Sore throat, what to gargle with. Gargling for a sore throat - the best drugs, recipes and rules. Methods of gargling

There are often cases when the peak of sinusitis is already behind us, but thick, viscous, difficult-to-remove mucus still remains in the nose. Normally blowing your nose does not help in this situation, so it is necessary to cleanse and rinse the sinuses. It allows you to get rid of mucus and restore normal nasal breathing.

To clean, you can wash, warm, and consume foods that remove thick mucus.

Results from sinus cleaning

Cleansing the sinuses, including the maxillary sinuses, has several beneficial properties:

  • Improves breathing through the nose;
  • Reduces swelling;
  • Helps clear the sinuses of “uninvited guests” - viruses, bacteria and fungus;
  • Removes mucus;
  • Restores the immunity of the nose and sinuses;
  • Can be used to prevent relapse of the disease.


Rinsing your nose and sinuses helps to clear your nose and sinuses. It not only mechanically cleanses the nose, but also introduces medicinal substances into it. The procedure has virtually no contraindications and can be used for a long time.

How to rinse your nose

Washing methods

There are several ways to rinse your nose:

  1. Pour the solution into a basin or bowl. Then close one nostril by pressing your finger on the wing of the nose, bend over the pelvis and draw in the solution through the open nostril. You need to do 5-10 rinses for each nostril, then blow your nose well.
  2. Instill the solution into the nose using a pipette. To do this, you need to tilt your head, drip 5 drops of the product into each nasal passage and blow your nose well. For small children and preschoolers, the only safe and permitted method of rinsing is injecting a pharmaceutical spray.
  3. Take the solution into a medical bulb (syringe), tilt your head to the side and pour it into the upper nostril. For the procedure at home, you can use a special Chinese teapot.
  4. Using steam inhalation. Inhalations help dilate blood vessels, improve blood circulation and dilute purulent mucus even in the most secluded corners of the paranasal sinuses. Inhalation should be done for 10–15 minutes. After steam inhalation, it is much easier to clear the nasal cavity of mucus.


  • Allergy to the solution used for rinsing;
  • Tumor diseases of the nasal cavities;
  • Swelling that cannot be relieved by either washing or vasoconstrictor drops;
  • Significant curvature of the nasal septum;
  • Frequent nosebleeds;
  • Current ear inflammation, chronic otitis media;
  • The opening of the eardrum.

Folk remedies for rinsing the nose

Folk remedies are ideal for rinsing the sinuses and nose at home. These recipes have been tested by several generations of people and have proven effectiveness and safety. The healing substances of plants help relieve inflammation, kill viruses and bacteria, and strengthen local immunity.

Decoctions from medicinal plants

When using plant decoctions, you must make sure that they do not cause allergies.

  • chamomile – relieves inflammation.
  • sage – contained essential oils have anti-inflammatory and mild
  • bactericidal effect.
  • Kalanchoe – relieves inflammation, has an irritating effect.
  • eucalyptus – expectorant effect.
  • series - expectorant, antiviral and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • calendula – relieves inflammation and disinfects.

Recipe: Brew a tablespoon of dry raw materials in one glass of boiling water. Keep in a water bath for 10 minutes and strain after half an hour.

Decoctions can be used to clear the sinuses by drawing in water through the nostrils. Cleaning the nose can be done up to 6 times a day.

Vegetable juices

It is recommended to use freshly squeezed onion, carrot and beet juice. The juice, when it gets on the nasal mucosa, causes irritation, which reflexively leads to sneezing and promotes the removal of mucus.
Juices can be put into the nose as drops. It is recommended to dilute onion with water.

Medicinal rinses

You can clean your nose with furatsilin or soda. Furacilin solution in silicone or glass packaging can be bought at a pharmacy or prepared from tablets. To do this, you need to dissolve 2 crushed furatsilin tablets in one glass of warm water. Before use, stir the solution well and strain. You can rinse the maxillary sinuses with furatsilin up to three times a day for one week.

To prepare a soda solution, dilute a teaspoon of soda in a glass of warm water. It is better to use not water, but a decoction of some medicinal plant (calendula, chamomile). If desired, sodium bicarbonate solution can be purchased at the pharmacy.

Soda does not replace salt, as it has no effect on swelling and inflammation. Soda has a different mechanism of action - it is involved in breaking down the bonds of thick, purulent mucus.

Saline solutions

Saline solution and preparations based on it are the most recognized and frequently used means for rinsing the sinuses at home. A weakly concentrated solution is suitable for use for preventive purposes, a concentrated solution is suitable for removing pus from the maxillary sinuses.

Types of saline solutions:

  1. Saline solution. An affordable product that contains a physiological concentration of salt. It thins mucus, soaks crusts, and washes away bacteria and viruses.
  2. Saline solution. You need to take sea salt. For preventive use, dilute one teaspoon of salt per 1 liter of water; to cleanse the maxillary sinuses of pus - a level teaspoon of salt per glass of water. Sea salt has a number beneficial properties, helping to cope with the inflammatory process in the sinuses.
  3. Drops and sprays. There are many drops for rinsing the sinuses, from which you can choose the appropriate product, taking into account your financial capabilities.

To flush the sinuses from mucus, viruses, and prevent colds, you can use isotonic solutions (0.6–0.9%):

  • Salin;
  • Rinolux;
  • No-salt;
  • Humer isotonic;
  • Otrivin Baby. Otrivin Baby and Humer are perfect for even the youngest patients.

To clean the sinuses from purulent contents, eliminate nasal congestion and swelling, it is necessary to use hypertonic solutions with a salt concentration of up to 2.6%:

  • Kwix is ​​a sales leader;
  • Aqua Maris is a bestseller;
  • Aqualor - there are several varieties of the drug, each selected according to the nature of the discharge;
  • Humer is hypertensive;
  • Dolphin, in addition to a unique complex of minerals, contains extracts medicinal plants.


A traditional Russian bath helps to clear your sinuses and strengthen your immune system. You are allowed to go to the bathhouse at normal body temperature. The high temperature and humidity of the bath air perfectly warms the body and moisturizes the respiratory tract. Blowing your nose after a bath is very easy, your nose breathes perfectly even without instilling vasoconstrictor drops.

Warming up

When sinusitis and heat behind, all the symptoms are gone and only thick discharge remains - you can warm your nose. Warming improves the separation of mucus from the nasal walls. For the procedure, it is recommended to use boiled eggs, potatoes in their skins, hot coarse salt and salt warmers. It is better to warm your nose before going to bed at night, keep the heat source until it cools completely.

Nasal drops

Drops with cyclamen strengthen local immunity. As a result, the mucous membrane itself begins to work in an enhanced mode, and the mucus comes out spontaneously.

Astringent drops based on iodine - Protargol and Collargol - can remove thick residual snot.

You can try vasoconstrictor drugs, but they do not always help.


Eating horseradish, onions and garlic will help cleanse the maxillary and other paranasal sinuses. They strengthen the immune system, help fight viruses and bacteria, and are sources of vitamins and phytoncides. Eating onions, garlic and horseradish causes sneezing, which promotes good mucus separation.

  1. You need to eat chopped horseradish 2-3 times a day. It's even better to mix it with lemon.
  2. It is recommended to eat a clove of garlic or half a medium onion in the morning and evening.
  3. Twice a day, consume 1-2 tablespoons of a mixture of onions and honey.

Also, to reduce the viscosity of the secretion, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of flour and starchy foods, and give preference to vegetables and fruits.

Cleansing the nasal sinuses is a prerequisite for recovery, prevention of congestion, and an obstacle to the formation of cysts. The greatest effectiveness has been proven by the combined action of several methods, which can be combined or used alternately.

Nasal lavage or lavage is one of the treatment methods that makes it easier. It allows you to get rid of mucus, relieve swelling, wash away pathogens and reduce inflammation. Some experts recommend carrying out the procedure as a preventative measure in the autumn and winter, others even advise including it in the list of daily hygiene measures.

Types of lavage

The modern nasal rinsing procedure has quite a few options, united under this general name. These in ENT practice include:

  • Nasal irrigation. This type of lavage is considered one of the softest. A balloon is brought to the nostril, from which the active substance is evenly sprayed (usually sodium chloride, that is, ordinary salt). Nasal irrigation is carried out using special pharmaceutical drugs(dolphin, rhinolife). A nebulizer operates in a similar way. There is known data on the penetration of drops of the drug into the maxillary sinuses. This method is recommended for patients with damaged and sensitive nasal mucosa.
  • Rinsing with a bulb or mug. This method is the most common. It is suitable for use at home. When washing, it is important to follow safety precautions. Otherwise, the infection may spread from the nasal cavity and sinuses to the middle ear.

Goals of the procedure

During nasal rinsing, the following therapeutic and hygienic effects are achieved:

If we exclude the hygienic purposes that this procedure serves, it is recommended to carry out it in the following cases:

Rules for nasal rinsing at home

Nasal shower

You can independently use the lavage method using a pear or a nasal mug. It consists of several stages:

Important! It is better to refrain from excessive blowing of the nose during the procedure, since the liquid along with the infectious agent can enter the middle ear and cause.

Rules for rinsing your nose at home:

  • To carry out the procedure, it is necessary to prepare a fresh, warm solution.
  • The ideal temperature of the liquid is 36-37°, as close as possible to the temperature of the human body.
  • When sick, it is recommended to rinse up to 3 times a day, for hygienic purposes – daily.
  • After the procedure, it is better not to go outside for 1-2 hours.

Washing is contraindicated when:

  1. Nose is stuffed;
  2. There are either malignant neoplasms in the cavity;
  3. (in this case, the doctor should decide whether washing will be useful);
  4. The cold is complicated by otitis media;
  5. The patient often experiences nosebleeds.

Contraindications for nasal rinsing

Comment. It is better if a specialist first shows you how to rinse your nose correctly. This will reduce the risk of undesirable consequences and will allow you to correct errors in the procedure if they occur.

Nasal irrigation

The procedure is carried out using available open sale drugs: dolphin, rhinolife. During irrigation, no back draft of the solution is created; it flows out solely under the influence of gravity. This measure is one of the most gentle. It is not suitable for people with severe nasal congestion.

Irrigation is also used at home. Along with the powder for preparing the solution, the kit includes a nozzle and detailed instructions performing the procedure. The patient should be in an inclined position during nasal irrigation; this may be uncomfortable for older people. The method has no other disadvantages; it is extremely simple to implement. The patient simply needs to press on the bottle presented to the nostril until the solution flows out of the other.

Nasal rinsing in pediatric practice

Irrigation procedures performed on young children in lately are highly valued by ENT specialists. Aspiration as a type of nasal lavage can be performed from birth. In a child under one year old, the nasal canal is narrow and short, so when there is a cold or allergy, it easily becomes clogged . Children on breastfeeding They eat and sleep poorly with nasal congestion, as a result their health worsens and their body weight decreases.

At home, aspiration is most often used. Modern experts recommend using the Otrivin nasal aspirator to remove mucus instead of a pear. In the article by E.P. Karpova and E.E. The vagina, published in the Independent Publication for Medical Practitioners, states: “ Uncontrolled intensity of suction [bulb] can lead to negative consequences. Blowing air into the baby's nose entails pushing the secretions deeper“.

Many mothers of infants note that it is quite difficult to gain the skill of using a douche bulb. In addition, kids do not like unnecessary manipulations, so it is undesirable to delay the process. All these arguments speak in favor of professional aspirators.

Otrivin baby consists of detachable parts that can be easily boiled and replaced. A spout with a cotton swab is inserted into the child's nostril, on which the mucus settles. Next comes a hose and a mouthpiece, through which the adult sucks out the liquid secretion. Spout attachments can be replaced to prevent re-infection. Even in this way, rinsing a child’s nose is not at all easy. It is better if both parents carry out this procedure: one to fix the baby, and the other to perform aspiration.

For older children, methods such as nasal douche and irrigation can already be recommended, described above. They can be carried out starting from 4 years. When using pharmaceutical drugs, you must pay attention to possible additional restrictions specified in the instructions.

Making your own rinsing solution

The most common ingredients for nasal rinses at home are:

For the youngest children, you can rinse your nose with just warm water. This method is suitable if their discharge is liquid, transparent and does not contain pus.

If it is determined that the runny nose is of a non-allergic nature, then decoctions of the following herbs can be used as an alternative:

The decoctions should not be made too strong; when rinsing, there should be no burning or tingling sensation.

Important! If you have allergic rhinitis, you should refrain from rinsing your nose with components of plant origin, as they can increase unpleasant symptoms.

Pharmacy preparations for nasal rinsing

Such medicines include:

Important! Some doctors advise using chloramphenicol as a medicine. This should not be done; the antibiotic solution is intended only for injection or eye drops. Levomycetin is well absorbed through the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and can cause allergies.

Separately, it is worth considering preparations with sea water. Their action and composition are almost identical. Such drugs include:

  1. Aqualor;
  2. Aquamaris;
  3. Quicks.

They differ from self-prepared saline solutions by the presence of trace elements in their composition - magnesium, potassium, selenium, iodine and others. They provide complete nutrition to the mucous membrane and increase the therapeutic effect of other nasal products used after rinsing.

Pros and cons of the procedure

What Advantages can be noted for this washing compared to other therapeutic methods:

  1. Local action without unnecessary trauma. In the Soviet medical practice it was possible to deliver the medicine into the sinus only through a puncture, which, of course, created a risk of infection and was extremely unpleasant for the patient. Modern drugs make it possible to clean the cavity by rinsing and achieve the desired therapeutic effect without the intervention of a surgeon.
  2. For sinusitis, rinsing the nose helps prevent the spread of infection. The maxillary sinuses are located close to the meninges and frontal sinuses. In case of stagnant purulent phenomena, washing reduces the likelihood of infection.
  3. Opportunity for independent implementation. The patient can rinse his nose at home, so no hospital visit is required. In addition to obvious comfort for the patient, this situation creates opportunities for bed rest, eliminates hypothermia and contact with other carriers of infections.
  4. Price is another important advantage. The simplest rinsing with a solution of table salt is available to any patient, regardless of his income level.
  5. The procedure can be performed at any age; it is suitable even for infants from the first day of life.

Nasal rinsing also has negative aspects:

Nasal rinsing is a procedure that is effective for colds and eases their course. The issue of its daily use is controversial and not fully understood. When making a decision about hygiene of this kind, you need to be attentive to your feelings and the condition of the mucous membrane.

Video: nasal rinsing in the program “Live Healthy!”

The most effective and safe remedy for nasal congestion is irrigation therapy. Nasal rinsing can be done not only for medicinal purposes, but also as a daily hygiene procedure. Many experts believe that rinsing your nose at home is as important as brushing your teeth and tongue.

Some children with chronic rhinitis or allergies benefit from this procedure. If infants have free nasal breathing, they eat food easily. Otherwise, children become capricious and lose their appetite. However, not all mothers know how to rinse their child’s nose to clear it of mucus and dust inhaled along with the air.

Nasal rinsing is one of the main preventive and treatment procedures. viral infections

What is the effect of nasal rinsing?

By regularly performing the procedure during the winter months, you can reduce the risk of developing bacterial diseases of the nasal cavity and protect yourself from colds. When a runny nose begins in children, bactericidal solutions used for rinsing help to quickly cope with the infection. At the same time, the treatment time is reduced. The effect of nasal drops will be greater if they fall on clean mucous membranes.

Babies who are susceptible to allergic reactions feel much better after rinsing, since a significant part of the allergens that entered the nasal passages during a walk are washed away. To avoid allergic attacks, the procedure should be carried out immediately upon returning home from the street.

A simple procedure normalizes the microflora of the nasal cavity. Rinsing the nose relieves the child of excessive formation of mucus and crusts, which is important during the heating season, when air humidity is extremely low. The baby's nasal breathing improves and the mucous membranes are moisturized.

At what age is the procedure indicated for children?

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You can rinse your nose from a very early age, but the technique of performing the procedure and the method of administering liquids differs for different age groups. When a baby has a stuffy nose, he needs irrigation therapy (we recommend reading:). The baby cannot breathe fully during feeding; he has to swallow air through his mouth. As a result, the baby belches and regurgitates some of the food.

Children under two years of age are prohibited from washing with a syringe, as this is fraught with the development of otitis media. Fluid, mucus and accumulated debris can easily enter the Eustachian tube.

To rinse the nose of a one-year-old baby, it is better to choose:

  • a weak decoction of chamomile;
  • saline;
  • warm water.

A few drops of liquid are dropped into the spout from a pipette. The accumulated secretions are removed with a rubber bulb or nasal aspirator.

How do you wash your child's nose?

To prevent and treat nasal congestion, nasal lavage is widely used. For children, all actions performed are unpleasant, but refusal to rinse the nose is fraught with a protracted illness and a high risk of complications.

Irrigation therapy is carried out with saline solutions, in some cases prescribed medications or herbal medicines prepared at home. When carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the child’s body. The fact is that a baby’s nasal passages are much narrower than those of an adult, so all actions must be performed carefully in compliance with the rules.

Pharmaceutical preparations with saline solution

The advantage of pharmaceutical drugs lies in the correct technology for their preparation. The medicine contains the exact concentration of medicinal components.

When choosing saline solutions, it is necessary to take into account the age of the child. As a rule, doctors prescribe drops for young patients under 6 years of age, and aerosols for older patients. Of all the drugs on the market, Aqua Maris is very popular. The solution is based on sea water. The following products have a similar composition:

  • Dolphin;
  • Marimer;
  • Humer;
  • Salin;
  • Morenasal.

As an alternative, you can use regular saline solution. It contains all the necessary substances that provide sanitization of the nasal cavity. Children with any type of runny nose can use the solutions. Rinsing relieves swelling, moisturizes and protects the nasal mucosa.

The listed agents have an antiseptic effect, promoting a speedy recovery. Medicines are used not only for therapeutic purposes. Saline solutions are an excellent means of prevention during the cold season.

Antibacterial and antimicrobial agents

If nasal congestion is caused by an infection, antibacterial and antimicrobial drugs will help cope with the disease:

  • A relatively safe and highly effective antiseptic - Miramistin - will help cope with sinusitis, rhinitis or sinusitis. The active substance included in the drug destroys pathogenic microorganisms at the cellular level.

  • Furacilin is inexpensive, but effective drug wide spectrum of action. Once on the nasal mucosa, the medicine relieves inflammation and prevents the development of pathogenic microflora. After just a couple of days of using Furacilin, the child will feel relief.
  • A good therapeutic effect in the treatment of bacterial rhinitis and sinusitis can be achieved if the child rinses his nose with Chlorophyllipt. The list of side effects of this drug is very modest, so pediatricians often prescribe it to their patients. The procedure requires an alcohol solution of Chlorophyllipt 1%, which is pre-diluted with water.
  • If children's immunity unable to overcome the infection, and the disease is severe, then doctors prescribe the drug Polydex with phenylephrine to children who are already 2.5 years old. The drug contains antibiotics and hormonal components.

Folk remedies

There is nothing easier than preparing your own saline solution for rinsing the nose. To do this you will need to stir 1 tsp. salt in 1 liter of water. Sometimes a couple of drops of iodine are added to the solution. You can also rinse your child's nose mineral water without gas.

Using decoctions of medicinal plants, you can prepare effective anti-inflammatory and antiseptic solutions for the treatment of runny nose. If a child is prone to allergies, you need to be more careful when choosing herbs. To prepare a rinse solution, use the following recipes traditional medicine:

  • 1-2 tbsp. l. dried plants (calendula, chamomile, St. John's wort, eucalyptus, etc.) are poured with a glass of boiling water. The decoction should be infused for two hours. Before you start rinsing the baby's nose, the liquid must be filtered through gauze and slightly warmed to body temperature.
  • Half a tsp. green tea pour boiling water. Leave for half an hour. During influenza epidemics, the procedure can be performed regularly.
  • To prepare the solution, take alcohol tincture with propolis 10%. In 1 glass of boiled water you need to dissolve 10 to 20 drops of tincture. The number of droplets is determined by the age of the child.

Various folk remedies are effective for rinsing the nose, but they should only be used under the supervision of a physician.

Nasal rinsing technique

There are several ways to rinse your child's nose. For small children under one year of age, the procedure at home is carried out as follows:

  • the child is placed on his back;
  • to the right, and then to left nostril a few drops of herbal decoction with chamomile, saline or saline solution are instilled with a pipette;
  • to avoid injury and damage to the mucous membrane during the procedure, the baby’s head should be supported by the mother’s hand;
  • after the liquid enters the spout, at least 1 minute must pass;
  • mucus is removed with a rubber bulb;
  • The nasal passages are cleaned with a cotton swab.

Technique for rinsing the nasal cavity for children from 2 years of age:

  • the child should be asked to lean over the sink in the bathroom;
  • if hair or clothing gets in the way, they need to be secured;
  • the child should stick out his tongue;
  • a stream of water from a rubber bulb must first be directed into one nasal passage - the solution, along with accumulated mucus and impurities, must flow out through the other nostril;
  • the procedure is repeated on the opposite side;
  • After all the actions, the child should blow his nose thoroughly.

Children over 5 years old can rinse their nose on their own. They need to tilt their head over the sink and try to suck in liquid through their nose. After passing through the nasal cavity, the solution enters the mouth and is then spat out. At the end of the procedure, to clean the nasal passages, the baby carefully blows his nose.

Precautionary measures

Failure to follow the correct nasal rinsing technique and precautions can harm the baby. When performing a simple procedure, children and parents need to adhere to certain rules:

  • As far as possible, it is necessary to clear the nasal passages of mucus (blow your nose, suck out the snot with a nasal aspirator or rubber bulb, use vasoconstrictor drops) (we recommend reading:);
  • do not carry out the procedure immediately before bedtime - the liquid and mucus remaining in the nasal cavity will drain into the larynx;
  • you should not leave the room immediately after rinsing your nose, since the mucous membrane will not be ready to withstand cold air and bacteria at this point;
  • the temperature of the liquid used should be within 32-35 degrees;
  • when injecting the solution, you need to control the pressure, otherwise an increase in pressure in the nostrils can lead to the penetration of mucus into the middle ear;
  • You should not perform the procedure too often - this will wash out not only pathogenic but also beneficial microorganisms.

How often do you wash your nose?

If, in addition to rinsing, medicines, then they should be applied to the cleansed nasal mucosa immediately after the procedure.

For young patients under 3 years of age, the number of washes per day should not exceed 3-4 times. If a baby is subjected to this procedure too often, it can weaken its natural immunity and provoke otitis media and sinusitis.

If washing is carried out for preventive purposes, then the number of procedures is determined by the parents. In this situation, it is enough to rinse your nose a couple of times a day.

When is rinsing contraindicated and ineffective?

For most people, nasal rinsing is safe and very effective. However, in some situations it is better to refuse it. Experts do not recommend rinsing if the child suffers from any of the following conditions:

  • nosebleeds, the patient is prone to increased capillary permeability;
  • otitis media occurs in a chronic form;
  • formation of cysts, polyps and other neoplasms in the nasal passages;
  • perforation of the eardrum;
  • epilepsy;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the rinsing solution;
  • deviated nasal septum.

Nasal lavage is a procedure that an otolaryngologist prescribes as a preventative or therapeutic purpose, however, it is also upper respiratory hygiene. Irrigation of the nasal passages and nasopharynx helps remove formed mucus, clean the cilia of the ciliated epithelium from dust, and get rid of bacteria.

At home, rinsing the nose must be done very carefully to avoid water getting into the Eustachian tube and not causing otitis media.

A runny nose is not only an annoying symptom of a cold or ARVI, but also a protective mechanism. The mucous glands in the nose secrete a secretion that envelops dust particles or allergens, preventing them from entering the lower respiratory tract. But if there is a lot of mucus in the nasal passages, the protective function does not work, the mucous membrane becomes inflamed, and breathing becomes difficult.

Rinsing the nose helps remove accumulated mucus, pus, pathogenic microflora, and dust. Thanks to the procedure, the mucous membrane is restored and nasal breathing improves. Medicinal solutions containing an antibiotic enhance the effect.

Nasal irrigation is indicated for the following diseases:

  • allergic rhinitis;
  • rhinitis during pregnancy;
  • ARVI and influenza;
  • inflammation of the paranasal sinuses (frontal sinusitis, sinusitis);
  • atrophic rhinitis;
  • hypertrophic rhinitis;
  • childhood adenoiditis;
  • sinusitis.

Nasal rinsing can be done not only during illness, but also for prevention.

When is washing prohibited?

Despite the benefits of nasal drainage, there are contraindications for this procedure:

  1. Nasal congestion. When the mucous membrane swells, there is a threat of delivering the solution into the nasal passage under high pressure, which can lead to pathogenic microflora entering the middle ear;
  2. Before going outside during the cold season. At low temperatures, the liquid remaining in the nasal passages cools much faster than the mucous membrane, which can lead to fragility of blood vessels and bleeding;
  3. Neoplasms in the nose. Since the patency of the nasal passages decreases, there is a risk of otitis media;
  4. Otitis. The middle ear is connected to the nasal cavity using the Eustachian tube, so in this case it is not worth aggravating the situation by the exchange of bacteria;
  5. Severe deviated septum. The effectiveness of the procedure for curvature is practically zero;
  6. Children under two years of age. In babies, the Eustachian tube is very short, so the risk of infection in the middle ear increases.

Despite all positive sides, you should not rinse your nose every day, as these actions can disrupt the proper functioning of the mucous membrane and weaken its protective functions.

Procedure "Cuckoo"

IN medical conditions washing is carried out using the Proetz fluid movement method. In common parlance, this procedure was called “Cuckoo”, because during the procedure the patient must constantly say “cuckoo”. With this sound combination, the epiglottis blocks the entrance to the larynx, preventing choking.

Before “Cuckoo”, you need to apply vasoconstrictor drops to your nose. The procedure itself is quite simple - a medicinal solution (Decasana, Furacilin, Chlorhexidine) is injected into one nostril using a syringe, and from the second the medicine is sucked out along with mucus or pus.

The duration of “Cuckoo” is 10-15 minutes, but the process itself is quite unpleasant. After the procedure, it is recommended to stay indoors for 30-60 minutes.

“Cuckoo” has few contraindications:

  • epilepsy or other mental illnesses;
  • children under 5 years of age.

Some otolaryngologists dispute the effectiveness of the technique, but patients in most cases note its positive effect. This means that the treatment method is still in demand.

How to rinse your nose at home?

Nasal drainage is not always available at the medical center - an otolaryngologist prescribes the procedure only in the presence of a serious illness. Nevertheless, rinsing also makes you feel better with ordinary rhinitis, helping to avoid complications.

Nasal irrigation can also be done at home. The main thing is to read the instructions.

Nasal rinsing at home is carried out in one of three ways:

Drainage using any of these methods is not recommended for children under 5 years of age. Salt drops are dripped into the baby's nose, which thin the mucus, after which the contents are sucked out of the nostrils using an aspirator, or the baby blows his nose on his own.

How to prevent complications?

Drainage of the nasal cavity is not a completely safe procedure. If the procedure is carried out incorrectly, sinusitis, eustachitis, and otitis may occur.

To avoid complications, be sure to follow the rules when washing:

  • if your nose is stuffy, use vasoconstrictors before the procedure and blow your nose thoroughly;
  • When finished, remove any remaining fluid from the nose;
  • do not drain before going to bed or going outside - the liquid may leak out for some time;
  • inject liquid into the nostril under low pressure to avoid entering the middle ear;
  • the temperature of the washing solution is 35-36 degrees.

When irrigating with a syringe (without a needle), act carefully so that the hard nose does not leave scratches on the mucous membrane.

If you use precautions, rinsing your nose will not cause any inconvenience and will not cause complications.

Wash solutions

In medical institutions, solutions with an antibiotic or antiseptic are usually used for irrigation. At home, you can use herbal infusions, water with added sea or regular salt, mineral or plain boiled water.

Decoctions and infusions of herbs

Treatment with decoctions and infusions of herbs came to us from time immemorial. Chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort, calendula contain natural antiseptics that help cope with the disease. A decoction of oak bark also has an astringent property, but it must be used diluted so as not to damage the mucous membrane.

The recipe for making an infusion usually goes like this: pour 1 tablespoon of herbs (flowers) with 1 glass of boiling water, cover and leave until cool. When preparing decoctions, the proportions are the same, but the mixture must be cooked in a water bath for 20-40 minutes, depending on the components.

After preparation, the infusion or decoction must be carefully strained.

Saline solutions

You can make a saline solution at home or buy it ready-made. The line of ready-made pharmaceutical preparations is quite wide: Aqua Maris, Humer, Salin, Aqualor, Marimer. Manufacturers also offer sachets of sea salt, sometimes with the addition of herbs. The bag is dissolved in a certain amount of boiled water.

You can prepare the solution yourself using sea salt or rock salt. The proportion is selected experimentally depending on the condition of the mucosa. Usually they start from the ratio of 1 teaspoon of salt per glass of boiled water.

Antiseptics and antibiotics

Antimicrobial agents, as a rule, are used only within the walls of a clinic or hospital. Uncontrolled use can lead to the development of microbial resistance to antibiotics or antiseptics.

Otolaryngologists use Decasan, Miramistin, Chlorhexidine for irrigation.

Furacilin is suitable for carrying out the procedure at home - crush 1 tablet and dissolve in a glass of water. Despite the anti-advertising, Furacilin copes well with the infection, provided that you use it infrequently. And most importantly, this is a very budget-friendly product.

Doctors talk about the benefits of rinsing. How to choose a solution and carry out the procedure at home, watch the video:

Frequency of procedure

When rinsing your nose, do not overdo it. Frequent interference with the natural process can lead to negative consequences. The natural microflora in the nasal cavity is disrupted, local immunity is reduced, which leads to more frequent diseases.

During a runny nose, carry out the procedure no more than twice a day, morning and evening.

Do not irrigate at night - fluid may remain in the sinuses and will leak for some time. It is better to complete the process an hour and a half before bedtime.

For prevention, drainage is carried out no more than once a week. Do not confuse rinsing with irrigation - you can spray saline solution into your nose at least every hour. In this way you can moisturize the mucous membrane and prevent it from drying out.

The duration of rinsing depends on the severity of the disease. For acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, 4-5 days are enough, for influenza - 6-7 days, for sinusitis - 10-12 days. The amount of solution is usually 100-200 ml.

If after drainage the condition worsens, congestion in the ears appears, the procedure may not be suitable for you due to the physiological characteristics of the structure of the nose. In this case, you should resort to other methods of treatment.

Rinsing the nose is a necessary and simple procedure, but it also has contraindications. If your health allows irrigation, be sure to read the instructions. By following the rules, you can improve your health and recover faster, and sometimes even avoid surgery.

In contact with

The traditional method helps get rid of excess mucus in the maxillary sinuses, which, with prolonged stagnation, causes inflammation and also turns into pus. It is the rinsing that directly dilutes this substance and induces its natural removal from the above-mentioned cavities.

What does rinsing do?

The procedure for cleansing the sinuses and nasal cavity significantly reduces swelling of the mucous membrane, tones the capillary system, and also improves the immune functions of the epithelium, which in turn begins to fight the problem on its own. The main function of nasal rinsing is to remove stagnant mucus and restore the full natural process of its removal.

What is used to rinse the nose for sinusitis?

For sinusitis, functional liquids are used as the main active substance - from ordinary clean boiled water to medicines, salt solutions, as well as folk remedies on herbs. They act on the human body in different ways: the effectiveness of a particular remedy directly depends on your physiology, individual tolerance to the components of liquids, the current state of the mucous membrane, the severity of the disease and the state of the immune system.

How to rinse?

The procedure for rinsing the nose with one means or another was known five thousand years ago - it was used by the ancient Indians, and the process of irrigation therapy itself was considered as a mandatory procedure that streamlined thoughts and cleansed the body of toxins.

Regardless of the type of liquid chosen, the nasal rinsing procedure itself is the same:

  1. Before rinsing, you should clean your nose as much as possible so that it is not blocked. If necessary, use vasoconstrictor drugs (Naphthyzin, Tizin, Rinazolin) to temporarily relieve swelling and normalize air flow through the nasal canals. 5–10 minutes after using vasoconstrictor drops, you can begin the procedures.
  2. The easiest way to rinse is a syringe without a needle or a syringe. As a more convenient tool, it is recommended to use a special jala neti teapot or a special pharmacy syringe for rinsing the nose.
  3. Bend over a sink or bathtub, tilt your head slightly to one side, insert the selected device into the nostril that happens to be located higher than the other, and begin pouring liquid into it.
  4. Slowly tilt your head in the opposite direction - the liquid will come out of the nostril on its own. Repeat the procedure with the other nostril.

Recommendations: To prevent the working fluid from getting into, it is advisable during the procedure to make a drawn-out sound “and-and-and” or say clearly “ku-ku” - with these actions the soft palate rises and creates a barrier between the nasopharynx and throat, as a result of which it prevents the solution goes where it is not needed.

It is also worth noting that flushing devices that create excess pressure can only be used by adults - in children, the channel system of respiratory communications is not fully developed, so they are recommended to flush with a kettle or directly from the hand, by independently inhaling liquid through the nostril.

Of course, there are also ones that can also be used for this disease, but it is much more effective to use than various drops.

Medicines for rinsing the nose


This drug has powerful antimicrobial activity and is used in the treatment of a variety of purulent-inflammatory diseases. It has virtually no side effects; in some cases, local dermatitis may occur. Furacilin is contraindicated for people with kidney disease and patients who are highly sensitive to nitrofuran.

Dissolve half the tablet in 500 milliliters of warm boiled water, pour the resulting substance into the selected device and begin the procedure.


An iodine-based solution must be used in precise dosage to avoid side effects in the form of non-infectious inflammation of the mucous membranes (so-called iodism). Side effects may include allergic reactions in the form of urticaria and.

Iodine solution is contraindicated for children under six years of age, as well as for patients with nephritis, pulmonary tuberculosis, furunculosis and pyoderma.


The washing complex contains a liquid that includes a whole complex of salts and microelements - chlorides, sulfates, compounds of organic acids, bromine, iodine, as well as extracts of licorice and rose hips. It can be used even without additional equipment - the kit includes a drainage device.

Used for adenoiditis, after surgical interventions in the nasal cavities. Possible side effects- This is nosebleeds and eustachitis. Contraindicated for all types of tumors, children under four years of age, people with deformed nasal septum or poor nasal passages. Do not use for complete nasal congestion.

Aqua Maris

Aqua Maris liquid is sea water purified from harmful impurities, containing compounds of calcium, magnesium, chlorine, ions and sodium. The product comes with a syringe.

The medicine reduces the viscosity of mucus, stimulates the functioning of the epithelium, has an antibacterial effect, reduces inflammation and swelling. It is most often used in the complex treatment of various diseases of the mucous membrane and paranasal sinuses, including sinusitis, rhinitis, infectious-inflammatory processes and other respiratory infections, as well as as a prophylactic agent for people working in places where there is a high risk of disruption of the mucous membrane.

Can be used for children from one year old. There are practically no side effects: in very rare cases, local allergic reactions may occur.


This product contains minerals, as well as active ingredients of sea water, which have an anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effect on the mucous membranes. It is used to treat all types of rhinitis, as an additional drug in the treatment of sinusitis, and as a prophylaxis against acute respiratory viral infections.

Approved for use by children from two years of age, as well as by pregnant women. No side effects were identified. Contraindicated in the postoperative period and in the presence of an allergy to the components of the medication.


Quinoxaline derivatives included in the drug are very effective in the treatment of moderate and severe purulent and inflammatory processes of various etymologies, pleurisy, peritonitis, abscesses of all types. Dioxidin copes with the most persistent strains of bacteria that are resistant to the effects of broad-spectrum antibiotics of the latest generations.

The medicine is contraindicated in pregnant women and children under 16 years of age, as well as in patients with insufficient kidney function. Dioxidin should not be used for more than five days in a row, and the treatment itself should be monitored by an ENT specialist.

Possible side effects the drug - digestive disorders, significant increase in body temperature, convulsions. Significantly weaken Negative influence active substance antihistamines (Diazolin, Loratadine) taken orally several hours before rinsing the nose can.

Other medicines

Medical practice aimed at treating sinusitis also includes the use of other types of medications - antibiotics and strong antiseptics, but it is better not to use them at home, since it is quite difficult to choose the correct dosage and course of treatment.

As a rule, during stationary nasal rinsing (popularly called “cuckoo”) in the hospital, in addition to classic saline solutions, dioxidin and furatsilin, chloramphenicol, hydrogen peroxide, miramistin, protargol and other drugs are actively used. It should be understood that drainage with this kind of drugs is carried out strictly under the supervision of the attending physician and in some advanced cases may become the only alternative to puncture and direct puncture of the sinus.

Classic saline solutions

As you noticed, most modern medical solutions for rinsing the nose are made on the basis of salt and its derivatives; accordingly, you can make the necessary liquid yourself. To do this, you need to take half a teaspoon of sea or table salt, dissolve it in 300 milliliters of warm boiled water and use it as a medicine.

The advantages of this type of liquid are its very low price and ease of preparation at home. Disadvantages include lower functionality and efficiency, as well as the need for additional purification of an already made solution if the initially taken salt contained mechanical impurities.

Folk remedies for rinsing the nose for sinusitis

Traditional medicine knows many recipes effective decoctions and solutions against sinusitis. Most of them contain antiseptics and immunomodulators.


Most often, chamomile decoctions are used for treatment by rinsing the nose: several flowers of this plant brew in a glass of water, cool, filter and the finished substance is used for the procedures described above.


Very effective, especially on early stages sinusitis, propolis solution. Brew 1 teaspoon of salt in 250 ml of water and add fifteen drops of fresh propolis tincture. This remedy, used 2-3 times a day for a week, will significantly alleviate the course of the disease and eliminate the symptoms of sinusitis.

An extremely powerful antiseptic in large doses is poisonous! To prepare the correct solution, take one glass of water and drop two drops of fresh plant juice into it using a pipette. Celandine not only effectively thins mucus and helps remove pus from the maxillary sinuses, but also actively fights against polyps if they are the cause of the disease.

Other plants

In addition to the above-mentioned traditional medicine, special solutions for rinsing the nose for sinusitis are also made based on oak bark, calendula, string, sage, eucalyptus and other plants. Before using a specific product of this type, be sure to consult with your doctor!

Vegetable juices

Since ancient times, people have squeezed juice from vegetables and used it in medicinal procedures. The most famous products that help fight sinusitis by rinsing and putting drops in the nose are beets, onions, carrots, black currants, cranberries: the juice from them must first be diluted with water (1 part juice, three parts water), and only then used for its intended purpose .

After the procedure, after 10–15 minutes, you must blow your nose, and after three hours, rinse your nose again with regular boiled water at room temperature.

Instead of an afterword

If none of the proposed remedies helps you, and sinusitis progresses further, then you should immediately seek qualified medical help - advanced forms of this disease cannot be cured on your own and at home, therefore, most likely, you will need hospitalization in a hospital and a full range of conservative measures , physiotherapeutic, and sometimes surgical medicine.

Don’t get sick and take responsibility for your own health!

Useful video

Doctor Komarovsky on how to properly rinse your nose for sinusitis

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