements. For the skillful fighting, heroism, courage and bravery of the Ural volunteers Supreme Commander-in-Chief I.V. Stalin expressed gratitude to the corps and units 27 times. The corps was awarded the Order of the Red Banner, the Order of Suvorov, II degree, and the Order of Kutuzov, II degree. During the Great Patriotic War 42,368 orders and medals were awarded to the soldiers of the corps, 27 soldiers and sergeants became full holders of the Order of Glory, 38 guardsmen of the corps were awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union, and Colonel M.G. Fomichev was awarded this high title twice.

Since 1945 Units of the division began scheduled combat training as part of the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany (GSVG), and carried out combat missions to support the activities of the Government of the GDR. Throughout its entire time on German soil, the division was considered one of the best tank formations of the GSVG.

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