What is androstenedione and what level of the hormone is normal? Why does androstenedione level change in women and what is considered normal 4 androstenedione

In response to various changes in our body, a nerve impulse is created that enters the brain. It also releases informative substances that are delivered by the blood stream to the endocrine glands. Those, in turn, according to the information received, produce the required amount of required hormones.

It is with the help of hormones that enter the bloodstream from the endocrine glands that the body responds to a change or stimulus. They produce the required action when they reach their destination - a tissue or organ. One of these hormones is androstenedione. What is its role, how and why to find out about its level in female body?

Testing for androstenedione

Androstenedione is the main hormone from the group of steroid male sex hormones. It is produced by the ovaries and adrenal cortex, after which it is converted into testosterone. In women's bodies it performs various roles:

  • Helps increase muscle mass and strength;
  • Increases protein synthesis and retains them in the body;
  • Lowers glucose levels;
  • Promotes the breakdown of fats;
  • Increases libido;
  • Provokes the production of sex hormones;
  • Regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

However, with increased concentrations in a woman’s body, androgens can change her voice and figure towards a male type, and increase body hair. Decreased hormone levels also have their adverse effects.

In what cases is the analysis performed?

Measuring the amount of androstenedione in the blood may be necessary to determine problems in the ovaries and adrenal glands, as well as in determining the causes of such abnormalities:

  • dysfunction of the gonads;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • virile syndrome and hirsutism (appearance of masculine features and excess body hair);
  • premature puberty or delayed puberty;
  • severe acne;
  • baldness;
  • infertility.

It is also determined for selection effective treatment adrenal hyperplasia in women.

Advice! The results of the analysis will play a truly important role when they are in the hands of a specialist. Seriously search for one if you want to have more than just the appearance of treatment. Restoring a woman’s healthy hormonal levels is too much difficult task for a doctor who does not have the proper qualifications.

How to prepare for analysis

The analysis is prescribed a week before or a week after menstruation, strictly in the morning on an empty stomach. Advice on preparing for analysis is worthy of women's attention:

  1. Do not use any hormonal drugs for a month.
  2. During the day before the analysis, avoid: food overload, alcohol consumption; physical activity; stress.
  3. You should not smoke three hours before donating blood.

Features and timing of the analysis

The level of androstenedione in the blood serum of women can be detected in various ways, but the most commonly used method is ELISA - enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. To carry out the procedure, you must donate blood from a vein.

Next, a special reagent is injected into the withdrawn blood, which has the necessary ability to bind to androstenedione, thereby changing its color. When analyzing a sample of serum or blood plasma, conclusions about the amount of hormone in it are made based on the color intensity of the reagent. Within 24 hours the patient can see the results.

Acceptable standards

Each age category of women has its own level of androstenedione in the blood. Usually from 7–9 to 30 years, its level rises sharply, after 30 it begins to fall. The hormone norm for children under 10 years of age is in the range from 8 to 50 ng/100ml, for adolescents – 8 – 240 n100ml, for adult women – 85 – 275 ng/100ml.

Advice! When assessing the result, be guided by the standards specified in the form of the medical institution performing the analysis. The fact is that different institutions have their own methods and approaches to carrying out the procedure, as well as their own units of measurement, so the standards may differ. It is best to immediately show the results to your gynecologist or endocrinologist.

Deviations from the norm

Androstenedione levels vary throughout the day and monthly cycle women. The danger is posed by serious and persistent deviations in the level of the hormone in the blood. Both increased and decreased indicators indicate existing diseases.

High levels of androstenedione

A slight increase in hormone levels during the day or over the course of a month is a completely normal phenomenon, which can only affect the emotional state of a woman (increased emotionality or irritability). Androstenedione reaches its highest concentration in the middle of the monthly cycle. An excessively elevated level of androstenedione can tell the doctor about the following pathologies in a woman’s body:

  • ovarian diseases (tumors or polycystic ovary syndrome);
  • adrenal hyperplasia or tumor;
  • autoimmune and neurodegenerative pathologies;
  • osteoporosis;
  • Cushing's syndrome.

High levels of androstenedione are manifested by the following symptoms in women:

  • early puberty,
  • rough voice
  • increased body hairiness,
  • male body type,
  • reproductive dysfunction,
  • uterine bleeding.

If your blood test indicates a high level of androstenedione, you should seek help from an endocrinologist and gynecologist. Modern effective medications will help correct hormone levels.

Advice! Don't try to diagnose yourself based on external symptoms. To accurately determine your hormone levels, you must take a blood test. Moreover, independent uncontrolled treatment is impossible. Thoughtless interference with hormones can greatly undermine the health of any person.

Low androstenedione levels

Excessively low levels of androstenedione are no less dangerous for women's health than high ones. If the analysis result shows an excessively low indicator, this may indicate the following problems in women’s health:

  • ovarian failure;
  • adrenal insufficiency;
  • sickle cell anemia;
  • impaired production of hormones by the pituitary gland.

Also, the reason for this analysis result may be a nutritional disorder ( strict diet, vegetarianism) or taking hormonal medications. Low levels of androstenedione are rare, but require the attention of a doctor, whose primary task is to treat the pathologies that cause the deviation.

Nothing is in our body for nothing - all tissues, organs and substances have their own purpose. Androstenedione in the body of women takes care of the correct course of their sexual life, supports reproductive function, promotes female beauty and health.

There is no particular need to take a blood test for this hormone for those who do not have complaints about the listed areas of life. The rest need to do it. If an abnormality in androstenedione levels is detected, appropriate treatment will be prescribed.

And estrone, the concentration of which is determined during the diagnosis of “virilizing” syndromes (polycystic ovary syndrome, tumors of the gonads and adrenal glands, Cushing’s syndrome, congenital adrenal hyperplasia) and monitoring their treatment.

Synonyms Russian

Precursor to testosterone and estrone.

English synonyms

4-Androsten-3,17-dione, 4-androstenedione, 17-ketoestosterone, andro.

Research method

Competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.


ng/ml (nanograms per milliliter).

What biomaterial can be used for research?

Venous blood.

How to properly prepare for research?

  • Eliminate alcohol from your diet 24 hours before the test.
  • Do not take per oral contraceptives within 30 days before the study.
  • Avoid physical and emotional stress for 72 hours before the test.
  • Do not smoke for 3 hours before the test.

General information about the study

Androstenedione is a precursor of the sex hormones testosterone and estrone, formed in the Leydig cells of the testes, theca cells of the ovaries, as well as in the zona reticularis of the adrenal cortex in people of both sexes. Further conversion of androstenedione into testosterone occurs in the cells of peripheral tissues (mainly in the gonads). Despite the fact that normally the effects of androstenedione are inferior to those of other male sex hormones (primarily testosterone), its importance increases with the development of “virilizing” syndromes. Measurement of androstenedione concentration is used for differential diagnosis and monitoring of treatment of these diseases. In addition, “weak” androgens play a leading role in the metabolism of patients with low normal testosterone concentrations (for example, boys before puberty). Androstenedione is also the main steroid hormone in postmenopausal women.

Analysis for androstenedione is carried out when examining patients with signs of hyperandrogenism: acne, hirsutism (male-type hair growth: above the upper lip, on the chin, along the white line of the abdomen), changes in the timbre of the voice, clitoromegaly. The most common reasons Such virilization is: overproduction of androgens by the ovaries (polycystic ovary syndrome, hyperthecosis and androgen-producing tumors) and overproduction of androgens by the adrenal glands (Cushing's syndrome, adenoma or carcinoma of the adrenal gland), as well as taking certain medications (danazol, anabolic steroids) and some other hormonal disorders (hyperprolactinemia, hypothyroidism). Since androstenedione is produced by both adrenal and gonad cells, this test is not indicated for differential diagnosis of the cause of virilization. Therefore, with high levels of androstenedione, additional laboratory and instrumental studies are carried out to establish the source of increased secretion of androgens. Determination of androstenedione levels is indicated for suspected congenital adrenal hyperplasia in infants and young children. These relatively rare syndromes of deficiency of enzymes for the synthesis of steroid hormones (usually 21-beta-hydroxylase, a rarer variant - 11-beta-hydroxylase) are characterized by insufficient production of aldosterone and cortisol, but a significant increase in the levels of dehydroepiandrosterone, androstenedione and testosterone. The clinical picture of congenital adrenal hyperplasia is dominated by symptoms of hyperandrogenism: the presence in a genetically female infant of external genital structures that have both female and male characteristics.

The sensitivity of the test for diagnosing “virilizing” syndromes is maximum when studying samples with a high content of androstenedione and decreases when studying samples obtained from patients with low concentrations of androgens (children, postmenopausal women, men with primary hypogonadism).

The test is characterized by high specificity (approaching 100%), however, cross-reaction of the reagents with some other androgens (dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate and dihydrotestosterone) is possible, which can lead to higher values.

Like other sex hormones, most of androstenedione is found in blood serum in bound state(conjugated, sulfated, bound to androgen-binding globulin), that is, inactive. The proportion of active hormone depends on the physiological state of the body, the intake of certain medicines, the presence of concomitant pathology. Normally, only a third of the total amount of androstenedione is present in the free state and is responsible for the effects manifested in target organs. The study allows you to determine the total amount of androstenedione in the blood serum, without separately assessing the active and bound fractions of the hormone. In addition, the effects of androstenedione can be modified by the interaction of this hormone with other androgens and antiandrogens at the level of binding to specific receptors. Therefore, the test result does not always correlate with the severity of clinical manifestations of hyperandrogenism. In other words, the study allows us to estimate the concentration of the hormone, but not its bioactivity in the body.

Interpretation of test results should be carried out taking into account additional laboratory data on the patient’s hormonal background.

What is the research used for?

  • To diagnose “virilizing” syndromes:
    • polycystic ovary syndrome;
    • Cushing's syndrome;
    • congenital hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex;
    • androgen-producing tumors of the ovaries, testes or adrenal adenoma/carcinoma.
  • To monitor the treatment of such syndromes.

When is the study scheduled?

  • When examining a patient with signs of hyperandrogenism: hirsutism (hair growth above the upper lip, on the chin, linea alba), severe acne, changes in voice timbre, clitoromegaly, increased muscle mass.
  • When examining an infant with signs of impaired gender differentiation: with external genitalia that have features of both female and male genders.

What do the results mean?

Reference values

Reasons for increasing androstenedione levels:

  • overproduction of androstenedione by the ovaries (polycystic ovary syndrome, Sertoli-Leydig tumor);
  • hyperproduction of androstenedione by the adrenal glands (congenital adrenal hyperplasia, Cushing's syndrome, cortical adenoma/carcinoma);
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • recurrent miscarriage.


Determination method Immunoassay.

Material under study Blood serum

Home visit available

Marker of androgen biosynthesis.

Androstenedione is a steroid that is the main precursor in the biosynthesis of testosterone and estrone. It has relatively weak androgenic activity,< 20% от активности тестостерона. Однако уровни андростендиона в сыворотке (и в норме, и при патологии) часто выше, чем тестостерона.

Unlike the androgens of adrenal origin - dihydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and its sulfate (DHEA-SO4), androstenedione is produced both in the adrenal glands and in the ovaries. In women, the secretion and rate of formation of androstenedione is higher than that of testosterone, and the process of extra-adrenal conversion of androstenedione into testosterone is significantly pronounced. The concentration of androstenedione in the blood gradually increases, starting from about 7 years of life, and after 30 years it gradually decreases.

During puberty in boys, androstenedione levels increase significantly two years before serum testosterone increases significantly.

Plasma androstenedione levels show diurnal variations with a maximum at morning hours and is subject to cyclic variations associated with the menstrual cycle, with a maximum in the middle of the cycle. During pregnancy, the concentration of androstenedione in the blood increases. Androstenedione levels are often increased in cases of hirsutism and virilization.

The test is used in conjunction with other studies in the diagnosis and monitoring of therapy for hyperandrogenic conditions, including monitoring the treatment of congenital adrenal hyperplasia with glucocorticoids.

Limits of detection: 1.05 nmol/l-35 nmol/l


  1. Materials for reagent kits from DPC.
  2. Materials from BioHimMak.
  3. Encyclopedia of Clinical Laboratory Tests, ed. WELL. Titsa. Publishing house "Labinform" - M. - 1997 - 942 p.
  4. Jacobs D. et al. Laboratory test handbook/ Lexi-Comp./2002. 1534 p.


    Strictly on an empty stomach after an overnight period of fasting from 8 to 14 hours.

    3 days before blood collection it is necessary to exclude physical exercise (sports training), on the eve of the study, it is necessary to exclude increased psycho-emotional stress, alcohol intake, and smoking an hour before the study.

    For women with an intact menstrual cycle, the study is performed on days 2-4 of the menstrual cycle, unless other conditions are specified by the attending physician.

    The patient should be at rest for 20-30 minutes before taking blood.

    Indications for use

    • Diagnosis and control of therapy for hyperandrogenic conditions.
    • Diagnosis of irregular menstrual cycle.
    • Delayed sexual development.

    Interpretation of results

    Interpretation of research results contains information for the attending physician and is not a diagnosis. The information in this section should not be used for self-diagnosis or self-treatment. The doctor makes an accurate diagnosis using both the results of this examination and the necessary information from other sources: medical history, results of other examinations, etc.

    Units of measurement in the INVITRO Independent Laboratory: nmol/l.

    Reference values:

    AgeWomen, nmol/lMen, nmol/l
    > 1 day
    17 days
    7 days - 4 weeks
    1 month - 12 months
    12 months - 4 years
    4 years - 7 years
    7 years - 10 years
    10 - 12 years
    12 - 14 years old
    14 - 16 years old
    16 - 18 years old
    from 18 years and older1,6 - 19 1,8 - 11,8

    Increasing values.

The well-being and mood of the fairer sex largely depends on the level of hormones in the blood. One of them - the hormone androstenedione - is a precursor to testosterone and estrogens, which are responsible for women Health, appearance and the opportunity to become a mother.

Thus, androgen directly affects the production of sex hormones, so necessary for the body. Below we will look at what the substance is responsible for, what its elevated level indicates, and how to reduce androstenedione.

What is a hormone

Androgen, produced in the ovaries and adrenal glands (to a lesser extent), is an anabolic and takes part in fat metabolism and protein biosynthesis, inhibiting their breakdown. At the same time, the hormone helps reduce the percentage of subcutaneous fat in relation to the total muscle mass. However, the process has a big disadvantage for the fair sex. Fat layer increases in a male pattern (on the abdomen) and decreases in a female pattern - on the chest, hips and buttocks.

Androstenedione increases sexual desire while reducing vaginal secretion, which can make sexual intercourse painful.

The hormone is responsible for the normal functioning of all systems and organs, regulating metabolism and menstrual cycle. Its increased concentration reduces life expectancy and increases wear and tear on the body.

Besides, in medical practice There have been cases where a high level of the hormone androstenedione in the mother contributed to the development of a female fetus with a male central nervous system.

Androstenedione level

The hormone is present in the body of the fairer sex from birth. Its concentration in the blood is constantly changing and depends on the time of day and the phase of the monthly cycle. Thus, the highest levels are observed in the mornings and during the period of ovulation. The production of androstenedione increases sharply from the age of 8 and reaches a maximum by 32 years. Then its amount in the blood gradually decreases. During pregnancy, the level of the hormone also increases significantly.

The norm of androstenedione for women of reproductive age is 80–280 ng/100 ml. Deviation from these indicators, up or down, is dangerous to health.

The table shows different ages:

If there is a deviation of the hormone from normal levels, this indicates the development of pathology in the adrenal glands or genitals. In this case, the woman needs to undergo an androstenedione test.

Usually the biologically active form of the hormone is tested - androstenedione glucuronide. For women who have crossed the 50-year mark, its norm is slightly different from those given above and is 0.1–6.1 nmol/liter.

Before testing the hormone level, special preparation is required, which the doctor will tell you in detail. It includes the following points:

  • the test is carried out exclusively in the morning (before 10 o’clock) and on an empty stomach;
  • blood must be taken for analysis 7 days before menstruation or a week after the onset of menstruation;
  • the day before the hormone test, it is necessary to exclude alcohol, cigarettes, fatty and spicy foods;
  • 30 days before the androstenedione test, stop taking hormonal medications.
  • three days before the analysis, reduce physical and sports activity to a minimum, avoid excitement and emotional turmoil.

Compliance with these simple rules will make it possible to obtain a more reliable result.

The ELISA method and units of measurement of the hormone androstenedione may differ in different clinics. The norm is always indicated on the analysis form.

Reasons for increasing androstenedione

Increased androstenedione in women is always a sign of serious pathologies that require immediate treatment. Most often, hormone levels increase in the following diseases:

  • benign proliferation of the adrenal cortex;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • androgen-producing tumors of the ovaries or adrenal glands;
  • bilateral proliferation of ovarian connective tissue.

The reason for the drop in androstenedione levels is reduced activity of the adrenal cortex (), osteoporosis or ovarian dysfunction.

If there is any deviation of the hormone from normal levels, you should immediately visit a doctor.

Signs of increased androstenedione

A high concentration of the hormone always causes vivid symptoms that are difficult to miss. A woman experiences a male-type change in appearance (hyperandrogenism). The symptoms of this pathology manifest themselves in different ways and depend on how much androstenedione is exceeded.

The most common signs of hyperandrogenism are:

  • Change in voice, appearance of male-type hair on the face and body.
  • Absence of a monthly cycle or long delay.
  • Uterine bleeding during the ovulation phase.
  • Baldness of the frontal or occipital part of the head.
  • Fat deposits on the waist and abdomen.
  • Rapid weight gain due to muscle gain.
  • Oily skin and acne on the face and back.
  • Early sexual development.
  • Primary or secondary infertility.
  • Habitual miscarriage.

With a slight increase in the level of the hormone androstenedione, symptoms are usually absent or very mild. Such subtle signs are most often the result of physiological processes - the period of ovulation, taking hormonal drugs, pregnancy.

Serious illnesses are always accompanied by a pronounced clinical picture and cause women many unpleasant moments. Therefore, it is not surprising that representatives of the fairer sex often have the question of how to reduce androstenedione and which doctor to contact.

Treatment of elevated androstenedione

Most often observed in women. The pathology can be corrected quite successfully if therapy is started in a timely manner. Under no circumstances should you try to adjust androstenedione levels on your own. Self-medication can lead to even more severe problems hormonal levels.

Only specialists - an endocrinologist or gynecologist - should correct androstenedione.

Hormone therapy is used to bring androgen levels back to normal. The treatment regimen is selected individually and only after an androstenedione test. To reduce the concentration of the hormone, oral contraceptives and other medications are used. All of them contain drospirenone to a greater or lesser extent.


Various regimens and combinations of drugs are used in treatment. Therapeutic methods depend on the general hormonal background of the woman. Most often, drospirenone is combined with estrogen. For adrenal hyperplasia and during pregnancy, dexamethasone is used.

The following drugs have shown their effectiveness in the treatment of elevated androstenedione:

  • Glucocorticosteroids. For the treatment of high hormone levels, Dexamethasone, Dexazone, Metypred, Urbazone and Prednisolone are indicated.
  • To restore the monthly cycle and treat infertility, Clomiphene is prescribed.
  • Signs of masculinization are successfully eliminated by Cytoproterone.
  • Nutritional supplements - Androstenediol and Androstenedione.
  • Oral contraceptives.

Experts often prescribe Diane-35 and OK to eliminate excess hair on the face and body. In addition to them, Ovidon, Marvelon or Femoden are prescribed to correct hormonal levels. To obtain a lasting effect, these drugs must be used for at least a year. It was noticed that therapy contraception significantly reduced the risk of developing breast cancer.

Women with a history of cardiovascular disease and diabetes Stage II oral contraceptives are contraindicated.

Surgery is performed only when tumors of the ovaries or adrenal glands develop.

Additional methods for correcting androstenedione

In addition to drug therapy, your doctor may recommend other ways to combat increased level androstenedione. For example, in some cases, ovarian cauterization is performed.

To eliminate external signs of hyperandrogenism, various cosmetic hair removal procedures are prescribed.

If a woman has elevated androstenedione, a special diet will help. To reduce the level of the hormone, you should remove spicy, salty and smoked foods from your diet. Preference should be given to white meat, vegetables and fruits, and lactic acid products.

To normalize androstenedione levels, it is a good idea to engage in light sports: dancing, aerobics, fitness. It is recommended to avoid all kinds of weight-bearing exercises, as they contribute to the active production of the hormone.

It should be noted that treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a gynecologist. Only a specialist can develop an effective treatment regimen and, if necessary, adjust it. Careful adherence to the doctor’s recommendations and a correct lifestyle will help quickly return androstenedione levels to normal.

For woman great importance has normal hormone levels. Any hormonal imbalance creates favorable conditions for the development of various diseases. One of the hormones that the body needs is androstenedione. This is a sex hormone that is produced by the adrenal glands and testes in men, and by the ovaries in women.

Androstenedione is called the precursor of estrone and testosterone. In the female body, the concentration of this hormone is much lower than in the male. Women need it to maintain the normal functioning of the reproductive system. A high level of androstenedione is a signal of disturbances in the body, so it cannot be ignored; it is important to find out the cause and begin treatment.

Functions and norm of the hormone

The synthesis of androstenedione begins at approximately 7 years of age. Until the age of 30, its level gradually increases, after which it declines. Fluctuations in hormone levels are also observed throughout the day. Maximum readings are recorded in the mornings. In women, the amount of the hormone in the body is affected by the menstrual cycle. It reaches its peak towards the middle of the cycle. Pregnancy also leads to an increase in the level of the substance in the blood.

Androstenedione precedes the final formation of and. If the hormone is not produced correctly, the functionality of the entire reproductive system of a woman is disrupted. This can lead to serious pathological changes, including oncology. To identify abnormalities in hormone levels, a laboratory test must be performed. The concentration of androstenedione glucuronide, the active form of androstenedione, is usually determined.

The norm of androstenedione in women:

  • first week of life - 0.2-2.9 ng/ml;
  • girls under one year old - 0.06-0.68 ng/ml;
  • up to 10 years - 0.08-0.5 ng/ml;
  • up to 17 years - 0.75-2.05 ng/ml;
  • women over 17 years old - 0.85-2.75 ng/ml;
  • after 50 years - 0.1-6 ng/ml.

Analysis for androstenedione

Venous blood is taken for testing. The analysis is carried out using the immunological assay (ELISA) method.

Before taking blood, a woman needs to undergo certain preparation:

  • stop taking birth control pills 2 weeks before the test;
  • donate blood in the first 3 days of the cycle, unless otherwise recommended by the doctor;
  • reduce physical activity a week before the test, and eliminate it completely 2 days before the test;
  • do not have sex a day before the test;
  • 3 days before donating blood, avoid smoking, alcohol, fatty, fried, smoked foods, and confectionery;
  • the last meal should be no later than 10-12 hours before the analysis, you should not drink water or carbonated drinks;
  • avoid stressful situations.

Causes of hyperandrogenism

If the preparation for the analysis was correct, then in the absence of deviations the androstenedione level should be normal. Since there is no single standard and indicators can fluctuate due to the influence of physiological factors, all the slightest nuances must be taken into account.

An increase in androstenedione may indicate the presence of serious diseases in a woman’s body:

  • tumor formations of the adrenal glands, pelvic organs;
  • hypercortisolism;
  • hyperthecosis;
  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • osteoporosis.

High hormone during pregnancy

Pregnant women are characterized by an increase in hormonal levels. This is a physiological process that in most cases does not need correction. But an excessively high level of androstenedione in the 1st trimester can be dangerous for the course of pregnancy, fraught with miscarriage and other disorders in the development of the fetus. After childbirth, the hormone level should return to normal.

Clinical picture

The first thing that should alert a woman with hyperandrogenism is a violation of the ovulatory cycle. There may be delays in menstruation, as well as their complete absence. A high level of androstenedione manifests itself in a woman with vivid symptoms, which can also be reflected in external changes. The severity of symptoms depends on general condition hormonal system, individual characteristics of the body.

Symptoms of hyperandrogenism:

  • intermenstrual bleeding;
  • increased hairiness on the face and body;
  • deepening of the voice;
  • acne;
  • alopecia;
  • accumulation of fat mass in the abdominal area;
  • weight gain;
  • constant miscarriages;
  • inability to get pregnant.

On a note! If the increase in androstenedione is insignificant, symptoms may be absent or mild. As a rule, this happens in the case of physiological hyperandrogenism.

Possible consequences

If a woman experiences a chronic increase in androstenedione, this does not go unnoticed. Hormonal imbalances gradually lead to various complications:

  • masculinization and acquisition of male traits;
  • gynecological diseases (hyperplasia, polycystic disease);
  • muscular dystrophy;
  • obesity;
  • malignant ovarian tumors;
  • baldness.

If a blood test shows a high level of the hormone, you need to contact an endocrinologist or gynecologist. Before prescribing treatment, you need to find out the causes of the pathological condition.

Additional examinations are carried out:

  • complete hormonal screening;
  • CT with contrast;

To correct the level of androstenedione, therapy is carried out, selected individually for each patient. To restore normal hormone levels, they usually use:

  • oral contraceptives;
  • glucocorticosteroids;
  • estrogens (Clomiphene);
  • antiandrogen drugs (Cytoproterone);
  • coagulation of the ovaries.

Very effective for hyperandrogenism birth control pills with a combination of female sex hormones:

  • Diana-35;
  • Ovidon;
  • Marvelon.

The above drugs have an antiandrogenic effect. The course of taking these medications should be long-term. But before prescribing, it is necessary to take into account possible side effects drugs and contraindications. Women with type 2 diabetes and a history of heart disease should not take estrogen-containing oral contraceptives.

On the page, learn about the first signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer in women, as well as the prognosis for recovery from the disease.

Glucocorticosteroids for high androstenedione:

  • Prednisolone;
  • Dexamethasone.

Surgery is resorted to only in the presence of tumors.

Lifestyle correction

In some cases, lifestyle and nutrition adjustments can significantly affect the normalization of hormonal levels.

  • switch to a low-calorie diet if you are overweight;
  • give up simple carbohydrates, fast food;
  • limit salt intake;
  • give preference to products of plant origin;
  • eat 4-5 times a day in small portions;
  • eliminate alcohol consumption and smoking;
  • Regularly engage in moderate physical activity.

Increasing androstenedione requires attention from the woman. This affects the production of major sex hormones, which can subsequently lead to dysfunction of the reproductive system. Correction of hormonal imbalance can only be done with the help of a specialist after all the necessary diagnostic procedures have been carried out.

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