Beautiful white horses. The most beautiful horses in the world: who are they? Like a whirlwind: fast horse breeds

As you know, there are no comrades for taste and color. This phrase also applies to horses, because each region of the planet has its own breeds and is proud of the noble animals bred in their homeland. However, we will try to put together opinions about the most beautiful horses in the world. We offer you a short journey that will introduce us to amazing animals. You will see horse breeds that are recognized as some of the most beautiful on the planet. The best of the best, the most incredible and brilliant animals will appear before you with a photo attached. So, here are the top 25 most beautiful horses on the planet.

  • No. 25 – Yakut breed.

Today you can meet this type of horse on the territory of modern Yakutia, along the Lena, Kolyma, and Indigirka rivers. The animal belongs to an indigenous breed and was bred under the direct influence of nature itself. The Yakut horse has a thick six, which can reach 15 cm in length. She has very beautiful and stable hooves, with which she perfectly obtains food in the northern climate. The animal is not picky about food, tolerates long-term frosts well, and can be outdoors at temperatures down to minus 50 degrees. Horses of this breed are distinguished by a late period of maturation and longevity. In the photo you see the brightest representative of the species.

  • No. 24 – Pinto.

This breed of horse can be easily recognized by its unusual color. Not for nothing, translated from Spanish their name means “painted”. This is an American animal species with Spanish origins. Today, there are several types of Pinto horses: riding, racing, herding, hunting. Pintos are not tall, and in all documents they are positioned as ponies. Their height is 140 m at the withers. The animal's gait is sharp, the characteristics of the breed are not uniform, but it is a very friendly and diligent animal. Here is a photo of one of the representatives of the species.

  • No. 23 – Falabella.

These are the smallest horses on the planet. Their height can be 50 cm. Which may seem incredible. Their physique is like that of riding horses. A new species was selected in the twentieth century in Argentina. This animal loves children very much and this love is mutual. Here is a photo of Farabella.

  • No. 22 – Shetland pony.

This miniature horse was bred in the Shetland Islands. They have very beautiful and strong legs, thick fur and look very much like heavyweights. A pony can reach a height of 110 cm and live twice as long as riding horses. Their lifespan can reach 55 years. Here is a photo of a Shetland pony, which children love so much.

  • No. 21 – Paso Fino.

The breed is characterized by a beautiful physique, proportionality, grace, a refined neck, large chest, and strong, even legs. The animal originated in the sixteenth century in Puerto Rico, thanks to Spanish settlers. This is why Paso Fino is found throughout South America. It is an extremely hardy animal with a soft gait that can travel hundreds of kilometers daily. Paso Fino are very friendly, obedient and vulnerable. The photo shows a purebred representative of the species.

  • No. 20 – Percheron.

This is a purebred Norian horse that was bred in France in the nineteenth century. The animal's ancestors are an aboriginal local draft horse, which was crossed with an Arabian horse. Among other breeds of French horses, Percherons are distinguished by a very beautiful and powerful silhouette, incredible strength, moderate trot, and calm disposition. The photo shows a black Percheron.

  • No. 19 – Suffolk.

The horse is one of the oldest British species, a heavyweight. It was bred in the eighteenth century for field work, moving goods and riding. The Suffolk breed is distinguished by its friendly, easy-going nature, hard work and longevity. Interestingly, animals of this species have only one color. We can see this in the next photo.

  • No. 18 – Vladimir heavy truck.

These horses were selected in stud farms in the Suzdal and Vladimir regions during the Soviet Union. This is an incredibly beautiful, hardy and surprisingly calm horse, which is very fond of the local population. She has muscular legs with white edging, a wide torso, and a strong neck. They are playful and very fast. The Vladimir heavy truck is also very unpretentious to food and living conditions. Unfortunately, the breed today is on the verge of extinction. Photo of a bright representative of the breed.

  • No. 17 – Marwari.

Many believe that the most beautiful and graceful horses in the world come from Asia. It was from there that the breed of Marwari horses originated. Her homeland is India. The breed has incredibly strong legs and is noted for its long distance walking, endurance and quiet disposition. The Marwaris have been known since the time of Alexander the Great and have had a long history. Their ancestors are considered to be Akhal-Teke and Arabian purebreds. The animal has ears curved inward that rotate 180 degrees. The photo shows a Marwari decorated with flowers.

  • No. 16 – Persian Arab.

These are the oldest horses in the world. Researchers are confident that the breed existed around 2000 BC. on the territory of Persia (modern Iran). The Persian Arab has a more powerful build than the average Arab, a long swan neck, and silky hair. This is a very refined, playful, elegant riding horse, very hardy and energetic. Its height can be 150 cm. The horse is perfectly adapted to various weather conditions and is not picky about food. Here is her photo.

  • No. 15 – Welsh pony.

This breed is considered very ancient and the first mentions of this animal date back to the reign of the Roman emperors. Today the animal is divided into 3 types. The shortest are the mountain species; there is also the middle and Welsh cob, whose representatives play polo. The tallest individuals can reach a height of 150 cm at the withers. The Welsh Cob was selected by crossing riding species with the best Arabian foals. In addition to polo, these animals show good results in racing. Here is a purebred Welsh pony.

  • No. 14 – Haflinger.

This breed is distinguished by its golden color, white smooth mane and ideal character for living in a family. The origins of Haflingers are poorly known, but many researchers believe that their homeland is Australia. The animals are extremely hardy, have an easygoing disposition and can be used for riding and as a tractor. Today they are found in different parts of the world.

  • #13 – Knabstupper.

The breed was selected in Denmark back in the sixteenth century. It is distinguished by its unusual spotted color. Animals participate in a variety of competitions and competitions and often become winners. The bulk of knabstupers are still concentrated in Denmark. This is an amazingly beautiful animal.

  • No. 12 – Rocky Mountain.

This is an incredibly beautiful Rocky Mountain horse that was bred in the USA. Their population is relatively small and numbers about 3 thousand individuals. In addition to an ideally built physique, the animal is distinguished by a special type of gait, which distinguishes it from other riding breeds. The photo shows the brightest representative of Rocky Mountain.

  • No. 11 – Fjord.

This is one of those breeds that have the purest family lines. It was found in Norway. Researchers also do not know the exact origin of the horse, but its image is surprisingly similar to ancient cave paintings dating back to about 30 thousand years BC. Not all animals have preserved their color and other characteristics as much as the fjord. The vast majority of individuals have a dun color. They are distinguished by their reliability, strength and good disposition, which is why today they are used for riding and transporting heavy loads. Here is one of the brightest representatives of an ancient species.

  • No. 11 – English heavy truck.

These are the tallest horses on the planet, their height can reach 220 cm. The origin of animals is very ancient. It is believed that they originate from Roman horses, which took part in battles and plowed the land. They got their name from the English word, which translated means “county”. Despite the fact that the breed is very ancient, it is inherently very heterogeneous. You can meet huge individuals of the most incredible sizes, which are suitable only for slow movement, or massive horses for field work and carrying cargo. A feature of the species is considered to be large breasts, tall stature and white hairy stockings on the legs.

  • No. 9 – Iberian breed.

The horse of this breed lives in Spain and Portugal. This is the oldest breed, it became the basis of many new species, such as appaloosa, pony, etc. The horse is extremely beautiful. It is graceful, which is why it is found in bullfighting, demonstration and show performances. Today, experts distinguish between pure Spanish and Portuguese species of the animal. Here is a beautiful representative of the Iberian breed.

  • №8 – .

The horse originated at the end of the eighteenth century in Germany. Today it is the most numerous breed in Europe. In addition, the Hanoverian horse is most often seen in sporting competitions. She was bred from not very beautiful stock, and was crossed with riding types, Arabian individuals. The animal’s appearance is ideal; in its features one can trace the influence of Asian species and the English purebred.

  • No. 7 – Holstein breed.

The homeland of these animals is Prussia, it is considered one of the oldest in the territory of modern Germany. Selection work on a new species began in the thirteenth century. Initially, the Holstein horse was popular as a farm assistant due to its endurance. Later the appearance was improved and they began to be used for riding. Today they are participating in the crew race competition. The species' distribution area is not large. Here is a photo of a purebred Holstein who overcomes the barrier.

  • №6 – .

It was first selected at the end of the twentieth century in Russia. Initially, the goal was to produce a horse for riding and transporting goods, but it was also used for military purposes and sports competitions. This is an extremely beautiful, hardy and good-natured individual. A characteristic feature of the breed is its red color. The animal takes an honorable third place in participation in sports competitions.

  • No. 5 – Don breed.

This is a very distinctive species, which was bred in the southern part of Russia by the Don Cossacks. The horse has a characteristic red color, is distinguished by endurance, good health, and longevity. Horses of this breed took part in the Russian-Turkish War and were very popular for riding and transporting goods. Height reaches 160 cm. These horses can be considered universal, because they successfully show themselves in all types of equestrian sports, rallies, eventing, circus arts, and the tourism business.

  • №4 – .

The Oryol trotter is the pride of Russian horse breeding. It was developed in Russia with the direct participation of Count Grigory Orlov. During its selection, a wide variety of Western European and Eastern horse breeds were crossed. The Orlov Trotter is a very beautiful, graceful horse with a good disposition. Currently, animals are used for riding, participating in various competitions, performances, traditionally in harness, and shows.

  • No. 3 – Arabian breed.

In our opinion, the top three most unsurpassed horses on the planet are completed by this amazing species. These horses are considered the most expensive and hardy. The Arabian purebred trotter was selected in the 4th millennium BC. Its characteristic features are a concave head, a protruding tail and large eyes. This is a very prolific animal, whose age can reach 30 years, which is an undoubted record among other relatives. Today the animal can be found in every corner of the planet. They are used for racing, equestrian sports, showing, riding, etc. Here is the brightest representative of the species.

  • №2 – .

The Akhalketian is rightfully in second place in our parade of the most charming horses on the planet. This is a representative of one of the oldest breeds, bred about 5 thousand years ago on the territory of modern Turkmenistan. This is the purest breed of riding horse, which is recognized throughout the world as the standard. Characteristic features of the species are good adaptation to any climate, endurance, and high speed. The animal has no mane, and its skin simply glows from the shine in the sun. These characteristics will prevent it from being confused with other species. Horses are very temperamental and playful. Here is a photo of the Akhaltetian.

  • No. 1 – Frieze.

No matter how partial we are to domestic horse breeding, we still gave the palm to the breed that was bred in Holland. “Black pearls,” as the locals also call them, captivate at first sight. Their peculiarity is the hairiness of their legs and amazingly beautiful appearance. But no matter how much you talk about this horse, it’s worth seeing at least once. So. The winner of our top 25 most beautiful horses in the world is the proud and unrivaled Friesian.

Great civilizations arose and disappeared, centuries passed, people loved and died. Everything changed, only a wonderful friend and comrade-in-arms was always next to the person. The horse seems to have been created in order to relieve the bitterness of being in the material world. Songs and legends were formed to her, the best painters dedicated their canvases.

Only a little over 100 years have passed since a man betrayed his devoted friend. I decided that it was time to trust myself to the iron horse. It's time to ask for forgiveness and look at the beautiful animal with new eyes.

Wild tarpans

Back in the 19th century, in the vastness of Eurasia, one could find herds of wild ancestors of the modern horse. A relatively short animal with black-brown curly hair, it could easily get by without a person. They were not afraid of the harsh climate of the northern steppes. In the 18th century, numerous herds of these odd-toed ungulates grazed on the steppe expanses of modern Voronezh. Of course, they could not boast of the beauty of domestic horses, but they were still beautiful. Many horse breeds carry the blood of their wild counterparts. It was a rare wild stallion that could stand under the saddle, but if this happened the rider could demonstrate his dignity.

Unfortunately, the last representative of the forest subspecies was found on the territory of the modern Kaliningrad region in 1814, and its steppe specimen managed to survive only until 1879, when it was seen in the steppes of Taurida. Many horse breeders have dedicated their lives to recreating these animals. For now, there is only hope that they will be able to do this.

Beauty rating

Domestic animals are no less endangered. Fortunately, common sense prevailed. On planet Earth they still love magnificent horses and are ready to make efforts to preserve their population. Of course, the importance of workhorses has greatly diminished. But farmers of the 21st century are increasingly looking to this faithful assistant. Of course, you can’t plow a large field with horses, but in the household, a horse can completely replace a tractor for transportation.

For now, most of the horses are preserved for sporting and tourism purposes. This is where they are most highly valued. Various ratings are compiled based on representatives of thoroughbred horses, including, naturally, the top 10 most beautiful horses in the world.

The British are the trendsetters in the breeding of many breeds of domestic animals. Over the centuries, a good school of breeding work has developed there. Back in the 17th century, the heavyweight Shire breed was bred. Then strong animals were needed for heavy knights.

Real mammoths are recorded in the history of horse breeding. In 1846, the British could boast of a horse that reached an incredible size - 2 meters 19 centimeters. The growth of a huge handsome man with shaggy legs could delight anyone.

Of course, it’s difficult to imagine such a horse galloping, but its gait is incredibly soft. That is why today they love to use this breed for walking.

The nobility of the Spanish Hidalgos has become a standard for the whole world. It is impossible to imagine that a less noble comrade was next to them. The Iberian horse emanates royal calm. Spanish breed, which is deservedly considered one of the best. Its two subspecies, Andalusian and Lusitano, have long been competing in beauty and grace. Almost all riding breeds were formed with the participation of real Spaniards.

Expressive almond-shaped eyes, a wide aquiline forehead, a long neck completing a muscular body and an incredibly beautiful mane. Show performances with such handsome men are completely sold out.

American Horse

The descendant of the Spaniard, who grew up on the prairies of the New World, turned out to be no less beautiful. Having absorbed the noble blood of the Andalusian and the rocks from the Kentucky area, the American began to gain popularity at the end of the 20th century. Indian teachers instilled in her strength and endurance, and she took nobility from the Old World. Incredible, graceful animals are great for riding. It is distinguished by a special smoothness of movement and a comfortable four-stroke gait.

There are no special restrictions on the color of the breed; any of the generally accepted colors with a white marking are allowed.

European veterans

Old Europe gave the world a beautiful gift. Bred in 1735 to glorify the future King of England, George II, today it has become the most popular sporting breed. Her representative always looks great. The color is red or gold, from black to black, gray and karak are allowed. The body fits almost perfectly into a rectangle, height up to 168 cm. Deep chest and powerful back.

In the sports world, they are equally good at dressage and contouring.

Holstein breed

Almost since the 17th century, German horses have enjoyed well-deserved popularity in the world. Starting her career as a carriage horse, she became an excellent equestrian athlete. She brought more than one Olympic medal to her owners.

Important! The Holstein has always been valued for its endurance and reliability, and was distinguished by high courage.

The Book of Records deservedly preserves the memory of the three-time Olympic champion bay Meteor.

Her profile is amazing:

  • regular head with big eyes;
  • long, slightly curved neck;
  • withers straight.

The color is predominantly spotted bay, but also popular:

  • blacks;
  • redheads;
  • gray.

Handsome Men of the First Cavalry Army

It is impossible to imagine pictures of the civil war of the early 20th century without cavalry attacks. During the transition to peaceful life, comrades received well-deserved respect. The famous Don stud farms were revived. Horse breeders successfully worked on a new breed - Budennovskaya. In 1948, a new breed was officially registered. It should be noted that the horse breeders did a great job. The stallion turned out to be hardy and felt great even in winter. And at the same time, a real handsome man.

Today the army gets along almost without horses, and the Budenovites have found their application in sports. Many of them have brilliant results at the highest level competitions.

It is impossible to imagine a Cossack without a horse. The Don steppes are a natural environment for excellent runners. Nature itself helps to raise a beautiful horse. The descendants of the famous Don breed were trophy horses taken in Turkey.

There is blood of Mongolian horses there. Other rare breeds were also mixed in. Based on the description, these steppe horses may not be the most beautiful horses, but they are excellent horses, that’s for sure.

The spectacle of magnificent horse teams has always fascinated people. To breed the magnificent Oryol trotter, the producers worked hard:

  • Dutch;
  • Arabic;
  • Maklenbursky and many others.

The result is one of the most beautiful breeds in the world. Their unusual way of holding their head beautifully and the gracefulness of their running have made them popular in driving. Many auctions around the world are happy to sell these stallions. A high-quality stallion can be very expensive; not every sporting stallion can match his price.

Handsome men from the Arabian Peninsula have been known since the 4th century. He is a hardy, handsome creature, capable of moving through the hot desert for quite a long time without water. Today, at gait races, they are distinguished by their fluffy, high-raised tails and their delightful appearance.

Ancient Akhal-Teke

For more than 5,000 years, magnificent horses were bred in Ahal-Tek on the territory of modern Turkmenistan. Each horse was worth a fortune. Only very noble and rich people could afford such a horse. The Isabella suit was valued as the greatest asset. This is, perhaps, the horse that influenced all the famous horse breeds.

Important! Over many centuries, Akhalketian has changed little. He just became a little taller and more beautiful.

It was on the Akhal-Teke Arab in 1945 that Marshal G.K. Zhukov hosted the Victory Parade. To this day, the descendants of the Arab participate in ceremonies on Red Square.

Unusual Knabstrupper

Knabstrupper occupies an unusual place among the beauties of the world. The rare breed from Denmark is famous for its unusual spotted color. Small dark spots are scattered on a white background.

Modern horse breeders have begun to breed Knabstruppers in a wide variety of shades and variations of spots. Colors vary from black to red. The background also ceased to be exclusively white. There is even a pink color.

Frederick the Great

The parade of handsome men of the world is closed by Frederick the Great. The pitch black handsome man drives many horse lovers crazy. His luxurious hairy mane flows in waves over his magnificent body. One of the Friesian horses captivates everyone who sees him. It is no longer possible to surpass in beauty. Perfection has reached its limit. The rest can only strive for it.

Most horse breeds owe their names to their place of origin. This is probably correct. People are proud of their pets and want to immortalize the most beautiful creatures of planet Earth in history.

The expression “Bengal horse” may not make sense, but this does not make our love for the most devoted animal fade away.

Without a doubt, it is not for nothing that this handsome horse is called the most beautiful horse in the world. His name is Frederick the Great, after the King of Prussia who was in power in the 18th century. And although the black stallion himself has not yet won any awards, his beauty certainly justifies such a pretentious name.

Frederick the Great(Frederik The Great) belongs to the Friesian breed, which was developed several centuries ago in Friesland, a province in the north of the Netherlands. During its existence, this breed was twice on the verge of extinction. Only thanks to the Dutch breeders were they able to save the Friesian horses: and if earlier these horses were used as draft horses, today they play more of a decorative role. However, some individual specimens are still used for harness: friezes are part of the harness of the Queen of Great Britain's carriage horses, and were used at least twice at major events (the opening of Parliament and the opening of the World Equestrian Games in The Hague).

Frederick the Great is owned by Pinnacle Friesians, located in the central United States. The horse has his own Facebook page (and more than 15 thousand friends), and also has his own blog, where new photos of Frederick and news about his life are posted. People fascinated by his beauty have also created a separate website where photographs or artwork related to Frederick can be uploaded. We can say that Friedrich is a real star, with his photo shoots, shows and fans.

In August 2015, Friedrich got the stallion Vaughn, who, fortunately, inherited the beauty of his father. Well, while he is just growing up, all the attention and glory goes exclusively to the “magnificent to the point of insanity” Friedrich.

Only experts know what the most beautiful horses in the world are, although all animals, of course, are beautiful in their own way. However, the selected beauties are the most unique. They are more stately, noble, powerful, strong and have an extraordinary color and features unique to them. At the same time, they are still the same kind and friendly creatures.

Only experts know what the most beautiful horses in the world are, although all animals, of course, are beautiful in their own way.

It’s difficult to give out places among handsome people, because they all deserve to be first.

The most beautiful horses in the world (video)

Arabian horses

These are truly the most beautiful horses in the world. They amazed with their unique beauty back in ancient times and have not yet lost their mesmerizing power. They are characterized by very expressive Arabic features, which contain not only their beauty, but also the individuality inherent only to them. Their head has a “pike-like” appearance, and their eyes are almond-shaped, rounded and dark in color. I want to plunge into this fabulous abyss of goodness, where you can discover an amazing world. Their body is moderately muscular and moderately powerful. Their equine grace is mesmerizing, their every movement is smooth and graceful.

The history of this breed is shrouded in a veil of secrets and mysteries. It is generally accepted that such the most beautiful horses in the world are a priceless gift from Allah. In them he combined all the best: the speed of a powerful wind, extraordinary beauty and a smooth curve of the back, which is comfortable for the rider. The forehead of these horses has a slight convexity; Muslims associate this feature with the fact that the Almighty himself blessed them. This unique breed has a high tail, which has been believed since ancient times to be a sign of special nobility.

Arabian horses still retain the purest blood, because even in ancient times their development was given careful and due attention. Reproduction of individuals of this breed took place in isolation to avoid admixtures of blood from other types of horses. And such strict rules are still followed. They do not prevent the emergence of new breeds, but only try to preserve one in its original form so that it does not disappear and become a beautiful story. However, this does not mean that representatives of Arabian horses are completely closed from external interference. It is known that sometimes they are still used to improve other breeds of horses.

Even the ancient Arabs valued such horses. A mare of Arabian color was considered a particularly important and worthy gift. And these fabulous animals still find their owners at auctions. Because such horses cannot lose their power. On the contrary, the fact that they arose in ancient times proves their highest superiority.

Arabian horses

Akhal-Teke: features

Another most beautiful breed that appeared on Earth in ancient times. They are the real pride of Turkmen horse breeders. And if you try to find out from them who is the most beautiful horse in the world, they will no doubt name the Akhal-Teke.

The horse is a real miracle! They accompany people for centuries, becoming witnesses to many historical events. This is probably why there are legends about horses, stories are multiplying, fairy tales say, and the most beautiful legends are about horses. We also decided to celebrate the role this animal plays in our lives by providing a variety of photos and pictures of horses. We will tell you what the most ancient myths say about their origin, what different breeds of horses there are, and we will tell you what significance a horse has in our age of machines.

Running horses are truly a fascinating sight. Such photographs about horses not only look stunningly beautiful, but they have the magic of the moment: it seems that in just a moment, the herd will disappear over the horizon, only a cloud of disturbed dust will remind us that a magical act has just taken place before our eyes. No one doubts that this was a demonstration of enormous power by the horses.

The horse is powerful and courageous; it belongs to the group of higher animals in which life experience prevails over instincts, which means the horse is capable of learning. In the ancient stories of different peoples, its qualities symbolize: dynamic strength, quickness of thought, determination to achieve success. And his rapid run reminds us of the most beautiful moments of life that fly by like the wind.

One has only to look at the photos of beautiful and playful horses, and the legends about pegasus, fairy tales about bucephalus, and myths about unicorns become clear. They don't need wings to fly; they float above the ground anyway. Even a foal in anger is scary, he is ready to trample his enemy. But he is always kind to his friends, as if he is ready to fulfill their every desire. An Arabian legend says that this is precisely why these unusual animals were created, this is their purpose. And for all of us, pictures about horses are not without meaning; they contain elegance, grace and some kind of stunning pride.

Horse breeds. The rare and most beautiful breeds of horses prove not only that the gene pool of these animals is huge, but also clearly testify to the love of people for their eternal companions. Scientists have created so many beautiful breeds! There is also a Black Forest with a lush mane, and a Bashkir with a curly mane. There are small falabellas and squat ponies, and there are tall ones, such as the Alhateke, taller than her shire. A frisky trotter, with curved ears, a Marwarian, with hairy “socks,” a Gypsy Vanner.

And animals have different purposes. There are: walking; heavy trucks; racing; sports horses. There is a reverent attitude towards thoroughbred stallions. After all, whatever the purpose of breeding, the main thing is aesthetics. The most beautiful horses are shown at exhibitions, filmed to make beautiful pictures, and used in the creation of film projects.

Photos of beautiful horses are incredibly varied, since each breed has a number of advantages. Who are the most beautiful horses in the world? For some, these are Arabian thoroughbred horses, for others – Knabstrupper, for others – Norwegian Fjords or Friesians. They are all attractive in their own way. And it’s not always about the peculiarities of the patterns on the croup, color, height, mane or hair on the legs. But also in the character of these favorites.

Horses are still used in farming. And that’s where the photographer sometimes catches them. One can endlessly talk and admire about photographs of horses carrying babies or hay. They are natural and have a special Provence style and are suitable as desktop wallpaper.

On our resource you can download pictures in excellent quality for free. We offer to get acquainted with how horses still serve in the modern world. There is a photo selection of circus and sports pegasuses. We are ready to offer pictures of horses for your phone. Among them there are professional “models” who serve in this art form with full dedication, which is why the pictures of horses are amazing, you want to admire them, looking at every detail.

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