Diet of Larisa Guzeeva. How Larisa Guzeeva lost weight: the secrets of the famous actress’s daily nutrition and a method of emergency weight loss Larisa Guzeeva weight loss

Currently, slimness is the most important component of the concept of “beauty”, which the vast majority so diligently strives for modern women. In order to achieve the desired shape, the fair half of humanity resorts to all sorts of diets, which involve giving up most gastronomic preferences and switching to a special diet.

Celebrities also have to lose weight from time to time to look good in public. Many are inspired by the example of TV presenter Larisa Guzeeva. She uses one nutrition plan that helps her always return to a slim figure.

Features and Rules

The famous TV presenter believes that you should not give up your favorite and familiar food, as this creates stress and increases the feeling of hunger. According to Larisa, in order to lose weight, you should reduce portions and drink more fluids.

Important! Remember that the more extra pounds a person has, the more obvious their weight loss results will be.

For any diet, there are certain rules that must be taken into account in order to achieve maximum effect, and Larisa Guzeeva’s diet is no exception.

Rules to follow:

  1. The diet during the day should include only 3 meals, which means that you will have to give up snacks.
  2. Portions should be significantly smaller than usual.
  3. Only homemade dishes should be consumed. For example, porridge, mashed potatoes, homemade cutlets, light soups.
  4. All new, exotic products should be excluded.
  5. You should drink as much water, green tea, mineral water without gases as possible.
  6. Dinner later than 7 pm is not recommended.
  7. Portions can be any size, but no more than your standard norm.
  8. Move more and walk in the fresh air.

Possible menu options

The second menu option is the most gentle, but less effective. Therefore, if you are trying to remove the maximum number of kilograms, stick to the first option. It is designed for 5 days.

1 day:

  1. Oatmeal with fruits, Rye bread.
  2. Vegetable stew, lean meat.
  3. Stewed fish, .

Day 2:

  1. Mashed potatoes, .
  2. Vegetable salad, lean chicken.

Day 3:

  1. Omelet, you can add greens to it.
  2. Boiled potatoes, baked fish.
  3. Vegetable stew, apple.

Day 4:

  1. Vegetable salad without dressing.
  2. Buckwheat porridge with lean beef.

Day 5:

  1. Low-fat cottage cheese (200 g).
  2. Rice with vegetables and chicken.
  3. Any .

The second menu option is designed for 7 days. During Larisa Guzeeva's diet, you can lose up to 7 kg in a week.

Day 1:

  1. Omelet, natural yogurt with fruit, tea.
  2. Low-fat vegetable soup with breadcrumbs, apple and beet salad.

Day 2:

  1. Grapefruit, oatmeal porridge.
  2. A little boiled meat or shrimp.
  3. Boiled potatoes (1 pc.), a little boiled cauliflower, rye bran bread.

Day 3:

  1. Cottage cheese, lean ham or lean boiled meat, tea.
  2. Boiled potatoes, cutlet.
  3. Rice, fish.

Day 4:

  1. Muesli or cereals(40 grams), 200 ml fresh juice, orange, tea.
  2. Fish fillet (100 g), hard-boiled egg.
  3. Stewed white beans, vegetable salad, 100 grams of boiled cauliflower, rye bread with bran, tea.

Day 5:

  1. Omelet and banana.
  2. Rice, baked fish.
  3. Vegetable salad, hard cheese, low-fat milk.

Day 6:

  1. Cottage cheese, egg, tea.
  2. Buckwheat with chicken.
  3. Any fish with rice.

Day 7:

  1. Vegetable salad, kefir.
  2. Soup with meatballs.
  3. Vegetable salad, chicken breast.

Who is suitable and not suitable

The technique is an excellent option both for those who want to lose a few extra pounds in a short time, and for those who are ready to limit themselves in food for a long time. But there are certain contraindications, namely:

  • acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • cholecystitis, colitis;
  • menopause, pregnancy.

Before starting a diet, you should consult a doctor to make sure there are no pathologies.

Do's and Don'ts

Any diet requires compliance certain rules and restrictions. Below is a list of what you should and shouldn't do while on the Guzeeva diet.

During the diet you should:

  • eat food strictly 3 times a day in small portions;
  • don't forget about the moderate ones physical exercise, to walk outside;
  • drink at least 2 liters of liquid.

During the diet you cannot:

  • make unscheduled snacks;
  • use salad dressings.

Benefits and harms

Any diet has its positive and negative sides, and this fact must be taken into account when choosing suitable method losing weight. Benefits of losing weight using Guzeeva’s method:

  1. The body does not experience stress due to a change in diet.
  2. The technique is easily portable and does not require large financial costs.
  3. The diet is balanced and approved by nutritionists.
  4. The technique will not give a great effect in a week, but it will help you remove up to 5 kg per month.
  5. Small portions normalize the size of the stomach and reduce appetite, quickly saturating the body.
  6. There are no prohibitions on familiar dishes.

The downside is the need to constantly prepare homemade food, which is not particularly suitable busy people. Reducing the amount of food you eat can worsen the condition of your skin, hair and nails.

Results and reviews

As a result of 7 days of such a diet, if all conditions are strictly followed, you will lose up to 2 kg excess weight. Larisa Guzeeva’s diet has quite a lot of reviews due to its impressive results. Some of them are presented below.

Anfisa, 27 years old, Chelyabinsk:“It is very easy to maintain such a diet, because all the products are familiar to each of us. The results, by the way, are excellent. A good and gentle option for a long-term diet.”

Diana, 32 years old, Tyumen: “Initially, the diet seems simple, but this is not entirely true. For a person accustomed to eating large portions every day, it is very difficult to maintain such a diet. But the only important thing for me is that as a result I lost 6 kg, and my old clothes fit me like new. Minus 1 size is happiness.”

Alla, 28 years old, Barnaul: “An excellent and gentle technique. To be honest, it is very difficult to call this a diet. It's more of a way of life. The only restrictions here are in portions - you can eat what you want, and for me this is very important.”

Elizaveta, 21 years old, Moscow: “Larisa Guzeeva’s diet is the best I’ve ever seen, because I managed to lose 4 kg. Yes, it was hard, but the desire to lose weight turned out to be stronger, and I did it.”

During Larisa Guzeeva's diet, drink at least 2 liters of water or green tea per day, do not eat lamb and do not forget about fresh vegetables. After quitting your diet, give up refined sugar.


You can lose weight without giving up your favorite foods. To do this, it is enough to reduce the amount of food consumed and eat exactly 3 times a day, avoiding snacks. This way, your body will not experience stress from changing your diet, and the diet will go much easier. If you don’t want to radically change your menu, but really want to get rid of extra pounds, Larisa Guzeeva’s diet is what you need.

Reader's story "How I lost 18 kg in 2.5 months"
I have been fat all my life and suffered from excess weight. In clothing stores I chose size L, which by the age of 25 turned into XL and continued to grow. I can tell you for a long time how I tried to fight my 30-35 extra pounds: diets, hunger strike, physical activity, even pills and some kind of conspiracies. The effect was short-lived or absent altogether. In short, despair, depression and almost resignation to one’s enormous weight. But one day I came across... a chocolate bar that helps you lose weight! It didn’t cost me anything to try it - I love chocolates. I ordered it and ate it. And the weight crept down!! It seems like mysticism, but it's true. I began to study the issue and realized how it all works. Girls, try it! I have already lost 18 kg in 2.5 months. And I continue. It's up to you, but you don't lose anything except weight, of course. Try Choco Burn chocolate for weight loss for 147 rubles.

The famous actress and successful TV presenter Larisa Guzeeva was never ashamed of her excess weight, although in her youth she was a fairly slender lady. Problems with excess weight came to Guzeeva in her 40s after the birth of her daughter.

How did Larisa Guzeeva lose weight?

For some time Larisa tried the most different diets, which helped only for a short time. Finally, Guzeeva realized that no diet would help, so she decided to simply reduce the amount of food she consumed.

To accomplish this, Larisa stocked up on deep small plates, from which she began to eat the first courses. Guzeeva decided to eat salads and main courses from small saucers. In addition, the actress has always been for healthy eating, so her diet almost never contains fatty and unhealthy foods.

But the TV presenter is not friends with sports, considering various workouts and warm-ups a thankless task. For Guzeeva, it’s easier to give up your favorite treats than to sweat for a few minutes in the gym.

Many people wonder: how did Larisa Guzeeva lose weight? The answer is simple: it's all about changing the amount of food consumed.

Thanks to a little trick, Guzeeva gradually got used to the minimum amount of food eaten per day. She also began to eat much more often than usual, so as not to feel hunger pangs during the day. In addition, frequent meals reduce the load on the liver and intestines.

Helpful advice from Guzeeva: instead of dinner a couple of times a week at night, you need to drink a little low-fat kefir.

Emergency weight loss

There are times when you need to lose a few kilos very quickly. Such situations arise especially often in the lives of public people. For this case, Guzeeva has her own way: special nutrition for three to four days.

Losing weight with Larisa Guzeeva:

  1. For breakfast, lunch and dinner, only liquid porridge made from oatmeal flakes boiled in water is allowed. It is important that the porridge is eaten without any additives, be it salt, butter or sugar.
  2. You can only snack on green, unsweetened apples.
  3. During this diet it is recommended to drink a large number of liquids: green hour and purified drinking water.

Guzeeva's regular menu

To make weight loss not only healthy, but also tasty, it is recommended to eat only homemade food while losing weight. This way you can control the number of calories you consume.

Guzeeva’s diet mainly consists of ordinary homemade dishes: healthy cereal porridges, low-fat soups, homemade minced meat cutlets and fish. Larisa recommends snacking on the usual fruits and berries. Under no circumstances should you satisfy your hunger with sandwiches, even those you prepare yourself.

To maintain a slim figure, the actress advises following several rules:

  1. You should never drink sugary or carbonated drinks with your food. Preference should be given to ordinary water, green or any herbal tea. Low-fat kefir or dietary unsweetened yogurt are also perfect.
  2. Even if you are in a restaurant or festive table, you should try to eat as little as possible, avoiding fried and sweet foods.
  3. It is important to eat less processed foods, which contain a lot of different additives that increase appetite.
  4. During any day, it is important to combine a balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that there is a sufficient amount of animal protein on the plate. Don't forget about eggs, seafood and low-fat dairy products.

How much weight has Larisa Guzeeva lost? This question interests not only her fans. There is no exact figure, but one thing is certain. In a week of following Guzeeva’s emergency menu, you can get rid of 7 or 10 kilograms.

Video on the topic of the article

Larisa Guzeeva is a Soviet and Russian theater and film actress. In 1994 she received the title of Honored Artist of Russia. IN Lately gained enormous popularity thanks to the “Let's Get Married” program, which she has been hosting since 2008.

Childhood of Larisa Guzeeva

Larisa Guzeeva was born in the village of Burtinskoye. The future artist spent her childhood there in the Orenburg region, in the homeland of pine nuts, down scarves and strict morals. Larisa Andreevna Guzeeva prefers not to remember those years: “Too much was prohibited, much was hidden.”

The future actress did not see her own father. The girl was raised by her mother and stepfather. The latter raised the girl in strictness. He forbade Larisa from even watching films with kisses on TV until the tenth grade. Mom taught at the school where the actress studied. Contrary to all norms, Larisa wore short skirts, wore makeup and even smoked. For this, her mother was constantly “lynched in the pillory” in the school teachers’ lounge.

In the Urals, curvy, fair-haired girls with impressive figures have always been valued, but Larisa Guzeeva was thin. To look bigger and more attractive, she wore multiple tights.

Acting career of Larisa Guzeeva in Leningrad

After tenth grade, 17-year-old Larisa left for Leningrad. There she entered state institute theater, music and cinematography and studied on the course of V. Petrov. Admission was immediate and easy. This is not surprising; since childhood, the girl dreamed of becoming an actress. The parents were not very worried about their daughter’s choice; they were more worried about their younger brother. Nevertheless, since childhood, Larisa has always heard from her mother: “You are my favorite, the most beautiful.” Upon admission, in order to stand out from the crowd of applicants, Guzeeva shaved her head.

Larisa was always different from the others; she did not get lost in the crowd even in her college years. They did not like Guzeeva and were even afraid of her. The actress could easily drink a glass of Riesling and smoked Belomor. She always dressed fashionably, thanks to her mother's tailoring talents.

When Larisa’s group was supposed to go on an exchange trip to Bulgaria in her last year, all her classmates voted against her trip. Larisa’s fellow students didn’t care. She became close to the youth of the Leningrad avant-garde, hipped, worked as a model, and spent all her free time from studying in Saigon, the favorite café of bohemians.

Larisa Guzeeva - "Dowry"

Larisa Guzeeva received her first film role while studying at the theater institute. Sergei Shakurov recommended the aspiring actress Eldara Ryazanova for the role of Larisa Ogudalova from Alexander Ostrovsky’s play “Dowry”. Guzeeva arrived at the audition in cut-off jeans, sandals and with nails of different colors, while she smoked Belomor and spat through her teeth.

“I had nothing in common with my future heroine. At 23 years old, no tragedy or love suffering was familiar to me. I had a high opinion of myself. My partners, especially Nikita Mikhalkov, helped me portray suffering on the screen,” recalls Guzeeva.

Ryazanov, according to Guzeeva, liked her type of woman, especially since this is exactly what he imagined Ogudalova to be. True, it was not Guzeeva who voiced her heroine, but Anna Kamenkova, and Valentina Ponomareva sang in the film. Nevertheless, Larisa played with dignity in the company of Alisa Freindlich, Andrei Myagkov, Nikita Mikhalkov, Alexey Petrenko and Alexander Pankratov-Cherny.

The very production of the film “Cruel Romance” based on the famous play was risky. By that time, Yakov Protazanov’s version had not left the screens for half a century. Comparisons of the works of Eldar Ryazanov and Protazanov were inevitable. However, Eldar Aleksandrovich filmed the play in a completely different genre, and in the tragic melodrama “mediocrity” was presented in a completely literal sense: a person who lives according to his material means.

Film career of Larisa Guzeeva

After the release of "Cruel Romance" many lost peace from big eyes main character. One of the directors tried to get closer to Larisa Guzeeva, but the Ural beauty did not accept the courtship. The man began to threaten Larisa, pointing out that she would not act anywhere else. The director did not invite her to his films from now on, but, fortunately, he could not ruin the life of the talented actress. True, Larisa’s acting career was not easy.

After the success of his first serious film work, expectations about his further triumphal march through the world of cinema were not justified. Roles were offered, but they were unenviable: girl athletes, Stakhanovite collective farmers, partisan heroines. There were more interesting scenarios, but after the auditions Guzeeva was rejected.

“Then all the doors opened for me. Although they remember me only for this film, and not for the 30 that came after,” recalls Larisa Guzeeva. - Sometimes I myself foolishly refused good roles. For example, instead of taking on the classic film “The Eve,” I starred in the monstrous film “Rivals.”

In addition to her most famous film work in the film “Cruel Romance,” the actress starred in sixty more films. In 1994 she was awarded the honorary title “Honored Artist Russian Federation"for services in the field of art.

Personal life of Larisa Guzeeva

The actress has admitted more than once that her personal life has always been full of bright colors. Guzeeva has always been attracted to extraordinary people, such as star representatives of the Leningrad rock scene Boris Grebenshchikov, Viktor Tsoi; she always had a lot of fans. For a short time Larisa even met with musician Sergei Kuryokhin, had sexual relations with Dmitry Nagiyev, who had just entered LTI.

Larisa’s first husband was Ilya, an assistant cameraman for the film “Rivals,” in which Guzeeva performed main role. Their relationship developed rapidly, Larisa's chosen one completely captured the girl's heart, but fate intervened: Ilya became addicted to drugs and very quickly turned into a completely different person. For eight years, Larisa tried to help her husband cope with addiction, but in vain - he died of an overdose.

In 1991, Guzeeva was offered to take part in the filming of the film “The Chosen One” directed by Mikhail Kalatozishvili in Georgian. It was here that Larisa met her second husband, Kakha Tolordava. Difficult everyday life turned into a continuous holiday. Kakha was delicate, educated, attentive and saved Larisa from everyday problems.

Larisa returned to Leningrad, and Kakha came to her. The actress realized that she wanted a child from him. For a long time no one knew about her pregnancy - Larisa continued to work. Previously, only the partners in the films “In That Region of Heaven” and “Patriotic Comedy” Sergei Makovetsky and Alexei Serebryakov were initiated into the secret.

The first-born was born when Larisa was already 32 years old (1991). A couple of days before the birth, the lovers legalized their marriage.

“I never hoped for anyone. Maybe because I didn’t have a dad who spoiled me,” says Larisa. Almost immediately after giving birth, she returned to the stage.

Life with Kakha did not work out - the couple grew up completely different traditions. Now ex-spouse lives in Tbilisi. The son constantly communicates with his father and travels to Georgia.

“I realized that the first man is needed to teach you something, the second - so that you give birth to a child from him, and the third - to love,” says the actress.

Larisa Guzeeva and her family

Larisa married for the third time in 1999. Her chosen one was the owner of several restaurants, Igor Bukharov. Guzeeva knew him for more than 20 years. They used to live in different cities. She is in Leningrad, he is in Moscow. For half her life, Larisa treated her third husband like a child and did not see him as a man, but Igor waited patiently and always helped in difficult situations.

“You can’t even imagine how much Igor loved me! I just couldn't refuse when he proposed. “Igor and I are not only husband and wife, but also friends. Passion and physical attraction still turn into habits over time. And what remains then if there is no spiritual relationship between people?” asks Larisa Guzeeva.

At the age of 40, Larisa Guzeeva gave birth to a daughter. I was very afraid, so I gave birth by caesarean section, but already 12 days after giving birth, the actress went to work.

Larisa Guzeeva now

On October 8, 2008, Larisa Guzeeva first appeared as the host of the “Let's Get Married” program on Channel One. In 2009, for her work in this program, the actress became a laureate of the Russian national television award “TEFI” in the “Best Talk Show Host” category.

Larisa Guzeeva. Temporarily available

Larisa Guzeeva always said that a woman should be able to get money for her children and herself, so she acts in films, is involved in the restaurant business, hosts television programs, in a word, she does not sit idle. “The better it is to miss someone while apart, the more tender the meeting will be.”

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Best films

Larisa Guzeeva: all films

Larisa Guzeeva- famous TV presenter and theater and film actress. Fans know her from the TV show "Let's get married". Like another famous “matchmaker” Roza Syabitova, she also constantly suffers from the problem of excess weight. Having given birth to her daughter Olga at the age of 40, the actress gained even more weight. And although Larisa Guzeeva lost a little weight soon after giving birth, she then gained more than extra pounds.

According to Guzeeva, she has never been on a diet, does not play sports, smokes a lot, loves sweets and home-baked bread. It is not surprising that with such habits she quickly gains weight. But now this has come to an end.

Larisa Guzeeva's weight loss

Recently Larisa Guzeeva vowed to lose weight, right in live, taking part in Andrei Malakhov’s project “Lose Weight with StarHit”. Besides her, according to this program Svetlana Permyakova is losing weight . Having signed up to participate in Starhit, Larisa realized that there was no turning back.

Since the beginning of July 2013, she has lost 3 kg and continues to lose weight literally every day. Larisa Guzeeva’s weight loss is under the control of nutritionist Alexey Kovalkov. He says that Larisa constantly raises the bar that he sets for her and therefore the whole process goes like clockwork. For example, the TV presenter has already quit smoking.

Larisa Guzeeva's weight before losing weight was 73 kg with a height of 168 cm. Now she weighs 70 kg. Judging by Larisa Guzeeva’s blog on the Starhit website, losing weight is not so easy for her. But she was determined to achieve her goal, so she does not give up. In addition to dieting, she trains with Fit MAP team fitness instructor Davyd Tukhtaev and does stretching.

Sample menu of Larisa Guzeeva

Since the exact menu of Guzeeva’s diet is unknown, we can only provide an approximate breakdown of products. Larisa is forbidden to eat carbohydrates, even “slow” ones (found in cereals), and most fruits are forbidden. The lion's share of the diet is protein. Here is an example of a dietary day from Larisa Guzeeva:

Breakfast: tablespoon bran, apple, 2 boiled egg whites
Dinner: boiled chicken breast, vegetable salad
Afternoon snack: pine nuts or apple
Dinner: some boiled fish or chicken fillet, vegetables

(+) once a week you can eat something unhealthy and sweet, like chocolate
(+) you need to drink at least two liters per day mineral water without gas
(+) In addition to meat, on other days Larisa eats a lot of boiled eggs without yolk
You can use the same nutrition principle on which Larisa Guzeeva lost weight. A diet that consumes a lot of protein is very healthy in itself, but before you go on it, like any other diet, you need to consult with a nutritionist.


Professor King and his colleagues discovered that scientists could significantly enhance the destructive effect by attaching a protein called TRAIL (TNF-dependent apoptosis-inducing ligand) to T cells and turning them into “super killers”. Killer T cells introduce TRAIL into cancer cells and initiate their death and decay.

In an experiment in mice, the researchers demonstrated that attaching TRAIL to T cells can kill cancer cells that enter the bloodstream and prevent them from spreading to the lungs, kidneys, liver and other organs.

Lymph nodes are the main way cancer spreads in the body, and the presence of cancer cells there creates conditions for the progression of the disease. Once malignant cells enter the lymph nodes, a person’s chances of survival are significantly reduced.

King and colleagues found that in mice, cancer cells were killed in the lymph nodes by injecting TRAIL-enhanced liposomes, which bind to natural killer T cells to form super cells that destroy cancer in a matter of days.

Types of cancer that can be treated with stem cells

Clinical studies are being conducted in the treatment of cancer of other localizations: thyroid cancer, stomach cancer, intestinal cancer, ovarian cancer, melanoma and other types of tumors.

In principle, the mechanism of action of stem cells allows them to be used to treat almost any type of cancer. It’s just that the technology is still very young; it takes time to accumulate sufficient clinical experience to widely introduce it into oncological practice.

Such research is actively conducted in the USA and other civilized countries, and Russian scientists also take part in it. Today's forecasts are that it will take an average of 5 years for stem cells in oncology to go from being an experimental method to becoming an official international standard included in the cancer treatment program.

Pros and cons of cancer immunotherapy with stem cells

There is still no consensus on the new revolutionary method of treating cancer with stem cells, and the topic itself is surrounded by various rumors. For the sake of truth, it must be said that the technique is still too young and little studied, is in the process of research and improvement, and often gives complications.

However, most scientists oncologists, immunologists and geneticists involved in this issue see great prospects in the method. The technique will make it possible not only to treat cancer, but to control the cancer process through the same stem cells, because cancer’s own stem cells have recently been discovered.

Sources of stem cells

Hematopoietic stem cells, which produce blood, are used to treat cancer. The sources of their receipt are:

  • blood;
  • red bone marrow;
  • umbilical cord (or placental) blood.

Among all 3 sources, umbilical cord blood is preferred today, and here's why. Donors are needed to draw blood. The technology for collecting stem cells is such that the donor first receives drug stimulation of the formation of stem cells, then his blood is passed through a special filtering device, which “screens out” the stem cells, and the blood without them is returned to the donor. This technology is expensive and can cause various side effects in the donor.

Taking bone marrow also requires donors and special processing, and it also requires considerable financial costs. As for blood extracted from the umbilical cord or placenta, this material, as is known, is subject to undeserved discarding.

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