Tasks for ask. Interesting, funny and cool questions on Ask fm. What questions can you ask? What to ask when meeting someone

100?! You people are a little bit crazy!
What were you like as a child? A hooligan or a calm girl?
Do you like to dream? What are you dreaming about?
What made you laugh the most over the past week/month?
You creative person? Why do you think so? If so, what is your muse?
What do you choose: Spontaneity or stability?
Do you like receiving gifts, or is it more pleasant to give them?
What sound do you like? The sound of a burning fireplace in the house, or maybe the sound of nature in the forest?
How collected do you consider yourself? Is your apartment a mess?
Do you believe in zodiac signs? Which one is yours?
TV series you like to watch?
Doing sports? Which one? How often?
Do you believe in true love? Why?
What movie can you watch over and over again?
Have a sister or brother?
Do you like to dance? Why? What kind of dances do you like?
Do you regret anything in your life?
How many languages ​​do you know? What other ones would you like to learn? Why?
Do you think it would be romantic to make love on the seashore?
Should I teach you how to make kebabs?
Do you want to stay so young and beautiful forever?
Do you promise not to lie to each other ever?
What is your usual mood in the morning?
What will you give me on February 23?
How are you (will you be spending) your summer?
Do you want to learn to dance tango (flamenco, cha cha cha)?
Would you like to become famous?
Can we really live without each other?
Have you ever wanted to go to a monastery?
How would you rate your inadequacy on a scale of 1 to 10?
Have you ever held a weapon in your hands?
Did you go to school?
What are you missing in your life?
Do you speak French?
If I call for help, will you come?
What was your proudest moment in life?
You probably go to the solarium?
You seem to be in the Guinness Book of Records as the most beautiful girl. This is true?
Where are you and with whom? New Year will you meet?
Where did you get as tanned as a chocolate bar?
Let's do it now! Are you ready?
How do you feel about a nudist beach?
What song would you choose to describe your life?
Do you want to learn some foreign language?
What course are you studying?
Have you ever jumped with a parachute?
You watch TV?
Do you want to ride a horse?
Do you want me to tell you in all the languages ​​of the world how beautiful you are?
What's your favorite flower?
Do you love money?
Where is nophelet?
What's your favorite dish?
What do you dream about at night?
Am I sexy?
Are you a confident person?
Have you ever won at strip cards?
What do you call your private parts?
Did you hear that I left my ex for you?
Is your Windows buggy? Otherwise I could reinstall it for you, for free.
If I were edible, what would you eat from me?
If you were given a free plane ticket, where would you fly?
Doesn't anyone offend you?
What's yours favorite time of the year?
Today I was guessing with a daisy (likes, doesn’t like). And guess what happened?
what do you choose: Money or love?
Guess why you interested me?
Would you film yourself having sex for money?
If someone writes a book about you, what title will it have?
Do you swear often?
Did you hear me on Radio Romantika today? I was talking about you.

I am often asked what questions can be asked to a girl in order to competently maintain a conversation. In this article you will find the 100 best questions to ask a girl for any situation.

When you go on a date with a girl, you should get to know her better before starting a relationship. Using the questions below, you can get a general impression about your new friend, her preferences, character traits, attitude towards certain things, and so on.

However, before you ask a girl, remember a few rules:

— Some questions are appropriate to ask only in a certain context, others are too deep and require detailed answers. You should calibrate the situation and ask the girl about what is most relevant at the moment.

- React to the girl’s answers. Express your emotions. Give compliments. Or vice versa, sometimes you can “trick” your friend.

- Try to ask questions whose answers will be interesting to you. As mentioned, this will help you get to know the person better.

100 questions to a girl

  1. What do you want to be when you grow up? 🙂
  2. Would you be able to date a guy if you knew you'd never be able to sleep with him?
  3. What's your favorite color?
  4. Do you like to drive?
  5. What is your most vivid memory from childhood?
  6. Did you do well at school?
  7. Which countries have you been to?
  8. Where would you like to go?
  9. Do you have a cherished dream?
  10. Do you like hiking?
  11. What sports do you do?
  12. Did you do well at school?
  13. Do you have a lot of friends?
  14. What can make you laugh a lot?
  15. Which humor do you like best? (Black, sarcasm, etc.)
  16. Do you have a hobby?
  17. Who do you live with?
  18. Do you have Brother or sister?
  19. What do you do in life?
  20. What's your favorite movie?
  21. Do you read books? Which?
  22. Which flowers do you like best?
  23. Do you like to travel?
  24. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
  25. What season of the year do you like best? Why?
  26. Can you cook?
  27. What's your favorite dish?
  28. What do you value in men?
  29. What is the most important quality you would highlight in yourself?
  30. What do you drink most often?
  31. Who would you like to meet?
  32. Are you easily offended?
  33. What's your dream job?
  34. When was the last time you went to a club?
  35. What is the most important thing for you in life?
  36. What brings you pleasure?
  37. Who is the boss in your family?
  38. What did you want to become as a child?
  39. Are you afraid of heights?
  40. What do you do best?
  41. Is jealousy good or bad?
  42. What does happiness mean to you?
  43. Do you like animals?
  44. Does love happen at a distance?
  45. What time of day are you most productive?
  46. When and what music did you dance to for the last time?
  47. What is the most important thing in a relationship?
  48. Is friendship possible between a guy and a girl?
  49. What's your favorite dessert?
  50. What do you do best?
  51. What do you do when you're sad?
  52. What's the craziest thing you'd like to try?
  53. Would you like to live in another country?
  54. How many pairs of shoes do you have?
  55. How should a perfect weekend start?
  56. What makes you forget everything?
  57. What's your favorite cartoon?
  58. Do you believe in omens?
  59. What foreign language do you want to learn?
  60. What is your favorite holiday?
  61. What do you primarily associate with summer?
  62. What can you look at endlessly?
  63. What qualities do you value in people?
  64. What is your deepest dream?
  65. What inspires you?
  66. How do you spend your free time?
  67. If there were 25 hours in a day, what would you spend the extra hour on?
  68. What is the most difficult decision have you ever taken it?
  69. Do you believe in destiny?
  70. What are you most afraid of?
  71. Do you believe in zodiac signs?
  72. What is it difficult for you to decide?
  73. How much do other people's opinions influence you?
  74. What would you like to change in your life?
  75. What is love for you?
  76. How do you feel about meeting new people?
  77. Would you like to get a tattoo? If yes, which one?
  78. What kind of music do you listen to?
  79. What does your happiness consist of?
  80. Would you like to find your double?
  81. What's your favorite attraction?
  82. What breed of dog do you like best?
  83. What do you want to learn?
  84. What character trait do you like most?
  85. What should every person try?
  86. Do you trust people?
  87. What do you do when you can't sleep?
  88. What do you value most in friends?
  89. How many hours do you need to sleep?
  90. What songs can't get out of your head?
  91. What day was the brightest and most memorable this year?
  92. What was your name as a child?
  93. What do you miss most often?
  94. Do you like extreme holidays?
  95. Do you often look at the guys you like?
  96. Do you like to go to clubs?
  97. How many children do you want?
  98. Should you honestly answer the question “What don’t you like about me”?
  99. What would you do if you were a guy for a day?
  100. Who cheats more often: men or women?

Don't talk to a girl with just questions. If you asked her about something, develop the topic so that she speaks out, then you can express your opinion. If you ask question after question, the girl will quickly get tired and she will become uninterested. Good luck!

Usually questions to ask a guy are asked by representatives of the fair sex, among whom there can be a wide variety:

  1. Did you go to your ex-girlfriend's wedding?
  2. At what age did you start feeling attracted to girls?
  3. Where do you want to go now?
  4. What kind of car would you like to have in your garage?
  5. What is important in a relationship?
  6. How do you react when a stranger criticizes you in front of you?
  7. How do you react to girls smoking?
  8. The most funny story from your life?
  9. What movie episode do you remember most? Why?
  10. What is the best way to solve problems?
  11. Is it normal for girls to text first?
  12. What should be present in an ideal date?

You can ask ready-made questions on ask.fm directly or under the anonymous function, but if you don’t have to ask anything serious or embarrassing, then it’s better to ask questions in an open account - this is convenient for all users. Find out what other questions you can ask in the ask by reading on the topic.

Questions for Ask a girl - the best place to start

To ask questions to ask a girl, you can use ready-made templates like these. You can find out how to add questions to your page.

  1. If you had the opportunity to make several wishes, like in a fairy tale, what would you wish for?
  2. Your hobbies?
  3. Did you want a tattoo? Where?
  4. Do you like reading messages?
  5. What are your main strengths?
  6. Which movie can you recommend?
  7. If I got to desert island what should you take with you?
  8. Do you like heels and short skirts?
  9. Favorite sport?
  10. Do you think there is affection at first sight?
  11. What do you do when you're bored?
  12. Where do you see yourself in the future, ten years from now?
  13. Who do you plan to study for and where?
  14. Do you have a bad habit or bad character?
  15. What do you think about communicating with your exes?
  16. What day of your life do you consider the happiest?
  17. Do you throw out funny or bad photos?
  18. Are you into collecting?
  19. What's the most incredible thing you've ever done in your life?
  20. Would you like to participate in a beauty contest?

The history of the ask.fm website began in 2010. Since then, the site began to compete with its own kind, and became a popular resource among different quantities countries Every day millions of ordinary and anonymous questions(read all about anonymous people and their questions in first, second, And third articles), because At the beginning of 2015, there were about 80 million users on the network.

What questions can you ask on ask?

In this article we will try to analyze everything related to ask questions, and most importantly, give examples. A new one is gaining more and more popularity social network ask.fm. This is a platform for question-answer type communication that has absolutely no restrictions. That is, you can ask absolutely any question to the user, either openly, indicating your name, or as an anonymous person.

But still what questions can you ask on ask?? Below are examples of questions for boys and girls. But it’s worth considering that your imagination can be limitless. And so that everyone can see how smartly and sparklingly you answer questions yourself, you can add likes and subscribers to your page.

Questions for guys (note to girls):

  • How are your mood?
  • Where will you spend this evening?
  • Are you drinking? Which of strong drinks do you like it better?
  • How do you feel about smoking? Do you smoke yourself?
  • What sport do you like and who do you support?
  • What's your favorite car brand?
  • Have you made love in extreme conditions?
  • How do you feel about one-night stands?

Questions for girls (for boys):

  • What were you like as a child? A hooligan or a calm girl?
  • What made you laugh the most over the past week/month?
  • You are a creative person? Why do you think so?
  • What sounds do you like?
  • Do you believe in zodiac signs? Which one is yours?
  • TV series you like to watch?
  • Do you think it would be romantic to make love on the seashore?
  • Will you forgive me if I accidentally cheat on you?

TO interesting questions on ask include those that you rarely ask in Everyday life, For example:

  • When was the last time you cried?
  • If you caught goldfish, then what three wishes would you make?
  • What would you like to change about your past and why?
  • Would you be friends with your doppelganger? Why?
  • What question would you like to answer yourself, but you are never asked?)
  • If you could go back 10 years, what would you change in your life?
  • What do you lack the courage to do?
  • They say that in life you have to try everything. Are there things you will never try?

Cool questions for ask

And yet, the most favorite topic is considered to be cool or funny ask questions. It is more interesting for all users to answer precisely such questions. You can laugh and show how you yourself can put something like that in your answer. Undoubtedly, such a question will simply get a ton of likes. Examples cool questions for ask:

  • If I drink fairy, will the fat in me dissolve?
  • How to go to bed early at half past two in the morning?
  • How to tell a cat that he is adopted?
  • Why is Tsoi alive when he is dead, and Guf dead when he is alive?
  • I collected all the penguins from Kinder Surprise, is it worth writing this in the achievements column on your resume?
  • How many Nesquicks should you eat to make a talking rabbit appear?
  • The dog says "woof". The cat says "meow". And the giraffe? Does anyone know how a giraffe speaks?
  • Why, when I'm sad, don't little animals gather around me and sing songs?

Here are some examples of what questions you can ask in an ask. Be sure to come up with something of your own and go for it!

Lyubov Ivanova

Reading time: 6 minutes


Many young people have difficulties when meeting the girl they like for the first time. Nonsensical phrases paired with meaningless or inappropriate questions lead to a quick end to the conversation. Let's look at what questions you can ask a girl and what you shouldn't.

If we talk about the first date, during preparation, guys play out various scenarios in their heads, mentally starting a conversation in order to interest the young lady. But when the cherished moment comes, the planned phrases, along with smart thoughts, instantly disappear, and chaos occurs in your head.

Every guy tries to avoid pauses when communicating with a girl in person, by phone or via the Internet. To avoid finding yourself in a similar situation, I advise you to read the material, which contains the most interesting questions for a girl.

Every conversation is unique in its own way, you can’t argue with that. I do not encourage you to copy the questions given; use them as a guide when communicating. They will help make the conversation entertaining, demonstrate humor, resourcefulness and sympathy to the girl you like. At the same time, you will learn about the life views, goals and hobbies of your chosen one. But before you ask a girl the first question, listen to the following recommendations.

  • Ask simple, easy-to-understand questions. Using abstruse phrases will lead to the disappearance of the interlocutor’s desire to answer or communicate.
  • Don't overdo it with the number of questions. After hearing the answer, develop the topic and be sure to share your opinion.
  • Be smarter. Ask questions that provoke detailed answers. These, along with a few clarifications, will keep the conversation from dying out.
  • Ask questions that are interesting to answer. Use the answer to develop further communication.

If you are trying to find a girl, be sure to listen to the recommendations given. They, together with imagination, will serve to achieve the goal. If you want to know what exactly to ask in a given situation, continue reading the article.

What questions to ask to get to know a girl better

The soul of a woman is a complex mystery, which is difficult to guess. The correct formulation of questions plays an important role in achieving the goal. A correctly chosen topic of conversation facilitates a quick transition to a personal wave. And literally within a few minutes the first idea of ​​the interlocutor appears, and this is the path to conquering the heart.

There are many sites on the Internet whose pages contain a huge number of questions. Naturally, it is unrealistic to ask them all during a short conversation. But this is not required. To get to know a girl better, the following questions are enough.

  1. Have you ever done anything in your life that you don’t want to repeat?
  2. What can make you cry?
  3. What compliments do you consider the most pleasant?
  4. Which gift in life do you consider to be the best?
  5. If it was possible to send advice to your past self, what would it be?
  6. What age do you consider the worst?

These simple and harmless questions will help in building a serious and productive conversation, as they contain psychological subtext. After receiving the answers, you will find out the preferences of the interlocutor and her character.

Don't argue and keep your opinions to yourself. Create a calm atmosphere in which she can talk about herself. This is the secret of obtaining detailed and maximum voluminous information.

Video tips

The questions listed are equally suitable for both real communication and correspondence on the Internet. Over time, learn to independently create questions in your head that correspond to the topic of conversation.

Top best questions to ask a girl via correspondence in VK

Personal computers, netbooks, tablets and smartphones have become an integral part of the lives of young people. Together with the Internet, they provide girls and boys with access to an immense bank of information and entertainment. Young people also use electronics for dating and communication.

Many people meet on the Internet and over time transfer communication from VK to real life. But only those who are attentive, interesting and ask the “right” questions achieve success. Read below what is the best thing to ask girls when chatting on VK and other social networks.

  • Do you like to travel? What's your favorite place?
  • Do you love reading? Do you have any favorite writers? What genre of literature do you prefer?
  • What kind of music do you listen to? Do you have a favorite band or artist?
  • Have there been any funny incidents in your life?
  • What are your hobbies?
  • How do you feel about sports?
  • What time of year do you like best and why?
  • What do you strive for in life?
  • Do you have a cherished dream?
  • What entertainment establishments do you prefer: theaters, cafes, restaurants, bars?

Even if you communicate with a girl online, do not forget about respect. Treat your interlocutor as a person. Be careful with compliments about your appearance. It's better to compliment your tastes, achievements or abilities. Always maintain a positive attitude, because it is easier and more interesting to communicate with a positive person. Ask what interests you and don't repeat yourself.

Good questions when dating in real life

Sometimes when meeting a girl, guys notice that during the conversation the mood of the interlocutor changes. If at first interest was burning in her eyes, now indifference is clearly visible in them. This is the result of mistakes made during dating.

The list of mistakes that affect a young lady’s mood is extensive, and one of the first places belongs to “wrong” questions. In this part of the article I will give two simple rules, which will help in building a fruitful conversation.

  1. Even if you have a lot of original questions in your head, don’t rush to ask them in a row. The girl will get the impression that she is under interrogation. It is recommended to dilute questions with interesting stories and comments.
  2. When choosing your next question, be guided by the development of the situation. If you notice that you can’t spark interest, switch to a more serious strategy. If the questions work, hold your horses a little to achieve success. This will intrigue your interlocutor.

During the conversation, ask the girl questions, using her story as a guide. If your interlocutor mentions things that interest you, use this to create another question. Believe me, in any conversation there will be something in which you are interested. And you yourself can start a conversation about interests and hobbies. Talking about indifferent things will not lead to success.

Don't forget about questions with banter. They will help increase your attractiveness and shake the self-confidence of your interlocutor. But remember that a word hurts no worse than a sharp blade. And interesting questions will bring you closer to your goal faster if you demonstrate charisma and confidence.

To make the conversation with a girl productive, ask more vital, funny, original and interesting questions. Talking about smart topics alone will not help to interest your interlocutor. Below we will look at ten interesting questions to ask a girl.

  1. Do you have a feature that distinguishes you from other girls?
  2. What masculine qualities do you value most?
  3. Are you concerned about what people around you think about your hair, figure, style or clothes?
  4. How do you feel about men and women who smoke?
  5. What should a woman be guided by when choosing a guy: reason, promptings of the heart, feelings?
  6. Do you believe in love at first sight?
  7. What do you want in life?
  8. Do you like tattoos or piercings?
  9. Where would you like to go?
  10. Do you communicate on social networks?

During the conversation, do not ask all of the above questions. For each, choose the best moment. And remember, if communication doesn't work out, you might not be right for each other. The emergence of real feelings is spontaneous.

Top questions in the game "Truth or Dare"

To play Truth or Dare, you need a small group and a set of cards with a variety of tasks or original questions. If a player draws a task card, he completes the task according to the conditions. If a player gets a card with a question, he gives an honest, reasoned answer.

Actions for the game are created that are universal, so that every participant can perform them. As for questions, there are no restrictions on topics. It all depends on what you want to know about the girl. I will give examples.

  1. Do you like extreme?
  2. Is your heart free?
  3. Do you read other people's letters?
  4. Do you often tell lies?
  5. Do you like to cook?
  6. Do you have many secrets?
  7. Have you ever done ridiculous things in your life?
  8. Do you have a cherished dream?
  9. Do you interfere in other people's affairs?
  10. Jealous?

As you can see, the questions cover a wide variety of areas. This list can be continued endlessly. To make the game leave a pleasant impression, use your imagination and come up with as many interesting questions as possible.

List of vulgar questions

There is nothing good in vulgarity, but sometimes it bears fruit. Its correct use helps to liberate the young lady and kindle feelings in the heart. Girls like guys with a little spice, but they won't admit it.

Start small and gradually increase the degree. If you go straight to vulgarity, the girl will think you're crazy or preoccupied. But if she's the first to talk about sex, don't hold back.

If vulgarities do not contribute to the construction of a normal conversation, end the experiment immediately. Otherwise, the conversation will end prematurely. And don’t forget about a sense of proportion. Try to keep the conversation not only about bed topics.

  • Have you had sexual contact with a guy?
  • How do you feel about sex?
  • Walking around your apartment naked?
  • Does “size” matter to you?
  • Do you watch adult films?
  • Do you masturbate?
  • Would you like to lie down in an extreme place?
  • Do you welcome experiments in sex?

Even if vulgar questions helped in building a conversation, do not consider yourself the king of vulgarity. In most cases, the young ladies go on a counter-offensive, and the guys have to defend themselves.

I don’t recommend concentrating on vulgarity, because it doesn’t help create relationships. Additionally, dirty talk is very different from reality. So focus more on real talk and real action.

What questions should you not ask girls?

If the conversation with the young lady goes well, communicate on any topic. But even in this case, do not forget about the restrictions. There are questions that are absolutely not recommended to ask - the answer can put the interlocutor in an awkward position, remind you of unpleasant events or spoil the mood.

  1. How old are you? It is indecent to be interested in a girl's age. If she wants, she will tell her age herself.
  2. How much money do you make? The question is considered indecent towards any person, especially young ladies.
  3. How many men have you tried to build relationships with? Even if there were a lot of guys, they became a part of her story and do not concern you. And not every girl is willing to talk about it.
  4. Do you want to get married? Not many girls find the topic of marriage interesting. It is indecent to ask about this at the first meeting or with someone you barely know. She is not obligated to share her personal desires with a stranger.
  5. Does “size” matter? Some guys willingly ask this question, considering it funny. In reality it is inappropriate and vulgar.
  6. Do you like sex? You can ask about this, but not at the first meeting. Ask if a relevant topic is raised.
  7. Questions related to politics or religion are always inappropriate in a conversation with a girl. Such topics are discussed only with a person you know well.
  8. Which alcoholic drink do you prefer? Such a question demonstrates the loss of the ability to maintain a conversation.
  9. Never use hackneyed or trivial topics, such as “your strengths and weak sides", "family or career." Such questions are more suitable for an interview, but not for a personal conversation.

In conclusion, I’ll give you a few more tips. Ask only questions that you can answer yourself. It is possible that after the answer the girl will ask a similar topic. Choose questions that you like. Every woman has a well-developed instinct, and she can easily recognize whether you are truly interested in her personality and life.

If you often communicate with young ladies and have extensive experience, share your build in the comments. It will be interesting for me and site visitors to read questions with meaning. See you!

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