DIY corner scratching post. Master class on making a scratching post. What materials are best suited for the job?

Every cat owner knows how the predatory nature of his pet manifests itself. The ability to attack from around corners, interest in small moving objects and a special love for furniture and wallpaper. Sometimes it seems that your furry friend is simply playing a dirty trick, ripping off the last ones. But that's not true. I want to sharpen cat claws because of their nature. Therefore, you should not blame the domestic predator for all sins, but it is better to choose a scratching post for him or make it yourself.

Why do you need a scratching post?

A scratching post (claw pad, scraper) is a device on which a domestic cat can sharpen its claws. By buying them or building them with their own hands, forward-thinking owners distract their furry pet from carpets, sofas and wallpaper. The instincts of the cute predator are satisfied, the destructive process in the apartment is stopped.

The scratching post allows your pet to sharpen its claws without harming furniture or wallpaper.

Why do cats sharpen their claws at all? This is how they maintain their physical and mental health:

  • help renew claws;
  • relieve stress and expend excess energy;
  • stretch the spine and strengthen the muscles.

When I trained my cat to use a scratching post, about a week later I found a claw near it. I got scared and decided that the material of the cloth was too hard and damaged my pet’s claws. After examining his paws and spending about 10 minutes on the Internet, I found out that this is normal. House fluffies, like snakes, shed dead claws to allow new ones to grow.

Video: why cats sharpen their claws

Types of scratching posts

Scratching posts vary in type and coating material. The most common ones cover:

  • jute - ropes made from fibers of the plant of the same name. Not a very durable material, but safe and economical;
  • sisal - stronger ropes made from agave fibers (rags covered with sisal are more expensive);
  • carpet - a material that repeats the texture of carpets;
  • cardboard is an environmentally friendly, but short-lived material.

The types of scratching posts are differentiated depending on their application and installation.

Photo gallery: products with different coating options

Scratching posts with jute cover are the most popular due to their cost-effectiveness. The scratching post covered with sisal is the most durable of the ones presented. A carpet-covered scratching post is not very durable, but is ideal for cats who like to sharpen their claws on carpets. A scratching post made of cardboard is economical, but the most short-lived of those presented.

Wall scratching posts

Wall scratching posts are flat boards that are placed on walls. They are ideal for cats who love to sharpen their claws on your wallpaper. Usually such rags are covered with sisal or jute.

Wall-mounted scratching post is well suited for small apartments

Pros of a wall-mounted scratching post:

  • does not take up much space;
  • large selection of accommodation options;
  • it cannot be turned over, so the owners will not wake up at night from a sudden roar;
  • The product can be used to cover part of the wall with damaged wallpaper;
  • low price.

One of the disadvantages is that it is problematic to move this claw tool from place to place. You need to re-drill the wall or drive a nail in order to hang the board. On the other hand, if a cat is used to sharpening its claws in one place, it is hardly worth changing the location of the cloth.


An improved version of a flat wall-mounted scratching post is a corner one. As the name suggests, this board is attached to the corner of two walls. Like the flat one, this rag is well suited for small apartments, because it is compact and economical.

Changing the location of a corner scratching post is even more difficult than a flat one.

A corner scratching post will protect wallpaper on the corners from attacks by domestic predators

Some corner scratching posts are made multi-story. They are supplemented with platforms, hammocks and other elements.

A corner scratching post with a platform will appeal to a cat who likes to jump on cabinets to watch what is happening in the apartment.


Not all cats sharpen their claws on walls. Some people like to do this on carpets or other horizontal surfaces. For such pets, it is better to buy a floor-mounted scratching post:

  1. Flat. This is a piece of wood, usually covered with sisal. You just need to put it on the floor. These rags are compact and easy to use.

    The flat scratching post is easy and convenient to carry from place to place

  2. With curves. The wave-shaped scratching post allows the cat not only to sharpen its claws, but also to play. They are more expensive than flat ones and require a little more space.

    The wave-shaped scratching post allows the cat not only to sharpen its claws, but also to play.

  3. Scratching post toy. Typically, such plastic products are covered with carpet on top. After the cat has had enough of playing with the artificial mouse, he will sharpen his claws on the mat on the surface of the rag.

    A floor-mounted scratching post with an artificial mouse inside can become a kitten’s favorite toy.

  4. Made from several layers of cardboard. These are the most short-lived scratching posts, but if your pet loves to sharpen its claws on cardboard boxes, he will definitely like these products. This type of rag is very cheap and will have to be replaced in 4-6 months. Some manufacturers impregnate cardboard with aromas that attract cats, so furry predators immediately show interest in the new toy.

    When choosing a cardboard scratching post, you need to be prepared to often sweep up pieces of cardboard torn off by your cat.

Columns with platforms

Scratching posts in the form of columns with platforms are perhaps the most popular. When choosing such a piece of cloth, you should pay attention to its height. A column of half a meter is suitable for a kitten, and from 70 cm for an adult cat. Sufficient height will allow the furry predator to stretch its back and strengthen its joints.

You can choose a scratching post of different sizes, functionality and prices:

  1. One post with a platform is the most economical and compact option for this type of rags. As a rule, such scratching posts are covered with jute, which is not very durable.
  2. Corner - created for cats who like to sharpen their claws on the corners of the apartment. Such models are semicircular and easy to rearrange.

    The corner scratching post can be easily moved to another room or installed in another corner

  3. With a house. In addition to the scratching post, the pet gets its own personal place to sleep and relax. The size of a standard house is 35x35 cm.
  4. Large complexes with several levels. Such scratching posts are complemented not only with houses, but also with beds, hammocks, ladders and tunnels. This is a great option for an active furry predator.

Buy or make it yourself

Whether a cat uses a scratching post or not depends on many factors:

  • whether the pet is satisfied with the coating;
  • whether the type of rag is selected correctly;
  • did the furry predator understand how to use the new toy;
  • Does he like the smell of the product?

Cats' sense of smell is not as subtle as a dog's, but these animals are still able to distinguish natural materials from synthetic ones by smell. The smell of the latter will most likely repel them. This is why pets may refuse to use a product purchased in a store. If this is your situation, try making your own scratching post.

Homemade rags will cost less than similar store-bought ones, and besides, you will know exactly the composition of the materials from which the device is made.

How to make a scratching post with your own hands

Before starting work, it is important to understand what a scratching post should be like:

  • stable - it is important that the product withstands the active pressure of a domestic predator and does not fall;
  • compact - if you have a small apartment, the rag should be small;
  • durable - the coating material must have sufficient strength;
  • aesthetic - the design will become an element of the interior, so it is better to work on its appearance.

The scratching post must be stable enough so that the cat does not knock it over.

What materials will you need?

Observe your pet to understand which scratching post cover to choose. Some furry pets love cardboard boxes, while others often sharpen their claws on carpets and upholstered furniture. The first ones are rags made of cardboard, the second - from jute, sisal or carpet.

It is better to choose natural materials for coating. Synthetic ropes have important disadvantages:

  • can scare away a cat with their smell;
  • quickly become unusable;
  • dangerous if ingested (if the pet decides to chew the fluff).

I bought a post with a jute cover for my cat. No matter how much my husband and I tried to accustom the little wallpaper pest to the scratching post, he did not show the necessary interest in it. Our pet played with a toy tied to a rag, sat on a platform attached at the top, but flatly refused to sharpen its claws and continued to damage the walls. The solution came naturally when we bought a new one washing machine. The cat happily began to apply his manicure on the box in which the equipment was packed. We gave it to our pet to be torn to pieces, and later we made a claw holder from sheets of corrugated cardboard. This is how we saved the remaining wallpaper in the apartment.

There are also cats who prefer to get their nails done on trees. You can simply bring such pets a beautiful stump or part of a pole of a cut down tree - and the animals will be happy!

Floor scratching post: step-by-step master class

For a simple floor scratching post you will need:

  • wooden plank;
  • two bars for the sides;
  • leg-split;
  • 4 screws;
  • drill;
  • stapler

Manufacturing process:

  1. We attach the bars to the sides of the board with screws.

    It is important to select screws that will securely attach the beams to the board

  2. We make two holes in opposite corners of the board. We thread the end of the twine into one of them and tie a knot. We wind the twine, securing it with staples.

    You can secure the twine with staples using a stapler

  3. The floor scratching post is ready!

    A flat scratching post is best placed where the cat likes to sharpen its claws.

Making a rag post for a kitten

For a small scratching post you need to prepare:

  • several empty tin cans (their total height should exceed 50 cm);
  • a piece of carpet;
  • wooden board;
  • hot or silicone glue;
  • jute or sisal;
  • wool thread and feathers;
  • nails.

A scratching post for a kitten can be made not from a wooden block, but from tin cans or a piece of plastic pipe


  1. We cut the carpet according to the shape of the board with a margin. Glue it to the board. We put weights on and wait until they dry completely.

    To make the glue stick better, it is better to put weighting agents on the carpet

  2. We glue the cans to each other - we get a base pipe. First, you need to put a weighting agent (a piece of wood, a weight, or just a bag of cereal) in the bottom one. Glue the pipe to the bottom platform. We cover it with carpet.

    You can glue the cans to each other, and then cover them with carpet, or glue each one separately, and then assemble them into a solid structure

  3. We treat the middle section with glue. While it is still wet, we wrap this part of the pipe with a jute or sisal cord. We make a toy from wool thread and feathers and attach it to the top.

    While playing with a toy, the kitten gradually gets used to the scratching post.

Video: how to make a play complex-scratching post with your own hands

Where to place the rag

The scratching post should be placed where your pet likes to sharpen its claws. The cat has taken a liking to the wallpaper and is scratching the wall in a certain place? It's worth hanging the rag there. Is the little predator putting his manicure on the sofa? Place a post nearby on the platform or place a floor claw clipper.

If you decide to buy or make an entire play complex or a multi-level scratching post, there is not much choice for placing the structure. Place the cloth where it is convenient for you, and gradually teach your cat to sharpen its claws there.

How to teach a cat to sharpen its claws on a scratching post

There are several ways to train a cat to sharpen its claws on cloth:

  • put some kind of toy on the structure or hang it on it - the animal will reach for it and involuntarily touch the coating with its claws;
  • teach your pet by example - pretend that you are sharpening your nails on a scratching post;
  • rub the cover of the nail clipper with a cloth that you previously rubbed over the fur of another cat - your pet will begin to mark the territory, scratching the surface with a foreign smell.

Be sure to praise your cat for sharpening his claws in the right place. Pet him and treat him with treats. But in no case should you force your pet to do its manicure on the scratching post. By plunging its claws into the coating and running the animal's paws along the surface, you can unwittingly hurt your pet. You shouldn’t rub the coating with valerian either - its smell inhibits the cat’s instincts.

Video: how to train a cat to use a scratching post

A scratching post helps a domestic cat maintain its health without harming the interior of the apartment. You should choose a product based on your pet’s preferences. If you decide to build the structure yourself, it is important that it is safe for your pet and has an aesthetic appearance. appearance.

Many people do not get a cat for fear of torn or upholstery. Even the most affectionate representative of this family will make “scratches” in or chairs. This happens on an instinctive level; after all, the blood of a wild animal flows in them. In nature, they sharpen their claws on tree bark, grass or ground. Optimal solution– a DIY cat scratching post that you can easily make at home. Today, the advice of the Homius editors will help you create ideal, and most importantly, harmless conditions for sharpening claws for your pet.

It is impossible to wean a cat from the instinct to sharpen its claws; it is in their genes. Pet owners should know why this happens:

  1. The claws are constantly growing, they are overgrown with a layer of rough skin, causing discomfort to the animal during outdoor games. Therefore, the cat tries to get rid of this cover on a comfortable surface.
  2. While the cat sharpens its claws, it gets great pleasure.
  3. The pet marks its territory. Between the fingertips there are glands that secrete a secretion with a subtle aroma that only animals can smell. In this way they mark personal possessions.

This is interesting! In pet stores you can buy special multi-colored anti-scratch pads that look like a manicure. But not all cats will like this innovation, and the cost of a homemade scratching post will be less.

Classification of claws

The most common type of scratching post is a vertical post wrapped in twine. In addition, accessories can be classified according to the following criteria.

Classification Description
By shapeFloor, hanging, corner, ring or column.
By type of designIn the form of a house, multi-tiered, complemented by shelves or bridges, a town with toys.
According to the material of manufactureA scratching post can be made from wood with twine, or fabric will also work.
By sizeMiniature, medium, large and monolithic.

scratching post for cats

How to quickly and easily make a simple cat scratching post with your own hands

There are a lot of options for making scratching posts; you can supplement them with interesting toys or bridges. Let's look at the principle of creating the most common structures using simple examples.

We make a scratching post out of cardboard with our own hands

To make the most budget-friendly and simple scratching post pillow, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • cardboard or corrugated cardboard;
  • stationery knife;
  • piece of fabric;
  • thick paper;
  • adhesive tape.

Then do the following:

  1. Disassemble the boxes and draw stripes more than 10 centimeters wide on the surface.
  2. Cut strips.
  3. Then you need to twist one strip and glue it. This will be the middle or core of the scratching post.
  4. Then wind all the other strips in the same way around the core, periodically securing the layers with glue or adhesive tape. Particular attention should be paid to the last layer.
  5. Wrap it in cloth and secure it.
  6. Place the structure on thick paper, trace the perimeter, cut it out and secure the base to a scratching post.

You can watch the master class in more detail in the video below:

scratching post bed

How to make a scratching post for a cat from wood with your own hands

Another budget option is a wooden scratching post. A small log or stump picked up in the forest is suitable as a base. The workpiece should first be cleaned with a stiff bristle brush and dried in a dark room.

  1. Wrap the workpiece with twine completely or individual fragments.
  2. Secure the workpiece on a wide base, use corners and a drill to do this.
  3. Tie some fun little toys to the top of the scratching post.

Ready-made sharpeners in stores are wrapped with a special rope, and not every seller will answer what the rope for scratching posts is called. If you wish, you can look for sisal thread, but any rope or twine will completely replace it.

scratching post post

How to make floor scratching posts for cats with your own hands with photos of finished designs

A more complex option is floor structures. You can keep things simple and use an old small coffee table for this purpose. But we will tell you how to make a scratching post for a cat with your own hands in the form of a column, a house and an entire town with photo examples of manufacturing processes and finished works.

Mobile option: floor-mounted flat cat claw sharpener

A flat scratching post is one of the simplest devices. To do this you will need a small sheet of board or plywood. Wrap it on both sides with carpet, wrong side up, or with a rope. The edges can be sewn with thick threads or secured with a stapler. This design can also be used by your pet as a bed.

Step-by-step instructions for making a scratching post in the form of a column with your own hands with photos of the process

To make a floor claw post, we suggest you look at detailed master class. After becoming familiar with this process, you will be able to make any of the most complex structures with your own hands.

Illustration Description of action

Before you make your own cat scratching post, you need to cut out the base from a sheet. It is important that the corners are not sharp.
Glue the rope to the base, starting from the end. After the side edge, proceed to securing the rope to the base.

For the column, take a stretch film tube no more than 40 cm high. For the base, you need to take a piece of wood and make it the same size as the tube.
Insert a piece of wood into the base of the tube and secure with three self-tapping screws.

Next, you need to mark the place where the tube is attached on the back side of the base, screw in 3 self-tapping screws and secure the post.
Using a glue gun, secure the rope to the post from bottom to top.
Glue the joint between the base and the post with a tourniquet, increasing the turn horizontally.
To prevent the cat from subsequently untwisting the end of the rope, you need to unwind it a little, cut off one part and glue it to the base.

Glue three small ropes to the top of the post and tie knots at the ends.
Make a decorative cap for the post.

The kitten will love playing with this interesting new product, and you can watch the master class in more detail in the video

All the nuances of making your own cat house with a scratching post

After we have explained in detail how to do simple designs, you can complicate the task a little and make it with a scratching post, and also supplement it with beds. First you need to make a sketch and draw a diagram of the future structure. Next, the manufacturing process is as follows:

  1. Cut holes on the base for installing posts.
  2. Make a pattern from fabric, cut holes for the posts and secure it to the base using a stapler.
  3. You can use . They should be secured to the base with metal corners and screws.
  4. Wrap the twine around the posts.
  5. Make the upper beds according to the principle of flat claw pads. Attach to the posts using furniture corners.
  6. Attach soft houses for cats to beds.

It is important! It is advisable to attach a large structure to the wall surface so that cats do not turn it over during games.

scratching post with house

Schemes and sizes of complexes for cats with scratching posts and beds for making yourself

You can draw up a diagram of the future claw blade yourself or use the proposed ready-made examples from the Internet.

scratching post bed

Features of manufacturing wall-mounted scratching posts: photos of finished examples

For a small room, a great option is to mount the scratching post on a wall surface, especially since it is much easier to make it than a floor one. And two more advantages: there is no cat hair left on them, and they cannot be turned over at the most inopportune moment. Therefore, this is an ideal solution for active pets. To work, you will need a sheet of plywood and a rope, which can be pre-painted for decoration.

DIY wall-mounted scratching post for cats

The wall-mounted scratching post must correspond to the size of the animal. It is optimal to choose a length that is 10 centimeters longer than the cat’s extended length. These parameters will help protect the wall from scratches. Recommended surface width is 40 cm.

To make a simple wall-mounted nail clipper, you will need two sheets of plywood, the width of each should be at least 25 cm, but you need to focus on the size and breed of your pet. For a soft layer, you can use a piece of old carpet or carpet, and secure it with the inside out, and a rope or several layers will also do. natural fabric. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Cut the canvas according to the pattern with a margin of about 10 cm, secure it with a stapler on the back side of the plywood. As an option, wrap the sheet with a tourniquet.
  2. Secure along the perimeter with slats using screws.
  3. Nail the structure to the wall.

wall-mounted scratching post

Favorite attraction: scratching post on the corner of the wall

To make a corner scratching post, you need to prepare three planks or sheets of plywood with a width of at least 15-20 cm, first fix the carpet on them with the inside out or twine. Install the prepared products at a corner, for example, at a height exceeding the length of the cat in an elongated form, about 10 cm. If desired, you can make a structure the entire height of the box, the pet will be able to climb on it during games.

corner scratching post

Travel scratching post for a cat: DIY master class

If your cat is your constant travel companion, be sure to make a travel scratching post. It will not take up much space, and your pet will be happy with its favorite thing on the road. To make it you will need a small sheet of plywood or rectangular board, wood glue, twine, a piece of rope or a strip of leather and a drill. Manufacturing instructions:

  1. Drill a hole in the board or plywood for the cord.
  2. Wrap the structure with a rope, periodically placing it on glue, carefully fixing the ends.
  3. In order for the accessory to be hung, for example, on, you need to secure the rope in the holes made earlier.

How to negotiate with a cat

Sometimes it is not enough to put up a scratching post; the cat simply may not understand what to do with it. To accustom your animal to a new accessory, use the following proven tips:

  1. Observe where exactly the kitten most often likes to sharpen its claws. This will help determine the location and shape of the device.
  2. If your pet has chosen a corner of the wall for pleasure, install a wall-mounted scratching post there. This could even be a small piece of carpet fixed at a corner, or a structure installed at an angle.
  3. To attract a kitten to the scratching post, just pour a few drops of valerian or scatter a little catnip on the surface.

1 of 6

When a kitten comes home, your home is in great danger of becoming one big scratching post. Of course, this accessory can be purchased, but making a scratching post for cats with your own hands is much more interesting!

How to make the right scratching post yourself? Let's watch the video below.

Making a wall-mounted scratching post with your own hands. Step-by-step instruction

It is not recommended to attach a wall-mounted scratching post to the wall by itself. You will need a wooden panel on which you will attach the future cat accessory. The width of the panel depends only on your design taste, but the height should match the height of the claw sharpener. Or two panels, if you are planning to build a corner claw board.

For manufacturing, you need materials such as a wooden block or the simplest wall panel. The height of the bar is 50-70 cm. To know more precisely, measure the length of your animal (without tail). The height of the bar should be equal to two lengths of the cat, excluding the length of the tail.

Borrow an electric drill from a neighbor, prepare screws and hemp or jute twine (thread diameter is about 5 mm). Buy 2 skeins of twine. This should be enough for a standard scratching post.

Using a drill, drill 6 holes in parallel in the block and in the wooden panel - two holes each at the top, in the middle and at the bottom.

Wrap the twine tightly around the wooden block, carefully securing the ends of the twine. IMPORTANT! Before you tape around the holes left by the drill, insert screws into them!

Final steps - screw the wrapped block to the wooden panel on the wall with screws. Invite your cat to taste a simple wall-mounted scratching post. (Serve with grated catnip!)

DIY scratching post made of corrugated cardboard. Master Class.

A DIY cat scratching post made from cardboard is even faster than a wall-mounted or corner one. It is also more environmentally friendly and fashionable than its claw brothers. The developers of the idea took as a basis that inexplicable fact that all cats love cardboard boxes, therefore, they simply cannot pass by a corrugated cardboard scratching post! The lifespan of the eco-scratching post is approximately 2 months. Therefore, a thrifty owner will not include in the family budget the purchase of such a claw sharpener at a pet store, but will definitely find out how to make a scratching post for a cat with his own hands.

Necessary materials:

Corrugated cardboard or cardboard boxes, thick paper, adhesive tape, PVA glue, paper cutter, fabric for decoration.

Manufacturing diagram step by step

  • Lay out the cardboard boxes on flat sheets and draw stripes of equal width on them. You can choose the width arbitrarily; it is better if the scratching post pillow is higher than 10 cm. But the arrangement of the stripes on the cardboard should be such that the folds of the boxes run horizontally with the stripes.
  • Cut the cardboard into strips.
  • Use your hands to begin rolling the cardboard strips.
  • Twist the first one as tightly as possible and secure it with duct tape or glue. This is the core of the structure.
  • Step by step, wrap other strips around the core, remembering to secure them with duct tape or glue.
  • Fasten the tip of the last strip especially carefully.
  • Wrap the cardboard with decorative fabric and secure it too.
  • Place the resulting pillow on thick paper, trace with a pencil and cut out the bottom of the scratching post.
  • Attach the base with glue or tape.
  • Your DIY corrugated cardboard scratching post is ready!

P.S. The photo shows that corrugated cardboard ideas are not limited to pillows. Loungers and ottomans made of this material are also very practical.

Scratching post-post. We do it ourselves - the cat rejoices

This cat simulator is especially loved by our pets. The average height of such a claw sharpener is approximately 1 meter. And the main difficulty in making a column is to find the column itself!

So, your cat is lucky and the appropriate size pipe is already at home. What else you will need:

  • wooden base-podium;
  • carpet or twine (jute thread);
  • construction stapler and staples for it;
  • fabric for the podium;
  • filling for the pipe (construction foam, heavy wooden beam).

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Cover a wooden square podium with velvety fabric and use a stapler on the floor side to secure the fabric with staples;
  • Cover the column with carpet or wrap it with jute;
  • Fill the hollow pipe with construction foam or weigh it down with timber;
  • Secure the pipe with a self-tapping screw exactly in the middle of the podium;
  • Mask the top of the column with a pre-made “cap”;
  • You should hang the ball on a long string.

The scratching post is ready!

DIY kitty house

A scratching post house for a pet is already aerobatics. In fact, this structure turns into a gaming complex, so the owner’s task is to take into account all the details at the design stage. But, as you know, if the handles are golden, it doesn’t matter where they come from!

Required building materials:

  • OSB boards (8 mm and 12 mm). They can be replaced with plywood or chipboard sheets;
  • a large piece of fabric, faux fur, carpet;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • hot glue gun;
  • staples;
  • metal pipe (or several pipes, depending on the final design);
  • several skeins of hemp or jute twine;
  • corners for furniture.

Required tools:

Tape measure, pencil, jigsaw, screwdriver, drill, compass, construction stapler, hammer, scissors, heat gun, knife, hacksaw, screwdrivers.

  • Drawing a diagram
  • We begin to cut OSB boards or chipboard boards.

In the video you can see how to draw patterns for a scratching post house.

  • We assemble the patterns and the pipe(s) into a single whole, fasten it like a man and invite the cat to admire the unprecedented beauty.
  • Wrap the posts with jute, carefully fixing its ends.
  • Cover the remaining surfaces with fabric or faux fur; you can mix materials.
  • Hang a decoy toy.
  • Remember about!

Natural wood scratching post

A scratching post made of natural wood is a wonderful decorative element. If you are lucky enough to find a suitable wooden element in a nearby forested area or at your dacha, bring it into the house. Bring it on and laugh it off that you are not Lenin with a log, but a caring owner of a beautiful cat!

  • Clean the wood piece.
  • There is no need to wrap the entire wooden base with twine; just wrap random pieces.
  • With the help of a crowbar and a strong word, or rather, with the help of a drill and a man's ingenuity, secure the tree-scratching post to the wall, hang up your pet's toys.

Finally, here are the four main qualities of a good scratching post:

  • Sustainability. The structure should not collapse, but it must firmly withstand the weight of the animal.
  • Compactness. In a standard apartment, large multi-level structures, of course, will appeal to cats, but they will push people out of their comfort zone.
  • Durability. A cat's manicure is a destructive thing, and the scratching post needs to be strong enough to withstand it.
  • Attractive appearance. You will look at this work of your own for a long time, and therefore the process of contemplation should be enjoyable.

If your cat constantly disappears into the closet, scratches the wallpaper or sofa, hides under the blanket and this bothers you, try making a cat corner. A properly made cat house will be a favorite place to hang out. There are plenty of all kinds of cat corners, with and without scratching posts, in stores, but this is not at all the same... Made with your own hands is both better and more reliable... You can develop it personally to suit your pet’s needs.

Which option should I choose?

Building a house for a cat is not that difficult, but you need to choose the right design. After all, you want something you made with your own hands to be actively used, and not just standing there to collect dust. In order for your cat to like the house, take a closer look at where the pet prefers to spend time, what he likes to do, where he prefers to relax - climbing higher or on the floor... In general, you need to select the design of the cat house based on the habits of your pets.

How to design

The preferences of cats and tomcats may vary. For example, cats prefer houses with two entrances - in case of emergency evacuation of their offspring. Therefore, many people like pipes or structures similar to them. At the same time, they don’t like a hole that is too large, since they need to feel like they are in a shelter. Therefore, the entrance/exit to the house should be made not too large so that the pet can easily enter it, but no more. And one more thing: not all cats like houses that stand on the floor - cats live in them with kittens. “Singles” prefer shelters at altitude, although this is also not a fact and depends on the habits of the individual.

Cats prefer to spend time at heights, watching everything that happens around them. They rarely sit in the house, but they can lie on the playgrounds for hours. If you have a cat, make more platforms, and of a substantial size - so that the animal can lie stretched out to its full height without the risk of falling. If railings are needed, then only for the highest shelves and obviously not along the perimeter, but only from the back and a little from the sides. In general, males feel great in areas without any fences: there are no fences on trees. Railings are needed more for the peace of mind of the owners than for the cats.

And, by the way, there are cats who love to sit on platforms no less than cats. So they also need viewpoints, just like houses for cats are needed. You never know, maybe he will be in a bad mood and decide to hide from you there. So yes, we haven’t simplified the task of choosing, but that’s exactly how things are - until you try, you won’t understand what your pet needs.

What to add

When owners say “cat house,” they usually mean a whole cat complex, in which, in addition to the house itself, there are areas and a number of additional devices. Usually one or two sites are actively used, and the rest are visited only occasionally. But the fact is that you won’t know in advance what your pet will like.

Helpful additions to a cat's home include scratching posts and climbing frames. Scratching posts are vertical surfaces that are usually wrapped with natural fiber rope. Climbing walls are horizontal and inclined boards along which cats can move from one level to another. Scratching posts, by the way, can also be used as climbing frames - using them the animal climbs to the upper tiers.

What else could be in a cat's complex? Hammocks. Usually this is a rectangular piece of fabric attached to two crossbars. Another option is also possible - a rigid frame with fabric sewn to it or a piece of fabric suspended at the four corners from the site.

The combination of a hammock and a pipe is one of the “light” options for a cat corner

Some cats also like pipes. They are sewn from fabric; for rigidity, a circle or oval of wire is inserted into both ends. One end is fixed higher, the other is thrown down. The main thing is that there is a clear opening at the end of the tunnel, otherwise you won’t be able to lure the cat any further. It turns out a good place for ambushes, in which some furry hunters love to spend time.

There is another feature that cats like, but which not many people know about - clothing brushes nailed to vertical surfaces approximately at the level of your pet's back. The bristles on the brush are artificial, medium hard. Try it, your pet will be happy!

Height selection

In general, the rule is true for cats - the higher, the better. Therefore, the height of the house that you want to make with your own hands can be as high as you are ready to make it - even right up to the ceiling. And no matter how many tiers there are in it, most often the top one will be occupied. And if there are several cats, there will be a “leader” at the top and this particular place will always be contested.

The minimum height of a cat's corner is about a meter. Such low structures are safe even for kittens, however, they grow up quickly and then want to climb higher.

Wall options

Even the smallest house for a cat takes up about a meter of free space on the floor. It is not always possible to allocate such space. For such cases, there are wall-mounted cat corner options. Houses and platforms are attached to the wall in the selected location using any available method. Some places directly - with nails to the wall, somewhere with the help of brackets. Transitions are made between fixed parts. From boards - straight and inclined, rope ladders, rungs are made at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other, steps are made in the form of a ladder... In general, everything is limited only by your imagination.

Wall-mounted “simulators” for cats

Such wall corners for cats are also called cat shelves, since the structure is very reminiscent of traditional bookshelves. By the way, furry ones love them very much and actively move around.

Selection of materials

A house for a cat, with all the additions, is usually assembled from construction remains. This is quite justified, because many (or even all) surfaces of the finished structure will be covered with fabric, textiles, entangled with ropes, etc. So if there are any leftovers building materials- you can use them. There are two requirements for materials (all):

  1. They should not have a pungent odor. At least the kind that the human nose perceives. Natural odors (wood, wool, etc.) do not count. If the material was purchased recently and there is a chemical smell, leave it outside to air it out.
  2. Materials should not be electrified. Static discharges are very unpleasant for cats, so they do not like open plastic surfaces. Also, don't use silk.

All the requirements, but there are still wishes. Do you want your cat to quickly and actively explore the house? Let the building materials sit in the house for some time. They will be saturated with familiar smells and will be explored by curious animals. A complex made “from materials saved” in the house will be received with greater favor.

Base materials

If you look at the photo, the cat house consists of different parts and they can be made from different materials. The list of basic materials is as follows:

Only the tree trunk, as a material for the cat complex, requires explanation. Everything is literally: take a tree, peel off the bark if it falls off. Use the branches as stands for placing houses, platforms, and baskets.

What to sheathe with

Twisted rope made of natural fibers is suitable for arranging scratching posts: jute, linen, hemp, sisal, etc. Take a thicker one with a diameter of several tens of meters at once - if the base is not wooden, you will have to wrap all the pipes with rope.

Shelves and houses are sheathed with dense material with short pile, usually carpet. The shorter and denser the pile, the better. Long and shaggy ones only look good, and while they are new, over time they accumulate dust, hair, various debris, and the cat’s home becomes the cause of allergies (yours or the cat’s).

The color of the upholstery is generally unimportant for cats - they do not react to colors. Therefore, you can choose “to match the interior”, the most “practical” color, the color of your pet’s fur, contrasting with the cat’s fur... any.


To make your homemade cat house safe, you should think about the fasteners. It is not advisable to use self-tapping screws, since wool can cling to them; you should not use staples either - they can be dangerous for claws (both types of fasteners are suitable if they are covered with upholstery). There are, in fact, only two types of fasteners left: glue and nails, and the glue is only PVA. Cats tolerate it well, as it does not smell after drying. Ropes and upholstery are glued onto it, and shelves, houses and everything else are nailed down.

You can also make it safe to use self-tapping screws. Drill a hole under the cap with a diameter larger than the diameter of the cap, install fasteners, and cover with putty. Yes, just like when making furniture, but what can you not do for the safety of your pet?

And one more thing: if the cat complex turns out to be too high, it is better to fix it. To the floor or to the wall, or to both the floor and the wall. Otherwise there may be problems - there have been cases when cats collapsed the structure.

Photo with dimensions

No matter how much we talk about the design of a cat house, the best way to understand the dimensions is by drawings with dimensions. If you look at them carefully, you will notice a solid run-up. This is understandable - there are large and small cats, and accordingly the size of the cat's house will be larger/smaller. You can adjust them yourself depending on the size of your pets or the available space.

The height of the presented structures is rather large - 180 cm and above, but you can reduce it by removing floors that you think are unnecessary. All these dimensions can be taken as a basis to develop your own layout and put down approximate dimensions. Having the drawing in hand, you can begin purchasing materials and manufacturing.

Instructions for making a house for two cats

The family has two cats. The older cat is the aggressor and the younger one is more active. Therefore, the design was designed so that the youngest could hide on the highest platform, but the elder, due to his weight, could not get there. They decided to place the house high, since both cats prefer heights. They made it larger in size so that both individuals could be there at the same time.

For this design, thick furniture plywood (12 mm) measuring 75*50 cm, timber posts 50*70 (4.2 m), jute-based carpet - 1*2.5 meters, 20 meters of rope were purchased. Fasteners - corners. For the house - 15*20 mm, for attaching platforms - 40*45 mm, 55*20 and 35*40 - for insurance, and a couple of large ones - for attaching to the wall.

We prepare the platforms and attach them to the poles

There are three pillars in the chosen design: one is 220 cm, the second is 120 cm and the third is 80 cm. They will be attached to a base made of plywood sheet. The pillars should be placed on the base so that the longest one is closest to the wall. To avoid confusion, when marking on a sheet of paper, using a ruler and pencil, we first drew a stencil on paper, on which the location of the pillars relative to each other was marked. The markings for installing the pillars were transferred from the finished layout. They were fastened with long nails through the base (4 pieces each), drilling holes of slightly smaller diameter in the plywood. Then they were secured on the outside with corners 55*20 for the large post and 35*40 for the smaller ones.

Using the same template, the location of the pillars was marked on the platforms, then holes were cut out for them according to the markings. To do this, we took a 12 mm feather drill and drilled holes in the corners marked for installing squares into which the jigsaw blade fits perfectly. From experience: it is better to make the slots for the posts a millimeter or two larger. The platforms are still held in place by the corners, and if the slot is made too small, it will take a long time to refine it with a file or sandpaper.

Before installing the platform, we “try it on”, adjusting the slots if necessary. Having placed the platform horizontally (using a building level) at the required level, mark with a pencil where the platform stands. Using this marking, we then install the corners, so that we make clear marks on all four sides. When all the platforms are installed normally, we cover them with carpet.

Assembling the house body

Two pieces of plywood 75*50 cm were cut into 4 rectangles. They made the roof, floor and two side walls. When making one of the shelves, there was a piece of plywood left with a semicircular hole in the side. It was decided to make it an “entrance”, and the back wall was cut out from one of the pieces. All that remains is to assemble the house, which is not difficult at all. Small metal corners were used, which were fastened with short self-tapping screws.

Preparing a “nest” for a cat

Before covering the house with a roof, it was upholstered from the inside, thus covering the fasteners and increasing comfort. Working inside the case is not so convenient, but you can manage. The roof was covered on both sides, after which it was secured using the same corners, but placed on the outside. Not very pretty, but not deadly. The finished house was secured in its designated place. The corners came to the rescue again, but larger ones - 35*40 mm.

We wrap the pillars

The last stage is to wrap the poles, making a scratching post. The easiest way to secure a rope to a pole is with staples. A few staples and you're done. Next, tightly pressing one turn to the other, we wrap the pillars in a spiral. We reach the obstacle, secure the rope with brackets again and continue on the next section.

As it turns out, the rope needs to be hammered...

From experience, I must say that no matter how hard we tried, the turns of the rope did not fit one to the other very tightly; over time, they “got soft” and began to “move” up/down a little. After working through the mistakes, we found a way: after laying several turns, we knock them out with a hammer. Everything is simple, but if I had known in advance... That's all, we made a house for the cat with our own hands. It took about 6 hours.

A similar design is discussed in the video below.

House from a box and a T-shirt in two minutes

For the simplest and budget option a minimum of “ingredients” is required:

  • Cardboard box of suitable size;
  • Old T-shirt;
  • Wide tape.

The only tools you will need are a mounting knife and scissors.

Photos of interesting cat houses/complexes

Living next to us for years, cats become not only pets, but members of the family. I want to create all the conditions for comfort for them, so the owners are trying, coming up with more and more new devices/designs. Some interesting ideas we have collected in this section.

Compact "high-rise building"

Shelves for cats - the name is clearly no coincidence...

Cat nightstand...

It’s not cold... Hammock near the radiator

When the window sill is too narrow...

Security guards...

Combination of cat shelves with hammocks... Almost a work of art

Additional video ideas

A house with a periscope and a scratching post for the cat Ryzhik.

Option using PVC pipe with a diameter of 100 mm.

Despite the fact that cats have long become domestic animals, the instincts of their wild ancestors are still firmly seated in their minds. In nature, claws are an important tool in the life of cats; they are needed for hunting, protecting their territory, and protecting themselves from enemies. But the claws must be looked after, otherwise there is a high probability of them breaking off, bending, growing into the skin, as well as excessive contamination. Instinct tells you that in order to be fully armed, you need to monitor the condition of your tools. Therefore, an animal in nature constantly sharpens its claws on trees, walls, grass, and all kinds of surfaces suitable for such use. And pets need a scratching post if the owners of the animal are not ready for furniture, carpets, and wallpaper to be used in this capacity.

What is a scratching post for?

Once at home, your pet will be forced to look for an object to realize his desire to sharpen his claws. Anything can get under your paw: a carpet, a sofa or chair, walls, furniture, shoes, bags and other things dear to you. There is no point in scolding your pet, because, in fact, he is not to blame for the deeds he has done. But pointing it in the right direction and teaching your purr to use a scratcher is an important and feasible task for a loving owner. And it is not at all necessary to buy this accessory in a store; it is much more interesting to make a scratching post with your own hands based on your own preferences and the habits of a furry hunter.

A scratching post made from a trunk is an option that is as close as possible to its natural analogue

Project preparation

All cats have individual characteristics and preferences. Therefore, it is important to properly plan a scratching post that matches the character, age, size, and habits of your pet:

  • A tall structure is well suited for active animals, preferably with platforms on which they can climb, climb, and jump.
  • If your cat loves to climb walls, curtains, or a hanging rug, come up with a device for her that will allow her to climb up to the ceiling. This role can be played, for example, by a piece of carpet nailed to the full height of the wall.
  • Many cats love to sharpen their claws on the corner of the wall, tearing your wallpaper to shreds. In this case, you need to take care of a hanging, possibly corner, scratching post.
  • Does your pet often crawl into all sorts of shelters and hide? Then a claw house could be an excellent option for him.
  • A quiet, calm, overweight cat will most likely choose a low bed with the opportunity to sharpen its claws.

When I was a child, I had a cat that never scratched walls, furniture, or anything else. Once on our floor there was a sofa mattress made of foam rubber, upholstered with furniture fabric. So this beast began to run around the perimeter of the mattress lying down. That is, the mattress is lying, our cat is also lying on its side, clinging to the edge with its claws, and began to wind in circles. It was quite fun to watch such an action, so they left her this entertainment. And now all the corners are covered with furniture fabric, because our current “star” knows no greater joy than to peel off all the wallpaper. Nothing saves. We do it ourselves and hang wall and corner claw clippers - without results. When access is completely blocked, she climbs onto the table and manages to turn the wallpaper into scraps of paper again.

In addition, you need to take into account the age and lifestyle of your friend:

  • You shouldn’t immediately build a large structure for a kitten. It is better for the baby to make a small column covered with carpet. Subsequently, having learned the character and determined the size of your pet, you will be able to come up with a more interesting and suitable option.
  • For an elderly animal, it is better to consider a low design with a lounger, so that it is convenient for him not only to do manicure, but also to take a nap after the work done.
  • If you pick up a stray cat, for the first time limit yourself to a round column that resembles a tree as much as possible. An ideal option would be a log brought from the street.

And of course, size plays an important role. The vertical claw blade must be higher than the length of its owner, so that he can stretch out as much as he wishes in the process. As a rule, cats like horizontal options less, so they are used less often. However, if your pet enjoys this type of device, make it according to the size of the cat. The animal must fit completely on it at full length and have a margin of 10–15 cm.
The planned structure must be strong, stable, and designed for a long service life

We make a claw grinder ourselves

So, let's start making a gift for our tailed friend. There can be many varieties, everything is limited only by your imagination, skill, and desire. In order for the item to please not only the cat, but also the household, it is advisable to think of an option that fits well into the interior of the apartment or house. It is better to choose a calm color, close to that found in nature: greenery, sand, earth, tree bark.

Rope post

This scratching post is quite easy to make.

You will need:

  • base with a diameter or width of 10–12 cm (timber, plastic pipe, small log, board);
  • sisal rope with a cross section of 8–10 mm;
  • plywood 22 mm thick;
  • a piece of carpet;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • sandpaper.

Also prepare your tools:

  • scissors;
  • jigsaw or saw;
  • screwdriver;
  • hammer;
  • measuring tape;
  • glue gun

Pre-calculate how much rope you will need:

  1. Multiply the diameter of the base pipe by 3.14 or calculate the perimeter of the square base.
  2. Divide the height of the stand by the diameter of the rope, so you will find out how many times the rope will wrap around the base.
  3. Multiply the number of turns by the number obtained from the multiplication in the first step.
  4. Add 10% to the result for the reserve.

Now you can proceed directly to making the scratching post:

  1. If you decide that the surfaces will be round, cut two slabs from plywood with a jigsaw: 30 cm in diameter for the top and 40 cm for supporting the post. If square, make them using a saw, the dimensions are the same.
  2. U base plate you need to determine the center and measure two points spaced 4 cm from the central one. These will be the centers for attaching the post to the supporting and top sheets of plywood.
    Support structures are manufactured first
  3. Sand all edges with sandpaper.
  4. If you have a wooden post, attaching it to the supports will not be difficult using self-tapping screws of the appropriate length. The situation is a little more complicated with a plastic pipe. Drill three small screw holes on each side of the tube, equidistant from each other and 1cm from the edge. Cut two circles from plywood along the inner diameter of the pipe so that you can insert them tightly into it. Attach them to the side platforms using self-tapping screws. If a plastic pipe is chosen as a post, plywood plugs are first inserted into its edges, with the help of which it will be easy to attach the post to the base
  5. Secure the rope at the top of the product using a strong double knot. If you made grooves for the edges of the rope, hide them. In a wooden post, you can fix it with glue; in a plastic one, you can simply put the prepared side plates on both sides. If no holes are made, leave a short end of the rope (at least 10 cm). When winding, place it along the product and wind it with the main part of the rope.
  6. The winding should be done as tightly as possible, securing it with a glue gun every 7–10 turns. For a tighter fit, tap the coils with a hammer.
  7. The final stage of making a column is connecting the main parts. You need to attach the side plates - the top and the base - to the edges of the post using self-tapping screws.
    After completing the winding, the top and base are attached to the post
  8. Cover the surfaces of the platforms with carpet, cutting out the appropriate pieces and finishing their edges with fabric edging. You can attach the carpet using a glue gun or a construction stapler.

I think that the wooden version of the post will be better and more durable. But if you have chosen PVC pipe, I advise you to fill it with sand or gravel for stability. This will give the nail clipper strength and add weight so that your pet doesn’t accidentally drop the structure. Another tip: in both the wooden and plastic posts, you can drill holes on both sides equal to the cross-section of the rope so that the ends of the rope can be hidden in them.

If your pet tends to leave only scraps of your carpeting, make him a scratching post-mat.

Making this option is very simple. You will need:

  • plywood sheet 30*50 cm;
  • a piece of carpet corresponding to its size;
  • scissors;
  • hacksaw;
  • roulette;
  • construction stapler.

Attach the carpet to the plywood cut to the dimensions given above using a stapler, bending the edges so that the fabric does not fray.

If you want to make a floor-mounted scratcher, you need to place it in a place convenient for you and your cat. But cats often prefer to sharpen their claws while standing, against the wall. To do this, use a self-tapping screw (if the wall is wooden) or screws (if it is stone) to attach the nail clipper to a vertical surface. It should be located at such a height that the animal can stretch out to its full height during the process. You can attach a toy to the product, for example, a homemade mouse on a string.

Using the same scheme, you can make a corner scratching post by making two such panels and connecting them with a butterfly loop.

Photo gallery: options for scratching mats

Cute scratching post design will decorate your interior
The floor scratching post will appeal to those who like to tear up the carpet.
The triangular design allows you to do without attaching the rug to the wall

Scratching post house

If you decide to create a grandiose project, build a house with claw clippers for your furry friend. There can be many options, it all depends on your capabilities, skills, and imagination. We offer you one of them.

Required material:

  • carpet;
  • timber for supports;
  • plywood for platforms 22 mm thick;
  • jute rope;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • corners.


  • saw;
  • jigsaw;
  • yardstick;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • construction stapler;
  • glue gun

Preparatory activities are as follows:

  1. Cover the prepared plywood with carpet using a stapler, secure the platforms to the posts with corners.
  2. From sheets of plywood, corners and carpet you can make not only shelves, but also a house.
  3. When the structure is ready, all you have to do is wrap the support posts with jute rope, securing every 7-10 turns with a glue gun.
  4. Place the gift in the place prepared for it and offer to evaluate it for your pet.

Your pet will appreciate the results of your work.

Video: how to make a scratching post yourself

Where to place

So, the main stage has been completed. A wonderful handmade item that will bring joy to you and your pet. But another important question arises: where to place it now. Here you need to proceed from the following aspects:

  • the accessory should be located conveniently for the cat, preferably in a place where he has already chosen a place for his manicure;
  • The scratching post should fit into the interior of the room, not get in the way of you and your household, and be pleasing to the eye.

The scratching post should be located in a convenient place and fit into the interior
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2024 Cats and dogs. Small animals. Health. Medicine.