Short-term project in the Preparatory Group on the topic: “Why Laboratory.” Projects. Project activity in kindergarten Project in the preparatory group suggest topics

Project passport:

Project type:

According to the dominant one in the project e activities: informational, creative.

By number of project participants: group (21 children, group teachers, everyone).

By time: short-term (1 week).

By the nature of contacts: family, within the preschool educational institution, society - library, Drama Theater, Ivanovo Philharmonic.

By knowledge profile: interdisciplinary (in sections of the educational program “Childhood” (St. Petersburg).

By type of design object: social.

By the nature of the child’s participation in the project: private owner from the inception of the idea to the receipt of the result.

Composition of the project team: project manager, teachers - Lebedeva Olga Aleksandrovna, Feklina Irina Gennadievna and a group of senior preschool age.

Objective of the project: Fostering a correct attitude towards a book as an object of gaining knowledge and pleasure. Forming ideas about the moral meaning of literary works.

Project objectives:

  • To lead to a motivational assessment of the actions and characters of the characters in books.
  • To consolidate knowledge about the genre features of books.
  • Activating children's creative thinking.
  • Expand opportunities for cooperation with the library, intensify visits to the library.
  • Introduce children to the works of children's writers and poets.
  • To introduce children to the unique creative style of children's book illustrators.

This project is significant for all project participants:

  • Children develop skills of independence and active interaction with books.
    Moral ideas about the content of works by children's authors are expanding.
  • Teachers continue to master the design method - a method of organizing rich children's activities, which makes it possible to expand the educational space, give it new forms, and effectively develop the creative and cognitive thinking of a preschooler.
  • Parents expand the possibilities of cooperation with their children and listen to their opinions.

Estimated distribution of roles in the project team.

Educator - organizes educational activities on the works of children's authors, design of a photo exhibition based on the results of the project, and placement of the project on the kindergarten website.

Children- participate in cognitive activities, create creative works.

Parents together with children - look for works, read, make crafts with their own hands.

Providing project activities:

Material and technical:

Audio recordings, cartoons, books, illustrations, games and toys, creative material.

Diagnostic - didactic:

Summaries of continuous educational activities.

Expected result

External Products:

1. Exhibition of creative works of children (drawings, crafts, baby books, restored books)

2. Replenishment of the group library.

3. Exhibitions.

Domestic Products:

Children learned to give a motivational assessment of the actions of book characters and understand the genre features of books. The amount of memorized literary material has increased.

Demonstrating a need to visit the library.

Stages of work on the project

  • Determining the theme of the project.
  • Formulation of goals and objectives.
  • Drawing up a project plan.
  • Project implementation.
  • Summing up the project.

Educational work within the framework of the “Book Week” project

Days of the week Educational area Direct educational activities Tasks Responsible
1 day of the project

"April Fool's Day"




Artistic creativity

1.NOD “Humor in poems and fairy tales” (introduction to fiction)

2. GCD “Who made the book?” (social world)

3. NOD “Visiting Literary Heroes” (N. Nosov “Bobik Visiting Barbos”) (physical education)

— Initiate children’s search for expressive means to express joy;

— continue to introduce children to new works

Teachers: Lebedev O.A. Feklina I.G.
Day 2 of the project Cognition



Reading fiction

Artistic creativity

Theatrical activities

1. GCD “Which fairy tale is the episode from?” (examination of illustrations from fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin, familiarization with fiction)

2. GCD “Draw a fairy-tale character and we will guess the fairy tale” (visual activity)

3. GCD Costume skit “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” (theater + game)

4. GCD Game n/a “Collect a picture”

-Introduce poets and their works

- arouse interest in books of various genres;

- develop a sense of pride that the child can read books;

— continue to work on the formation of a moral sense;

Teachers: Lebedeva O.A. Feklina I.G.
Day 3 of the project Cognition



Reading fiction

Artistic creativity

1. GCD Quiz “Dear fairy tales by K. Chukovsky” (introduction to fiction)

2. GCD Didactic games “Who is who”?, “Guess the riddles”, “Remember the fairy tale from the passage”.

3. GCD “Caring for the hands brings joy to the heart” “Through the pages of your favorite fairy tales” (Modeling)

4. GCD Detective Quiz:

Creative game “Verbal Portrait”, Story game “Investigative Inquiry”.

- arouse interest in books of various genres;

- develop a sense of pride that the child can read books;

— continue to work on the formation of a moral sense;

Teachers Lebedeva O.A. Feklina I.G.
Day 4 of the project Cognition



Reading fiction

Artistic creativity

1. GCD “Visiting a fairy tale” (mathematics)

2. NOD “Knizhkina Hospital” (selection of material for the treatment of “sick” books, repair of books)

3. “Cat Dreams” - poems for children by Svetalna Dream, a hobby with creativity. Speech by a librarian.

4. Crossword “Heroes of fairy tales”

— Introduce poets and their works

- arouse interest in books of various genres;

- develop a sense of pride that the child can read books;

— continue to work on the formation of a moral sense;

Teachers Lebedeva O.A.. Feklina I.G.
Day 5 of the project Cognition



Reading fiction

Artistic creativity

1. GCD Fairy tale “The Ugly Duckling” by G.Kh. Andersen (speech development).

2. GCD Performance “Thumbelina” (theater + game)

3. GCD Creative game “Fairytale Dossier”

4. GCD “Caring for the hands brings joy to the heart.” Fairy tale “Wild Swans” (applique)

— Introduce poets and their works

- arouse interest in books of various genres;

- develop a sense of pride that the child can read books;

— continue to work on the formation of a moral sense;

Teachers Lebedeva O.A. Feklina I.G.

Project result:

1. As a result of the joint activities of pupils and teachers of preschool educational institutions, children became familiar with highly artistic literature and theatrical activities, broadened their horizons about children's books, their authors, characters, formed a stock of literary impressions, learned to illustrate, dramatize literary works, and make books with their own hands. The children got acquainted with the work of illustrators.

2. Parents of students received information on how to foster a love of reading in their child.

3. The project method developed cognitive interest in various areas of knowledge in children and formed cooperation skills.

Short-term project in the preparatory school group "Be Healthy!"

Description: I present to your attention a project with applications to develop preschoolers’ interest in a healthy lifestyle. This publication may be useful to preschool teachers, physical development instructors for preschool children, as well as parents.

Purpose of publication: dissemination of teaching experience.

Project "Be Healthy!"

Authors of the project: teachers of the preparatory school group Antonova T.G., Amirova G.R.

Relevance of the project:
“Health is a priceless gift; if you lose it in youth, you will not find it until old age!” - so says popular wisdom.
Unfortunately, in our fast-paced age of new technologies, research and development, the problem of maintaining health is very acute. In recent years, negative processes have begun to threaten the health of the nation. Almost all indicators of health and social well-being have undergone a sharp deterioration. The physical development and health status of the younger generation are of particular concern. More than 60% of children aged 3-7 years have abnormal health conditions.
How to help a growing child realize his right to health and a happy life?
One of the ways to solve this problem is to organize work to cultivate a conscious attitude towards one’s health. Health and physical education are interconnected links in one chain. It is important and necessary to turn to the system of physical education of preschoolers in order to identify the main tasks and methods of raising a healthy child and the place, the role that was assigned to the preschooler himself in his own health improvement.
There are many reasons that are beyond our control, and we cannot change anything.
But there is one, in our opinion, very important - this is the formation in preschool children of the need to preserve and strengthen their health.
To implement this direction, the “Be Healthy!” project was developed. for working with children of preparatory age for school.
The degree of development of the problem.
Scientists from various fields: medicine, psychology, ecology, pedagogy are studying the problem of creating a healthy lifestyle. The importance of the problem of forming ideas in preschool children about a healthy lifestyle is indicated by studies: A. M. Amosova, A. I. Antonova, M. V. Antropova, N.G. Bykova, M.V. Melicheva and others. But, despite the fact that many teachers have studied the problem, it seems to us that the methods and technologies they propose are not always and everywhere implemented in practice. Modern living conditions place high demands on the health of children. An analysis of the literature showed that the model for the formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle for children of senior preschool age in preschool and family settings has not been sufficiently developed. The reason for the insufficient development of children’s ideas about a healthy lifestyle and the culture of human health is also parental illiteracy in this matter. Not all developed methods can increase the level of formation of a healthy lifestyle in children, since each child has his own idea of ​​health.
This explains the choice of the project theme: “Be healthy!”

Project hypothesis.
The hypothesis of the project was the assumption that it is possible for children of senior preschool age to qualitatively improve their understanding of the culture of health and a healthy lifestyle.

Objective of the project: to form the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in children of senior preschool age.

Project objectives:

1. Study and analyze children’s ideas about a healthy lifestyle.
1. Select teaching materials, modern technologies, methods and techniques for a healthy lifestyle.
2. Develop in children a desire to play sports.
3. To interest parents in strengthening a healthy lifestyle in the family.
4. Cultivate a conscious attitude towards your health.

Project stages:

I. Preparatory.
1. Statement of the problem, determination of the goals and objectives of the work. To intensify children's interest in human health and their own.
2. Selection of methodological literature, didactic games, illustrated material on this problem.
3. Attracting the attention of parents to the problem of health-improving work with children.

II. Basic.

1. Using the developed activities in working with children.
2. Organization of work with parents.

III. Final.

2.Creation of the album “Healthy Lifestyle”

Expected result:
The emergence of children's interest in a healthy lifestyle; maintaining and strengthening children's health; active involvement of parents in the work to preserve and strengthen the health of children.

Project participants:
Children 6-7 years old, parents, teachers, physical education instructor.

Project type: creative.

Implementation period: short.

Project type: cognitive - creative.

List of participants: group

Project scope: in a group with children.

Material and technical: sports equipment
Personnel: relationship with the nurse.
Informational: methodological literature, various encyclopedias for preschoolers, Internet portals.


Stage I - preparatory

1. Questioning of children and parents (Appendix No. 1, No. 2)
2. Selection of methodological literature, conversations, riddles, poems, proverbs, songs, didactic games, illustrated material.
3. Review of the albums “Types of Sports”; "The ABC of Health."
4.Reading and discussing works on the topic.
5. Selection of outdoor games in the group and outdoors.
6. Selection of visual material and consultations for parents.

Stage II – Basic

1. Conversation with children “My health” (Appendix No. 3)
2. Conversation “Why are vitamins needed?” (Appendix No. 4)
3. Game situation “How to protect yourself from germs?” (Appendix No. 5)
4. Didactic game “Healthy Products” (Appendix No. 6)
5. Conversation “Why do people need sports?” (Appendix No. 7)
6. Children’s writing of descriptive stories “My favorite sport”
7. Outdoor games, relay races on the site. (card file of outdoor games)
8.Riddles about sports and a healthy lifestyle (Appendix No. 8)
10. Reading and memorizing proverbs and sayings about sports and a healthy lifestyle (Appendix No. 9)
11. Reading the works of A. Barto “Exercise”, “Everyone needs physical education”; A. Kutafin “Vovka’s Victory” and others.
12. Listening to the song by A. Dobronravov, N. Pakhmutova “A coward does not play hockey.”
13.Consultations for parents (Appendix No. 10).

Stage III – final

1. Thematic exhibition of children's drawings.
2. Making the album “Healthy Lifestyle”


Appendix No. 1.
Questionnaire for parents

Dear parents!
Nowadays, much attention is paid in kindergartens to the formation of a healthy lifestyle. In the questionnaire, we invite you to answer questions related to this problem. The questions are given several answer options; you need to indicate the option that most corresponds to reality (according to the parents).
1. What do you mean by “healthy lifestyle”?________________________________.
2. Do you consider your lifestyle healthy, why?
- Yes_____________,
- No____________.
- Don't know
3. What prevents you from leading a healthy lifestyle?
- Lack of time;
- low salary:
- lack of knowledge:
- other reasons (specify)_____________________.
4. Are you or your family members being hardened?
- No:
- Sometimes.
5. Do you spend active family leisure time together (hiking, walking, etc.)
- Yes;
- No;
- Sometimes.
6.What, in your opinion, is the main cause of your child’s illnesses?
- unsatisfactory medical care;
- poor financial situation in the family;
- unfavorable environmental conditions;
- lack of knowledge in matters of maintaining health;
- other reasons (specify)________________.
7. Your suggestions for improving the work on creating a healthy lifestyle in a preschool educational institution _______________.

Appendix No. 2
Questionnaire for children.

1. Guys, what is “health”?
2. What should you do to be healthy?
3. Do you and your parents play sports?
4. Do you know types of sports?
5. What is your favorite sport?
6. If you were an athlete, what sport would you play?
7. Do you think you should go in for sports?
8. Is it good to be healthy? Why?

Appendix No. 3
Conversation “My health”

Health is happiness! This is when you are cheerful and everything works out for you. Everyone needs health - children, adults, and even animals.
- What should you do to be healthy?
You need to want and be able to take care of your health. If you don't take care of your health, you can lose it.
Do I need to follow a daily routine? In kindergarten there is a daily routine, but do you follow it at home?
Do you wash your face in the morning before coming to kindergarten? Are you brushing your teeth? Are you doing exercises? Are you combing your hair?
Why wash your hands?
Do you need to see correctly at the table when you draw?
Why do we need a handkerchief?
What are microbes?
What kind of water should you drink?
At home, do you keep a daily routine?
Tell me, does a person need health?

Appendix No. 4.
Conversation “Why do we need vitamins?”

Guys, yesterday they told me that our children in kindergarten began to get sick more often, they do not have enough vitamins. Children really need vitamins to strengthen their bodies. Their children love them very much. The vitamins are very useful.
-Have you guys tried vitamins?
-What are vitamins for?
Of course, vitamins are found not only in tablets, but also in many foods.
- What foods contain vitamins?
You need to eat more vegetables and fruits. They contain a lot of vitamins A, B, C, D. What foods contain them and what they are needed for. Vitamin A - carrots, fish, sweet peppers, eggs, parsley. Important for vision. Vitamin B - meat, milk, nuts, bread, chicken, peas (for the heart). Vitamin C - citrus fruits, cabbage, onions, radishes, currants (for colds). Vitamin D - sun, fish oil (for bones).
You remember, now tell me, where else can we find vitamins?

Appendix No. 5.
Game situation “How to protect yourself from germs?”

Guys, do you know what microbes are? Imagine a microbe has settled in our group. What are you going to do? (children's answers).
Microbes are very small and alive. They enter the body and cause disease. They live on dirty hands. They are afraid of soap.
A microbe is a terribly harmful animal, insidious and, most importantly, ticklish. This kind of animal will crawl into your stomach and live there quietly. The scoundrel will climb wherever he wants. Walks around the patient and tickles him. He is proud that he causes so much trouble: a runny nose and sneezing.
- Do you guys wash your hands before eating? Oh, brother microbe is cunning, if you don’t wash your hands, you will look sick and have a cold after a while. “Wait a minute, your forehead is hot. There must be a microbe inside you!”
Together with your children, you can consider situations of protection from germs and draw a conclusion that children should learn well: do not eat or drink on the street; Always wash your hands with soap when returning from the street, before eating, after using the toilet.
-What do we do to protect ourselves from germs? (eat only washed vegetables and fruits; when you sneeze or cough, cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief; eat only from clean dishes).

Appendix No. 6.
Didactic game “Healthy Products”

- I will read out quatrains about products. If they talk about useful things, then you all say together: “Right, right, absolutely right! " And if you talk about something that is harmful to health, you remain silent.
1. Eat more oranges, drink delicious carrot juice, and then you will definitely be very slim and tall.
2. If you want to be slim, you need to love sweets. Eat candy, chew toffee, be slim, become like a cypress.
3. To eat properly, you will remember the advice: Eat fruits, porridge with butter, fish, honey and grapes.
4. There are no healthier products - delicious vegetables and fruits. Both Seryozha and Irina benefit from vitamins.
5. Our Lyuba ate buns and became terribly fat. He wants to come visit us, but he can’t crawl through the door.
6. If you want to be healthy, eat right, eat plenty of vitamins, and don’t deal with diseases.
You guys are great, I’ll definitely tell your parents that you know how to choose healthy foods.

Appendix No. 7.
Conversation “Why do people need sports?”

Guys, do you like to play sports?
What is sport?
Why do people play sports?
Game situation: “I’m bad at running, what kind of sport should I do?...swim?...can’t skate? I bad at jumping?...
Conclusion: if you play sports, you will be strong, agile, strong, and healthy.

Appendix No. 8.
Riddles about sports and a healthy lifestyle

You'll hit anyone -
He gets angry and cries.
And if you hit this one -
Jumping for joy!
Now higher, now lower,
Either down, then up.
Who is he, guess?
He doesn't want to lie down at all.
If you throw it, it will jump.
You hit me a little, jump right away,
Well, of course it is...
I decided to become a strongman
I hurried to the strongman:
- Tell me about this,
How did you become a strongman?
He smiled in response:
- Very simple. Many years,
Every day, getting out of bed,
I'm raising...
There is a lawn at our school,
And on it there are goats and horses.
We're tumbling here
Exactly forty-five minutes.
At school there are horses and a lawn?!
What a miracle, guess what!
Green meadow,
A hundred benches around
From gate to gate
People are running briskly.
At these gates
Fishing nets.
Wooden horses gallop through the snow,
And they don’t fall into the snow.
There are two stripes in the snow,
The two foxes were surprised.
One came closer:
Someone was running here...
On the white expanse
Two straight lines,
And they are running nearby
Commas and periods.
(Ski track)
Who rushes quickly through the snow,
Aren't you afraid to fail?
I can’t feel my legs with joy,
I'm flying down a terrible hill.
Sports have become dearer and closer to me,
Who helped me, children?
He looks like one board,
But I’m proud of the name,
It's called...
I have guys
Two silver horses.
I ride both at once
What kind of horses do I have?
Who will catch up with me on the ice?
We are running a race.
And it’s not the horses that carry me,
And the shiny ones...
Comma stick
Drives the puck in front of him.
(Hockey stick)
There's a game in the yard in the morning,
The kids were playing around.
Shouts: “puck!”, “past!”, “hit!” -
There's a game going on...
This horse doesn't eat oats
Instead of legs there are two wheels.
Sit on horseback and ride it,
Just steer better.
I don't look like a horse
At least I have a saddle.
There are knitting needles. They admit
Not suitable for knitting.
Not an alarm clock, not a tram,
But I know how to call, you know!
Early morning along the road
Dew glistens on the grass,
Feet are moving along the road
And two wheels run.
The riddle has an answer -
This is my...
The relay is not easy.
I'm waiting for the command to dash.
On the squares of the board
The kings brought down the regiments.
Not for battle near regiments
No cartridges, no bayonets.

Appendix No. 9.
Proverbs and sayings about sports and a healthy lifestyle

Temper your body for good.
Don’t be afraid of the cold, wash yourself up to your waist.
Anyone who plays sports gains strength.
The sun, air and water always help us.
Anyone who loves sports is healthy and cheerful.
And ingenuity is needed, and hardening is important.
In a healthy body healthy mind.
The athlete is in control of the sails and tackle.
You'll be toughened up from a young age, and you'll be good for the rest of your life.
The sun, air and water are our true friends.
Start a new life not on Monday, but with morning exercises.
Strong in body - rich in business.
If you are not friends with sports, you will worry about it more than once.
Walking means living long.
Give your time to sports and get health in return.
Appendix No. 10

Consultations for parents
"Healthy lifestyle for your children"

Children, as you know, are a product of their environment - it shapes their consciousness,
habits. Therefore, it is necessary to form a healthy lifestyle
starting from childhood: taking care of one’s own health as a core value will become a natural form of behavior.
So what is health? It would seem that the simplest answer should be that health is the absence of disease. But this is not enough to explain to a child. Health is happiness! Health is when you are cheerful and everything works out for you. Everyone needs health - children, adults, and even animals. In developing concepts about a healthy lifestyle, you need to make it clear to children what they need to do to be healthy? You need to want and be able to take care of your health. If you don't take care of your health, you can lose it
The concept of a healthy lifestyle includes many aspects.
This is firstly: adherence to the daily routine.
In kindergarten, the regime is observed, as this is one of the important conditions for ensuring the activities of the preschool institution. But at home, the routine is not always followed; children need to be taught to go to bed early and get up early.
Secondly: these are cultural and hygienic skills.
Children must be able to wash themselves correctly, know why they need to do it: to be clean, to look good, to feel pleasant and have healthy skin, to be hardened, to wash away germs.
. To consolidate skills, it is recommended to use artistic expression and dramatization of game situations.
Wash yourself with soap! Do not be lazy!
Don't slip out, don't get angry!
Why did you fall again?
I'll wash you first!
About microbes:
A microbe is a terribly harmful animal,
Insidious and most importantly ticklish.
Such an animal in the stomach
He climbs in and lives there quietly.
The scoundrel will climb in wherever he wants
Walks around the patient and tickles him.
He is proud that he is causing so much trouble:
And a runny nose, and sneezing and sweating.
Did you children wash your hands before dinner?
Oh, brother Fox, you look like you have a cold.
Wait a minute, your forehead is hot.
There must be a microbe inside you!
Together with your children, consider situations of protection from germs and draw a conclusion that children should learn well: do not eat or drink outside; always wash your hands with soap,
returning from the street, before eating, after using the toilet. Invite children to count how many times a day they have to wash their hands; eat only washed vegetables and fruits; when you sneeze or cough, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue; eat only from clean dishes.
Thirdly: these are gymnastics, motor activity, hardening and outdoor games. If a person plays sports, he will live longer. "Take care of your health from a young age." Children need to know why they say this. Be sure to do gymnastics daily.
Fourth: food culture. Playing out the situations “Visiting Mishutka” and “Winnie the Pooh visiting the Rabbit”, looking at and discussing pictures for the games: “Beware of the virus”, “Be healthy!”. Tell children that vegetables and fruits contain a lot of vitamins A, B, C, D, what foods contain them and what they are needed for. For better memorization, you can use a literary word.
I never lose heart
And a smile on your face
Because I accept
Vitamins A, B, C.
It is very important early in the morning
Eat oatmeal at breakfast.
Black bread is good for us
And not just in the morning.
Remember the simple truth,
Only the one who sees better
Who chews raw carrots,
Or drinks carrot juice.
For colds and sore throats
Oranges help.
Well, it's better to eat a lemon
Although it is very sour.
Games on the Basics of a Safe Life and on the Rules of the Road help in creating a culture of a healthy lifestyle.
Just talking about the importance of health is not enough; it is necessary to take daily, albeit small, but certainly numerous steps. Then a healthy foundation will certainly be formed on which a beautiful edifice of human life can be built in the future. So let's teach our children from a very early age to take care of their health and take care of it! "Movement is the basis of health"
Everyone knows how important movement is in human life. But the distance between knowledge and practice is often very large. Meanwhile, it is also known that people who train their muscular system, even if it is very small, but certainly through daily activity, are much less susceptible to accidents and illnesses. Statistical data from the practice of children's doctors, medical commissions and insurance companies indicate the extreme importance of movement and proper nutrition in the lives of children and adults.
Very simple, non-boring advice for parents on the problem: “Movement and health”
The human brain, especially when it comes to unconscious thinking, is saturated
impressions. In the future, 80% of our activities are guided by this
unconscious experience. Therefore, educating children about the needs of a healthy body, training, and training play an extremely important role, both in kindergarten and in the family. It is necessary to explain to children the significance of not only certain actions and habits, but this is the main thing - to set their own example.
Do morning exercises, move more, engage in physical exercise and sports, lead a healthy lifestyle, involve your children in active activities and they will grow up to be healthy and successful people. Parents are an unquestioned authority for children, they will accept them as role models.
From an early age, teach your children to take care of their health and take care of it. Joint activities unite and unite children and adults. The position of parents largely determines the attitude of children towards physical education and sports. If adults lead a healthy lifestyle, regularly perform at least the simplest physical exercises with their children, are active and easy-going, this is “fertile soil” on which good seedlings will sprout - strong, healthy children who love physical education.
Just talking about the importance of health is not enough.
We must take daily, albeit small, but certainly numerous steps. Then a healthy foundation will certainly be formed on which a beautiful edifice of human life can be built in the future.
Participate more often in physical education and sports activities held in kindergarten. Children enjoy the presence of adults and are proud of their parents. Sports holidays in which family teams compete bring the family together, bring a lot of joy and are remembered by adults and children for a long time.
Organize holidays for your children at home; spare no time or effort. All this will pay off in the health of your child, his active life-affirming position, and further success in life.
The best days are Saturday, Sunday, holidays, holidays, vacation.
Anyone can command - mom, dad, grandfather, grandmother, son or daughter, aunt, uncle, etc. You can divide the “periods” and then everyone is responsible for their “event” for their own period of time.
In the morning, while still in bed, do a few muscle stretching exercises:
- Lie on your back, stretching your legs and arms, stretch your whole body;
- Tighten your feet and toes;
- Moving your hands far behind your head, straighten your palms, stretch out your fingers, inhale;
- Then relax, moving your arms along your body, and exhale.
It is good to accompany the exercise with thoughts or words, saying them in a whisper or out loud: “Good morning! How good! I am well! Everyone is healthy! I love my family!"
- From the same starting position, placing your arms bent at the elbows under your head, stretching your legs (you can hook your toes onto the headboard of the bed or hide them under a folded blanket), do several half-lifts of the upper body without lifting your legs from the bed.
- Lying on your back, arms straight along your body, or elbows bent under your head, raise your legs up several times, trying to make a “right angle.”
- Continuing to lie on your back, perform several rotational movements with your palms and feet in one direction and the other.
- From a position lying on your back, with your arms and legs stretched out, roll over onto one side, onto your back, onto the other side, onto your stomach.
- From the starting position, lying on your stomach, stretching out your arms and legs, make a “boat”, bending in your back, lift your head, upper torso, legs.
Say: “Okay! Very good!" Stand up.
It is worth repeating the exercises from two to four times with a smile and a good mood.
The general uplifting command coming from the other room is very invigorating, uniting the whole family with a common idea, a common action, a common cheerful mood, saturating everyone with positive emotions.
"Hello everybody! Hello everyone!"
Joint gymnastics in a large room or hallway - what could be better?! The exercises are the simplest and accessible to all family members from the smallest to the largest. Improvisations and imitative movements are especially good.
Shower! From this morning procedure, everyone, especially children, will enjoy a real fun water holiday.
Now for a delicious breakfast! After all, this is the most important meal of the day. That's why we don't eat breakfast on the go. A beautifully set table, favorite dishes, loved ones - how wonderful it is! Over breakfast we have peaceful conversations about the day ahead, including the needs of the body.
Then all sorts of calm, active yard games, initiated by all family members. Grandparents will offer to play old folk games, dad and mom will offer to play the games of their childhood, and children will offer to play modern outdoor games. It will be interesting and useful for everyone. Play games such as: “Forfeits”, “Don’t say yes and no”, “Loto”, “Burners”, “Salki”, “Kvach”, “Zhmurki”, “Hide and Seek”, “Cossacks-Robbers”, “ Freeze", "Colors".
From home to the street, to nature.
A walk or excursion, a trip, a hike, a visit to cultural and entertainment institutions, parks, children's attractions, and theaters are required. Talking about the beneficial effects of nature and recreation on health is helpful.
You can have lunch at the catering point. It is pleasant and interesting, and contributes to the social and communicative development of children.
Sit on a bench, admire the sky, river, trees, flowers, etc., breathe calmly - it is so peaceful, promotes relaxation, deep rest.
You can still move actively. Or visit the cinema. It is important that during the day the child performs various exercises: stretch, and then relax your muscles, and you will have a feeling of warmth throughout your body, tense your back muscles, squeeze your shoulder blades together, stand straight, lower and raise your head several times and you will have a beautiful posture.
In the evening at home there is a communal dinner, hygiene procedures, quiet games, family reading (preferably fairy tales or entertaining stories - everyone loves them). If you can’t watch an interesting program together without TV, but not for long, it’s harmful for children.
Children going to bed. "Good night!" It’s very good if the children sing a lullaby and sit next to him with kind words - such moments are remembered forever
life, they convince the child of his own security and importance for the family, awaken peace of mind in him, improve health, help him to be confident and successful.

"Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 10, Kalininsk, Saratov region"


(cognitive – creative)

"Hello, school!"

Preparatory group

EducatorIqualification category: Kulishova Ekaterina Sergeevna


Relevance of the project

The problem of ensuring the continuity of preschool and primary education is one of the most pressing problems throughout the history of preschool and general pedagogy.

A preschool educational institution has a special role in the overall system of lifelong education, since it is the first link of this system. It is in a preschool educational institution that the foundations of personality, its properties, qualities and abilities are laid, which will largely determine the path of the child’s further development as a schoolchild.

Entering school is one of the most important stages in a child’s development. From the world of childhood with fun games and amusements, a little person finds himself in a completely different environment, where he is required to have high performance, perseverance, and concentration. He is forced to obey the rules of the school routine. And if this transition becomes unexpected for your child, then his adaptation to the educational process will be long and painful, and this will undoubtedly affect his academic performance, and therefore his self-esteem. It’s sad, but many of the complexes that adults suffer are formed during school.

The most important task of the kindergarten and parents is the psychological preparation of the child for entering school. To understand what a child is going through on the eve of entering school, remember how uncomfortable you yourself were when waiting for something unknown. As a rule, children go to school with great desire, look forward to their first classes, but at the same time experience anxiety. Parents need to help their child, talk about school life, remember and convey their feelings about entering first grade.

In a preschool educational institution, educators should try to correctly describe to the child the features of learning at school. To begin with, check what ideas he has already formed, ask simple questions: how does he imagine school, what is recess and a lesson, what lasts longer, what will he have to do in class and what during recess, why does he want to school, what attracts him there more is the appearance of new friends, playing with them or the desire to learn something new. If the child’s answers reveal his perception of school as a new exciting game, it is necessary to explain that the meaning of learning (learning something new) is a process that requires patience and perseverance, that at school he can expect not only joyful events, but also the need to work, for which he will have to give up some of the time he previously spent with friends.

The main goal of continuity in the work of a preschool educational institution and school is to ensure a smooth and painless transition of the child to school, the formation of the student’s internal position through the unity of the requirements of parents, educators and teachers. In this regard, there was a need to create an original educational project “Hello, school! »


To form ideas about school and a positive attitude towards school life among older preschoolers.


· formation of motivation for learning and interest in the learning process itself.

· relieving feelings of anxiety and doubt in preschoolers before meeting with school.

· increasing parental competence in matters of pre-school preparation.

· protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children.

Project type:

Cognitive - creative

Project duration:

Short term 2 weeks.

Project participants:

Pupils of the preparatory group, group teacher, music. leader, first grade teacher, first grade students, parents.

Project description:

Entering school completely changes a child's life. By the time a child enters school, he should have an idea of ​​what awaits him and how learning takes place. And the most important thing. He must have a desire to learn. If a child is not ready for a new society, then even if he has the necessary skills and abilities, it will be difficult for him. This project will be useful in the work of teachers of preparatory groups, as well as parents, in order to increase parental competence in matters of preschool preparation of children.

In my project, I used watching school-themed cartoons. With their help, children had a better idea of ​​school life and what they needed to study for. Introduced her to literary works about school life and studying at school. I have prepared a lot of information for parents on how to help their child cross the threshold of school without worry and anxiety.

I believe that the “Hello School” project helped children and parents better understand school life and evaluate their knowledge and skills before school. Formed the student’s internal position through the unity of the requirements of parents and educators.

Expected results:

· formation of motivational readiness for school in children;

· increasing parental competence in matters of pre-school preparation;

· favorable course of the adaptation school period.

· relieve feelings of anxiety and doubt before school.

1. Organizational

2. Practical

3. Generalizing

Project Implementation Plan

Prepare in the group the necessary material for cognitive and productive activities (development of conversations, consultations for parents,). Creation of a subject-developing school-themed environment.

Prepare an assignment for parents, collect the necessary information and format it.

The second stage is practical


Exhibition of illustrated books on school subjects and reading of works by A. Barto “To School”, S. Marshak “The First of September”, a story by M. Panfilova from the series “Forest School”

Work with children:

Review of illustrated books about school. Watching the cartoon: “How the baby camel and the donkey went to school.”

Conversation on the topic: “Be kind” (polite words in the life of a future student). Goal: to teach children to self-control their behavior. Didactic game “Who has the longest ribbon”, goal: to develop children’s ability to compare objects that are sharply contrasting in length by applying

Working with parents: assistance to parents in selecting board games about school. Goal: to involve parents in the preparation of future schoolchildren.


Design of the photo exhibition “School. School supplies." Design of a folder for parents: “Ready for school”

Work with children:

Examination of school supplies, conversation about their purpose and use.

Conversation on the topic: “What do you think is the difference between school and kindergarten?” "What do we know about the school?" Goal: create a positive attitude towards school. Didactic game “Find your house”, goal: to strengthen children’s skills in comparing objects by width, using the technique of application or overlay.

Working with parents: advise parents to read books about school together at home. Talk to the children about whether their child is ready to go to school. Goal: to prepare parents for possible difficulties when their children enter school.


Set up a corner for educational mathematical games: mathematical labyrinths, educational lotto, fill in the missing number.

Work with children:

Conversation about school, the regime, and rules of behavior at school, about attitudes towards learning and grades. Plot-role-playing game “Kindergarten”. Goal: to expand and consolidate children’s ideas about the content of the labor actions of kindergarten employees. Asking riddles and reading proverbs about school.

Working with parents: memo on the topic “12 tips for parents of future first-graders”


Set up a corner of board-printed school-themed games: “Who has the longest ribbon”, “Place the towels in different piles”, “Find your house”, “Cars”.

Work with children:

Watching the cartoon "Forest School". Goal: to form children’s ideas about school.

Constructive activity on the topic: “My dream school.” Goal: to develop children’s ability to construct their plans. Develop imagination and constructive abilities. Didactic game: “Vegetable garden for Mashenka”, goal: to develop children’s ideas about the width of objects.

Working with parents: folder moving on the topic: “In a year I will be a first-grader”


Create an exhibition of illustrations about the school.

Work with children:

Examination of the painting “Scale”. Goal: to continue to expand ideas about the school. Compiling stories on the topic “What is school.” Goal: to develop the ability to share impressions. Didactic game “Let’s help Mashenka arrange the mushrooms”, goal: To develop children’s skills to compare objects by thickness.

Working with parents: issue a memo to the parents of the future first-grader.

The third stage is generalizing

Photo exhibition on the topic: “How we prepare for school”

Exhibition of drawings: “Soon to school”

Modeling on the theme: “Schoolboy”

A joint event for 1st grade and preparatory group children.

Making a photo album about the work done on the project.



"Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 10, Kalininsk, Saratov region"


(cognitive – creative)

"Hello, school!"

Preparatory group

Teacher of the 1st qualification category:Kulishova Ekaterina Sergeevna


Relevance of the project

“Being ready for school does not mean being able to read, write and do math. To be ready for school means to be ready to learn it all.” (L.N. Wenger)

The problem of ensuring the continuity of preschool and primary education is one of the most pressing problems throughout the history of preschool and general pedagogy.

A preschool educational institution has a special role in the overall system of lifelong education, since it is the first link of this system. It is in a preschool educational institution that the foundations of personality, its properties, qualities and abilities are laid, which will largely determine the path of the child’s further development as a schoolchild.

Entering school is one of the most important stages in a child’s development. From the world of childhood with fun games and amusements, a little person finds himself in a completely different environment, where he is required to have high performance, perseverance, and concentration. He is forced to obey the rules of the school routine. And if this transition becomes unexpected for your child, then his adaptation to the educational process will be long and painful, and this will undoubtedly affect his academic performance, and therefore his self-esteem. It’s sad, but many of the complexes that adults suffer are formed during school.

The most important task of the kindergarten and parents is the psychological preparation of the child for entering school. To understand what a child is going through on the eve of entering school, remember how uncomfortable you yourself were when waiting for something unknown. As a rule, children go to school with great desire, look forward to their first classes, but at the same time experience anxiety. Parents need to help their child, talk about school life, remember and convey their feelings about entering first grade.

In a preschool educational institution, educators should try to correctly describe to the child the features of learning at school. To begin with, check what ideas he has already formed, ask simple questions: how does he imagine school, what is recess and a lesson, what lasts longer, what will he have to do in class and what during recess, why does he want to school, what attracts him there more is the appearance of new friends, playing with them or the desire to learn something new. If the child’s answers reveal his perception of school as a new exciting game, it is necessary to explain that the meaning of learning (learning something new) is a process that requires patience and perseverance, that at school he can expect not only joyful events, but also the need to work, for which he will have to give up some of the time he previously spent with friends.

The main goal of continuity in the work of a preschool educational institution and school is to ensure a smooth and painless transition of the child to school, the formation of the student’s internal position through the unity of the requirements of parents, educators and teachers. In this regard, there was a need to create an original educational project“Hello, school! »


To form ideas about school and a positive attitude towards school life among older preschoolers.


  • formation of learning motivation and interest in the learning process itself.
  • relieving feelings of anxiety and doubt in preschoolers before going to school.
  • increasing parental competence in matters of preschool preparation.
  • O maintaining and strengthening the physical and mental health of children.

Project type:

Cognitive - creative

Project duration:

Short term 2 weeks.

Project participants:

Pupils of the preparatory group, group teacher, music. leader, first grade teacher, first grade students, parents.

Project description:

Entering school completely changes a child's life. By the time a child enters school, he should have an idea of ​​what awaits him and how learning takes place. And the most important thing. He must have a desire to learn. If a child is not ready for a new society, then even if he has the necessary skills and abilities, it will be difficult for him. This project will be useful in the work of teachers of preparatory groups, as well as parents, in order to increase parental competence in matters of preschool preparation of children.

In my project, I used watching school-themed cartoons. With their help, children had a better idea of ​​school life and what they needed to study for. Introduced her to literary works about school life and studying at school. I have prepared a lot of information for parents on how to help their child cross the threshold of school without worry and anxiety.

I believe that the “Hello School” project helped children and parents better understand school life and evaluate their knowledge and skills before school. Formed the student’s internal position through the unity of the requirements of parents and educators.

Expected results:

  • developing children's motivational readiness for school;
  • increasing parental competence in matters of pre-school preparation;
  • favorable course of the adaptation school period.
  • relieve feelings of anxiety and doubt before school.

The project consists of three stages:

  1. Organizational
  2. Practical
  3. Generalizing

Project Implementation Plan

The first stage is organizational.

Prepare in the group the necessary material for cognitive and productive activities (development of conversations, consultations for parents,). Creation of a subject-developing school-themed environment.

Prepare an assignment for parents, collect the necessary information and format it.

The second stage is practical


Exhibition of illustrated books on school subjects and reading of works by A. Barto “To School”, S. Marshak “The First of September”, a story by M. Panfilova from the series “Forest School”

Work with children:

Review of illustrated books about school. Watching the cartoon: “How the baby camel and the donkey went to school.”

Conversation on the topic: “Be kind” (polite words in the life of a future student). Goal: to teach children to self-control their behavior. Didactic game “Who has the longest ribbon”, goal: to develop children’s ability to compare objects that are sharply contrasting in length by applying

Working with parents:assistance to parents in selecting board games about school. Goal: to involve parents in the preparation of future schoolchildren.


Design of the photo exhibition “School. School supplies." Design of a folder for parents: “Ready for school”

Work with children:

Examination of school supplies, conversation about their purpose and use.

Conversation on the topic: “What do you think is the difference between school and kindergarten?” "What do we know about the school?" Goal: create a positive attitude towards school. Didactic game “Find your house”, goal: to strengthen children’s skills in comparing objects by width, using the technique of application or overlay.

Working with parents: advise parents to read books about school together at home. Talk to the children about whether their child is ready to go to school. Goal: to prepare parents for possible difficulties when their children enter school.


Set up a corner for educational mathematical games: mathematical labyrinths, educational lotto, fill in the missing number.

Work with children:

Conversation about school, the regime, and rules of behavior at school, about attitudes towards learning and grades. Plot-role-playing game “Kindergarten”. Goal: to expand and consolidate children’s ideas about the content of the labor actions of kindergarten employees. Asking riddles and reading proverbs about school.

Working with parents:memo on the topic “12 tips for parents of future first-graders”


Set up a corner of board-printed school-themed games: “Who has the longest ribbon”, “Place the towels in different piles”, “Find your house”, “Cars”.

Work with children:

Watching the cartoon "Forest School". Goal: to form children’s ideas about school.

Constructive activity on the topic: “My dream school.” Goal: to develop children’s ability to construct their plans. Develop imagination and constructive abilities. Didactic game: “Vegetable garden for Mashenka”, goal: to develop children’s ideas about the width of objects.

Working with parents:folder moving on the topic: “In a year I will be a first-grader”


Create an exhibition of illustrations about the school.

Work with children:

Examination of the painting “Scale”. Goal: to continue to expand ideas about the school. Compiling stories on the topic “What is school.” Goal: to develop the ability to share impressions. Didactic game “Let’s help Mashenka arrange the mushrooms”, goal: To develop children’s skills to compare objects by thickness.

Working with parents: design memo to parents of future first-graders.

The third stage is generalizing

Photo exhibition on the topic: “How we prepare for school”

Exhibition of drawings: “Soon to school”

Modeling on the theme: “Schoolboy”

A joint event for 1st grade and preparatory group children.

Making a photo album about the work done on the project.

Objective of the project:

for children - make a magazine about the life of the group ;

for the teacher- contribute to the formation in older preschoolers of the desire and ability to independently search for, collect information, and develop a sense of responsibility for the assigned task.

Project objectives:

  • Development of cognitive abilities.
  • Development of creative imagination.
  • Development of creative thinking;
  • Development of communication skills.
  • Formation of prerequisites for search activity and intellectual initiative.
  • Developing the ability to identify possible methods for solving a problem independently.
  • Formation of the ability to apply methods that contribute to solving a given problem, using various options.


Children become familiar with children's magazines and want to create a magazine for their group.

Project type:

  • By the number of participants – collective.
  • According to the contingent of participants - same age (children of the older group).
  • The priority of the method is creative, practice-oriented.
  • Duration: short-term (1 week).

Project plan:

Stage 1.

Conversations about children's newspapers, magazines, looking at magazines, reading articles of the children's choice.

Visiting the children's library: getting acquainted with children's magazines.

Exhibition “My Favorite Magazine”. ( “My mom’s (my dad’s) favorite magazine.”

Conversation about professions: journalist, correspondent, photojournalist, editor.

Stage 2.

Discussion of options for the theme of a children's group magazine, its name, headings.

Stage 3.

Making a magazine.

Stage 4.

Presentation of the magazine for kindergarten children and parents.

Project passport.

One day I brought my favorite magazine to the group.

What do you think this magazine is about? Why do I love him? How did you guess? (according to the illustration on the cover and the title).

That's right, this magazine helps me in my work: it talks about new interesting activities, games, competitions, quizzes for children. This means that the appearance and form of the magazine speaks about its content.

We already know what the magazine consists of. These are: cover and pages.

- What do we see on the pages? (photos, pictures, poems, text).

What is the name of the text in the magazine? (article, report).

Here are a few more magazines. What do you think they are about? How did you guess?

Guys, do you want to publish your own magazine?

What could it be about? What articles will be in it?

(“Our favorite games”, “Our activities”, “Our holidays”, “How we walk”, “We are athletes”, “Competition of duty officers”, “We are friends with kids”, ...)

— What is needed to design a magazine page? (photos, pictures, text).

— We have photographs that do not fit into our group albums. They will be useful to us.

— What materials might we need to make a magazine? (paper, pencils, markers, glue, crayons, etc.).

Everything you need can be found on the table.

— What will be on your magazine page? (title, text (article), photograph or picture (or both), author's name). This means you need to think about how to arrange it all on the sheet.

— And we also need to agree on how all the pages of our magazine will be arranged: vertically (portrait layout) or horizontally (landscape layout).

I suggest you come up with a topic for your article, your report. Photos will help you with this. They will remind you of interesting events that happened in our group.

— What will the name of our magazine be?

— How can you design the cover?

— Guys, who will design the cover?

The article you write will need to be written down. Who will record?


- we ourselves

- ask for help. Who?

— T.A. (unfortunately, I won’t be able to help everyone. I’ll only have time to write down one article).

- contact guests, ask for help.

After the leaves are ready:

- How to combine them to make a magazine? (options discussed: hole punch, glue, stapler)

(fastened with a hole punch).

The teacher reads the articles and shows the pages of the finished magazine.

— How can we use our magazine? (show it to parents, children from other groups, leave it as a souvenir in kindergarten).

Nomination: projects in the preparatory group of kindergarten.

Position: teacher
Place of work: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 31"
Location: Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod region

Marina Kozarez

Tell me - and I will forget,

show me - and I will remember,

let me try and I’ll understand”

Chinese proverb

Explanatory note. Childhood is the time to search for answers to a variety of questions. Preschoolers are born explorers. And this is confirmed by their curiosity, constant desire to experiment, desire to constantly find a solution to a problem situation.

Children's experimentation is a wonderful means of intellectual and cognitive development of preschool children. Everything is absorbed firmly and for a long time when the child hears, sees and does it himself. And through experimentation, the child learns to learn.

An effective method for developing children's curiosity, and subsequently cognitive activity, in their opinion, is children's experimentation.

The theoretical basis for using the method of children's experimentation is the basic principles developed by N. N. Podyakov, among which the following are especially important: following:

* -children's experimentation is the core of any process of children's creativity;

* - it most powerfully manifests children’s own cognitive activity, aimed at obtaining new information, new knowledge (cognitive form of experimentation);

* - in the process of experimentation the moment is quite clearly presented self-development: transformations of an object made by a child reveal new aspects and Properties of the object to him, and new knowledge about the object, in turn, allows him to make new, more complex and perfect transformations;

* -children's experimentation is a special form of cognitive activity in which the processes of goal formation, the processes of the emergence and development of new personal motives that underlie the self-movement and self-development of preschoolers are most clearly expressed;

* - during experimentation, all mental processes are enriched (memory, thinking, attention) child, since there is constantly a need to perform operations of analysis and synthesis, comparison and classification, generalization, the development of the child’s speech when formulating discovered patterns and conclusions;

* -children's experimentation stimulates the development of independence, goal-setting, the ability to transform any objects and phenomena to achieve a certain result, as the basis of cognitive activity.

TO preparatory group Experimental activities contribute to the development of such personality qualities in a preschooler as independence, determination, responsibility, initiative, perseverance, tolerance.

Subject: “Experimenting with a magnet. Properties of a magnet"

Focus: educational and research project

Location: MBDOU No. 14 "Firefly"

Participants project: children preparatory speech therapy group(6-7 years old, teacher, parents.

Duration: short term project(01.04.2017 – 15. 04.17)

Relevance of the topic. The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that preschool age is a synthetic period in the lives of children preparatory group. It is at 6–7 years of age that children most often wonder "How?", « Why, "Where?", "For what?". After working with children for six months, I felt the need to teach children non-traditional methods that would maintain cognitive interest and lead them to discoveries. The possibilities of using this approach in the development of preschool children are described by such authors as N. E. Veraksa, E. V. Marudova, O. V. Dybina, A. I. Ivanova, etc. Experimental activities contribute to the comprehensive and harmonious development of each child, revealing his potential . In experimental activities, the preschooler finds answers in the surrounding reality, learns the world starting from the immediate environment.

Target project: to develop cognitive activity, intellectual and creative potential of the child’s personality, by improving his research abilities.

Tasks project:

1. Improve children’s knowledge about a magnet and its properties and ability to attract iron through various substances and materials;

2. Organize a subject-development environment.

3. Develop interest in research search.

4. Encourage independent use of research and communication abilities in the learning process and everyday life.

5. Organize work with parents to develop the research activities of preschoolers.

Forms of implementation project:


Play activity

Productive activities of children.

Reading fiction

Implementation stages project:

Stage 1 - preparatory.

Study and analyze methodological literature on the topic

Preparation of planning for experimental activities

Selection of basic equipment and material to equip the experimental activity center.

Stage 2 – the main one.

Introduction into the educational process of experimental activities. Long-term plan.

Stage 3 – final.

Determine the effectiveness of the work performed

Analyze the results obtained.


Planning experimental activities

1-2 week

Conversations 1. "Magnet and its properties". Target

2. "Secrets of the Magnet". Target

Didactic games 1. "Magnetic ABC",

2. "Fisherman";

3. "Geometric mosaic" and so on

Experiments 1. "Magic Magnet".

2. "Paper Race".

Reading fiction 1. Reading an excerpt from a fairy tale A. Volkova ,

2. P. Bazhov "Silver Hoof".

Productive activity 1. Independent play activity constructor "The Science of Magnets", "Metal construction set",

2. Leisure activities "Invention Day". Software tasks "man inventor"

Working with parents A thematic zone was organized together with parents "Experimentation" prepared didactic material on topic"Magnet in our lives".

Final open lesson "The Adventures of Dunno". Target

Tasks: - improve children’s knowledge about a magnet and its properties and ability to attract iron through various substances and materials; -improve the ability to give a detailed definition of the material; - consolidate the ability to work with a magnet, identify materials that can be magnetized; - consolidate words "to become magnetized", "magnetic"; - develop mental operations, the ability to put forward hypotheses, draw conclusions, - develop fine motor skills of the hands; - consolidate knowledge about safety rules when working with a magnet; - cultivate independence, the desire to come to the aid of others; - Develop the ability to listen to children’s answers and not interrupt.

Stage 2 – the main one.

"Magnet and its properties"

Target: teach children to distinguish a magnet from other stones, explore its properties, develop thinking, memory, attention, cultivate perseverance, and the ability to work in a team.

1 part: Introductory (informational and educational)

Educator: Hello guys! Today we will go into the world of knowledge, discoveries, experiments and research. We will find out what a magnet is and get acquainted with its properties. Guys, does anyone know what a magnet is? What is it made of? (children express their guesses).

Educator: A magnet is made of alloys that are capable of creating a magnetic field, mainly iron or steel. Any magnet, of any size, even the smallest one, has a north and south pole. Different poles attract each other, and like poles repel each other

Children are invited to look at magnets of different shapes and sizes (children look at magnets and try to experiment).

Part 2 Practical (experimental)

Educator: And now I invite you to laboratory. Educator: in our laboratories you will all be able to experiment with the magnet and various objects that are in front of you.

Educator: And first, I'll tell you why was the magnet called that?.

According to an ancient legend, in ancient times, on Mount Ida, a shepherd named Magnis was tending sheep. He noticed that his iron-lined sandals and a wooden stick with an iron tip were sticking to the black stones that lay in abundance under his feet. The shepherd turned the stick upside down and made sure that the tree was not attracted by strange stones. I took off my sandals and saw that my bare feet weren’t attracted to me either. Magnis realized that these strange black stones did not recognize any other materials except iron. The shepherd took several of these stones home and amazed his neighbors. The name “magnet” came from the name of the shepherd.

Educator: Guys, do you like experiments? Yes.

Experience. What is attracted to a magnet?

On everyone’s desk there are paper clips, cogs, nails, screws, coins. .

Conclusion: Paper clips, cogs, nails, screws, coins - are attracted to a magnet.

Experience. Can a magnet act through an obstacle?

Children are given a glass cup of water, a paper clip and a magnet. Throw a paper clip into a glass of water. Place the magnet against the glass at the level of the paperclip. After the paperclip approaches the wall of the glass, slowly move the magnet upward along the wall. The paperclip follows the movement of the magnet and rises upward until it approaches the surface of the water. (children conduct experiments and draw conclusions).

Conclusion: The magnet can work through an obstacle.

"Secrets of the Magnet".

Target: systematize children’s knowledge about a magnet and its properties; identify materials that may become magnetic; stimulate children's independence and activity; contribute to the enrichment of vocabulary.

Vocabulary work: magnetism, poles, magnetite, artificial magnet, permanent magnet, laboratory, professor, scientists, globe, compass, magnetic field.

Progress of the conversation: Fairy tale "Adventures with Magnet"

One day, the captain's two brothers discovered an unusual stone. It lay among a thousand other things, and at first it seemed to be only heavier than the others. But when they brought him closer to certain objects, they miraculously stuck to him. And then, suddenly, out of the blue, the stone... spoke. (possibly with your mother-storyteller, in your ear )

He said that he was once a man whose name was Magnet. And he had the extraordinary ability to attract good people and repel people with evil thoughts.

It so happened that the beautiful young but evil witch Veera fell in love with him. In order to approach him, she even tried to do good deeds, but you can’t fool the Magnet, and she still pushed away from him and could not get even a step closer to him - the distance from which she could change his poles so that he began to attract bad things , but to repel the good.

After unsuccessful attempts, Veera got angry and turned him into a heavy stone. But his attractive and repulsive abilities remained with him, however, only in relation to iron objects. And now he could not talk to everyone.

Magnit also told the brothers that on one island he had a treasure that he would really like to return. To find it, you need to sail strictly north.

But how do we find where North is? - asked the junior captain. - Our compass is faulty and is being repaired.

“I will show you the north,” the magic stone said calmly.

Prepare a cup of water, a piece of cloth or thick paper and a needle. Now rub the point of the needle on one side of me, and the eye on the other. Stick it into the fabric and put it in water. The needle will show the direction South-North.

The captains did just that. The needle showed them the right path, and they swam to the mysterious island.

On the shore of the island, among stones and debris, the captain brothers found a bag with something heavy.

There was a letter in it. Only it was somehow strange. All the shapes were mixed up and more like a bunch of small particles.

Bring me under the piece of paper,” the magnet said hoarsely.

The boys brought it under the leaf and, oh, miracle! the crumbs began to move and soon turned into an arrow. The brothers went in the direction she pointed.

Soon the captains saw a huge abyss with quicksand. It was very big and very deep. Everything that fell into it disappeared without a trace.

How can we get the treasure? - the brothers thought. - Listen, Magnet, is your treasure also metal?

Then you can help us!

The captains took the Magnet and raised it over the abyss, they moved it in all directions, and soon collected a large pile of it treasures:

Soon they came across a huge vat of water, at the bottom of which coins were visible. And again Magnet helped to get them from the bottom.

Satisfied friends loaded the treasures onto their ship. But the sea became calm. There was not a hint of a breath of wind. And then the magnet helped them again. He dived under the water and swam (we pass a magnet under "by sea". paper boat with paper clips obediently "floats" behind him across the cardboard sea). And the ship, loaded with his metal treasures, obediently sailed after him.

So the treasures of the Magnet, with the help of its amazing properties and the courage of the two captains, returned to its iron possessions. Since then, Magnit, in gratitude, began to faithfully serve people.

Of course, these are not all the properties of a magnet. But we now know that a magnet attracts iron objects, that it acts through water, through cardboard and through glass, and even at a distance.

Something tells me that this is not the end of our acquaintance with magnets. So wait for the continuation By the way, what are your favorite experiments with a magnet?

I wish you health and more pleasant emotions!

Didactic games. "Magnetic ABC", "Fisherman"; "Geometric mosaic" and so on


1. "Magic Magnet"

1. Take a glass of water.

2. Place a wooden cube and paper clips in it.

3. Place the magnet against the wall glasses: The magnet only attracts metal objects, even through glass and water.

2. "Paper Race".

IN: Guys, do you think it’s possible to have a paper machine?

D: Children's answer.

IN: Let's put the car on a sheet of cardboard, a magnet under the cardboard. Then we move the car along the drawn paths.

Let's start racing.

IN: What can be concluded?

Conclusion: Magnetic force passes through the cardboard.

Reading fiction. Reading an excerpt from a fairy tale (about Elya and the Tin Woodman) A. Volkova "The Wizard of Oz", P. Bazhov "Silver Hoof".

Productive activity.

Lesson notes for children preparatory group on the topic"Invention Day"

Activities: Cognitive, verbal, productive.

Program tasks: To introduce the life activities of the remarkable self-taught inventor Ivan Petrovich Kulibin. Clarify the concept "man inventor"; enrich knowledge about the world of discoveries and inventions. Practice the ability to jointly perform tasks and actions; strengthen the ability to listen to a friend, conduct a dialogue, and negotiate in a game.

Dictionary of new words: "man inventor", observation, determination, curiosity, ingenuity;

Antiquity, antiquity, modernity.

Preliminary work: Looking at a book "Inventions of Man" Yu. Amchenkov. Reading by R. Kiplin "The cat who walked wherever he pleased". E. Efimivsky “Like birds and plants, With you here and there... Inventions live, discoveries live” Looking at paired pictures "From nature to man"

Equipment and materials: Portrait of I.P. Kulibin, pictures of his illustrated inventions. Didactic game "Inventions of Man". Audio recording of a bell ringing. Panel map "river of time", symbolizing the linear movement of the historical time: several are planned "stops": "antiquity" - "old man" - "modernity"

Progress of direct educational activities

Conversation - reasoning: Once upon a time, man was very close to nature. People once noticed that there are animals that see much better than humans, hear better, hunt better, and began to use these advantages. For example, a man noticed that a boar had very sharp fangs, and decided to make himself some or: he invented... (knife.) This man, who first thought of inventing very necessary and useful items for himself and for other people, was the inventor! How can you tell about him what he is like?

Working with parents. A thematic zone was organized together with parents "Experimentation": sets of various construction sets were purchased, prepared didactic material on topic"Magnet in our lives".

Final open session.

Summary of an open lesson in preparatory group on educational and research activities at topic"The Adventures of Dunno"

Target: expand children’s knowledge in the field of cognitive and research activities.


Improve children's knowledge about a magnet and its properties and ability to attract iron through various substances and materials;

Improve the ability to give a detailed definition of the material;

Strengthen the ability to work with a magnet, identify materials that can be magnetized;

Pin words "to become magnetized", "magnetic";

Develop mental operations, the ability to put forward hypotheses, draw conclusions,

Develop fine motor skills of the hands;

To consolidate knowledge about safety rules when working with a magnet;

Foster independence and a desire to help others;

Develop the ability to listen to children’s answers and not interrupt.

Equipment and materials:

Technical means - computer, projector, screen, video recording, Magnets (for each child, various metal objects (paper clips, nuts, etc., objects made of plastic, wood, paper, cardboard (per child). Kit "Metal construction machine"

Vocabulary work: Magnetic and non-magnetic objects, magnetic force, attraction, magnetization.

Progress of educational activities:

1. Organizational moment

We gathered together in a circle

You are my friend and I am your friend.

Let's hold hands together

And let's smile at each other!

Educator: Guys, today I received an unusual video letter. But I didn’t watch it without you. The teacher turns on projector "Dunno".

Dunno. "Hi guys! Do you recognize me? It's me Dunno! My friends Vintik and Shpuntik's car broke down. I wanted to help them fix it. I went to a car repair shop, but I couldn’t find the parts I needed. Maybe you can do it. I am sending you all the tools and spare parts in the package. Your task is to find suitable parts and repair the car. Help me please".

Educator: Guys, how can we help Dunno? What item will help us find metal parts from the car?

Children: children's answers.

Progress of educational activities:

1. Organizational moment

The children and the teacher stand in a circle and hold hands.

We gathered together in a circle

You are my friend and I am your friend.

Let's hold hands together

And let's smile at each other!

Educator: Guys, I received a parcel today. It contained a video letter and a chest. Let's look at this letter. The teacher turns on projector, watches a video about "Dunno".

Dunno. "Hi guys! Do you recognize me? It's me Dunno! My friends Vintik and Shpuntik's car broke down. I decided to help repair it. I went to the auto repair shop but couldn't find the parts I needed. Maybe you can do it. I am sending you all the tools and spare parts in a parcel. Your task is to find suitable parts and repair the car.

Educator: Guys, how can we help Dunno? Let's remember what object will help us find metal parts from the car.

Children: children's answers.

2. Main part.

Educator: You say it's a magnet. He keeps many secrets within himself! Guys, let's remember what a magnet is and how to use it. Where and for what is it used? In what professions does he serve as an assistant? (Pictures of magnet and professions on flannelgraph).

Place the box with magnets and a tray with waste material on the table.

Guys, I also have magnets and now I will give you 1 magnet each. Try to magnetize 1 item and tell me where and what it is used for. Questions for children? What objects does a magnet attract? Why only metal, iron? (Since a magnet is a piece of stone with a million small particles of iron attached to it, this is its ability to magnetize metal objects).

Educator: Guys, but don’t forget about the request of our friend Dunno, let’s find metal parts from the car that broke down for Vintik and Shpuntik. I take out all the parts from the package, look carefully and use a magnet to find the parts you need. BUT FIRST LOOK AT THE CAR WHAT PARTS ARE MISSING. All the parts that our friends could find are scattered here; we need to find only metal ones and only those that will help repair the car. Is the task clear?

Children: Using a magnet, they find parts from the iron constructor of the car, and immediately screw one part at a time. The car is being repaired. The teacher helps the children screw on the machine parts.

Educator: So we repaired the car. Now Dunno and his friends will be very happy and grateful to you for such help.

Guys, now let's check whether we repaired the car correctly or not! Tell me where should the car go? Right on the road. Set the road. Guys, I have a perfect road for such small cars.

Lenya, come to me and try to place a magnet under the glass, but closer to the car and slowly move the magnet. What's happening? The car moves after the magnet. A magnet has the ability to attract through objects, but only if the strength of the magnet is greater than the object that needs to be attracted.

3. Physical exercise.

All cars in order

Pulling up to a gas station

Fuel truck, garbage truck,

milk truck with milk,

A bread truck with fresh bread.

And a heavy timber truck.

4. Experiment.

Educator: Put down the paper clips Guys, we can’t finish our lesson without a new trick with a magnet. Now I will show it to you. Look, I take a magnet, bring a paper clip to it, it is attracted. I bring the second one to this paperclip, and it is attracted. I take the third... A chain of paper clips has formed. Now I will take the first paperclip and carefully remove the magnet, the chain will not fall apart, Why?

Children: (assumptions) Because the magnet magnetized them.

Educator: Paper clips are attracted to each other because a magnet can impart some of its magnetic force to iron objects - "magnetize".

Children conduct an experiment. Now try to conduct exactly the same experiment. Go to the tables, grab your magnets and try it out. Guys, which of you got the longest chain?

5. Summary of the lesson. Guys, it's time for us to finish our lesson and say goodbye to the guests. What a good deed we did today. Who asked us to repair the car? For whom? Now we need to send her back. Go to Lyubov Alexandrovna, she will help you pack everything, and I will talk to the guests.

Expected results:

1. The necessary conditions have been created for the formation of the foundations of a preschooler’s holistic worldview through experimental activities.

2. Pupils have ideas about children within a certain theme project"Magnet. Magnetism".

3. Preschoolers have developed skills: observe, analyze, compare, highlight characteristic, essential features of objects and phenomena, generalize them based on these features.


1. Volkova E. V., Mikerin S. L., Playing at scientists, Siberian University Publishing House, 2008.

2. Dybina O. V. "The unknown is nearby", experiences and experiments for preschoolers, M., shopping center "Sphere", 2010

3. Dybina O. V. "What are their objects made of", M., shopping center "Sphere". 2005

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