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H what is grunge? This is, first of all, a rebellion, a zealous protest against any rules and stereotypes. This is comfort and absolute indifference to appearance. This is a daring challenge to society and an aggressive denial of luxury and the bourgeoisie. Grunge is not just a style that brought the entire fashion world to its knees, but also a real cultural revolution that excited the minds of millions.

Girl in torn stockings, boots and a dress in grunge style Grunge look
Girl in boots and stockings in grunge style Girl in a big shirt and torn jeans in grunge style
Grunge look
Girl in a striped jacket in grunge style
Grunge look Girl in a torn sweater and high boots in grunge style Girl in boots, dress and leggings in grunge style Girl in a mini dress and cape in grunge style
Grunge looks
Girl in sweaters and jeans in grunge style
Girl in jeans and boots in grunge style
Girl in a coat and platform shoes in grunge style

The history of the grunge style

AND The history of the origin of the grunge style is deeply rooted in rock music. It was thanks to the anarchist rockers, who declared war on the old foundations, that an entire youth subculture and a completely new view of reality appeared.

Kurt Cobain in a striped long sleeve Kurt Cobain in a vest and ripped jeans in grunge style

R alone musical style grunge is considered the city of Seattle, from the underground of which came such groups as: Nirvana, Soundgarden, Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam. This was the music of outsiders and losers, the psychology of which lay in depression and an eternal desire for suicide. The founding father of grunge is rightfully considered Kurt Cobain (Nirvana), who stood at the origins of the style not only in music, but also in fashion. He introduced us in a new way to the legendary flannel shirts, ripped jeans, oversized sweaters, vests, second-hand clothing and sneakers.

M who knows, but Kurt’s layered outfits were not accidental at all: he was too thin and thus tried to somehow hide it. Cobain had absolutely no regard for appearance: he literally borrowed some clothes from homeless people, bought the rest at second-hand stores and wore them out to holes. Kurt just didn't care what people thought of him. And his style was completely consistent with the music he created: brash, reckless and teenage.

N and at the peak of the popularity of the Nirvana group, young people completely copied their rock idol, which greatly influenced the city street-style on both sides of the ocean. The young and talented designer Marc Jacobs couldn’t help but notice this. In the spring of 1993, he created the revolutionary grunge collection for the house of Perry Ellis. But fashion critics flatly refused to accept the provocative images of orphan girls on the catwalk, as a result of which Mark was fired from the fashion house, gaining worldwide fame. So the grunge style officially and, as it should be, scandalously burst onto the world podium from the streets and still does not leave it.

Models in grunge style
Grunge look

WITH Over the course of time and due to changes in social and cultural trends, the grunge style has undergone quite significant changes. Now no one is chanting “ Rape me!", does not wear second-hand clothes and will not intentionally walk around with an unwashed hair. Nowadays, '90s grunge is perceived as, as designer Jean-Paul Gaultier said, "nothing more than a way to dress when you have no money."

IN Two thousand famous couturiers, taking as a basis the main ideas of classic grunge and rethinking them in their own way, created a completely unique fashionable style direction: neo-grunge. Now it can be considered a symbol of a new generation of free, self-sufficient and purposeful young people.

Neo-grunge, unlike its predecessor, became more polished, mature and artsy, turning into marginal chic. Today, grunge is, a priori, high-quality items made from good fabrics, sewn with a light flair of deliberate negligence. It is worth recognizing that the classic grunge of the 90s has forever gone down the pages of history along with its founder, Kurt Cobain.

Grunge looks

Three men's images in grunge style

Distinctive features of the grunge style

ABOUT The main features of the grunge style are: endless comfort, eclecticism, layering and slight negligence. The color palette is based on dark and muted shades: black, gray, brown, dark green, blue. The exception is White color in a minimal quantity.

R Pictures, ornaments and bright prints are taboo in grunge. But all the colors of depression, despair and hopelessness go hand in hand with this style. From a stylistic point of view, elements of styles such as military, casual and vintage can be successfully added to grunge. A categorical prohibition is a mix of grunge and glamor, an abundance of sequins and rhinestones. After all, do not forget that these are absolutely opposite styles.

Grunge look

Men's looks in grunge style
Two men's images in grunge style
Men's looks with coats in grunge style

Grunge style wardrobe elements

  • beanie hat
  • plaid flannel shirt
  • torn and frayed jeans or mini shorts
  • multi-layering
  • sneakers, heavy combat boots, Dr. Martens
  • oversized sweaters and coats
  • black stockings or tights with holes
  • stretched T-shirts in muted colors
  • backpack
  • vest
  • caps, hats, baseball caps
  • long shapeless sundresses
  • distressed leather biker jacket
Girl in a sweater dress - grunge style image Girl in a leather mini skirt and stockings, in grunge style
Black lace-up boots with studs in grunge style Model in grunge style Model in a transparent dress and denim raincoat
Grunge look Grunge look Male look in grunge style Model in a black jacket and boots in grunge style

G rang is a unique style. It invites us to look stylish and feel free at the same time. He does not impose any prohibitions, but gives the will to self-expression and complete independence. Be stylish without thinking about style, breathe a breath of freedom and break the boundaries of stereotypes. Challenge yourself!


Kate Bosworth and Gwen Stefani Girl in blue shorts, a checkered shirt and a biker jacket, grunge style

“Wanting to be someone else is losing yourself.”

Kurt Cobain

Rebellion and protest, the desire to destroy stereotypes and break the usual foundations, the denial of norms and rules - the grunge subculture arose in opposition to everything verified and correct, in defiance of conformism. Representatives of the grunge musical movement, which emerged in the 90s last year in Seattle (USA), demonstrated complete indifference to the opinions of others, and emphasized it, among other things, with the help of their manner of dressing. Decades later, the grunge style of clothing continues to be associated with protest - but today it is rather a protest against the dominance of glamor in the fashion world.

Grunge initially emerged as a musical trend, its main representatives - the underground groups Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Alice in chains, Soundgarden - preached a special style of outlook and behavior - daring and at the same time depressive, aggressive and reckless. The founder of the grunge style in clothing, without a doubt, can be called the frontman of Nirvana and the main ideologist of marginal chic, Kurt Cobain - his checkered flannel shirts and ripped jeans, stretched sweaters and worn sneakers became the most iconic items of the grunge wardrobe.

Cobain's talent and charisma brought him worldwide fame; an army of fans of his music copied his marginal style, making it a street fashion trend. Freedom of expression, freedom from conventions - this is the grunge style in clothing.
The bridge from street to high fashion for the grunge style was paved by Marc Jacobs, a master of provocation and unconventional aesthetics. His 1993 collection was a bombshell - models dressed, some critics said, like orphans or homeless people from Brooklyn; clothes as if from someone else’s shoulder; accessories that looked like they were purchased at a second-hand store left no one indifferent. Despite conflicting reviews, it was with this collection that the real era of grunge in fashion began, which lasted almost a decade.

Grunge today is a revolt against glamor

Today, the grunge style in clothing has ceased to be a distinctive feature of a certain subculture - rather, it is chosen by those who want to make a statement and stand out from the crowd, who are tired of the excessive sweetness of glamor. It would be more correct to call this trend neo-grunge: the carelessness and shabbyness of clothes are no longer real, but skillfully created by designers, the fabrics are expensive and of high quality. Its characteristic features can be considered:

Iconic grunge wardrobe staples:

Sequins, rhinestones, floral patterns, animal prints, stiletto heels, and bright, cheerful shades are strictly unacceptable. It is worth noting that all items are easily combined with each other, creating the necessary layering.

Hair and makeup

However, the image will not be complete without some makeup and hairstyle in the grunge style: classic hairstyle and make-up will be inappropriate here.

Hairstyles in the grunge style are, first of all, straight, flowing hair without visible traces of styling, as well as a careless bun or ponytail. Designers create the illusion of unkempt hair on models dismantling grunge-style clothes using dry shampoos and matte powder. Makeup in the grunge style is either its complete absence (which, however, can be masterfully simulated), emphasizing the pallor of the skin, or deliberately careless black smokey eyes, or dark (purple, wine, burgundy or even black) lipstick as the only accent on the face .

Marginal chic: several looks in rebellious style

By combining basic grunge style clothing with suitable accessories, you can create many non-trivial sets:

Grunge is definitely not for everyone - it takes a certain amount of courage to challenge stereotypes. Forget at least for a while about fashion laws and don’t be afraid to show your individuality, because the main thing in grunge clothing is the person who wears it.

Grunge style is a rebellion against glitz, glamor and frills in fashion. Grunge is translated as “untidy.” The second name sounds like “marginal chic”. In this article we will look at what attracts ordinary people, fashionistas, and people of creative professions to an unusual style solution. We find grunge in music, photography, clothing, and interior design. In this article we will discuss the details inherent in the direction.


Everyone understands that the grunge style is a movement thoroughly imbued with a rebellious spirit. What caused it to happen?

Grunge appeared in the late 80s. This is a time when many are tired of the race for fashion trends. People of creative professions were especially acutely aware of the problem of materialism. Most of them are philosophers by nature, and many unpleasant trends in the world have wounded them to the heart.

During night parties, Mark found out that the grunge style is not just fashionable images in clothes. This is the philosophy of people with a rich inner world. Adherents of style believed and still believe that clothing cannot be the purpose of existence. That materialism impoverishes, and dresses and shirts, trousers, shoes and similar items should serve to simply cover nakedness or protect a person from heat or cold. Although Mark was not supported by the majority of designers, he still gained popularity in the USA and Europe. Many people liked the strange style. Tired of the office dress code, people took the new trend as an opportunity to take a break from strict boundaries.

Grunge style is a truly daring rebellion against traditional beauty and glamor! The ideology of grunge is based on various ideas, including the primacy of the spiritual over the material, and the attitude towards fashionable clothing as something not too serious. Therefore, the history of grunge style is the story of how a protest against fashion turned into fashion.

People are subject to many rules and conventions. If you go to university or the office, then be sure to wear a formal dress or business attire, and if you go to a club, then wear something bright and shiny. Now it seems natural to us, but in any case, this opinion is based on conventions and restrictions.

Violation of stylish etiquette is perceived as a provocation and challenge to society. A person who violates the rules of style clearly demonstrates his indifference to the norms of society and the opinions of others. Although in reality there are almost no people who are indifferent to the opinions of others.

In reality, the grunge style is intended to show not indifference to the opinions of others, but only indifference to norms and rules. Followers of this style are still guided by pride and selfishness; they simply consider themselves above average people, and therefore have the right to violate generally accepted standards of style and beauty.

In addition, followers of the grunge style love to attract attention and shock the public.

History of grunge style

At the end of the 20th century, France's authority in matters of fashion was shaken, and a new style was born - grunge (grunge - unpleasant, repulsive, unkempt). Consciously neglecting your wardrobe has become mainstream. And if initially they laughed at Americans and their manners in Europe, then they began to take them seriously.

Especially when many young people put on jeans, began to drink cola and chew bubble gum. Young people wanted to look independent and free. She was tired of the bright masquerade of colors and disco. People wanted to stand out from the crowd by singing along to their inspiration, Kurt Cobain, and imitating him.

It was the founder of the Nirvana group who made a great contribution to the promotion of grunge style to the masses. And he did it unconsciously. It seemed that Kurt Cobain walked on stage in whatever was available. Looking at the leader of Nirvana, many other people began to promote the grunge style.

The grunge style came to the world of real fashion in the early 1990s thanks to the collection of an American designer. Mark was very interested in the clothing style of modern youth and marginalized sections of society.

Fashion brands They did not immediately believe in the promise of this ragged style. For a while, no serious designer took on the challenge of creating grunge looks, but when people started shopping at thrift stores to create such looks, many designers rethought the meaning of grunge.

Holes, scuffs, scratched shoes, oversized shirts are the hallmarks of the grunge style, which is now completely in fashion. Probably the most popular elements of the grunge style are scuffs, cuts and holes on jeans. Ripped jeans have been seen in cold and warm season collections for many years.

Grunge style today

Now we can say with confidence that the original meaning of the grunge style has long been lost. Fighters against rules and standards could not defeat fashion. This is not surprising, any reasonable person knows that it is impossible to defeat the fashion and beauty industry, it will always adapt to the desires of people and create clothes and accessories that will be in demand.

The most striking example of the futility of fighting the system is Ernesto Che Guevara, he fought the capitalists all his life and was killed. After his death, enterprising capitalists made an image out of him, which they began to print on T-shirts and other products in order to sell to other dreamers and earn real money from their unrealistic dreams.

Now, outfits that look worn out at first glance, as if they came from a grandmother’s chest, are made of high-quality materials, cost a lot of money and may not be affordable for most consumers.

Grunge has become a part of fashion and its elements can be seen in the collections of many brands. Even such fashion houses as Chanel, Givenchy, Saint Laurent use elements of this style in their images.

Therefore, today you can choose a dress and other outfits in the grunge style that are suitable even for the red carpet. Therefore, we can say that the ideology of style has completely disappeared. Modern grunge has merged with luxury and coexists perfectly with the ideas it was originally supposed to fight against.

Basic rules and elements of grunge style

1. The main idea of ​​the style is comfort, relaxation, ease of movement. People should judge you by your actions, not by your appearance.

2. The effect of worn or faded, aged items. At the same time, dresses, skirts, jeans should only look worn out, but be new! If you just took old thing, now it's not grunge!

3. Faded jeans. Ripped jeans are related not only to the grunge style, but also to the punk subculture. Although modern ones, with all their beggarly appearance, are made of high-quality fabrics with expensive fittings.

4. Elongated sweaters, wrinkled shirts, baggy sweaters.

5. Vest with classic stripes.

6. Flannel shirts can be called the basis of the grunge style, for both women and men. They can be worn in different ways - buttoned, unbuttoned and even tied around the lower back.

A plaid shirt with a vest or tank top, a leather skirt and torn tights is a look inspired by the rebellious grunge look.

7. Backpack

8. Minor defects in clothing and accessories. These could be pills, pulls, frayed edges, or a fallen rivet. The main thing is not to forget that these defects must be created artificially!

9. A hat resembling a gnome's cap.

10. Large volume. Wear things as if from someone else's shoulder, but do not forget the rule - the volume at the top should be balanced at the bottom. A true grunge princess of the early 1990s would have worn a long skirt, perhaps with a roll, and heavy boots borrowed from the military style.

11. Boots and other shoes in grunge style. Shoes should be bulky, heavy massive boots, such as Camelot or Dr. Martens. The famous Chuck Taylor sneakers from Converse, as well as military-style boots, will also fit into the grunge style.

12. Buy clothes dark colors and muted shades. Bright and cheerful colors do not fit well into the grunge style. The following colors are popular among fans of this style: black, gray, dark green, brown, blue and white. A representative of grunge will not wear things in acidic and neon colors!

Grunge hairstyles and makeup

Many girls use dry shampoo to keep their hair from looking shiny. Do a light backcombing. Your hair shouldn't look like you just left the hairdresser. Unwashed and tangled hair looks like this thanks to hairsprays and gels.

A classic grunge hairstyle is a ponytail or just loose hair.

Makeup in grunge style– this is dark eyeliner, bright mascara and lipstick (preferably plum shade) or vice versa – makeup close to natural. To achieve the best effect, emphasis should be placed on the eyes.

The grunge style has to some extent failed, because its spiritual and intellectual meaning has long been lost. Modern grunge has become one of the cogs, but even now it brings benefits. This style teaches people not to be afraid of being judged for wearing a simple blue dress and other similar things.

In the expression of worldview and image, the grunge style emerged, showing its individuality for those who were tired of glamor, luxury, and restraint. It combines “incompatible” things, creating comfort and convenience, showing outward negligence and contradictions.

History of appearance

The expression of Nirvana, rock music, youth culture in the late eighties of the last century was embodied in the grunge style in American Seattle, which is a combination of punk culture and some hippie features, which are indicated by scuffs in denim, clothes with patches and holes, frayed threads in jackets, sweaters, layers and splashes of eclecticism. Translated from English, “Grunge” means repulsive, unpleasant.

Kurt Cobain became the founder of street fashion. Having Irish roots and originally from Washington state, he spent his childhood in a family where among his relatives were musicians. His early charismatic, creative, aggressive character and not a childish interest in the rock genre led to the creation of his own group at the age of fourteen, which after a short period of time allowed him to burst onto the scene.

More and more groups of people choose the protest direction that arose in the 90s and become its fans, and since 1993, designer Marc Jacobs has led the movement and presented a new collection that combines materials of various textures, breaking stereotypes in combining different fashion trends and causing admiration of teenagers. Young people were looking for an opportunity to stand out, find their individuality, express their attitude to life, and the stylists on the catwalk showed a very simple, original line in the form of light, airy blouses, dresses and brutal, rough shoes with thick soles, stretched sweaters and torn jeans, they looked for soul, philosophy in the images and moved further and further away from classics, luxury, opposing glamor and gloss. Such changes attracted the attention of the fashion world to sloppy-looking plaid shirts, dresses with delicate patterns, and military colors.

Difference in styles

Since the advent of grunge, new trends and subcultures have slightly supplanted the fashion of the street, music, and youth life, but now a second revival is taking place. Thanks to the search by designers for various branches of style, this led to the birth of new trends for young people from fourteen to eighteen years old who want to stand out in society and create exclusive, pessimistic and even aggressive images.

Soft grunge, which translates to “soft”, represents carelessness in detail, old age and vintage, as evidenced by clothing designs with torn elements and a muted color palette consisting of grey, black, brown, beige, with scratch prints, images, with handwritten fonts, sloppily stenciled, and other elements of rock culture. The same style is used as the basis for the design of cafes, music studios, fan clubs, thematic websites, accessories and the creation of stylish photographs, where the art of grunge is emphasized by pale skin, skinny forms, things with spikes, frayed jeans and smeared makeup techniques.

glam grunge marked by femininity: a loose shirt and Leather Jacket It would be nice to combine with a vest, a printed T-shirt to be combined with a short skirt or tight jeans, thin-heeled shoes or “men’s” boots to be combined with accessories such as a belt decorated with a buckle and rivets, a light scarf around the neck.

Designers in neo-grunge tried to combine femininity with creative negligence: high thin heels with metal decorations, in the form of pins or spikes, with leather skirts and dresses in black, depressive colors. In fashionable loose shirts, summer season, checks of various sizes, mostly in faded tones, became a hit. It is also used in finishing trousers and overalls, mainly for patches, pockets, and hemlines. Mixing romance and casual clothing with grunge elements is most often combined with such things as heavy boots, oversized coarse knit sweaters or matching accessories.

Fashion trends

Grunge fashion offers a stylish look and a sense of freedom, will, self-expression for both women and men, whose clothing is dominated by the usual baggy, pessimistic, disorderly nature, usually bordering on expressiveness and individuality, as evidenced by riding breeches, vests, and camouflage colors.

Men don’t really like to wear a classic suit, they prefer looseness in movement and comfort, so it’s more convenient for them to wear jeans with holes, an unironed checkered shirt, a soft, worn, fairly stretched sweater with a worn-in effect, shoes, and at the same time have a trendy haircut and smell like good perfume.

In women's grunge, despite the protest look, monochromatic materials of different textures are combined and used in the image, such as genuine leather, pleasant suede, wool, light organza, denim, airy chiffon, possibly with the presence of a touch of crinkling or fraying. For girls, a combination of loose cotton clothes with floral-patterned dresses accompanied by torn leggings or tights also goes well with this theme. Uniquely processed jeans with holes and frayed edges, shirts with sewn patches, voluminous knitted items, aged and frayed T-shirts, wrinkled dresses, worn-out sneakers must be of high quality, made from good materials and the above properties must have an effect to maintain style and be an integral part fashionable bow- street, youth, rebellious spirit.

Fashionistas over the age of 40 find themselves in the grunge style, using layers to their advantage, feeling free and comfortable in natural, high-quality fabrics, ballet flats, shoes with wide, low heels or moderate platforms, easily wearing soft colors, the length of dresses and floor-length skirts, long cut shirts and tunics without extravagant elements, rather than aggressive jewelry, scarves, and original glasses add individuality to their style.

Once upon a time, the youth movement showed what grunge is even in children's fashion. It carries multi-tiered skirts, wide sundresses, jeans, decorated with wrinkles or fraying, in a discreet, natural color scheme made from simple fabrics such as linen, cotton, cambric and without a hint of classic style. Grunge conquers the catwalks and the lives of children: thanks to different textures and shades of materials, there is an opportunity to play and dream up creating characters, educate and instill a taste for how to dress, and develop creative imagination in invented images of pirates or elves.

Regardless of the characteristics of your figure, you can be stylish and graceful in summer and winter, even plump, knowing how to combine several fashion trends in one look. A mix of hippie, military, vintage will work on the image using volumetric, loose clothing, which will correct the figure, feminine multi-layeredness will hide imperfections in complexion, reveal the emotional nature, flowing natural fabrics will gracefully fit your shape, and a non-standard cut with pintucks and draperies will allow fashionistas to feel comfortable.

A grunge wedding dress is distinguished by challenge, decisiveness, and originality, since the bride’s dress can be in any color acceptable in the style, in an unconventional cut; if desired, it can be complemented with a denim jacket or biker jacket, in combination with heavy shoes and appropriate accessories, careless hair styling, perhaps even with a strand dyed in a bright color. Casual clothes look quite good in a relaxed look of the groom in a combination of a white loose shirt, jeans, sneakers or moccasins.

Every woman has a cardigan in her wardrobe, which came to us from our grandmothers and received a second wind in the sixties. In the nineties, with the revival of grunge, fashionistas began to happily combine stretched, long, elongated sleeves, not brightly colored sweaters with small dresses with small flowers, midi skirts, jeans and thick platform boots, giving them a second wind. The grunge theme offers a feminine, controversial look when paired with other pieces of the style, especially with trendy bottom options.

A photo shoot in the Grunge style, as in clothing, consists of bold combinations that are limited by the color used and the setting of the image, where the dark tones of the scenery predominate. When creating an image, the main ones are stylish details such as thematic setting, clothing, haircut and attributes used by the photographer in his work. To obtain a good creative result, it is not advisable to violate the principles of the fashion trend, the generation of free and purposeful, uninhibited young people.

Most often, filming takes place on the streets or squares of cities, which looks harmonious and natural, but the setting of a forest or a studio equipped to match the theme can also convey a creative atmosphere. Details such as frayed, torn jeans, faded, oversized T-shirts, worn-out T-shirts with protruding threads, plaid shirts, and military-style shoes are perfect for a photo shoot. The freedom of the grunge style dictates relaxed posing during a photo shoot, which means stooping, swagger, an unconventional vision of the situation, widely spaced legs, ugly stances, an emotionless face with a slight, organized mess in the hair, along with modest makeup, with an emphasis on dark eyes. In grunge photographs, the effect of stains, scratches, and the play of light is welcome, and if during the process you get caught in the rain, then dirt and wet clothes will only intensify this; it looks good against the background of old, abandoned houses or torn walls. Grunge photography is popular among rock musicians, when creating posters, and showing new collections. Today, portrait photography is recognized as revealing the hidden personal traits of a person.

Hairstyles and accessories

Sloppy ponytails with a few fallen strands, bleached buns with the appearance of regrown hair roots, bright provocative coloring harmonizes in the image with a complete lack of makeup, or, if it’s really difficult to leave the house like that, several accents may be present in the form of red or burgundy lips, dark eyes, not natural, pale shade of foundation. The effect of unkempt hair and bleached and bleached buns are welcome, but these are still styling using stylish details in the form of asymmetry on medium length, on short hair- wet styling. Bob and bob haircuts are trendy today, suitable for girls of different ages and with any oval face, thanks to this they are universal, naturally highlight fashion trends and combine with grunge style. Practicality, ease of care is needed by independent people, a textured bob will help create a slight mess and negligence, will bring creativity, as well as elongated, torn side strands, identical or asymmetrical, and long oblique bangs.

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