Vitamin complexes for teenager growth. Vitamins for children's growth. Child health problems

Guys, hello! Vadim is with you again! Question for you: what do you know about vitamins? What about vitamins to increase height? Do you need to study this topic before you start working on increasing your body height? In today’s article I want to sort this out and also tell you what vitamin and mineral complexes helped me grow 5 cm in a few months.

Why do people even need vitamins? For different purposes. They really have many functions, but we are interested in their ability to trigger body growth. Vitamins, like hormones, are catalysts for reactions that lead to the formation of new cells and tissues. By the way, many vitamins also influence the synthesis of hormones, including growth hormone.

Official medicine believes that vitamins are almost never produced in the human body and must be obtained from food. If you follow a varied diet, they will be normal. There is another point of view. Research by academician Alexander Uglov shows that healthy person all vitamins are synthesized in sufficient quantities by symbiotic microflora gastrointestinal tract(Gastrointestinal tract). By creating certain conditions, this can be achieved. Let's look at seven essential vitamins that affect the growth of the body.

Essential growth vitamins.

Vitamin A, perhaps the most famous vitamin for increasing height. It is a fat-soluble vitamin, meaning it dissolves and is absorbed in fats. Vitamin A can accumulate and be stored in the liver and fatty tissues for a long time.

I wrote in detail about vitamin A and its sources in the article, but I won’t repeat it now.

Vitamins of group B. All vitamins in this group are water soluble. Vitamins have a greater influence on body growth: B1, B2, B6, B9, B12. They help regulate many processes in the body - from digestion to heart function and nervous system.

The main sources of B vitamins: grains, nuts, legumes, greens, eggs, cheese, meat.

Vitamin C also indirectly affects human growth and development. It is water soluble and is excreted fairly quickly in the urine, so its reserves must be replenished regularly. The best sources of vitamin C include citrus fruits, as well as bell peppers, Apple vinegar, wheat sprouts.

Vitamin D stimulates the production of bone-forming cells. Participates in the conversion of calcium into bone tissue.

It is a fat-soluble vitamin that the body obtains primarily through exposure to sun rays. Among food products it is found in fish oil, egg yolks, dairy products. Read more about vitamin D

Vitamin E protects vitamins A and C from destruction, as well as other substances that are involved in growth processes. Sources of vitamin E are vegetable oils, as well as pine nuts, hazelnuts, and oats.

Vitamin K naturally produced by bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. Plays an important role in blood clotting and indirectly promotes bone health. Good food sources of vitamin K are green leafy vegetables: turnip greens, spinach, cauliflower, broccoli.

Vitamin complexes to increase growth.

Okay, we learned about the seven main growth vitamins, now the next point. Can we get them from regular food? Yes, if we eat foods of which we have no doubt, grown under the sun in good soil. However, if your diet consists entirely of store and restaurant food, then there is a high risk of being left with a deficiency of vitamins in the body. Especially in winter period. Especially if you ignore fresh plant foods and eat only boiled, fried, thermally processed foods.

Vitamin supplements may temporarily help with vitamin deficiencies. There are a huge number of them for different problems. I’ll say right away that taking ready-made vitamins does not replace it, but only complements it. I can also say from my own experience that there is a big difference between vitamins from live food and from jars in favor natural food, so whenever possible, choose good nutrition rather than taking complex vitamins.

Some time ago, in an attempt to become taller, I tried a large number of vitamin and mineral supplements. More than 20 different types for 12 months, not counting individual supplements and calcium. At first I selected vitamins with doctors, and then I began to experiment on my own. I tried what my friends, people on sports sites, height increase forums, and so on advised. I used supplements that had good reviews. I got the desired result, visible problems from the reception large quantity different drugs have not yet been observed. As promised, below I will give some of the best, in my opinion, supplements that I have tried. I can't tell you which ones are right for you as everyone is different, but you can try them out to get started. There are not only vitamins, but also other components important for growth.

  • Calcemin Advance
  • Calcium Sandoz Forte
  • Berlamin Modular, Berlin-Chemie
  • Natekal D3
  • Elkar solution for internal admission 20%
  • Unicap U
  • Elevit Pronatal
  • Yodomarin 200, Berlin-Chemie

These complexes really help the body grow. I do not recommend using them at the same time, as the liver will be overloaded, so try one at a time, or better yet, choose a complex for yourself together with your doctor. Again, we are all different and what works for me may not work for others.

Now you know what vitamins a person needs to get and what nutritional supplements can help you grow up. The next part of the diet to increase height. It's about squirrels. Good luck!

Best regards, Vadim Dmitriev

Essential for the growth of healthy, strong bones. This vitamin is important for stimulation. A lack of vitamin D can lead to brittle bones and the formation of weak bones. To get enough vitamin you should include in your daily diet milk, potatoes, tomatoes, citrus fruits, cauliflower.

Vitamin B1

Vitamin B1 is the next vitamin that is essential for... Vitamin B1 promotes body growth, improves digestion, and supports proper functioning of the heart and nervous system. Sources of vitamin B1 include pork, rice, peanuts, peas and soybeans.


Another essential vitamin for promoting growth is riboflavin or vitamin B2. This vitamin also promotes body growth, which means bone growth. Riboflavin helps accelerate hair growth and... It is found in milk, eggs, fish and green leafy vegetables.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) supports healthy bones and teeth. An excellent source of antioxidant, vitamin C improves blood circulation, thus stimulating body and bone growth. Excellent sources of vitamin C are citrus fruits, tomatoes, potatoes and berries.

It is known that calcium is the basis of structural bone tissue in the human body. This mineral is the most essential vitamin throughout a person’s life. Most of the calcium found in the human body is found in the skeleton. Calcium deficiency has the most negative impact on health. Calcium is especially important for children, when the human skeleton is being formed; a lack of this mineral can lead to irreparable consequences for the child’s growth. You should primarily include dairy products in your diet. Calcium is also found in foods such as spinach, turnips, cabbage and soy products.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that can be stored in fatty tissues and the liver. This vitamin plays a crucial role in bone growth. You can consume vitamin A in two forms: retinol, which is found in animal foods such as liver, fish and dairy products; and in the form of beta-carotene, which is found in plant products such as carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, apricots and green leafy vegetables.

Trainer-nutritionist, sports nutritionist, honored author of Evehealth


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This article is based on scientific evidence, written and reviewed by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strive to be objective, unbiased, honest and present both sides of the argument.

Many mothers are interested in the growth of their children. Especially if the child lags behind his peers in terms of growth in kindergarten or school. But there is no need to panic ahead of time. Each child is individual, and his growth rate may differ from his classmates.

You also need to take into account this point: if the parents have average heights (160 - 175 cm), then it is hardly reasonable to expect a future basketball player in the family. The growth rate of a child is determined genetically and is passed on from his parents.

A person grows up to 20 years of age. And sharp growth spurts occur in the following periods: 0-1 year, 4-5 years, 13-14 years. It is at this time that the child must reach his maximum (genetically determined) height. During these periods, the body simply needs good ones.

Properly balanced nutritional intake. These are: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, microelements. Simple carbohydrates should not be abused - they can slow down the child’s growth. Food should be free of numerous dyes, preservatives and flavor enhancers. The most natural and healthy. Sources of fats must be extracted from vegetable oil, butter, meat and dairy products.

Exercise stress. Now many schoolchildren, and preschoolers too, do not like to walk on the street. They much prefer to sit for several hours in a row in front of computers, laptops, and tablets. Such habits need to be changed urgently. For the active growth of a child, they need movement, especially on fresh air. Free running and jumping are very useful. Sport sections will also help to diversify the child’s usual lifestyle.

Rest. In order for growth problems to stop bothering parents, it is necessary to ensure that the child sleeps at least 8-10 hours.

No severe stress. School is a difficult experience for children. Difficult interpersonal relationships between peers, conflicts with teachers, and internal experiences can also cause a child’s growth to slow down. In this case, a psychologist should help understand the problem. And parents create a favorable atmosphere in the family.

Vitamin therapy. Also plays big role in the growth of children. It is quite difficult to choose the right vitamins that will help the growth of a child’s bones.

What vitamins does a child need for growth?

For the harmonious development of a child, all the vitamins and minerals known to us are needed. Including during the period of active growth of children. But still, pediatricians highlight vitamins, the lack of which can seriously affect growth rates.

What vitamins should I take for children's growth?

  1. Vitamin A. It is considered the most necessary. Takes part in bone synthesis. Promotes their growth in length and strength. Available in butter, dairy products, fish oil, liver. But mothers need to be careful: an excess of vitamin A, like its deficiency, is dangerous to health.
  2. Vitamin D A well-known remedy against rickets in infants. Its main merit is that it helps calcium and phosphorus be better absorbed in the intestines. In addition, it improves the condition of teeth and promotes strong bones. In order for a child to receive a sufficient amount of vitamin D, he needs to walk a lot in sunny weather and eat: liver, eggs, potatoes, milk, fish.
  3. B vitamins.
    • Vitamin B 1. Helps bone growth by improving the digestion process and enriching body tissues with nutrients. It can be found in kidneys, honey, and buckwheat.
    • Vitamin B 2. Normalizes metabolism, which helps skeletal growth. There is a lot of vitamin B 2 in dairy products, nuts, and eggs.
    • Vitamin B 6. Controls that bone formation is correct, with the inclusion of receptors. Bananas, seafood, potatoes, meat - have a sufficient amount of vitamin B6.
    • Vitamin B 11. Considered a growth vitamin. Accelerates growth and promotes bone strength. It is often prescribed to “little eaters” to normalize appetite. It can be found in meat, dairy products, and avocados.
  4. Vitamin C. Vitamin C by itself does not promote bone growth. But its main merit is that it helps vitamins A, D, E to be better absorbed in the intestines, and then, protecting them from destruction by free radicals, transfers them to the tissues of our body. Lemon, kiwi, apples, bell peppers are rich in vitamin C.
  5. Vitamin K It is also only indirectly involved in the process of bone growth. Vitamin K reduces blood clotting, thereby promoting better absorption of all necessary nutrients by the tissues of our body. Including those necessary for bone growth. There is a lot of this vitamin in cheese, walnuts, and butter.
  6. Calcium. It is the main component of our bones. Its role for the growth of children cannot be overestimated. But calcium cannot be absorbed without the help of vitamin D. There is a lot of calcium in dairy products, greens, nuts, beans, and rose hips.
  7. Iodine. Part of the thyroid hormones. This, in turn, affects the child’s growth process. If there is not enough iodine in the diet, growth can be significantly reduced. There is a lot of iodine in seaweed, seafood, garlic, spinach, eggs.

Sometimes adding vitamins from the pharmacy to your diet is simply necessary. Especially during the period of active growth of the child, seasonal vitamin deficiencies, viral diseases. There may also be a lack of vitamins in children who are too picky about their diet and refuse healthy products.

But before you buy vitamins, let's look at their types:

Vitamins from birth to one year. Pediatricians are afraid to prescribe poly vitamin complexes for such small children, rightly predicting a heavy load on the kidneys. and baby's growth.

The main vitamin of this period is vitamin D. Infants especially need it to prevent rickets. Vitamin complexes for children from birth to one year:

  • "Multitabs Baby" in drops;
  • "Biovital gel for children."

Vitamins for children from 1 year to 3 years. Some vitamin kits contain only the following vitamins:

  • "Pikovit";
  • "Sana-Sol."

Others include vitamins and minerals:

  • "Multitabs"

Pediatricians still cannot decide which complexes are better. Many people believe that vitamins and minerals in one pill can harm the child and prefer complexes that contain only vitamins.

“Our Baby Alphabet” tried to please everyone. They divided the vitamins and minerals into colorful tablets so that the child could take them at different time days.

At this age, preference is given to calcium and vitamin D. The fact is that this period is very responsible in terms of bone growth and the change of teeth from milk to molars.

Vitamins are divided into:

  • Simple - contain only calcium and vitamin D 3. For example: “Complivit Calcium D3”, “Nycomed Calcium D 3”, “Vitamishki Calcium Plus”.
  • Complex – contain a wide variety of vitamins and minerals. "Pikovit Yunik", "Pikovit", "Alphabet" Kindergarten", "Alphabet Schoolboy", "Vitrum Baby", "Multitabs Baby Calcium Plus".

Separately, it is worth noting vitamins for growth from the American brand. Use promo code BRB255 to get a 5% discount. This brand produces the most important vitamins and their complexes for the children's body, which are aimed at supporting healthy development, growth, and stimulating the immune system in children from 6 months to 12 years. This company's products use exclusively natural ingredients; there are no artificial flavors, dyes, GMOs, gluten, pesticides or heavy metals.

Vitamins for growth are presented in two forms: liquid and capsule. The capsules open easily, so they can be safely given to infants, dissolved in mother's milk or formula. Popular positions are:

. Teenagers can already take the same vitamin complexes as adults. The main task of such vitamins is to activate bone growth. Proven vitamin and mineral complexes: “Vitrum Calcium D 3”, “Calcium D 3 Actavis”, “Revital Calcium D 3”, “Elkar”, etc.

A worthy alternative to domestic vitamins for teenagers can be dietary supplements, which are presented on the website. The best of them are:

Here are the most popular vitamins for children's growth. The reviews are mostly positive. But every mother, first of all, should consult a doctor about the need to use vitamin complexes.

When vitamins for children for growth and development cannot be taken with the following indicators!

  • Allergy to some component of the drug.
  • At the same time as antibiotics.
  • It is not recommended to take vitamin complexes on an empty stomach.
  • You should take your vitamins only with water, not juice, coffee, or cocoa.
  • Do not self-medicate!

Always read the annotation carefully vitamin preparations. Especially study possible overdoses and contraindications.

Children's bodies need vitamins during the period of active growth. But it is better if the child receives them from food. Awareness about the vitamins necessary for growth will make this task easily solved.

Health and prosperity to you!

Many new mothers are concerned about the growth of their baby. Especially if he is slightly behind his peers in this indicator. But do not worry ahead of time, because each baby is unique in his own way and therefore his height may differ from the growth of other children.

It is also important that the child’s height indicators directly depend on the height of his parents: if mom and dad are of average height (approximately 155-175 cm), then the child, a priori, will not be tall. This indicator is initially laid down at the genetic level and is inherited from parents.

A person's height reaches its maximum at the age of twenty. The largest growth leaps occur at the following ages: from 0 to 1 year, from four to five years, from thirteen to fourteen years. It is during this period that the baby reaches its maximum growth, which is inherent at the human genetic level. And it is during this period that the body needs vitamin complexes as much as possible for growth and development.

Main factors on which growth depends

Groups of vitamins

In order for a child to develop harmoniously, it is necessary to use known vitamins and minerals. They should be used during the period of most active growth.

List of the best vitamin complexes for growth

Sometimes you just can’t do without pharmacy vitamin complexes. Especially during periods of vigorous human growth, with seasonal vitamin deficiency or viral disease. Flaw useful substances in the body can also be observed in children who do not eat enough and refuse healthy foods. It is in such cases that you cannot do without vitamins.


  • Vitamin complexes intended from birth to 1 year.

At this age, pediatricians try to rarely prescribe vitamins, as they fear a heavy load on the baby’s kidneys. But sometimes they are simply necessary, for example, if the baby is not gaining weight well or is not growing.

The main thing during this period will be vitamin D, which is used to prevent diseases such as rickets.

Doctors often prescribe Aquadetrim - this is a D3 solution, which is allowed for children from 1 month.

Multitabs Baby . This vitamin complex contains vitamins D, A and C. It is produced in the form of drops and can be consumed in the first year of a baby’s life.

Biovital gel for children. Contains a multivitamin complex of lecithin and three minerals. Allowed for use by children of any age.

  • Vitamins for growth, intended for children from one to three years old.

. This vitamin complex is made in the form of syrup and is intended for children over 1 year of age. It contains 9 vitamins necessary for the growth of the baby.

Sana-Sol . It is similar to Pikovit, but only it contains 10 important vitamin complexes. It is produced in the form of syrup and is prescribed to children from 1 year.

Multitabs . Contains all kinds of vitamin complexes and minerals, is produced in the form of pills and is prescribed to children from 1 year.

Alphabet our baby. This drug is produced in the form of a sachet with powder and is prescribed to children aged 1.5-3 years. All useful elements are distributed into three-day doses, taking into account their absorption by the body. It contains 11 vitamin complexes, 5 minerals and beta-carotene.

  • Vitamin complexes for growth are intended for children from three to seven years old. During this age period, it is necessary to take calcium and vitamin D in maximum quantities, because they are responsible for bone growth and the change of teeth from milk to molars.

Vitamins . This multivitamin complex is prescribed to children from three years of age. They come in the form of gummy bears that attract children's attention. The active growth of a child is influenced by the "Multi+" complex and the "Calcium+" supplement, which contain such essential vitamin D.

Pikovit Yunik. It is made in the form of chewable tablets and combines 11 vitamin complexes and 8 mineral supplements. Prescribed to children over three years of age.

Vitrum Baby . Allowed for use by children from 3 to 5 years old. Available in chewable tablet form and combined with calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.

Nycomed Calcium D3. These vitamins, available in the form of chewable growth tablets, contain calcium carbonate and D3. Allowed for use by children over three years of age.

Supradin Kids gel . This vitamin supplement combines 8 main vitamin complexes, lecithin and beta-carotene. Allowed for children over three years old.

Multi-tabs Baby Calcium+ . Vitamins for growth are presented in the form of chewable tablets and are prescribed to children from two to seven years old. The composition includes a vitamin complex of 13 components and additional essential minerals.

Despite the advantages of vitamin supplements, there are also contraindications in which the use of vitamins for growth is prohibited!

Contraindication for use

  • Tendency to intolerance to any component of the vitamin supplement.
  • Presence of a child diabetes mellitus, because many additives contain sugar.
  • Phenylketonuria.
  • Severe form of kidney disease.
  • Hypervitaminosis of vitamins A and D.
  • Problems with calcium metabolism.

Be sure to read the instructions for the vitamin supplement before use. If your child is not yet three years old, then in this case you need to buy vitamins that are allowed for children under three years of age, and for a teenager you can buy a vitamin complex designed for children aged 12 to 18 years.

Remember, vitamin complexes intended for adults are strictly forbidden to be given to children!

Height is one of the indicators of a child’s physical development, which is carefully monitored by mothers and fathers. The increase in body length makes parents delighted. But if the baby has not grown up, then mom and dad begin to worry. How can you increase your growth rate and what to feed your child? This article is about this.

All parents dream of their child growing up strong and healthy, keeping up with their peers in physical development. The main word in this phrase is “grew”. Thanks to active growth, children gradually turn into adults. Boys want to be tall, and girls tend to be average. Nevertheless, there are short boys and girls.

But many parents believe that their children will be taller than them. Of course, it is difficult to fight heredity, but it is still possible. If you consume the right foods during periods of intense growth, your body length will increase. In this simple way, a short child can become a child of average or above average height.

Changes in growth rates at different ages in children

Growth is a physiological process characterized by elongation of the body and a change in its proportions.

All children go through stages of physical development starting from the very beginning. early period– conception. During pregnancy, a woman’s belly grows rapidly, especially over a long period of time. This is due to an increase in the size of the fetus. From a small embryo (2.5 mm) a full-fledged child is formed, 46–56 cm long.

After birth, the baby also continues to grow actively. This is more clearly expressed in the first year of life. Height increases by half. If at birth the newborn’s body length was 50 cm, then by the age of one year it approaches 75 cm. At 4 years old, children double their height (on average it is 100 cm), and by the age of 12 they triple it (about 150 cm).

Body length from 2 to 15 years can be determined based on a formula where the height of an eight-year-old child is known (130 cm). For each missing year, 7 cm is subtracted from 130 cm, and for each subsequent year, 5 cm is added to 130 cm.

Also average height The child can be calculated if you know the height of both parents. To do this, the height of mom and dad in centimeters needs to be folded and divided in half. Add 6.5 cm to the result obtained if the child is a boy, or subtract 6.5 cm if the family has a girl.

As the body lengthens, the proportions also change. In a newborn, the ratio of head to body length is 1:4, and in an adult it is 1:7–1:8. As a result, nurses often have to measure body proportions when visiting a pediatrician. The expression is true: “A child is not an adult in miniature.” More about the average normative height and weight in children.

The influence of the skeletal system on the growth of a child

The growth of a child directly depends on the degree of skeletal development. In children, the end sections of tubular bones - the epiphyses, spongy bones of the hand and foot consist of cartilaginous tissue. Gradually, during the formation of the skeleton, zones of ossification appear. Using them, you can determine the child’s bone age and make a prediction regarding further growth. To do this you need to do X-ray examination both brushes. Each age period corresponds to the appearance of a certain bone (in girls, the last bone appears at 11 years, in boys - at 13.5 years). As soon as the ossification points cover all growth zones, the elongation of the skeleton will stop.

After the last bone of the wrist joint ossifies, the child’s growth will stop, regardless of age.

To avoid short stature in their baby, parents need to pay attention to indicators of physical development. The exception is hereditary short stature. Before the growth plates are closed, good body length can be achieved with proper therapy.

Vitamins and minerals for children's growth

In order for the body to grow and develop according to age, the child’s diet must contain a sufficient amount of vitamins, micro-, macroelements and other substances.

Children have an accelerated metabolism. This is due to the development of various organs and systems of the body, as well as active growth. The child consumes a large amount of energy, which must be constantly replenished. For this you need quality nutrition. The foods in your baby’s diet should not only be varied, but also healthy. Children's bodies especially need fortified nutrition during periods of viral epidemics, stressful situations and intensive growth. A highly nutritious menu will also help support immune defenses.

Among all the vitamins and minerals, the most important ones can be identified. They help the baby grow due to the increased production of endogenous somatotropin - growth hormone:

  1. – helps strengthen the musculoskeletal system, participates in the synthesis – building material for the formation of bones and cartilage, as well as teeth, affects the growth of all tissues, strengthens the immune system.

Features: vitamin A can be stored (deposited) in the body for a long time, it is better absorbed with vitamins E and C. Retinol is temperature resistant and is destroyed in the presence of light and air.

Foods rich in vitamin A (animal origin) and carotene, a precursor to retinol (plant origin):

  • meat and offal (liver), ;
  • milk, eggs (yolk), cheese (hard varieties);
  • orange and red vegetables and fruits (apricots, mangoes);
  • , greens (spinach, parsley, dill).
  1. – has a beneficial effect on the formation of collagen, a protein necessary for the growth and restoration (regeneration) of the musculoskeletal frame, various tissues and blood vessels, promotes the absorption of many vitamins, removes harmful substances from the body, being an antioxidant.

Features: Vitamin C is easily destroyed in the presence of light, as a result of the action of oxygen (oxidation), and when heated. Vegetables and fruits are the main sources ascorbic acid, must be eaten immediately after cutting with a knife. About 25% of ascorbic acid is lost during boiling or steaming. Heat treatment of the product for more than 20 minutes leads to a loss of 50% of vitamin C.

Foods Rich in Vitamin C (Plant Source):

  • almost all fresh vegetables (high concentration of ascorbic acid in bell peppers, green peas and various types cabbage: Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, red cabbage) and fruits (highest content in citrus fruits);
  • berries (black currant, strawberry, sea buckthorn, kiwi);
  • greens (parsley, sorrel, spinach).
  1. – participate in metabolism, promote the absorption of the body’s main nutrients - proteins, fats and , regulate the functioning of the brain and nervous system, activate appetite and are growth stimulants, protect bone and muscle tissue from various damages.

Features: vitamin B 1 (thiamine) is destroyed when heat treatment and long-term storage of food in the refrigerator; vitamin B 2 (riboflavin) is lost under the influence of temperature, air oxygen and light; vitamin B 3 (nicotinic acid) is destroyed during mechanical cleaning of products; vitamin B 5 (pantothenic acid) is lost during boiling and freezing; vitamin B 6 (pyridoxine) is better absorbed in the presence of calcium and copper and is destroyed during long-term storage of products (60–80% is lost during canning, 15% during freezing); Vitamin B 7 (biotin) is lost when exposed to high temperature, can be bound by yolks chicken egg(raw) and not absorbed by the body; vitamin B 9 ( folic acid) is resistant to heat treatment in products of animal origin, in vegetable products - it is destroyed by boiling and exposure to light; Vitamin B 12 (cobalamin) is lost when exposed to light, water and high temperature.

For lunch it is better to use:

  • salads from fresh vegetables and herbs (spinach, parsley, lettuce, celery);
  • soups and broths (they stimulate metabolism);
  • meat (beef, lean pork, chicken breast) – 1–2 times a week;
  • offal (liver, kidneys) – 1–2 times a week;
  • fish – 1–2 times a week;
  • wholemeal bread;
  • natural juice about 300–500 ml per day or every other day (carrot and orange juices are useful), tea.

Afternoon snack

After lunch, the body is enriched with nutritious and healthy food. But for the normal functioning of the digestive system it is necessary, especially after a nap (relevant for).

For an afternoon snack it is better to use:

  • dairy products (cottage cheese, milk, sour cream, cheese);
  • fresh fruits (bananas and oranges are healthy).

You can eat up to 2 kg of fresh vegetables and fruits per day.


The last meal should be light. Eating heavily, especially close to bedtime, disrupts normal metabolism and reduces growth hormone production at night.

For dinner it is better to use:

  • boiled eggs;
  • seafood (squid, shrimp, crabs, mussels, seaweed);
  • fresh vegetables, possible combination with chicken breast in the form of a salad;
  • nuts (about 50 g);
  • tea or kefir.

Vitamin and mineral complexes for the harmonious growth of children

With vitamin deficiency, children are inactive (hypodynamia), suffer from frequent infectious diseases, lag behind their peers in physical development. As a result of taking vitamins for growth, additional energy and activity appears. Bones become strong, ligaments become mobile, and muscles become more resilient to stress. In addition, immunity increases.

During periods of active growth (1–3 years, 3–7 years and 7–11 years), the child’s body needs not only good nutrition, but also in additional intake of vitamin-mineral complexes. associated with the hormonal revolution, requires the right lifestyle. This is mainly physical activity and the absence of bad habits, such as drinking alcohol and energy drinks, smoking, and drug addiction. Taking multivitamin complexes will increase immune protection, endurance and resistance to stress.

Basic vitamin and mineral complexes for children's growth:

No. in order Name Age period
1. Alphabet Series:
  • "Our Baby";
  • "Kindergarten";
  • "Schoolboy";
  • "Teenager."
  • 1–3 years;
  • 3–7 years;
  • 7–14 years old;
  • 14–18 years old.
2. Vitrum series:
  • "Baby";
  • "Kids";
  • "Junior";
  • "Teenager."
  • 3–5 years;
  • 5–7 years;
  • 7–14 years old;
  • 14–18 years old.
3. Series "Multi-tabs":
  • "Baby";
  • "Baby";
  • "Junior";
  • "Teenager";
  • "Calcium D 3 forte."
  • 0–12 months;
  • 1–4 years;
  • 4–11 years;
  • 11–17 years old;
  • from 12 years old.
4. "Duovit"From 10 years old
5. "Biovital gel"From infancy to late adolescence
6. Pikovit series:
  • "1+";
  • "3+";
  • "4+";
  • "5+";
  • "7+ forte".
  • from 1 year;
  • from 3 years;
  • from 4 years old;
  • from 5 years old;
  • from 7 years and older.
7. Series "Supradin":
  • "Kids gel";
  • "Kids Junior";
  • "Kids Bears"
  • from 3 years;
  • from 5 years old;
  • from 3 years old.
8. "Vita Mishki Calcium + vitamin D"From 3 years
9. Series "Complivit":
  • "Calcium D 3";
  • "Chewing active";
  • "Assets".
  • from birth;
  • 3–10 years;
  • 7–12 years old.
10. "Kalcemin" "Kalcemin Advance"From 5 years From 12 years
11. "Calcium D 3 nycomed" "Calcium D 3 nycomed forte"From 5 years From 12 years


Human height is genetically programmed. But according to medical research, only 2% reach their ancestral length. The remaining 98% do not grow by 5–10 cm. This is due to poor nutrition, reduced immunity, psychological stress and poor lifestyle in childhood. Teenagers drink beer, smoke cigarettes, and kids spend more and more time at the computer. All these factors lead to metabolic disorders, hormonal dysfunction and muscle weakness. Physical inactivity often contributes to the appearance overweight – .

In order for a child to achieve decent growth results, it is necessary to observe following conditions: children should eat properly and efficiently (running, swimming, gymnastics, exercises on the horizontal bar - stretching the spine), get enough sleep and not have bad habits.

The program “Doctor Komarovsky’s School” talks about whether you should worry about the growth of children, what are the age norms for weight and height:

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