Railway transport pros and cons. Pros and cons of rail transportation. Secrets of the railway

Northern and southern zones of the airport " Sheremetyevo" will acquire their own terminals " Aeroexpress" For air passengers, another option for transport logistics is, of course, good news. But for the initiators of this project, it threatens to become a source of acquired headache. At the same time, no one seems to be even trying to generalize passenger logistics and assess the feasibility multi-billion dollar projects in this northwestern segment of the Moscow transport hub.

As the media, to the so-called northern zone of Sheremetyevo airport, where a new air terminal opened this spring, for 12 billion rubles. They will build a branch and another terminal for intermodal express trains. The terminal has already received the letter “B” according to the international classification. Terminal C, which is under construction, should join it in 2019. They say that after this the northern zone will be able to pass through up to 35 million passengers per year. This is comparable to the southern zone of this airport - terminals “D”, “E” and “F”, which in 2017 served 40 million air passengers.

The discussion of Sharik passenger logistics has been going on for a long time. Both areas of the airport are connected by passenger and baggage tunnels laid under the runway with a cable-railway. Due to this expert opinions divided. Some are confident that such a reliable and fast connection between the terminals is quite sufficient and the existing Aeroexpress line is able to transport everyone, and the creation of a separate railway approach unlikely to pay off. Others, on the contrary, say that an attempt to bring passenger flows from the northern and southern zones of the airport to the existing Aeroexpress terminal will lead to this transport collapse that air passengers will fall out of love not only with electric trains, but also with the airport itself.

First of all, what today is called the northern and southern zones is nothing more than former air harbors Sheremetyevo-1 And Sheremetyevo-2. When to Olympics-80 the second terminal was built, it accumulated international flights, leaving the first one with domestic flights. In 2015, the old complex of the first Sheremetyevo (buildings dating back to the early sixties of the last century) was demolished. And now terminals “B” and “C” are going to specialize in domestic flights. According to experts, if the total passenger flow here increases, it will not be by much. And it’s unlikely to reach the total throughput of all terminals.

At Sheremetyevo, Aeroexpress trains accounted for about one-eighth of passenger traffic, i.e. 4.7 million people.

Let's do our favorite arithmetic. Let’s assume that Sheremetyevo gets its act together and reaches the level of passenger traffic Chicago or Tokyo, collecting 75 million passengers per year, even in this case the existing Aeroexpress terminal can hardly expect collapse. After all, the percentage of passengers who prefer Aeroexpress is small. Moreover, in 2017, the company’s share in the total volume of traffic to airports showed a 10-year minimum value of 13,2% .

Specifically at Sheremetyevo, Aeroexpress trains accounted for about one-eighth of the total passenger traffic of this airport, i.e. 4.7 million passengers. At the same time, when Aeroexpress was just planning to come to Sheremetyevo, according to preliminary estimates it was believed that its services would be used before 7 million passengers per year. And that means there is a reserve.

According to experts, the drop in demand for Aeroexpress services is, among other things, due to dynamic growth popularity of taxi aggregators and car sharing companies. All this happened against the backdrop of an improvement in the situation on the road infrastructure after the opening of the exit to the new toll highway M-11, which, by the way, is located precisely in the northern zone of the airport.

Finally, another issue influencing the choice of passengers is transfer cost. A trip on Aeroexpress under the current tariff scheme is still beneficial for a single air passenger. When traveling together, the scale of choice immediately tilts towards a taxi, since there is no need for additional expenses on public transport. This is confirmed by the numbers: in 2017, trips to Sheremetyevo were only in aggregator taxis Gett grew by 50% .

The MCD has the advantage of an interval between trains of 6 minutes and convenience of 11 transfers to the metro and railway stations of other directions.

Meanwhile, a taxi is not the worst thing for an intermodal carrier. The future of Aeroexpress began to be shrouded in a slight haze of uncertainty when the mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin and the head of Russian Railways Oleg Belozerov in November 2017 to the President of Russia Vladimir Putin its joint project Moscow Central Diameters ( MCD). Including the MCD route Lobnya – Odintsovo, the project of which is estimated at 8 billion rubles. Then we were still perplexed why the residents of Lobnya might need a connection with Odintsovo with the frequency of metro express trains.

But from the point of view of air passengers, this MCD may well be a tough competitor to the Sheremetyevo route of Aeroexpress. The MCD's assets include a planned interval between trains of 6 minutes and the convenience of 11 transfers to metro stations and railway stations of other directions. Aeroexpress has a five times longer interval between trains - 30 minutes, and only two stops - the beginning and the end, which complicates logistics passengers. And they will certainly not like the idea of ​​Aeroexpress shuttle service between the northern and southern terminals of the airport before they rush to the capital. In order to finally “finish off” the project"Aeroexpress", there was only one thing left to do - to extend the MCD line to the airport.

However, already in December last year, the Deputy Mayor of Moscow, Head of the Department of Transport and Road Infrastructure Development tried to clear away the “haze of uncertainty” in the fate of Aeroexpress. Maxim Liksutov, who said: “We will ensure that travel to airports does not undergo any changes due to the introduction of the MCD.” It is quite possible that Mr. Liksutov felt sorry for his ex-wife , to which he gave his share in Aeroexpress.

Maxim Liksutov

However, an airline passenger is least interested in the politeness of a former family man. After all, travel by MCD train from Moscow to Lobnya can cost as little as 65 rubles. True, you will have to add the fare for travel from the air terminal to the railway station by bus, and then (if necessary) by the capital’s public transport. But still, these costs are much lower Aeroexpress ticket price.

Finally, some more numbers. Ten years ago for the construction of a new branch and electrification Russian Railways spent 4.8 billion rubles. In 2009, Aeroexpress trains went to Sheremetyevo from Belorussky Station, Russian Railways investments increased by another 300 million rubles. In 2018, construction of a new railway already estimated at 50 billion rubles, and a simple branch from the existing passage, only 3.8 km long - in RUB 10.3 billion. Plus more RUB 1.5 billion. for the construction of a railway terminal in the northern zone of the airport. In parallel, the monopoly spends 8 billion rubles for the “metrofication” of the existing railway infrastructure between Odintsovo and Lobnya.

The question arises: has anyone calculated the feasibility of simultaneous development of these two expensive projects, due to which they expect to return the money invested? And what is the general role of the federal executive body in this story - Ministry of Transport and city authorities Moscow. From these structures, at least, one can expect a government approach. After all, business has other interests.

Roman Streltsov

For Russian business the question cargo transportation especially relevant. Just look at the size of the country. But often, when you hear the word cargo transportation, what comes to mind is a huge truck plying far from ideal domestic roads. However, a considerable part of cargo is transported by rail. What's interesting is that sometimes without rail transportation It’s simply not possible, especially when it comes to large equipment or any other cargo. Why? The site’s correspondent asked the head of the customer service department of the company “Capital Freight Agency” about this. Konstantina Bezruchko.

— Why rail transportation in modern Russia not as popular as they could be?

— Yes, indeed, such a tendency exists. And this is connected with the feeling of speed and apparent simplicity of cargo transportation by road. The growth of the fleet of vehicles with a wide variety of capabilities, the construction of roads, the emergence large quantity logistics companies specializing in road transport created the appearance of a wide territorial coverage of the country.

And the technological capabilities of the vehicles themselves have become much wider - low-loading platforms with a high load capacity and the availability of special means for loading and placing cargo can easily compete with a railway platform. And large self-propelled vehicles, which previously acted as cargo, are now sent by truck even over very long distances, which also takes a certain volume from railway transportation.

— When and in what cases is it profitable to use railway transportation, when you simply cannot do without it?

— First of all, these are transportation to hard-to-reach or remote areas. Secondly, cargo transportation heavy and oversized cargo, however, the possibilities of road transportation for such cargo have their limitations. And third - large consignments of cargo. Their rational distribution on rolling stock makes it possible to reduce freight transportation costs.

In some cases, it is more reliable and safer to send particularly valuable cargo by rail in covered wagons and containers. Statistics show that the number of unsafe shipments in the case of auto delivery of goods is higher than with railway transportation.

— What types of cargo are most often transported by rail today, and why?

— A significant volume is accounted for by the transportation of raw materials. This is due to the economic and geographical features of our country - the remoteness of resource sources and their consumers from each other. Industrial cargo includes transportation of equipment and materials. Moreover, transportation in containers is very popular.

Container Shipping equipment is reliable and economical. Also, transportation in containers is very convenient for the consignee - the container first travels by rail to the destination station, and then the cargo without unnecessary reloading (in the container) can be delivered by road to the consignee's door. Thus, cargo is delivered according to the “door to door” scheme.

— What are the main pros and cons of transportation by rail?

— An absolute advantage of rail transportation is safety and security when using enclosed rolling stock. Another significant advantage is the cost-effectiveness of transporting oversized or heavy cargo over long distances.

But the timing is, perhaps, the main disadvantage railway transportation. The railway is characterized by both a long period of transportation itself and the preparation period for it.

— In the case of transporting oversized cargo by rail, what points should you pay special attention to?

— When transporting any cargo by rail, the shipper must always provide an accurate description of the cargo; this can significantly reduce the preparation time for shipment and avoid unexpected expenses. In the case of transporting heavy or oversized cargo, it is necessary to know about the consignee’s ability to receive this cargo at the destination station (that is, to know about the capabilities of the station and the presence of mechanized unloading facilities at it).

— What additional services do you provide when transporting goods by rail?

— « Capital freight agency» is an operator of industrial cargo in Russia and offers its clients a full range of logistics services for these cargoes. We send cargo by rail in covered wagons, gondola cars, on platforms, various specialized transporters and universal containers. We send cargo from railway stations in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

At the direction of shippers, we carry out loading and unloading operations using truck cranes of various lifting capacities, transporting cargo to the departure station, transit storage of cargo in warehouses, loading and securing cargo on a vehicle, additional packaging and labeling. For all cargo, personal loading and securing schemes are developed and approved in the relevant structures of Russian Railways. If oversized cargo is presented for transportation, we suggest reducing its dimensions by dismantling removable parts. When the cargo is ready for shipment, it is photographed and the photographic materials are provided to the shipper.

In Moscow and the Moscow region, we can perform rigging work related to dismantling and removal of cargo.

And now our company, together with partners, is implementing a program to support shippers of large industrial cargo. As part of this program, prices have been reduced and preferential conditions have been established for a number of logistics services for transportation in wagons, gondola cars and on platforms.

— Which directions of rail transportation would you define as the most popular today?

— I would say that these are the Eastern (Transbaikalia, Primorsky Territory) and Northern (Komi, Yamal Peninsula) directions. This is due to the remoteness and inaccessibility, the lack of roads in these directions. And of course, the demand for various types of industrial cargo for economic activities in these regions.

Capital freight agency
Central office of JSC "Capital Cargo Agency":
Moscow, Balakirevsky lane, 1 A, entrance 1, floor 3.
Website www.stogruz.ru E-mail: [email protected]

logistics railway warehouse transportation

The choice of an effective mode of transport in a competitive environment is made on the basis of technical and economic calculations, taking into account the specific market requirements for transportation. When using railway transport, it is necessary to take into account the following features and advantages of technical and economic characteristics.

The advantage of railway transport is:

1) Independence from natural conditions(construction of railways in almost any territory, the ability to rhythmically carry out transportation in all seasons, in contrast to river transport). Modern technology makes it possible to lay railways in any area, but the construction and operation of roads in the mountains is much more expensive than on the plains. About 70% of the country's railways have grades between 6 and 10%.

2) The efficiency of railway transport becomes even more obvious if we take into account its advantages such as high speeds of rolling car traffic, versatility, the ability to handle freight flows of almost any capacity (up to 75-80 million tons per year in one direction), i.e. high throughput and carrying capacity, amounting to tens of millions of tons of cargo and millions of passengers per year in each direction.

3) Rail transport provides the possibility of relatively fast delivery of cargo over long distances.

4) Rail transport makes it possible to create a convenient direct connection between large enterprises, which reduces the number of expensive cargo transportation.

5) High maneuverability in the use of rolling stock (the ability to adjust the car fleet, change the direction of freight flows, etc.);

6) Regularity of transportation.

7) Opportunity effective organization performing loading and unloading operations.

8) A significant advantage of rail transport is the relatively low cost of transporting goods. Among the factors influencing the cost of transporting goods by rail, the following stand out:

a) direction of transportation;

b) distribution of freight turnover (freight load per 1 km of track);

c) technical equipment of the line (number of tracks, amount of lift, type of traction - steam, diesel, electric);

d) area where the line is located;

c) time of year.

All these factors depend on economic and geographical conditions. The economic and geographical features of the regions, which determine the types of cargo, the direction and size of their export or import, determine transport connections.

9) Availability of discounts.

The disadvantages of railway transport include:

1) limited number of carriers;

2) low possibility of delivery to points of consumption, i.e. In the absence of access roads, rail transport must be supplemented by road transport.

3) significant need for capital investments and labor resources. Therefore, given the large capital investments in the construction of railways, it is most effective to use them with a significant concentration of freight and passenger flows

4) in addition, railway transport is a large consumer of metal (1 km of a main line requires 130-200 tons of metal, not counting rolling stock) Gomankov F.S. Technology and organization of transportation by rail

The material and technical base of railway transport includes cars and carriage facilities, locomotives and locomotive facilities, stations, freight yards and weighing facilities, etc.

Let's consider the basis of the base - the carriage industry.

Each car is characterized by its carrying capacity and capacity, tare weight, i.e. absolute indicators.

Relative indicators of the car:

a) technical coefficient of wagon container;

b) coefficient of specific volume of the car;

c) load capacity utilization factor;

d) capacity factor.

Railway transport products are assessed by a number of quantitative and qualitative indicators. Quantitative indicators characterize the volume of transportation work. One of the main quantitative indicators is the volume of transportation (by dispatch) of goods. This indicator provides a better link between production plans and transportation plans in a single measurement - tons - compared to the indicator of freight turnover in ton-kilometers, which was considered the main one. The second main quantitative indicator is cargo turnover. Freight turnover is a general indicator planned at all levels and is used to determine the need for rolling stock and repair facilities, labor costs, fuel, electricity, etc. In order to reduce transportation costs and speed up the delivery of goods, the cargo turnover plan should be fulfilled by increasing the amount of cargo transported, and not by increasing the transportation distance.

The main qualitative indicators of the work of railways and their divisions are:

Implementation of the transportation plan, traffic schedule and train formation plan;

Technical, sectional and route speed of trains;

Degree of use of rolling stock: turnover of the car and locomotive, static, dynamic load and productivity of the freight car. The most important qualitative indicator in railway transport, reflecting the work of all main railway departments, is car turnover, which is the time from the start of car loading to the start of its next loading.

General economic indicators of railway transport include labor productivity, transportation costs and profit.

Almost all types of cargo can be transported by rail. This type of transportation is used by the mining, petrochemical, engineering, metallurgical industries, as well as the agricultural industry. Freight of various sizes and characteristics is transported by rail every day, from shoes to pharmaceutical products, and goods requiring special transportation conditions.

Transportation of goods by rail can be carried out:

In rolling stock owned by railway transport organizations;

In rolling stock owned by legal entities or individual entrepreneurs;

In rental rolling stock legal entity or an individual entrepreneur.

Features of rail transportation of bulk, bulk and liquid cargo.

For the most part, railway transport is used for the transportation of bulk, bulk and liquid cargo in fairly large volumes of cargo (over 100 tons), and the distance of railway transportation is more than 200 kilometers.

The advantages of rail transportation when transporting bulk, bulk and liquid cargo are associated with the ability to transport large volumes of cargo over fairly long distances. The speed of cargo delivery in such conditions is significant, and the cost is minimal.

Features of rail transportation of oversized cargo.

Cargo that does not fit into the loading gauge outline is called oversized.

For railway transport, oversized cargo is cargo that, in its geometric parameters, exceeds the dimensions of the design car (height more than 5.3 m, width more than 3.25 m, length more than 14 m) or exceeds the permissible load on the car frame (weight more than 60 tons) .

To transport such goods by rail, specialized rolling stock is provided - articulated railway transporters, the carrying capacity of which can reach 500 tons.

Features of transportation of perishable goods (LNG).

For the transportation of LNG, isothermal rolling stock (refrigerated cars, thermos cars), tanks for wine and milk, and refrigerated containers are used.

When choosing a method of transporting perishable goods, the sender must take into account the maximum possible duration of transportation of the goods being transported, the time of year and climatic conditions along the entire route.

Container Shipping.

Transportation of packaged piece goods of a wide range in containers, as well as on pallets, provides a significant economic effect. Containers are much more profitable to use for transporting small consignments, since industrial and commercial enterprises can significantly reduce the time for accumulating products and widely practice shipping goods directly to consumers. Transportation in containers is also carried out in mixed rail-road and rail-water communications.

Containers are divided into universal and specialized. Universal containers are intended mainly for packaged cargo, reinforced cargo units and small-piece cargo. Specialized - for a limited range or cargo individual species: bulk, liquid, perishable and dangerous.

Rail transportation. Railway lines seem to be deliberately created for the transportation of large quantities of goods by long distances. Moreover: for some goods, sending by rail may be the only possible delivery method.

For a number of goods, transportation by rail is one of the most convenient types of transportation. And for some cargo, the railway will not be the most optimal way to move it. What are the advantages and disadvantages of rail transportation?

Pros and cons of rail transportation

Rail transportation is the main competitor to road transportation. Most often the choice arises between these two types. ground transport, if you need to transport any cargo. Each type of transportation has its advantages and disadvantages. These features should be correlated with the characteristics of the cargo itself. All this will allow you to take full advantage of the advantages of each type of transport, minimizing its disadvantages.

The main advantage of rail transportation can be considered the ability to transport large objects that are difficult or impossible to transport using vehicles.

One of the disadvantages of rail transportation can be considered its strict attachment to a specific route along which the railway lines are laid. In the case of a number of cargoes, such a spatial limitation may be a decisive argument against the use of rail transport.

Types of wagons and types of cargo

Different types of cars allow you to regulate the conditions for transporting goods of various types.

This alleviates some of the inconveniences associated with transporting goods by rail. Choosing the right type of car will allow you to create practically ideal conditions for the delivery of a particular cargo. Eventually right choice wagon type is a guarantee of the safety of the cargo and its proper transportation.

Regular roofless carriages suitable for the simplest cargo that does not require special transportation conditions. Such cargoes include various bulk Construction Materials, which cannot suffer damage from any external influences. Various equipment can also be transported in open-top cars if the influence of external factors does not affect its condition.

For more delicate loads they are used closed carriages . They transport, for example, grain. Such wagons are also excellent for transporting large quantities of various goods.

On single-tier and two-tier platforms Conveniently accommodate various vehicles.

And the most comfortable type of rail transportation can be considered the transportation of goods to isothermal cars . Ability to adjust temperature regime creates a number of undeniable advantages. This transportation method is ideal for perishable goods. Refrigerated cars allow us to minimize the risk associated with such perishable goods. This is especially true when it comes to transporting them over long distances.

Types of transport, their brief technical and economic characteristics

Types of transport:
Pipeline transport
Sea transport
River transport
Automobile transport
Air Transport
Railway transport

Pipeline- designed for transportation of liquid and gaseous products from production sites. The created network is being used in Russia. This pipeline network makes it possible, along with domestic supplies, to export oil to the countries of Central and Western Europe in transit through Belarus and Ukraine. More than 95% of produced oil moves through pipelines.

– pipes can be laid of any diameter, in a direct direction from the place of production to the place of consumption;
– the lowest cost of transportation;
– minimal cargo loss during transportation.
– transports only the liquid or gaseous state of the cargo.

Sea transport- serves external government transportation. Over the past ten years, the share of participation of Russian vessels in foreign trade transportation has fallen from 80% to 12%. The volume of domestic transportation is insignificant.

– high load capacity;
– transportation range;
– low cost.
– seasonality of transportation;
– functions only between ports;
– low delivery speed.

River- one of the most accessible types of transport. Serves long-distance and local transportation, the routes of which coincide with the movement of rivers and canals. Has high carrying capacity. Transportation of bulk cargo. They are much cheaper than by rail.

– natural paths: no capital costs for construction and development;
– low cost of transportation over long distances;
– low resistance to movement.
– seasonality of work;
– low delivery speed;
- tortuosity of paths.

Automotive- one of the most common, acts both as an independent and as an auxiliary transport. On short haul routes automobile transport is the most economical, due to significantly lower costs for initial and final operations compared to rail transport.

– greater maneuverability, thanks to which the cargo can be delivered from the place of loading by the sender to the recipient’s warehouse;
– delivery speed;
– effective when transporting passengers.
– high cost;
– low load capacity.

Air- this is the fastest mode of transport, providing non-stop flights over long distances at speeds of 1000 km/h and above. Mainly used for passenger transportation, in addition, for transportation of furs, live fish, flowers, etc.

– the ability to quickly organize regular communications between any regions of the country;
– the shortest distances, shorter than the corresponding routes by railways by 25-30%, by sea and river by 50%;
– requires less specific capital investment.
– depends on meteorological conditions;
– significant fuel consumption;
– high cost of transportation.

Railway transport- this type of transport is most suitable for mass transportation; it operates day and night, regardless of the time of year and atmospheric conditions. Railways bring life to hard-to-reach areas and help develop the natural resources of our Motherland.
– high carrying capacity;
– ability to handle massive flows of cargo and passengers;
– relatively low cost of transportation;
– high speed of delivery;
– greater flexibility and maneuverability during transportation;
– a universal mode of transport for all cargo.
– requires large capital investments, depending on topographic, climatic and environmental conditions;
– a high proportion of expenses that have little dependence on the size of the movement.

Compared to other modes of transport, railways have a lesser impact on environment and have lower energy intensity of transportation work.

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