Bju for weight loss. The optimal ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for weight loss. Calculation by weight

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)


In pursuit of a slim body, women and men are ready to do a lot. What they can’t come up with: different activities, exercises, diets and fasting days to maintain physical fitness. A rational ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for weight loss is an invariably popular and effective way to control weight, which is based on the use of a calorie calculator plus calculating BZHU. Do you know all the features: what is it, what is the advantage, how to calculate everything correctly? Let's figure it out in order!

What is BZHU

An abbreviation that is widely used to denote 3 words: proteins, fats, carbohydrates - this is BJU. For proper weight loss and good health in general, it is extremely important to maintain the body’s energy balance - what we receive with food, and then spend throughout the day when walking, mental activity, and playing sports. An excess or deficiency of one or another useful substance/mineral can play a cruel joke on your health. It is important to ensure that energy intake/expense is at the required level.

The main sources of BJU are food products. For example, meat, fish, dairy and eggs will saturate the body with a large amount of protein. Vegetables, flour products and even chocolate are rich in carbohydrates. By including butter and fatty meat in the menu, we get fats. However, it is better to choose unsaturated organic compounds - their optimal amount is in seeds, fatty fish, and nuts. It is important that the diet is balanced, the regimen is thoughtful, and all these elements are present normally.

Optimal ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates

The BJU norm is determined individually for each person, based on weight, age, gender, and activity. However, nutritionists are of the opinion that the optimal proportion is 1:1:4. This ensures a balanced diet and the required amount of calories. For athletes and muscle growth, the distribution formula is different - 1: 0.8: 4, and for gaining large mass, the need for carbohydrates will increase by 2 times.

BZHU norm for weight loss

Do you want to become slimmer? Then the calculation of BZHU for weight loss as a percentage will have a different form. You can start the fat burning process by increasing the percentage of proteins (white meat, eggs, seafood, cottage cheese, milk and kefir) and reducing carbohydrates (sweets, baked goods, pasta, potatoes). You shouldn’t go to extremes, test yourself at a minimum - keep the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates “adequate” for weight loss. The main thing is to know the optimal combination. Plus, don’t disdain training: muscle tone is good. Don't forget about healthy sleep.

The ratio of BZHU for weight loss for women

Let’s take a person’s daily diet as a conditional 100%. You will begin to lose weight if you follow a diet that consists of 30-35% proteins, 10-25% fats, 45-50% proper carbohydrates. If you are going to undergo drying, then you need to reduce carbohydrates and fats to a minimum. The ideal percentage ratio of BJU for weight loss is 30:20:50%. Girls do not need to give up fat, their weight should be within normal limits, because they play an important function for the body (they affect the health of the reproductive system, the synthesis of hormones, and are needed for hair and nails).

How to calculate BJU for weight loss

First, it is important to determine the calorie content that the body needs for a day, and then you can calculate the BZHU for weight loss. So, several steps:

  1. Metabolic level calculation: 655 + (9.6 * current weight in kilograms) + (1.8 * your height) – (4.7 * full years).
  2. Let's adjust for your activity: very low (constantly sit) - 1.20, low (exercise a couple of times a week) - 1.38, medium (up to 5 times every week, exercise with a light load) - 1.55, high (do intense and complex training) – 1.73.
  3. From the obtained result we subtract 500 calories, we get the daily norm, for example, 1500.
  4. You can expand the limit: +-200 calories (1300-1700). Below this is already harm to the body, slow metabolism, hormonal imbalance. Above - forget about the fact that you will lose weight, on the contrary, you will gain excess weight, because the proceeds will not be spent.

How much protein do you need per day for weight loss?

Based on the information received and knowledge about the level of substances, we can summarize that the protein norm for weight loss is 1300 (calories) * 0.30 ( normal level protein) / 4 (kcal per 1 g), i.e. 97.5 g. This is the lower limit. The upper limit will be 1700 * 0.35 / 4 = 149 g. Your permissible intake is 97-149 g. Remember, falling below the limit means exposing the body to increased stress. Instead of fat burning, you will get stagnant metabolism.

How much fat do you need per day when losing weight?

In the same way, we calculate the amount of fat when losing weight. Minimum formula: 1300 (calories) * 0.15 (normal fat level) / 9 (kcal per 1 g), i.e. 22 g. Upper limit: 1700 * 0.20 / 9 = 38 g. If you increase the grams , then you will not achieve the weight loss effect. Stick to the recommended values ​​(in our case, from 22 to 38 g) and you will definitely see the result.

How many carbohydrates do you need per day when losing weight?

The third group of our ratio is calculated in exactly the same way. The minimum amount of carbohydrates per day when losing weight will be 146 g: 1300 (calories) * 0.45 (normal level) / 4 (kcal per 1 g). At the same time, the upper threshold for active weight loss is 191 g: 1700 * 0.50 / 4. Keep in mind that you need to give up fast calories - chocolate, cookies, chips, crackers, bananas, potatoes are also prohibited. They are no help to us in the battle with excess hated weight! You need slow "comrades".

What carbohydrates can you eat while losing weight?

It is recommended to consume “complex” foods that contain fiber. They will saturate the cells with useful components. Replace soda and snacks with broccoli, lettuce, cabbage, pasta exclusively from durum varieties, brown rice, buckwheat, beans, and lentils. Carbohydrates when losing weight should be those where the starch content is minimal. Corn, legumes, grain products - leave for better times.

BZHU calculation formula

The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for weight loss can be different - we figured that out. Calculating BJU for weight loss is simple, it won’t take much time. The nutrition program is compiled individually, so the calorie counter and percentage of organic compounds may vary. A rational combination of diet, exercise and rest will help you lose weight. Determine the best option yourself or online using a calculator!

Calculation of BZHU on an online calculator

You don’t have to bother with calculations, but use the BZHU calculator online. All you need is to write down your weight, height, gender, goals (lose/gain weight), and lifestyle. The system will calculate the rest automatically. No decryption needed. The calculator will help answer the following questions:

  1. How many calories do you need per day?
  2. How many kcal do you need to consume to gain/lose/stay in shape?
  3. Do you have enough BJU? Your norm of BJU per day is the boundary limits.

Video: The correct ratio of BZHU for weight loss

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for weight loss - how to calculate correctly using formulas

To control your weight, whether it be losing weight, gaining muscle mass or staying in physical shape, you need to know how to calculate BZHU. Knowing your daily norm of BZHU, you can easily achieve the goals you set for yourself. How to correctly calculate BZHU, today we will look at specific example and also I will show you how best calculate BZHU for weight loss.

The BZHU ratio is considered to be 1:1:4, respectively. But this proportion is not entirely correct, as it leads to an excess of carbohydrates and a deficiency of proteins. Do you know that the use in large quantities carbohydrates has the consequences of fat deposition due to the fact that the body does not need the amount of carbohydrates with which you “stuff it”, and simply does not have time to process them, so all the excess coals go straight to the fat depot.

Meanwhile, protein in our body, on the contrary, has become deficient. And the less protein - building material for muscles, the worse the muscle recovery processes after training, the less muscle mass and slower metabolism in the body. Personally, I don’t really like this trend, and not only me, so among coaches and sports consultants there is a different formula, how to calculate BZHU– 4:2:4 or 5:1:2 (this proportion is more suitable for losing weight and drying the body).

I prefer to choose the average value between these two proportions and calculate the BZHU using this formula - 2-2,5:0,8-1:1,2-2. This corridor is most suitable when calculating daily norm BJU to reduce the fat component.

Calculation of daily caloric intake

The daily calorie intake per 1 kg of weight, if you engage in physical activity 3-5 times a week, should be: weight in kg x 35. This is to maintain normal weight.

If you want to lose weight (reduce the fat component), then you need:

Weight loss formula = desired weight (kg) x 24, but a prerequisite here is if your excess weight no more than 10 kg!

Example: a 65 kg girl wants to lose weight to 55 kg. We calculate the calorie content of the diet for weight loss using the formula: 55 x 24 = 1320 kcal. You can take an intermediate value: 60 x 24 = 1440 kcal. This means that at first she can consume 1440 kcal per day, and when she reaches 60 kg, she can safely reduce her caloric intake to 1320 kcal.

If your excess weight is more than 10 kg (you weigh 90 kg, but you want to lose weight to 60), then you need to break the weight loss process into at least three stages, since the difference between the calorie intake for a person of 90 kg and 60 kg will be significant. At the first stage you need to use the following formula:

Weight loss formula (1st stage)= (current weight-10) x 24 = (90-10) x 24 = 1920 kcal

When you have lost 10 kg and your weight is 80 kg, you recalculate the caloric content of your diet:

Weight loss formula (2nd stage)= (80-10) x 24 = 1680 kcal

Weight loss formula (3 th stage) = (70-10) x 24 = 1440 kcal

This is how the daily caloric intake of the diet is calculated in several stages; you can also subtract the number 5 from the current weight instead of the number 10, but then there will be more stages.

Now knowing daily calorie content diet, you need calculate BZHU for weight loss (drying).

Calculation of BJU. Daily intake of proteins, fats and carbohydrates

Percentage daily norm of BZHU to reduce the fat component is:

We know that 1 g of protein contains 4 kcal, 1 g of fat contains 9 kcal, and 1 g of carbohydrates contains 4 kcal. Now we count.

Let's take our girl as an example, who wants to lose weight from 65 kg to 55 kg. We have already calculated that her daily caloric intake is 1320 kcal.

45% protein from 1320 kcal is 594 kcal/4 kcal = 149 g of protein per day our girl needs to consume. This is approximately 2.5 g of protein per 1 kg of desired weight.

25% fat from 1320 kcal is 330 kcal/9 kcal = 36 g of fat per day. This is about 0.7 g of fat per 1 kg of desired weight.

30% carbohydrates from 1320 kcal is 396 kcal/4 kcal = 100 g of carbohydrates per day, which is 1.8 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg of desired weight.

If you have more than 5 workouts per week, then increase your protein intake so that your muscles have time to recover well.

There are several other methods that will allow you calculate your daily requirement of BZHU. I talk about one of them in my video below. This method, in my opinion, is the simplest and fastest. But it’s still up to you to choose which method to use.

But remember that these percentages and numbers are INDIVIDUAL for each person. They may differ slightly or, on the contrary, significantly from those stated. This once again suggests that each organism is individual: for some, the formulaic ratio of BJU is perfect, but for others it will not work at all. Here you need to find your own numbers and percentages through trial and error, observation and analysis. If you need help in this difficult matter, then I am at your service, you can where I will calculate your daily intake of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and I will also schedule all meals by the hour, and most importantly, I will monitor your changes in weight and, if necessary, adjust the nutrition plan.

So now we know how to correctly calculate BZHU for weight loss. As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this, you just need to sit down with a calculator and spend 5-10 minutes of your time, so that later in the process of losing weight you do not have sudden dizziness and fainting states from the lack of certain useful elements in your body. Calorie intake and daily norm of BZHU- these are very important elements of the entire mosaic called “Weight Loss”. If you have already decided to put all the puzzles together in order to finally assemble a beautiful picture in the form of your slender body, then you must be able to correctly calculate your BZHU taking into account your training and your weight, otherwise all your efforts may be in vain.

Your coach, Janelia Skripnik, was with you!

I wish you good luck on the way to your dream!

If the weight is a couple of tens higher than required. What to do? Consider the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for weight loss and run a lot, a lot. And once draw up a diagram for yourself - the optimal percentage of BZHU for every day. This is a guaranteed success.

Hello again, guys! Svetlana Morozova is with you, I’ve been daydreaming about magical means for losing weight)). But dreams are dreams, but you still have to prepare for summer in more realistic ways. And first of all, build your diet wisely. This is what I will talk about today.

The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for weight loss: let there be a fight!

So, you've decided. I’ll tell you right away, you will succeed. To do this, you need to draw up a scheme for yourself once - the optimal percentage of BJU for every day and, of course, calories.

And then you just have to stick to the scheme:

  1. The generally accepted ratio of BJU for weight loss is 2:1:2. What does it mean? I'm telling you.
  2. Calculation. Let's start with calories. Those losing weight per day should consume from 1500 (for the second degree of obesity) to 1800 Kcal (for the first degree). The following is simple math:
  • take the proportions 2 ():1 (fats):2 (), add them up. This is 5 parts.
  • Let's say you have a first degree. Divide 1800 by 5 - this is 360. 360 Kcal for fats and 720 Kcal each for proteins and carbohydrates.
  • Knowing that 1 g of proteins and carbohydrates has 4 kcal, and fats have 8 kcal, we can calculate how much you need to eat in grams. Fat norm per day: 360 Kcal divided by 8 - this is 45 g. For proteins and carbohydrates, 720 divided by 4 - this is 180 g each. There may be a little more protein than carbohydrates.

This caloric intake that I gave is suitable for people who are losing weight correctly. That is, with sports, everything is fine. If you are not one of these people, take into account fewer calories. Let's say 1200.

By the way, there is such a type of diet as BOOCH - protein-carbohydrate alternation

Not even a diet, but a method. This is what it looks like here. We break our weight loss course into cycles of 4 days.

  1. First 2 days We try to minimize carbohydrates, we eat mainly everything protein - lean meat, fish, protein shakes, legumes.
  2. On day 3 exactly the opposite. To neutralize protein breakdown products, we replenish the glycogen supply in the liver - emphasis on carbohydrates, mainly slow ones. We eat up vegetables, unsweetened fruits and berries, cereals .
  3. Fourth day– we eat everything (within calorie limits, of course). And fat consumption is within our norm throughout the entire cycle. One condition is mandatory physical exercise, even if small.

How can we put everything that we have calculated, the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for weight loss into practice? We add the BZHU and water included in the products to the total mass. It turns out that we eat a total of about 500 g of food per day. Can I eat? Quite.

It’s not enough to calculate, you have to do it. How and what do we eat?

So, the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for weight loss has been calculated, all that remains is to implement it. What we will rely on:

  • . We drink from 1.5 to 2 liters daily, ensuring normal absorption of everything we have calculated. It would be a pity if we calculated everything so beautifully, but half of it is not understood. So much effort is literally wasted due to lack of fluid.
  • Diet. We stretch our daily diet into 5-6 meals. Why is this necessary? The fact is that, for example, protein cannot absorb more than 20 g in one sitting. Carbohydrates are absorbed up to 30 g. But no matter how much fat you eat, everything will be absorbed. And in a sad case, it will be deposited somewhere on the thighs. Therefore, we forget about two meals a day, such as morning coffee and a hearty dinner after work. It’s also good if you have a snack at work. Now is the time when you can proudly say in the English manner that you are having lunch. And it’s even forgivable if it sounds pretentious.
  • Animal proteins (meat, fish, eggs) are harder to digest, so when is the best time to eat them? In the first half of the day. And after lunch it’s time for light protein - vegetable or seafood. You can eat beans, soy, mushrooms, nuts.
  • Fats. Choose healthy fats, and these are our unsaturated ones fatty acid and HDL (good). What foods contain the right fats: firstly, vegetable oils. In general, it is better to replace almost all fat with vegetable fat. Secondly, these are fish and seafood (especially cod liver), which are rich in And thirdly, these are animal products: meat, butter, dairy products.
  • Carbohydrates. Our main carbohydrate foods are those that contain fiber and pectin: vegetables, fruits, grains. But at the same time simple carbohydrates We also try to eat at least ¼ of the total volume.

Living spring

Keep a list of products where it’s best to get nutritional supplements for a slim figure:


  • Chicken breast
  • Turkey
  • Rabbit
  • Lean beef
  • Beef liver
  • Milk
  • Low-fat cottage cheese
  • Beans
  • Lentils
  • Peas
  • Mushrooms
  • Nuts


  • Vegetable oils
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Cod liver
  • Avocado
  • Olives


  • Cereals
  • Bran
  • Wholemeal bread
  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Durum pasta.

The truth about nutrition: what is it?

That's what they say everywhere: . And I often talk about him here. But why is it like this? It’s not for nothing that I focus on this, because I often come across the fact that people are absolutely lost in such a simple concept.

It is believed, for example, that proper nutrition– these are only expensive products. Like better quality. Expensive sausages mean they are correct. A friend of mine periodically buys chips from America via the Internet. “Oh come on, they cost so much that they can’t be harmful.”

Another family I know firmly believes that they automatically eat right. And the fact that their children are constantly diagnosed with anemia does not matter.

Or, I know many people think that proper diet- this is definitely hunger. Don't you want to kill everyone from hunger? Is that really how they lose weight? Where is the passion, where is the excitement? Boredom. Or let's say they only eat salad. You'll want to moo at some leaves - that's not so bad. Metabolism is seriously undermined, that’s the point.

Therefore, what should really be healthy eating? One that saturates our body with energy and everything necessary. And at the same time it is not postponed anywhere

I wish you a sunny spring! After all, the main thing it brings is the anticipation of summer. May your wait be productive.

You already know that to lose weight you need to burn more calories than you consume in food. However, there are several important points to consider when losing weight. Success in losing weight depends not only on, but also on a balanced diet, regular exercise, drinking regimen, sufficient sleep and good psychological tone.

For people who are slightly overweight, they should choose a more intense program, such as doing 150-300 minutes of cardio per week.

Other factors include baseline activity, drinking regime, stress control, adequate sleep and diet.

Basic activity is your mobility in everyday life, that is. You spend calories to perform any activity, and the more active you are at home, the more energy you spend.

Helps digest food, relieves swelling, promotes better appetite control, and also stimulates metabolic processes. When you drink cool water, your body burns calories to warm it up. And clean water is a source of mineral salts that are essential for metabolism. On average, you need to drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day.

Stress control is important because it occurs during times of nervous tension. During times of stress, the body produces water, which retains water in the body, which masks weight loss.

Should be 7-9 hours. Regular lack of sleep provokes fatigue, the synthesis of the aforementioned hormone cortisol, provokes overeating, and also reduces insulin sensitivity, which makes you feel eternally hungry and reorganizes your body into calorie storage mode.

Speaking about insulin, it is important to note that split meals help regulate the secretion of this hormone. The body produces insulin in response to food. The task of the hormone is to direct nutrients to the cells of the body. The higher your blood sugar levels rise after eating, the higher your insulin levels and the more difficult it is to control your appetite. Evaluate and then decide what suits you best.

The number of meals should be convenient for you, the main thing is to follow the regime - do not starve or overeat, but eat in a balanced manner, in accordance with the needs of your body. Regular exercise, adequate sleep, clean water and stress control will become your invisible weight loss aids.

The first step in the weight loss process is familiarization with theoretical information. It is important not only to know how much BJU you need per day to lose weight, but also to be able to count calories (kcal), which are needed for the normal functioning of the body. In addition, experts and doctors around the world recommend completely or partially abstaining from certain foods that affect the increase in the scale. Follow the advice of nutritionists and losing weight will be much easier than you could imagine!

How to calculate BJU for weight loss

Getting your body in shape is not difficult, but the process requires up-to-date knowledge and skills. First, you should learn to calculate the amount of nutrients for specific needs. For example, the norm of BZHU for weight loss is determined using the following proportion - 5: 1: 2, where the numbers are arranged in accordance with the order of the above microelements. When calculating the calorie content of food eaten per day, the body's energy expenditure must be taken into account, since a lack of food will lead to a deterioration in a person's health.

The optimal amount of calories that is allowed to be consumed when losing weight can be calculated by multiplying the desired weight by the number 24. However, it is worth considering that this formula is only suitable for those people whose extra pounds do not exceed 10. If the difference between the current and desired weight more, it is necessary to divide the weight loss process into several stages to prevent complications from the body.

How many carbohydrates do you need per day

Taking the daily calorie content as a basis, you can easily determine the daily amount necessary for the body carbohydrates. The calculation of BJU for weight loss is based on a strict balance of all three main elements of the food chain. For effective weight loss, the diet should include no more than 30-40% carbohydrates of the total weight of food consumed per day. There is no need to adhere to a strict diet, but it is important to follow the basic rules of healthy eating.

How much fat do you need per day

Fat burning is a long process that requires patience and discipline. Having found out exactly how much BJU you need per day to lose weight, you can say goodbye to exhausting fasting or long workouts forever. By consuming a minimum of fat, the total amount of which is about 15-20% per day, very soon you will notice significant changes in your body.

BJU ratio

In an ideal weight loss menu, the nutrient content should correspond to a 5:1:2 ratio. This diet is very often used during drying to more intensively burn excess calories. A deficiency of fat will stimulate the body to use only its own resources, so after a couple of weeks the first results will be noticeable. By adding additional physical activity to your daily program, you can speed up the weight loss process.

Daily intake of proteins, fats and carbohydrates - table

According to the information above, to maintain shape, both men and women must regularly adhere to a specially designed nutritional system. To make it easier to understand, all data has been systematized in the form of a table, so there is no longer any need to independently calculate percentages and coefficients:

Age, years

Carbohydrates, g

Energy, thousand kJ

carbohydrates, g

energy, thousand kJ


Light physical labor

Medium hard work

Hard physical labor

Particularly heavy physical labor

How to calculate KBJU for a woman

The amount of macronutrients is calculated in accordance with the desired weight that the woman strives for. Let's take for example a girl with a body weight of 65 kg. In order for her to lose weight up to 55 kg, she should eat according to the KBZHU for this weight. Using a regular calculator, you can carry out a simple calculation of calories, which will look like this:

  • daily kcal requirement: 55kg * 30Kcal/kg = 1650Kcal;
  • daily protein intake: 55kg * 1.5g/kg * 4Kcal/g = 330Kcal;
  • daily fat intake: 55kg * 1g/kg * 9Kcal/g = 495Kcal.

As a result, the daily carbohydrate intake is: 1650Kcal – 330Kcal – 495Kcal = 825Kcal. It follows from this that to correct weight by 10 kg, a girl should eat no more than 55 g of fat, 83 g of protein and 200 g of carbohydrates per day. The process of losing weight will proceed at a slow pace, however, thanks to rational nutrition and training, excess weight will gradually disappear completely without harm to health.

Calculation of basal metabolism using the Muffin formula

There are many methods for calculating daily energy costs. Some of them are used to calculate the ratio between muscle and fat mass of the body. However, if you are a non-professional athlete, then it is permissible to use more simple ways. One convenient method for determining the required amount of calories is the Muffin-Geor formula. It not only takes into account how much nutritional supplement you need per day to lose weight, but also determines the amount of macronutrients to maintain your current weight. The Muffin formula for calculating basal metabolic rate (BMR) is given below:

  • women: BOV = (10 * weight in kg) + (6.25 * height in cm) - (5 * age in years) - 161;
  • men: BOV = (10 * weight in kg) + (6.25 * height in cm) - (5 * age in years) + 5.

Determining your physical activity level

To correctly calculate your BJU, you should know your level of physical activity (LPA). This parameter is determined using specially derived coefficients that correspond to the intensity of physical activity. For example, if most time consuming sedentary work, then your physical activity level is very low and equal to 1.3. Conversely, with daily heavy loads the UVA coefficient is 1.8 or 1.9. By calculating your physical activity and metabolic rate, you can calculate your total daily energy expenditure.

Calculation of calorie intake

Our body spends a certain amount of energy every day to maintain various processes in the body. These include not only external physical activity, but also work internal organs. Ideally, the amount of calories consumed should fully compensate for such costs; an excess or deficiency of nutrients negatively affects a person’s health. Using Tom Venuto's formula, you can accurately determine the required amount of macronutrients by multiplying the BOV indicator by the corresponding UVA coefficient:

  • men: BOV = 66 + (13.7 * body weight in kg) + (5 * height in cm) - (6.8 * age in years);
  • women: BOV = 655 + (9.6 * body weight) + (1.8 * height in cm) - (4.7 x age in years).

Calculation of calorie intake for weight loss

With one simple step, you can calculate how much BJU you need per day to quickly lose weight. All that is required is simply to reduce your daily calorie intake by 20%, and the body will do the rest of the work. But be prepared - after a few months the process will stop and you will stop losing weight. This reaction is considered normal. The body will not allow you to take away from it the 20% of energy to which it is accustomed. Efficiency or endurance will decrease, although the person does not notice it. To trick the body, you can alternate between periods of low and normal calories.

Calculation of proteins, fats, carbohydrates per day

In the struggle for a slim figure, many people forget that the quality of the food eaten, and not its quantity, is the most important postulate. You can reach your daily requirement by drinking a bottle of Coca-Cola and eating five donuts, but this will not bring the desired results. But separate menu, which consists of fish, meat, cereals and vegetables, is a source of nutrients necessary for the body.

The right combination of macronutrients causes more than just weight loss. If you exercise regularly, muscle growth is guaranteed. Due to this, metabolism is also normalized and BMI is leveled. In advanced cases, more gentle methods for losing weight may be required, which will gently and carefully gradually accustom the body to a new way of life.

Calculation of KBZHU online

For modern man Calculating your daily calorie intake is not a problem. There are many special websites and online calculators that anyone can use. All you need to calculate the BZHU is Wi-Fi and some free time. With the advent of these counters, it is very easy to determine how much dietary supplement you need to consume per day in order to lose weight to the size of models, as in the photo on the Internet.


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