Lesson summary: consolidating the sound c. Summary of the frontal lesson on sound automation “Sound. Letter C. Birds. Funny poems about the letter C for children

1. Strengthen the ability to hear the sound C in syllables, words, text.

2. Strengthen the ability to characterize sound according to a reference diagram.

3. Exercise children in determining the position of sound in a word.

4. Exercise children in sound-syllable analysis and word synthesis.

5. Develop linguistic representations at the syllable level.

6. Teach syllabic synthesis.

7. Strengthen the visual image of the letter C.

8. Practice making proposals based on supporting diagrams.

9. Develop visual and auditory perception, thinking.


Illustration for the story “Chicken Little Chicken”, chicken, ball, teaching aid “Bird”, pictures with the sound T at the beginning, middle and end, didactic game“Flower Glade”, teaching aid “Matryoshka”, trays with semolina, teaching aid “Make a sentence”.

Progress of the lesson:

Organizing time. Isolating the sound C from text, from words.

Today I have prepared a lot for you interesting story, listen to it carefully (from the manual by L.A. Borovskikh. I speak logically.)

(demonstration of illustrations for the story).

Chicken Chick-chick.

Little Chicken hatched from the egg and looked around. He saw around Big world. The sun was shining brightly and beautiful flowers were growing. “I’ll go for a walk,” thought Tsip-Tsip and walked across the lawn. Among the flowers, Tsip-Tsip saw a button and was surprised, because there were no buttons on his clothes. The chicken examined the button from all sides and moved on. On the way he saw a heron. The heron's ring fell into the well, and she did not know how to get it out. Seeing the chicken, the heron was happy. “Help me get the ring, chicken,” she asked him. “How can I get it?” - Tsyp-Tsyp was surprised again. “You sit in the bucket, I will lower you down, and you can get the ring. And then I’ll lift you up,” the heron told him her plan. So they did. The chicken took out the ring and gave it to the heron. So Tsip-Tsip made a friend.

What sound was heard most often in this story (Ts); what words with the sound Ts did you remember?

2. Characteristics of sound according to the reference circuit.

And here is our chicken. Let's tell him everything about his favorite sound Ts. (according to the reference diagram)

3. Transformation of syllables.

The chicken invites you to play ball.

The sounds in the syllables need to be swapped (tsa-ats, tso-ots, etc.)

4. Determining the position of a sound in a word.

Chicken has prepared tasks for you. Look at the bird. To the head you need to put a picture where the sound C is heard at the beginning, to the body - those where the sound is heard in the middle, and to the tail - those where the C is at the end.

5. Sound-syllable analysis of the word.

Remember who Chick-chick became friends with in the story (with the heron). Let's teach the chicken to hear all the sounds in the word heron (Lay out a diagram of the word with chips).

6. Physical exercise.

7. Development of linguistic concepts at the level of the syllable, syllabic synthesis.

Oh, what kind of clearings are these? Flowers grow on them, but not simple ones. There are pictures on the flowers. How many rays do the sun have over the clearing - so many syllables should be in the name of the picture on the flower. (Children arrange flowers in the clearings).

Here's another task: to guess the words, you need to swap the syllables...

You flowers grow in the flowerbed. The recipe has ripened in the garden bed.

8. Consolidating the visual image of the letter C.

We denote the sound C with the letter C. Let's introduce the chicken to it.

What does the letter C look like? Let's write it in the air, now with our fingers on trays with semolina.

How are sounds and letters different? (speaking based on the diagram)

9. Development of phonemic synthesis.

Chick-chick has prepared another task. You need to arrange the nesting dolls according to height and read the word. (Children read the word egg). How are the chicken and the egg related? (The chicken hatches from the egg.)

10. Psycho-gymnastics.

Draw a chicken sitting in an egg. Show how he gets out of the shell: first he sticks out his head, then the right wing, then the left.

11. Drawing up proposals for reference diagrams.

Let's make sentences about Chick-chick using the diagrams. The scheme number is indicated on the card.

12. Summary of the lesson.

It's time for the chicken to come home. Tell me, what did you learn today? What were the difficulties?

Dear readers, if you are interested in this activity, write in the comments and I will post a photo of the visual material.

Where do we start? What will we do first?

Guys, birds also learn sounds in the forest. There is a board with a task under the tree.

Our lips, tongue

They study all the time.

They need to know how

Sounds are coming!

Now we will find out how the sound [Ts] is made. Take the mirrors and say the sound [Ts].

Lips open or closed when pronouncing a sound C?

Are your teeth open or closed?

Is the tip of the tongue up or down?

What about the back of the tongue?

Place your hand to your mouth and make a sound C. What kind of air stream: warm or cold, long or short?

Now put your palm on your neck and say the sound C. Do the vocal folds tremble or not?

Guys, does the air stream meet an obstacle?

Is the sound [T] voiced or unvoiced?

Is the sound [T] soft or hard?

This sound is always hard; it does not have a little brother, a soft sound.

Guys, now we know how sound is formed, we can pronounce it like birdlings. Turn around yourself and turn into starlings.

Well done, starlings, now I can let you fly through the forest, listen to other birds chirping. But be careful, there are many predators in the forest! If you hear the sound [T], stop and do not move under any circumstances, so the predator will not notice you. The teacher names sounds and syllables one by one.

Turn around and turn into guys.

Birds flew through the forest

And a little tired.

Guys, look at the birds sitting on the branches of a tree to rest. Let's approach carefully and take a look.

Look at the bottom branch of the tree, who's there?




TIT, WILD GOOSE, WILD DUCK, SWAN - not migrant, not waterfowl.

Starling, heron, firebird, tit - how different all birds are. Do they have anything in common?

Where will the birds live now?

Guys, let's help the birds move into the house. In the first birdhouse there will live birds whose names have the sound [C] at the beginning, etc.

Words: starling, heron, tit, firebird.

We completed the first task! Everyone learned about sound. Now the second one.

What is it about? What can we see, write and read?

What is the difference between a sound and a letter?

Now we will get acquainted with the letter! This is the letter C.

Letter C - hook at the bottom,

It’s like a tank with a faucet.

Guys, look, the letter C has a hook and a tail.

How many sticks does the letter C consist of?

Are all sticks the same length? (show the same ones, the longest, the shortest).

How to write the letter C? SLIDE! One is a medium stick, two is a long stick, three is medium, leaving a small tail, four is a short stick.

Now we are familiar with the letter C, we can put it back in its place! The teacher unfolds the poster.

Summary of correctional educational activities “The Adventures of Little Chicken” for children of senior preschool age

Goal: teaching children how to maintain health, stimulating performance, thinking and speech activity.

Correctional educational tasks: clarify the pronunciation of the sound [ts]; develop phonemic hearing, improve sound-syllable analysis of words. Correctional and developmental tasks: to develop intonation expressiveness of speech, thinking, auditory memory, visual perception, coherent speech, speech breathing.

Corrective educational task: to form mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility.

Equipment: mirrors, individual diagrams, object pictures, finger puppets “chickens”, cane puppets: horse, chicken, fox, hare, bear, plot picture “In the yard”.

1. Organizational moment.

Speech therapist:- One, two, three, four, five - stand in a circle to play! A new day has come, let's greet it with a smile. I will smile at you, and you will smile at each other. We are calm and kind, we are friendly and affectionate.
- Take a deep breath through your nose and inhale kindness, beauty, health, and exhale through your mouth all the grievances, anger, grief (Lyrical music sounds.)

2. Report the topic of the lesson.

Speech therapist: Children, guess the riddle: “He appeared in a yellow fur coat, goodbye, two shells. Who is this?" (Chick)
Psycho-gymnastics: Depict a chicken sitting in an egg. Show how he gets out of the shell: first he sticks out his head, then the right wing, then the left. Chicken in the rain, chicken basking in the sun.
Listen to the story that once happened to Little Chicken. The hen took her chicks out into the yard for a walk and to look for worms. And Little Chicken was the most naughty, at first he looked out from under the gate, saw a flower bed (showing a large flower: color therapy - blue color) and decided to go smell the flowers, then he played tag with the grasshopper, then he studied the path of the caterpillar for a long time and... got lost.
A chicken doll appears
Chick: What should I do, how to find my way home.
(Audio recording of hooves sounds horses tsk tsk tsk)
Chick: Oh, do you hear what that strange sound is?
Speech therapist: Children, who do you think is jumping? (Horse) How do its hooves sound? (tsk tsk)
Today we will study the sound [ts] and help Chick return home.

3. Sound characteristics

Say the sound [ts] while observing the articulation in the mirror. Children analyze the pronunciation of the sound [ts] according to the diagram. The lips are in a smile, the teeth are close but not closed, the wide tip of the tongue is lowered behind the lower teeth, the back of the tongue is pressed behind upper teeth. A strong air stream breaks this barrier. The voice doesn't work.
Speech therapist: -What sound [ts]? Children: (The sound [ts] is a consonant, always hard, deaf.)

4. Pronunciation exercise with elements of su-jok therapy, development of motor skills, prosodic components of speech.

Speech therapist: The Queen Horse will show us the way

a.) Pronunciation of the poem
Pronouncing the poem by tapping each syllable with the fingers of both hands, alternately from the thumb to the little finger (applicator casts).
You are a horse, gray side.
Knock your hoof
Get us home quickly.

b.) pronunciation of syllables
jumps merrily over the pebbles: tsa-tso-tsa-tso
neatly jumps over streams: ts-ts-ts
climbs hard up the mountain: tsva-tsvu-tsvy

Horse: Walk two squares to the right and one down from the well. There is a yats-za sitting under the tree, he will show you the way further. (One of the children makes a move on a lined sheet of paper)
Speech therapist: Children, who is this? (Hare).

5. Pronunciation of sounds in words, development of phonemic concepts.

Hare: I’ll show you the way if you help me name the words a). Game "Be careful". - Look at the picture “In the yard.” Name a word with the sound [ts], which has one syllable (two syllables, three syllables).

(Chain; eggs, porch, flowers, sheep, starling; stairs, hen, chickens, greenhouse, cucumbers, well.)

Hare: Go two cells down and three to the left, there is someone waiting for you near the old mill (Children guess the word fox by the first sounds)

6. Development of auditory attention and memory, sound-syllable analysis and synthesis of the word “chicken”.

Fox: Oh, what wonderful children. Do you want to play with me
“Remember-repeat” game with elements of self-massage
Open up, third eye
Teach us quickly. Massage the point on the bridge of the nose
Our memory will become better
Check it out for yourself. Massage the points on the temples.
Suggested words: heron, ring, scissors, flowers
Starling, singer, lollipop, well done
Fox: Tell me, what is the name of the chicken's mother?
Children: Chicken.
Sound analysis of the word chicken

Speech therapist:
-How many syllables are in the word chicken? (Three)
-Name the first syllable. (Ku)
-How many sounds does it have, name them. (K, y)
The syllables “ri” and “tsa” are parsed similarly.
Children independently lay out the diagram of the word.
Fox: Well done, you did everything right. Go four cells down and one to the right, there is someone sitting in the clearing, eating candy.

Speech therapist: Guess who is sitting in the clearing. In the name of this animal, the first sound is [m], the last is [a], its cubs are small bear cubs.
Bear: You guessed correctly, well done. Smell the way my flowers smell.

7. Formation of a long speech exhalation, relaxation.

Exercise “Oh, how candy smells!”

Now rest in my clearing, and then I will show you the way further.
Muscle relaxation “Magic Mat”

Together with the speech therapist, the children take hold of the edges of the mat. Everyone lifts it up together, inhaling, and as you exhale, lower the rug down and say in a drawn-out manner: “Oooh.” The exercise is repeated 3 times.
Then the rug is spread out, the children stand around it and say the “magic” words: “One, two, three - rest!” Then the children walk onto the mat, make a circle (sun) and lie with their heads in the center of the circle (calm music sounds)

Eyelashes droop...
Eyes are closing...
We rest peacefully... (2 times)
We fall asleep in a magical sleep...
Our hands are resting...
They get heavy, fall asleep... (2 times)
The neck is not tense
And she's relaxed...
Lips part slightly...
It's so nice to relax. (2 times)
Breathe easily, evenly, deeply.
We are having a wonderful holiday.
We fall asleep in a magical sleep...
It's good for us to rest,
But it's time to get up.

8. Prevention of visual fatigue and myopia.

Speech therapist: Look at what a beautiful butterfly flies over the clearing.

Let's follow the flight of the butterfly with our eyes. (Trainer “Butterfly”)
Children follow with their eyes along a given trajectory.

Bear: Well, guys, did you have a rest? Listen, where should you go next: go three cells to the right and one up, there on the outskirts of the village there is a house in which a chicken lives.
(One of the children makes a move)

Speech therapist: And here is the house where the chicken Tsyp lives. (The picture “Chickens in the yard” is displayed) The chickens saw Little Chicken, were delighted and invited him to play with him and invent tall tales.

9. Development of coherent speech.

Children come up with a fabled dream about what happened to the chicken and the object that is drawn in the picture.

10. Reflection.

Speech therapist: Today we did a good deed, we helped the chicken find its way home. And who helped us and showed us the way? (Children's answers).

Municipal budget preschool educational institution « Kindergarten No. 8 of the combined species of the Novooskolsky district of the Belgorod region."
Prepared by the teacher-speech therapist MBDOU d/sno.8:

How to introduce the letter C? Option #1.()
Guess a riddle!
There are stuntmen in the arena,
Clowns, jugglers,
Multi-colored rays
Loud laughter is cheerful.

Where is all this happening? That's right, in the circus! What sound does this word begin with? (with the sound "C").
What sound is this - voiced or voiceless? Place your palm on the neck and determine! Yes, deaf. And he is always loud.

We can play with this sound!
1) Let's pretend a grasshopper chirps! “Ts-ts-ts-ts-ts-ts-ts-ts” (the sound is pronounced abruptly)
2) Now let’s show how the girl asks the children not to make noise! "Tskstststststst! Quiet! Don't make noise!"

Listen (read) a story about a circus.
In the center of the circus there is an arena. Trapezes and rings hang above it. Acrobats tumble on rings and tightrope walkers walk on ropes. Clowns entertain the audience in the arena. They joke, the audience laughs. They rush around the arena beautiful horses, and they have bold riders. The circus has a menagerie.

Text assignments:
1) Name all the words with the sound T and determine where the sound is (at the beginning, middle or end of the word)! (circus, trapeze, rings, tightrope walkers, cowgirl, menagerie)

Physical education minute:
"Merry Circus"
“The Merry Circus is visiting us
Juggler throwing balls
(“throwing balls”)
And the clown makes the audience laugh,
Makes big and little laugh.
(show with hands “more or less”)
Here's an acrobat on a tightrope
He spread his arms to the sides.
(spread arms to the sides)
A strong man tries to lift
The steel weights are new.
(raise weights)
Riders on horses
They're running around happily in circles
(show them jumping)
And we eat ice cream
("Eating Ice Cream")
And we clap to the song.

How to introduce the letter C? Option #2.()
Guess a riddle!
"Was White House, wonderful house,
And something knocked inside him.
And he crashed, and from there
A miracle ran out alive.
He appeared in a yellow fur coat,
Goodbye, two shells!"

What letter does this word start with? How many syllables? Which syllable is stressed?

Let's draw a chicken sitting in an egg. Let's show how he gets out of the shell: first he sticks out his head, then his right wing, then his left.

Let's read the syllables!
= ATs, OTs, UTs, IC, YTs
= TsA, TsO, TsU, Tsy

Speech therapy massage ()

In order to pronounce all sounds correctly, we must prepare our articulatory apparatus for work. And speech therapy massage will help us with this.
First, let's warm our hands.

Svetlana Tsedilenko

Municipal preschool educational budgetary institution

general developmental kindergarten No. 33 "Stream"

With. Mikhailovka Mikhailovsky municipal district

Lesson notes

according to ZKR, sound"ts"

teacher Tsedilenko S.A.

With. Mikhailovka

Subject: Lesson notes on ZKR, sound"ts"

Target: formation of correct pronunciation sound"ts" in words and sentences



train children in clear pronunciation sound"ts" (isolated sound, in words and sentences);

develop the ability to determine by ear the presence sound"ts" in words;

develop the ability to pronounce words with sound"ts" in a sentence;

improve intonation expressiveness of speech;

practice word formation;


develop fine motor skills of the fingers;

develop the articulatory apparatus of children;

develop phonemic awareness and auditory attention.


cultivate goodwill, attention, perseverance, and the ability to finish what you start.

Planned results:

the child willingly performs articulatory gymnastics; willingly takes part in games; shows interest in technical drawing "Scratch".


1. a picture of a tit;

2. items for the game "Wonderful bag" (scissors, flower, hare, book, ring, paints, doll, telephone);

4. items for the game "What Sounds" (spoons, accordion, tambourine, drum, bell, rattle, abacus);

5. pictures: lion cub and lioness, tiger cub and tigress, bear cub and she-bear, wolf cub and she-wolf, chicken and hen;

6. a picture depicting a hen, a chick and a heron;

7. a picture depicting a chicken and a rooster;

8. sample drawing of a chicken using the technique "Scratch";

9. green sheets;

10. brushes, stacks, glue sticks, decorative eyes, napkins, plates, cups;

11. chicken costume for children, chicken costume for the teacher.

Preliminary work:

a story was written "Tit";

learned articulation exercises "Watch", "Swing", "Let's brush our teeth" etc. ;

unlearned finger gymnastics "Fruit Palm";

prepared sheets for drawing techniques "Scratch".

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher invites the children to rub their palms, stretch their fingers, clench and unclench their fists, and shake their hands.

Finger gymnastics "Fruit Palm".

(Children alternately extend their fingers from their fist, starting with the big one, and pronounce the words).

This finger is an orange

He is, of course, not alone.

This finger is a plum

Delicious, beautiful.

This finger is an apricot,

Grew high on a branch.

This finger is a pear

Asks: “Come on, eat it!”

This finger is a pineapple

Fruit for you and for us.

Then he suggests developing a tongue.

Articulation exercises.

“The tongue greets the chin”

The tongue wakes up -

He was not used to sleeping for a long time.

And asked the chin:

- Hey, what's the weather like there?

“The tongue greets the upper lip”

Smile, don't be rude

Hello, upper lip!

"Watch" (tongue movement left and right).

"The cat laps up the milk" (use a wide tongue to move back and forth).

"Swing" (stretch your tongue either to your nose or to your chin).

"Slide" (the tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth, the back of the tongue is arched).

"Let's brush our teeth" (move your tongue either behind the upper teeth or behind the lower ones).

Educator: That's how clean our teeth are. Reads a story "Tit" (puts a card with a tit on the board).


It was a cold, snowy winter. And it became increasingly difficult for the birds to find food. The tit flew up to the house and sat on the porch. The door to the house was open. She flew onto the veranda. The children saw her and gave her bread crumbs. The tit was hungry. She began to peck bread crumbs and sang cheerfully "tsk-tsk" and flew away. Do you know how to sing a tit song?

(How did the tit start singing? Let’s all sing the tit’s song together). Individual and choral responses.

A game "Wonderful bag"(V pouch: scissors, flower, ring, hare, book, paints, doll, telephone).

Children take an object out of the bag and say whether there is a tit song or not.

A game “What does it sound like?”

Children look at sounding objects (accordion, bell, abacus, rattle, spoons, metallophone). Then the objects are put away behind the screen and the children must determine what it sounds like.

The teacher praises the children for correctly identifying by ear what it sounds like, even without seeing the object.

Educator: Guys, each of us has a mother. And the chick has, who is it? (chicken)– display a picture.

The teacher reads a story about a hen, a chick and a heron (a picture for the story is put on the board).

The mother hen laid an egg, and from the egg Chick hatched. Mother hen rejoices and sentences: “Chick-chick-chick, my chicken!”. The heron came to congratulate the hen and gave her a mirror.

Children must name which words from the text contain the tit song (chicken, egg, chick, Chick, heron, mirror).

– What did the mother hen say? (Chick-chick-chick, my chicken)

Dance break

“Chick-chick-chick, my chickens! (children have chicken hats)

Educator: Tell me what kind of chicken (small; weak; fluffy, like a lump). What colour is he? (yellow, golden).

What about the mother hen? (kind, caring, attentive).

Then a painting of a chicken and a rooster is displayed. The teacher calls the child, and he tells what kind of chicken it is.

Educator: What kind of rooster? (big, strong, important, bright, colorful, motley).

- Guys, do you like small, yellow, fluffy, lump-like chickens? (Yes)

– Let us draw them (drawing a chicken using the technique "Scratch").

– Whose song did we learn to sing today?

In conclusion, the children sing a song "Chick".

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2024 my-cross.ru. Cats and dogs. Small animals. Health. Medicine.