Using innovative methods in technology lessons. The use of innovative technologies in the education and training of students

Analysis of the work “Use of innovative technologies in preschool educational institutions”

Smagina Tatyana Evgenevna

Modern conditions public life place special demands on personal development. These conditions bring to life Russian society new adjustments that require mobility, flexible thinking, quick orientation and adaptation to new conditions, and a creative approach to solving various problems from specialists. Today's preschoolers think and feel in a special way. Psychologists, teachers, parents say one thing: these children require a special approach because they are different. The changed world requires a different consciousness, and for us, adults, this consciousness becomes more accessible precisely through communication with children.

In the modernization concept Russian education it is said that a developing society needs educated, moral, enterprising people who can independently make responsible decisions in a situation of choice, predicting them possible consequences, are capable of cooperation, are distinguished by mobility, dynamism, constructiveness, and have a developed sense of responsibility for the fate of the country.

IN educational process The idea of ​​self-development of the individual, his readiness for independent activity, comes to the fore. In this regard, the functions of the teacher change. Now he is no longer an informant, but an organizer of intellectual search, emotional experience and practical action.

In my work with children, I try to use a variety of innovative technologies aimed at implementing the Federal State Standard for Preschool Education. One of important tasks preschool education is the task of preserving and strengthening the health of children, introducing them to healthy image life.

Health-saving technologies help me with this. I try to apply health-saving technologies in various activities. So that children enjoy doing morning exercises, I conduct them in a playful and thematic form.

To prevent fatigue during regular moments, I include eye exercises, breathing exercises, and finger games.

During walks, I suggest outdoor games not only with running, but also with climbing, throwing and throwing. Children really liked such games as “Sly Fox”, “Wolf in the Moat”, “Bear and the Bees”, “Burners”, “Classes” and others. Children also love to play sports games: “Football”, “Volleyball”, “Basketball”, “Badminton”.

In summer, children enjoy riding scooters, bicycles, and in winter, sledding and skiing.

In my work I use music therapy. Listening to classical music, falling asleep to music, performing movements to music, helps to correct children's behavior and their emotional state.

In the group, I created the “Health” center. It has attributes for sports games: balls, jump ropes, flags, throwing bags, bowling alley, ring throw, albums with illustrations of summer and winter sports, CDs with cartoons about sports, as well as non-traditional sports equipment made with the help of parents: dumbbells; paths for walking barefoot; equipment for the prevention of postural disorders and flat feet, Board games on a sports theme: “Sports Lotto”, “Vitamins”, “Winter Sports”, “ Summer views sports", "Hockey", "Volleyball", "Football"; Breathing games “Air volleyball”.

In order for parents to look at their children’s health differently, I place posters, wall newspapers, and travel folders on informative stands that cover the issues of disease prevention “Barefoot from Diseases,” “Golden Rules of Nutrition,” “Rules of a Healthy Lifestyle,” “Strong and Healthy.” teeth from childhood”, etc.

Parents are happy to participate in physical education, sports events, hiking trips, and events dedicated to a healthy lifestyle.

The technology of project activity is a new educational technology that allows you to effectively solve the problems of a person-centered approach to teaching children. The use of the project method in preschool education as one of the methods of integrative teaching of preschoolers can significantly increase the independent activity of pupils, develop creative thinking, children’s ability to independently, different ways find information about a subject or phenomenon of interest and use this knowledge to create new objects of reality, and also makes the educational system of preschool educational institutions open to active participation parents.

In my work, I use creative and research projects that allow children to experiment “Vegetable garden on the window”, “Our flowerbed”, “World of food”, “Magnets”, “Sorceress water”; role-playing projects that allow them to play characters to solve the assigned tasks “Cosmonauts”, “Ministry of Emergency Situations”, “Defenders of the Fatherland”, “Safe Road”; information projects that make it possible to collect information, analyze and display it on stands, stained glass windows, etc. “The Red Book of Nature”, “Unusual Ball”, “My Best Friend”, “Unusual Space”.

Work on the project includes the activities of children, teachers and parents of students. When drawing up a plan for working with children on a project, I try to interest each child in the theme of the project, create play motivation based on the children’s interests, create an atmosphere of co-creation with the child, using individual approach, develop the creative imagination and imagination of children, take a creative approach to the implementation of the project, orient children to the use of accumulated observations, knowledge, and impressions.

The technology of project activities in the garden allows me to get to know the students better and penetrate into the inner world of each child.

Research technology in kindergarten helps to form in preschoolers basic key competencies and the ability for an investigative type of thinking. With the help of research activities, you can support and develop a child’s interest in research, gaining experience in successful own research activities, developing perception, thinking, and most importantly - speech (the ability to think, reason and analyze, the child’s formation as an independent, proactive person will be more successful.

Children love to experiment always, everywhere and with everything, using any material, any time of the year. My children are no exception.

In order to develop primary natural science concepts, observation, curiosity, activity, and the formation of the ability to examine objects, I created an experimentation center. It contained: - natural materials: stones, shells, sawdust and leaves of trees, moss, seeds, soil of various types, etc. - technical materials: nuts, paper clips, bolts, nails, cogs, screws, construction parts, etc. - different types paper: plain, cardboard, sandpaper, copy paper, etc. - other materials: mirrors, balloons, oil, flour, salt, sugar, colored and clear glass, candles, etc. - sieve, funnels - partings - assistants: magnifying glass, hourglass, microscopes, magnifying glasses I conduct experiments: with water, air, magnet, sand, snow, dough. For example, with sand: “Hourglass”, “Shifting sand” or “Properties of wet sand”. Also with paper: “In the Kingdom of the Paper Queen”, “Properties of Paper”; water “Magic Drop”, “What kind of water happens”; magnets “Magnet Properties”, air, sunlight, fabric, fur, etc.

As a result of using research activities in their work, children’s cognitive activity and interest in the world increased. They became more confident in themselves and began to strive to get results when achieving their goals. The children's speech has improved. They began to express their thoughts, construct sentences correctly, and compose coherent creative stories.

The use of information and communication technologies is one of the priorities of education. The introduction of ICT into the educational process of kindergarten improves the quality of preschool education.

The main goal of introducing information technologies is to create a unified information space of an educational institution, a system in which all participants in the educational process are involved and connected at the information level: administration, teachers, students and their parents.

Information and communication technologies help me:

1. Select illustrated and educational material for classes and material for decorating group stands and a corner for parents. Children's educational sites “Preschooler”, “Preschooler”, “Cat and Mouse”, “Sun”, “Children’s World”, etc. help me with this.

2. Using a computer, I can simulate such life situations that are impossible or difficult to show in class or see in Everyday life(for example, reproduction of animal sounds; nature, transport, etc.).

3. Create presentations in the PowerPoint program to increase the effectiveness of educational activities with children. I created the presentations “Unusual Space”, “History Olympic Games”, “Santa Claus’s birthday”, “Professions”, “Animals of hot countries”, etc. Use presentations at parent meetings “Our life in kindergarten”, “How we prepared for the New Year”, etc., joint events with parents and children “Our Mothers”, “Winter Olympics in Sochi”.

4. Exchange experiences, get acquainted with the scenarios of holidays and other events, and the developments of other teachers in Russia and abroad.

5. Get acquainted with periodical printed publications in electronic form.

6. Constantly improve your qualifications at the First of September Pedagogical University by taking advanced training courses remotely.

7. Participate in international and All-Russian competitions for children and teachers on the Internet.

8. New modern opportunities help in working not only with children, but also with their parents. Our kindergarten has created its own website.

Parents can freely access it, find out news about the life of children in preschool educational institutions, look at reports on past events, get advice on a topic that interests them, etc.

But no matter how positive and enormous potential information and communication technologies have, they cannot and should not replace live communication between a teacher and a child.

Thus, the use of innovative pedagogical technologies contributes to: improving the quality of education; advanced training for teachers; application of pedagogical experience and its systematization; use of computer technologies by students; maintaining and strengthening the health of pupils; improving the quality of training and education.

The 60s of the twentieth century are characterized by the search for new teaching methods that intensify the educational and cognitive activity of students. Indicators of such activation are students’ sustained interest in knowledge and their independence in the implementation of various educational activities. New teaching methods are called active or innovative. They differ from traditional ones in such features as “forced activity”, forced activation of thinking and activity, increased emotional involvement of students and the creative nature of classes; mandatory direct interaction between students and with the teacher; formation of collective efforts aimed at intensifying the learning process.

The main objectives of using innovative teaching methods are as follows:

· developing productive communication skills during the learning process;

· development of skills to argue one’s point of view, clearly formulate and clearly express thoughts;

· developing the ability to analyze complex situations, the reasons for their occurrence, identify the main and secondary, find ways and means of solution;

· development of the cognitive and emotional-volitional sphere of the personality.

Innovative teaching methods can be used when students already possess the basics of the necessary knowledge, obtained, as a rule, by traditional methods. In this regard, it is inappropriate to contrast traditional and innovative teaching methods. It is necessary to find a reasonable combination and use of them strengths depending on the tasks and situations that arise during the learning process.

The need to use innovative teaching methods arises when creating problematic situations; cooperation and cooperation; collective interaction; management of the formation and development of individual psychological characteristics of students; involving students in constant active activities, etc.

Innovative teaching methods involve change traditional role teachers as an organizer and informant to a co-organizer, partner, integrator, consultant.

Innovative teaching methods are divided into imitation (from the Latin imitatio - imitation of someone or something; reproduction in a variety of ways) and non-imitation.

Simulation teaching methods associated with modeling various kinds of relationships and conditions in the learning process real life. Such modeling makes it possible to turn learning into a school of “life”, which provides students with natural non-violent socialization, making them not passive objects of the learning process, but subjects of their activities and their entire lives. Orienting students in the process of such “life” learning in the realities of social, scientific, cultural and other areas of life allows them to see the prospects of their life path and accordingly plan and consciously implement the development of their abilities.

Imitation teaching methods, in turn, can be gaming(role-playing and business games, game design, etc.) and non-fiction(analysis of specific situations, simulation exercises, training, etc.).

A game as a teaching method, it is an imitation of problem situations, including conflict situations, in which participants fulfill their assigned social roles in accordance with their goals. Educational simulation games are widely practiced. Direct emotional involvement in the situation, competitiveness and collectivism in the search for the best solutions, mastery of new techniques directly in action, in the process business communication, training the ability to quickly respond to changing circumstances have made the method of educational games very popular. However, due to limited time, individual game situations or fragments are more often used. Several types of games are used:

· O organizational and activity games (ODG), providing for the organization of collective educational and cognitive activities based on the deployment of educational content in the form of a system of problem situations and the interaction of all subjects of learning in the process of their analysis. The task of the director of educational activities is to “make” the group a unit of the learning process, but subject to the preservation of everyone’s personal position;

· role-playing games, which are characterized by the presence of a task or problem and the distribution of roles between the participants in its solution;

· business games, representing simulation modeling of real mechanisms and processes. This is a form of recreation of the subject and social content, any real activity (professional, social, political, technical, etc.).

Didactic (educational) games, in which situations are created that are characterized by the inclusion of what is being studied in an unusual gaming context. This is a game version of educational and cognitive activity of students in the learning process.

Didactic games can be classified on various grounds:

X nature of activity distinguish between physical, intellectual, labor, social and psychological games;

- stages of education V high school highlight didactic games in elementary, middle and high schools;

- time games are classified into short-term ones (flying games, etc., lasting up to 10-15 minutes); medium-term (fitting within the framework of one lesson); long-term (games with “continuation”, covering several lessons);

- main didactic task There are educational, training, controlling and generalizing games;

- dominant goal learning games can be cognitive, educational, developmental;

- the nature of the gaming technique There are subject games, plot games, role-playing games, business games, simulation games, and dramatization games;

- subject area games are classified according to school disciplines;

- gaming environment There are games with and without objects, tabletop, indoor, outdoor, on the ground, computer and with TSO, as well as with by various means movement;

- the nature of cognitive activity Games can be reproductive, productive, or creative.

Didactic game in the learning process, it is set using game techniques and situations that act as a means of inducing and stimulating students to play activities. In this case, the didactic goal is set in the form of a game task; educational activities are subject to the rules of the game; educational material is used as a gaming tool; an element of competition is introduced into educational activities, which transforms a didactic task into a game one; successful completion of a didactic task is associated with the game result.

The didactic game, unlike traditional teaching methods, has primarily a developmental effect, which often prevails. Not only does learning take place there, but it also influences the personality of students as a whole.

Game Design as a teaching method, its goal is to stimulate students' interest in certain problems that require possession of a certain amount of knowledge. The essence of this method is the transition from theory to practice through the combination of academic knowledge with pragmatic ones while maintaining an appropriate balance at each stage of training.

Game design is based on educational project– a non-rigidly formulated task for students, aimed at achieving a clearly presented result obtained through their self-group creative activity. In fact, the topic, goal and result, the conditions for organizing independent group activities and the material and technical equipment of this activity are set. For students, the project looks like a task that they can complete, since they are already quite competent in a number of problems, they know and can do a lot, they just have to show what they are capable of. The learning objectives are camouflaged here.

Game projects can be divided into five main groups.

1. Based on the dominant activity in the project, the following projects are distinguished:

- research, which are completely subordinated to the logic of research and have a structure that is approximate or completely coincides with the original scientific research(highlighting the relevance of the research, formulating a problem, object, subject, designating research tasks and methods, sources of information, choosing a research methodology, putting forward hypotheses for solving the problem, developing ways to solve it, discussing the results obtained, conclusions, drawing up research results, identifying new problems for further development research);

- creative – These are projects that do not have a detailed structure for the joint activities of the participants; it is only outlined and further developed, subject to the genre of the final result, the logic of joint activities determined by this genre and accepted by the group, and the interests of the project participants; registration of the project results requires a clearly thought-out structure in the form of a video script, dramatization, holiday program, essay plan, article, report, etc..;

- role-playing, in which the structure is also just outlined and remains open until the work is completed; participants take on certain roles determined by the nature and content of the project (these may be literary characters or fictional characters imitating social or business relationship, complicated by situations invented by the participants). The results of such projects are either outlined at the beginning of their implementation, or appear only at the very end. The degree of creativity here is very high, but the dominant activity is still role-playing game;

- applied (practice-oriented), distinguished by the results of the activities of its participants, clearly defined from the very beginning, focused on the social interests of the participants themselves (a document created on the basis of the results of the research: an action program, recommendations, a draft law, reference material, a dictionary, a reasoned explanation of some physical or chemical phenomenon , school winter garden project, etc.). Such a project requires a carefully thought-out structure, a scenario for all the activities of its participants, defining the functions of each of them, and clear conclusions;

- introductory (informational) projects are aimed at collecting information about some object or phenomenon; they involve familiarizing project participants with this information, analyzing it and summarizing facts intended for a wide audience. These projects, just like research ones, require a well-thought-out structure: the purpose of the project, its relevance, sources of information (literary, media, databases, including electronic ones, interviews, questionnaires, including foreign partners, brainstorming) etc.), information processing (analysis, generalization, comparison with known facts, reasoned conclusions) and its result (article, abstract, report, video, etc.), presentation (publication, including on the Internet, discussion in a teleconference and etc.). Such projects are often integrated into research projects and become their organic part, a module.

2. According to the subject area, the following projects are distinguished:

- mono-projects– within one field of knowledge, for example, literary and creative, natural science, environmental, cultural, sports projects;

- interdisciplinary projects, which are carried out outside school hours. These are either small projects affecting two or three subjects, or quite voluminous, long-term, school-wide, aimed at solving one or another rather complex problem that is significant for all participants in the project.

3. Based on the nature of coordination, the following projects are distinguished:

WITH open coordination, when the project coordinator performs his function, unobtrusively directing the work of its participants, if necessary, organizing individual stages of the project, the activities of its individual performers;

Co hidden coordination when the coordinator does not find himself in the activities of groups of participants in his main function, but acts as a full participant in the project (one of them).

4. Depending on the number of participants, projects are:

- personal(between two partners located in different schools, regions, countries);

- doubles(between pairs of participants);

- group(between groups of participants).

5. Based on the duration of implementation, the following projects are distinguished:

- short-term– to solve a small problem or part of a larger problem. They can be developed in several lessons within the program of one subject or as interdisciplinary;

- average duration (from a week to a month);

- long-term(from a month to several months).

In the process of game project activity, three main stages are distinguished: organizational and preparatory; technological; final.

On organizational and preparatory stage the students are presented with a problem; they must realize, understand why and why they need to carry out the project, what its significance is in their life and the life of society. The goal is formulated before them - to obtain as a result of the activity useful product which can be both social and personal in nature. The final element of this stage is the planning of manufacturing technology, where students carry out such actions as selecting tools and equipment, determining the sequence of technological operations, and choosing the optimal manufacturing technology for the product. The means of activity at this stage are personal experience students, the experience of the teacher, parents, as well as all working tools and devices. The results of students' activities are the acquisition of new knowledge, skills, and graphic documents. During this stage, students perform self-monitoring and self-assessment.

On technological stage, students perform technological operations, adjust their activities”, perform self-monitoring and self-assessment of work. The goal of this stage is high-quality and correct execution of labor operations. The subject of activity is the created material product, knowledge, skills and abilities; means - tools and equipment with which students work; the result is the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities.

On final stage, final control, adjustment and testing of the project take place. Students carry out calculations, environmental and mini-marketing research, analyze the work they have done, determine whether they have achieved their goal, and what the result of their work is.

At the end of everything, the results of the project research are formalized, the participants defend their project (product, abstract) in front of their classmates. After students finish working on a creative project, the teacher needs to organize an exhibition of design work or hold a competition.

At all stages of creating a project - from the inception of an idea to its implementation in material - the teacher conducts practical classes with the whole class, paying attention to each student, or with teams (groups of students from 3 to 5 people). Working in small groups, students acquire important skills in communication culture. Each schoolchild, when starting a project activity, chooses the topic of the project individually, but the project can be completed and designed by a group of schoolchildren, and an individual part of the project is determined for each of them.

Case Study Analysis– a non-game teaching method, the essence of which is to study, analyze and make decisions on a situation that arose as a result of events that occurred or may arise under certain circumstances in a particular organization at one time or another.

Situation analysis is an in-depth and detailed study of a real or artificial situation, carried out in order to identify its characteristic properties. This method develops students' analytical thinking, a systematic approach to solving a problem, allows them to highlight options for correct and erroneous solutions, and select criteria for finding optimal solution, learn to establish business contacts, make collective decisions, and resolve conflicts.

According to the educational function, four types of situations are distinguished: situationproblem– students find the reason for the described situation, pose and solve the problem; situation-assessment– students evaluate the decisions made; With situation-illustration– students receive examples on the main topics of the course based on solved problems; exercise situation– students practice solving simple problems using the analogy method.

The choice of the type of specific situation depends on factors such as the nature of the goals of studying the topic, the level of students’ preparation, the availability illustrative material and technical training aids; individual style of activity of the teacher.

TO non-imitation teaching methods include problem seminars, thematic discussions, problem lectures, round tables, heuristic methods. Among the latter, in turn, such teaching methods as “brainstorming”, synectics, heuristic questions, micro-discoveries, multidimensional matrices, free associations, inversion, immersion, empathy, etc. are identified.

Brainstorming method(from English brain storming Brainstorming) is a method of stimulating the creative activity of students. The basis of this method is the heuristic dialogue of Socrates, which takes into account a number of psychological and pedagogical laws. For example, generating ideas collectively is more productive than individually. In addition, under normal conditions, a person’s creative activity is often restrained by explicitly and implicitly existing barriers (psychological, social, pedagogical, etc.). Advantages of the collective search method original ideas are that they assume equality of all group members during discussion. The “brainstorming” method allows you to overcome routine thinking, rationalism, and emotional lethargy. A friendly psychological climate promotes intellectual freedom and enhances intuition and imagination. There are several variations of the brainstorming method.

Direct brainstorming - is a method of collective idea generation, the goal of which is to collect as many large quantity ideas, free thinking from inertia, overcome the usual train of thought when solving a creative problem. The direct brainstorming method prohibits criticizing the ideas proposed by students and encourages various remarks and jokes. The number of students in a group usually ranges from 4 to 15 people. At the same time, it is necessary that students in the group have different levels of preparedness and cognitive activity.

The brainstorming time ranges from 15 minutes to 1 hour. The selection of ideas is carried out by experts who evaluate them in two stages. First, the most original and rational ideas are selected, and then the most optimal one is determined, taking into account the specifics of the creative problem and the purpose of its solution.

Mass brainstorming is similar to a direct brainstorming session, only its audience is much larger (from 20 to 60 people). This makes it possible to significantly increase the efficiency of generating new ideas. Those present are divided into small groups of 5-6 people, who independently conduct a direct brainstorming session.

"Brainstorm" - This is another type of brainstorming method, which is accompanied by criticism of the ideas expressed. The essence of the dialogue in this case is to activate the creative potential of students during the collective generation of ideas with the subsequent formulation of counter-ideas.

Synectics method(synectics - the combination of heterogeneous elements) is used to stimulate the creative activity of students. It creates special conditions that initiate the development of unexpected and non-stereotypical analogies and associations.

First, participants in the collective search for a solution within the framework of this method are introduced to the mechanisms of creativity. Some of these mechanisms (operational) can be developed during the learning process. These include direct, personal and symbolic analogies. The development of other (non-traditional) mechanisms is not guaranteed, although training can “awaken” them. This is intuition, the ability to abstract, to associative thinking, the use of original metaphors and game elements.

When using the synectics method, one must avoid prematurely clearly formulating the problem (creative task), as this negates the further search for a solution. The discussion should begin not with the task (problem) itself, but with an analysis of some common features. Such an analysis allows us to clarify the problem and formulate it more clearly. If a solution to the problem cannot be found, a re-analysis of the situation that caused the problem should be undertaken. You can also think of a problem as a collection of tasks.

Promotion of ideas, their selection, but largely depends on the leader creative group, his personal qualities and organizational abilities. He must be able to ask questions, insert remarks, clarifications, and explanations at the right place. In a word, his task is to create an environment that awakens the activity of mental activity.

Method of heuristic questions, or key question method, used for the purpose of accumulation additional information in a problematic situation to systematize existing information. Heuristic questions stimulate the process of developing new strategies and tactics for solving a creative problem. In teaching practice, such questions are called suggestive.

The method of heuristic questions is based on the principles of problematicity and optimality, when skillfully posed questions reduce problematicity to an optimal level; fragmentation of information - dividing a task into subtasks, types, subtypes; goal setting - each new question formulates a new goal at a given level of solving the subtask.

The heuristic question method is easy to use, productive for any task, and develops intuitive thinking. However, it does not fully contribute to the emergence of truly original ideas and does not ensure absolute success in solving creative problems.

Micro-discovery method, developed by E.S. Sinitsyn, is based on heuristic conversation. The next microproblem is put forward in front of the class or audience, formulated in the form of a question that students are asked to answer. The difficulty of the question is carefully measured in compliance with the wave principle - easy questions are replaced by questions of medium difficulty, and the latter by very difficult ones. Easy questions contain more leading information than questions of average difficulty; difficult questions contain even less. In order to correctly answer a difficult question, the student must mobilize all his creative potential. The main condition is compliance with the interconnection of issues, i.e. Each subsequent question must take into account all previous ones. When using this teaching method, new knowledge is formed as a set of small discoveries made by the student himself. The teacher plays the role of director of all these discoveries.

The micro-discovery method harmoniously combines all the elements of non-imitation methods (brainstorming, collective discussion, synectics, etc.).

Multidimensional matrix method is a method of morphological analysis. It is aimed at solving problems that have a relatively small number of already known elements and require the search for as yet unknown new elements.

Often, something new is a non-standard combination of already known elements (devices, processes, ideas) or the known with the unknown. By purposefully and systematically solving a problem, the method of multidimensional matrices allows you to avoid many mistakes, since it is based on the principle system analysis new connections and relationships that appear during the matrix analysis of the problem under study. The advantage of the multidimensional matrix method is that it allows not only to solve a complex creative problem, but also generates many new original ideas. The disadvantages and limitations of this method are that when solving problems of medium difficulty, the matrix contains hundreds of solution options, the choice of which is optimal is not easy.

Free association method associated with the search for more and more new associations, which can ultimately lead to productive ideas for solving a problem. In the process of the emergence of associations, new relationships are revealed between the components of the problem being solved and the elements outside world based on the previous experience of creative activity of participants in a collective solution of a creative problem. Creative ideas for solving a problem arise from new associative connections. It is important that each group member participates in the discussion and offers his own association or concept, which can serve as the basis for establishing new associative connections in the process of generating new ideas. The application of this method requires delayed critical analysis.

Inversion method(appeals) is focused on finding ideas for solving a creative problem in new, unexpected directions. A new perspective allows you to look at the problem in a new way, to overcome the stereotypes of formal logic and common sense.

The inversion method is based on the principle of dualism, i.e. dialectical unity of opposite (direct and reverse) procedures of creative thinking: analysis and synthesis, logical and intuitive, static and dynamic characteristics of the object of study, external and internal aspects of the object, etc. If you cannot solve a problem from beginning to end, you should try to solve it from end to beginning.

Immersion method is rooted in the theory of knowledge and proceeds from the fact that all knowledge is constructed by the subject of knowledge and therefore represents a purely personal phenomenon. In this regard, students construct their own knowledge, and the teacher constantly opens up for them the opportunity to use the knowledge that they already possess.

Mastery of knowledge should be a natural consequence of the students' own interest, so they, as a rule, choose all the reading materials themselves and write essays on topics that interest them. The teacher has a positive attitude towards their attempts at self-expression and prepares the class to listen to the student’s work. At the same time, the exchange of students' opinions and views is a significant contribution to the process of formation of their knowledge. The teacher therefore teaches children to interact with each other in the learning process.

The willingness to take risks and make mistakes is a prerequisite for the immersion method. Going through various levels of “fallacy,” children form their own views; teachers encourage students to be independent, self-organized, and to treat their mistakes as inevitable in learning.

Empathy Method(from Greek empatheia - empathy) is often called by personal analogy. Its specificity lies in the fact that it is like a connecting link between intuitive and logical procedures of thinking. The range of analogies includes concrete and abstract analogies of living and inanimate nature, in which other analogies can be established (in form, structure, functions, processes, etc.).

When applying the empathy method, a productive technique is hyperbolization - a significant increase or, conversely, a decrease in the scale of an object or its parts. A personal analogy is very fruitful in solving a creative problem associated with a technical object, when the feelings and emotions of the person himself are attributed to it. In other words, the method of empathy (personal analogy) is based on the principle of replacing the object or process being studied with another.

The empathy method, therefore, is based on identifying the subject of creative activity with the object and subject of creative activity, and rethinking the functions of the subject being studied by “getting used to” the image of the invention. This method involves the creation of fantastic images that destroy the “barriers of common sense” and can lead to original ideas.

The rapid development of society dictates the need for changes in technologies and methods educational process. Graduates of educational institutions must be prepared for the trends of changing modernity. Therefore, the introduction of technologies aimed at an individual approach, mobility and distance in education seems necessary and inevitable.

What is “innovative technology”

Word " innovation" is of Latin origin. “Novatio” means “renewal”, “change”, and “in” translates as “in the direction”. Literally “innovatio” - “in the direction of change.” Moreover, this is not just any innovation, but after its application significant improvements in efficiency and quality of activity occur.

Under technology(Greek techne “art”, “skill”, logos “word”, “knowledge” - the science of art) refers to a set of methods and processes used in any business or in the production of something.

Any innovation finds its implementation through technology. Thus, innovative technology is a technique and process of creating something new or improving an existing one in order to ensure progress and increase efficiency in various spheres of human activity.

Innovative educational technologies

The methods used do not work as effectively with the new generation of students. Standardized education does not take into account the individual qualities of the child and the need for creative growth.

Despite a number of problems that cannot be solved using old methods, there are difficulties in introducing innovations. The teacher must understand that the introduction of innovative methods not only helps his students learn the material more effectively, but also develops their creative potential. But it also helps the teacher realize his own intellectual and creative potential.

Types of pedagogical innovations

A wide variety of innovative pedagogical methods are used in school education. The profile orientation of the educational institution, its traditions and standards play a huge role in the choice.

The most common innovations in the education process:

  • information and communication technologies (ICT);
  • student-centered learning;
  • project and research activities;
  • gaming technologies.


Implies integration of teaching disciplines with computer science, and computerization of assessment and communication in general. The computer can be used at any stage of the educational process. Schoolchildren are trained to work with basic programs and study material using electronic textbooks and manuals. Using a computer and projector, the teacher presents the material. Presentations, diagrams, audio and video files, thanks to their clarity, contribute to better understanding of the topic. Independent creation of slides, diagrams, and memory cards helps to structure knowledge, which also helps with memorization.

Availability of computer, internet and special programs makes it possible distance teaching, online excursions, conferences and consultations.

At the end of the study, topics can be used as control tests on the computer. Schools use the system electronic magazines, in which you can track the results of an individual child, class, or performance in a specific subject. Come into use and electronic diaries, where grades are given and homework is recorded. So parents can find out the child’s scores and availability of assignments.

It is important to teach schoolchildren how to use the Internet correctly, search engines And social media. With the right approach, they become an inexhaustible source of information and a way for schoolchildren to communicate with the teacher and among themselves.

Gaining popularity creation of a teacher’s own website. Thanks to it, you can share interesting books, manuals, articles, educational videos and audios, and answer students’ questions remotely. Can be used when developing a group project: participants share their work and results with each other and the curator and solve emerging problems.

Student-centered learning

In this case The child is recognized as the main character in learning. The goal is to develop the student’s personality, taking into account his individual qualities. Accordingly, it is not the students who adapt to the educational system and the style of the teacher, but the teacher, using his skills and knowledge, organizes learning according to the characteristics of the class.

Here, the teacher needs to know the psychological, emotional and cognitive characteristics of the student body. Based on this, he forms lesson plans, selects methods and ways of presenting the material. It is important to be able to awaken the student’s interest in the material being presented and to work collectively, acting not so much as a leader, but as a partner and advisor.

If desired by the educational institution, it is possible student differentiation. For example, completing a class according to a certain criterion as a result of testing; further division according to interest; introduction of specialized classes in high school.

Project and research activities

The main goal is to develop the ability to independently, creatively search for data, formulate and solve problems, and use information from different fields of knowledge. The teacher's task is to awaken interest in search activity and creating conditions for its implementation.

When working on a group project, teamwork skills, communication skills, the ability to listen to other people’s opinions, criticize and accept criticism also improve.

The use of this technology in school develops the ability to understand the world, analyze facts, and draw conclusions. This is the basis and assistance in entering higher education. educational institution and work on diploma and master's theses.

Gaming technologies

The value of gaming technology lies in the fact that, being essentially a recreation, it performs an educational function and stimulates creative realization and self-expression. Of course, it is most applicable in younger group schoolchildren, as it meets their age requirements. It must be used in doses.

At the request of the teacher, the entire lesson can be conducted in a playful way: competition, quiz, KVN, staging scenes from the work. It is possible to use game elements at any stage of the lesson: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end as a survey. A properly organized game stimulates schoolchildren’s memory, interest, and also overcomes passivity.

Changes in the educational sphere are necessary and inevitable. And it is worth noting that for the most part students happily accept something new, interesting, unusual. They are ready and able to perceive. The last word belongs to the teachers.

Many useful materials using innovative technologies are presented in the “Publications” section. You can learn interesting techniques and ideas from your colleagues' work.

Methodological report on the topic:

“Use of innovative educational technologies in the educational process”

Mathematic teacher:

Tasimova A.D.


We spend at work the best part own life. You need to learn to work so that the work is easy and so that it is always a life-long constant school. (A.K. Gastev).

Innovation is not just innovation, some novelty, but the achievement of fundamentally new qualities with the introduction of system-forming elements that provide novelty to the system.

(P.S. Lerner)

The intense changes currently taking place in our society, requiring a creatively developed, creatively thinking, competent, active personality, are orienting teachers to a new level of teaching and educating students.

If in the recent past the main task facing the teacher was to transfer a certain amount of knowledge to students, then at present the task of developing the creative thinking of students in the learning process, their ability to independently replenish their knowledge, navigate the rapid flow of modern scientific information, is coming to the fore. develop their ability to adapt to constantly changing life situations, look for ways to solve situations and problems in a non-standard way. According to modern concept education, its most important goal is “the intellectual development of students, the formation of thinking qualities characteristic of educational activities and necessary for a person to live a full life in society.”

The relevance of the chosen topic lies in the need for widespread use of productive innovative technologies in the classroom and outside of school hours, which make it possible to achieve the goals of education faster, more economically and with better quality.

Productive technology is the one that can be used to achieve higher results faster and at lower costs compared to previously used technology.

Innovative onesxnology- an algorithm of sequential actions in a system that follows from one another, aimed at obtaining a positive final result, alternative technologies associated with changing the organizational forms of the educational process. Let me remind you what the term means techology- is a set of psychological and pedagogical approaches that define a complex of forms, methods, methods, techniques of teaching, educational funds for the implementation of educational process

Innovative onesxnology suggests:

    increasing the level of motivation for educational work;

    formation of a high level of development of students based on their inclusion in constant, increasingly complex activities with the active support of the teacher;

    constant repetition, systematization of knowledge, speaking with the teacher;

    the leading role is the formation of a friendly atmosphere, the creation of a positive attitude towards learning through an individual attitude towards each Suvorov student;

    creation of a cognitive scheme of thinking;

    nurturing self-esteem, based on a differential approach;

    good knowledge theoretical material- success of training;

    creating a problematic situation;

    working with gifted children.

Innovative technologies help to develop such personality qualities as initiative, the ability to think creatively and find innovative solutions.

In mathematics lessons, students learn to reason, prove, find rational ways to complete tasks, draw appropriate conclusions, in a word - think. All of the listed actions and processes are based on the thinking of students, which is understood as a form of mental activity based on deep comprehension, analysis, synthesis, associative comparison, generalization and systematic construction of knowledge about the world around them, aimed at solving problems and achieving the truth. Therefore, in modern conditions, in educational activities, it is important to focus on the development of cognitive activity, independence of students, and the formation of problem-search and research skills. It is impossible to solve this problem using old traditional methods.

How to maintain students’ interest in the material being studied and activate them throughout the lesson, so that the role of the teacher is not to convey the necessary information more clearly and colorfully than in the textbook, but to become an organizer of cognitive activity, where the main thing is actor student. The teacher organizes and manages educational activities. All this encourages the search for adequate pedagogical technologies and their use in practice.

The introduction of new technologies brings radical changes to the education system: previously, its center was the teacher, and now it is the student. This allows each student to learn at a pace that suits them and at a level that matches their abilities.

Pedagogical technologies and achieved results:

Personality-oriented learning technology

Helps in creating a creative atmosphere in the classroom, and also creates the necessary conditions for the development of children's individual abilities.

Level differentiation technology

Differentiation contributes to a stronger and deeper assimilation of knowledge, the development of individual abilities, and the development of independent creative thinking. Multi-level tasks make it easier to organize classes in the classroom and create conditions for students to advance in their studies in accordance with their capabilities. Working differentially with students, their attention does not drop during the lesson, since everyone has a feasible task, “strong” students do not get bored, since they are always given a task to think about. The guys are constantly busy with hard work. The teacher has the opportunity to help the weak, pay attention to the strong, and the desire of strong students to advance faster and deeper in education is realized. Strong Suvorov students are confirmed in their abilities, weak ones get the opportunity to experience academic success, and the level of motivation increases.

Problem-based learning

The use of methods based on the creation of problem situations and active cognitive activity of students allows students to focus on finding and solving complex issues that require updating their knowledge. A problematic situation in the lesson is created with the help of activating actions, questions that emphasize the novelty and importance of the object of knowledge. Creating problematic situations in educational activities and organizing active independent activities of students to resolve them, as a result of which creative mastery of knowledge, abilities, skills occurs, and develops thinking abilities.

Problem situations can be used at various stages of the lesson: during explanation, reinforcement, control.

Thus, problem-based learning makes it possible to direct students to acquire knowledge, skills, and abilities, to master methods of independent activity, and to develop cognitive and creative abilities.

Research met o skills in learning

They give students the opportunity to independently replenish their knowledge, delve deeply into the problem being studied and suggest ways to solve it, which is important when forming a worldview. This is important for determining the individual development trajectory of each Suvorov student.

Gaming technologies

The use of gaming technologies in lessons ensures the achievement of unity of the emotional and rational in learning. Thus, the inclusion of game moments in the lesson makes the learning process more interesting, creates in students good mood, makes it easier to overcome learning difficulties. Gaming technologies can also be used at various stages of the lesson. So, when consolidating the studied material - “Find the error”, coded exercises. All this is aimed at broadening the horizons of students, developing their cognitive activity, forming certain skills and skills necessary in practical activities, development of general educational skills.

Test technologies

Test-based assignments have become widespread in teaching practice. They are used at various stages of the lesson, when conducting classes of different types, during individual, group and frontal work, in combination with other means and teaching methods. Today there are a variety of test options. Tests created by the teacher himself make it possible to most effectively identify the quality of knowledge and individualize tasks, taking into account the characteristics of each student. Test tasks are compiled taking into account the objectives of the lesson, the specifics of the material being studied, cognitive capabilities, and the level of readiness of students. Test technology helps in monitoring students' knowledge. The test provides a subjective factor when checking the results, and also develops in children logical thinking and attentiveness. Test tasks vary in difficulty level and in the form of answer options. The use of test tasks allows for differentiation and individualization of training for Suvorov students, taking into account their level of cognitive abilities.

Credit system

This system helps students prepare for studying in educational institutions middle and higher vocational education and universities. It makes it possible to concentrate the material into blocks and present it as a single whole, and control is carried out based on the preliminary preparation of students.

Group o vaya te x nology

Group technology allows you to organize active independent work in the classroom. This work of students in a static pair, a dynamic pair when repeating the studied material, allows you to question the entire group in a short time, while the student can be in the role of a teacher and in the role of an answerer, which itself creates a favorable environment in the lesson. I also use mutual testing and self-testing after completing independent work. At the same time, the student feels relaxed, responsibility develops, an adequate assessment of his capabilities is formed, everyone has the opportunity to check, evaluate, suggest, correct, which creates a comfortable environment.

Those x nology of modular training

Modular lesson algorithm:

    Formulation of the lesson topic.

    Defining and formulating the purpose of the lesson and the final learning outcomes.

    Breaking down educational material into certain logically complete educational elements and defining each of them.

    Selection of the necessary factual material.

    Determination of methods of educational activity of students.

    Selection of forms and methods of teaching and control.

    Compiling a module for this lesson.

Design technology

The basis of work using the project methodology is the development of cognitive skills in students, critical thinking, the ability to independently operate with their knowledge, as well as the ability to navigate the information space.

In this case, the main tasks are:

Acquisition by students of the ability to critically understand various problems, logically connect and compare the studied material with other school disciplines;

Involving students in creative activities research work, consistently leading them through the stages of scientific research;

Students’ assimilation of material through the sequential solution of educational problems, which occurs in single process acquiring new knowledge and its immediate application, which contributes to the development of cognitive independence and creative activity.

The main didactic approaches in the work are:

Motivation and stimulation of cognitive activity of students (setting problematic issues, formulation of current hypotheses, etc.);

Actively attracting students’ attention to certain moments, activating their perception;

Discussion and implementation of a problem solution scheme (direct implementation of the project): analysis of the problem, search algorithm; research, analysis of material, processing and formulation of the results of joint work on the project;

Developing in students the skill of searching for the general in the particular.

Information and communication technologies x nology

Today, information and communication technologies occupy an increasingly larger place in the educational process. The main advantage of these technologies is clarity, since a large proportion of information is absorbed using visual memory, and influencing it is very important in learning. Information technology helps make the learning process creative and learner-centered. ICTs are used in lessons using educational and training programs, presentations are created, multimedia equipment is used to show videos on various topics of sections of the mathematics course.

The use of ICT in mathematics lessons allows: to make the learning process more interesting, vibrant, and exciting due to the wealth of multimedia capabilities; effectively solve the problem of teaching visibility; expand the possibilities of visualizing educational material, making it more understandable and accessible to students.

It has been noticed that Suvorov students show great interest in the topic when presentations are used to explain new material. Even passive Suvorovites get involved in the work with great desire. They use ICT at different stages of the lesson: mental calculation, when explaining new material; during consolidation, repetition, at the stage of control of the ZUN.

Health saving technologies

The use of these technologies makes it possible to distribute evenly during the lesson different kinds assignments, alternate mental activity, determine the time for presenting complex educational material, allocate time for independent and tests, normatively apply TSO, which gives positive results in learning. When preparing and conducting a lesson, it is necessary to take into account: the dosage of the educational load; building a lesson taking into account the dynamism of students and their performance; compliance with hygiene requirements ( Fresh air, good lighting, cleanliness); favorable emotional mood; prevention of stress (work in pairs, groups, stimulation of students); healing moments and changes in activities that help overcome fatigue, despondency, and unsatisfactoriness.

The use of the above modern educational technologies makes it possible to increase the efficiency of the educational process, helps to achieve better results in teaching mathematics, and increases cognitive interest in the subject.

Chinese wisdom says: “I hear - I forget, I see - I remember, I do - I learn.” The teacher’s task is to organize educational activities in such a way that the knowledge acquired by students in the lesson is the result of their own searches. But these searches need to be organized, while managing students and developing their cognitive activity.

List of used literature. [ Electronic resource]: official website/URL:

    Publishing House Prosveshchenie [Electronic resource]: official website/URL:

    Head teacher [Text]: // Scientific and practical journal No. 7, M - Center “Pedagogical Search”, 1999.

    M.N. Skatkin[Text]: /Improving the learning process//Methodological manual - M.: 1971.

    Kolyutkin Yu.N., Mushtavinskaya I.V. / Educational technology and pedagogical reflection. SPb.: SPb GUPM. – 2002, 2003

    “New pedagogical technologies in the education system” Edited by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor E.E. Polat Moscow ASADEMA, 2001.

Using innovative solutions

In light of the dramatic events of the early 21st century, the main topic of management becomes the spread of turbulent change and its impact on organizations. The goal is to help current and future managers find innovative solutions to the problems modern organizations face—every day or during a crisis. The world in which most students will work as managers is undergoing violent upheaval:

· The origins of crisis management

· ethical confusion

· information business,

· rapid change in technology,

· globalization,

· outsourcing,

· global virtual groups,

· knowledge management,

· global supply chains,

· other changes

have forced managers to go beyond the techniques and ideas traditionally taught in management courses. Managing in these turbulent times requires a wide range of skills and abilities. Should be fully considered and traditional management skills And new areas of competence , essential for turbulent environment, which is characterized economic turmoil, political confusion and general uncertainty.

In the traditional working world management goal was to

· control and limit people

· guarantee compliance with rules and regulations,

· strive for stability and efficiency,

· plan a vertical descending hierarchy,

· designed to guide people

· receive net profit.

However, in order to find innovative solutions and achieve high performance, Managers must have other skills which would help to captivate the hearts and minds of the workers, and also to benefit from the physical labor of the latter. New jobs require managers to:

· led the change

· channeled people's creativity and enthusiasm in the right direction,

· found common ideas and values,

· shared information and power.

Teamwork, collaboration, participation and learning are guidelines, which help managers and employees maneuver in the hectic world of modern business. Managers focus on development, not on control, on ensuring that people adapt to new technologies, to rapid and dramatic changes in the general situation, and thus achieve high levels of labor and overall corporate efficiency.

This course should explore the latest management ideas for our turbulent times in a way that is valuable and interesting for students, and at the same time remain faithful to the best traditions of management thinking. To achieve this, the latest management concepts and research are reviewed and the contemporary application of management ideas in organizations is demonstrated. Situations have been added to give students an idea of ​​what they might encounter in their future jobs. A combination of established scientific theories, new ideas and real-life examples allows students to get a taste of the energy, challenge and adventurism inherent in the dynamic field of management, the exciting spirit of organizational management. It is necessary to simultaneously instill in students a sense of respect for the changing world of management and give them confidence that they can understand and master it.

Innovation is about adapting to change, changing needs, and bringing all these components into harmony with each other. Among the many changes that came to us from the Industrial Revolution, cast iron appeared as an alternative to wood or stone. This made it possible to build tall houses with thin walls. This, in turn, led to the design of a building with a cast iron frame and glass walls - the pavilion of the 1851 World's Fair. It was seen by many as a symbol of modernity and civilization.

Architectureit's a mixture of art and science, and from the time of Augustus Caesar it was believed that a building should have “durable, comfortable and enjoyable.” Durability usually meant the strength of a building; convenience or value was determined by how well the building performed its function. Appearance must comply with the canons of aesthetics.

Management can largely be judged by the same standards. Whether we take a large company or a small one, the whole company or just one division, proper management will result in a business that is structurally sound, properly functioning and a pleasant place to work or do business.

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