Photos of zodiac sign stones. Precious and semi-precious stones according to zodiac signs. Which stones are suitable for a Leo woman according to her horoscope and date of birth?

Each zodiac sign has its own special talisman stone. It can be either a precious diamond or an ordinary mineral. The important thing is what influence it has on a person and what it brings to him, in accordance with the zodiac.

Properties of stones for women and their influence on health and destiny according to zodiac sign

Each zodiac has its own personal stone talisman, which is capable of bringing good luck and giving good fortune. These are natural precious and semi-precious stones of natural origin, which over many years of “maturation” have absorbed the positive energy of the earth, water and sun.

You should choose a stone strictly following the recommendations, because since the zodiac signs differ in nature, the properties of the stones also differ. A correctly selected stone talisman can be worn every day, or it can be worn only at certain moments in life, when a person is in dire need of otherworldly power and help.

A woman can choose any jewelry containing “her” stone and wear it on her chest in the form of a pendant, in earrings and a bracelet. Stones can also decorate a variety of hairpins, pins, brooches and even belts. Natural stone is very beautiful and it is successfully complemented with precious and semi-precious metals: bronze, steel, gold and silver.

The influence of stones on the fate of each zodiac sign

A gemstone can serve as a faithful amulet for each zodiac sign; it will certainly attract prosperity, luck and good fortune to its owner. A stone talisman will help a person’s character to balance, find harmony with oneself and the world around them, and will also protect against evil forces, failures and the evil eye.

What stones are suitable for an Aries woman according to her horoscope and date of birth?

Aries- a special horoscope sign. Such women are endowed with perseverance and have a strong position in life.

Aries woman She is often positive and confident about her bright future. At the same time, such people are distinguished by some selfishness and emotionality. The impulsive actions of Aries often disrupt their plans and do not allow their affairs to achieve their perfect form.

Aries stone talisman must have a special power capable of balancing his state of mind, smoothing out his conflicts with the external and internal world, hiding all negative traits, and not allowing emotions to take over. Only a gem with strong and bright energy can be this.

If speak about natural minerals, then it is important to take into account all the characteristics of a person’s character. The fact is that Aries is different from Aries, depending on what date he was born. The patrons of Aries can be:

  • Mars (for those born from March 21 to March 31)
  • Sun (for those born from April 1 to April 11)
  • Venus (for those born from April 12 to April 20)

The talisman stone should also be chosen based on your date of birth, so that the energy clearly matches yours.

The patron influences the choice of stone:

  • Mars- narcissistic but purposeful adventurers. Agate, quartz, tiger's eye and jasper amulets are suitable for such people.
  • Sun - Such Aries are more “soft”, they are true faithful family men and products made from sardonyx, with cat’s eye, heliotrope, amber and natural pearls are perfect for them
  • Venus - Only passionate and romantic Aries are under her protection. Such Aries need “strong” stones and products with bright precious stones

Ruby is the ideal stone for Aries

Which stones are suitable for a Taurus woman according to her horoscope and date of birth?

Taurus - a self-confident zodiac sign, it characterizes its owner as a wise, noble, strong person who stands out from the crowd with his qualities. On the other hand, Taurus are always very mercantile, that is, they “think about their own benefit.” They are demanding and always need to contemplate beauty.

Along with positive qualities, Taurus also have negative ones - a little stinginess and not a lot of selfishness. They love “their territory” and are always sensitive to those who try to cross their line. The chosen talisman stone will allow Taurus to restrain all his negative emotions and discover favorable qualities in himself.

Taurus should choose an amulet stone only based on their date of birth. The decade (time of birth) determines the patron of the zodiac sign and greatly influences the character of a person.

Patrons for Taurus:

  • Taurus (21.03. to 01.05) have their own patron - Mercury. This celestial body is considered one of the “most monetary and golden patrons” and therefore stones such as agate, aventurine, amethyst, carnelian, tiger’s eye can bring good luck to such a Taurus
  • Taurus (02.05 to 11.05.) have a strong patron - Moon. Such Taurus people are characterized by emotionality and passion. The following stones will be favorable for them: turquoise, opal, rock crystal, as well as products made from chrysoprase, chalcedony and coral
  • Taurus (12.05 to 20.05) have Saturn as their patron. Talisman stones will “comfort” Taurus and instill inspiration in them even in the most difficult moments. Only precious “strong” stones are suitable for such Taurus: diamond, emerald, garnet or sapphire. Aquamarine will also be favorable

emerald is a favorable stone for Taurus

Which stones are suitable for a Gemini woman according to her horoscope and date of birth?

Gemini can be safely described as versatile women who have some creative abilities and activity. In some ways, these are very changeable people. Gemini women often change their mood, views and decisions, even the most important ones and at the last moment. A positive feature of Geminis is their ability to simultaneously solve several problems and do several things.

Along with many positive qualities, Gemini women also have some disadvantages - they cannot do everything absolutely perfectly. In order to achieve harmony with herself, gain success in her affairs, and earn the respect and trust of others, a woman needs a talisman. A correctly selected stone can become a real amulet and will certainly attract prosperity to its owner.

Decades of Gemini and their patrons:

  • Jupiter -“protects” Geminis born between May 21 and May 31. He gave his charges special intuition and the ability to think logically
  • Mars - protects his Geminis, who were born between June 1 and June 10. Since Mars has its own “burning” energy, its wards also have passion, selfishness and ambition, as well as some kind of aggression
  • Sun - is the patron saint of those Geminis who were born between June 11 and June 21. These “people of the sun” have a special positive charge, they love the world and the people around them

Choice of stone, depending on the decade:

  • Geminis under the auspices of Jupiter will become stronger and more self-confident if they have an amulet made of malachite, rock crystal, obsidian, agate, moonstone, amazonite or jade
  • Gemini, who is patronized by Mars, will be helped to find harmony by such stones as: cat's eye, natural amber, opal, citrine, onyx, as well as jade and pearl products
  • Geminis who are born under the sign of the Sun must have a talisman with them, which will be made of sapphire, tourmaline, topaz or alexandrite

jade is a stone that brings good luck to Gemini

What stones are suitable for a Cancer woman according to her horoscope and date of birth?

Cancer - a zodiac sign that characterizes women as gentle and at the same time insecure individuals. This is not a negative trait, it’s just that a person constantly doubts himself and his abilities. In addition, Cancer women love cleanliness, order, silence and harmony around them. If something doesn’t go as planned, they immediately plunge into a depressed state and blame themselves.

A properly selected talisman will allow a Cancer woman to gain self-confidence, be charged with positivity, and make mistakes with pleasure. The stone that will serve as an amulet should be chosen only with a clear focus on the decade of birth. Only such a stone, in any of its appearance, will bring good luck to its owner and become a talisman.

Cancer women have two main patrons - the Moon and Neptune. Both patrons endow them with special femininity, tenderness and only positive character traits.

Decades of Cancer:

  • Moon serves as the patron saint of both the first decade of Cancer and the second (from June 21 to July 1 and July 2 to 11). The moon helps ladies of this sign to be the favorites of society, distinguished by kindness and affection. It is precisely because Cancer has many positive qualities that others like him
  • Neptune“guards” the third decade of Cancer from July 12 to July 22. Under his patronage, he endowed these people with a special creative flair, intuition, and a desire to listen to magic and study science. Most of these Cancer women are desperate romantics and subtle people with high moral values.

Choosing a stone for Cancer:

  • For Cancer women who are born under the sign Moon, it will be extremely useful to wear a ring with chalcedony. Such a pebble will relieve her from attacks of depression and melancholy. Moreover, it will give her special attractiveness and make her interesting to the male half
  • Also lunar Cancers attention should be paid to pearl. This natural jewel can give peace and calm the sometimes fragile and unstable female psyche. Pearls can enhance their influence on women if they are dressed in silver.
  • Women Cancers born under Neptune attention should be paid to agate. This stone will give a lady confidence, strength and a piece of masculinity if worn in beads and bracelets.
  • Women Cancer ruled by Neptune You should wear a moonstone. This pebble will help balance your state of mind, give you courage and give you peace.
agate is a stone that will help Cancers find balance

Which stones are suitable for a Leo woman according to her horoscope and date of birth?

Women with a sign Leo - These are always strong in character and outstanding in appearance, strong, courageous ladies who are liked by men. Lady a lion hot and often too hot-tempered. She, as the “queen of the zodiac,” is completely subordinate to the Sun, which is her patron, regardless of other celestial bodies.

Character Leo women very optimistic and cheerful. Such ladies easily find communication with everyone, but in case of failures in life they can lose heart and become nervous. Only a correctly selected talisman stone will help you find peace, self-confidence and strength.

Decades of Leo:

  • Leo (23.07 - 03.08), patron saint Saturn
  • Leo (04.08 - 12.08), patron Jupiter
  • Leo (13.08 - 23.08), patron saint Mars

Choosing a stone according to your patron:

  • Those Leos born under the influence of Saturn are distinguished by a strong spirit, unshakable confidence in their abilities and a rebellious character. Such Lionesses need only “strong” natural minerals and only precious stones, which by their very appearance are capable of charging women with special energy and giving power, masculinity and courage. Such stones are quite capable of performing: Tiger's Eye any shade, pure nephritis without inclusions and any jasper
  • Leo women, who were born under the auspices of Jupiter, are distinguished by their special idealism. They love that everyone and everything obeys them, that every little thing is in its place, that everything is in order and almost perfect. Such women will benefit from stones that have the ability to “shine from within”: citrine, for example, as well as opal and any shade of cat’s eye
  • Leo women are sharp, passionate and somewhat aggressive. They need stones that are just as confident in their inimitable beauty: bright, sparkling in the sun, shining from within and very precious. Talismans will be: a blood red ruby, a deep and dark emerald or even a simple alexandrite

moonstone - a talisman in the form of a pendant, it suits Lionesses very well

Which stones are suitable for a Virgo woman according to her horoscope and date of birth?

Virgo - not only the most feminine sign of the zodiac, but also even the most “boring”. In this case, “boringness” should be perceived as a positive trait. Virgo women are hardworking, active, creative individuals and do not like to brag about their virtues. Along with this, they can often judge themselves for the fact that something does not go according to their plan.

The talisman stone for a Virgo must be special; it must instill self-confidence in the Virgo, allow her self-control (which is very characteristic of women) and give her peace of mind. It's safe to say that Virgo women are a little "crazy." Often their creative nature takes control of logic and therefore they may suffer from mental disharmony.

The talisman stone will help the virgin find a point of balance between herself and the world around her, will open all her abilities and relieve her of accumulated negativity.

Decades of Virgo:

  • Sun protects Virgo (24.08 - 02.09)
  • Venus protects Virgo (03.08 - 11.09)
  • Mercury protects Virgo (13.09 – 23.09)

Choice of mascot:

  • Virgos who are guarded Sun, love peace and hate change. The following will help them maintain balance with themselves and find peace: jasper, agate and malachite
  • Virgos who are guarded Venus, really value their deep inner world. It is very important for them to find the perfection of the spiritual and external gray world surrounding them. Unusual stones that contain inner light and bright colors will help them get along with themselves and love everyone around them: honey-colored citrine, warm and marble onyx, warm shades sardonyx, yellowish and mysterious rutile quartz, or varied in shades chalcedony
  • Virgos, who are protected by Mercury, will be able to overcome their imperfections, and will help overcome a lazy, depressive and overly passive mood: deep greenery emerald, transparent and blue topaz, Navy blue sapphire or blood black pomegranate

Sapphire is the ideal stone for Virgos

Which stones are suitable for a Libra woman according to her horoscope and date of birth?

Women Scales very sensual, emotional and changeable. Many plans are ripening in their heads, which in the end are not implemented at all. This zodiac sign vitally needs a talisman that will instill confidence, vitality and courage in a person.

Decades of Libra:

  • The first decade is Libra (24.09 - 02.10), which is protected by Venus. Such Libras need a stone that will give them self-confidence: delicate dark blue lapis lazuli, natural sparkling diamond, cloudy and bluish moonstone or deep green color malachite
  • The second decade is Libra (03.10 - 13.10), which is protected by Saturn. Such Libra needs a stone that will give vitality and inspiration: a variety of shades zircon, deep blood red ruby, pale blue weaves topaz, or dark blue deep sapphire
  • The third decade is Libra (10.14 - 10.23), which is protected by Jupiter. Such Libras need a stone that will reveal their creative nature: natural diamond, raspberry shades tourmaline, blue shades topaz, pink and raspberry shades ruby

tourmaline is a stone ideal for Libra women

What stones are suitable for a Scorpio woman according to her horoscope and date of birth?

Scorpion - a finitely strong, bright zodiac sign that allows a woman to always be absolutely confident in her capabilities and herself, mentally and morally strong, attractive, passionate and partly overly emotional over trifles. Scorpio women are very fond of family wealth, peace and harmony. Along with this, they vitally need the attention of men and recognition from society.

The Scorpio woman needs a strong energetic stone that will not allow her to lose heart even once, will eliminate any depressive mood, and will give inspiration and positivity in any matter. In addition, the talisman stone will not allow any negative qualities to prevail too much, thereby creating an unfavorable reputation for Scorpio.

Decades of Scorpio and the choice of the appropriate talisman stone:

  • First decade (24.10 - 02.11), patron Mars. Such Scorpio ladies are very brave, artistic and sociable. They also need a talisman; it will protect them from the evil human eye and allow them to discover positive character traits in themselves. For a talisman, a gentle green shade can serve perfectly. coil, which will give you peace of mind. Another nice green stone - malahit, if a lady prefers cold shades of stones, then you should pay attention to purple amethyst
  • Second decade (03.11 - 13.11), patron Sun. Cold water will help protect natural energy, discover creative abilities, inspiration and positive thoughts. amethyst, warm shades of jewelry made from natural corals decorations or bright delicate turquoise
  • Third decade (11/14 – 11/22), patron saint Jupiter. Such Scorpio ladies need slightly “cold” stones that will cool down the ardor of their temperament and instill peace in their hearts. Pay attention to dark blue aquamarine, delicate heavenly shades turquoise, green and turquoise shades beryl, and baby blue topaz

Amethyst is a stone that will serve as a talisman for Scorpio

What stones are suitable for a Sagittarius woman according to her horoscope and date of birth?

Women born under the sign Sagittarius They love attention and recognition in society. They are often very harsh and straightforward, which does not characterize them in the best way. Such Sagittarius women cannot stand being controlled and protected. They are often quick-tempered and impulsive, doing rash things and saying rude words.

Sagittarius women need a talisman that will balance their inner world with external problems. The talisman should help the Sagittarius woman to show her femininity, discover positive character traits and help her be gentle, sensual and affectionate.

Decades of Sagittarius and choosing a talisman stone:

  • First decade - Sagittarius, who were born in the period from November 23 and December 2. Such Sagittarians are under the protection of Mercury. These are very strong personalities, self-confident, daring adventurers. They need a talisman stone that can give harmony with the world around them: tiger's eye, lapis lazuli, agate, quartz
  • The second decade is Sagittarius, born during the period from December 3 to December 12. Such Sagittarians can confidently be called creative individuals, capable of finding something interesting even in the most boring things. They need to choose for themselves those talisman stones that will help reveal their inner world: rutile quartz, turquoise, onyx
  • Third decade - Sagittarius, who were born in the period from December 13 to 21. These are self-confident individuals who strive for the best and achieve it. Such Sagittarians need an energetically strong talisman stone: ruby, garnet, zircon, emerald

onyx is a talisman stone for Sagittarius women

What stones are suitable for a Capricorn woman according to her horoscope and date of birth?

Women Capricorns very sensitive to how the outside world treats them. They really need to feel and receive approval, praise and compliments in order to live with pleasure and joy. But at the same time, this zodiac sign can often suffer from selfishness and narcissism.

In order to avoid problems and conflicts with people, the Capricorn woman should have a talisman stone. Such a talisman will allow only her qualitative traits to appear, will protect her from the evil eye and will not allow her to absorb negativity.

Decades of Capricorn and the choice of talisman stones:

  • The first decade is Capricorns, who were born during the period from December 22 to January 2. These Capricorns are carefully guarded by Jupiter. Such Capricorn women are calm, wise and economical. They need special stone talismans that can transmit and infuse their energy into a person, giving a woman many advantages and strength: should be used in burgundy shades Agatha, dark and bright bloody shades jasper, dark brown and honey shades Tiger's Eye, warm pink and lilac shades amethyst, and the most common transparent and heavenly clear mountain crystal
  • The second decade is Capricorn (03.01 — 13.01). Such Capricorn girls and women are very active, they are positive and always perceive life with joy. They simply need a special stone that can protect them from the evil human eye and attract positivity and inspiration. Pay attention to cool shades sardonyx, blue or cosmic shimmer opal, heliotrope, as well as deep turquoise tones chrysoprase
  • Third decade ( 14.01 — 20.01) . Such women differ from other Capricorns in their creative views, their energy, activity, desire to create and create something. A successful talisman for them will be a stone that will not allow life force to “leak away”: deep and shining from the inside, dark blue sapphire, dark, almost black pomegranate, cool blue shades alexandrite, gentle tourmaline, or red hyacinth

chrysoprase is a stone that protects Capricorn women

Which stones are suitable for an Aquarius woman according to her horoscope and date of birth?

Women Aquarius They are very creative people, partly they are idealists and do not tolerate disorder. They need people and their recognition. This zodiac sign is very calm and even sometimes “cold”. For this reason, Aquarius women really need a strong and energetic talisman stone.

Decades of Aquarius and choosing a talisman stone:

  • First decade (21.01 — 01.02) . Most often, such ladies are melancholic and endlessly romantic by nature. Sometimes a talisman consisting of a powerful and energetically charged stone will help correct such a woman’s too soft nature: you should pay attention to the green and slightly cloudy one nephritis, any shade jasper, shining with cosmic brilliance aventurine, deep black and speckled blue obsidian
  • Second decade (02.02 — 11.02) . Ladies of this decade are distinguished by a pleasant and very gentle sense of humor; they are popular with men, but rarely fall into impotence and depression. For this reason, they need a talisman that will have a stone with positive and strong energy. Pay attention to warm shades onyx, soft pink and moline shades amethyst, or cool and heavenly turquoise
  • Third ten days (12.02 - 20.02). Ladies of this period are distinguished by their lightness, tenderness and love. In order for them to conquer the peaks, gain recognition and strength, they should have a strong stone talisman. Pay attention to “cool” shades of natural stones, for example soft green chrysoprase, deep blue aquamarine, as well as blue shades zircon

quartz is a talisman stone for Aquarius women

Which stones are suitable for a Pisces woman according to her horoscope and date of birth?

Women Fish very soft but very friendly women. Often they are prevented from achieving certain successes in life by self-doubt and fear of making a mistake. For this reason, such a woman needs a strong and energetically charged stone talisman.

Decades of Pisces and choosing a talisman stone:

  • First decade - Pisces born during from February 21 to March 1. These women are true dreamers and romantics. The following talisman stones are suitable for them: aventurine, tiger's eye, moonstone
  • Second decade - Pisces, born from March 2 to March 11. These are honest and open women, sensual and gentle. They need talismans such as: pearls, opal, corals, heliotrope
  • Third decade - Pisces born from March 12 to March 20. These are cheerful women and capricious ladies. Their talismans: diamond, aquamarine, topaz

Video: “Zodiac Stones”

Natural minerals have an amazing ability - they “adapt” to their owner and give him the qualities he needs, protect him from circumstances, and also neutralize some bad habits. The main thing is to choose the right stone. We'll tell you how!

Please note that the same stone can be chosen for several zodiac signs at once - it will activate certain of its properties depending on your zodiac affiliation, affecting different aspects of your character.


Diamond– a stone of leaders, who, undoubtedly, are Aries. This mineral helps them not to deviate from their decisions, attracts adherents and like-minded people to them, and enhances all the best qualities of their owners. It also attracts financial success.

Ruby gives Aries an inexhaustible supply of energy, arouses the desire to perform everyday feats, helps to find passionate love and preserve it for many years. In addition, this mineral makes representatives of this sign less selfish.

Emerald brings wealth to Aries, makes them more constant in their feelings and desires, and does not allow them to commit impulsive actions and fatal mistakes. This mineral contributes to the success of its owners and helps channel their irrepressible enthusiasm in the most rational direction.

Heliotrope develops the imagination of Aries, helps them realize any fixed idea, strengthens their influence on others and increases their authority. In addition, this stone does not allow its owners to waste time on trifles; it pushes them to achieve only great goals.


Tortoiseshell agate helps Taurus establish contact with any person, and since they love to make useful connections, this stone is simply irreplaceable for them. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the relationship of its owner with relatives.

Opal brings Taurus success in all endeavors. In addition, it makes its owner more lenient towards people and less down-to-earth, helps to see the signs of fate and respond to them in a timely manner.

Turquoise attracts cash flows to Taurus, fuels their ambition, helps not only to gain, but also to maintain financial independence and a stable career position. This mineral also makes representatives of this zodiac sign more courageous and insightful.

Nephritis gives Taurus comfort, but at the same time focuses attention not on physical, but on spiritual benefits. Nevertheless, this mineral brings them success in commercial affairs, promotes favorable changes, and helps them gain power.

Samanta Messi earrings with imitation turquoise (price on the link); gold ring SL with quartz, agates, and cognac diamonds (price on the link)


Yellow agate is an excellent talisman for Geminis involved in trading. It attracts rich buyers to them, helps them find the right approach to each client, and protects them from scammers. In addition, this stone makes its owner more reserved.

Pomegranate makes Gemini more constant and less frivolous, it helps them move towards their intended goal, gives them the will to win and emphasizes the artistry of their nature. In addition, it fully reveals the sensuality of the representatives of this sign.

Chrysoprase attracts good people to Gemini and protects them from those who are not worth messing with. He protects them from slander, and he does not allow the representatives of this zodiac sign to spread gossip.

Jasper relieves Gemini of all the negativity that they masterfully attract to themselves. This mineral has a very beneficial effect on the psychological state of its owners, relieving the effects of stress and preventing the development of phobias.

Silver earrings SL with garnet (price on the link); SL gold ring with diamonds, quartz and garnet (price on link)


Moon rock– the most reliable and effective talisman for Cancers. It further sharpens their already phenomenal intuition, but at the same time protects them from fears and doubts, relieves internal tension, helps them always maintain peace of mind and does not allow them to draw the wrong conclusions from sudden insights.

Emerald makes Cancers wiser, protects their home, dispels melancholy and bad thoughts. It gives its owners constancy of feelings, not only their own, but also that of the person they love.

Pearl protects Cancers from dubious transactions and from the influence of people with bad intentions. This “stone” prolongs the life of its owners, brings fertility into their existence, and in every sense of the word.

Aquamarine improves the mood of Cancers, makes them more cheerful and sociable, protects them from unfair attacks, and stabilizes their psycho-emotional state. In addition, this mineral has a great effect on the personal life of its owners and helps them not only find their soulmate, but also keep them.

Silver earrings SL with pearls (price on the link); Silver pendant SL with cubic zirconia and moonstone (price on the link)

a lion

Amber– the main “stone” of Lviv. He gives them happiness and health, creative strength and faith, both in something fundamental and in themselves, in their abilities. This “mineral” helps representatives of this zodiac sign to realize themselves in any field and achieve all their goals.

Sardonyx helps Leos in realizing their ambitious plans, contributes to the achievement of career and creative success, eliminates reflections and gives strength so that if obstacles arise, they do not deviate from the chosen path. It also stimulates and supports the characteristic curiosity of Leos.

Ruby encourages Leo to do great things, gives them unlimited power over the minds and souls of those around them, and awakens compassion. This mineral also strengthens the weak point of representatives of this zodiac sign – the heart.

Diamond brings Leo good luck in all endeavors, wealth and career success. It rids them of negative manifestations of character and makes them more tolerant of the shortcomings of others. This mineral also helps to gain power.

SL gold earrings with diamonds and rubies (price on the link); gold ring SL with diamonds and rubies (price on the link)


Malachite gives Virgos spiritual strength, helps them find reliable support, and helps achieve a harmonious balance in the body. In addition, it gives you a chance to find true love, and most importantly, to believe in it.

Yellow carnelian helps Virgos strengthen their weak point - the gastrointestinal tract. The stone relieves poor digestion, and also “tells” which foods should be consumed and which ones should be avoided.

Chrysoprase brings Virgos good luck in any projects, and helps those who deal with large sums of money to avoid mistakes and deception. It also increases the prudence of the representatives of this zodiac sign, but at the same time does not allow them to fall into empty tediousness.

White onyx prolongs the youth of Virgos, strengthens their health, and helps maintain external attractiveness. In addition, it gives its owners the ability to penetrate the plans of others and respond to them in a timely manner, and most importantly, correctly. And he also gives them marital happiness.

Gold pendant SL with diamonds and onyx (price on the link); gold ring SL with diamonds and sapphires (price on the link)


Rhinestone helps Libra achieve the harmony they strive for throughout their lives. In addition, it protects representatives of this zodiac sign from the evil eye, eliminates doubts, promotes making the right decisions, and strengthens intuition. This mineral also helps maintain peaceful and friendly relationships with everyone around you (and this is very important for Libra).

Dark sapphire brings Libra happiness in love, helps to remain faithful, and protects their peace of mind. In addition, this mineral makes them more decisive and bolder, relieves them of reflection and protects them from irrational fears.

Moon rock also helps to achieve and maintain harmony, in addition, it protects Libra’s weak point – the kidneys, and in case of exacerbation of kidney diseases, it reduces pain.

Aquamarine helps Libra to seek justice and deters them from unlawful acts, it saves them from laziness, from wasting time, and also helps to expand their social circle and find true friends.

Silver pendant SL with cubic zirconia and moonstone (price on the link); gold earrings SL with diamonds and sapphires (price on the link)


Rauchtopaz (smoky quartz) helps Scorpios reveal the magical abilities inherent in them and strengthens them many times over. In addition, this mineral gives them an inner core that allows them to cope with negative manifestations of their character and use secret knowledge for the benefit of others.

Labradorite (spectrolite) also enhances the magical abilities of Scorpios, and also sharpens intuition. The stone helps them choose the right path. And it also gives good luck not only to its owner, but also to those who provide this person with all kinds of assistance.

Jet (black jasper) protects Scorpios from themselves and from dark forces, relieves them of suspiciousness, fears and phobias, heals their soul, taking away pain and resentment. This stone prevents the development of bad tendencies and makes the life of representatives of this zodiac sign more creative.

Alexandrite gives risk-loving Scorpios protection, it brings them luck, which helps them get out of the most difficult and dangerous situations and live a long, interesting life.

Silver ring SL with cubic zirconia and alexandrite (price on the link); gold pendant SL with diamonds and quartz (price on the link)


Yellow-brown agate Perfect for those Sagittarius who are engaged in science or simply like to philosophize frequently. It helps to find the only correct solutions and formulations, expands the boundaries of consciousness. In addition, this stone pacifies anger and makes its owner more tolerant of the shortcomings of others.

Chrysolite helps Sagittarius get rid of bad habits and negative energy, it protects them from everything that can harm them, including irrepressible passions. In addition, it gives strength and attracts financial well-being.

Emerald promotes creative self-realization of Sagittarius, gives inspiration and optimism. In addition, this mineral neutralizes negative energy, both coming from outside and that which representatives of this sign accumulate on their own.

Turquoise protects Sagittarius in all their adventures and risky undertakings, gives them victory in sports and commercial confrontations, and brings them material well-being. This mineral also helps them understand the true meaning of life and find their true purpose.

Gold pendant SL with diamonds, topazes and amethysts (price on the link); gold ring SL with diamonds and emeralds (price on the link)


Ruby enhances all the positive qualities of Capricorns, warns them of danger, “teaches” them to love both life and representatives of the opposite sex. This mineral also makes them more humane and awakens generosity in them.

Pomegranate helps Capricorns enjoy life and relationships – friendships and love. This mineral brings complete satisfaction with success, attracts mutual love, and helps restore strength after intense mental or physical labor.

Malachite helps Capricorns deftly handle commercial affairs. In addition, it protects them from rheumatism and diseases of the knees - the weak point of representatives of this zodiac sign, and when joint pain occurs, it reduces them.

Black tourmaline protects Capricorns from the torments of jealousy, protects them from outside manipulation of consciousness and from their own desire to somehow artificially “spur” their thought process. In addition, this stone helps to understand sexual preferences and love desires.

Gold pendant SL with diamonds and rubies (price on the link); gold ring SL with diamonds, amethysts and garnet (price on the link)


Lapis lazuli brings Aquarius luck, career success and material well-being. In addition, this mineral makes representatives of this sign more attentive towards others, giving its owners genuine, not ostentatious, friendliness. He also relieves them of old grievances.

Light sapphire protects Aquarius from betrayal and slander, warns of impending danger, and helps to cope with emotional anxiety. In addition, it promotes creative self-realization.

Zircon helps strengthen the official position of Aquarius and find a way out of difficult work situations. This mineral enhances their intuition and helps them rationally manage information and knowledge acquired on a subconscious level. It also protects its maximalist owner from hasty and incorrect judgments.

Amethyst helps strengthen marriage bonds, relieves Aquarius from negative thoughts associated with their spouse, reduces the desire to criticize a loved one and demand unconditional perfection from him.

Gold pendant SL with diamonds and sapphires (price on the link); gold ring SL with diamonds, topazes and amethysts (price on the link)


Pearl protects Pisces from unhappy love, promotes their longevity, brings financial well-being and prosperity. In addition, this “mineral”, worn in a bunch (in the form of beads or cluster earrings), relieves its owners from tears.

Emerald also promotes the financial prosperity of Pisces, and also promotes health, protects against the occurrence of chronic diseases, and gives peace and tranquility.

Amethyst protects Pisces from addictions. In addition, it helps them control their emotions, relieves them of unnecessary worry and anxiety, insomnia and suspiciousness. This mineral protects its owners from stress, and in critical situations helps relieve depression.

Sapphire strengthens the memory of Pisces, promotes concentration, “teaches” how to love without strain, and pacifies unhealthy passions. This mineral awakens an extraordinary emotional vision of individual situations and life in general.

Gold pendant SL with diamonds and pearls (price on the link); gold ring SL with diamonds and emeralds (price on the link)


Since ancient times, special attention has been paid to precious stones. Crystals were an indicator of status and served as talismans for the owner, protecting against misfortunes. Maybe these were prejudices, but astrologers have already proven that magical minerals really have the properties of improving health and protecting a person from negativity.

Stones according to zodiac signs

Whatever the gem, it has cosmic energy that saturates a person from the inside. This helps to overcome life's difficulties and put thoughts in order. The longer the crystal comes into contact with the skin of a man or woman, the greater the effect it has. It is important to know which gem you can trust with your energy so that everything does not turn into complications. Which zodiac sign is suitable for which stone?

Amethyst, agate, ruby, jasper, diamond, serpentine

Chrysoprase, chalcedony, emerald, aventurine, rose quartz, sapphire, sultanite, agate


Agate, alexandrite, beryl, topaz, carnelian, sapphire

Pearl, emerald, chrysoprase, moonstone, aquamarine, agate

Amber, topaz, peridot, garnet, onyx, opal, carnelian, demantoid

Jasper, jade, peridot, sapphire, carnelian, diamond, onyx, rock crystal, sultanite

Aquamarine, lapis lazuli, citrine, tourmaline, opal, amethyst, jade


Aquamarine, garnet, turquoise, beryl, alexandrite, malachite, black opal, tiger eye, serpentine

Turquoise, peridot, topaz, chalcedony, amethyst, emerald, blue quartz, sultanite

Green malachite, ruby, onyx, garnet, zircon, chalcedony

Amethyst, zircon, turquoise, lapis lazuli, jade, garnet

Amethyst, pearl, sapphire, opal, emerald, alexandrite

Semi-precious stones according to the horoscope

Natural crystals are used to make jewelry, interior items, and in the industrial industry. Any gem is valuable. Having studied the properties of each in more detail, you can decide which stone is suitable for which zodiac sign and choose your own unique amulet:

  • Agate is a mineral whose origin is directly related to volcanic rocks (quartz, opal, chalcedony). Thanks to the unique winding patterns and multi-colored stripes, you can wear jewelry that is exclusive of its kind. Translated from Greek, this nugget means “prosperous.” Happy owners of the stone can be such zodiac signs as Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Aries.
  • Amethyst is a quartz that can change its hue when it lacks light. The mineral contains an iron concentrate, thanks to which it acquires an extraordinary violet color palette and can be transparent or translucent. The stone is suitable for the following zodiac signs: Aries, Aquarius, Libra, Sagittarius, Pisces.
  • Coil. A stone with a color ranging from rich green to yellowish with dark veins, which resembles snake skin. In its original form, the rock is opaque and has a fibrous base. Ornamental serpentinite is very popular today and corresponds to the energy of the zodiac signs Virgo, Scorpio, Aries, Capricorn.

Gems according to zodiac signs

It is known that jewelry is always spectacular, even in the twilight. If they bring not only aesthetic benefits, but also spiritual satisfaction, then crystals are truly priceless. By choosing natural stones according to the signs of the zodiac, you can protect yourself from various adversities, because gems have an unknown power, given to them from birth by nature itself:

  1. Sultanite (thanatarite, sultanite, diaspora) is an amazingly beautiful mineral, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow. Externally, the crystal is glass, but in the light it looks like a chameleon. According to its saturation, the stone can be crimson, yellow, lilac, pink, green. Which zodiac signs does the gem suit? Leo, Aries, Sagittarius, Virgo, Taurus.
  2. Jasper is a precious stone that is well polished, durable, reliable and can serve its owner for decades. Stones for Pisces surprise with unique spots, stripes, green, blue, black, red shades. Jasper is also suitable for the zodiac signs Virgo, Aries, and is considered the main talisman in life.
  3. Emerald is green beryl. The color of the stone depends on the place of extraction, where the rock was combined with different metals that affect its color. The crystal can be juicy green, olive, or light green in tone. If you see natural bubbles, cracks, or inclusions of other types in the product, know that the jewelry will cost a little less than a pure emerald. These are suitable stones for Leo, Taurus, Cancer, Aquarius, Sagittarius, Gemini.

Lucky stones of the zodiac signs

In fact, each zodiac element can correspond to several stones at once. One will bring luck into a person’s life, the other will bring wisdom. You can select stones according to your zodiac sign based on your date of birth, which will help speed up the coupling of the energies of the wearer and the crystal. The impact of the gem also depends on the method of obtaining, the month or year of wearing the jewelry, and the area of ​​contact. Before purchasing a talisman, you need to study all the stones and zodiac signs. For example:

  • Diamond suits Aries. The stone gives self-confidence, serves as protection against inner rage, and helps to avoid life’s troubles. The power of the crystal doubles if the stone is given as a gift. True, the energy of a nugget can be crushing for the owner if the person’s intentions are unclean.
  • Taurus becomes wiser and more perspicacious when human energy matches the power of the emerald. The gem makes a person happy and lucky. When Taurus falls in love, the stone becomes more saturated in color. If you want your talisman to influence your destiny, carry it with you during the full moon.
  • Agate, alexandrite, topaz and beryl are suitable for Gemini. For example, the first talisman stone pacifies a wayward character, helping to get rid of internal shortcomings. In return, the mineral helps to reveal creative inclinations and bring your plans to completion. To maximize the influence of the crystal, women are recommended to wear agate earrings.
  • To reveal their talents, Cancer should wear pearls. This stone will help the zodiac sign get more positive emotions and luck. The mineral is a protection against the external negative environment and protects women from the mistake of falling in love with an unworthy man. When a person is sick, pearls may darken.
  • If Leo wants to develop his communication skills, he should pay attention to the chrysolite stone. The gem makes its owner softer, more inclined to communicate, and at the same time a strong, talented person who knows how to skillfully win the trust of people. If you dress peridot in gold, it can strengthen the spirit of its owner.
  • Stones suitable for Virgo: jade, jasper, chrysolite. For example, the last crystal is a talisman of happiness and attractiveness. It suppresses categoricalness, teaches you to dynamically conduct business, and develop intellectually. In order for a gem to properly saturate a person with energy, it is necessary to frame the stone in platinum or silver, but in no case in gold.
  • Opal is a talisman of fidelity and hope for Libra. When a sign has a difficult period in life, this stone will help you feel inner harmony and remove apathy. If a person struggles with negative character traits, opal will become for him an amulet of success and unsurpassedness. True, people with a disordered nervous system are not recommended to wear the mineral due to possible overexcitation.
  • For Scorpio girls looking for love and respect in a relationship with a partner, aquamarine is suitable. If you give a stone to your lover, the crystal will attract his energy to its own and merge with yours. Set in silver, the breed will provide more benefits and saturate the body with positive power.
  • Turquoise without a frame can give Sagittarius good luck in work, in their plans, and help suppress excessive carelessness. If the stone is blue, then the owner will be endowed with justice and nobility. The white mineral will protect the sign in risky actions, and the green one will secure the status of a successful person. The last color of the stone is not suitable for young guys who are still unsteady.
  • Ruby is the talisman of Capricorns. A person who gives this stone to a zodiac sign will bind himself forever with love and find happiness with his chosen one. True, the properties of the stone vary depending on the nature of the owner. If a person is evil, then the mineral will make her even more aggressive. For good people, ruby ​​will give a feeling of peace. If the amulet darkens, Capricorn is in danger.
  • The horoscope of stones foretells harmony for Aquarius with a mineral such as amethyst. The mystical characteristics of the crystal help the zodiac sign to realize its plans, develop intuitive abilities, and experience serenity. For medicinal purposes, amethyst can be applied to the body to improve blood flow and normalize blood pressure.
  • Pearls suit Pisces. The stone protects the sign from the evil eye, gives longevity and prosperity. By the shine of the mineral, you can determine the state of health or mood of the owner. It has already been proven that after a person’s death, the talisman darkens and loses its former energy. Pearls should not be re-gifted, but rather left with their owner.

Unsuitable stones for diac signs

When choosing your stone, it is important to know which minerals should never be combined:

  1. It is not recommended to wear pearls with cat's eye, diamond and hessonite.
  2. Ruby with diamond, sapphire, hessonite, cat's eye together will negatively affect the character of its owner, suppressing the spirit and affecting health.
  3. Pearl stone and red coral are absolutely not suitable for emerald.
  4. Blue sapphire is the antipode to such minerals as ruby, red coral, and pearl.
  5. Cat's eye is generally a peculiar rock that does not perceive the energy of pearls and rubies.
  6. Yellow sapphire loves to be one and only for its owner, therefore it has the opposite pole with stones such as diamond, emerald.

You can choose a talisman yourself. This is not at all difficult to do. You don't even have to seek help from an astrologer. First, determine the zodiac sign opposite to yours. Using the zodiac circle, count the sixth position after your own element. For example, Aries - Libra, Taurus - Scorpio, etc. Stones from his list are harmful for you, the rest can be worn.

The zodiac sign is certainly one of the most important criteria for choosing a stone. Based on your sign, you can limit the selection of suitable stones. Select your sign to find out which stones are most suitable for your horoscope.

Why is it so important to choose the right stone according to your zodiac sign? This question interests many girls who care about their own destiny, life harmony, health and success. Let's figure out how to choose the right stone according to the horoscope, which will help and benefit its owner.

How to choose the right stone for yourself?

Your zodiac sign is the starting point

The zodiac sign is certainly one of the most important criteria for choosing a stone. Based on your sign, you can limit the selection of suitable stones. But... There are 12 billion people in the world. And every person is unique. It will not be entirely correct to simply divide all people into 12 signs and say: “You are a Taurus, which means you can wear a moonstone, but not a garnet.”

Your feminine intuition is your main tool

To choose the right stone, it is very important to consider your zodiac sign. But you also need to listen to your intuition. This is easier for women. A woman will never buy a stone that is harmful to her. She simply will not like the appearance of such a stone. And this is the most important and simplest criterion for selecting a stone according to the horoscope.

So just see what your eyes fall on. This stone will be the best option.

Why does each zodiac sign have several stones?

Indeed, many different natural stones are suitable for each zodiac sign. Their peculiarity is that different stones, when in contact with representatives of different horoscope signs, activate certain properties. That is, the same stone can bring confidence to one zodiac sign, health to another, and have a calming effect for a third. Therefore, it is ideal to acquire several amulets that will help in various life situations.

Is it possible to wear a zodiac sign stone every day?

Of course, if you have chosen a stone according to your zodiac sign, you will want to wear it every day. But the amulet can get tired and accumulate negativity. In this case, be sure to give him a rest. We have already written above about how to clean the stone. It is good to wear stones depending on the situation. For example, if you are facing a stressful situation and need to calm down, wear a stone of your sign, which is responsible for calm and harmony. If, on the contrary, you need to be active and self-confident, then wear a talisman that brings success and confidence to your zodiac sign.

Why should you cleanse your stone?

Cleaning the stone for the first time upon purchase

In order for a stone according to your zodiac sign to be beneficial, it needs to be cleansed. Because other people can touch the stone and leave a mark on it. By the way, touch is not necessarily physical contact. Talismans sense the thoughts and views of others. Also, if you buy a stone talisman from an unknown place, be sure to clean it immediately after purchase. After all, many people touched him, and it is unknown what kind of energy these people had. For example, so that our Clients receive only a positive charge from the amulet, only people with a kind heart and good karma are allowed to work in the store.

Next, we cleanse once every two weeks.

If you wear the talisman constantly, it is enough to clean the stone once a week, or once every two weeks. You yourself will feel the right moment. When you get tired of wearing jewelry, you want to put it away. While protecting you, the stone absorbs certain negative energy and thus asks to be released.

How to cleanse your stone according to your zodiac sign?

To clean your jewelry, place it in a glass of plain water. And put the glass on the window. The glass should be transparent. Then the stone will be simultaneously cleansed by both water and the sun.

Stones can also be cleaned with salt. She absorbs all negativity very well. Naturally, after the stone cleansing procedure, the salt must be thrown away.

How can you test your feelings with a stone?

There is one interesting way to test the feelings of your lover. Ask him to give you a ring with a stone for your zodiac sign. For example, a ring with turquoise is suitable for Taurus. After that, wear the gift as often as possible. And, if suddenly something happens to the ring, it may mean that your lover has lost interest in you.

Is it true that you can just buy jewelry with a stone in a store and it will become a talisman?

Any stone carries strong energy. Therefore, even if a person knows nothing about the magic of stones, the stone will still help him, just not to its full potential.

For jewelry to truly be useful, you need to choose it personally for yourself. You can also choose a stone depending on your purpose. Everyone knows that stones perfectly improve health, influence the character and even the destiny of a person.

To choose the right stone for your zodiac sign, think about what you expect from it. Do you want to attract love or wealth into your life? Or can it help the body cope with some disease? Many women use stones to attract love or the joy of motherhood.

Once you have decided on your goal, look at the stones you need. You will definitely see yours among them. As we have already said, you will feel an attraction to such a stone, it will beckon you.

How to wear the stones of your sign correctly?

Naturally, the most common way is in the form of decoration. This is very convenient, and you don’t have to be afraid of looking stupid, as if you were carrying a solid stone in your pocket.

If a stone is chosen as a way to treat a disease, then it is better to wear it closer to the affected area. If you need a stone to attract wealth, it is recommended to wear it as a ring on your right hand. For fertility, it is best to wear long pearl beads.

Is it possible to wear a stone in a metal frame?

Metal and stones have long been close to each other. Therefore, they can and should be combined. In addition, the same rings with stones are simply inconvenient to wear without a frame.

There is only one wish here - to combine stones with a metal that suits them. What do we mean? Stones of cool shades and transparent stones are best worn in a silver frame. And warm shades (amber, ruby) are framed in gold.

Any natural stone, even the most inconspicuous one, will be dear to us if it is a gift from a loved one or is associated with some special events, incidents, or signs. On this occasion, I recall an interesting story from the life of the poetess Marina Tsvetaeva. She met her main love - her future husband Sergei Efron - in Koktebel, on the seashore. Young Marina wandered along the edge of the waves, trying to find the one that brought good luck. Not far from her, a young man was sorting out pebbles in the sand. Marina had an idea: if he finds a carnelian and gives it to her, she will marry him. And so it happened...

The role of natural gems in human life

Why are semi-precious stones remarkable, besides, of course, their jewelry value? According to the zodiac sign, everyone can choose suitable specimens for themselves. In this case, the minerals will fully reveal their natural powers, improving the energy of those who wear them, helping them improve their health, develop certain personal qualities, and receive information from the subtle world. All semi-precious stones (according to the zodiac sign, turquoise suits some, chrysolite suits others, etc.) were formed in the bowels of the Earth for many centuries, passing through almost all periods of formation and development with it. Therefore, their influence on the well-being and even the fate of people is really very powerful. Properly selected gems provide invaluable support to their owners. And vice versa, bought at random, they will cause a lot of trouble to those who purchased them. And the most important thing: esotericists and occultists claim that old semi-precious stones that have been in use for several centuries, donated according to the zodiac sign or simply received by inheritance, are capable of changing not only a person’s physical body, his inner, spiritual world, but even karma. By the way, this also applies to precious stones. And, perhaps, to an even greater extent! After all, their influence is stronger precisely because of their greater value.

Aries Stones

True, not everyone can afford to buy pure sapphires, natural emeralds, natural rubies and diamonds. And you need to handle them carefully, because each such gem can bring not only a lot of joy, but also just as much trouble. But buying semi-precious stones according to your zodiac sign is much easier, especially since their choice is quite wide. However, in our article we will talk in detail about both. And let's start with Aries. Traditionally, men and women born under this constellation are suited to those minerals that personify the original purity of the surrounding world. Therefore, if you manipulate them for selfish or other unseemly purposes, the stones will begin to “sick,” fade, and lose their beauty and pristine strength.

When treated correctly and respectfully, they will help you cope with complexes, behave naturally with strangers, spiritually cleanse yourself, and protect yourself from injury. What precious and semi-precious stones should Aries wear according to their zodiac sign? First of all, many astrologers believe, these are rubies. It is the red yachts, as precious corundums have long been called in Rus', that control the passions raging in the fiery blood of Aries. harmoniously combined with one’s own makes it possible to pacify its excess and balance outbursts. in his treatise “Astromineralogy” states that Aries is also very useful for such precious and semi-precious stones according to the zodiac sign, such as agate onyx, in a silver frame, worn on the middle finger, hematite (bloodstone), and garnet. And - the king of all minerals - diamond!

Taurus Stones

The constellation Taurus is the personification of vitality and energy. This is the first earthly sign in the zodiac, and in it, like in Aries, passions, feelings, and emotions are boiling, which are poorly controlled. In addition, he is responsible for the financial situation. Therefore, Taurus minerals can be used as talismans to attract wealth by other zodiac signs. And the stones will help!

Taurus himself should seek support from garnets. They enable their owners to look attractive in the eyes of others, realize their plans and maintain financial well-being. In addition, it would be nice to decorate the middle finger with amazonite or cacholong, which attract money. Zodiac signs and stones related to Taurus can acquire the same. They are very beautiful: Amazonite - bluish-green or bluish-gray, with white veins - is somewhat reminiscent of turquoise, giving strength to family ties. But it is known that Taurus are excellent family men! And cacholong is a type of opal, similar to promoting health and especially indicated for women in an “interesting” position.

Gemini Stones

Gemini is the first air sign, the personification of easy, unburdensome friendships or, more precisely, friendly connections. And the transfer of information, the simultaneous assimilation of various knowledge. Its semi-precious stones for zodiac signs can also be very useful. The properties of stones are to be talismans for strengthening friendship, predicting the future, and good luck in trading matters. This is fluorite, bischofite, gaolite and even the rock salt we are all familiar with! The Geminis themselves need to wear carnelian in silver on their ring finger, which protects against external negativity, rock crystal and clear quartz, which allow their owners to avoid many troubles.

Cancer Stones

Cancer is the first water sign, a symbol of religiosity, family, motherhood, connection with home, roots, homeland, with the mysterious, enigmatic world of the night. If we remember the universal precious ones, “crayfish” promote fertility, having many children and will serve well those parents who want to leave behind numerous offspring. Or, conversely, they cannot conceive or give birth to a baby. In general, Cancer stones provide significant assistance to everyone who wants to achieve maximum fulfillment in the home, family or at work in the social sphere. The natural intuition of the sign is developed by the emerald, which also supports its rather vulnerable health. In addition, hematite will also come in handy, always in silver. Plus chrysoprase, spinel, agate and other moonstones. They normalize the water-salt balance of the body, causing a surge of strength, mental and physical activity.

Leo Stones

Leo is the shine of the Sun, it is even light and warmth, the highest creative potential, authority, royalty. And these are “solar” precious or semi-precious stones. According to the signs of the zodiac, emeralds, topazes, lapis lazuli, aquamarines, and hyacinths are scattered to one degree or another quite generously. But it is in Leo that they fully realize the energy of creativity and, under the rays of daylight, reveal their stunning beauty. The main stone of the sign is diamond, the king of all minerals. Health, charm, charisma, external and internal brilliance - Leos receive all this a hundredfold if they wear jewelry with diamonds or acquire a diamond as a talisman. Rubies, garnets, and pyropes are also welcome - they should be worn on the chest.

Virgo Stones

Virgo is a sign with the strongest intellectual potential. People born under this constellation are eternal workers of thought, rationalists, doubters in everything, breaking everything down into atoms and putting it on shelves, wanting to get to the very essence of everything. Stones suitable for Virgos absorb excess human energy, protecting many hotheads from rash and obviously illegal actions. In addition, they develop spirituality, sociality, and mercy in a person. These are yellow topaz, onyx, jasper of different colors.

Libra Stones

Libra is the embodiment of harmony, high ethics, the need for emotional communication, love, and sincere human relationships. The sign is responsible for the fundamental structure of the world, partnership. Libra stones help people find peace, reconcile enemies, and speedily resolve litigation. These include tourmalines, which are responsible for health, giving stability and well-being, as well as amethysts and lapis lazuli, which support personal and family relationships.

From Scorpio to Pisces

Scorpio is one of the most mysterious and mysterious signs. He is like a snail, all in himself, secretive, strong-willed... He is an intellectual with passions raging inside, with external dispassion. His stone is aquamarine. It activates the protective powers of the sign, helps to deal with ill-wishers and one’s own illusions. And bloodstone (hematite) is a mineral of magicians, sorcerers, and occultists.

The eternal wanderer of the zodiacal spaces, Sagittarius, is in constant spiritual search, the acquisition of new knowledge, the creation and presentation of philosophical teachings. Sapphire, turquoise (in gold), pyrope and other gems give Sagittarius themselves and other signs optimism and cheerfulness, help them comprehend the granite of science, instill high ideals, and protect travelers.

Capricorn is the “correct” sign, ensuring that rules and traditions are observed, and always doing everything “according to the law.” It corresponds to rauch topaz with its unique aura, and chrysoprase, which guarantee success in the professional field. And Aquarius and Pisces own the stones starting with “a”: amethyst and alexandrite, which strengthen the connection with providence and give people the gift of foresight. As well as aquamarine, peridot and chrysoprase.

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