How to properly clean your cat's litter box. How to properly use a cat litter tray with mesh. Friendship with a dog or another adult cat

Cats are great companions. Communication with them is a lot of fun. Since a cat, unlike a dog, is not walked, it must be provided with a clean tray available at any time. If you don't keep the litter box clean, your cat may begin to damage carpets or furniture. A dirty litter box is one of the most common reasons why cats won't use it. You should keep your cat's litter box clean daily and give it a thorough cleaning once a week (or more often if you have multiple cats). If you keep the cat's litter box clean, the cat will not damage the furniture, but will relieve itself in the tray.


Daily litter tray cleaning

    Place a trash can next to the litter tray. If you don't want to keep a regular trash can nearby, you can use a small empty container or a special cat litter bin - make this container specifically designed for cleaning cat litter. It is very important to place it next to the tray so that when cleaning you do not end up with litter on the floor.

    Use gloves and a mask. Some experts recommend wearing disposable gloves and a respirator to prevent the spread of toxoplasmosis, a virus that is spread through cat feces. Even if you haven't touched the feces, when cleaning the tray, dust in the air that gets into your lungs can lead to infection with toxoplasmosis.

    Remove feces from the tray. Cat feces must be removed at least once a day. To keep the litter box clean, some experts and veterinarians recommend scooping up feces twice a day. If you don't clean the litter box every day, your cat may refuse to use the litter box.

    • Use a special scoop, which can be purchased at most pet stores. These scoops have a mesh bottom that traps feces and used litter well, while allowing clean litter to flow back into the tray through the holes.
  1. Remove lumps of litter with urine. If you use cat litter, then cleaning the tray will be very easy - just remove the clumps of cat urine. These lumps should be scooped up daily, just like feces. Before pouring cat litter into the tray, sprinkle baking soda on the bottom of the tray. This will help get rid of the unpleasant smell of cat urine, even if you missed something during your daily cleaning.

    Replace the litter in the tray. Even after cleaning, small pieces of feces and urine may remain in the tray, which could have gotten into the litter by spilling from the scoop during cleaning. To keep the litter box clean and attractive to your cat, you need to completely replace the litter every few days.

    Try adding baking soda. Before adding the filler, some experts recommend adding a thin layer of baking soda to the bottom of the tray. This will help remove unpleasant odors. In addition, soda will absorb some of the urine if you do not use filler.

    Choose a filler. Cats generally prefer clumping litter. Cats find this litter more comfortable as they can bury their excrement thoroughly. It will be easier for you to keep the tray clean - you will only need to remove any lumps. However, some cats prefer traditional litters rather than clumping ones. Find out which litter your cat prefers and try to buy that one.

    Add filler. Once the tray is completely dry, you can add litter. It is very important to know how much filler will be enough. If there is too much filler, the cat (especially if it is a long-haired breed) will spill it when leaving the tray, and some cats may refuse to use the tray because of this inconvenience. If there is not enough filler, the cat will not be able to bury its excrement. In addition, if there is not enough filler, an unpleasant odor may appear in the house.

If the cat refuses to go to the litter box

    Find out your cat's preferences. If the cat does not use the litter box, you need to find out the reasons. Perhaps the filler, its layer height, cleanliness or tray size are not suitable. Perhaps this is the cat's way of trying to tell you something.

    Carefully clean the area where the cat relieved itself. If your cat does not poop in the litter box, clean the area thoroughly. Use a good cleaning product for cleaning, especially if your cat has damaged furniture or carpeting. The cleaner will help neutralize the smell of cat urine, which will ensure that she no longer considers the area suitable for litter boxing. If your cat poops on the floor or furniture, clean up the feces with a paper towel and place it in the cat's litter box rather than the trash can. This will help your cat find the litter box next time.

    Watch your cat's habits. If your cat does not go to the litter box, it is important to find a place where she goes to relieve herself and clean it there. Frequent urination in cats can be a sign of urinary tract, bladder or kidney infections, urolithiasis and other problems. If you notice blood in your urine or feces, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

In this article I will look at what a cat litter box with a grid is, its pros and cons, and how to use it correctly. I’ll tell you which litter is best to choose for a cat’s litter box with a mesh and why. I will describe how and where to sprinkle, its rules for changing and washing the tray.

Tray design with grid

The design of the toilet is simple. It consists of two components - a tray and a mesh grid. The mesh is placed on top of the toilet. Granules fall inside, under the grate.

The material from which the structure is made is plastic.

Pros and cons of cat litter

The advantages include:

  • Cleanliness of the animal's paws. Because of the mesh, the cat cannot reach the pellets, burying his waste on top of the mesh. This way, the paws stay clean, which means the house does too.
  • Because of the bars, the animal will not eat pellets for the same reason. It simply won't reach him.
  • Tray hygiene is convenient and simple. Cleaning the toilet is quick and easy. The main thing is to have water and a small amount of processing agent on hand.
  • Various colors and tray sizes. You can choose what suits your interior and the size of the animal.
  • Reasonable price. Since such a toilet is made of plastic, it is available to any buyer with varying incomes.

Cat litter is one of the most important points when organizing a cat’s life in the house.

The disadvantages include:

  • Frequently clean the cat's litter box. After almost every trip the cat goes to the toilet, you will have to wash it, otherwise the animal may get dirty.
  • If the waste products of the animal are not removed in time, an unpleasant odor will arise. Therefore, you will have to constantly monitor when your cat went to pee.
  • The openness of this toilet. Since it must be accessible to the animal, it has to be kept in an open place, which cannot be called aesthetically pleasing.

Which litter to use for a mesh toilet and why

To avoid some of the disadvantages listed above, use granules for trays. Decide for yourself which one to choose.

The cat litter box with grid can be used with or without litter.

Wood is one of the best options for a mesh tray
  • An economical option is wood. When moisture gets in, the granules increase in volume, so add a little bit of it. Absorbs odors well.
  • Silica gel absorbs moisture well and eliminates odors.
  • Sand is used as a filler. Absorbs moisture well, but copes worse with odor. You will have to wash it once every 2-3 days.
  • Sawdust is often used. Sometimes clay is added to them. Absorbs moisture well and eliminates odor. Change every 5 days.

When it gets wet, silica gel begins to hiss, which can frighten your pet. It is a toxic substance as it is prepared from dry silicate gel.

Where and how to pour it correctly

  • Place granules in the bottom of the lower bowl. How much to fill it depends on the type. For example, if you use wood, keep in mind that it expands when it comes into contact with moisture. The bottom of the container must be clean and dry.
  • A cat litter net is placed on top of a plastic tray.

There should be a distance between the tray and the grid so that the moisture goes into the filler and does not remain on the grid.

Rules for changing the filler and washing the tray

Granules are changed in different ways, depending on its type.

Silica gel granules are removed in lumps for two weeks, and then completely removed. Wood pellets crumble and are also partially removed until the filler is completely used. The sand is sifted through a mesh and left dry.

After the filler has been used, it is completely cleaned with a spatula.

The tray and mesh are washed under running water. Dry and refill.

Cat litter with bars has its pros and cons. With the right approach, many disadvantages can be avoided.

All you have to do is choose the filler that suits you.

If a kitten appears in the house, it is important to solve the problem associated with the toilet. It is unlikely that the owner will be satisfied with the fact that he will periodically find cat “surprises” here and there. That is why it is necessary to take care of a durable and comfortable tray with a grid for your pet.


Features of a tray with a grid

To make the task easier for owners, a special toilet was invented for cats and cats, in which the pet feels free. But why is it so unusual, this tray for a pet?

Most owners choose closed toilets, where pets feel private. On the one hand, this is suitable for shy cats who hide from prying eyes. On the other hand, the litter inside does not spill out and the room where the cat litter is located remains clean. But there is also a drawback: not all cats like to sit in a closed toilet. And that’s why some kitties categorically refuse to visit such a “outhouse”.

What is typical for a tray with a grid?

  1. First of all, it is a lightweight and convenient plastic design that fits in any part of the apartment and can be carried without any problems if necessary.
  2. A tray with a grid differs in that the filler is located at the very bottom, in an area inaccessible to cat paws. And thus allows you to maintain cleanliness while having an animal in the house. It is logical that if you cannot reach it, the cat will not scatter it, because there is nothing to scatter.
  3. A convenient grille, which is installed on top, allows the pet to do its cat “business” without hindrance. After this, he will be able to safely leave the toilet until the next time.

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's start with the pleasant things.

  1. It becomes clear that the obvious advantage is maintaining cleanliness. The cat relieves itself directly on the grate and does not touch the inside of the tray with the grate.
  2. Of course, the cat will not get the filler with its teeth and will not be able to taste it.
  3. It is worth noting that the advantage of this design is that the cat easily gets used to it and no longer does his “business” in another place.
  4. Manufacturers made sure that your apartment remains not only clean, but also aesthetically attractive, so they produced trays of various colors. You can choose the one that will be most in harmony with the overall decor in the room and will not be conspicuous by its inappropriate appearance and color.

One of the disadvantages is, perhaps, the fact that you will have to wash the grill every time after. Feces left on the grate for a long time can cause an unpleasant odor and, of course, your pet is unlikely to want to go to that toilet again. Meanwhile, even this drawback is covered by the obvious “spoon of honey”: the grille is very easy to clean. It is enough to throw away the feces after the animal poops, and then place the grate under running water. This way it cleans perfectly and there are no problems with cleaning the cat litter.

A cat litter box with a mesh has similar properties. In this case, we can safely say that it is available to any owner, since it is inexpensive. In addition, the kitten will easily get used to it. The mesh will be safe for the baby, providing him with comfort.

As in the case of the grate, it is advisable to wash this structure after each visit by the cat to the toilet, so that the room always remains clean and fresh.

Terms of use

In order for your pet to use such a tray, you need to prepare it. Since it consists of two main parts, everything is done very simply.

  1. Place filler at the bottom of a dry and clean plastic container.
  2. A mesh or lattice is placed on the top of the cat litter box. It is advisable to leave space between the tray and the grid so that cat urine gets inside, onto the litter. If the pet poops, the feces remain on the grill, which is then removed and thoroughly washed under the tap and dried.
  3. It is necessary to periodically wash the cat litter so that nothing stagnates, and then put in new litter.

How to train a pet?

Preparing the toilet is only half the battle, since the other half comes from teaching your cat to go there to do its “business”. This works best when you have a small kitten.

  1. So, first of all, select a secluded place for the tray where the animal will feel comfortable.
  2. After this, you can put the cat in the tray several times a day. At the same time, make digging movements with its paws. Whenever you have the opportunity, watch the kitten and if you notice that the baby is acting restless, you can put it in the tray. If the kitten did his business there, be sure to reward him. Well, if the little cat did go the “wrong way,” you need to show the puddle to the baby and say something like: “Ugh” or “No way.” Gradually he will understand that he needs to go to the toilet in a certain place.
  3. If you have an adult cat, toilet training will be a little more difficult. Usually an animal that already has established habits has difficulty unlearning them. But even so, the situation is not hopeless. A cat is trained in much the same way, however, there are times when a pet, for some reason, purposefully relieves itself in another place. You can try to move the cat litter to where the cat does her business, and, quite possibly, the problem will be solved.

The main thing is not to frighten your pet and do not scold too much if the cat or kitten suddenly does something wrong. In the end, the pet will learn to use such a wonderful technique.

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Daily cleaning of the cat litter box

You should remove cat droppings from the litter box at least once a day. Some types of litter form lumps when they come into contact with cat urine, which also need to be removed. If you throw away too much litter when cleaning, add fresh litter.

It is best if you wear rubber gloves before cleaning the tray. Pregnant women should not go near the cat's litter box at all to avoid the risk of contracting toxoplasmosis. Let someone from your household clean the litter box during your pregnancy.

Weekly litter tray cleaning

At least once a week, the tray should be completely emptied and disinfected. If more than one cat is using the litter box, the litter box will need to be cleaned more often.

What you will need

  • Fresh litter
  • Cleaner and disinfectant
  • Hot water
  • Trash bag

How to wash a cat's litter box

Throw away all dirty litter in a trash bag. After use, some fillers can be used as fertilizer in the beds, but this is of dubious convenience. Fruits and vegetables from such beds are unlikely to arouse your appetite. Some owners cover young seedlings with used filler for the winter in order to repel rodents with the cat smell.

Rinse the empty tray thoroughly with warm water and disinfectant. If the filler has dried in places, fill the tray with hot water and leave for a while. Try not to use strong-smelling cleaning products so as not to scare your cat away from the litter box. You can fill the tray with boiling water with the addition of vinegar or bleach and leave it for 10 minutes.

If you do not use litter and just have a tray with a grid, it must be cleaned of urinary deposits that resemble limescale. This plaque builds up in the tray and smells extremely unpleasant. Fill the tray with boiling water with a large amount of vinegar or a special anti-limescale detergent for half an hour.

After the tray is washed and cleaned, rinse it thoroughly with clean water.

How to fill a cat's litter box

If you use litter, dry the tray or dry it with a paper towel. Fill with fresh filler in a layer of about 5 cm.

Some people use special disposable bags that are placed in an empty tray under the filler and then thrown away with it. If your cat likes to rummage through the litter box, this type of bag will not work as she will tear it apart with her claws. But this is at your discretion.

After cleaning the tray, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

Cleaning the litter box during pregnancy

Cysts found in cat droppings can cause infection within 24 hours, so it is essential to remove feces from the litter box at least once a day. Better - twice a day. If you are pregnant, it is safer to have other household members clean your cat's litter box. However, if there is no one to do this, it is recommended to wear rubber gloves and cover your mouth and nose with a mask or bandage. Flush the cat's droppings down the toilet and immediately remove the used litter from the apartment. Wash your hands while wearing rubber gloves, then remove them and wash your hands thoroughly again. It's better to be safe than sorry.

It is not uncommon for disputes to arise between households due to the unpleasant odor from the cat's litter box. It even gets to the point where the question arises about having a beloved furry at home. It is impossible to get used to the smell from the tray, but even if the owners somehow get used to it, there will always be guests who may feel ill from the smell from the tray.

There are several simple ways to resolve this problem. Thanks to our advice, the smell in the apartment will not deteriorate, and your beloved cat will remain in the family.

1. If you use litter that forms clumps when wet, try to remove them immediately after the cat has gone to the toilet. This can be done easily using a special scoop/strainer for cat litter. Perhaps because of disgust or a pungent odor, owners do not like to clean up fresh feces and urine, but the more the toilet remains uncleaned, the more the smell spreads.

2. Change the litter two to three times a week. Even if you use a scoop immediately after the cat has gone to the toilet, it is impossible to remove all the particles. And over time, although the toilet seems to be always clean, it begins to smell. To avoid this, change the filler more often and wash the tray itself with warm water and soap. After which it must be dried and new filler added.

3. Change the tray at least once a year. The cat always digs a hole in the litter, thereby scratching the tray. These scratches are quite difficult to clean and cause an unpleasant odor. If your cat is having trouble getting used to the new litter box, place it next to the old one and fill it with used litter.

4. Try special cat litter deodorants. It is important to choose a quality one so as not to harm the animal and not discourage the desire to use the litter box. The best choice is an unscented deodorant that absorbs all odors.

5. Choose a litter with a flavor that your cat and you will like. You can pour different litter into different trays and observe which one your pet prefers and which absorbs the smell better.

6. The tray should be in a well-ventilated place. Experts advise placing the tray in protected places, but not in the most secluded corners of the house. Cramped, dark and stuffy rooms help unpleasant odors accumulate. Plus, if this place is unpleasant for the cat, then the chances of finding a “surprise” on the carpet or in the bed increase. The litter box should be in a well-ventilated area with enough light and space for the cat to enter, move around and exit.

7. It is best to train a cat to use the toilet; it is easier to train a kitten, but you can also cope with an adult pet.

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