Aquarius and Libra: compatibility of zodiac signs in love and family life (man and woman). Love game "Transmission of the blues." Building a loving relationship

It can rightfully be called ideal. These partners are connected by a deep kinship of souls and mutual attraction. They are drawn to each other both on a physical level and on a spiritual level. This fusion of two air signs gives them common views on the world, which allows them to always understand and support each other. The romance between Libra and Aquarius usually develops rapidly: they fall in love, intense passion arises and it all ends with a magnificent, beautiful wedding.

These partners are very romantic and are interested in being together. Everyone is ready to decorate their partner’s life with their positive aura and surround them with tender care. Aquarius in the eyes of a partner is the embodiment of the most wonderful feelings. He inspires Libra, thanks to which they not only come into a state of balance, but begin to literally soar in the air, reaching previously inaccessible heights. Libra becomes Aquarius' spiritual mentor, enriching his sometimes restless inner world. At the same time, Libra is open and easy to communicate, trying to avoid conflicts. Such a partner is well suited for Aquarius.

Despite the spiritual closeness, there is one contradiction: the compatibility of Libra and Aquarius determines the need for sacrifice for the sign of Libra. It lies in accepting the partner’s love of freedom, while Libra themselves strive for cohesion in relationships and creating a strong family. However, although Aquarius cannot live without fresh air Having fallen in love, she will not resort to flirting and casual relationships. He is also impressed by Libra's masterful conversational skills and their high intellectual level.

Libra charms their partner and tries with all their might to attract his attention. Aquarius is secretive and does not always respond to the chosen one emotionally enough, which is why Libra suffers. They will have to spend a lot of effort so that Aquarius finally shows the sensuality that they so lack.

Sexual compatibility between Libra and Aquarius

The threads connecting these two are thin and transparent, but at the same time very strong. Sexual compatibility signs of Libra and Aquarius is based on the fact that both partners are supporters of innovation, they are interested in learning about life in all its manifestations. These airy people will never get bored of each other, since they are impressed by active social activities. Deep sensual relationships will become a brilliant basis not only for an intimate relationship, but also for marriage.

Compatibility: Libra man - Aquarius woman

The Aquarius woman is very unpredictable. Sometimes it is difficult for her to understand the true reasons for her actions. This lady manages to be both feminine and masculinely tough. The Libra man is constantly balancing, his mood can shift in one direction or the other. It is most pleasant to be around him when his cups are balanced. Otherwise, it can be unbearable.

Based on such characteristics, the compatibility of Libra and Aquarius is formed, so they can admire the stars for a long time or have deep intellectual conversations, and then suddenly drop everything and go to different corners.

The Libra man and the Aquarius woman don't really know whether to live together or separately. Is it worth starting a family? Or is it better to break up right away? These airy people will torment each other for a long time with such doubts. But then they finally decide that it is impossible for them to live without each other.

The Libra man and the Aquarius woman really love each other, so the airy lady will try for the sake of her chosen one to become less eccentric and give him calmness and tender sensuality. Her man will try his best to pay more attention to his beloved, while at the same time not forgetting that sometimes you need to give her freedom. Such an alliance is interesting in its instability, but the relations of the partners never reach the level of harsh confrontation. Typically, Aquarius may be offended, while Libra will put on a mask of cold detachment.

But the very next day they will again delight each other with pleasant surprises and charming smiles.

Compatibility: Libra woman - Aquarius man

In this couple, it is important to immediately decide which partner will become the main one. Perhaps the Libra woman should still give in to her chosen one, although at the same time she will not lose her influence. Libra is ruled by Venus, and Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, so the man in this union will have greater strength and aggressiveness, as expected in a classic marriage.

A woman born under the sign of Libra is the true embodiment of femininity and beauty. Aquarius is admired by her external attractiveness and inner charm. In addition, she is an interesting conversationalist, which is an excellent gift for a lively, intellectually developed Aquarius. Although there are some disadvantages that the Libra lady herself will not notice, her man will certainly point them out. Then she will be offended that her beloved called her a lazy person and a spoiled child.

For an airy woman, there is only one way to catch Aquarius in her net: give him enough freedom and be patient with his inconstancy. Then he will respond by showing deep tender feelings. The union will be long-lasting and harmonious if only both partners show sufficient calm and tolerance.

Business Compatibility of Aquarius and Libra

Compatibility of Libra and Aquarius signs in business can bring them real success. They can interact harmoniously, complementing each other's skills. These air people will become true friends. However, due to their love of freedom, tension may arise between them if their cooperation drags on for a long time.

Libras have incredible social skills and are quite diplomatic. The Libra lover is a perfectionist and loves a luxurious lifestyle. Somewhat indecisive, Libras are sensitive by nature and love the arts and culture. With a sharp and logical mind, Libras are attracted to beauty and intelligence. To attract Libra, be diplomatic. They love thoughtful people, so plan dates at fancy restaurants and fancy social events. Libras want to be praised, courted, and impressed. The first impression of a person lasts forever for Libra.

Aquarius is experimental by nature and is usually surrounded by unusual and unique people. He will cherish and love Libra, enjoying the natural mental connection with them. Aquarius can be indecisive, slightly aloof and rebellious. These features can be transferred to love life. To attract an Aquarius, you need to communicate with him a lot. Be a fun and independent person. Surprise Aquarius with a date, visit crowded places sporting events and concerts. Stimulate his mind. Leave whining or complaining at the door.

Sexual Compatibility of Aquarius and Libra

Aquarius has a creative approach to sex. He loves creativity and novelty in the bedroom. Aquarius will show Libra the way to the bedroom, but Libra is usually the most aggressive. This is aggressive sexual behavior will help Aquarius to include imagination and creativity in this love union. Aquarius loves spontaneous meetings. Libras are elegant and stylish and value the same in their partner. Both of these zodiac signs have patience and open minds in their sexual relationships. Aquarius is resilient enough to satisfy all of Libra's needs.

Marriage Compatibility of Aquarius and Libra

This successful love marriage is a mixture of energy, enthusiasm, love, beauty and freedom. Relationships will bring real pleasure to Libra and Aquarius, because they are interested in communication, the good of humanity and the desire for world progress. The best aspect of this love match is how they work together and achieve common goals.

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Libra and Aquarius are air signs that perceive the world objectively. Their inner vision remains clear as long as it is not clouded by emotions.

They are both romantics, lively and life-loving, like honey bees circling a hive, both thinking about many of the same subjects. Love gains energy through new experiences. The word "boredom" is not in their vocabulary.

Although they do not always agree with each other and like to debate. But the road to your partner's heart requires insight and restraint. By defending the interests of their beloved, they win his love.

In this marriage, everything is possible, divorce, happiness, and widowhood. People of these signs have the same tastes and desires, but different methods and goals. If Libra likes communication, parties, public, as a way to get what their heart likes and should, in their opinion, belong to them alone, then Aquarius likes good relationships with many people in order to give them their feelings and own their hearts. The heart of a loved one is not enough for him. Therefore, Libra and Aquarius sometimes cannot understand each other. But, if they find mutual understanding, then this makes them happy and spiritually rich.

In the relationship between lovers, various problems periodically arise, which they come to solve in different ways in order to be together again. The unpredictability of the development of romantic relationships, their secrets and intrigues encourage lovers to start love games.

Love game “Copy or original?”

Libra and Aquarius games are associated with a lack of assertiveness and a preference for intellect over emotions. If you are not sure how to behave, the game “Copy or original?” arises. Both of you, trying to be pleasant to others, feel out of place. Libras aim to attract everyone's attention. Aquarius is able to subordinate his ideas to other people's demands. You are confused, although you are ready to become what others want you to be. Leaving your plans unfulfilled, you lose the right direction. Even if you rely on each other, you are unable to achieve your desires. Your intelligence is much above average. You are able to live exclusively in the world of abstract ideas. Scattering around and trying to work in different areas, you only undermine your strength.

Love game “Transmitting the blues”

Sometimes, when you think you're just chatting carefree, you suddenly get the feeling that something strange is going on. The game “Transmitting the Blues” begins. It occurs because you put too much intelligence into words and deeds. Alienation arises. You are moving away from each other. You seem to bristle emotionally and make no effort to break through your defenses. Air signs have too cold blood. They do not give themselves up to the mercy of feelings, which often happens with other couples. This is fine. You deliberately end the relationship. Sexual connection alone is not enough to build a bridge over the emotional chasm that separates you. Unfortunately, your sincerity and ability to communicate will not help here. Fear or reluctance to allow your partner to get too close to you led you to become participants in this game.

Love game "Stranger Lovers"

Aren't you friends who live in perfect harmony? But why do you feel like you are living on different planets? In Stranger Lovers, your sense of intimacy seems to swing like a pendulum. Today you are ready to help each other, tomorrow you refuse to support your partner even in small things. One of the reasons for the game may be long-pent-up anger. Air signs like you don't tend to harbor anger. Avoiding strong feelings means following the path of least resistance, which does not lead to anything good. A restrained demeanor reveals its unpleasant essence. When talking about air signs, it is important to mention another fact. You enjoy soaring through the air like a lone pilot and have your own no-fly zones. How do you indicate to your partner the boundaries of restricted areas? You are capable of breaking your lover's heart by unexpectedly leaving him and retiring into your own airspace. Maybe he'll love you more, maybe he won't. From time to time the heart becomes insensitive and does not want to forgive your unpredictable flight.

Marriage strategy for Libra and Aquarius

Is it possible to avoid Libra and Aquarius games? In the game “Copy or original?” you have to stand on your own two feet and act based on your own motives. Libras usually take their partner's point of view into account. This sign needs to be careful not to fall entirely under the influence of others. Aquarius has an innate desire for self-realization. If no one listens to him, he feels uneasy. You have to constantly have a conversation. Be persistent. You will be happier if you get the best of what your partner has to offer. Strive in every possible way to realize your aspirations. Put your ideas to work. Your relationship is extremely rich. You don't have to borrow anything to create a great script. Inspire each other with courage to make your dreams come true! Trusting your inner voice, you will soar high into the skies!

What to do if the game of “Transmitting the Blues” occurs? You (perhaps both) do not like your partner's lifestyle. If you are too unapproachable, the passion will disappear from your connection. If you are afraid to enter intimate relationships, try to deceive yourself and pretend to be defenseless. Your partner doesn't bite, even if he growls a little! All fears are based on the fact that you have never experienced anything like this before. The best way to overcome this game- face fear with an open visor. It may even turn out that you were afraid of an imaginary ghost. Having gotten rid of the habit of masking your feelings with smart, but nothing meaningful words, you will find the way to your partner's heart. You should not fall into sentimentality, but you need to blind your partner with the radiance of your feelings. He will be more likely to appreciate your spiritual wealth if you find beautiful expressions for your feelings!

Stranger Lovers is a test of your ability to manage your feelings. You both have strong and deep passions. As you get closer, you sometimes feel the urge to shrink away from each other. Strange things like this sometimes happen to air signs. But you are both air signs. Therefore, you have more in common than you realize. Let each of you fly along your own trajectory. Both of you must learn the truth that you cannot limit your partner’s freedom. Libras love society, but under no circumstances will they sacrifice their independence. They dream of having a room full of friends who share their interests. Aquarius by nature is a lonely hunter, a rebel. Life can become a desert for him. You both have something to offer each other. A simple sincere word will quickly bring you closer. You won't feel like strangers in an unfamiliar country. Throw yourself into each other's arms. Any promises, even those that are difficult to fulfill, will bring more joy than proud loneliness. Traveling by air will be bliss if you know that at the end of the flight you will find a home with a lover and not a stranger in spirit!

Features of the relationship between Libra and Aquarius

The connection between Libra and Aquarius carries an indelible touch of originality. You will receive great satisfaction from life if you do not shy away from its joys. Your liveliness and wit attract people gifted with imagination. Your love is fruitful and encourages creativity. You will discover the deepest secrets in each other's souls. The stars will connect you. Amazing trips to romantic places await you ahead, which will bring you the joy of amazing discoveries and new experiences.

The Libra man literally eats the Aquarius woman with his eyes. She moves, obeying the music sounding in her soul. He would like to hear this music. A man submissive to Venus pays tribute to the love of freedom of a woman submissive to Uranus. She is attentive to his words. He had never encountered such sensitivity before. She seems to see right through him. He doesn't care. On the contrary, he feels on the rise. She opens up new horizons for him, she is extraordinary. Her words sparkle like sparks. He is also attracted by the fact that she persistently strives to achieve her goals. The Aquarius woman is a symbol of freedom, and this fascinates him. He approves of her willingness to submit to the demands of today. But she would not want to lose her originality.

The Aquarius woman understands that the Libra man will not give up his ideas. But she will never give up hers. He doesn't criticize her beliefs. At the same time, she knows that he will be offended if anyone encroaches on his favorite theories. She pays tribute to his duality. On the one hand, he is honest and fair, like a messenger of truth in an unjust world, on the other hand, he is a romantic who feels at home on a deserted island and eats the fruits of the tropical forest. He's more predictable than she is. True, the Aquarius woman is lost in thought: is he wearing a mask? A man submissive to Venus seems to her to be the embodiment of her romantic myth. He is a lover who creates a romantic atmosphere while giving in to love. The Aquarius woman cannot be reproached for being constantly changeable. After all, she was born under the influence of unpredictable Uranus. In the eyes of many, she is irresponsible. But for most, she is endowed with an amazing soul, generously sharing her treasures with others. An Aquarius woman cannot be defined in one word. She knows how to appreciate a man submissive to Venus. He has weighed in his mind all the pros and cons of their relationship and knows how to maintain the necessary balance!

The Libra woman meets the Aquarius man fully armed with her intellect. She had never encountered such a comprehensive mind before. The Libra woman likes his fresh outlook on life. He prefers not to waste words, but to immediately take the bull by the horns. Of course, such manners sometimes shock her. She retorts sharply and he likes it. He is unpredictable and ready to shoot from any position. Playing on the strings of a man's heart, she experiences his sensuality. He is reserved, but it is obvious that his feelings are deep. A woman submissive to Venus does not seek to take possession of what is at hand. She seeks sublime pleasures. He promises them to her. It is clear to her that he is not capable of superficial relationships. The Libra woman needs a partner who will not try to run away at the first warning sign. She understands that love is always a risk. He is reluctant to talk about his past, especially his old hobbies. In his opinion, having entered into a relationship, one should not hide anything from each other. He has something to say about the state of affairs in the world. Perhaps he is a revolutionary and does not fit into any of the existing value systems. She only hopes that he will become a citizen of her world, where he is eagerly awaited. If he gets the winning card, he will receive the keys to the city.

The Aquarius man constantly feels the attentive gaze of the Libra woman. From the first meeting it is clear to him that he needs to be careful. He is not afraid of her, although he pretends that he is uncomfortable. A woman submissive to Venus easily navigates love affairs, which is no secret for a man submissive to Uranus. She's okay with him making the first move. This means he is interested in her. The Aquarius man does not think about whether their love will be short-term or long-lasting. He considers himself a lover only for one minute, although in reality everything may be different. The Libra woman knows what lot has fallen to him. The man likes that she reads his thoughts. If she is nearby, the air is permeated with electricity. An Aquarius man enjoys having a conversation with a reserved Libra woman. He needs a lover who stands firmly on the ground. Otherwise, if he takes a different path, it will simply be blown away by the wind. He wants to give her everything she needs. She has a kind of magic. Even when they quarrel, he cannot shake the feeling that she needs him. A man submissive to Uranus constantly strives to make a good impression on a woman submissive to Venus. He must be in great shape. He is unmoved by her hints. After all, she walks along the roads of love much more gracefully than he. The Aquarius man has a feeling that he may have been tricked. But he likes the fact that she guesses his every next step.

Your marriage has too much missing links for complete happiness. You alone cannot make up for them. Each of you has your own view of what true love should be. You don't even want to take advantage of your own experience. It’s enough to just throw out everything that was sad from your memory. You perceive love as a holiday. You will have to pay dearly to be together. But you will also find a lot of joy!

The relationship between these two people is developing very rapidly. As the compatibility horoscope for Libra and Aquarius says, both signs are made for each other. They have similar characters and therefore get along well with each other.

When they meet, Libra and Aquarius are ready to fall in love with each other at first sight. Their relationship very often ends in marriage. Both signs do not like peace and therefore their life is full of adventures and stormy emotions. They have the same goals in life and their outlook on life is very similar. This makes the couple's life harmonious.

They will never be bored together, because Libra and Aquarius come up with various adventures to make their life fun. They are ready to help each other in any situation. Every decision of one of the partners is supported by the other. The relationship between these signs can be characterized as friendly, since they always share problems with each other, solve important issues together and always feel spiritual closeness.

Both signs share common goals in life and views on the world. Such spiritual intimacy helps build strong relationships in a couple. From the outside it may seem that Aquarius and Libra are the embodiment eternal love, and in order to remain friends, they will need to keep their distance.

One of the partners is able to make the other more sublime and teach him to conquer peaks. Libras always have an easy-going character. It is easy for them to find a common language with any sign, but as soon as they meet an Aquarius on their way, they forget about everything in the world.

Life together of two signs

The compatibility horoscope for Libra and Aquarius says that there will be no violent quarrels or disagreements in the couple. They do not like conflicts and always try to find compromise solutions in any issues. Hysterics are not for them. Each partner tries to understand each other, so their relationship strives for perfection.

For Aquarius main role In a relationship, friendship plays a role, and only then intimate relationships. They are looking for a mature partner who can accept him for who he is. On the first date, he pays attention not to the external beauty of his partner, but to his sociability and intelligence. And if we talk about their relationship, then in the Aquarius-Libra pair, the compatibility of the zodiac signs is 100 percent.

This sign does not like casual acquaintances, and if he chooses a partner to start a family, he tries to hide his emotions and focus on the spiritual qualities of the interlocutor.

For Aquarius, the representative of the sign Libra is ideal partner. In this couple, the latter always need the support of their partner, which gives them confidence in the right decision. This is especially expressed in the case when Libra hesitates for a long time with a choice, weighs the pros and cons and cannot find the right solution.

In a pair of Libra and Aquarius, the partners not only love each other, but also experience friendly feelings, which helps them become real partners in life. They will reveal their loved ones in a new way and discover for them the most interesting aspects of a happy relationship.

IN ideal relationship these two signs may have some roughness. But if they learn to accept all their partner’s flaws and can make concessions to each other, there will be no serious grievances in their family. Both signs love romance and do everything to make their lovers feel loved. Even in intimate life They guess their partner's wishes without words.

The relationship between these two signs can be called ideal. Gradually, falling in love develops into real feelings. They become not only loved ones, but also comrades, allies, and friends.

Compatibility Libra Woman – Aquarius Man

If speak about love compatibility zodiac signs, partners have every chance to find harmony and mutual understanding in their relationships. They are attracted to each other's intelligence, but if a man is smarter than a woman, this will irritate Libra.

Despite the great similarity in the characters of a woman and a man, some dangers will still lie in wait for their relationship. The Libra woman is able to create comfort in their home; she pays special attention to everyday life. The man will treat the family hearth carelessly, which will make his partner doubt the choice of her beloved. This situation can become a bone of contention in a relationship.

In some matters, a woman under the sign of Libra will make decisions for the entire family. A real man may not like this, but over time they will find a compromise way out of the current situation and the relationship will improve.

Compatibility Libra Man – Aquarius Woman

Both partners will easily find mutual understanding. At first sight they will be attracted to each other. They are very similar, and this couple will not be bored. The only sharp corner in a relationship can be the family hearth. The Libra man is too sensitive to home. The Aquarius woman is a little frivolous, her interests are more related to work and career. And if a man can come to terms with this quality of his beloved and does not limit her freedom, they will become even closer to each other.

Two signs are very interesting - Aquarius and Libra. Their compatibility can be described as complete; such a union is often called the union of Romeo and Juliet. But this applies only to the union of a woman - Libra and Aquarius - a man. They have every chance to build a fairly long and strong relationship that will be based on love and mutual understanding. What will their compatibility horoscope tell us? Libra and Aquarius will be quite successful in the same business, which other sign unions cannot boast of; they complement each other very competently. This couple gets along well with people, they have many friends with whom they have a lot of fun free time. The main positive and bonding aspect of this relationship will be that, striving for some kind of independence, Libra and Aquarius will necessarily recognize their partner’s right to the same freedom. These 2 signs are literally created according to their compatibility horoscope. Libra and Aquarius may feel an irresistible attraction to each other even at the first meeting; they will be able to talk for hours and will not want to part.

In relationships, the Aquarius man is quite stubborn, this will sometimes become a reason to interrupt the friendly progress. He will bend one line, and the Libra woman will try to take him in the other direction. From the outside, this quarrel may resemble an ordinary business conversation - arguments will be given to support your point of view, evidence, facts. But, fortunately, Aquarius, who is almost ideal, will not be able to quarrel often or for a long time, and these quarrels are more likely to become a reason for even greater rapprochement, and not for complete and final discord. The Libra woman will claim leadership in this relationship, but the Aquarius man is not at all against it. They are never bored together, even if they are busy doing monotonous and routine work.

The life together of such a couple can resemble a protracted Honeymoon. If, by chance, a separation suddenly occurs for a short period of time (business trip, vacation), the partners will not even think about cheating. They receive enormous energy and emotional nourishment from their friends and work, so this pause is not too scary for them, it will only strengthen their connection and make them miss each other more. There is a special kind of trust between these representatives; none of them will look through the other’s phone, rummage through his pockets, trying to find evidence. This is such an interesting union that develops among signs such as Aquarius and Libra, compatibility that can only be aroused by envy. A Libra woman and an Aquarius man live between friendship, brotherly love and flirtation, but this relationship is in no way like serial love. They will not burn, blaze, or make public confessions of their feelings; spiritual closeness with their soul mate is enough for them.

What about a reverse union in which the woman is Aquarius and the man is Libra? This tandem can be called in one phrase - independent dependence. Here both signs are not in the mood for a serious and lasting relationship. However, what is surprising is that Aquarius and Libra, whose compatibility is questionable here, can live together long years, and very happily. It is unlikely that this couple can be cited as an example of order in the house or a stronghold of stability, but they will understand each other and their life together will live for their own pleasure. The Aquarius woman will not nag her husband about his salary and work due to her calm attitude towards money. And the Libra man will be ready to share with her all her many hobbies, interests, sometimes even very unusual ones. This is such an unusual, interesting and at the same time stable union of two signs.

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