Feeding parrots, macaws, cockatoos, grays, Amazons, toucans, noble, Alexandrian. What do cockatoos eat? Cockatoo parrots at home

From the first minutes of the appearance of a funny parrot in the house, new owners ask themselves the question: “What can I feed a cockatoo?” After all, you really want to see him constantly active and cheerful, so that he develops fully, and you can always play. This is possible if one of the conditions is met - feeding a healthy, balanced diet.

Vegetables and greens in a parrot's diet

The menu prepared for each day is not only varied, but also depends on the season. So, with the onset of cold autumn days and until the beginning of spring, half of the diet consists of a grain mixture. The remaining half is distributed equally between fresh vegetables, fruits and pre-sprouted grains. In the summer, the amount of grain is reduced by 15 percent, while the content of sprouted feed is increased by 15 percent.

The grain mixture is able to provide the body with all the necessary components, primarily protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, and plant-derived esters. Basically, this mixture is represented by oat and corn grains, sunflower seeds, hemp seeds, buckwheat, millet and canary seed. They are also recommended to be given to other large parrots, such as macaws or.

There are many valuable minerals and vitamins in root vegetables and other succulent parts of plants growing in almost every garden or near the house. These, for example, are:

  • celery;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • turnip tops;
  • spinach;
  • tomatoes;
  • carrot;
  • boiled potato tubers;
  • red beets;
  • Chinese cabbage.

It is better to feed the parrot with tubers that have previously undergone heat treatment, but are absolutely unsalted. The optimal cooking time is about half an hour.

It would not be amiss to add plants that are considered medicinal to the diet: dandelion (including its root), thistle, plantain, young nettle. It is better to chop the greens, i.e. serve as a sort of salad.

The set of vegetables that cockatoos will enjoy feasting on is varied:

  • cucumbers;
  • zucchini;
  • young corn (milk ripeness);
  • green beans (including peas in pods);
  • Bell pepper.

It is better to give preference to products from your own garden. If this is not possible, then you should buy fruits and vegetables in season.

How to feed fruits correctly?

In addition to citrus fruits, pineapple and kiwi, a parrot can quickly be accustomed to fruits that are considered common in Russian gardens: pears, apples, peaches. You can be sure that the bird will not refuse berries such as rowan, raspberries, strawberries and grapes. You need to remove the pits from the cherries.

The branches of some of the trees and shrubs listed above are considered no less useful than juicy fruits and berries. The fruits are cut into pieces that will easily fit in the cockatoo’s paw, so it will be convenient for him to take it. You can’t leave anything in the cage that the bird couldn’t eat, because it quickly deteriorates. It is likely that some poultry products will be new. Then, showing diplomatic skills, you must try to persuade her to try the healthy fruit.

Preparation of sprouted food

Beans, before serving them to the parrot as food, are filled with water so that they swell. A mixture is made from peas, soybeans, small beans, lentils and other legumes prepared in this way.

The same applies to grains, i.e. wheat, oats, buckwheat, etc. When left in water and a warm room, the grains produce white sprouts after about 24 hours. Healthy treat washed in running water.

When consuming sprouted food, the pet is saturated with vitamins B and E. The body especially needs them during periods when the bird is growing or molting. It is advisable to add about 15 percent peanuts or hazelnuts to the grain mixture. This will enrich the dish with vegetable fats.

Animal feed, vitamins and minerals

Naturally, in the absence of proteins in the diet, there can be no talk of nutritious food and, accordingly, no dream of normal development of cockatoos. The source of animal proteins, first of all, can be boiled chicken meat or even small bones with meat on them.

Dairy products are included in limited quantities, with a very small percentage of milk sugar (lactose) in them. A feathered pet is unlikely to refuse cheese, yogurt and low-fat cottage cheese.

Once or twice every seven days the young bird is fed quail or chicken egg in cooked form. The entire necessary complex of vitamins is contained in a multivitamin supplement, which is recommended to be included in the cockatoo’s diet 2 times a week.

Finally, we cannot help but remember minerals. The parrot’s body needs them in the same way as all the other components discussed above. Minerals are commercially available in different forms, namely mineral stones, powder or granules.

A little about cockatoo drinking

It is necessary to change the water in the drinking bowl so that it is clean all the time. Hygiene important condition to stay in comfortable conditions for any feathered pet. For example,

Cockatoos are long-lived, with a lifespan of 60-90 years in captivity, making them wonderful lifelong companions.

The most noticeable feature of all cockatoos is the crest on their head, which rises when the bird is alarmed or excited. The strong, massive beak of a cockatoo is used for cutting large seeds in nature, but can also be directed against a person; cockatoo bites are strong and painful.

Training cockatoos from a young age will help rid the parrot of this destructive habit, and the owner will be free to enjoy communication with the cockatoo, without the fear of being bitten.

Male Red-tailed Black Cockatoos are less prone to biting, which is why they make more flexible pet birds, especially for inexperienced owners. However, these extremely intelligent cockatoos require very dedicated owners who are willing to give them plenty of time, attention and love.

Despite numerous cases of destructive behavior in cockatoos, they remain sought-after pets, largely due to their charming personalities. A well-bred cockatoo is a pleasure to be around. However, a poorly raised cockatoo or cockatoo deprived of love and attention is a complete nightmare.

Cockatoos are probably the loudest of the parrots. They love to scream, sometimes just for fun. This can be a challenge for owners and will require patience and a desire to continually engage in obedience training with the cockatoo. The smaller the cockatoo, the quieter it is, but only because of its body mass.

Cockatoos are not a parrot species known for its ability to learn to speak. Although, probably, some cockatoos can be taught to speak.

Cockatoo species

Native to Australia, Papua New Guinea and Indonesia, there are more than 40 species of cockatoos. The most popular pets are:

Yellow-crested cockatoo

Pink cockatoo

Major Mitchell's cockatoo

Red-tailed black cockatoo

Moluccan cockatoo

White-crested cockatoo or alba

Cockatoo feeding

The cockatoo's diet is based on a special diet containing servings of fruits, vegetables and other human-consumed foods as a supplement to the cockatoo's daily diet.

Cockatoos enjoy sharing meals with humans. However, this does not mean that the cockatoo must necessarily sit at the same table with the owner, but you can give a little from the table what you yourself eat.

It is important to maintain quantity, be careful about quality, and completely avoid avocados, chocolate, alcohol and caffeine, which are toxic to birds. It is undesirable to give foods high in fat. Salt and sugar should be seriously limited. Dairy products can only be given in moderation and preferably with low levels of lactose, such as skim milk, yogurt and most cheeses. Meat can be given to cockatoos only in very small quantities.

Most cockatoos enjoy bathing, especially by splashing water. A spray shower that feels like rain until the cockatoo is completely wet is what they like.

Cockatoo Behavioral Problems

Excessive chewing

Any parrot will chew. In nature, they use their beak to increase the size of their nest in a hollow tree. At the same time, their beak remains in good condition. An untrained cockatoo can chew electrical wiring, causing a house fire. The owner needs to provide his cockatoo with something to chew on, such as toys, tree branches, etc.


Cockatoos use their beaks as a method of parenting after they grow out of infancy. This is really important to understand so that you can understand them and guide their behavior before the unwanted behavior becomes a habit. If this behavior is left unchecked, the cockatoo is likely to terrorize the entire family by chasing and attacking its least favorite people (usually those who compete for their owner's attention and affection). Education is a very important factor in stopping this type of behavior.

Owners without bird-keeping experience may find keeping cockatoos challenging. They scream loudly when they don't get the attention they need. Cockatoo is definitely not for people who cannot stick to a specific daily routine or are at work all day. Cockatoos are wonderful birds, but they are not for everyone.

Collecting information about cockatoos before purchasing a bird can save both the cockatoo and its owner from many troubles.

One of the brightest and most intelligent representatives of the bird family is the cockatoo parrot. This peculiar bird is loved by people for its acting skills, brilliant intelligence and other advantages that distinguish them from other parrots. They have long settled in apartments and houses and are considered beloved pets, no worse than dogs.

The weight of parrots is no more than 1 kilogram, and their height is 30-70 cm. The impressive size of the beak is so powerful that it can bite not only nut shells, but even wire. A distinctive feature of the parrot is the upturned crest on its head. These birds are in demand among lovers of exotic animals. Some species are considered endangered and are listed in the Red Book. The cockatoo family includes 20 species of parrots. Below is a list of the most common types.

  • The Moluccan cockatoo is the most talented parrot of all species. He is able to parody the voices of various animals and pronounces up to 15 words. The average weight of a male is 800 grams, females are slightly larger. The color of the feathers is white with a red crest.
  • It is considered the most beautiful parrot. The weight of a male is on average 350-400 grams. Females are smaller. To keep poultry at home, you must obtain a special permit. And it is allowed to be kept only in Australia.
  • Banks' mourning cockatoo is an impressive species of cockatoo, weighing 1 kg and covered in black plumage. His height is 60-65 cm. He is a native Australian and rare view. Fishing with them is prohibited and is punishable by serious fines. It was named in honor of the English naturalist Sir Joseph Banks.
  • The distinctive features of the Bare-Eyed Cockatoo are white plumage and an invisible crest. 35-39 cm long and weighing 400-450 grams. Attracts attention with the pinkish color of its feathers. This is a calm bird, which is why breeders fell in love with it. They love the company of birds of other breeds.
  • The cheeks and face of the Helmeted Cockatoo are covered with crimson feathers in the form of a mask. A small bird 35 cm long and weighing 200-250 grams. They are not considered to be long-lived. In the wild, life expectancy is 30-35 years. In captivity - up to 40 years. They are devoted to their owner and love him until the end of their lives.
  • The grey-blue eye rings of the Spectacled Cockatoo gave rise to the name of this species of bird. Length 47-50 cm, and weight 900 grams. The lemon-colored crest when straightened and the rings near the eyes give the parrot a surprised look. The male has brown eyes, the female has reddish eyes. The beak and paws are black.
  • And the feathers of the Philippine cockatoo are white, and the paws and claws are dark gray. Small, but smart bird. The length of an adult is 32 cm and weight is 200-300 grams. They live in the wild for 50 years. In captivity - 20-30 years longer. This species is listed in the Red Book.

Nutrition, lifestyle and reproduction in the wild

The homeland of cockatoos is Australia. But some subspecies live in Indonesia, New Guinea, the Philippines and other Pacific Islands, near Australia.

This bird can safely exist in almost any habitat. Using trees as a roost, cockatoos living on the Australian mainland live in large and friendly cells, grouping on open, densely populated plains.

Indonesian parrots, unlike their Australian counterparts, are very cautious birds. They spend almost the entire day in the treetops, getting their food. They nest in tree hollows and on rocks. The bark serves as the foundation in the parrots' home. They migrate only if there is not enough food. By tapping a stick on a tree, they warn that the territory is occupied.

Durian and papaya are favorite fruits in the diet of cockatoos. They also prefer nuts and seeds, tree shoots and leaves, eucalyptus and acacia seeds, cones and herbs, insects and larvae. It is not uncommon to visit local farmers, where they eat grains and other feed.

Australian birds feed only on the ground, in separate groups. While one group is eating, the other, for safety reasons, monitors the situation. Then the groups change places.

By nature, cockatoos are monogamous. While still at a young age, they carefully choose a companion or life partner. After the choice, the females and vice versa, devoted and attached to each other, remain together until the end of their lives. If the female dies, the male dooms himself to loneliness. The same applies to the female.

The male courts the female in all possible ways: kisses the beak, cleans and strokes the feathers. Until the moment of mating, such caresses among couples last almost the entire time. And after the chicks hatch, both parents care for them with equal care.

Hatching of eggs lasts 25-30 days. Seeing nothing and bald chicks for the first 7 days of life are helpless and dependent on mom and dad. But after 2 months, they leave their native nests and are under parental care for up to 5 years of life, because this is exactly the time it takes for the chicks to reach full puberty. Cockatoos do not fly to other flocks. But scientists know of rare cases when they still leave their native flock.

Care and maintenance of a parrot at home

In this section we will talk about how to properly keep a pet at home. About choosing a cage and enclosure, what material is best to choose a future home for your pet. Which toys and feeding devices are better and safer, what for pet buy as food and complementary foods, how to properly raise a parrot without ruining your relationship with it.

Home improvement

The location of the cage in the apartment is an important point for comfortable maintenance pet parrot. The ideal place is the sunny side with a temperature of 18-20°C and air humidity of 75-90%. During the winter months, the parrot's circulatory and immune systems need the sun more than any other time of the year. And a lack of vitamin D leads domestic birds to serious diseases. Overheating of the bird is also undesirable. For this purpose, an awning is invented over the cage.

Considering the rather large size of the bird, the cage for a cockatoo should be such that the pet can comfortably move around it. It is advisable to purchase a cage with a retractable bottom to make cleaning easier. It is made of durable metal so that the bird does not bite through the rods. If the owner plans to keep more than one individual, then ideally an enclosure is installed for them.

To set up a cage, you need to acquire two perches made of apple or oak wood. The feeder, water bowl and cage lock must be made of such material that the bird cannot damage them. The castle is especially worth paying attention to. After eating it, the poultry can fly out of the cage to explore the apartment.

You need to clean the cage every day. Clean and dry the feeder, toys and the bottom of the cage to avoid the formation of mucus.

Feeding cockatoos at home

The diet of pet parrots should be varied. New products need to be introduced gradually. You shouldn’t overfeed the bird too much, but you shouldn’t leave it hungry either. Small feedings, 3-4 times a day. So what can you feed a cockatoo in captivity?

When feeding, you need to use only fresh food, given that the main food of these birds is grain mixtures consisting of nuts and seeds, buckwheat and corn.

Cucumbers and celery, beets and eggplants are great for feeding domestic cockatoos. The mandatory presence of fruits in the diet, which replenish the body with vitamins and minerals. Domestic cockatoos love pomegranates and pears, and their favorite berries are raspberries and rose hips. Sometimes you can give them egg shells to enrich them with calcium. To obtain proteins, you need to add chicken, hard cheeses and cottage cheese to your cockatoo’s diet.

You should also know which products are prohibited.

  • Chocolate and sugar lead to the death of pets due to the presence of a strong bird toxin in these products.
  • Milk causes intestinal disorders in birds due to their lack of enzymes that process lactose.
  • Avocado is contraindicated for cockatoos due to the high fat content of the product.

Raising and training a pet cockatoo parrot

To achieve harmony and mutual understanding between the pet, the owner should devote sufficient time to raising the parrot. For best results, play with birds. You can buy pyramids, balls and all kinds of rings. Rattles and bells are great for teaching your bird to imitate various sounds.

The bird should be rewarded with a treat in the form of seeds or nuts so that it understands the correctness of its actions. If the bird did the wrong thing, you can turn away and go into another room. It’s better to accustom her to the word “no”.

Is there a talking cockatoo parrot? This question worries many who want to acquire this bird. Their ability to speak is low. He can only remember 10-15 words and a few phrases.

Life expectancy of a cockatoo at home

Depending on the conditions of keeping the bird, its life period ranges from 40 to 90 years. It all depends on proper care and catering for cockatoos. An important factor life expectancy of a cockatoo at home - good upbringing. A pet should not miss its owner.

Diseases and causes of death

The most common diseases encountered by breeders are:

Symptoms of the disease:

  • Sneezing.
  • Refusal of food.
  • Discharge from eyes and nostrils.
  • A sharp and prolonged cry.
  • Narrowing of the palpebral fissure.

If such symptoms appear, you should never self-medicate. You should seek help from a veterinarian.

The following factors lead to death:

  • Feeding deadly foods.
  • Hunger and lack of water.
  • Failure to receive proper treatment.
  • There are cases of a bird dying from longing for its owner, who left it alone for a long time.

Advantages and disadvantages

When choosing cockatoos as pets, people do not understand and do not know how to treat them, what these birds like and what they do not like. They are capricious in their upbringing. Parrots become attached to their owner and require proper care and constant attention. Before you get such a bird, you need to be very sure that the cockatoo will not feel lonely. Because this bird becomes close to the person who looks after and cares for it, and becomes a true devoted friend for him.

Cockatoo bites can be very dangerous and serious to humans. A parrot attacks a person when offended. It can bite off a piece of human flesh and bite the knuckle of a finger. You should not get this bird if a child is coming into the family soon. Birds are jealous and can injure a newborn.

Ornithologists advise observing pets, their behavior and habits. Because they show dissatisfaction with their behavior. If a bird plucks its own feathers, a special collar is put on it, and the feathers are treated with a solution. By making loud sounds and noise, the cockatoo shows its aggression in this way. In order to better know the character and habits of a pet, you need to constantly monitor it, which helps to improve mutual understanding between the owner and the pet.

Poultry price and place of purchase

The price of a cockatoo can range from one hundred thousand rubles to half a million. It all depends on where the bird is purchased. They can be bought in a special nursery, on the market, or from an owner who breeds these parrots. When purchasing a bird from a nursery, the owner receives all the documents and the confidence that the health of the cockatoo has been carefully monitored. On the market, similar parrots can be purchased for 50 thousand rubles. But without the relevant documents and a special certificate about the state of health of the bird.

Before going to the market or nursery for poultry Cockatoos should weigh the pros and cons and consult with family members. A new member joins the cell and should not be deprived of love.

IN in social networks You can join groups dedicated to domestic cockatoos. These groups are created by breeders and lovers of these birds. And in the comments you can ask any question you are interested in, which will not go unanswered.

The cockatoo is a charming, incredibly beautiful and intelligent parrot. Looking at his majestic crest and funny behavior, almost every fan had the thought of purchasing him. Cockatoos differ from other parrots not only in appearance, but also in the specifics of their care.

Many owners of these beauties, faced with difficulties in caring for and raising them, return the pet back to the breeders or sell it to other hands. We will try to introduce you as closely as possible to this difficult species of parrots so that the purchasing decision does not become a mistake.

A parrot has a number of distinctive character traits, which you need to know before you decide to purchase one.

Description of the Cockatoo parrot species

Depending on the species, cockatoos are medium-sized with a body length of 30 cm and large - up to 70 cm; a parrot can weigh more than 1 kg.

Their most distinctive feature is the elongated feathers on the crown and forehead, the so-called crest. The color of the “crown” in most cases contrasts with the main color of the parrot. The color of cockatoo feathers comes in a wide variety of colors and shades: white, yellow, red, pink and even black. But, oddly enough, you will never see the shades of blue and green that are popular among other parrot species.

One more distinctive feature This type of parrot is characterized by its unusual beak. It is massive, long and very curved. The mandible in its widest part is wider than the mandible and therefore the edges of the mandible are located on the narrower mandible, forming a kind of bucket.

This beak structure is found only in cockatoos. At the same time, the beak is very strong and powerful. The parrot will easily turn the wooden bars of the cage, parts of furniture and much more that comes in its way into a pile of chips.

The word "cacatua" means "biters". Most likely, this refers to the unusual beak of the bird. This feature must be remembered when keeping cockatoos.

The tip of the fleshy tongue is covered with a dark, almost black cornea. The tongue has a kind of hollow, which the parrot very skillfully uses, like a spoon. The rings around the eyes are either bare or feathered. Cockatoos fly quite well, but climb trees much better. They also move very quickly and skillfully on the ground.

Cockatoo in the wild

In nature, cockatoos are found in New Guinea, Australia, the Philippine Islands and Indonesia. This parrot can adapt to many species environment, as evidenced by the territory of their distribution.

Australian cockatoo species prefer to live in open areas in large flocks. This subspecies uses trees only for roosting and nesting, and the rest of the time the birds devote to the endless savannas of Australia.

Other species tend to hide in treetops and live in small flocks or pairs. As for Indonesian cockatoos, these birds live in the country's tropical and subtropical forests or on their edges in wetlands.

Absolutely all types of cockatoos prefer hollows in tree trunks or crevices in rocks for nesting. Birds choose a ready-made hollow and adjust its size to a more suitable one with the help of their beak, and cover the bottom with tree bark.

Despite the fact that the number of parrots in groups is quite large, during the breeding season the nests of these birds are dispersed over very large distances (up to 500 hectares). The pair becomes extremely aggressive and will not allow other cockatoos to interfere with their territory during this time.

IN wildlife Cockatoo parrots successfully feed, both hiding in the crowns of trees and on the ground. They hunt insects, larvae, eat fruits, berries, fruits (melons, wild figs), capers, flowers, tree shoots and leaves, grass seeds, roots and nuts (almonds, pecans). Some species readily eat grains cultivated plants(oats, wheat, corn), tree seeds (acacia, cones, eucalyptus).

Since the main source of food for Australian cockatoo species is on the ground, some of the birds in the flock are very careful about safety, while the rest feast on nuts and seeds.

Despite the fact that each species of cockatoo is individual, and each bird has different habits and character, they all have common features.

Cockatoos are not loners. Any subspecies of these parrots lives in a flock. The need to unite in groups is to some extent explained by survival (the instinct of self-preservation): only by uniting can birds provide themselves with protection from predators and adequate nutrition.

Cockatoos are also very social: they constantly communicate with each other, distinguish the cries of their relatives, constantly talk to each other, and look after each other. Cleaning feathers is an important part of hygiene and mental state parrot The beautiful plumage of a cockatoo in a flock is the result of the care of its relatives.

Cockatoo parrots are monogamous. Having met the “bride,” the male spends his entire life with his companion, often after the death of one of the partners, the other remains alone. The reason for such devotion lies in the close attachment.

Cockatoos find a mate in their group, “from childhood” the birds spend all their time together, and when the time comes puberty, then the pair is formed very quickly.

The male and female care for and protect each other. A bird can spend hours cleaning and smoothing the feathers of its chosen one.

Cockatoos spend a lot of time together and after the breeding season the pair is finally formed. Parrots take almost equal care of their offspring: the male also actively helps the female feed the chicks.

Tellingly, against the backdrop of this idyllic picture, the cockatoo’s ability to monogamy surprised scientists. Ornithologists, after conducting a series of DNA tests, found that not all the chicks in the brood are from the female’s permanent partner.

The female incubates the eggs for 20-30 days, depending on the type of cockatoo. The chicks are born naked and blind, but after a week their eyes open and the “stumps” of their future plumage appear. Cockatoo chicks are very dependent on their parents and at first are completely helpless.

In the wild, chicks leave their nest after 12 weeks, but parents continue to protect their offspring until they reach puberty. Having flown out of the nest, the young bird gets acquainted with the surrounding world and its rules using the example of its relatives.

It happens that later a cockatoo joins a neighboring flock, but more often the parrot prefers to remain in the company of its relatives and among well-known places.

Depending on the species, cockatoos reach sexual maturity at 3-5 years. In captivity, cockatoos can live 90 years, but this is not the case wild parrots of this type. Predators, natural disasters and natural disasters significantly shorten the lives of birds living in their native places.

Since cockatoos are long-lived, when buying a bird you need to understand that if the bird lives 70-90 years, you most likely will not be its only owner.

Cockatoo species

Cockatoo parrots are from the order Psittaciformes - Psittaciformes, which belong to the family Cacatuidae - Cockatoos. In turn, the Cacatuidae family is divided into three subfamilies: Calyptophynchinae (6 species of cockatoos), Cacatuinae (14 species) and Nymphicinae (1 species: cockatiel).

Thus, there are a total of 21 species of cockatoo parrots. The most famous:

  • Yellow-crested cockatoo

Habitat: northeastern Australia, southeastern New Guinea, Kangaroo Islands and Tasmania. They love to swim in the rain and inhabit forests and areas close to water bodies. They live in flocks of up to 80 birds. The main color of the plumage is white, Bottom part flight and tail feathers with a yellow tint. The crest is yellow, sharp-shaped, narrow. The ring around the eyes is white-blue, the iris is black in males, and red-brown in females. Body length 40-60 cm, male weight 930 g, female 980 g.

This species is popular among cockatoo lovers because it copes well with various tricks, is trainable, and successfully imitates human speech;

  • Moluccan cockatoo

Habitat: Forests and swamps of the islands of Ambon and Seram in the Moluccas archipelago in Indonesia. They prefer to stay in pairs or small flocks of up to 20 birds. Large parrot: body length 50-55 cm, weight up to 900 grams. The main plumage is pale Pink colour, underwings with an orange tint, undertail orange-yellow. The crest is tricolor: the outer feather is white, the inner feather is bright red-orange, length is about 18-20 cm. Around the eyes there is a white ring of leather (without feathers) with a bluish tint.

You can distinguish the sex of the Moluccan cockatoo by the color of the iris: in males it is black, and in females it is brown and the size of the bird, compared to females, males are larger, and the size of the head and beak of females is much smaller.

In 1960, this species of cockatoo was listed in the International Red Book.

  • Pink cockatoo (other name: "Galah" (clown, fool))

Habitat: open areas of Australia, fields and savannas. In flocks there can be either about 20 individuals or 800. An average parrot, body length 35-37 cm, can live more than 50 years in captivity. The main plumage is smoky gray, and the cheeks, neck and belly are fleshy red. The upper part of the crest is light, sometimes white, the inner part is red-pink. The iris of the eyes in males is dark brown, in females it is light orange.

Pink cockatoos have a more balanced character, are peaceful with all family members, and quite easily get used to life in captivity;

  • White-crested cockatoo

Habitat: Indonesia, Moluccas Islands. A species of parrots that most often lives in pairs or in flocks of up to 80 individuals. They like to live in forests, woodlands, and near rivers. Despite the fact that these cockatoos are medium-sized (body length from 40-47 cm, and weight up to 600 g) they are one of the most spectacular parrots. The plumage of white-crested animals is snow-white, incredibly pure color, the crest looks more like a huge lush crown.

Males have dark brown irises, while females have red-brown irises. White-crested cockatoos are incredibly artistic and some can remember a dozen words;

  • Major Mitchell's cockatoo (Inka's cockatoo)

Habitat: almost all regions of Australia – central part, southwest, near bodies of water. Very beautiful view cockatoo. Depending on their habitat, the main color of parrots ranges from pale pink to deep pink. Major Mitchell's cockatoos are light-colored-billed cockatoos.

Front feathers of the crest white, internal bright red in the middle, closer to the bottom, with yellow spots, the upper part of the crest is white. The iris around the eyes of the male is traditionally dark brown, while that of the female is reddish-brown. The parrot's weight reaches 440 g, with the female weighing 20-30 g more than the male. The body length of the Inca cockatoo is 37-40 cm.

This type of cockatoo parrot is practically never found in captivity. The ban on catching and selling these birds is strictly controlled by the Australian authorities. Permission to keep Inca cockatoos in Australia can be obtained by first passing exams and obtaining a license to keep the bird at home;

  • Goffin's cockatoo (Tanimbara cockatoo)

Habitat: Indonesia, Tanimbar Islands. A snow-white bird, the ears have light yellow feathers, the bridle near the beak is pink, the tail and the lower part of the wings are pale yellow. The beak is white-gray. The parrot measures only 32 cm and weighs about 300 g. Sexual dimorphism is expressed in the colors of the iris, as in the above species. Goffin's cockatoo is an endangered species due to uncontrolled trade in these birds and destruction of their habitat.

Food in captivity

Cockatoos are quite unpretentious in food, but are very sensitive to poor nutrition. The food should be varied and balanced: grain mixture: oats, wheat, different varieties millet, pumpkin, sunflower, safflower and hemp seeds, weed seeds, young corn or scalded with boiling water, rice, sunflower sprouts, beans (legumes), rose hips, unripe bananas, apples, carrots, oranges, cherries, grapes, pine nuts, peanuts, young branches of trees, bushes and grass.

Adjust the amount depending on the time of year. nutrients: In winter there is a little more safflower and sunflower, and in summer there is more greenery and shoots. Don't forget about the mandatory mineral supplements in the form of sepia and mineral stone.

There is a difference in feeding individuals of different ages. For example, young cockatoos usually eat 3-4 times a day, and adults - 1-2 times. In this case, the first feeding should occur in the early morning. Filtered, clean and fresh water should be available at all times.

The cage must be washed every week, the enclosure once a month. The bottom of the cage is cleaned daily, and the bottom of the enclosure twice a week. The optimal temperature for keeping cockatoos is considered to be 18-20 degrees.

Cockatoos use their beaks very skillfully: they are able to open almost any lock. This must be remembered when choosing a method of closing the cage: the lock must be opened only with a key. The strong beak of a cockatoo is also capable of chewing and splitting much that it comes across.

Therefore, when you let him fly around the apartment, do not leave him unattended. He may start chewing furniture where there are poisonous varnishes and paints, or climb onto a desk where there is a lot of small parts, which can cause choking.

Cockatoo - companion bird

It has long been known that this type of parrot is very attached to people - the birds are ready to follow on the heels of their owner and it is extremely important for them to constantly be in the center of attention. Like anyone pet, a cockatoo parrot needs to be raised and given enough time.

His ability to speak is not high, but he can still master about a dozen words and several phrases. At the same time, the cockatoo can reproduce and copy the most unusual and bizarre sounds, perform almost circus tricks - somersaults, bows, flips, etc.

This bird becomes very close to the person who cares for it and shows care. You need to remember this when you decide to go on vacation and leave your feathered one at home.

There have been cases when a parrot, out of boredom, refused food and games and plucked its feathers, which led to death.

The bird should not feel lonely, bored or sick. If you are initially not sure that you will be able to devote a lot of time to your pet, buy a cockatoo in pairs, and at a “green” age. This will give you the chance for close friendships between the birds and will compensate the bird for your lack of attention.

By purchasing a cockatoo parrot, like any other large parrot, you are acquiring an “eternal” child for your family. He always needs to be raised, taught, trained, played, fed and ensured that his pranks do not go beyond the acceptable rules in your family.

Cockatoo bite

It’s not for nothing that this type of parrot is called a nipper. Cockatoo bites are very painful and can cause serious injury to humans.

For all its affection, the cockatoo is very touchy and, as a result, vindictive. In revenge, he can bite, tear out a piece of skin and even break the phalanges of the fingers with his powerful beak. Therefore, you should not tease or offend the cockatoo in vain - the response can “upset” you very much.

If the family has or plans to have a child, you should not have a cockatoo. The relationship between these birds and small children is difficult, especially since it is more difficult to keep track of two unintelligent ones and the danger of injury to the child is very high.

Please note that the risk of being bitten by a cockatoo is more likely when the bird is looking directly at the offender, walking towards him with his feathers smooth and his beak open. If the parrot has fluffed up its feathers to appear huge, the cockatoo wants to scare you and drive you away, the likelihood that it will attack you is very small.

A bird does not always bite because of resentment or aggression; perhaps the parrot perceives your actions as a threat to it or it categorically does not like what you offer it. In any case, the bird must be taught that biting is prohibited and unacceptable.


You can learn about the reasons for giving up a parrot from numerous reviews from cockatoo owners on the Internet. The most popular explanations: the bird screams unbearably all day, is aggressive, bites, breaks everything, does not make contact, or one of the family members has an allergy.

Young cockatoos under the age of 3 scream quite rarely, but do not delude yourself that you have come across a parrot that is not vocal by nature. Sooner or later the bird will scream and this is normal.

In nature, these birds scream very loudly and a lot, and, of course, this feature persists in captivity. By shouting they express both dissatisfaction and joy. Therefore, if you dream of a quiet and calm bird that will delight your eyes and delight your ears, then a cockatoo is not for you.

The cry of a cockatoo becomes a problem if the bird screams constantly and this cry becomes more and more like hysteria.

In addition to the fact that you may come across a parrot with a complex character, your calmness and friendly relations with a bird depend more on how you raise an emotional “dancer”.

Your attention to the parrot should not be unlimited; the bird needs to learn self-sufficiency, so that in the future it will not be completely dependent on your presence. Approach the parrot when you want, not when the bird calls. Otherwise, you risk becoming a hostage to your own pet, who will scream hysterically until you approach or as soon as he is left alone.

Don’t let yourself be commanded; be sure to teach your parrot the word “no,” otherwise you will end up with an indomitable destroyer of everything in the room.

To demand something from a bird, you must definitely give it an alternative: the parrot must be constantly puzzled by puzzle toys, strong chews, not lack your affection, and have constant access to fruits and nuts.

In the wild, parrots are constantly busy with something and this is mainly the production of food or water, as well as daily flights over long distances. In captivity, a bird does not need to look for food, and there is no opportunity to fly to its heart’s content.

Treat your friend with understanding and help him occupy his time with something interesting and exciting; in a cage, if possible, the parrot should only sleep.

Of course, it is very difficult not to spoil a handsome feathered bird when it goes into your arms and allows you to stroke it, but control yourself and do not forget that excessive affection for a cockatoo can cause no less harm than completely ignoring the bird.

The cockatoo parrot is a funny bird, very cute and easy to train. She can learn to talk, hum tunes, dance and tumble. Many people dream of having such a bird, but not everyone realizes how such a pet can change the lives of their loved ones.

Now there are many of these birds in Europe, but they were brought from Australia, New Guinea, Indonesia and the Philippine Islands. There are about 20 species of cockatoo parrots. There are very small ones, the size of a jackdaw, and there is a larger species the size of a black grouse. The exceptional appearance and unsurpassed talent of the artist have made the cockatoo one of the most popular among bird owners.

The cockatoo parrot is a medium-sized bird, the body is 30-70 centimeters long, the minimum weight is one kilogram. Cockatoos have an impressive lifespan; they are long-lived and can live 70-80 years.

home external feature this is a crest, which differs in color from the rest of the plumage, the tail is ordinary, straight and short, slightly rounded at the end. The beak is strong, massive, curved. Most often the birds are white, but gray and even black colors are also found. Cockatoos do not have any green or blue feathers. Pink cockatoos live in Australia, yellow ones live in the Philippine Islands. There are cockatoos with red or yellow cheeks.

In nature, they live in flocks, fly wonderfully, walk well on the ground, climb trees, and can dive. Cereals, fruits, larvae, and insects make up their diet. Big lovers of corn, they can fly into crops in a flock, thereby causing damage to farms. Often the most severe measures are applied to them. Many species of cockatoos are on the verge of extinction and are therefore listed in the Red Book. Powerful beak The cockatoo parrot can bite through thick wire, tree knots, nut shells, the name of the species is translated as “nippers.”

Although there are more than twenty species of cockatoos, only a few of them are known to contemporaries. According to Australian law, only birds that were born in captivity are allowed to be exported. The capture and export of free parrots outside of Australia is strictly prohibited.

Famous species of cockatoos

Moluccan, introduced from the Indonesian islands, with a body length of 50 to 55 centimeters, weight up to a kilogram.

The color of the feathers is pale pink, the undertail is orange-yellowish, the feathers under the wings are orange to pink. The crest is no more than 20cm, the inner feathers are red or orange, the outside is white. The legs are dark gray, the beak is black, sometimes black-gray. The ring around the eyes of the feathers is white with a hint of blue. Both female and male cockatoos are equally colored, only males have black irises and females have brown ones. The Moluccan parrot has a pleasant character, is incredibly talented, and quickly gets used to humans, but its imitation of human speech is limited to ten or fifteen phrases, but it perfectly imitates the voices of animals. IN good conditions can live from 50 to eighty years.

yellow-crested cockatoo.

Home countries: southeastern New Guinea, northern Australia, Tasmania, Kangaroo. A large species of parrots have been living alongside people as pets for several centuries. This is the most numerous and popular species, although the yellow-crested cockatoo can learn only a few words, and does not have a good imitation of human speech, but it is very funny, quickly becomes attached to the owner, a very affectionate and friendly bird, graceful and beautiful. There are several subspecies of yellow-crested cockatoos. Body length from forty to sixty cm, wingspan 29 -39 cm; Males weigh 810-930 grams, females are 30-50 grams heavier.

The plumage of the tail and flight wings has a yellowish tint. The crest is narrow and sharp and consists of long feathers yellow color. The ring around the eyes is light, white or pale blue, gray paws, the iris of the eyes is black in males, brown and red in females. The species is very obedient, which is what attracts people; they have the ability not only to imitate speech, but also to perform various tricks; they can often be seen in the circus as performers. They live up to 50 - 70 years.

Pink cockatoo, second name Gala, translated from the local dialect means “fool”, “clown”.

The birds are peaceful, quickly get used to their owner, are not fussy about keeping them, and easily make friends with all family members. Life expectancy is more than fifty years. The feathers are smoky in color, the belly and neck are red, the inside of the crest is red or pink, the outside is white. The parrot's body length is up to 37 cm. The iris of the female cockatoo's eyes is light with an orange tint, while that of the male is dark with brown. In the wild they feed on grain, plant seeds, sunflower seeds, fruits, larvae and insects.

White-tailed cockatoo.

Snow-white plumage and a huge crest, reminiscent of a crown, make it unusually impressive. The body is 40-47 cm long, the wing is 25-31 centimeters, the tail length reaches 20 cm. The white-tailed cockatoo weighs approximately 600 grams. The main difference between a male and a female is the iris of the eyes (dark in the male, light in the female). There are birds that perfectly imitate human speech, but there are also less capable ones, but they all have artistic abilities and can live up to 70 years.

Cockatoo-Inka very elegant and elegant parrot.

The feathers are pink, ranging from pale to bright shades, depending on the habitat. The feathers on the crest are up to 18 cm, the outer ones are white, and the inside is rich red with areas of yellow color at the bottom of the crest and white tips. Both females and males look equally beautiful, differing only in the iris of the eyes, dark in males, brown in females. The body of the Inca cockatoo is 38-40 cm long, the male weighs approximately 300-430 grams, and the female - 375-440. The capture and subsequent sale of these parrots is currently prohibited, so Inca cockatoos are not often found in the home. Residents of Australia can purchase a parrot only with the consent of local authorities, having completed training in advance and received the necessary document allowing you to keep a cockatoo in your house. Inca cockatoos live up to 80 years.

White cockatoo the most common type, is popular due to its artistic talent.

Movable cheerful bird, can easily learn to dance, perform acrobatic stunts, whistle familiar melodies, memorize several dozen words and pronounce them clearly. But the white cockatoo is louder and remembers fewer phrases than the gray parrot.

Gray parrot- an unusually smart bird, understands a lot and reproduces words and phrases.

He loves to communicate with his owner, it is believed that the Gray's level of intelligence corresponds to the knowledge of a four-year-old child, but he is also capricious in his keeping and requires special attention and care.

The cockatoo is a large bird, so it needs a large cage to keep it; the parrot must fully open its wings; if the cage size is too small, the bird will damage its wing. This can lead to isolation, the cockatoo will become angry, often scream in a bad voice, which is unlikely to please the owner. Often the cockatoo's dissatisfaction is expressed in the fact that he plucks his own feathers. A collar-like headband that is placed around the parrot's neck will help solve the problem, and the feathers are sprayed with a special burning compound that is harmless to the bird. To avoid trouble, make sure you have a spacious cage before getting a cockatoo.

Wooden perches and toys play a big role in a parrot's cage. A cockatoo must periodically grind down its beak and claws; for this, wood is ideal. Plastic elements must be durable and free of harmful chemicals.

Walks outside the cage are necessary; the bird must sometimes fly, stretch its wings and become familiar with the territory. 20-30 minutes of free flight will be enough. Being at home, the bird is not picky about food and can eat whatever you offer it. Overeating should not be allowed, as the cockatoo will quickly gain weight, become sedentary and lazy, this negatively affects the health of the pet, in some cases, overfeeding can cause irreparable damage and even death.

The cockatoo's favorite treat is corn. With considerable pleasure they eat carrots, eggplants, cucumbers, dandelion roots, peas, beans, and red beets. Fruits and berries contain a large amount of vitamins that are beneficial for birds, so your diet should include strawberries, raspberries, rose hips, pears, and pomegranates. Not all types of cockatoos like fruits; your pet needs to be gradually accustomed to them. It is forbidden to feed cockatoos fried foods, avocados, coffee, cabbage leaves, and parsley. Chocolate, salt, sugar, milk and dairy products are prohibited.

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