Increase battery life on your phone. How to extend your smartphone's battery life. How to turn off unused features on Android

Tired of charging your Android smartphone or tablet? Always looking for a charger? Extend the battery life of Android smartphones Easily! 18 Ways that REALLY work.

Why does Android run out of juice quickly?

There are many rumors that Android devices run out of battery very quickly! The thing is that this operating system has quite broad optimization capabilities, but as a rule, no one uses them. It's time to customize your Android! In this article you will learn how to extend the battery life of Android smartphones, from simple to complex!

Method 1 Extend the battery life of Android smartphones

Decrease brightness

The main source of why Android runs out of power is the Screen, and the brighter it shines, the faster the battery will run out.

Conclusion: Reduce the brightness as much as possible, even a slight change will add from 30 minutes to 2 hours of battery life.

Method 2 Extend the battery life of Android smartphones

Reduce backlight duration

Even if you reduce the brightness of the screen, but it is backlit for 30 minutes, then Android will still discharge faster. Therefore, reduce the duration of the backlight!

Method 3 Extend the battery life of Android smartphones


If you are not driving or using applications that need access to your location, turn off GPS, as well as tracking by network coordinates.

Method 13 Extend the battery life of Android smartphones

Freeze apps

Yes, I was not mistaken, freeze it, but not in the refrigerator, but in Android settings From version 4.0 or higher, you can freeze built-in applications, after which they will not take up precious resources.

This is done like this: Settings menu -> Application -> Required application -> Aboutturn off

It is also possible to disable both standard applications and downloaded ones, but this requires the Titanium Backup program.

Method 14 Extend the battery life of Android smartphones

Call melody

Video Demonstration of Set CPU operation


Method 17 Extend the battery life of Android smartphones

Tasker app

Method 18 Extend the battery life of Android smartphones

By turning off WI-FI when the screen is off

Android has the ability to turn off WI-FI when it is “sleeping”; this function will be useful if you disable packet data (method 6).

To activate this function go to:

Settings -> WI-FI->Call additional. menu -> Additional functions - WI-FI in sleep mode

Method 19 Solve the problem with the MediaServer process

Method 20 Dust on MicroUSB contacts

This problem can arise over time or after you have been in a dusty room, the battery charge seems to melt before your eyes, and Android is also buggy. In this case, it will help you cleaning the MicroUSB connector located on the device using a toothbrush.

Method 21 Install special applications

There are many applications that promise to reduce Android power consumption, that is, save battery power, but there are also those that actually work!

Amplify Battery Extender

This application regulates the operation of applications, preventing your Android from waking up again and performing unnecessary actions. Download on Google Play.


The Greenify application allows you to control the operation of applications in the background more flexibly than the Android OS itself. The only thing you need is to simply install the application from the Google Play store - Greenify and then launch it.


Actively fights applications that do not go to sleep and run in the background. Application Servicely can also be downloaded from the Google Play store.

Method 22 Dark Background (AMOLED display)

Samsung, and many other manufacturers already use displays made using AMOLED technology distinctive feature from simple LCD or TFT matrices this technology does not require backlighting, since the pixels are illuminated themselves.

If the display shows any dark or black background, the pixels are “turned off”, which saves energy.

Remember what the legendary Muhammad Ali said: “I’m so fast that when I turn off the light, I’m in bed before the lamp goes out!” . Why this joke?

Yes, to the fact that Android devices discharge at the speed of light.

No wonder they joke online that if you lost your Android smartphone, look for it near the outlet.

You can endlessly make fun of Android's shortcomings to the delight of iPhone fans. However, they will not get such pleasure. No no.

Now the AndroidOne team will tell you how to solve the problem fast discharge battery

Let us immediately note that we did not Google or communize other people’s articles. These are our own creations. Well, or almost...

So, meet 10 working ways to get Android smartphones out of Knockout:

Secret #1 – Disable services you don’t use.

Everything is obvious here. Services access Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. This is an additional load on the core - energy consumption increases.

Solution: SETTINGS >> Wireless Modules.

There is a more convenient alternative. Display service widgets on the Desktop and enable modules only when necessary.

Secret #2 – Turn off 3G in areas with weak signal.

If you find yourself in an area of ​​weak 3G coverage, your phone will start switching between modes in an attempt to find a 3G network. So turn it off.

Solution: SETTINGS >> Wireless modules >> mobile network >> Network mode.

Set to “GSM only”

Secret #3 – Turn off data if you don't use the Internet.

The smartphone rushes to the Internet like a spy, wasting precious energy.

Solution: SETTINGS >> Wireless Modules >> Mobile network.

Uncheck “Data Transfer”.

Secret #4 – Turn off your GPS [unless you're going into the woods].

The GPS module eats up energy like a cat after a week's diet. Just a few hours and your battery will be as empty as a bottle of vodka at a high school reunion.

Therefore, turn off the GPS if you are not going to real life play S.T.A.L.K.E.R or hide and seek in the forest.

Solution: SETTINGS >> Location and Security.

Uncheck the boxes “ Wireless network” and “GPS satellites”.

Secret #5 – Lower your screen brightness and turn off automatic brightness.

No comments here. Even a blonde will understand why this should be done. It is so?! =)

Solution: SETTINGS >> Screen >> brightness.

Uncheck “automatic brightness” and set the screen brightness to a comfortable level.

Secret #6 – Turn on airplane mode before bed.

And this is not done at all in order to grow a couple of centimeters.

The fact is that a smartphone consumes a huge amount of charge overnight. Therefore, if at night you are not expecting a call from (lover / mistress, serial killer from the movie "SCREAM", Housing Office), turn off the radio module.

Solution: SETTINGS >> Wireless Modules.

Check the box for “Airplane Mode”

Secret #7 - Disable “Auto-set date and time”

It is unknown why a smartphone periodically synchronizes the time and calendar with the Internet. But this costs you precious drops of energy.

Solution: SETTINGS >> Date and Time. Uncheck “Automatically adjust date and time”

Secret #8 - Disable “Auto-sync”.

“Auto-sync” updates mail, weather, MordoBook (facebook) and other services. This wastes battery power. Therefore, use manual updating.

Solution: SETTINGS >> Accounts and Synchronization.

Uncheck “Traffic in background” and “Auto-sync”

Secret #9 – Avoid Live Wallpaper on your desktop.

Overblown special effects waste your energy. Therefore, set a modest static picture and enjoy the increased battery charge.

Secret #10 – Charge your phone using the AbraKadabra method!

There is a special phone charge cycle that extends the life of the smartphone battery. Sorry, but this method We didn't invent it. Otherwise you would have applied for Nobel Prize.

Here's what you need to do:

Step 1 : Wait until the smartphone shows low battery level. Put it on charge for 8 hours;

Step 2 : Disconnect the smartphone from the power supply, turn off the smartphone completely, and put it back on charge in OFF mode. Charge this way for another 1 hour;

Step 3 : Unplug your smartphone from the outlet, turn on the device, wait until it boots up completely (this will take a couple of minutes). Then turn off the smartphone again and charge for another 1 hour.

Do you think this is stupid? Do this once and see the difference!

IMPORTANT >> This procedure does not have to be done often; once every six months is enough..

That's all!

And while Android can sometimes be a bit of a hassle, we'll still protect it. At least he's fun to be around.

Millions love Apple and iOS. Someone must hate them. This is US =)

See you soon!


In the next article we will tell you how many sexually preoccupied AndroidOne users are :)) Battery life is probably the biggest pain point of all Android devices. Most Android devices, when actively used, work without recharging for a maximum of one day. This is not enough for many users, so they wonder how to increase battery life on Android. In this article we will look at some of the most effective ways

solutions to this problem. Battery Doctor (Battery Saver)

Additional gadgets to increase operating time

If fine tuning does not allow you to significantly improve battery life, then you can use additional devices to solve this problem. The simplest and most reliable option is.

An external battery is a small device with a capacious battery and a USB output for recharging portable gadgets. The capacity of this external battery allows you to charge your Android smartphone several times until it is fully charged.

Second possible variant- This is a battery with increased capacity. For many popular models of Android smartphones, there are high-capacity batteries.

The disadvantage of this method of increasing operating time is that the thickness of the device increases with the new battery.

Is there anything to add to this material? Tell us about it in the comments.

Properly charging your battery will help keep your smartphone running for a long time. Simply plugging in your phone as soon as you get home and leaving it to charge until you leave the house in the morning is the wrong decision. Since there are many different tips on how to properly charge your battery to maximize its performance, we decided to put together 5 tips. Follow these simple rules and you will get the most out of your charge.

Heat is the biggest enemy of lithium-ion batteries for most smartphones. You must ensure that the smartphone does not lie for a long time under straight sun rays, for example, on the dashboard of a car. You should also avoid charging your smartphone while playing a game with good graphics, as this will also increase the temperature of the phone, which leads to gradual damage to the battery. The ideal charging temperature is between 20-30 degrees Celsius.

2. Don't use your phone while charging

3. Don't use fake chargers

Use only original adapters, this is especially important for models that support fast charging. A high capacity charger can quickly charge a phone up to 70%, but can also damage the battery in the process if the “charging” is not properly optimized. Using a higher current than specified in the instructions will reduce the long-term energy storage life of the battery cells. This can damage the battery and even cause actual damage to the smartphone case. Apple has even created a program to ensure that customers are using genuine chargers.

4. From 0 to 100 is no longer relevant

Smartphones are now being produced with batteries such that they do not need to be charged from full discharge to full charge several times. However, you should not let the battery die completely if you can avoid it. It is recommended to charge the device when there is 10 percent charge remaining. This will increase the life of your battery.

5. Don't leave your phone on the charger all night

While charging your phone overnight, the charged battery remains connected to the network for many hours before you wake up. This also affects the life of the battery. This, of course, is not critical if there is no other way out, but by not disconnecting the battery from the power supply after a full charge, you speed up the process of battery wear.

Instead of output

These simple tips will help you increase the battery life of your smartphone. Additionally, there are a few more things you can try. Almost all Android devices Applications designed to optimize the battery are installed. They do not have any complex controls and anyone can figure them out. If there is no such application, then you can easily download one from official source applications. For each operating system Dozens of similar programs have been created.

Additionally, if you are going to keep the device turned off for more than six months, then you should charge it to 50% every six months. This must be done regardless of the brand of the device.

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Modern smartphones are very energy-consuming devices. Often, even in standby mode, the charge may not be enough until the evening. Where does the battery charge go and how can you increase the battery life of your smartphone?

Where does the battery charge go?

You can check how much battery power an application consumes, as well as view the discharge graph on any Android smartphone and tablet. Let's consider this using the example of the Xiaomi Mi2 smartphone.

To view, go to the device settings, select the menu item " Battery", on the next screen tap on the item " Battery usage».

A list of applications and processes that consume battery power will open. For information on a specific application, click on its name. To view the discharge graph, you need to look at the line with information about the operating time of the smartphone.

How to increase the operating time of your smartphone

What can you do to increase the operating time of your device? First of all, you need to consider what exactly is wasting the most battery power, except for system processes and applications. Sometimes it may be some application that actively consumes the battery in the background and prevents the device from going into sleep mode. You need to get rid of such programs and look for similar ones in functionality.

Screen optimization

The screen that is turned on consumes the most energy, but naturally we cannot get rid of it, we can only reduce its appetites by setting a lower brightness level or turning on auto brightness adjustment. The brighter the screen, the faster the battery drains. Adjust the brightness level to your liking by going to your smartphone’s settings or sliding the notification panel shade vertically.

Additionally, configure the time the screen turns off when it is inactive. If the time before extinguishing is set to be long, then reduce it to 30-60 seconds.

If you have a smartphone with a screen made using AMOLED technology, then install dark wallpaper and theme. The peculiarity of such displays is that dark colors they waste little electricity. Conversely, the highest rank falls on light colors.

Optimizing wireless interfaces

The battery drains quickly when constantly switching between 2G and 3G networks, in conditions of poor 3G coverage. If the 3G connection in your area is unstable and the device constantly switches from EDGE to 3G mode and back, then it would be better to force it to switch to 2G mode. To do this, go to your smartphone settings along the path “ Settings" -> "Mobile networks" -> "Network type" and select " Only 2G»

To reduce battery consumption, do not keep it turned on all the time. Mobile Internet, Bluetooth and GPS, turn them on as needed.

To reduce battery drain, turn it on in your smartphone settings balanced mode processor operation. Depending on the model and manufacturer of the device, this mode may be called differently - optimal, economical, etc.

It should be noted that not all smartphones have this option. As a rule, it is present in high-performance devices.

The vast majority of smartphones and tablets have a power saving mode preset by the manufacturer, which can be turned on, off, and configured by the user. In principle, this mode uses all the settings described above, you can simply play with them by setting your own values.

You can try to increase battery life by replacing your smartphone's batteries.

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