29 lunar day and characteristics. Lunar birthday. Bathing in the sauna

29 lunar day- hard day. The new moon is coming soon, apathy and depression are in the air. It is not advisable to engage in vigorous activity during this period. It is better to take time for spiritual and physical cleansing.

Affairs. You should not engage in active activities or start new projects. It’s better to devote time to yourself, getting rid of unnecessary thoughts and fears. Due to the almost complete lack of energy on this day, one feels weakness, loss of strength, and reluctance to do anything. Whenever you take any action, you feel dissatisfied with yourself and those around you.

Job. If your work schedule allows, it is better to stay home that day and not work at all. If this is not possible, it is recommended to devote time to routine, simple tasks. You can put your documentation in order, sort things in order of their importance, and plan activities for the near future. It is advisable not to contact anyone at this time or talk to your superiors. This is an unfavorable period for changing jobs.

Housework. A suitable day for simple chores around the house. A little cleaning, decorating the apartment, putting things in order in the closet will have a beneficial effect on your overall well-being and home comfort. You should not involve your relatives in housework. It's better to do everything yourself.

Money. It's a bad time for money transactions. Even small expenses and small purchases can lead to a colossal drain on finances. It is not recommended to enter into financial contracts for work, invest, or take out a loan during this period. Risky transactions should be avoided.

Love, relationships. It is better not to arrange dates with your loved one. No matter how stable the relationship is, it is recommended to refrain from communication on this day. There is a high probability of quarrels, even to the point of breaking up. It is undesirable to have sex - it can have a destructive effect on the body.

Communication. Not a good day for any communication. On the 29th lunar day, the darkest sides of the human soul come out. Therefore, outbreaks of unmotivated aggression, anger and intolerance towards each other are possible. It is advisable to avoid any contact, including with family and friends. It’s better to stay at home on this day, take time for yourself - read good book, think about life.

Trips. Bad day for travel. You should not go on a business trip or vacation. Even with careful planning and calculation of all risks, something will go wrong. Conflict situations with fellow travelers and injuries are possible. It is advisable to reschedule your trip to another period.

Haircut and hair care. The 29th lunar day is a suitable day for a new haircut. It will cheer you up and attract good luck with money. It is not advisable to dye your hair, otherwise conflicts with others may arise. Experiments with hairstyles or curls are allowed.

Beauty and health. The 29th lunar day is a favorable day for a visit to a cosmetologist or a beauty salon. During this period, moderate exercise is beneficial. It is important not to overwork to avoid exhaustion. Do not overload your body with heavy food and alcohol. It is useful to go on a one-day diet.

The energy of the 29th day of the Moon is heavy and fraught with many troubles and dangers. People today are prone to depression and decreased activity, all of which can be accompanied by headaches. There is a high probability of accidents on the roads, so be doubly careful when you get behind the wheel. This day is also considered traumatic; it is not recommended to engage in work associated with heavy physical activity, as well as any activity associated with the risk of injury. Today there is a high risk of damage and the evil eye, so yours will come in handy more than ever; believers don’t have to worry about this.

On the 29th lunar day it is very good to give up bad habits. For example, if you want to quit smoking and overcome yourself today, then the next day it will be much easier for you to fight, because today all the blackness asks to come out. This day is great for getting rid of unnecessary things; today you can throw a stone off your soul, get rid of everything that prevents you from moving forward. The 29th day of the moon is favorable for abstaining from food and fasting.

It happens that the 29th lunar day completely ends the lunar month, and the 30th day of the moon does not occur. If this is so, then today is the end of the entire lunar cycle. You can analyze mistakes and take stock by reflecting on the past period.

Love and relationships on the 29th Lunar day

Today is a very unfavorable period for romantic meetings and relationships, so if you have a date planned, it is better to reschedule it for another day. It is also not recommended to hold weddings on this day.


Today is a dangerous day, so it is not recommended to carry out repairs and construction work around the house. But today is a very favorable day for getting rid of unnecessary trash and clearing debris, so it would be good to do some general cleaning and energetic cleaning of the house.


Today you need to pay close attention to your health; the risk of injury and respiratory diseases is very high. This lunar day is good for cleansing the body; fasting will be very effective.

Business and money

This is the time to take stock; it is not recommended to start any new business, otherwise you will waste your time and money. Money matters can go well, especially if they were planned at the beginning of the lunar month.

Do you know that every day is different? They differ not only in name and number. They contain opportunities and pitfalls, priority areas and hidden pitfalls. Let's get acquainted with one day. Let's find out what characteristic 29 is lunar day. We will not say that it is better or worse. He is different, special, unique. After reading the material, you will see for yourself and understand how to use it correctly.

Common features

Let's start with the totem.

The symbol of the 29th lunar day is the octopus. This is a dangerous, insidious, unpredictable animal. It is clear that it does not bring anything good to the day it controls. Therefore, the characteristics of the 29th lunar day are not for the faint of heart. You need to be mentally prepared to read it. Although, on the other hand, we live through this period every month, without even knowing it. By the way, it’s worth remembering when you pick up the lunar calendar when the most dangerous incidents happened to you. Most likely, these were exactly the days described. Therefore, the characteristics of the 29th lunar day are necessary for any person. Having familiarized himself with it, he will be able to face potential problems fully armed. But there is something to be afraid of. If you are calculating favorable lunar days, then feel free to skip this one. Unless you need to choose a period for a bold and decisive step, tinged with adventurism. Then the day of the twenty-ninth moon is quite suitable. But more on that later.

The influence of the day on the psyche

The most important thing in the described day is the enormous pressure exerted by the queen of the night. They say that the characteristic of the 29th lunar day is that it is better not to do anything, not decide, not find out, and so on. People become weaker during this period. All previously unnoticed or consciously rejected temptations roll over them. This is bad in itself.

However, this state does not attract happy situations. On the contrary, trials begin to appear precisely during the period described. Another day is characterized by an increase in the number of diseases. Chronicles feel this regularly. Some kind of melancholy takes root in the soul of almost every person, even very positive ones. It pushes the weakest into the abyss of black depression into rash, dangerous actions. You understand that the characteristics of lunar days are not always so gloomy. This day is an exception. They are considered to be the most dangerous and critical.

The essence of the day

Experts call the described days karmic. Some people rejoice when they manage to get rid of accumulated sins not through their own labor, but thanks to circumstances sent from above. To such individuals, most likely, it seems that favorable lunar days are not replaced by black ones. That is, they perceive this day as a gift from heaven. This is exactly how experts recommend treating the twenty-ninth lunar day. They bring retribution for the sins of the past month. Those who have not committed them do not notice the monthly “black streak”. If troubles happen to you, your mood plummets, then analyze your recent past. You have sinned somewhere: in actions or intentions. By the way, the same experts say that people living in the rhythm of the moon are less susceptible to unfavorable trends during this period. The darkness of the day may not touch them and may pass unnoticed. The rest have a hard time.

This period is favorable for spiritual work. Surely you understood this when you read about karma. It is advisable to abandon activities, especially those related to making important decisions. The probability of error is very high. Better to read, connect with nature, or spend the day in prayer. Some people prefer meditation, that's their right. Any work of the soul is welcomed on the day described. By the way, its negativity is emphasized by the positivity of the previous period. The characteristics of lunar days 29 and 28 are completely opposite. The positive and joyful light of the twenty-eighth day is suddenly followed by the “failure” of the next. This transition is so energy-intensive that it can knock any unprepared person out of his normal state. This fact must be taken into account if you have to do something important. They try not to schedule financial transactions, business and love meetings for this day.

About the good

There are people who strive to calculate the lunar day suitable for getting rid of something that has long been obsolete. These could be feelings or habits, things or attitudes. A more suitable day is simply recommended during this period to strictly monitor your thoughts and emotions. This is done in order to identify accumulated “garbage”. You need to get rid of it boldly and firmly. According to the recommendations of experts, negativity should be turned into love. There are enough methods for such work. For example, interrupt every negative thought with prayer. It’s difficult, of course, to vigilantly control yourself for so long. But the effect will be much greater than from work in any other period. Therefore, it is not necessary to calculate the lunar day to get rid of something. Check out the calendar! Now you know exactly when to throw out old furniture or throw

back side

The positivity of the twenty-ninth day easily turns into black negativity, as soon as you loosen control. Any quarrel started during this period quickly turns into a huge scandal. Confrontation can drag on for a long time if its causes, which lie in the karmic problems of the parties to the conflict, are not understood. It is advisable to avoid any aggressive actions, interrupt incipient squabbles, ignore rudeness, and not follow the lead of intemperate opponents. Especially if their role is played by dear people. Should it be postponed until later? favorable time. In general, you should be especially attentive and gentle with your loved ones. Let them feel your care and lean on your strong shoulder. This is necessary for any person, regardless of gender. Sometimes a man also wants to be weak, to be capricious. We need to forgive each other during this period. Believe me, it's worth a lot.

Lunar birthday

This period leaves the stamp of its darkness on all its children. Those born on this day live a long, but difficult life. Inside their souls there is an irreconcilable battle between the dark and light sides of the personality. Those whose lunar birthday falls on the twenty-ninth are advised to constantly focus on the positive, joy, and happiness. It is sometimes necessary to make incredible efforts so as not to fall into the deep abyss of devilry. By the way, these individuals are often prone to magic and have the appropriate abilities. They can only be developed when the eternal confrontation between good and evil is brought under control. Otherwise, there is a possibility of causing a lot of trouble to both yourself and others. And retribution will certainly come. These people need to be firm in their pursuit of good, more often help the weak, mentally turning all their strength to other people’s problems, distracting themselves from their own war.

The main symbol of the 29th lunar day- octopus, hydra, octopus.

Stones of the 29th lunar day- labradorite, serpentine, colored jasper, black pearl, white opal, mother-of-pearl, obsidian, kahalong.

Colors of the 29th lunar day- red, scarlet and black.

Organ- rectum, anus.

Octopus, hydra, octopus, “Maya” - these are the symbols of the day, as if with their long tentacles they are ready to pump out all your good essence from you. It is necessary that you do not lose your composure on this day.

Main characteristics of the 29th lunar day

This day is very dangerous, it contains a large share of satanic influence. On the 29th lunar day, there is no need to incite conflicts, because they can lead to aggravating consequences. There is too much satanic and demonic origin in the energy of the day.

Today it is necessary to carry out free time in prayer so as not to come face to face with the wiles of the Evil One. Try not to even think about anything bad, because, as you know, thoughts materialize. Satan is strong and cunning. There is no need to test yourself if you are sure that you can overcome anything.
If you suddenly feel that something has gone wrong, then immediately turn to God, who is always ready to help. Light the candles and sincerely read the prayer and repent. Your soul will immediately feel lighter, bad thoughts will go away, and everything will go as usual again.

On the 29th lunar day, it is better to take on work that is not so important. Because any undertakings on this day may end with complications and difficulties. Try to listen to your own feelings. Satanic power is very strong, but sometimes human intuition can pass any test and emerge victorious.

Under the influence of such terrible satanic spells, the day is unfavorable for everyone. The main thing is to remain calm so as not to splash out your negative energy on innocent people. After all, all people live in society. And, if the day is going badly for everyone, then you need to respect the feelings and desires of the other person. Perhaps the one towards whom you show aggression and dissatisfaction is at the moment the most unfortunate person who needs to be saved. And your speeches will generally drag him into the pool of despondency. Be reasonable.

Health on the 29-lunar day

On the 29th lunar day you need to be especially careful in matters of health. A day with unfavorable energy can bring various injuries. Chronic diseases may worsen.

If you suddenly want to go to training, then do simple exercises. Be moderate in sports activities.

The 29th lunar day is suitable for cleansing the body. The body is ready to get rid of all unnecessary toxins. You can use therapeutic fasting. Just don’t overuse it, because it takes some time to rebuild the body. If you miss this fact, complications may arise. There is no need to bring it to this.

Meals on this day should be balanced. Avoid meat and alcohol. Do not overeat to avoid heaviness in the stomach and digestive system. Very useful for cleansing the body herbal teas. A good day to try a new type of tea. Moreover, a minute with a cup of tea calms the body very quickly.

From a medical point of view, today the rectum and anus are susceptible to pain. You should not give enemas or injections in the buttocks on this day. Don't put these organs in danger, and then other parts of the body will be fine too. After all, the human body is general system. If something hurts, the whole body suffers.

Love and the 29th lunar day

The 29th lunar day is so saturated with negative energy that love relationships one can find a lot of disappointment on this day. Love, of course, can arise, but do not rush to make final conclusions. It may turn out that even a small trifle in a future relationship can completely turn you away from a person. On the 29th lunar day, unreal, illusory love arises. Save yourself for a stronger feeling.

Don’t rush to invite or go on a date today, especially if this is only the first meeting. This is also the beginning, namely the beginning of a relationship, which is not recommended on the 29th lunar day.

The day is extremely unfavorable for marriage and conceiving a child. Watch your thoughts and words. You can say a lot of barbs to your loved ones, and then regret it and ask for forgiveness. It's just a very gloomy day, just be more careful and careful.

Work and creativity on the 29th lunar day

If you have strong energy, then it is likely that you will cope with the negative energy that the day sends. Because people with strong energy can do a lot of good on this day in household chores. For example, do a general cleaning, after which comes the cleansing of the house from various unnecessary rubbish. And those who do this quickly will receive the main pleasure for themselves, a feeling of satisfaction from the work they have done. Therefore, it may appear good mood, which can easily overcome the force of negative gravity of 29 lunar days.
In his professional activity try not to sign documents or enter into contracts. If this still happens, turn things in the direction where these signatures would not be the final decision.

Business on the 29th lunar day will only be successful for cleaning companies. Because this is one of the types of cleansing.

For those born on the 29th lunar day

People born on the 29th lunar day will be endowed with a dual character. From childhood, two traits will argue in them, negative and positive. If they learn self-control, then their life can turn out quite successfully and without complications. If the negative side prevails, then it poses a significant threat to their entire life.

A negative character trait can lead to suffering and human pain, and both their loved ones and relatives will suffer from this. It is necessary to introduce self-sacrifice and self-hypnosis from a very early age. It is necessary for a person born on the 29th lunar day to rationally understand the world around you.
They can very often be subject to unreal feelings. And they may not even try to get out of this state. They seem to enjoy the pain that comes from themselves. Because they do not want to fully accept the reality that surrounds them.

Such people are recommended to use spiritual practices in their lives. They will be able to make their own decisions and be responsible for them. They will learn to self-suggest positive thoughts. They will be able to convince themselves where it is good and where it is bad. In this case, their life can be quite favorable for themselves and for their family and friends.

Despite this a large number of negative qualities, people born on the 29th lunar day can become famous personalities and, moreover, have magical properties.

Signs of 29 lunar days

Since the 29th lunar day is endowed with super-negative satanic energy, be on your guard. If you suddenly hear loud sounds, trumpet sounds, then this is bad news. In general, as they say, if you heard something, it is better to listen again and understand whether this sound is real, and then draw conclusions.

Magic rituals of the 29th lunar day

It is not recommended to perform magical rituals on the 29th lunar day. Because on this day they celebrate the distortion of fortune telling. This is due to the fact that the Forces of Darkness on the 29th lunar day are very strong. Satanic energy allows us to talk about this day as the worst day in the entire Lunar cycle. This day is also called the Day of the Black Moon. Fortune telling is done for the most terrible spells. It is better for beginners not to interfere, but to wait for a more opportune moment.

Special caution on the 29th lunar day

In general, on the 29th lunar day you need to be especially careful. This applies to health and work and in matters of love, because danger can lurk everywhere. After all, the Dark Forces have always been distinguished by their cunning. But the main thing is to continue doing what you are doing and reason sensibly so that satanic power does not prevail over you.

Dreams and visions on the 29th lunar day

Dreams on the 29th lunar day can be difficult and cause fear. But you shouldn’t trust dreams too much on this day. They are so deceptive that they can even cause laughter among interpreters. The confusion of your dreams may be related to your general well-being. Perhaps you went to bed early or, on the contrary, late; all this can affect your dreams.

Mantras for the 29th lunar day

Prosperity is what I need, and everything says that I deserve it.
The changes I experience bring joy, comfort and ease.

I am sure that I can say about myself that I am good enough.

I believe that the negativity in my thoughts dissolves under the influence of a stream of positive thoughts.

I simply must experience joy, and I do this because I can take advantage of every opportunity on the path to prosperity.

Energy of the day: active day

Lucky number 29 lunar day: 2; element of the day: Earth.

Lucky color of the 29th lunar day: red, scarlet and black.

Stones: serpentine, black pearl, mother of pearl

Body part: butt, anus, rectum.

Happy day of the week of the 29th lunar day: Monday.

Lucky direction of 29 lunar days: Southwest.

The predominant form of 29 lunar days: a square, a horizontally elongated rectangle.

Symbol of the 29th lunar day: Octopus, Octopus, Hydra.

Key words: danger, increased self-control, spiritual transformation, cleansing the Augean stables of the inner world.

Guardian Angel of the 29th lunar day: Oswada - Lord of the Shifting Moon. Prince of Darkness. Angel of newness and origin. Despite the number of gloomy names and titles, this guardian angel is the most peaceful and friendly. Moreover, he is the most faithful and reliable defender, capable of protecting from all the forces of darkness. Knowing all the secret habits and laws of dark forces, he is able to protect you from most troubles and troubles, and protect you from the invasion of any dark entities and influences. Your protection is his job.

Basic properties of the day

The 29th lunar day has acquired quite a bad reputation. And this is no coincidence, since this is the hardest day of the entire lunar cycle. Many esoteric schools even call this day “satanic.” The fact is that his energy is so powerful that most people simply cannot cope with it.

As a rule, the twenty-ninth lunar day completes the lunar cycle. The 30th lunar day in a lunar month does not always occur, and if it does, its period lasts very short. Thus, it turns out that in fact the 29th lunar day is the final of the lunar month.

It should be borne in mind that on the 29th lunar day the likelihood of various kinds of conflicts and quarrels greatly increases. And if you don’t catch it in time, acute situations can develop into hostile relationships for many years.

On this day, you can perceive any carelessly thrown word as a blood offense, and only one question will occupy you: “How to take revenge?” It is not for nothing that the octopus is a symbol of these lunar days: with its tentacles of negative thoughts and negative emotions it will wrap around your entire consciousness, so try not to lose control over yourself, otherwise your whole life will be subordinated to one goal - to inflict even greater offense on your offenders.

29th lunar day - On this day you should be especially restrained and attentive. Be tolerant of other people's shortcomings, do not react too violently to attacks in your direction. Forgive your offenders: this is the best thing you can do on the 29th lunar day to avoid tense and conflict situations.
During this period, you should avoid walking in disadvantaged areas of the city, do not walk along dark streets, and do not believe any proposals from strangers: any situation can turn into a tragedy.

The 29th lunar day accounts for the highest percentage of accidents and accidents. This is why you should follow special caution when crossing the street and while driving a car.
However, despite all the dangers of this period, you should not dwell on its negative aspects. Excessive feelings of fear, doubt and doom are a danger in themselves.

We can avoid many unpleasant situations if we change our attitude towards current events. Everything just needs to be taken with humor and irony. Don't take everything to heart.
Anyone who passes the 29th lunar day with dignity will enter the new lunar cycle renewed and changed. The Moon Goddess will bestow her mercy and blessings on such a person.

On the 29th lunar day, direct the flight of your thoughts to the Universe, try to establish an imaginary connection with the Cosmos. Think about everything at once, about one world. Catch the wave of world harmony and stay on it.
Optimally combine creative and contemplative activities, for example, leisurely work in the garden. Plant flowers and admire their beauty.

Any destructive actions are prohibited. On the same plot of land, nothing should be torn, dug up or uprooted. It’s better not to give flowers even on this day: in this case, you also become involved in destruction. Fans of hunting and fishing can say with full responsibility: this is not your day!

On the twenty-ninth lunar day, there is no need to take any active actions, and certainly not start new things. Any business started on this day is doomed not just to failure, but to complete collapse.

It’s also not worth finishing any projects or activities today. If this is done, then the work of many days, months or years will be wasted. Why cross out what cost you a lot of effort?

Try to limit contact with people as much as possible, or even better, cancel meetings altogether. The fewer contacts you have on this day, the greater the chances of avoiding problems in the future. If you are forced to communicate, remember that the 29th lunar day is fraught with betrayals. You may be called upon to be frank for the sole purpose of then using it to your advantage.

Even close friends with whom you, as they say, have eaten a ton of salt, can cause you a lot of trouble. So try to spend the 29th lunar day alone.
It is on this day that astrologers advise being distrustful. Be sure to check dubious figures and facts. Do not believe all kinds of forecasts: they are unlikely to come true.

The time is not at all suitable for travel and business trips. It is best to spend this period alone and devote it to creativity, then you will get good results.

I’ll probably repeat myself, but I want to draw your attention to THIS:

Of course, it was not originally conceived as some kind of “Black Monday”. The fact is that his energy is so powerful and assertive, so overwhelming, that most people simply cannot cope with it.

The Tibetan astrological tradition advises refraining from performing funeral ceremonies and rituals, as well as wakes. It is believed that such procedures attract from the afterlife various kinds of harmful entities, since on this lunar day they are very active and it will not be difficult for them to move into our world. In general, it should be noted that the twenty-ninth lunar day is the time of evil spirits.

But with all that, if you spend this period alone and devote it to creativity, it will bring good results.

Business sphere: 29 lunar day

Businessmen today need to be extremely careful, since their Business, to put it modern language, today they can “run over”, and anyone, from the tax inspectorate to racketeering. Therefore, if possible, it is advisable to completely close your establishment, company or enterprise for this period. Of course, the same tax inspector may come another day, but today their arrival at ninety-nine percent and ninety-nine-nine-tenths will end tragically for you.

It is recommended to stop all trading activities on the twenty-ninth lunar day. There is no need to buy or sell goods. Signing agreements, concluding contracts, establishing new business connections, concluding deals and similar actions on the 29th lunar day are also doomed to failure, or they will go in such a way that you will more than once regret that you started it at all.

Bosses need to remember that now they need to maintain peace and order in the team, but not at the cost of aggressive and expansive actions.

Anything that in one way or another resembles dictatorship and authoritarianism will only cause a negative and negative reaction, a process of resistance and rejection. For this reason, it is not worth signing statements, issuing new orders, issuing directives, establishing new rules, and so on.

But remember that issuing bonuses and rewards on the twenty-ninth lunar day will also not give the desired result. People will still remain dissatisfied, as they say, “neither in the forehead, nor in the forehead.”

It is best to declare a day off during this period, this way you will give your staff a rest and protect yourself from troubles.

Marriage and wedding: 29th lunar day

It is better to plan a wedding or marriage registration on another day, otherwise in the near future there will be a conflict of interests between the young spouses and family union may crack. Divorce can be very difficult and protracted because difficult relationships they will entangle you with tentacles like an Octopus

If you are planning a wedding and on the 29th lunar day you were going to discuss the details of the upcoming event, it is better to postpone it until tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, otherwise you will quarrel at the most inopportune moment.

Today you should not carry out divorce proceedings either, since the parties will not part on good terms.

Health: 29 lunar day

During this period, the entire human body is exposed to negative influence negative energies. Therefore, it is recommended to load yourself as little as possible. Avoid drafts and damp rooms. Be careful during training - the day is fraught with an abundance of injuries, which often end in serious complications.

On the twenty-ninth lunar day, those diseases that you have already forgotten about can again make themselves felt. This is a sure signal that you have actually eliminated the symptom, and not the disease itself. The “matrix” of the disease is still in your body and must be removed immediately, otherwise the disease will return to you every time, until it becomes chronic and then turns into pathology.

Sex and erotica: 29 lunar day

Today it is better to refuse any kind of sex, forget that it even exists.
Intimate relationships on the twenty-ninth lunar day will only lead to quarrels, insults, and even sexually transmitted diseases.

Dreams: 29th lunar day

Dreams on the twenty-ninth lunar day tell a person about the processes that occur in his subconscious; this is the so-called “shadow” side of our personality, which also requires attention. The dream images of this period should be carefully analyzed and worked out with utmost care. These images indicate problems that you are trying to turn away from. Unresolved, they only accumulate and create constant tension in your subconscious. For the same reason, treat them with due respect. Work on your dream imagery with a psychoanalyst or a good dream interpreter.

Esoterics: 29 lunar day

In the Tibetan esoteric tradition during this period, rituals were usually performed to pacify local angry spirits. And in other mystical directions, it was customary to devote the twenty-ninth lunar day to various cleansing practices, both for the person himself and for any area.

In pagan schools during this period, bonfires or candles were always lit, which burned until this lunar day ended. After the fire was extinguished, its ashes were buried deep into the ground, since it was believed that many evil spirits and harmful creatures burned in the flames, whose ashes should be buried so that they would not be found again.

Lunar ritual on the 29th lunar day

Practice of the day: Cleansing the home

On the day of concentration of negativity, you should cleanse your home with fire, water and incense smoke. We must turn to the Higher Mind and ask for strength and protection in this practice. Before the procedure, open or slightly open the windows and doors in the apartment and order all entities to leave your house, as you are going to clean it.

  • You should start cleaning the house from front door inside the apartment.
  • Standing facing the closed front door, make three clockwise circles and three crosses with a lit candle in your right hand. IN left hand You can take incense sticks of incense or juniper.
  • From the front door of the apartment, walk around all the rooms of the apartment clockwise with a candle and incense around the perimeter, saying: “I cleanse my house, I cleanse my flesh, I cleanse the blood of my ancestors.”
  • Corners should be cleaned with candle fire. moving it from the floor from bottom to top until it begins to smoke or crack.
  • Doors and windows are cleaned with three circles and three crosses when exiting and entering any room. If the candle goes out, then it should be lit from the flame of another candle and continue cleaning in the place where it went out.
  • After walking around the entire apartment, go to the front door and clean it with three circles and crosses. go out of the apartment to the stairwell and also clean the door from the outside.
  • After this, thank the higher powers for their help and support in cleaning the house.
  • Don’t put out the candle, let it burn out until the end for the well-being of the house. Wrap the spills in paper and throw them into flowing water over your left shoulder right hand(you can use the toilet).
  • After this, sweep the floors in the apartment. Start from the far left corner and sweep everything towards the threshold. Collect all the garbage in paper and take it to the trash.
  • At the end of the practice, you can sprinkle holy water on all corners of the apartment.
  • Then, open the windows and doors of the room and say: “Come in good spirits. and there is no place for the evil here."

It is highly advisable to clean the premises in the morning, but if this is not possible, then try to clean the apartment (or other room, for example, an office) before sunset.

Of course, the room that is being cleaned must be free of people. You should not be distracted from performing the ritual. Otherwise, the result will be minimal.
The candle is used for household purposes, good quality. Preferably yellow or blue. purple color.

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