Where and how long do pigeons and other city birds live. How and where does a dove sleep in nature? General description of the rock pigeon

    The dove, like the sparrow, are timid birds, because they are accustomed to living among vile people. A male pigeon can only be lured to a female, and the female can be bought at the market. Wild pigeons are difficult to train, it’s better to talk to local pigeon keepers, they will help

    The birds stupidly want to eat,
    and they really love freebies
    get a tasty treat from

    so they follow us everywhere.
    You are simply a kind person.

    The birds stupidly want to eat,
    and they really love freebies
    get a tasty treat from
    good people, they sense them,
    so they follow us everywhere.
    You are simply a kind person.

    Seagulls and crows rotted and ate

    Now I looked out the window - pigeons were circling over the roofs as usual. They won’t abandon their native Salik

    Soon there will be a parade of pigeons in Riga...

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    oooh, soon they will have a baby, it will be even more fun)))))))) it’s best to tighten the net so that they can’t get caught

    They will soon mutate and start eating people! Then it will come to us and it will be the end of the world!

    They said on the radio that they started to get sick with something and they had a pestilence.

    This is a biblical symbol.
    The dove sat on the ark and brought a branch in its beak to Noah. Type the flood is over, the curtain, thunder and lightning will be no more.

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    2Druzj How is your owl? :>.
    ""...When choosing an owlet, be careful: the bird must be healthy, with shiny plumage, expressive large eyes and a clean beak. If you are given several owls to choose from, show them an attention-grabbing object (for example, a set of keys) and see which chicks react to it first.
    The owl should have its own place in the house - a log that is hollow on the inside with a round hollow entrance. A simple coziness spell will help make the box as attractive as possible to the bird.
    From the very first days, teach the chick to be clean. Owls have a system of signals associated with ritual defecation (for example, pooping on a shoulder means expressing condolences, pooping on the head means reprimand, leaving droppings on a table means warning of food poisoning), however, make every effort to ensure that the chick he defecated anywhere, but in a specially designated box with sawdust.
    Speak kindly to the owl more often. Place her on your shoulder more often. A harmonious relationship between an owner and his bird always has a beneficial effect on the life of the owner. Keep an eye on your owl's health: dull feathers or watery eyes are already a reason for concern.
    Owls are often jealous of owners of newborn children - under no circumstances should you place a cradle with a baby in the room where the bird likes to be. Never pick up a child in the presence of an owl.
    If an owl is jealous of your wife, perhaps you pay more attention to your wife than to the bird. Reconsider your behavior. Address the owl more often in the presence of your wife, and ignore your wife’s requests (in the absence of the owl, you can be more kind to your wife, this will smooth out the rough edges).
    Owls over fifty years old usually talk to their owners themselves - their speech is initially abrupt and slurred, but after talking, an elderly healthy owl is able to pronounce coherent speeches lasting up to ten minutes. Toasts made by an owl have a special effect; Sometimes an owl is able to give advice, but whether you listen to it is up to you. Only those who have treated their bird all their life as a close relative can count on a truly sensible recommendation.
    If your owl dies, it is your responsibility to bury it according to the appropriate rites. After three months of mourning, you can get another owl, but you can remain faithful to the original bird. "

Their life expectancy directly depends on where pigeons sleep. As civilization develops, we leave less and less space for wild nature. This can be seen in the example of birds in the city, which are forced to settle in attics or under the roofs of houses. How they rest, in what position and for how many hours, you will learn from our article. We will also tell you whether they close their eyes during sleep and lose control, forgetting about predators.

Life of pigeons in the city

During the daytime, city pigeons are visible to everyone. They walk in whole flocks in parks and squares, as well as in squares, feeding in all possible ways, including from human hands.

At night, these birds seem to dissolve and completely disappear from view. However, with the first rays of the rising sun, they again appear in a person’s line of sight, once again filling the familiar space. And many city residents are completely unclear where these birds live in the city and where they spend the night.

They can use the following places as shelter:

  • attics;
  • niches in the walls of buildings;
  • alleys, squares and parks;
  • economic objects.

Regarding where pigeons spend the night, it should be said that birds remain true to their instincts. These urban birds are not very comfortable in the trees. They feel much better at various architectural sites, especially those where they can shelter from bad weather.

Better sleep means longer life

The average lifespan of one individual in a city is approximately 15-20 years, but cases have been recorded when individual birds lived up to 30 and even 35 years. If we compare them with those pigeons that live in the wild, the difference in this matter is very significant, because most of them live no more than 5 years. This is due to constant anxiety, anticipation of an attack by predators, and therefore, pigeons systematically lack proper rest.

In the city, birds have more opportunities to find good conditions for night sleep. You just need to be very careful and arrange overnight stays in places inaccessible to cats.

Those pigeons that live at home are much better protected from the adverse effects of various factors. Breeders monitor the health of their pets, including their sleep, and provide them with proper care and a balanced diet. The better and more complete the sleep, the longer, subject to other conditions, the life of the feathered pet will be.

Sleep time depends on the time of year

Under normal conditions, seeing pigeons sleep is quite difficult. For example, wild birds can build their nests in the crowns of deciduous trees, which means it is very difficult to see them from below.

During sleep, the position adopted is in many ways reminiscent of the one in which hens sleep - the body of the bird is in the nest, the head is hidden under the wing and the legs are tucked under itself. They arrive to sleep in the evening, when twilight sets in. The duration of sleep greatly depends on the time of year; pigeons are diurnal birds, so the duration of their rest is equal to the duration of the night, and this also includes the twilight hours.

Based on the above, the night rest of pigeons continues until it becomes light, that is, 13-14 hours - in winter. In summer, birds sleep less - about 8-9 hours.

Features of pigeon vision

You can see pigeon nests in city buildings and structures by climbing into places that are not the most common, at least for humans. These can be ventilation ducts and shafts, the space between the roof of the house and its covering, for example, slate.

The impossibility of night flights of pigeons, associated with the peculiarities of their vision, dictates the need not to disturb the birds at night. The cone photoreceptors that make up the retina of pigeons react only to daylight; at night they see practically nothing.

This feature of vision implies that sleeping birds can fly out of the nest in fright and, due to their poor orientation in space, run into an obstacle dangerous to health and even life. However, the appearance of light (even artificial) quickly brings the bird into a cheerful state; he believes that morning has come and it’s time to get up.

Usually, during sleep, pigeons close their eyes and can completely switch off for about 10-15 minutes. This is enough to give their brain a rest. By the way, this state is used when catching birds, which we talk about in the article “How to catch a pigeon with your hands or a rope.”

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It is impossible to imagine any city without the winged inhabitants of streets and squares. Pigeons, sparrows, and tits have settled near humans and have long become part of the urban environment. What do we know about these birds? If you think about it, not much. Do you know where pigeons live and spend the night? What about other city birds? What is their life expectancy? It's worth learning more about those who live near us.


These birds are always considered a symbol of purity, love and fidelity. Let us remember the custom of releasing white doves at a wedding. This symbolic ritual symbolizes a long and happy life and joy for the newlyweds. There are many breeds of this bird, all of them descended from the wild rock pigeon, which today can be found in the countries:

  • Europe,
  • Asia,
  • Africa.

Therefore, the dove is often called the bird of peace. It can live even in high mountain areas, provided that there are places inhabited by humans.

Where do pigeons spend the night? Where do they build their nests? In the mountains, they can choose crevices in the rock for this; in urban conditions, pigeons fly to roost under the roofs of houses. These birds do not tend to settle on tree branches and most of them do not even know how to sit on branches.

In the wild, ornithologists count more than 30 species of these birds. As a result of their domestication and crossing, dozens of new breeds were obtained, differing in size and color of plumage. Our streets are traditionally inhabited by ash-gray pigeons with a green or purple tint to their feathers. Males are darker in color than females, and shimmer more. The bird acquires elegant plumage after maturation. Young pigeons have dull feathers up to a certain age.

  • The largest species of pigeons are as large as chickens and can weigh about 0.5 kg.
  • Small species are not much larger than sparrows.

The wingspan of pigeons is quite wide, they are strong and powerful. Birds easily lose down and feathers; the places where they gather can be easily identified by the presence of feathers. A large amount of droppings also remain in their habitats, which forces city authorities to take measures to scare away pigeons and even exterminate them. Despite this, citizens love to contemplate while walking in parks and squares these peace-loving birds and often feed them bread or grain. And some people enjoy breeding domestic pigeons.

Breeders band birds so that they don’t have to worry about how to determine the age of a pigeon. In nature, these data can be determined by its behavior. If a bird exhibits sexual instinct, it means it is more than 5 months old. The pigeon undergoes its first moult at the age of six months, at which time the color of the cere above the beak changes. Coarsened cere and eye rings are present in birds from the age of 4. The color of the paws fades at about 5 years.

Lifestyle and habits of a pigeon

These birds are distinguished by peaceful character and gullibility, so they easily become victims of rash human actions, human activities, or the target of animal attacks. The death of pigeons in the city can also be caused by frost or infectious diseases. Wild pigeons are cautious and timid, while tamed ones can easily peck the offered treat from the hand.

Pigeons are not classified as predators. The basis of their diet is grain, various fruits and berry crops. These birds are famous for their gluttony. From dawn until they go to bed, they are in search of food. They can be easily tamed by feeding them at certain times in the same place. City pigeons, greedy for food, always choose larger pieces and hastily swallow them, pushing away their relatives to get the next portion of food.

However, pigeon couples show care for each other and tenderly care for a partner. The bird will not take food from a family member. Relationships between couples are stable and often last a lifetime. Sometimes you can watch the courtship dance of such couples or how they preen each other’s feathers and coo, which looks very touching.

Birds live in small flocks and lead a sedentary lifestyle. If pigeons are forced to migrate, they do so over short distances. Nesting occurs in the warm season, from spring to October. The clutch consists of only 2 eggs. After just six months, the grown chicks become sexually mature and starting to look for a mate. How many years do pigeons live? This depends on a number of conditions. The lifespan of a pigeon in the wild is on average 3-5 years; in captivity, with proper care, birds can live up to 15.

These birds have an excellent memory and they remember their native places well, which was often used in the past for sending messages by pigeon mail, which was delivered by domestic pigeons. The flight of a bird can take place at an altitude of 3 km, the distance it covers in a day is equal to a thousand kilometers, and the speed reaches 180 km/h.

How many years do sparrows and titmouses live?

How many years birds of different species live depends generally on two reasons:

  • Lifespan depends on the size of the birds. The larger the bird, the longer it lives. Size does not depend on age, but is determined by genes.
  • The environment has an impact. In the wild, the bird's eyelid is several times shorter than that of domestic birds.

From this it becomes clear that small city birds, like titmice and sparrows, do not live as long as pigeons. According to statistics, in the wild small birds manage to live a maximum of 2-3 years, and sometimes even 1 year. In captivity, under good conditions, birds can live up to 10 years of age. By the way, the tit also belongs to the passerine order.

Tits live in city parks, gardens and forests not far from humans. It is interesting that this friendly bird also accepts birds of other species into its flock, for example, nuthatches. In summer, fussy titmice catch pests from morning to evening, ridding trees of them, but in winter they need our care so as not to die of hunger. Feeder, filled with seeds and, or a suspended piece of bacon will help the tits survive the cold and hungry time, so that in the spring they will again begin to destroy pests in gardens and forests. Therefore, we can say that how long the birds we are used to seeing on city streets live depends on us.

The sparrow can be a city bird or a field bird. Where do birds live in the city? They spend the night in attics and under the roofs of houses. The second type is in gardens and parks. During the day, both species can form a common flock; a specialist can easily distinguish them by size and plumage. City birds are somewhat larger, and their males are brightly colored, while field birds of both sexes are more faded.

These small birds are prolific. Over the summer, a couple can breed 2-3, and sometimes 4 times. During their cohabitation with humans, sparrows became omnivores and often feed on food waste in city dumps, or beg for various types of food from people on the streets. Among the sparrow's enemies are cats and birds of prey, although there are also people who kill birds for no reason. Although it would be better to take care of them. Sparrows are one of the few insectivores and naturally destroy pests on plants in the summer.

Attention, TODAY only!

The dove is a bird of peace. There are different breeds of pigeons, from decorative ones, bred specifically for certain purposes, to wild ones. They live both in man-made dovecotes and in the wild. How and where pigeons sleep depends on their habitat.

As you know, people are leaving wildlife less and less chance of separate existence. And even those animals and birds that previously did not intersect with civilization in any way now have certain points of contact. Even those breeds of pigeons that are not domesticated can live in cities and make nests in buildings.

When contacting pigeons, it is necessary to observe the rules of hygiene, because despite their cuteness, these birds are carriers of various diseases that are quite dangerous to humans. Therefore, washing and disinfecting your hands after handling pigeons should become a habit, especially when it comes to children or people with weakened immune systems.

Initially, pigeons, like wild birds, slept in nests that were built in the crowns of trees. Currently, almost all representatives of this species do not build nests, with the exception of those pigeons that live in places very remote from human influence.

Currently, pigeons, like sparrows and other city birds, make nests under the roofs and in the attics of residential buildings. This is convenient for birds because the need to build a full-fledged nest disappears. It is enough to find a suitable gap or void, and using available materials such as grass, leaves, rags, arrange a primitive bed there.

In the wild, you rarely see pigeons sleeping. Because these birds prefer to build their nests in the branches of deciduous trees, as close to the center of the crown as possible. Thus, these pigeon habitats are very difficult to see with the naked eye, and it is equally difficult to see that a pigeon is currently sleeping in this nest.

Therefore, information about how and how much pigeons sleep in nature varies. Usually pigeons sleep, sitting in a nest or bed, their paws tucked under them, and their head hidden under the wing. A similar pose is adopted, for example, by chickens in a chicken coop. The time interval for sleep depends on the time of year, because pigeons are daytime birds, and accordingly, after dusk, they fly to the nest and prepare for sleep. That is, they sleep approximately as long as the night lasts, including evening and morning twilight.

Climbing into the attic of an ordinary typical five-story building, you can see pigeon nests in the most unusual places - ventilation shafts, under satellite antenna mounts, at the junction of the slate with the base of the roof, between the balcony and the wall of the house.

Since pigeons cannot fly at night due to the nature of their vision, you should not disturb their rest after dusk. In this case, a frightened pigeon may fly out of the nest and, having lost orientation in space, hit some obstacle and damage its wings or paws, or even die from the impact.

Pigeons that exist in the wild build nests in treetops and sleep at least 10 hours a day. City birds make their nests closer to humans, but their sleep period is no different from their wild counterparts, it is equal to the same 10-12 hours, while the sun is hidden behind the horizon.

Any person can easily answer where pigeons live, because pigeons are common everywhere except Antarctica and the polar regions of the Northern Hemisphere. However, each species of this bird has its own habitat. Thanks to the large number of representatives, it was not difficult for scientists to study this animal and distribute it into species. The maximum diversity of birds is concentrated in South Asia and Australia.

Pigeons are common everywhere except Antarctica and the polar regions of the Northern Hemisphere

Variety of species

Pigeonids are a family of birds that are part of the order Pigeonidae. This family contains 41 genera and 300 species of birds belonging to pigeons and turtle doves.

Pigeons prefer to live in the forest area. There are especially many of them in humid equatorial forests. There is also a bird that lives in dry steppes, mountains, semi-deserts and even deserts. This is a steppe pigeon, which is not actually a pigeon, although it has some morphological similarities with it. This name refers to the sandgrouse bird, which is part of the family of the same name.

The resemblance to pigeons in the hazel grouse is manifested in its general appearance, food preferences and many elements of behavior. It feeds on the same thing as most pigeons of the world: grains, fruits and a few arthropods. However, the sandgrouse is perfectly adapted to life in arid conditions, which cannot be said about true pigeons.

Pigeons prefer to live in forest areas

In Russia you can find 11 species of pigeons, 9 of which nest here. Those permanently residing in the country include:

  • clintukh;
  • pigeon;
  • rock pigeon;
  • rock pigeon;
  • Japanese green pigeon;
  • common turtle dove;
  • little dove;
  • big turtledove;
  • ringed dove.

Sometimes brown pigeons and short-tailed doves fly to Russia.

The rock pigeon, which fills the cities of all continents, became cosmopolitan thanks to man, who, when settling, carried these birds with him. As a result, a species has emerged that can live both in the wild, preferring rocks and steep banks, and next to humans, being almost a domestic animal.

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