Dwarf cedar description. How to grow a majestic, handsome cedar on your site. Application in the garden

Powerful and large cedar tree! Planting and caring for it, despite its parameters, is not at all difficult. The main thing is to find a place for this beauty. Nowadays, the cedar tree has become very popular due to the benefits it brings to humans. When asked how to grow cedar, for example, on summer cottage, the answer is found: breeders have bred dwarf varieties of this tree. Ordinary cedars can reach a height of 30 meters or more, while dwarf cedars barely grow to 1 meter. They look beautiful both in single plantings and in group plantings. has proven itself perfectly as a hedge; it tolerates cutting perfectly, which allows you to give free rein to your imagination and create a variety of green shapes. In addition to giving beauty, this tree also provides health benefits.

Since ancient times, it has been believed that cedar is the elixir of youth, it is a symbol of power. Its action is especially important for men's health and power. It has also been established that this plant is a source of healing energy. If you relax for an hour every day near the evergreen miracle of nature, you can completely get rid of many diseases. So cedar, planting and caring for which will not cause you much trouble, can take its rightful place on your site. This article will help you learn how to grow beautiful and healthy ones at home.

Description of cedar

Cedar looks great in the country. This is an evergreen tree all year round will please his beautiful view. It belongs to the pine family and can live up to 800-1000 years. As it grows, this long-lived plant acquires several peaks and a dense crown.

Old cedars are distinguished by brown, with a grayish tint, cracked bark in the form of rough scales. Young shoots are dark brown with a huge number of long red hairs. The needles are dark green, soft, grow in bunches of 5 needles, triangular with small notches, reaching a length of 5 to 15 cm.

Cedar is a monoecious plant; both female and male cones grow on it. The female cedar cone is located at the end of the shoot, and the male one is at the base. Pollination occurs thanks to the wind. The buds are conical in shape and up to 10 mm long. A mature cone reaches 15 cm in length and 5-10 cm in width. They are diamond-shaped and have a brown tint. Young cones are ovoid in shape and purple in color. Full maturation occurs within 15-16 months. Cedar begins to bear fruit, planting and caring for it according to all the rules, at the age of fifty years.

The seeds of the evergreen beauty are large, dark brown, ovoid in shape. One cone can ripen from 50 to 150 seeds.

Types of cedar trees

Before you learn how to plant cedar, you need to familiarize yourself with what species exist in nature and how each of them is characterized so that you can choose the best option for yourself. In total, the genus of cedar trees includes 4 tall species:

  1. Lebanese - distinguished by its powerful and spreading branches that grow horizontally. Lebanese cedar looks very unusual; planting and caring for this species is very simple, since it is completely unpretentious to its growing conditions. This tree is slow growing and by the age of 10 years it barely reaches 2 meters.
  2. Atlas - This species will require a lot of space to grow as it is extremely powerful. By the age of 10 it reaches 3 m in height. After planting, the seedling needs staking. The branches of the plant are raised upward.
  3. Himalayan - by the age of 10 it grows up to 3 m. The branches are drooping, drooping type, the apex sticks out.
  4. Cyprian - originally from the island of Cyprus. The crown at the beginning of growth is cone-shaped, then develops into a wide-spreading one, and in old age it becomes umbrella-shaped. In adulthood it reaches a height of 40 m.

Landing place

Growing cedar begins with selecting a suitable location for the plant. recommended where the soil is not too dry and rich in nutrients. Plants in the neighborhood should be lower than the cedar because it requires high levels of light as it grows. Trees that have reached the age of 7-8 years can already develop normally further in partial shade.

How to plant cedar

The very first thing you need to know is that cedar seedlings should be located at a distance of 7-8 m from each other. Marking the area when planting is a very important stage of the work. It is necessary to ensure that the distance from the tree to the house and nearby buildings is at least 3 m. These distances must be maintained so that the powerful root system of the plant does not destroy the foundations of structures over time.

When you are done with the markings, you can start planting; this is not a difficult process at all. Cedar is not too picky about soil and does not require additional bedding. In hard soil, it is recommended to fill in a drainage layer (15-20 cm) consisting of coarse sand or broken bricks.

Watering and spraying

Cedar trees usually do not need watering when grown in the garden. Young trees and cedar seedlings are an exception; in dry and hot summers they need to be watered. Moderate watering is required to avoid moisture stagnation.

Evergreens also tolerate dry air calmly. But at the same time, young cedars need to be sprayed periodically on summer days. This way you will provide the needles with a rich color.

Cedar care

How to grow cedar so that it is strong, beautiful and healthy? The answer to this question is simple - you need to properly care for it. While the plant is still young, it grows very slowly, giving way to other coniferous and deciduous species. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that small and still weak cedar seedlings do not disappear in the shade and thickets of their faster neighbors. It is necessary to remove self-sowing foreign plants in a timely manner.


The tree will grow best in open sun rays territories. The evergreen beauty does not tolerate an excess of nitrogen, this can lead to poor development of the root system. At the same time, it requires potassium.

Seedlings need mulching; it will protect the roots in winter from frostbite during severe frosts. Every year it is recommended to increase the layer of mulch, this will promote the formation of adventitious roots.

In spring and autumn, the circle of soil around the trunk can be mulched with organic matter. In the summer, it is recommended to feed cedar twice a month with complex

Propagation by seedlings

You need to choose cedar seedlings very carefully. It is better to purchase those that are sold in containers or with a large lump of earth on the roots. This condition increases the chances that the plant will tolerate transplantation well. It is recommended to buy 2-3 year old seedlings. If the planting material shows exposed roots and yellow withered needles, then it is better to refuse such a purchase.

Having selected seedlings, you can begin planting, adhering to the following recommendations:

  1. Dig up the soil within a 3 meter radius around the planting hole.
  2. The planting hole should be 40 percent larger than the seedling's earthen ball.
  3. Before planting, dip the roots of the seedling in a creamy clay solution.
  4. First secure a peg in the hole, only then can you place the seedling there. Cover everything together with soil.
  5. Tie the seedling to the support with twine.
  6. Water the plant moderately. If there is no rain for 14 days, then you need to continue watering every 2 days.

How to grow cedar from a nut

To grow cedar from a nut, you first need to choose the right seeds. Make sure that the planting material does not have an unpleasant odor or is covered with mold. Now that the material has been selected, you can begin sowing.

Before sowing, so that the seedlings are not damaged by the fungus, the seeds must be pickled in a weak solution of manganese for two hours.

The seeds do not germinate immediately; first they undergo a long preparation, which lasts about 5 months. The first step of preparation is soaking the seeds in water for 3 days; you need to change the water daily. After this, the nuts are mixed with sand, moistened and placed in a fabric bag. Now you need to place them in a wooden box with holes on the sides and put them in the refrigerator. Planting material should be checked periodically and moistened as needed. If mold is noticed on a nut, it is immediately thrown away and the sand is changed.

After six months, the nuts are thoroughly washed and planted in pots to a depth of 1 cm. Sandy soil is used for this. At room temperature After 30 days the seeds will germinate. Now the seedlings can be placed in a lighted place, but not in direct sunlight.

With the onset of summer, the pots can be taken outside so that the plants gradually get used to the air and sun. After some time, small seedlings can be transplanted into loose soil.

How to grow cedar in the country

When coniferous forests are far from your home, you really want to settle in a plant that will envelop your yard with an intoxicating and healing pine aroma. Cedar is perfect for this purpose. Due to its large size, it is often used for landscaping large parks and squares. On a country plot, a tall, handsome tree will also look great, especially when paired with a birch tree, but what to do if you have a small dacha and the plot is not characterized by endless open spaces? You can find a way out by planting a dwarf cedar in your dacha.

Here are some varieties of dwarf cedar:

  • Nana varieties;
  • Atlas cedar Aurea variety;
  • cedar of Lebanon variety Sargentii;
  • Himalayan cedar variety Golden Horizon.

Benefits of cedar for humans

What benefits does cedar bring to humanity, why, especially in Lately, so the interest in this evergreen plant has increased? This is explained by the fact that the tree has extraordinary properties:

  1. Throughout the year, cedar looks very decorative, especially in winter, when green needles are combined with white sparkling snow.
  2. Healthy and tasty pine nuts are widely used in cosmetology, medicine and cooking.
  3. Owing to its unique healing properties, oleoresin resin is one of the the best means for wound healing.
  4. Cedar needles are also useful; for centuries it has been successfully used to treat many diseases.
  5. Your area will be filled with the amazing coniferous aroma inherent in cedar, as a result of which the air will be filled with useful substances and freshness.
  6. Cedar wood is highly valued in construction and furniture making. In this case, Canadian wood is simply priceless and has the highest price, since it is extremely durable, easily withstands extremes of high and low temperatures, is environmentally friendly and has antiseptic properties. So Canadian cedar can be considered a leader among trees used by builders and furniture makers.

In nature, Cedar is a majestic coniferous tree that reaches incredible sizes. A powerful and beautiful plant, capable of surviving several generations of people, attracts the attention of many land owners.

How to plant?

There are 2 ways to grow a “strong friend” on your plot:

  1. From seed;
  2. Saplings.

Growing cedar from seed

This is the longest path. To get a full-fledged tree at home you need:

  1. Selection of nuts for germination. They should be large, without flaws and collected from ripe, clean cones.
  2. Awakening the seed. Having previously been disinfected and immersed in a low-percentage solution of potassium permanganate, the nucleoli are kept in warm water for several days, with its daily replacement.
  3. Planting in boxes. It is advisable to use wooden boxes filled with peat or coarse sand. Deepen the seeds 1-3 cm, sprinkling a little sawdust on top. On the sides, for a greater flow of oxygen, you need to make several holes.
  4. Cold storage. For the winter period, place in a room with a temperature of +3 to +6. Moisten the soil periodically. 3 weeks before planting seedlings in the ground, take them to a warm room.
  5. Planting in open ground.

Planting ungerminated seeds in open ground

  1. Selecting a site for planting a seed. It is better to choose a dark place with little traffic, where there is less chance that the sprout will be disturbed.
  2. Fertilizing the soil with peat and clay.
  3. Place selected nuts in small grooves at a distance of 10 cm from each other, to a depth of 2 cm. Sprinkle with sawdust or leaves.
  4. In spring, sprouted sprouts are covered with a cloth or a special cap to prevent them from being damaged by birds or animals. The “Siberians” that have grown up by autumn can be prepared for transplantation to a permanent place.

When choosing this planting method, the germination percentage is very small.

Planting a cedar tree seedling

This is the most effective and relatively quick way grow cedar. The main thing is to choose a good seedling.

  1. Selection of seedlings. When purchasing it from a nursery, pay special attention to the condition of the root. It is recommended to take the selected option with a closed root system in a container or with a large piece of earth. Cedar, like many conifers, live in symbiosis with the mycelium located on the root of the tree, which has a beneficial effect on the growth and development of the tree. Violation of this connection will lead to the death of the seedling.

    The optimal age for a seedling is 2 years, which, depending on the variety, can reach a height of 30 cm to 3 m.

  2. Selecting a location. Preference should be given to open space, taking into account the vast volumes of the future plant. The distance to the next seedling or other vegetation should be about 8 m, this will reduce the depressing effect on the young tree.

    You should not choose a place near buildings. The tree's root system is very powerful, and over time it will begin to destroy them.

    Cedar prefers clay soil with good drainage. Siberian pine does not like waterlogging. It will not take root in swampy soil with high groundwater.

  3. Planting a seedling. The size of the planting hole should be half the size of the root ball. Having previously straightened the roots, the planted tree is carefully covered with soil and watered abundantly. A twisted root system threatens the fragility of the cedar.

    Water for irrigation should be selected at outside temperature. The first 2 months after planting the seedling, it is regularly watered.

When to plant?

The best time for is the autumn months. The sprouts will grow stronger over the winter, acclimatize in the cold, and by spring they will be ready to be planted in open ground.

Rules of care

Care " mighty pet"It won't be difficult:

  • Fertilizer. Apply nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers 1-2 times a year. Before winter, sprinkle the area around the trunk with sawdust or leaves.
  • Watering. A developed root system helps cedar easily tolerate lack of moisture. But during particularly hot periods it is recommended to water it.


Breeders have bred several dozen varieties of wood:

Interestingly, the cedar variety received the name “President” after being presented to the President of Russia for his 50th birthday. An exclusive gift was presented by the Tomsk region.

For the dacha

The various varieties bred by breeders allow gardeners to choose options for their plots with the most suitable functions:

  • Nut varieties - " The president», « Plantation», « Record holder».
  • With high aesthetic values ​​for exclusive landscape designs – « Biosphere», «», « Emerald», « Ideal».

Varieties can be divided according to characteristics, or their combinations:

  • Ability to bear fruit;
  • Cone size;
  • Crown shape;
  • Crown density;
  • Pine needle color.

Benefits for humans

The pine smell creates a special microclimate around, conducive to relaxation. Everything from needles to bark has healing properties.

So, what are the benefits of cedar?

  • Back in the 18th century, the scientist Pallas P.S. said that cedar gives youth and vigor, increasing the body’s resistance to diseases
  • Widely used in medicine, turpentine or “Carpathian balsam”, obtained from pine needles and small branches, has a disinfecting and wound-healing effect.
  • The smell of pine needles has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and has a calming effect.
  • Since ancient times, housewives have used tree branches as a moth repellent.
  • Pine nuts are a storehouse of vitamins.
  • It is useful to place flat stones around the trunk. They will provide a place for fungal growth to live, which has a positive effect on the development of cedar.
  • If cedar is grown for the purpose of producing fruit, then the young seedling is grafted into an adult fruit-bearing “giant”. The nuts can be collected in 4-5 years. But the tree, in this case, will not grow more than 5 m.
  • It is recommended to clean the crown of dried needles and branches once a year (the first half of June), after the shoots have finished forming. If this is not done, then insects will settle in it and damage living branches.

Scientists studying bioenergy believe that cedar has memory and is able to protect the family in which it grows. In order for the tree to remember its owner, it is necessary to hold pine nuts in your mouth before planting. Cedar will become the guardian of the house.

Cedar belongs to the large Pine family, genus Cedar, or Siberian cedar pine. This genus is of particular interest because of the universal value of its wood, needles and seeds. Cedar is also in demand in landscaping.

Cedar in the photo

The cedar tree looks like a real giant: it has a powerful trunk, reaching a height of 25 to 45 m, depending on the type.

Unlike Scots pine, cedar needles are surprisingly soft, long, triangular, and collected in whorls of 5-6 pieces. And pine has two and very rarely three needles.

There are two types of shoots - elongated vegetative and shortened generative. The tree is monoecious. Male buds - in the form of spikelets looking up, red or yellow color. The female ones - cones of 2-4 pieces - are located at the top of the shoot and are purple in color.

The description of cedar roots is akin to the tree itself: the root system is as powerful as the above-ground part, which allows the plant to withstand all natural disasters and be unpretentious in cultivation. An adult cedar does not require agrotechnical care.

Its antimicrobial properties are also very valuable. The air around these trees is practically sterile. Many cedars have been planted by amateurs in summer cottages, household plots and garden plots in central Russia. It cannot grow in dry sandy places, but prefers sandy loam or loamy, moist, fertile soils.

Almost all types of cedar pines in forest plantations begin to bear fruit at 30-60 years, sometimes later, and in gardens where care and feeding with fertilizers are carried out in a timely manner - at 15-20 years and continue to bear fruit up to 250-300 years. A good harvest of large pine nuts occurs in those areas where 2-3 cedars grow in a group, since conifers are cross-pollinated trees. The seed development cycle of cedar lasts one and a half years.

Four types of cedar grow in Russia - Siberian, European, Korean and Siberian dwarf cedar.

You can familiarize yourself with the varieties of cedars and their photos on this page.

Growing cedar from seeds and caring for the tree

To give your garden a complete, mature look, you need to plant an evergreen, long-lasting tree. Cedar with its appearance will give your estate solidity and power, confidence and optimism. In addition, this tree does not require systematic care. When growing and caring for cedar, forget about pruning, shaping the crown, and removing fallen leaves.

Cedar is not only beautiful, but also useful. It heals the air with the aroma of pine needles.

Seedlings should be planted on the site immediately in a permanent, well-lit place at a distance of 5-6 m from each other. Between young cedars you can grow low-growing ones fruit trees and berry bushes. The crown should be formed on a low trunk, spreading, multi-peaked. Pruning or breaking out lateral buds is carried out in early spring, before the start of the growing season. Successfully established trees in the first years produce 5-10 cm of growth with dark green needles.

The place for this tree should be open and spacious, the soil should be loamy and well-drained.

Video: How to grow Cedar seedlings

The germination of nuts lasts for 2 years. Immediately after collection it is quite high, 85%. It is better to sow in autumn. In this case, seedlings appear in early spring. But you can stratify the nuts in damp sand, soak them for a day and sow them in the spring. Shoots appear 2-3 weeks after sowing. They are dark green, with 10-12 cotyledons, up to 30 mm long. In the second year, paired needles appear from them, and only in the 4-5th year do whorls appear. Plants that have emerged from seedlings need a shade that lasts throughout the hot months for 2-3 years, that is, for the cedar that you decide to grow, you need to equip a shade.

The growth characteristics of cedar include the ability to grow in sphagnum bogs, and powerful adventitious roots are formed. Root growth begins simultaneously with shoot growth. After 5-6 years, the demands of cedar on soil sharply decrease.

Cedar is also undemanding to air temperature. Tolerates continental climate, frost and drought. The only thing is that the buds may die during late spring frosts, which coincide in time with the flowering period.

However, this threatens trees that have already begun to bear fruit, which will only happen at 30 years of age or older. You have to wait a long time for the nuts to appear, but the tree itself can live up to 500 years, producing abundant harvests every 4-5 years.

Siberian cedar in the photo

Siberian cedar- the most common and best studied. Its distribution area is extensive. Starting from the northeast of the European part to the southern slopes of the Urals, this species is an unshakable native, growing both in the lowlands and on the mountains. In Central Altai it grows at an altitude of 2300-2400 m above sea level.

The crown is conical from youth, and then becomes flat-topped. It can be either acute pyramidal or widely spreading. It all depends on the place of growth. In groups, in the forest, with a small feeding area, cedars are stretched upward, and when planted alone, they are spreading and have 2-3 peaks.

As you can see in the photo, Siberian cedar branching strictly whorled, tiered:

Annual shoots are yellowish with a rusty coating, pubescent. The needles are triangular, up to 13 cm long, jagged along the edge and sit in tufts of 5 on short shoots. The needles remain on the branches for 3-6 years.

Cedar blooms in spring, immediately after pine, and cones ripen in autumn, on next year after flowering. They do not crack and fall to the ground.

Pay attention to the cedar cones - on a mature tree they are very picturesque (light brown, elongated ovoid, up to 13 cm long and 8 cm wide):

The cone contains from 100 to 140 nuts - shiny, dark brown and very tasty.

The taste of the nuts was appreciated by the inhabitants of the forest and cedar taiga. Nuts are the main food of the nutcracker bird, which often destroys up to half the crop. From one tree you can get up to 1500 cones.

But thanks to the nutcracker tree, the cedar reproduces. The bird carries the nuts over long distances, hiding them in moss and old stumps, forgetting and losing them. The nuts sprout, and thus the cedar growing area expands.

In addition to nutcrackers, nuts are eaten by wood grouse, hazel grouse, squirrels, chipmunks, and sables. The bear is also a hunter for tasty nuts in the taiga. It often climbs into the crown of a tree, breaks it, causing great harm.

Video: Collecting cones on a cedar

When describing Siberian cedar, special attention should be paid to the chemical composition of its nuts - they explain the reason for such a high popularity of this tree. Pine nuts contain up to 61% fat, up to 17% protein, and more than 12% starch. Pine nuts are rich in vitamin A (growth vitamin), B vitamins, which improve heart function and are very necessary for normal functioning nervous system. They are especially rich in vitamin E (tocopherol, which in Greek means “bearing offspring”). It is not without reason that in years of good cedar harvests the fertility of sable and squirrels increases significantly.

It is known that pine nuts contain substances that help improve blood composition, prevent tuberculosis, and anemia.

From a kilogram of nuts you can get up to 150 g of oil and 200 g of cake for feeding pets.

Cedar oil is one of the highest quality. It belongs to the fatty drying oils. Light yellow in color and pleasant taste, the oil is in demand not only in the food industry, but also in the paint and varnish industry, in perfumery, medicine, and canning.

Nut milk and cream, which are high in calories, are made from nuts.

The needles of the Siberian cedar have essential oils, resins and vitamin C. It contains a lot of calcium, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, iron, copper, cobalt. When cutting growing cedar trees you get cedar resin, containing up to 19% turpentine.

Resin has embalming properties. IN folk medicine it is used to treat purulent wounds, cuts, and burns.

In relation to light, Siberian cedar is shade-tolerant, especially in youth, when growth is slow. Despite the fact that he is close relative light-loving pine, light is not decisive for an adult tree either.

European cedar in the photo

European cedar is a species close to Siberian. It grows wild in the mountains - the Carpathians and the Alps at an altitude of 1300-2500 m above sea level. There, together with larch and spruce, it forms impassable thickets.

Its height reaches 20-25 m. The crown is always wide and ovoid. The needles are thin, graceful, and short. The cones are 6-8 cm long, the nut-seeds are also not as large as those of the Siberian cedar.

When describing European cedar, it is especially worth noting its great endurance, it is frost-resistant and shade-tolerant, drought- and wind-resistant, and is not picky about soils and air humidity. But it does not have the advantages inherent in Siberian cedar.

As shown in the photo, European cedar is often used in landscaping:

In Europe, this species is popular as a solitary plant (tapeworm) in parks.

Korean cedar in the photo

Korean cedar is the most majestic tree. In terms of beauty of description, Korean cedar is not inferior to any of the known species. This tree reaches 45 m in height and 2 m in diameter with a broadly conical and multi-peaked crown.

Young shoots with thick rusty pubescence. The needles are bluish-green, up to 20 cm long. Along the edge it is finely toothed, rough, unlike other types of needles. It stays on the shoots for only 2 years.

The male cones of Korean cedar are yellow, and the female cones are first reddish, then purple. Blooms in June.

Pay attention to the photo - Korean cedar has ripe cones that are cylindrical, 10-15 cm long, larger than those of the Siberian species.

They ripen in the second year after flowering. They fall to the ground without opening in November.

The seeds are twice as large as those of Siberian cedar and contain more fat - up to 65%.

It bears fruit from the age of 40-50 to a ripe old age in 1-2 years. But the number of cones on the tree is significantly less than that of Siberian cedar. Seed germination lasts only a year, although it is 85%. They need to be sown in the fall. Shoots appear the next year in early spring. They have 10-14 succulent cotyledons.

In terms of taste qualities of nuts, pine needles - in terms of vitamin C content and wood - in technical properties it is not inferior to Siberian cedar.

It is difficult to include low, creeping species in the family of tall, mighty cedars; nevertheless, they exist.

Cedar elfin wood in the photo

Cedar elfin wood- a low branching shrub with branches creeping along the ground, and sometimes a tree up to 4-5 m in height. The shoots are densely pubescent, the needles are hard, up to 4-8 cm long, 5 needles in a bunch. Female cones are violet-purple.

As you can see in the photo, dwarf cedar has mature cones up to 4 cm in length, light brown, shiny:

The nuts, of which there are up to 40 pieces in a cone, are smaller than those of Siberian cedar, but also edible and tasty, although they contain less oil. Fruiting begins at 25-30 years.

Elf wood grows slowly, everywhere - on mountains and coasts, swamps and lowlands. Very winter hardy. Interesting fact, which is worth noting when describing dwarf cedar - this plant has the property of “hibernating,” that is, the branches overwinter on the ground, covered with snow. It begins to vegetate only in spring. Propagated by seeds, layering, adventitious roots. Valued as a nut-bearing and ornamental crop for rock gardens.

Himalayan cedar has recently become widespread in Europe. It is more of a decorative form than a species. It has cascading branches and a protruding top. The tree grows quickly, but does not grow higher than 25 m in height.

Himalayan cedar in the photo

Atlas cedar, or blue, is also a decorative form. Particularly noteworthy are its “Weeping” and “Golden” forms. All these trees are not tall, but very spreading, requiring a lot of space

Each type of cedar tree looks very decorative in any season of the year, thanks to its unusual crown.

Cedar contains a huge variety healing properties, and that is why this tree is considered precious.

In the middle zone, as a rule, you can find Korean, European, Siberian, and dwarf cedar. Photos of cedar trees and their descriptions can be found on this page.

Photos and description of cedar

Cedar is considered a valuable plant due to its magnificent wood and healing needles. This type of tree is very well suited for landscaping any areas.

Most people probably know what a cedar tree looks like: in a word – a giant. The genus of this tree can reach a height of 45 meters.

If pine has hard needles, the whorl contains a maximum of 3 needles, then cedar has the opposite: soft, long, organized in bunches of 4-5 pieces.

There are two types of shoots - elongated vegetative and shortened generative. Male buds look like ears of corn and are usually red or yellowish. Female buds are small purple bumps.

The root of the tree can be described in one word - powerful.

Cedar trees purify the air in a remarkable way, which is why it is so pleasant to be near them. Cedar cannot grow in sand; the most favorable soils for it are sandy and loamy.

In the forest, a cedar tree begins to bear fruit at 30-60 years, in gardens at 15-20, thanks to good care and fertilizers. The trees pollinate well, so it is best to plant 2-3 trees nearby. The seed develops within 1.5 years.

How to grow and care for a cedar tree

Cedar gives the garden a look of solidity and power, firmness and cheerfulness. The tree does not need constant care.

It is necessary to plant seedlings in a well-lit area at a distance of 4-5 m. The crown should be developed on a low stem. It should be branched and have many peaks.

It is necessary to break out the buds that grow on the sides in March-April, before the growing season begins. The area for cedar should be large and have suitable soil.

Germination of nuts lasts 2 years. They need to be planted in the fall, then they will begin to sprout in March-April. However, there is another way of planting: stratify the nuts in moisture, soak them for a day, and plant them in the spring.

If you plant using the second method, whorls will appear in 4-5 years, the tree will need shade. Cedar can also grow in sphagnum bogs. The tree is practically independent of the surrounding temperature - it tolerates both frost and drought.

Siberian cedar

The distribution area begins in the north-west of Europe and ends in the south of the Urals. This species can grow in lowlands and mountains.

The crown at a young age of the tree is similar to a cone, later it becomes flat. If many trees grow in one place, then they are elongated, but if cedars are planted individually, then the plants become very branched and may have several tops.

It is advisable to focus on how the cones of cedar trees look - they are incredibly beautiful on an adult tree.

Usually a cone contains 100-140 nuts, which, by the way, are very tasty. Their taste is greatly appreciated by the nutcracker, which can eat up to 50% of the harvest. One cedar can produce 1500 cones.

Many other animals also hunt for nuts: squirrels, sables, wood grouse. Sometimes even a bear tries to climb a tree.

It is impossible not to emphasize chemical composition Siberian cedar nuts - after all, they can have up to 61% lipids, up to 17% protein, more than 12% starch. Nuts contain vitamins A, B, E.

Nuts also contain substances that reduce the chance of developing tuberculosis and anemia.

From 1 kilogram of nuts it is possible to produce 150 grams of butter and 200 grams of flour. Cedar tree oil is one of the most beneficial. Moreover, it is not only eaten, but also used in various industries.

The needles of this type of tree contain essential resins, oils, vitamin C, and many others. useful substances.

Siberian cedar is practically independent of light.

European cedar

European cedar is very similar to the Siberian species. It grows wild in the mountains, at a decent altitude.
This species is often planted in gardens and squares, usually singly.

Korean cedar

This species is the most beautiful of all types of cedars. The height can be more than 40 meters, the width - more than 1.5 m. The crown has many peaks and is similar to a cone.

The cones of this species are similar to a cylinder, larger in size than those of its Siberian counterpart. The seeds are 2 times larger and contain more lipids (up to 65%).

Nuts and pine needles are not inferior in taste and content of useful substances, and the quality of wood is not inferior to the Siberian type of cedar.

Cedar elfin wood

A small shrub that sends its branches along the ground.

Photo of cedar tree

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