Caucasian yoga.

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and secret knowledge was written a long time ago. The Caucasus, as a crossroads of cultures and civilizations, has accumulated the mystical experience of many peoples. And mountain spaces have always been considered the focus of celestial energy, a place where powerful cosmic force is concentrated. It is no coincidence that it was in the Caucasus mountains that many mystics sought secret knowledge both in the Middle Ages and in modern times. It is believed that secret knowledge stored in the depths Caucasus mountains

, were accessible to few; over time, a caste of the chosen ones, guardians of tradition, was formed, something like the Egyptian priests of antiquity. The rest could only receive knowledge from initiates. Those who were able to go through years of difficult and often physically difficult training and withstand the initiation became initiates themselves.

The name of Stefan Walewski, one of the initiates, a researcher of the East and an antiquarian who was looking for the key to the secrets of the Universe in the Caucasus, today is no longer surrounded by such a mystical veil as it was until the early 1990s.

The details of his biography are unknown, as are the details of his initiation. Walevsky did not talk about the knowledge gained in the Caucasus during his lifetime, and after his death a manuscript was found in his archives, called by the author himself “Caucasian Yoga”. “Caucasian yoga” is a synthesis of the ancient knowledge of the Caucasian highlanders and mystical experience dating back to Ancient Egypt

and Iran, the spiritual practice of Muslim Sufis and the secrets of Indian yogis. Much of “Caucasian Yoga” can be found in the famous teachings of G. Gurdjieff. Gurdjieff was initiated into the mysteries of many teachings and, as a Caucasian, could not ignore the unique knowledge in his homeland.

“I am on this Earth to transform the desert into paradise” - this is the epigraph Walevsky chose for his manuscript.

Among the many revelations in the book, you can find practical ways of how to, for example, how to enter the world flow of knowledge, how to connect to universal forces, how to curb your Ego, how to cure many diseases, how to stop fussing and start enjoying every moment of life, how to find hidden strength love, how to prolong your life

Walevsky today has a follower - the Circassian Murat Yagan (b. 1915), who has been living in Canada for the last 40 years. His students are thousands of people all over the world. Yagan insists that the tradition of the Chosen is at least 26 thousand years old, and that the knowledge of Caucasian yoga was brought to the Caucasus during the Flood.

According to ancient Circassian legends and songs, after the Flood there were only three mountain regions left on earth in which people managed to survive: the Hindu Kush in the Himalayas, the Andes in South America and the Eurasian peaks of the Caucasus. The Bible also points to the Caucasus as the homeland of flood survivors.

The very origin of the toponym “Kav-Kaz,” Yagan emphasizes, is related to the ancient Semitic root “Kaf.” References to the mystical Source in the Caucasus Mountains can be found both in the literature of the Zoroastrians and other ancient religions associated with the monotheistic lineage of Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad. Everywhere in the writings of Islamic Sufis there are references to Mount Kaf.

There are many reasons to believe that the teachings of the Chosen are directly related to the ancient mysteries of Egypt, just like the Nart epic itself.A land of myths and wonders, Egypt is considered by Theosophists to be the birthplace of a post-Atlantean civilization, where the legendary Thoth brought his wisdom from Atlantis.

In any case, no matter where the teaching of the Chosen came to the Caucasus, it could only originate in one place - in the mind of a person who had reached the heights of self-knowledge.

The traditions of Valevsky’s “Caucasian Yoga” and the experience of Murat Yagan are today summarized by Zaur Zhane, who has been developing a school of Caucasian yoga in Adygea for five years and conducting practical classes. Zaur Zhane himself - chemist, graduate of Moscow State University, candidate of science, minister of science and education in the government of ex-president of Adygea Khazret Sovmen - has been studying and teaching ancient systems of healing and self-improvement for more than forty years: Indian, Tibetan and Caucasian yoga. And it was even dedicated by teachers from India.

Zaur Zhane - President of the Caucasian Yoga Association

When I'm in Maykop, I try not to miss his classes. Where else can you learn not to rush, not to fuss, to accept failures as lessons and experience, to meditate on different colors, to “observe from the depths” of your opponents, to drive away feelings of envy and overcome pride...

Not long ago, Zaur Zhane wrote the book “The Path of the Chosen: Traditions of Caucasian Yoga.”It contains a lot of “tasty” things - and not only specific exercises, but also a wise and calm conversation between the author and his readers about very important things in life, about cooperation, about mental maturity, about forgiveness, about daily temptations, etc.

The tradition of Caucasian yoga, Janet writes, teaches to overcome the “satanic poisons” that poison human life: fear, impatience, irritability, resentment, self-flagellation, vindictiveness, envy, hypocrisy, lust, jealousy, greed, lies, pride, indifference, laziness, foul language, suspicion, hatred, fanaticism, despondency.

“Everything done in a hurry is garbage and a loss of love” is the refrain of the book. “Be who you really are” is the basis, path and fruit of the tradition of Caucasian yoga.

I'm going to classes again on Friday. I will learn “Master’s Breath”, meditate on different colors and visualize, for example, powerful sunsets...

An inexperienced person would hardly think that in the Caucasus there is own system yoga Caucasian yoga or “Work Khabze” translated into Russian means “Paths of the Chosen.” This teaching originated in ancient Circassia, in a narrow circle of the ruling elite.

The religious beliefs of the ancient Circassian tribes were a harmonious combination of Christianity and the unique spiritual tradition of “Khabze”. As already mentioned, this word means “path, tradition, teaching.” This teaching is a system of three main elements: the social canon, individual etiquette and, in fact, Work Khabze. In the West, Work Khabze began to be called “Caucasian yoga”.

Training at this level required special abilities and inclinations, some of which were transmitted genetically. Training began when nobles or princes reached 24 years of age. But if a young man showed special talents, sometimes his training could begin earlier.
Work Khabze included rules and recommendations for spiritual cleansing, physical development, meditation and prayer. Most of recommendations for strengthening the will, developing strength, endurance and nutritional discipline later became ethical standards that formed the basis of the phenomenon of Caucasian longevity.

Some believe that the tradition of Work Khabze is more than 26 thousand years old, and it appeared in the Caucasus during the Flood. It is believed that after the flood there were only three areas where people were able to survive: the Andes, the Himalayas and the Caucasus.

In Caucasian yoga, much attention is paid to the nature of human nutrition. It is believed that depending on the quality of food, a person’s life expectancy also changes. But unlike the teachings of classical yoga, the Work Khabze tradition does not insist on a vegetarian diet, since it believes that the human digestive system is designed for mixed foods. Moreover, it is believed that a person should be able to adapt to the diet of the geographic region in which he is located at one time or another in his life. The chosen one must learn to live in any conditions and with any people, to adapt to any situation.

Food should be balanced, simple, healthy and fresh, and the process of eating should bring joy, satisfaction and take place in comfortable conditions. At the same time, you must constantly be aware of your relationship with everything that exists on Earth.

To develop your own body and willpower, Caucasian yoga recommends doing 21 daily physical exercise. In general, these exercises are aimed at:

*Strengthening abdominal muscles;
*Preservation of mobility of the thoracic, cervical and lumbar vertebrae;
*Prevention of muscle spasms;
*Strengthening the muscles of the spine.

Such exercises were successfully used by Circassian horsemen to improve their riding skills.

From the point of view of Work Khabze, any disease is a disturbance in the flow of free energy flows. These disorders arise due to the appearance of emotional, physical or intellectual blocks. Such blocks penetrate nervous system human beings and are a consequence of deep problems of the human Self (Ego).

Here I would like to make a small lyrical digression from the topic of the article into the history of psychoanalysis. As you know, Sigmund Freud had many followers who criticized his teachings for being excessively pansexual. But only Wilhelm Reich criticized the founder of psychoanalysis for paying too little attention to sexual energy. But Reich became famous not for this, but for the fact that in his works he turned to the ideas of Eastern spiritual traditions. He studied yoga for many years and developed a unique psychotherapy technique based on releasing muscle tension. These muscle tensions are a reflection of the mental problems of the individual. Roughly speaking, if a person’s shoulders are tense all the time, it means that his problems with hyper-responsibility and feelings of guilt need to be solved... with a massage. That is, by removing muscle tension with massage, we solve a person’s mental problems. So Wark Khabze’s teaching about blocks is very reminiscent of the theory of W. Reich, and therefore the very philosophy of yogis.

A special role is given to breathing technique. Work Khabze contains knowledge about a special unique technique of defragmentary breathing. You can read more about this technique in the book “Secrets of Caucasian Yoga” by Zaur Zhane. This work provides detailed descriptions of exercises that help achieve maximum effective breathing during meditation and in everyday life.

The Wands site is only a grain of knowledge of the Ancient tradition of Work-Khabze or CAUCASIAN YOGA.

"Only those who are ready hear the call,
for others the time has not yet come,
but someday it will definitely come."

The master system "Caucasian Yoga" is a synthesis of Egyptian yoga, Zoroastrianism (Mazdaznan), Aryan yoga using master arcana, plus symbol visualization. This is one of the most ancient systems on the planet for developing human potential abilities.

Much of the “Caucasian Yoga” can be found in the teachings of G. Gurdjieff, who was also familiar with this unique knowledge in his homeland.

The living tradition of the Chosen began to leave the Caucasus approximately 500 years ago and was almost completely destroyed during the hundred-year Caucasian War of 1763–1864.

The main role in the revival and spread of this system in modern world, belongs to Murat Yagan (b.1915-2013) - an outstanding Circassian master Work Khabze, who lived for the last 40 years in Canada. His students are thousands of people all over the world.

The traditions of “Caucasian Yoga” by Walevsky, the experience of Murat Yagan are today summarized by Zaur Jane, president of the Caucasian Yoga Association, who since 1995 has been reviving and systematizing the ancient teaching of spiritual development person - Work Khabze (Path of the Chosen) in the Caucasus.

Zaur Zhane published a book "The Path of the Chosen: Secrets of Caucasian Yoga." Here is what the author, Zaur Zhane, says about her:

Anyone who has read Comte Walewski’s book “Caucasian Yoga” understands that using it as a textbook is not only impossible, but also very dangerous. In my book, I tried to cover all aspects of the teaching in the simplest and most modern language possible. I worked on this book for more than 10 years and am glad that it was distributed so quickly throughout the country. Now I’m finishing the second book, which will be a continuation of the first. I cannot help but mention the inspiring works of the Canadian patriarch of Caucasian yoga, 95-year-old Murat Yagan, which became the first publications of the living oral tradition of Work-Khabze in the West.

The practice of Caucasian yoga includes cleansing and healing at all levels of human existence:

  • physical;
  • emotional;
  • intellectual;
  • spiritual.

1. Physical cleansing and healing.

In Caucasian yoga, much attention is paid to the nature of human nutrition. Counts, that depending on the quality of food, a person’s life expectancy also changes - this will be confirmed to you by Caucasian centenarians. But unlike the teachings of classical yoga, the Work Khabze tradition does not insist on a vegetarian diet - food should be balanced, simple, healthy and fresh, and the process of eating itself should bring joy.

To develop your own body and willpower, Caucasian yoga recommends doing 21 physical exercises daily. These exercises are aimed at:

  • Strengthening the abdominal muscles;
  • Preservation of mobility of the thoracic, cervical and lumbar vertebrae;
  • Prevention of muscle spasms;
  • Strengthening the muscles of the spine.

Such exercises were successfully used by Circassian horsemen to improve their riding skills.

A special role is given to breathing technique. Work Khabze contains knowledge about a special unique technique of defragmentary breathing.

2. Emotional cleansing and healing.

From the point of view of Work Khabze, any disease is a disturbance in the flow of free energy flows. These disorders arise due to the appearance of emotional, physical or intellectual blocks. Such blocks permeate the human nervous system and are a consequence of deep problems of the human I (Ego).

The root of all diseases is negativism - the main destructive emotional states, such as:
fear, impatience, irritability, resentment, self-flagellation, vindictiveness, envy, hypocrisy, lust, jealousy, greed, lies, pride, indifference, laziness, foul language, suspicion, hatred, fanaticism, despondency, poisoning all levels of human existence.
The emotional poisons of negativism block the free flow of vital energy, destroying the harmony of organs and systems.
The antidote to this is the practice of the twelve attributes unconditional love and inner body practices, which are the basis of Work-Khabze.

3. Intellectual cleansing and healing.

Intelligence can become either a powerful tool of creation or a weapon of destruction, including itself. Caucasian yoga is an open system that teaches its adherents to carefully observe everything that happens in both internal and external spaces, while doing correct conclusions and testing them with your own practice.

4. Spiritual cleansing and healing.

Work Khabze teaches that man is the most blessed being on Earth because he has the potential ability to restore direct contact with the Inner God (Marja). Awakening and developing this hidden ability is the main task. The only way when faith becomes knowledge, and knowledge is Truth, is through personal mystical experience that gives us an understanding of who we really are.

These are the secrets of long-livers.

For many years, scientists have been trying to uncover the secrets of Caucasian longevity. And to this day, people are surprised by the inhabitants of the Caucasus with the inner strength that comes from them. This, of course, is facilitated not only by the place itself, but also by the system of education, lifestyle, and traditions that are present in that area. It is they who allow Caucasian residents to maintain good health for many years and give enormous spiritual strength, which makes them resilient and contributes to their self-improvement.

This system of self-knowledge and spiritual improvement is called Work Khabze, which translated means “The Path of the Chosen.” It was the hidden core, around which the culture of the Caucasus was formed.

This system owes its name “Caucasian yoga” to the visit Prince Walewski to these places 200 years ago, where he received initiation into this system. However, he gave his word not to divulge this teaching. Returning home, Walevsky compiled notes of what he heard, and after his death these manuscripts were found and published.

A distinctive feature of Caucasian yoga from all other systems of self-improvement and self-development is its holistic approach, when work is carried out at all levels at once.

To maintain physical health, there is a certain set of exercises. It is said that every rider performed this complex before mounting a horse. Their peculiarity was that they were not just dynamic, but an important factor in their implementation was the emotional mood and a special breathing system.

This breathing system has no analogues with any other schools, it is unique and perfect. So, in order to bring yourself into a state of full combat readiness, powerful inhalations and exhalations are made.

Women were also encouraged to do gymnastics to stay in shape throughout their lives.

In addition to physical cleansing, it is used in this direction emotional cleansing to get rid of accumulated negativism. Wark Khabze emphasizes that negativism is not just a mistake, but often a fatal mistake, since it blocks the channels through which Vital energy. Any irritation blocks these channels, which leads to illness and death. An elixir that has helped clear negative emotions is the “12 Attributes of Unconditional Love,” which is widely used today. These attributes include: poise, courage and others.

The third element of purification is intellectual cleansing - careful observation of what beliefs and convictions we use and eat, where they came from: are these our thoughts, emotions, or are they tested by life. Careful observation, adequate conclusions and mandatory testing in practice are a mandatory requirement for intellectual purification. This allows a person to see the essence of what is happening.

The fourth and most important point of cleansing is the spiritual component.“Man comes from eternity and goes into eternity, and in the interval he accumulates the wealth of his soul.”. Unlike other types of yoga, there is no concept of reincarnation, but there is the concept of “nicarnation”, which means that each soul is unique and therefore Every moment should be cherished to do good. And this is correct, since God does not care about our affiliation with faith or religion; He evaluates what good we have done to people.

In Caucasian yoga It speaks of the existence of not only an external, but also an internal God, living in the heart of every person. And in every serious situation in the Caucasus, they turned to this internal energy, called “marja”.

In general, it is surprising how this system of improvement and development has reached us right now. After all, it could not be taken outside the initiates. But, nevertheless, now Prince Walewski’s book has become very popular and classes have begun to be taught on it. This is due to the fact that humanity is at a fork in history, and therefore it is important that everything secret becomes clear. No wonder the Tibetan Lamas were forced to leave China for America, and India introduced the West to Vaishnavism, as well as its culture and customs.

Caucasian yoga is the path to Truth, that is why man exists. And this is its essence. Besides this yoga promotes the development of mystical abilities, which are acquired by performing certain exercises (arcanas). Incorrect understanding and use of these abilities contributes to human degradation. And this is why the knowledge of Caucasian yoga is so for a long time kept in the strictest confidence. It is said that this knowledge came from the students of Pythagoras, who studied the culture of Egypt.

In turn, it is believed that the Egyptians received knowledge from the surviving inhabitants of Atlanta. This can explain the fact that Egyptian culture did not develop gradually, as was the case in most other nations, but suddenly blossomed, still amazing the minds of modern scientists who are only now coming to discover what this civilization used in ancient times.

It is not surprising that Caucasian yoga, using the knowledge of the ancient Egyptians, has become a perfect tool for the development of body and spirit. Now each of us has a unique opportunity to join this knowledge for our development and self-improvement.

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