A person who does not read books is a soul who has no work. Essay on the topic “Are you a reader? Books give you a deeper view of the world

1. They tend to be more sophisticated/sophisticated.

Reading allows people to delve into opinions and realities that differ from their own. This helps them refine their point of view. Reading also helps develop intelligence, wisdom, composure and patience. Also, do not forget that people who read with pleasure can, like no other, fully enjoy such little things as good lighting, comfortable furniture and delicious tea.

2. They are more intelligent

When you read a lot, you learn a lot. If a person reads fantasy where we are talking about elves and dragons, this does not mean that it is stupid reading. Books like these can be filled with life lessons. You can find a lot of people reading fantasy. And they lexicon better than those who read various magazines or do not read at all. They understand clues better and learn better new information. They are also more pleasant to communicate with. And this is very important in a relationship. I do not want to say that a reading person is a universal soldier, ready for anything. But from such people you will be much less likely to hear the phrase “I don’t know.”

3. They are creative

Creativity is important in relationships. After a couple of years of relationship, it is very difficult to surprise your soulmate. When a person reads a lot, he absorbs the creativity of authors like a sponge. All of these books present ideas that readers may not have known about. And if you want a truly long-term relationship, then reading people are more suitable for this. After all, they will find a way to maintain novelty in the relationship and make it interesting. They will simply use ideas they once read about.

4. They are still children at heart

And such people understand children better, and they know how to deal with them. After all, good relationships sooner or later lead to children. And let's be honest, these are the kind of people who can teach our children while they are growing up. Such people know many fairy tales and can even come up with them themselves. They will ensure that children are truly engrossed in the story.

5. He will be a more passionate lover.

Have you ever read a tastefully described sex scene in a novel? They are very visual, but not vulgar. In the worlds that are described in books, people are very passionate. And, as we said, people who read will learn a lot. This means that a book can teach you how to be passionate.

6. They are more patient

Reading books takes enough a large number of time. AND busy people it takes weeks to read a book to the end. Some people can devour a couple of hundred pages in just a few hours. In both cases, a lot of patience is required. And patience is a skill that takes years to hone. And the people reading are really honing it long time. These people will be patient enough to solve relationship problems.

7. They will teach you a lot

As we have repeatedly stated, people who read know a lot. They have read many pages, and these pages contain various lessons. After all, not all the books they read are fantasy, drama or romance. Such people love not only to read. They also love to study. They like it. This means they can teach you a lot too. Life, relationships, technology, etc. Are there really topics that are completely incomprehensible to a truly well-read person? If there is, he can read about it.

8. You are guaranteed personal time

Readers love to read. This sounds a little stupid, but read to the end. As we read, we imagine the landscapes, people, and scenes that are described in the book. And when we are taken away from reading, everything breaks down. And we have to start over. When a person reads, he does not like to be disturbed. This means that you have time for yourself. You can sleep, take a bath, go shopping or do what you like.

9. They really know what romance is.

They read books containing elements of romance. Even if it is a fantasy novel written specifically for young boys or men, there will be romance in it. The heroes and heroines of his books experience the worst moments in life. They experienced battles and betrayals, separation and despair. But, despite everything, they stay together, overcoming all difficulties. And if you meet a person reading, be sure that he knows everything about romance. This means that your life will soon be filled with this very romance.

10. They know what it means to care.

Books are made of paper. And paper is a very fragile thing. It can be destroyed by fire, water, and simply time. So rest assured that the people reading know how to take care of their things. After all, they will want to reread their books again and again. You can rest assured that such people will take care not only of their own things, but also of yours. And they will treat you with care. Of course you are not a thing! It’s just that these people take care of everything that is really dear to them.

In general, people who read are better than many others. But be careful! Not every person reading is like the one described in my article.

Reviews about the book:

Well... I bought this excellent collection from 1983, of fantastic quality, on excellent paper, with beautiful illustrations, the other day for 10 rubles at the Olympic Fair. In the same “heap” for the same 10 rubles there were quite a few good publications, incl. classical literature. The seller generally seemed to have no idea who she had laying around there and what the selection criteria were. But the deepest impression on me was that 50% of second-hand book sellers to whom I asked with the question “do you have Celine”, scratching their turnips, answered that “Celine is probably not there, but there is Selinger. Will you take it?” Indeed, what is the difference in essence... The surnames are almost the same root :)

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    An unusual event took place. The organizers of the “Territory of Life” competition summed up the results and announced the names of the winners, and the writer Andrei Shchupov, known to many under the pseudonym Oleg Rain, also met with his readers.

    The start of the event was scheduled for one o'clock in the afternoon. The hall was mainly occupied by children, hopefully awaiting the results of the competition, and their support group - teachers. Finally it became quiet. Began. The girls from music school 1 performed a lyrical song and something from the Beatles' repertoire, defusing the situation a little. The projector played a video filmed by the participants, and the presenter announced into the microphone: “Hello!”

    the main objective competition "Territory of Life" - to give young people the opportunity to express their point of view about the world and about themselves. More than 50 works from Yekaterinburg and its environs were presented to the court, and one creative work was sent from the Krasnodar region!
    In nomination " social media video"Anton Kurilshchikov's video took first place" Healthy image life." A paradoxical combination of the theme of the video clip and the name of the author, isn’t it?
    In nomination " social photography"The victory was won by Lena Ivanova's work entitled "Reviving Traditions." Students from Pervouralsk won 1st place for the best social action "Take care of your health from a young age", and Natalya Belyaeva's work "Is it easy to be young" won in the category " literary essay".

    Special prizes were also established for a positive outlook and the desire to make our lives better.
    All winners received certificates and special gifts from Andrei Shchupov - his books for teenagers. There will be something to do in the evenings.
    When the participants learned that the writer was 45 years old, there was an uproar throughout the hall. No one expected such a turn, because the man looks much younger than his age, and his reasoning is fresh.
    “I’m sure that being a writer is extremely interesting, if only because you can immerse yourself in dozens of fascinating professions and live hundreds of other people’s lives,” he says.

    The main characters of A. Shchupov’s books are usually adventurers who are ready for anything. The author admits that the characters are similar to him. Adventurousness is an integral part of a person’s character. But some have more, some have less. The author himself did many risky things in his life. For example, about 20 years ago Andrei Shchupov jumped from a plane without any training and was not injured. What luck!

    The writer had many pseudonyms - Oleg Rain, Sasha Belykh, Pavel Artemikh. To the question “Why come up with other names for yourself?” Andrey Shchupov replied that most often readers become fixated on one genre. Science fiction fans do not want the author to waste time on detective stories; detective fans do the opposite. He also likes to write in many genres. This includes fantasy, psychological prose, books for children, detective stories and much, much more.

    Andrey Shchupov calls children's literature his favorite genre. After all, writing is more interesting for children. They can also argue seriously, but in this direction there is no format, no framework. Oddly enough, children's literature is more liberated. The writer believes that the life of a modern teenager is quite gray and boring (school is home), and reading books is a great alternative to this. Moreover, a reading person is a successful person.

    Andrei Shchupov began his search for himself with a homemade school newspaper. It all started with small articles and stories, then grew into larger works. The family approved of his choice and supported the writer in his endeavors. And now Andrey Shchupov is already an award winner and respected author. He writes books, raises two children and does not age. At least that's what it seems like.
    The writer seemed to me an intelligent and interesting person.

    I am sure that I will not be disappointed after reading Andrei Shchupov’s books! And you won't be disappointed.

    1. They tend to be more sophisticated/sophisticated.

    Reading allows people to delve into opinions and realities that differ from their own. This helps them refine their point of view. Reading also helps develop intelligence, wisdom, composure and patience. Also, do not forget that people who read with pleasure can, like no other, fully enjoy such little things as good lighting, comfortable furniture and delicious tea.

    2. They are more intelligent

    When you read a lot, you learn a lot. If a person reads fantasy where we are talking about elves and dragons, this does not mean that it is stupid reading. Books like these can be filled with life lessons. You can find a lot of people reading fantasy. And they have a better vocabulary than those who read various magazines or don’t read at all. They understand clues better and absorb new information better. They are also more pleasant to communicate with. And this is very important in a relationship. I do not want to say that a reading person is a universal soldier, ready for anything. But from such people you will be much less likely to hear the phrase “I don’t know.”

    3. They are creative

    Creativity is important in relationships. After a couple of years of relationship, it is very difficult to surprise your soulmate. When a person reads a lot, he absorbs the creativity of authors like a sponge. All of these books present ideas that readers may not have known about. And if you want a truly long-term relationship, then reading people are more suitable for this. After all, they will find a way to maintain novelty in the relationship and make it interesting. They will simply use ideas they once read about.

    4. They are still children at heart

    And such people understand children better, and they know how to deal with them. After all, good relationships sooner or later lead to children. And let's be honest, these are the kind of people who can teach our children while they are growing up. Such people know many fairy tales and can even come up with them themselves. They will ensure that children are truly engrossed in the story.

    5. He will be a more passionate lover.

    Have you ever read a tastefully described sex scene in a novel? They are very visual, but not vulgar. In the worlds that are described in books, people are very passionate. And, as we said, people who read will learn a lot. This means that a book can teach you how to be passionate.

    6. They are more patient

    Reading books takes quite a lot of time. And busy people take weeks to read a book to the end. Some people can devour a couple of hundred pages in just a few hours. In both cases, a lot of patience is required. And patience is a skill that takes years to hone. And people who read really hone it for a long time. These people will be patient enough to solve relationship problems.

    7. They will teach you a lot

    As we have repeatedly stated, people who read know a lot. They have read many pages, and these pages contain various lessons. After all, not all the books they read are fantasy, drama or romance. Such people love not only to read. They also love to study. They like it. This means they can teach you a lot too. Life, relationships, technology, etc. Are there really topics that are completely incomprehensible to a truly well-read person? If there is, he can read about it.

    8. You are guaranteed personal time

    Readers love to read. This sounds a little stupid, but read to the end. As we read, we imagine the landscapes, people, and scenes that are described in the book. And when we are taken away from reading, everything breaks down. And we have to start over. When a person reads, he does not like to be disturbed. This means that you have time for yourself. You can sleep, take a bath, go shopping or do what you like.

    9. They really know what romance is.

    They read books containing elements of romance. Even if it is a fantasy novel written specifically for young boys or men, there will be romance in it. The heroes and heroines of his books experience the worst moments in life. They experienced battles and betrayals, separation and despair. But, despite everything, they stay together, overcoming all difficulties. And if you meet a person reading, be sure that he knows everything about romance. This means that your life will soon be filled with this very romance.

    10. They know what it means to care.

    Books are made of paper. And paper is a very fragile thing. It can be destroyed by fire, water, and simply time. So rest assured that the people reading know how to take care of their things. After all, they will want to reread their books again and again. You can rest assured that such people will take care not only of their own things, but also of yours. And they will treat you with care. Of course you are not a thing! It’s just that these people take care of everything that is really dear to them.

    In general, people who read are better than many others. But be careful! Not every person reading is like the one described in my article.

    Of course, everyone knows the letters. And everyone reads the literature necessary for study and work, various instructions, TV programs or newspapers. Does the younger generation remember the classics? Recently, on Ordzhonikidze Square, young librarians from the Central City Hospital named after. V. G. Belinsky conducted an experiment - they conducted a survey of townspeople on the topic of plots of immortal works. Many, it must be said, got into trouble even on the easiest questions. Deputy Director of the V. G. Belinsky Library Galina Ivanova is sure: without classical literature, humanity is on the road to a loss of morality. This and not only our conversation.


    – Unfortunately, young people today are not reading classical literature...

    – This is so, this is evidenced by the results of our experiment. The survey demonstrated the blatant illiteracy and ignorance of modern youth and provided some food for thought. If a person graduates from school and enters a university, he must have certain knowledge in all areas, because not only the quality of work, but also the people subordinate to him will depend on his horizons. I remember the bravado of one of our officials who said: “I haven’t read anything, but I started successful person. I am a politician."

    - Well, here... Many people think so. They say, why classical literature? to modern man?

    – I can answer with the words of Dostoevsky: “Man is a mystery. I am engaged in this mystery because I want to be a man.” In order to remain human, to be moral, to be able to sympathize, it is necessary to read classical literature. After all, all the postulates of the Bible are laid down in the classics and unfold through artistic images. Today, many of those on whom something depends (including officials) say: “You can’t feed everyone,” “You can’t give everyone shelter,” “It’s your problem.” So if you were elected by the people or you were appointed specifically to solve problems, then the problems of the people are your problems, no one will solve them except you. Therefore, I believe the reasons for such immorality are that at one time these people did not bother their souls, their hearts with moral suffering, which are contained in many classical works. The poet Nikolai Zabolotsky wrote that “the soul must work.” But it is not history, social studies or philosophy that can make the soul work. Only classical literature can create moral work for the soul. For example, I consider The Brothers Karamazov a very relevant work. Namely, the idea expressed in it that if there is no God, then everything is allowed: a politician is allowed to destroy a people, an entrepreneur is allowed to drain some area to increase profits. Or another example. One guy was withdrawing money from an ATM. An elderly woman stood behind him. After taking the money, this guy turned around and punched this woman in the face. Can this guy be called a human? Classic literature a person needs in order for him to remain human.


    – Morality is formed from childhood. How to teach a child to read?

    – Of course, from an early age. But under no circumstances should you be forced to read. After all, when such a child grows up, he will be disgusted by everything that was associated with violence in his childhood. Every child is an imitator of his parents. If adults want their child to make reading a habit, they need to set an example for him - to read himself. Looking at how mom and dad read, the child will pick up the book himself.

    – In our life, rich in various events, we need to form the habit of “Not a day without a line,” as Olesha said. But he said this about writers, and we will talk about readers. Whatever state you arrive in, whatever impression you are under, you need to make it a rule to read at least a few pages a day. In my vocabulary there is the concept of “bed book”. This is the book that lies in my bed next to my pillow. I read it every day before going to bed. It happens that a person comes home tired, has dinner and goes to bed. It would seem that there is no time for reading at all. That's why you need some kind of book to read before bed. A few lines every night will become a habit, and the person, albeit little by little, will begin to read regularly.


    – What do you think is the benefit of poetry?

    – I believe that poetry is the destiny of the chosen few. If everyone can read literary prose, even if not everyone understands it, then poetry is for people of fine spiritual organization, literary gifted readers.

    How do you understand that you are able to understand and feel poetry? You think in poetry, in lines from poetic works that you read without even remembering where they came from.

    Poetry is a form of thinking, poeticized existence. All the world you impart poetry. Besides, if you love poetry, you don’t need to memorize it; some fragments that have sunk into your soul will remain in your memory, because this is the form of your thinking. Fragments of lines come on their own while washing dishes, when you walk down the street, look out the window...

    People who don't understand poetry shouldn't be judged. It's the same as not having an ear for music. Such people are not made for poetry.


    - I think yes. For example, there are such people - “book swallowers”. They “swallow” many books, but then they cannot say anything. Can we call this a reading talent? I think the talent of reading is when you extract something from a book for yourself, while noticing the artistic features of the work: language, compositional structure, features of images. For example, I love the good, rich, folk language of Sholokhov, Shukshin, Rasputin.

    In general, librarians, as a rule, notice talented, interesting readers. Sometimes we give a book that the reader read two years ago. Then he comes and says: “I started reading and I feel that this is something familiar. Only later did I remember that I had read this book.” This cannot happen with a talented reader. He clearly knows what he read and clearly remembers the state that possessed him while reading.

    – What is your favorite book?

    – I think that a true connoisseur of literature does not have one favorite author or favorite book throughout his life. It’s just that at a certain point in life, one writer or one work dominates.

    I can tell you which books I would never read - Juliette Benzoni and her never-ending saga like Santa Barbara. I feel sorry for my life for such reading. It will not bring me any knowledge about the human soul. I don’t read fantasy, but not because it’s a bad genre (by the way, it’s very popular, especially among young people), but because it’s not my thing. In general, I believe that a talented reader is not omnivorous; he has his own taste preferences.

    – What would you like to say as a conclusion to our reflection on reading?

    – One person, two, a hundred, even a thousand could live without a book, but all of humanity cannot live without books. IN good books there is a colossal charge of morality, and without morality we will cease to be human. No wonder the ancients said that homo sapiens is homo legens (a reasonable person is a reading person).

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