Where is the Christmas tree singer? Personal life. Singer Elka real name, surname and nationality

Specialized websites call the music performed by Yolka smart and modern, which is not embarrassing to listen to. Even the singer’s fan club is not like everyone else’s; it is peaceful and calm. Its members do not try to tear a piece from their idol.

The first wave of fans are already adults, one even became a member of the Yolka team. And at the same time, the artist maintains a distance, especially from the press. He also does not refute “the nonsense that journalists sometimes write,” because he is disgusted with such manifestations and does not want to focus attention on them.

Childhood and youth

Elizaveta Ivantsiv (the real name of the singer Yolka), the future star of the Ukrainian and Russian pop scene, was born on July 2, 1982 in western Ukraine, in Uzhgorod.

Yolka grew up in a family where everyone is connected with music in one way or another: her music lover dad collected jazz records, her mom played several musical instruments, A older generation- grandparents - sang in a folk choir. And Lisa, like many vocal children, was also enrolled in a choir from childhood, and then in a vocal circle at the local Palace of Pioneers.

Christmas tree in childhood

As a teenager, Elizaveta became interested in soul and rap music, and her proximity to Eastern Europe allowed her to attend continental and world-class music festivals, and Ivantsiv constantly expanded her knowledge of music. The young artist developed her first stage skills by participating in KVN during her school years. Then they began to recognize her in hometown: The team Lisa was a part of was popular.

After school, Yolka decided to continue her vocal training and entered a music school, but stayed there only for six months. The singer admitted that she did not get along with the teachers, and therefore chose to leave educational institution before they try to kick her out.

Perhaps this was due to the informality for a provincial town appearance girls: since her school years, Lisa has experimented a lot with her appearance and clothes, decorating herself with piercings and tattoos, wearing bright makeup - “war paint”, and shaving her head. In general, she stood out strongly against the background of her more moderate peers.


Yolka’s musical biography did not begin with breakthrough success. In the mid-90s, Lisa joined the rap-R"n"B group "B&B", where she sang backing vocals. The group did not gain much popularity, but was known among fans of Russian-language rap.

In 2001, the team went to Moscow to the RAP MUSIC festival, where they took a prize. It was then that the talented guys were noticed by rapper and producer SHEFF, in the world - Vladislav Valov.

Christmas tree in youth

It is unknown why the acquaintance did not develop into a creative union even then. Vlad contacted Yolka only 3 years later, when the singer had already parted with the group and abandoned her dream of entering the professional stage.

“At first I decided that it was a joke, a practical joke,” the singer later admitted. Confidence in the seriousness of intentions appeared when a ticket to Moscow arrived from Valov’s company in the name of Elizaveta Ivantsiv. Yolka arrived in the capital of Russia and at a concert dedicated to the memory of Yolka, she performed the song “Bitch-Love”. After this, the girl performed at the Megahouse rock festival. Contrary to the singer’s fears, the audience greeted her very warmly.

Yolka - "Bitch-love"

In the same year, CHEF signed a contract with Yolka, seeing a future star in her.

Among other things, Vlad suggested that the singer change her pseudonym or even go on stage under her passport name, but received a decisive refusal.

“Since I was 11, everyone has called me Yolka, even my mother. I almost don’t respond to my passport name,” she later said in an interview.

In November 2005, Yolka's first solo album, "City of Deception", was released - after the name of the main composition, which was presented to the general public in the summer of 2004 and quickly became a hit (for it, Radio Maximum named Yolka the discovery of the year).

Yolka - "City of Deception"

The lyrics for most of the songs were composed by Vlad Valov, who also wrote the music and arrangements. "City of Deception" turned out to be a very diverse album with references to many musical genres, from hip-hop to reggae and soul. Critics rated this experiment positively; Yolka was even called “the hope of pop music” and nominated for the “Best Rap” award.

Yolka's next successful single was the song "Girl Student", which was broadcast on radio "Europe-plus" and on several other stations. Its popularity grew every day, and in the same year Yolka consolidated its success by releasing the album “Shadows”. It supported the theme of the previous disc and did not achieve such overwhelming success, but it expanded the singer’s repertoire with quality content. As in “City of Deception,” most of the compositions were by Vlad Valov.

In 2007, the singer's first and only video album was released. Nevertheless, Yolka continued to willingly shoot music videos.

In the 3rd album, released in 2008, critics noted changes in musical style singer, and Yolka herself admitted that she tried to make “This Magnificent World” brighter and more positive than her previous works. Although it was not without an ironic social theme: the song “Handsome Boy” was remembered and loved by the public, including its caustic, sharp lyrics.

Yolka - "Handsome Boy"

This was the last album in which Vlad Valov was the songwriter. Yolka decided to change her style and did not renew her contract with the producer. The singer noted that she was glad to have the opportunity to expand her horizons and work with other authors and composers. In particular, she had the opportunity to collaborate with the Meladze brothers.

In an interview, Yolka said that a conversation with Radio Alla prompted her to make radical changes. In her characteristic straightforward manner, the Prima Donna advised her young colleague to think about expanding her stylistic boundaries and entering the big stage.

Yolka - "Near You"

Yolka chose the Velvet Music company and began collaborating with Liana Meladze and Alena Mikhailova. The same label released the next album, “The Dots Are Placed,” which was distinguished by its soft, pop-music-like sound. It came out in 2011.

The songs “Provence” and “About You” became hits, for which Yolka received a number of awards, including the second “Golden Gramophone”. In this album, the singer also sang a duet with the famous Russian showman. To work on the album, the performer attracted a dozen authors, experimenting with unusual styles, even bossa nova. The composition “On a Big Balloon” topped the playlists of Russian radio stations operating on the Tophit system for 2 months.

Christmas tree - "On a big balloon"

This period entailed not only experiments with style, but also a rapid growth in popularity: Yolka began giving numerous concerts throughout Russia, and tickets for the artist’s performances began to sell out in the first days of sales.

The changes also affected the singer’s stage image: on the X-Factor show, viewers saw Yolka in an elegant dress for the first time, and journalists immediately noted how graceful and feminine she had become. Yolka explained the changes in her image by internal changes:

"Me on stage is a concentrate of me in real life."

In addition to musical popularity, the singer gained fame as an example of style.

Yolka presented her next collection album, “Fake Love,” in 2014. It included tracks recorded under the direction of Vlad Valov, but not released in previous albums, as well as several songs from past discs. At the same time, the singer released compositions recorded on Velvet Music, including the popular song “You Know,” performed together with the group, for which she received prestigious awards.

Yolka presented the album “#SKY” in February 2015. The unusual name, as the singer said, is a hashtag that she likes to use in in social networks when he posts photos of the sky. Critics noted the singer’s characteristic stylistic diversity and described the album as a strong, high-quality work.

Yolka - "The Sea Inside"

This year is also rich in awards. The composition “The Sea Inside” received the status of “Song of the Year”, and the artist herself became “Singer of the Year”. A video for the song was shot and used as the soundtrack to the film Without Borders.

2016 is also full of recognition. The song “Warming Happiness” received the prestigious Golden Gramophone award, and Yolka herself was again recognized as singer of the year, this time according to the RU.TV Award and Russian Music Awards. The author Egor Solodovnikov wrote the hits “Let the Music In” and “Fly, Lisa” for the artist, which took first place in rotation in Russia and the CIS countries.

Christmas tree - "Fly, Lisa"

The performer of non-model appearance (height - 162 cm), but with a festive pseudonym, in the company of vloggers, starred in a New Year's advertising video for Coca-Cola.

At the end of this year, a miracle happened in Yolka’s life - she sang a duet with her longtime idol. As the performer herself admitted, she loved the singer’s work even when she was not even Yolka. Fans heard Lagutenko and Yolki’s joint song “Don’t part with your loved ones” in the film from the popular New Year’s franchise “Yolki,” the fifth in a row.

Lagutenko and Yolka - “Don’t part with your loved ones”

In February 2017, the artist gave a solo concert in Moscow, at Crocus City Hall.

In Alexei Popogrebsky’s series “” about young Soviet diplomats, the song “And I’m Not You” was performed by Elizabeth. The musical accompaniment for the film was written by Anna Drubich, the daughter of the actress and director.

In September, a new single “The World is Opening” was released, which Yolka commented with the words that every person talks about happiness and love in their own way, and the day they live is an interesting path. The singer's duet with Garik Burito has been advertising the services of the mobile operator Megafon since the end of 2017.

Yolka - "The world is opening"

In the same year, the artist became a member of the jury of the competition “You are Super!”, held by the NTV channel for talented pupils of orphanages and foster families. Previously, the singer met with the producers and made sure that the project did not speculate on such a sensitive topic as orphans.

Personal life

Disliking the yellow press, Yolka strives not to disclose details of her personal life. “I live with a cat,” the singer jokes.

It is known that Elizaveta is married to Sergei Astakhov, who does not belong to the creative community. Yolka celebrated her wedding in secret; she also did not introduce her husband to the press. According to the singer, she has a strong and happy marriage. However, in 2016, numerous rumors appeared about the artist’s imminent divorce.

Journalists found out that the couple could not complete the construction of their country house, and everyday problems began to destroy the family, and joint photos disappeared on social networks. In addition, Ivantsiv fired her husband from the position of personal administrator. The man has no other profession; according to rumors, Sergei did not bother himself with a permanent job before marriage. Yolka herself does not comment on this information in any way, and it is unknown how the relationship between the spouses is developing now.

Elizabeth takes care of homeless animals. IN "Instagram" The singer periodically posts with calls to adopt a dog or cat or take part in a charity event. A schedule of upcoming tours, photographs from rehearsals, concerts, and travel are also published there. And no more. Elka said that images of places and people that are dear to her will not appear in the public domain. And the stronger the feelings experienced, the less likely their objects are to appear on the Internet.

For the safety of her loved ones, the singer deliberately avoids conversations on topics about which she understands nothing. This also applies to socio-political life, in which “putting in your two cents” becomes comme il faut.

“I don’t like rudeness and familiarity just as much as I don’t like blind adoration. I’m talking about basic and very clear things, for example, respect. When there is no respect, I become uninterested."

But Yolka boldly posts the results of experiments on her appearance on Instagram. Legends are made about the singer's hairstyles. And the photo, where the artist had a bob haircut and dyed her hair blonde, provoked compliments from her colleagues and the lead singer of the group, Katerina. Yolka came for the next Golden Gramophone in a new look - with cropped bangs and modest makeup.

Christmas tree now

In 2018, Elka implemented a number of projects. During the New Year holidays, she recorded a video for the song “On the Knee”, in which the main role was played by a red cat, as well as actress and TV presenter Evgenia Sinitskaya and model from Belarus Alexander Litskevich.

Zvonky, Yolka and Rem Digga - "Make Love"

Velvet Music, without false modesty, called the song “Make Love” the main hit of the fall, since Elka performed the composition in an unexpected collaboration with Zvonky. The singer has already sung the song “Save Me” with Andrei Zvonky, a participant in the “Voice” show. And with Digga this was the first experience.

Soon, an updated version of the song “Home”, included in the album “#SKY,” was presented to listeners, and a couple of months later, a video of the same name was presented.

Yolka - “Where are you” (premiere 2018)

In the fall of 2018, a single was released “for good sadness, with which it is good to wander in thought and not rush into answers” ​​- “Where are you.”


  • 2005 – “City of Deception”
  • 2006 – “Shadows”
  • 2007 – “Points-Cities” (single)
  • 2008 – “It’s a Wonderful World”
  • 2011 – “The dots are in place”
  • 2012 – “Quiet Concert”
  • 2013 – “Fly, Lisa” (single)
  • 2014 – “Fake Love”
  • 2015 - #Sky
  • 2016 – “Forever” (single)
  • 2016 – “Be with me” (single)
  • 2017 – “The World Opens Up” (single)
  • 2017 – “Let the Music In” (single)
  • 2018 – “On the Knee” (single)
  • 2018 – “Make Love” (single)

Singer Yolka is an extraordinary person. Everything about her is unusual - from her image to the way she performs songs. Bright, interesting, not like everyone else - this is precisely why she catches the viewer, it is precisely with her unformatted and originality that she stands out from the crowd. But how did she come to her success and how did her music career develop? What kind of person is this? What are your hobbies besides music? How old is the singer Yolka? We will deal with all these questions in our article today. However, it’s worth mentioning right away that the material in the opus is just a small fraction of what can be told about this mysterious and charming girl, so talented and efficient.

Singer Yolka: biography

Today the singer Yolka is a famous person. Her songs, familiar to a wide audience, are heard in numerous concert “hodgepodge” programs and occupy the top lines of various charts on domestic radio stations. Although there was a time when no one had heard of an extraordinary girl with good vocal abilities.

The real name of the singer Yolka is Elizaveta Ivantsiv. This is exactly what the heroine of our story is called in real life. She was born in the small Ukrainian city of Uzhgorod, it happened in the summer, July 2, 1982. And probably creative path was destined for the girl from above, since she was born into a family with a musical history. My parents had a direct connection to music: my mother played several instruments, my grandparents sang in the Transcarpathian folk choir. Lisa also began her musical journey with the choir, although at school. By the way, the nickname Yolka appeared in childhood, when a boy from a yard company called the future singer that as a joke. No one could have thought then that this name would soon glorify Elizabeth and bring her success, but for now...

Lisa studied at a secondary school and was, in general, an ordinary girl, although very brave. She was not afraid to experiment with her appearance and, in general, was distinguished by ease of communication and an excellent sense of humor. She always knew how to laugh at herself.

After school I entered a music school and honestly tried to get an education. But... it didn’t work out. There was no contact with the teachers. They could not discern in the girl the individuality that lived in her. Relations with teachers can only be characterized as a complete lack of mutual understanding and the presence of constant conflicts. Lisa left the school six months later.

Work with Vladislav Valov

In the mid-1990s, Lisa Ivantsiv began working in the Ukrainian musical group “B&B” as a backing vocalist and for some time tried to develop in this direction. However, the idea failed. The team broke up, and the girl, whose dreams collapsed without having time to come true, decided to give up her intentions and... went to work as a waitress.

But, apparently, fate had other plans for her; she prepared a different path for Lisa. To confirm this, Vlad Valov, the leader of the Bad Balance group, soon appeared in the singer’s life. Lisa had known him before. They met at one of the music festivals, when the girl was still working as part of the B&B group.

The man invited Lisa to Moscow to “experiment” and try to make a joint project. As Yolka later admitted in a conversation with journalists, for a long time she thought that she was being played, and did not believe that such proposals could be something serious. However, she took a risk. I took a risk and didn’t make a mistake. In 2001, the girl signed a contract with her first producer, Vlad Valov. It was then that the singer Yolka was “born”; the biography of her work begins exactly from this moment. It must be said that the project bore fruit almost immediately, and the result of the joint work was not long in coming. Over the course of several years, Yolka recorded an impressive number of songs, which were later included in her debut collection “City of Deception.”

First successes

It should be noted that the musical genre in which Yolka worked was designed for a narrow circle of listeners. The songs she performed combined the styles of hip-hop, heavy guitar R&B and rock. That is, her music was not popular, but more alternative. However, the fans liked the album, music critics were also not stingy in their assessments, and Yolka received her first success. She became a popular person. The songs received rotation on radio stations, and the singer herself became an RMA Award nominee on MTV. Further more. A year later, Yolka’s second album, “Shadows,” was released. In 2007, the song “Handsome Boy” was awarded the Golden Gramophone award.

Over the next two years, the singer continued to work actively. She released her third collection of music, “This Wonderful World,” and was actively searching for musical material for the fourth.

2009 was a landmark year for Lisa. The contract with Vladislav Valov ended, and the joint work of the singer and producer was put to an end. At the same time, there was a slight decline in Yolka’s work. The girl could not shake the feeling that she had reached a dead end. The moment of rethinking has come, a turning point in my career.

New style in creativity

In 2011, the artist decided to change her course and focus on popular music. The girl plunged headlong into the process. What is most interesting is that working in a new genre did not affect the singer’s musical abilities. The voice is a musical instrument that Lisa masterfully masters, and the performance of songs that were different in style did not in any way worsen the impression of the artist, it’s just that the music that poured out of her like a magical stream began to sparkle with completely new colors. The songs “Provence”, “On a Big Balloon” and “Near You”, which became hits, confirm all of the above.

In one of her interviews with the Russian music site “Zvuki.ru”, which closes the top three most visited and cited portals on the Runet, Lisa admitted: she does not regret at all that a completely different singer Yolka appeared before the listener. The biography of the pop singer does not make her unattractive in the eyes of her fans. This is not at all shameful, but very cool.

The performer’s new musical creations received awards from various musical events, and thanks to this, the singer herself found herself in the tabloids of glamor magazines and lists of successful figures in Ukrainian show business and simply popular and recognizable people.

In general, Lisa is an open person. Often journalists are afraid of meeting her, thinking that she is a sarcastic and caustic girl. However, during the conversation it turns out that this is not the case at all, and you can talk to Lisa on any topic. She has a great sense of humor and is not shy about answering a variety of questions, such as: “What kind of men does she like?” or “How old is the singer Yolka?”

It must be said that the changes in the artist’s life did not come out of nowhere. Not only a creative crisis, but also one important meeting served as an impetus for development in a new direction. One day, Lisa was invited to an interview on a program on Alla radio, where the singer, in fact, had the opportunity to talk with Pugacheva. Meeting of two creative women was not in vain for Yolka. Of course, nothing special happened there, just a conversation with the prima donna of the Russian stage made the girl, as she herself would later tell, rethink some things and look at everything in a new way. This conversation set a new vector for the singer’s movement towards her goal.

Creative biography

After Yolka stopped working with Vlad Valov, she found new producers - Liana Meladze and Alena Mikhailova from Velvet Music.

It must be said that, in addition to studying music, the singer led a very intense and active life- she took part as a jury member in several seasons of the television project “X-Factor”, and starred in the video for the song “Compose Dreams” by her colleague Vladi, a member of the group “Casta”. And, by the way, Red Cap in the Russian dubbing of the cartoon “The True Story of Red Cap” also speaks in the voice of Yolka.

In April 2012, an important event took place in the musical life of Lisa Ivantsiv, as for any ambitious artist - the singer held a concert in sports complex"Olympic". A lot of work was done and the concert was a great success. In September of the same year, singer Yolka began her concert tour of Russian cities. The biography of her work expanded through collaboration with rappers Noize MC and Zhara, the groups Megapolis and Burito. In addition, the girl’s life included filming episodic roles in the film “Gentlemen, Good Luck!” and the TV series “Fight”, the sitcom “SASHATANYA”, the films “This is Love!”, “A Gift with Character”, “About Love”.

Singer Yolka: personal life

I must say that today the singer has a lot of work and even more plans for the future. Yolka constantly tours with a group of musicians, including a guitarist, bassist, keyboard player, drummer and DJ. The singer’s performances also involve the dance group Loonyband, whose members choreograph dance routines and help with stage design.

In the personal life of Lisa Ivantsiv, everything is also good. Since 2010 she has been married to Sergei Astakhov. He is a non-public person, just a good guy from the Moscow region, although the young people met in Moscow. The singer’s friends say that the artist’s family is a matriarchy, and all important decisions are made by Yolka. The singer, for whom children are still only in the plans, tries to work hard. By the way, Lisa is the main breadwinner in the family. Recently the guys acquired real estate in Moscow, and also land plot outside the city where they plan to build a house. The couple has a very touching relationship, permeated with care for each other. And this is noticeable from the outside even with the naked eye.


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Singer Yolka is one of the most popular performers today, her songs are sung by young people and adults, and many fans know her good lyrics by heart.

When Yolka began her solo career and first appeared on screens, and her songs began to be heard on Russian radio stations, many thought that the girl, with her eccentric appearance and interesting costumes, was clumsily parodying the Soviet singer Zhanna Aguzarova. However, it quickly became clear that the girl was not laying claim to the throne of the “goddess of outrageousness,” but was simply expressing her “I.”

With her songs, Yolka stands out noticeably from the rest of the Russian stage. In her texts there is no thirst for wealth, cars, stardom or even love drama; she, like a real workaholic, knows that “everything depends on ourselves” and this is exactly what conveys to us. She "flies in a tangerine-colored balloon" and, perhaps, precisely with her bright images and with positive songs the listener loved her so much. After the girl began to appear on screens more often and released her own videos, fans began to be interested not only in the new hits of their favorite, but also in Yolka’s height, weight, and age.

The singer is a very fragile girl, her height is 162 cm and her weight is about 50 kg. As a child, the girl was very complex because of her short stature, but as she grew up, she realized that people are different, and she can be who she is, and even chose a pseudonym for herself that best suited her mood - Yolka. Photos of the singer in her youth and now show that the performer has hardly changed in appearance during her career. This is not surprising, because Yolka turned 35 in July, and she still has many plans and ideas.

Biography of Yolka (singer)

Yolka’s biography began in 1982 in the city of Uzhgorod, which is located in Ukraine. The performer's real name is Elizaveta Ivantsev, however, even among her family and friends, no one calls her Liza for a long time.

The girl was very artistic from childhood and already at a young age she showed herself like a real star - she loved to recite poetry, clumsily played her mother’s musical instruments, and said that she would definitely sing. Actually, such a desire of the child is not surprising, because the father, Valdemar Mironovich, loved jazz very much and collected all the records that he could buy or find through acquaintances and friends, and the mother, Marina Eduardovna, played three musical instruments excellently, and from childhood she taught her daughter to play music .

After graduating from school, Lisa entered a music school, where she studied vocals, but never graduated. As the star herself admitted, she did not have a good relationship with her classmates and teachers, and her youthful maximalism did not allow her to sit still.

In the mid-90s, Yolka first joined a musical group. It was the Uzhgorod group “B&B”, in which Lisa sang as a backing vocalist. It was as part of this small team, when the guys performed at international festival, Yolka’s voice was heard by the founder of one of the Russian groups and musician SHEFF, who later became its producer. True, Yolka did not immediately become a famous singer.

For several more years she was part of the B&B group, and after its collapse she got a job as a waitress. When the girl was completely desperate to become a singer, the long-awaited bell rang, and Lisa left to conquer Moscow.

The first album “City of Deception” brought the girl popularity almost instantly. Interesting motives and the singer’s bewitching voice sounded from all radio stations, and Yolka very quickly began working on her second album. Since 2001, the artist has managed to present different styles of music in her albums, and her lyrics have changed, just like herself.

From heavy songs with tragic lyrics, Yolka found her way into the world of Paris and Provence, and she even quit smoking, so inspired by the attention and love of her fans. The singer’s hit “Provence” became one of the most popular tracks on the Russian stage in 2011, and received the Golden Gramophone award in the “Best of the Decade” category.

This is not the only award that Yolka has received during her pop activities. The performer already has six Golden Gramophone awards, the MUZ.TV and RU.TV awards, as well as the Russian Music Awards, Tophit Awards 2015, and several other significant prizes. In addition, today Yolka is not only a singer and musician, she is a producer, actress and TV presenter.

After a stunning creative success Elizabeth began to be invited to films and television. She starred in episodes in six films, in two of which she played herself, and took part in the youth series “SashaTanya”.

Personal life of Yolka (singer)

Yolka’s personal life, unlike many Russian pop stars, is not so stormy. The girl cannot boast of multiple novels, never had an affair at work and generally tried not to give rise to public discussions around her person.
At many events, the girl appeared alone or surrounded by her colleagues, and photographs from her vacation, which appear on the Internet every now and then, also do not clarify the topic of the performer’s admirers.

Today it is known that while still very young, the girl met a young man, Sergei Astakhov, with whom she was friends for six years. The young people did not think of taking their relationship to a new level, but at some point they realized that they were so used to being together that they were probably a good match for each other.

In 2010, fans finally rejoiced - their favorite married her friend, and now she has a real family. True, the happiness of the young people, alas, did not last forever and in 2016 they started talking about the couple breaking up. Yolka herself did not comment on this information in any way until it became known that the young people had divorced.
Yolki family (singer)

The Yolka family played an important role in Lisa’s development as a performer. Singer with early childhood I went to different clubs, my parents tried to develop the girl comprehensively and never limited her choices. Already at school, Lisa enjoyed playing KVN as part of the school team “Ward No. 6”. This practice allowed the girl in the future not to be afraid of the stage, and to always follow her star.

Lisa’s parents also supported her at the start of her solo career, when the girl decided to take her favorite pseudonym. As the singer herself said, at home her mother affectionately calls her “Yelochka.” This name stuck to the girl back in school, when at one of the holidays classmates dubbed Lisa “Christmas tree,” meaning that she dressed up as a New Year’s symbol.

Children of Yolki (singer)

As soon as Liza Ivantsev entered the world of show business, she immediately received the attention of fans; numerous questions rained down on the star from journalists who wanted to know not only about her creative plans and new works, but also, of course, about her personal life , and plans for the future.

For a long time the singer managed to joke about her secluded and closed life with ten cats and not answer directly about her personal life, but the ubiquitous tabloids were still able to find out something about the closed life of the performer. For example, the fact that Yolka would really like to have children, but so far she does not have such an opportunity, since last year the girl divorced her husband. Why young people never had children is a separate question, but the singer does not like to talk about this either.

So far, Yolka’s children are her five albums that she has released during her career.

Yolka's ex-husband (singer) - Sergei Astakhov

Yolka’s ex-husband, Sergei Astakhov, is not at all a famous Russian actor, as many readers might think. The young man and Lisa met in their youth, and six years later they got married. The marriage was short-lived due to the fact that the performer spent almost the entire family budget on her own. After the marriage, the young family decided to build a house, but Yolka herself mainly had to invest money in the construction.

In order to somehow improve the family’s financial situation, Lisa hired her husband to work as an administrator on her team. However, constantly spending time together at work and at home played a cruel joke on the couple, and they, unable to bear it, broke up in 2016.

Photo of Yolka in Maxim magazine

Singer Yolka is a rather private person. Therefore, despite the desire of fans to see Yolka’s photo in Maxim or Playboy magazine, the artist does not give in to persuasion about photographs in men’s magazines. Honestly, it would be strange if an artist who doesn’t even want to talk about her personal life in public appeared naked in the pictures.

The only ones candid photos, which the star agreed to, completely hid her body with a white duvet, and for the eyes of fans the singer opened long legs and a tattoo on his shoulder. Such photos appeared on the Internet in March 2017 before the release of the song “Let the Music In,” and before that, fans had not even seen photos of the singer in a swimsuit.

Instagram and Wikipedia Yolki (singer)

After the divorce, the artist devotes more and more time to herself: she practices vocals, gives concerts, participates as an invited guest on many television shows, and, of course, travels, which Yolki’s Instagram and Wikipedia can tell us about.

The singer enjoys communicating with fans on her page, showing off her new outfits and talking about her future concerts and projects. In November, the artist became a participant in the immersive show of the play “Faceless”; this type of art is rapidly developing in St. Petersburg and Moscow.

“Elka” is the creative pseudonym of the Ukrainian singer and artist Elizaveta Valdemarovna Ivantsiv, who entered Russian show business as the “Discovery of the Year” and r’n’b singer immediately after the release of her first studio album and flagship song “City of Deception.”

The performer's childhood and youth

Little Lisa was a very creative child who early years was drawn to the world of music. But it is not surprising, since the father of the future singer was a music lover and collector of jazz records, and her mother played three musical instruments.

At the age of 8, she began studying in the school choir, then began singing solo in the vocal circle of the Palace of Pioneers.

After graduating from the 19th comprehensive school in the city of Uzhgorod, Yolka decided to enter the music school in the choir department. Despite her bright personality and excellent vocal abilities, she did not find the approval of vocal teachers and left the educational institution after the first session. In the future, in all interviews, she will explain this act by “strong pressure from the outside and the youthful maximalism inherent in all teenagers.”

The beginning of a creative journey: recordings and concerts

Having moved to Moscow, the girl tried to establish herself as a “talented artist and performer,” but her talent remained unnoticed by producers and composers. For a long time, Lisa was forced to earn her living by performing in a restaurant and washing dishes in the kitchen, until one significant day when she was noticed by the owner of a major music label, Vlad Valov. Elka couldn't believe her luck.

Signing a contract with a major music agency gave impetus to the development of her talent. She released an album called “City of Deception” in 2005, several individual singles and began touring the country.

The opinions of the public and other representatives of the media industry regarding her creative abilities varied, but despite all this, Elka's tracks long time occupied the first lines of the charts and since the beginning of 2005 she has received many prestigious prizes and awards. In particular:

  • MTV Europe Music Awards for Best Rap Artist;
  • “Golden Gramophone” for the song “Handsome Boy”;
  • Countless MUZ-TV awards for the best songs, videos and in the “Artist of the Year” category.

Her further creative path was marked by the termination of her contract with Vlad Valov in 2009 and collaboration with Konstantin and Valery Meladze. Recording new songs and videos, actively promoting his own solo career and, of course, a wedding.

Personal life

For a long time, the singer was married to her school love, Sergei Astakhov. But their “boat of love” crashed on sharp rocks harsh reality. Elka’s husband earned significantly less than her, did not strive to support the artist in her creative activity (although he was her concert director) and showed all the behavioral traits of a simple gigolo. Close friends and acquaintances of this couple also confirmed this fact, sympathizing with the girl, and speaking contemptuously about her life partner.

Despite the strong affection and vivid feelings that existed between the spouses at the very beginning, they did not have children together. Even after the breakup, Elka repeatedly asserted that “it’s too early for her to become a mother. For this, first she must find a person who would be close to her in spirit».

Concert group

Yolka tours with a permanent lineup of musicians, who are bound only by a written agreement, and not by a contract, as in most cases. These people are her trusted partners and participate in the process of creating new songs.

  1. L. Trofimov - keyboards;
  2. A. Kulkov - drums;
  3. V. Tsaler - bass;
  4. D. Tyuse - guitar;
  5. DJ Lenar – disc jockey, mixer;
  6. E. Subbotin - concert manager;
  7. O. Ostapchuk - saxophone;
  8. A. Bondarenko - sound engineer, sound engineer, sound producer;
  9. K. Kulikov - trumpet, percussion.

Filmography of the singer

Elizabeth is not only a popular singer, but also an artist. She starred in several episodic and even leading roles, proving herself with unexpected creative side for fans and colleagues.

List of paintings:

  • “The True Story of Little Red Riding Hood” 2005 release - Little Red Riding Hood;
  • “Gentlemen, good luck!” 2012 - star at a corporate party;
  • “Sasha-Tanya” 2013 - Star, Tanya’s friend;
  • "This is love!" 2013 - Star, singer at a concert;
  • “A Gift with Character” 2014 - Cameo;
  • “Fight” 2014 - General Director of an art company;
  • “About Love” 2015 - cameo.

Album list

The singer’s most popular albums, released throughout her creative life, are represented by the following list:

  1. “City of Deception” - 2005;
  2. “Shadows” - 2006;
  3. “It’s a Wonderful World” - 2008;
  4. “The dots are in place” - 2011;
  5. “#SKY” - 2015.
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