When can you throw away the deceased's old things? Is it possible to wear things after a deceased person? The priest's opinion. So is it worth the risk of trying on the clothes of a deceased child on your baby?

We all, sooner or later, have to lose loved ones. It is inevitable and necessary to go through such sad moments. The deceased person led his life, and left behind many things. What to do with them and is it possible to wear things after a deceased person? It all depends on your attitude to this issue.

Negative energy that remains in the things of a deceased person

A person carries some things on himself and his energy accumulates in them over time. Especially if the item was in close and long contact with the deceased. For example, this could be your favorite clothes, bedding or jewelry. What to do if it is really good and throwing it away is extremely inappropriate.

  • Clothes can be put on after the 40 days, during this time its energy field will be cleared of the presence of the previous owner.
  • With jewelry the situation is much more serious. It all depends on what is it made of, what stones it contains, for what purpose it was worn. Having served faithful service to one owner, after his death, it keeps the soul of this person for many years.

It is not for nothing that our ancestors, when saying goodbye to a person, buried his personal belongings with him in the grave, first of all jewelry, gold, silver and all the jewelry that he had. It was believed that using all this a second time is dangerous, you can take on his karma.

What to do if you want to wear the clothes of a person who died

The clothes the person was wearing at the moment he left this world, must be destroyed, it is best to burn.

The remaining things can be good, and you want to take them for yourself rather than throw them away. In such cases, you can do the following:

  1. Get things wet holy water: spray, wash, wipe. The method is not important here, the main thing is that the water is blessed according to all Orthodox rules.
  2. Salt has excellent absorbency. Soak the clothes in a salted water solution, then rinse them in plain clean water and you can use them for their intended purpose.
  3. Give things a second life. How can this be done? Redraw it and make shorts or a skirt from trousers, a sundress or a T-shirt from a shirt. Imagine with new life The clothes will also have a clean energy field.
  4. Can give the remaining things to the poor, orphans and the poor. You will do a good deed, thereby cleansing them of all bad things. Yes, things will go to strangers, but your property will definitely return to you.

Here are some simple tips on how to deal with things that you hate to throw away and really want to use for their intended purpose.

If the owner of the things died from a serious illness

If a person has been sick for a long time, then first of all his things need to be washed thoroughly, and best of all, disinfected. A sick person retains twice as much negative energy. Therefore, it will take longer to work with such things.

  • Let them lie in the closet a little longer and wait their turn.
  • In addition to the fact that they also need to be treated with holy water, it is also advisable to consecrate them right in the church.
  • It is better to take jewelry and other similar things to the grave and leave them near the monument, unless of course there are so many of them. There is no need to set up a warehouse on the grave.
  • You can turn to psychics and magicians who will help you clear the field of these things. But here you need to be extremely careful, as you can run into unscrupulous workers in this service sector. At best, nothing will happen.

What to do with the belongings of deceased children

The death of a person is undoubtedly a grief, but the death of a child is an indescribable, terrible grief, which is probably impossible to survive to the end. After the death of the baby, of course, there will be many good and perhaps even new things left. What should I do with them? Can I give them to those who have children?

Young children are considered vulnerable to the influence of ill-wishers. An unkind, envious look from a neighbor, endless lisps and praises bring the evil eye to the baby. The grief that parents pour out on the remaining blouses and toys remains on these things forever.

The energy of parents killed by misfortune is very strong and you can’t get it anywhere. That's why You shouldn’t let anyone wear the things of a deceased child.. There is no need to give them to your younger brothers and sisters, just put them in a closet or burn them.

Neither holy water, nor the reading of the priest’s prayers, nor anything will help here. And there’s no need to tamper with your child’s good memory again. Let his soul calm down and go to another world.

Is it possible to wear things of a deceased relative?

If your close relative died, does this give you the opportunity to take his things for yourself and use them as your own?

  • According to the advice of psychics , you can do this, but there is a chance that failures and illnesses will befall you. In such cases, psychics, of course, advise turning to them for help. They will clear your field of the energy of the deceased, and free the item from the pursuit of the spirit of the deceased so that you can use it. If you are a close relative, then the situation is different. Those relatives with whom the deceased had good relations can, after 40 days, use his belongings without a twinge of conscience. Conversely, it is better for relatives who are in bad standing with the deceased to abandon this idea.
  • According to Orthodox Church , regardless of the degree of relationship, it is better to give the things of the deceased to those in need. In this way, you will remember the deceased, and protect yourself, just in case, from unnecessary problems.

Probably, such an attitude towards this problem is still far-fetched prejudices. Death has always caused fear in people, and when it is so close, you want to protect yourself from it by any means. And things here only remind us - nothing lasts forever in this world.

Conspiracy over the belongings of a deceased person

You can also try clean things using various spells. It is not necessary to call a priest or a psychic for this.

  1. Buy two blessed candles from the church. Take the item and hold it over the candles. Try to do this so that all parts are above the flame, while saying the following words:

“The fire of the holy candle burns, drive away the spirit of the deceased from (name the thing), and save me from harm!”

For several days, put this item in the closet along with a candle so that the spirit of the deceased has time to leave.

  1. Another simple way to cleanse is with water. Rinse the item under a tap or in a running pond, as moving water will penetrate well into all, even inaccessible, corners of the item and imagine how, together with this water, you are washing away all the bad things that may remain on the item. Water brings life, which means it is initially charged with positive energy.

Here are some simple ways to cleanse things from the negative energy of a deceased owner, which you can do at home yourself.

Of course, the death of a friend or loved one is a grief that is not easy to bear. But we must continue to live and whether it is possible to carry things after a deceased person is up to those who remain, those who will cherish the memory of the departed people.

Video: what to do with things if a person dies

In this video, the famous parapsychologist and psychic Arsen Balayan will tell you whether a person can carry things after a deceased friend or relative, and how to cleanse the personal belongings of the deceased from negative energy after death:

Time is an integral part of human existence. People are born, live their lives and die. This is the constant cycle of existence of all life on earth. But no matter how prepared a person is for death, the passing of someone close is always a tragedy. After carrying out all the rituals of burying the deceased and realizing the loss, the relatives of the deceased do not always know what to do with the things of the deceased person.

Where to locate the deceased's belongings

There are many different opinions About, how to dispose of the belongings of a deceased person. In some religions it is customary to burn the clothes of the deceased, in others - to distribute them to the poor. All rules and rituals have been formed over many centuries, slightly modified to suit the times.

Today, various esotericists and psychics have taken an active position in this issue. According to them, the deceased’s belongings carry a charge of negative death energy. It is better for living people not to use the things of the deceased. Believing or not believing these statements is a personal matter for everyone, but it’s still worth listening.

According to Christian beliefs , there are several stages in the ascension of the soul of the deceased to heaven. It is from them that all the rules of the funeral rite come.

What to do with furniture

Wardrobes, beds, sofas and other large pieces of furniture- the biggest problem for relatives. Is it possible to leave a bed or sofa in the house on which the deceased slept, and especially if he died lying on this furniture - not the easiest question for a family. But there is no clear answer to it. Psychics strictly prohibit sleeping on a bed or sofa if someone has died on it. Believers are not so categorical. In their opinion, the main thing is not the thing, but the person. Therefore, it is enough to read a prayer and sprinkle the object with holy water.

Today, not everyone can afford to rid their apartment of pieces of furniture left behind by the deceased. People prefer to invite a priest to their apartment and ask to bless their home after funerals and wakes.

If relatives trust psychics more, you can ask them to clean the entire apartment and furniture with their energy.

Gold and other jewelry

The most questions arise about gold and other expensive jewelry.. It is believed that the precious metal accumulates a person’s energy throughout his life. Precious stones can store negative energy for centuries. There is an opinion that you cannot wear gold after a deceased person. This may lead to negative consequences and even diseases.

If you do not delve into the magical component of this issue, but turn to history, then it becomes clear that there is nothing terrible here. From time immemorial, jewelry has been passed down from generation to generation. From mother to daughter, from father to son. Even the crown Russian Empire, decorated with an incredible amount of precious stones, has changed many owners.

But there is one rule that is unofficially observed by representatives of almost all religious faiths - do not wear jewelry taken from a deceased person, especially if it is a cross or icon. It happens that the deceased did not have time to take off his jewelry during his lifetime. In this case, relatives have two options. Bury the person as is, or remove the decorations. It is better to sell the jewelry removed from the body or take it to a pawnshop, not forgetting to consecrate it in a church or keep it in holy water.

In other cases, jewelry and decorations do not pose a threat to their new owner. If you still have doubts about whether it is possible to wear the gold of a deceased person, then to be sure, it is better to keep the jewelry in holy water for several days.

Who should I give clothes and shoes to?

Very often, relatives feel sorry for simply throwing away the clothes or shoes of the deceased. It happens that the deceased leaves behind good and expensive things. Of course, you shouldn't throw them away or burn them. Today, almost all cities and villages operate collection points for low-income families. You can take your clothes and shoes there or give them to the church. There will always be people at the temple for whom all this can be very useful.

Even if the deceased left very expensive clothes, for example, a fur coat, it is not recommended for blood relatives to wear them. Both psychics and the church are unanimous in this opinion. Psychics claim that clothing will carry the energy of the deceased, so blood relatives will be more vulnerable to the negative energy of the item. According to the church, by giving clothes to people in need, relatives help the soul of the deceased.

Is it possible for his relatives to carry things after a deceased person? The answer to this is unequivocal: it’s not worth it. No matter how expensive the clothes or shoes of the deceased, it is better to give them to charity, and thereby ward off negative energy and help people in need.

Personal belongings of the deceased

Personal belongings of the deceased include all household items. For example, a phone, a watch, a wallet, pillows, blankets, etc. This can also include all kinds of memorabilia - various souvenirs or a set of dishes. Therefore, before you take and sell all this, you should think very carefully. Psychics say: the personal belongings of the deceased carry a very strong energy charge, because they were chosen and acquired with love and strong emotions during the owner’s lifetime.

Under no circumstances should things be taken from the body or from the coffin of the deceased. Today it has become fashionable to cremate the bodies of the deceased and scatter the ashes to the wind. In order for a piece of a beloved relative to remain, many cut off a lock of hair from the deceased. But it is not recommended to store such items at home. It is believed that the soul can become attached to them and not cross the line into another world. And also you cannot keep icons and flowers at home that were in the coffin during the funeral service. Usually they are given to the singers or left in the temple.

Photos and documents of the deceased

Many relatives are interested in what to do with the documents of the deceased. They cannot be thrown away even when all the paperwork related to the funeral has been completed. It is impossible to be completely sure that they will no longer be needed, so it is better to save all the documents of the deceased.

Photos of a deceased relative are not only a memory of him, but also a kind of prints life cycle person. After death close relative It is not necessary to put all the photos in a box or hang them on the wall. It is better to leave everything as it was during his lifetime. This will help you survive the loss and not forget your loved one.

Where to put things from suicides

At all times, the church had a negative attitude towards people who died of their own free will. There are separate burial rules for suicides:

  • they are not buried in church;
  • they are not buried in a common cemetery (among some peoples);
  • their things cannot be given away to people.

From time immemorial, suicide has been one of the most terrible sins. A person must live as many years as God has given him. If he took his own life, it means he committed a mortal sin that cannot be forgiven or corrected. That's why things from suicides aren't given out to people.

Where to put the things of a deceased person - The priest’s answer will be unequivocal: burn it. It doesn’t matter who this person was - husband, father, son, brother or someone else near and dear. The personal belongings of a suicide cannot be kept in the house or given as souvenirs, even if they are useful, necessary and expensive items.

What to do with the belongings and clothes of a deceased person is decided differently in each family. Some listen to the opinions of psychics, others to the church. For every family, the loss of a loved one is a tragedy, and parting with the belongings of the deceased is not so easy. But no matter what happens, you need to remember: death is not the end. It’s not just that they say that a person is alive while the memory of him is alive.

If the deceased's belongings remain

Why should the deceased’s belongings be distributed to the poor within 40 days and how to do this correctly. How to neutralize necrotic energy.

Many people adhere to the old belief that it is better to distribute the clothes of a deceased person, as well as his belongings, to the poor. Since the personal energy of the deceased may remain on objects, which will prolong the grief of loved ones. The Orthodox religion tells how to perform this ceremony correctly.

What to do with the belongings of the deceased according to the advice of the Orthodox Church

The most appropriate thing would be to give things to the temple, where they will be cleared of the “memory” of the old owner and will then be distributed among those in need. Of course, it is recommended to sort first. Very old and unusable items of clothing should be thrown into the trash. Those that have been preserved in good condition are carefully packed and, by prior arrangement, handed over to the ministers. In this way, you will help the deceased complete his affairs on earth and with a good deed make his path to the gates of heaven easier.

According to the Orthodox tradition, things must be given away within forty days. When handing them over to the church, do not forget to ask for prayer for their repose and you can order a special service. Buy a few candles and, when you come home, fumigate the room so that the spirit of the deceased does not return.

How to remove negative energy from objects of the deceased

Sometimes it happens that after the death of a loved one, you want to leave a memory of him and preserve the items that he used during his lifetime. However, some of the superstitions say that the necrotic energy remaining on them can cause harm and even take a grieving person to the next world after his loved one. What to do in this case?

Experts recommend performing a cleansing ritual. You need to select those items that you decided to keep, tie them with threads or rope, sprinkle them with holy water and fumigate them with smoke from church candles. Then you should mentally say goodbye to the deceased, put everything in a large box or suitcase, cross it and hide it out of sight for a while. This will help reduce the grief of separation, and the soul of the deceased will not worry that its part remains close to you.

As for gold jewelry that belonged to the deceased, it is recommended to immerse the jewelry in salt water for several minutes. According to signs, salt is capable of destroying any malicious manifestation. Then the jewelry should be thoroughly wiped and allowed to sit for a while next to your other personal items. For example, next to a watch, with a chain or with a cross.

Particular attention should be paid to the monetary savings that the deceased person owned during his lifetime. If it's enough large sum, then you need to allocate funds from it for alms for the poor. And before you become the full owner of the inheritance, you should thank the deceased for the gift and remember something good about him.

14.07.2015 10:30

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All of us, sooner or later, have to accompany someone close to us on their last journey. And a situation often arises when a deceased person leaves behind some things that are still suitable for use. What to do with them? Here's what experts in the field of parapsychology and bioenergetics say about this.

Is it worth getting rid of the deceased's belongings?

Sometimes you hear that it is better to get rid of all the things of the deceased. But is it? Much depends on the specific situation and what kind of thing we are talking about.

First of all, the deceased could, before his death, leave instructions on how to deal with this or that thing belonging to him. Therefore, it is better to act according to his wishes. For example, if he gives some thing to this or that person, his will should be fulfilled.

If one of the relatives or close friends of the deceased insists that some of the things be given to him, then it is advisable to do so.

If some thing is dear to you only as a memory, it is better to put it away and take it out when you want to remember the deceased.

Bed or sofa

If a person died on a bed or sofa, or long time lay on them during illness, then it is definitely better to refuse such an “inheritance”. If for some reason this is not possible, for example, other family members need a sleeping place, and there is nothing to buy a new bed or sofa, then at least perform a cleansing ritual by walking around the piece of furniture on all sides with a lit church candle in your hand and sprinkling his holy water. Of course, in any case, it is necessary to have bed linen, disinfect the furniture and, possibly, reupholster it.

Clothes and shoes

If a person wore clothes or shoes when he was sick before death, it is better to burn such things. Under no circumstances should you wear things taken from a deceased person. The rest can be distributed to friends or the poor.

If among the deceased’s personal items there are very good and almost new ones that you would like to keep for yourself, then it is better not to take them out of the closet until 40 days have passed since the death.

If you are going to use these things, it is advisable to first perform a cleansing ritual. To do this, the item is soaked in a solution of water and salt, and then washed properly.


If cheap dishes remain from the deceased, it is better to throw them away or give them away. If these are expensive sets or silverware, you can keep them, but you must wash and clean them thoroughly before use.


It is believed that watches retain the energetic “imprint” of their owner for a long time. Often, when a person dies, the clock on his wrist (and sometimes in his house) stops.

Should you keep the watch of the deceased? If he lived a decent and good life, then you can keep them. If this is not the case, then it is better to get rid of the watch.


It’s not so easy to part with jewelry, especially expensive ones. No wonder many families pass it on from generation to generation.

It is not recommended to wear jewelry that belonged to evil people, those who were involved in witchcraft, some dark deeds. If a person practiced magic during his lifetime, only the one to whom he gave his gift has the right to wear his jewelry.

Household appliances and gadgets

To use household appliances or gadgets after the deceased, in general there is nothing wrong. The only exception is mobile phone. This is still a rather personal thing that a person constantly carries with him.

If a person died a violent death or committed suicide, then in any case it is better to get rid of his mobile phone. IN Lately Cell phones are often placed in the coffin with the deceased. If the phone is new and expensive, you can keep it. It is better to give a cheap or outdated model to someone.

Portraits and photographs

Previously, it was customary to hang portraits and photographs of deceased relatives on the walls. However, today one can increasingly hear that images of the dead carry negative energy and this can negatively affect the fate of those who survived.

Usually a large photograph is chosen for the funeral, which is enclosed in a mourning frame or tied with a black ribbon. The portrait is placed on the table during the wake. After this, he must remain in the house until 40 days have passed since death.

It is better to remove photographs from the walls if living people feel somehow uneasy in their “presence” - for example, fears, insomnia, headaches, some kind of ailments, hallucinations appear... This should be taken especially seriously if the deceased was alive was related to magic, esotericism, or, to put it mildly, was not distinguished by outstanding spiritual qualities, and had the reputation of an evil and bad person.

You should not throw away old photographs, even if you never knew the relatives depicted in them. Let this remain a memory of your ancestors. Keep special albums for such photographs. Photographs of deceased and living people should not be stored together. Also, you should not place photographs of the dead next to the living.

It is strictly not recommended to take photographs at a funeral, and especially not to keep photographs of the dead person in the house afterwards. This way you will let the energy of death into your home, which can really negatively affect your life.

What to do with unnecessary things?

After a person's death, those things that are of no value should be thrown away. It is necessary to clear the apartment or room of the deceased of excess rubbish, carry out general cleaning and, if possible, repairs.

Death never brought anything positive. This is the pain of loss, suffering, serious illness or a voluntary decision to die. In any case, the deceased collects a lot around himself, which extends to his clothes, personal items, and jewelry. Therefore, many believe that the deceased’s belongings should be put away and never used. Let's try to figure out how serious everything is and answer the question: Why can't you wear the things of a deceased person?

Analytical information

After analyzing people's opinions, it is impossible to come to a definite conclusion about what to do with the things of a deceased person. Fortunately, now there is unlimited access to the World Wide Web, where you can ask questions in forums. No matter how sensitive this topic was, there were many who wanted to discuss it. So, most bloggers are still inclined to think that one should stay as far away from objects of the dead as possible. They explain their position by the negative energy that remains on those objects that the deceased used.

But despite categorical prohibitions, there are many daredevils who are ready, without a twinge of conscience or a sense of fear, to put on any thing of a deceased person, especially jewelry. They explain their decision with cleansing rituals: If you soak your clothes in salt water and sprinkle them with holy water, all the negativity will go away. Experienced psychics have their own point of view on this.

Negative energy

When a person dies, a piece of his soul remains in the things he used. Especially it concerns:

  • favorite clothes,
  • jewelry,
  • bed linen.

Therefore, it is not advisable to use these items so that the negative does not pass on to a living person. But what to do if a relative left behind an expensive item that you can’t throw away? Or you just want to preserve the memory of a loved one.

Knowledgeable people advise in this case to wait 40 days for the deceased until the soul leaves the earth. Also, you should consider what kind of thing it is. Some materials store information about the previous owner for a very long time, passing it on to future owners.

Cloth. If the deceased loved and wore the item very often, it will retain personal energy for quite a long time. Those clothes that were used extremely rarely are safe from the point of view of energetic influence after 40 days.

Decorations. This is a separate conversation, because few people would agree to throw away a diamond ring, for example. A lot depends here on the metal itself and the stone. If the deceased wore jewelry constantly, and it was with him at the time of death, the energy is stored for a very long time, tens or even hundreds of years. This also applies to precious stones. If an opal quickly forgets its previous owner, then a diamond or diamond chooses its owner for centuries, absorbing a piece of his soul

It is also necessary to know for what purposes the deceased used the jewelry. If you just wore it as decorative jewelry, that’s one thing. But if used for magical rituals- this is a completely different situation. Thoughtless appropriation of such items can result in very serious consequences, including punishment.

There are cases when, with decoration, a person receives additional abilities that the deceased possessed. It could be a gift, or it could be.

Bed sheets also stores information about the previous user for a long time. This is not surprising, because in a dream a person turns off his mind, allowing internal energy to be freed. Also, part of the information about the DNA code of the deceased comes out later. Therefore, it is not recommended to use such things.

This also contains the answer to the question of why relatives should not carry the things of the deceased. After all, information about the deceased will not be as close to a stranger as to people close to him. Accordingly, the energy sector will have a different impact. Although some of the information is still captured and transmitted regardless of family ties. For example, if a person died from a serious cancer disease, his things contain information about this disease and the corresponding energy. It definitely won’t have a positive impact.

What to do with the belongings of the deceased?

After the death of a person, it is necessary to restore complete order in his room and house.

You can, of course, not touch anything for three days, but then the chances are high that the soul of the deceased will return to its usual environment, and it will be difficult for it to break the threads with our world.

You need to put things in order very carefully. Throw away all unnecessary things, simply rubbish. Clean furniture, floors, walls, windows. Wash everything that can be washed. It is better to get rid of furniture that is not very necessary, because wood absorbs necrotic energy well. This is especially true for the bed. Such items can be taken outside and distributed to those in need, not forgetting to mention where they come from. This rule is suitable not only for furniture, but also for dishes, clothes, shoes and small trinkets.

Naturally, if a person close to you has died, it is impossible to give up all his things. I really want to keep them as a souvenir. And one simply cannot raise one’s hand to show disrespect for the deceased and throw away all his property. In this case, it is advised to take a large suitcase or box, carefully put all the deceased’s belongings in them, tie the box with ropes and tape, and hide it as far as possible for as long as possible. This technique is especially effective for reducing suffering and grief.

Naturally, not all things can be distributed or hidden. Those that remain must be properly discarded. Anything that burns can be burned. And the rest should be carefully folded and taken to the trash can. In this way we show respect to the deceased.

Kids' things

When someone dies, suffering, grief, despair and sorrow have no boundaries. This is the worst thing that can happen, especially for a mother. Therefore, some families leave the children's room untouched in memory of the baby. This is absolutely impossible to do. So the child’s soul suffers more, because people try to keep it on earth by any means necessary.

Children's things should not be stored. Only the most beloved and treasured objects can be neatly folded and hidden away so that you can look at them only occasionally.

You can't give such things as gifts either. Children strongly absorb necrotic energy. Their unprotected karma may suffer greatly.

Some rituals

Whatever it is, people try to approach every problem as practically as possible. This also applies to the issue of belongings of deceased people. There are several possible ways to energy cleanse the belongings of the deceased.

  • Using holy water. For a true believer, Holy water can do the impossible. Indeed, thanks to it you can neutralize negative energy and drive away evil spirits. Clothes can be sprinkled by reading a special prayer. Wipe jewelry and small objects with holy water, making the sign of the cross and reading prayers.
  • Salt. This method is quite common and consists of the following: the clothes of the deceased person must be soaked for several hours in cold salt water. Only after this thoroughly wash, rinse, dry and iron very carefully on all sides.
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