KVN for parents “For health in kindergarten. KVN in a preschool educational institution with parents “Touch nature with your heart KVN in kindergarten family traditions



Leading.: Hello! Today I propose to travel around the Land of Childhood. Children are our tomorrow. All of us, in turn, were also residents of this amazing country, we wanted to quickly understand the world around us, we were in a hurry to grow, we dreamed of becoming adults as soon as possible. Now we are adults, but the further we move away from this country, the more often we want to look into it. In childhood, a person becomes acquainted with many phenomena for the first time, and the first ones are the most striking. Scientists say that in the first five years of life a person receives most of all life information. And what a little person learns from us, what he learns, will depend on what he will become. When a child appears in the house, our childhood, games, fairy tales, songs that are passed on from generation to generation emerge from the storehouses of our memory. There are no trains going to the Land of Childhood, no planes flying, you can get there only with the help of memory. Today, on the day (of family or child protection), we will hold a competition. And let’s call it, according to tradition, KVN.

RECORDING WITH KVN SONG IS TURNED ON(We are starting KVN. For whom?..) By tradition, KVN can never do without a jury. (Imagine it). And without commands. (Introduce) You and I, dear friends, will have several competitions. Our tasks will not be difficult, but everyone will have to think, and we will try to make sure everyone has fun. Let's remember where our childhood begins (pause)

A LULLABY SOUNDS" Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word". That's right, with a lullaby. Who is the author of this lullaby? (People) So I offer you 1 competition - perform lullabies. One team starts...and the other picks up...etc. 2 competition : But there are not only folk lullabies, but also others. I suggest you listen to excerpts with audio recordings. You must recognize the song. If you also name the author and performers, you get additional points. Lullabies: “Bears and elephants are sleeping” (music by Isaac Osipovich Dunaevsky), “Sleep, my joy” (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart), “Sleep, my Svetlana” (Tikhona Nikolaevich Khrennikova), “Bai-bai, baby” (Anzhelika Varum ), “Bai-bai” (Tatyana Bulanova), “Tired toys are sleeping” (music by Ostrovsky, lyrics by Z. Petrova), lullabies from the cartoons “Bremen Town Musicians”, from “Umka” (music by Evgeny Krylov, lyrics by Yu . Yakovleva), “Pug-nosed sniffles” (Spanish: Valentina Tolkunova) I also suggest that everyone remember the film where the lullabies were played. While the jury is deliberating, I invite the “fans” to play with us too.

1. I have envelopes: I suggest you choose an envelope for yourself. You see letters in them: one “K”. in another “M”, in another “S”. You need to create a menu for the whole day, starting with this letter.

2. Memory test: try to remember the animals that are depicted here (interactive board). The cubs of the same animals are depicted here. But one thing is missing. Which one? Game “Mom, Dad, Cub” So, the correct answer was given by the fans from the team... We ask the jury to take into account.THE JURY SUMMES UP THE RESULTS1.2 competitions. Host: We continue our competition. Competition 3: The name of the lullaby song comes from what words? You need to choose the correct answers (underline) WORDS: cradle, swing, oscillate, tales, baize, lull, talk, whisper, say. (all words are suitable)

GAME FOR FANS.Questions: 1.Which animal was the first to become a pet? (dog) 2. Which animal is still worshiped in India today? (cow) 3. How much milk can an ordinary cow produce per year? (3-5 thousand l) 4.What kind of poultry was brought from Europe? (turkey) 5. What kind of down are Orenburg down scarves made of? (goat) 4 competition : Here is a child who has grown up a little and comes to our nursery. Many of them do not know how to speak yet. You need to understand him. The task for each team is to show something interesting, and the other team must guess what the “child” is saying or asking. Competition “UNDERSTAND ME” “What we do, we won’t tell you, what we do, we’ll show you.” While the teams are preparing, I invite fans to create a drawing using geometric shapes.

THE JURY'S WORD Evaluations of 3 and 4 competitions. MENU REPORT (read out) Competition 5: “CALM THE CHILD”Proverbs, sayings, songs, etc. can help with this. - Russian folklore. (You can use literature, attributes)MODE MOMENTS: while eating, dressing, undressing, feeding, washing, walking, playing, getting up, exercising, etc.FANS ARE OFFERED THE NEXT GAME “PICK UP THE WORDS”(Insert letters into the missing cells to make words. (For example, brownie, box, funnel, spikelet, rhinoceros, etc.) Presenter: Now the child has grown up and asks to tell something funnier. The next 6th competition “TELL A JOKING FAIRY TALE- SKETCH" (homework)

State Educational Institution "Gymnasium No. 3 of Borisov"

KVN between parents and children

“Inseparable friends – adults and children”

Teacher: Matskevich N.V.

Progress of the event

1st speaker: “Hello, dear parents, children, guests! It’s so good that you and I have all gathered together. You undoubtedly have a lot of urgent matters and concerns. But leave all your worries and affairs outside the doors of our hall and, together with your children, try to relax today.”

2 leads: Today we have a family holiday. We conduct KVN. Two teams meet: a team of parents and a team of children. They face a difficult fight. The one who can cope with all the tasks better will win.

1st speaker: We know you love games

Songs, riddles and dances.

You don't like to be bored

And we are happy to be with you

We will play KVN today.

2 leads: So, friends, let's start the program. We have a large supply of ideas! And who are they for? For you! We invite teams to come forward.

The teams come out and take their places.

Meet the children's team.

Meet the parent team.

1st speaker: Fans! I can't hear the fans!

Let's all shout "HURRAY!" .

Ready to root for our teams,

Let's all shout "YES!"

2 leads: The competitions will be judged by a jury.

There are several people from the audience (children and parents).

1st speaker: Attention attention! The task is already sounding.

1 task. Greeting "Declaration of love."

(Greetings to the opposing team. Declaration of love).

Children to parents: You are so nice! Parents are just awesome!

That’s why we all want to be like you!

Parents to children: You are as beautiful as stars, and your eyes sparkle with fire,

And your sweet smiles outshine the sun during the day!

2 leads: We wish everyone only happiness, and we will tell you a secret

There are simply no such children or parents in the whole school!

And now the finalists of the school competition “Minute of Fame” will perform before you

(Musical number.)

2 task

1st speaker: To be completely ready to play, you need to warm up. That’s why our competition is called the “Locomotive” warm-up. All team members participate.

( execution of commands)

Stand tall;

Stand according to your shoe size (small to large);

Stand along the length of your hair (long - short);

Stand by hair color (light - dark);

2 leads: – We found out who is taller, who is darker, who is longer. Let's move on to something more serious.

3 task. Unicorn competition.

(Dads and boys participate.) Participants have buttons glued to their foreheads using tape so that the needle sticks out. Then they take the balls, and at the signal announcing the start of the competition, the players must throw them into the air and try to pierce them with their horn.

1st speaker: 4 task. Cinderella competition.

Mothers and girls participate: Select rice from buckwheat.(Musical number.)

2 leads: Task 5. Competition "Friendship".

It is checked which team is the friendliest. Everyone together make a chain of paper clips. (Musical number.)

1st speaker: 6 task. "Egyptian Mummy".

Using a roll of toilet paper, each team turns one of their players into an Egyptian mummy. The team that does it faster wins. Actions are performed while the music is playing.

2 leads: The finalist of the “Minute of Glory” competition, a student of 3 “A” class Artem Bogdanov, will come out to us again.

(Musical number.)

1st speaker: Task 7. Competition "Understand Me".

Let's check how children and parents understand each other. Drawing competition. Let's draw a horse. Children - head and front legs, i.e. the first half of the body. Parents - the other half of the body and the tail. Try to make the halves fit together.(Musical number.)

2 leads: Task 8. Competition "Tender Words".

Affectionate words are spoken to the opposite team(Musical number.)

1st speaker: Task 9. "Artist Competition".

Let's check what kind of artists you are. Pantomime, i.e. using movements, without using your voice, show your team the proverb that is written on a piece of paper so that the team knows what it is about.

To the parents: Seven nannies have a child without an eye.

Children: If you chase two hares, you won’t catch either

2 leads: Competition "The Friendliest Team"

It's time for the last task. Now we will check how close you are in your team. Two participants, holding hands, must try to wrap the book in newspaper.

1st speaker: The game is over, the teams have all completed their tasks. So, the winner of today's KVN is the team... Each participant in the competition receives a medal.

2 leads: This concludes our KVN. We thank you all for participating in our competition program. See you again! All the best to you.

KVN for parents “Verbal mosaic”
To generate parents' interest in a variety of educational games with words;
Create emotional comfort.
Equipment: tables, emblems, markers, cards for the game “Cryptographers”, tongue twisters.
Rules: two teams play, the one that first gave the ready signal gets the right to respond.
The hall is decorated with balloons. On the central wall there is the inscription “KVN”.
Leading. Hello, dear parents, today we have gathered in the club of cheerful and resourceful people and invite you to play a series of word games.
The teams “Solnyshko” and “Umki” take part in the club meeting. (Represents the captains.) The jury includes... (Introduces the jury members.) The completion of each task is assessed on a three-point system.
1st competition “Guess the riddle”
Not by measure, not by weight, but all people have it. (Mind.)
If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have said anything. (Language.)
2nd competition “Recognize a proverb by its inversion”
Leading. There are many common proverbs and sayings in the Russian language. For example: “I read a book - I became smarter” or “Small and remote.” Can you recognize a proverb by its “reversal”, i.e. in the version when each of its words is replaced with the opposite meaning.
Dying with hares is not giggling like a hare. (Live with wolves, howl like a wolf.)
If you are lazy, you will drown the meat in the river. (You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.)
A big cat from a young kitten. (A small dog is a puppy until old age. Beast is the enemy and sister of the beast. (Man is man’s friend and brother.)
3rd competition “Don’t make a mistake in a hurry” (2 min)
Questions for the first team:
An official in charge of a kindergarten. (Manager.)
Father's or mother's mother. (Grandmother.)
A woman in relation to her child. (Mother.)
Gathering of parents to solve pedagogical problems. (Parent meeting.)
Father and mother of the child. (Parents.)
Little informer. (Sneak.)
What punishments are unacceptable? (Bodily.)
Chocolate egg. (Kinder Surprise.)
Questions for the second team:
What incentives are unacceptable? (Cash.)
Kindergarten "Aibolit". (Nurse.)
Assistant teacher. (Nanny.)
A group of relatives living together. (Family.)
A man in relation to his child. (Father.)
Little liar? (Liar.)
A place where a naughty child serves his punishment? (Corner.)
Which hand is used to stir the compote? (With a spoon.)
The results of the competition are summed up.
4th competition “Homonym words” The presenter suggests remembering which words in Russian are called homonyms. (Homonyms are pronounced the same, but mean different things.)
Whose team will answer the question faster:
What cartridge should you not load your gun with? (A socket into which a light bulb is screwed.)
In which cage are birds and animals not kept? (In the chest.)
In which forests is there no game? (In construction.)
Which tap doesn't draw water from? (From the lift.)
What kind of belt should you not wear? (Earthly.)
What type of literary work is designated by a male name? (Novel.)
The results of the competition are summed up.
5th competition "Cryptographers"
Leading. You need to read the words, put them in the right order and make up questions from them. Then give an answer to the question received. (Team captains choose the task on the cards.)
What is the force of the boat that sets the sail in motion? (What force moves sailing boats? Wind.) Round trees, which of our greens preserve the year? (Which of our trees remain green all year round? Spruce, pine.) Out of 12 months, each has the fewest days? (Which of the 12 months has the fewest days? February.) Which year does spring come after? (What time of year comes after spring? Summer.) Does a wolf eat animal or does a frog eat what kind of meat does a cow eat? (Which animal eats meat - a wolf, a cow or a frog? Wolf.) What is a week in two days? (How many days are there in two weeks? 14.)
The results of the competition are summed up.
6th competition "Talk Talkers"
Team captains pull out envelopes in which one tongue twister is written. (One team member is selected.)
The lizard on the box was carrying apples to the fair in a box.
From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.
The results of the competition are summed up.
7th competition “Riddles and jokes”
Leading. There are questions that need to be answered by first thinking about the catch hidden in each of them. Most of them are just another mental exercise related to the peculiarities of the Russian language.
Questions for the first team:
What is in the middle of the earth? (Letter "M".)
How does summer end and autumn begin? (Letter “O.”)
What's at the beginning of the book? (Letter "K".)
What is behind the hare and what is in front of the heron? (Letter "C".)
What's in the middle of a cabbage? (Letter "U".)
What belongs only to you, but is used most often by others? (Your name.)
How can you remove a wheel in one second? (With a camera.)
What fabric cannot be used to make a shirt? (From the railway station.)
Which city flies? (Eagle.)
Questions for the second team:
What stones can you not find in the sea? (Dry.)
What disease on earth never gets sick? (Nautical.)
What kind of dishes can you not eat anything from? (From empty.)
What word always sounds wrong? ("Wrong".)
How many peas can fit into an ordinary glass? (Not a single one - peas can’t walk.)
Before you put something in a pan, what do you throw in it? (Sight.)
In what case will children and a dog not get wet when they climb under an umbrella? (If it's not raining.)
What question cannot be answered with “yes”? (Are you sleeping now?)
What happened yesterday and will happen tomorrow? (Today.)
The results of the competition are summed up.
8th competition "Guess it"
Each team is given the same word. You need to come up with as many words as possible in one minute.
(Music plays during the competition.)
The winner is the team that names the most words.
The results of the competition are summed up.
Leading. Our game has come to an end, you have completed all the tasks. Who is the winner? (The jury announces the winning team, the awards ceremony takes place.) Shake each other's hands and show your smiles.

Medyantseva Olga Alekseevna


MAUDO "Kindergarten No. 10" Yalutorovsk

Target: to contribute to the creation of a unified educational space for the use of fairy tales in the social, moral, creative and speech development of children.


Invite parents to participate in the educational process;

Expand parents’ ideas about the significance of the role of fairy tales for the mental, social and communicative development of children;

Cultivate friendly relations between parents, mutual assistance, teach parents to interact with each other.

Form: intellectual game

Preliminary work: conversations, watching videos of the KVN program; development of a script, production of team emblems, preparation of a stand with consultation on the topic: “The role of fairy tales in the lives of children”, exhibition of works from plasticine “My favorite fairy-tale hero”.

Material for conducting KVN: team emblems, medals, chips, two flags, presentation, pictures for competitions, two envelopes, cut-out pictures. The group is decorated with balloons, children's drawings based on fairy tales, there are books on the shelves and fairy-tale characters sitting. The inscription KVN is on the screen. There is a poster on the wall with the slogan:

“Fairy tales live among us, you just need to see where and when they begin.”

Part 1 introduction:"The role of fairy tales in the lives of children."

Part 2 practical: KVN quiz game: “Fairy tales live among us.”

Progress of the game:

1 part .Leading: Good evening! Today we have a very good spring holiday, which we dedicate to you, dear mothers and grandmothers!

Everyone knows that in our kindergarten there are the smartest, kindest, smartest children and the most erudite parents.

Dear parents, I invite you to take part in a game called "KVN. What is KVN? - Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. This game will help us determine which of you is the most cheerful, inquisitive and well-read. And the theme of our game: “Fairy tales live among us.”

Fairy tales are all works of oral folk art. In ancient times, they were composed by talented people from among the people. But we don’t know their names, because fascinating tales were not written down, but were passed on orally from one person to another. While telling a fairy tale, each narrator added something of his own, omitted something, changed something. To make the fairy tale even more entertaining. Today we are visiting Russian folk tales.

I chose this topic not by chance; it is thanks to fairy tales that you can instill an interest and love of reading in your child. This will help not only read a book to a child, but also develop his speech, memory, thinking, and ensure that the child understands and remembers the work. With today's game we want to show you how to play with your child at home.

“A person who believes in a fairy tale, one day ends up in it, because he has a heart...” Sergey Korolev

Our time has come to get into a fairy tale.

part 2 . Leading: So, friends, let's start the program.

We have a large supply of ideas!

And who are they for? For you!

Hello to the funniest, most cheerful and resourceful people!

But first I will introduce the jury.

The word “jury” was invented long ago by the French, and it means a group of specialists who decide on the awarding of prizes and awards at competitions.

Today on the jury:

Applause from the jury!

Rules of the game: answers are accepted after a collective discussion by a raised flag from the team; answers should not be shouted out from the floor.

And KVN begins with the song “Today is an unusual day.”

We wish the teams success in the competition. May the best man win.

So, are the teams ready for the meeting?


Leading: The first competition will be a team presentation competition. In it, teams must submit the following:

Team name;

Choose a captain;

Come up with a greeting;

You are given 2 minutes for all this.

(write down the names of the teams on the sheet)

Leading: To be completely ready to play, you need to warm up. That's why our competition is called "Warm-up".

General warm-up “He who knows, answers.”

Leading:- I’ll ask questions now; answering them is not easy. Attention! Begin!

1. Who broke the tower? (Bear)
2. How many people pulled the turnip? (Three, the rest are animals)
3. What animal swallowed the sun? (Crocodile)
4. What did the princess order to bring from the forest in winter? (Snowdrops)
5. What kind of birds, friends, helped the frog fly? (Ducks)
6. The Kid has known him for a long time. Did he fly into his window? (Carlson)
7. Which animal was the second to run to the tower? (Frog)
8. How many kids did the wolf eat? (6, one hid)
9. The thick-skinned animal that Aibolit pulled out of the swamp? (Hippopotamus)
10. Is this tablecloth famous for feeding everyone to their fill? (Self-assembled tablecloth)
11. Does he live in a gloomy palace and steal other people's brides? (Koschei)
12. He has a lot of heads, the tongues in them are like stings? (Dragon)

Result: Both teams coped with the warm-up and were organized. Well done! Now you've warmed up, we can start the main competitions.

Let's start the 1st competition! "Guess!"

Exercise: Name fairy tales that have numbers in their titles 3, 7.

(3 little pigs, 3 bears), (Wolf and 7 kids, Snow White and 7 dwarfs)

Result: Well done to the team, they know a lot of fairy tales and did an excellent job.

Let's move on to competition 2, “From which fairy tale?”

Leading: Do you love fairy tales? Of course, there are so many different miracles in them!

Previously, people traveled very slowly and came up with such miracles. And now? What replaces a flying carpet for us? That's right, planes and helicopters. What about walking boots? Yes, we have cars and trains, as well as other transport. Do you remember the apple that rolled around on a plate and showed various miracles? Now it is being replaced by a TV. People have created more miracles than fairy-tale heroes. But why do we still love fairy tales so much? Why are they still being written? The fact is that all adults were once children, and children are always told fairy tales. A fairy tale was born with a person, and as long as a person lives, a fairy tale lives.

Exercise: Remember and name the names of fairy tales. Fairy-tale characters will help you with this. Look carefully at the screen. (see Appendix 1)

(Show slides with pictures, teams answer in turn)

Tsar, Ivanushka, the Little Humpbacked Horse (The Little Humpbacked Horse);

Wolf, milk, goat (Wolf and 7 kids);

Tsar, arrow, frog (Frog Princess);

Shoe, Prince, Fairy (Cinderella);

Tsar, Sivka-burka, princess (Sivka-burka);

Grandmother, pies, wolf (Little Red Riding Hood).

Result: The teams were attentive, active, well done!

You did a great job

We worked hard and weren’t lazy.

Dear teams, do you think all children love fairy tales?

What will children be more willing to participate in: watching a fairy tale together or dramatizing a fairy tale? In this situation (the dramatization of a fairy tale), the child learns to perform a role, learns to be responsible for this role, learns to maintain a conversation, and convey his emotions.

So, now we will show you a fairy tale in a new way "Turnip". (see Appendix 2)

3rd competition “Captains Competition”

The fairy tale teaches us not to be afraid of difficulties. The Main Character always takes on any task, no matter how impossible it may seem. And in the fact that he wins, self-confidence, courage and the help of friends play a significant role.

Exercise: Now let’s test the ingenuity of your captains. I ask the team captains to come to me. Teams are asked not to voice their answers from the spot.

Result: So, both captains adequately defended the honor of their teams, and we move on to the next competition.

Game "Dress up mom."

Leading: Your children will help us in this game. We invite those interested. Guys, you need to dress up your mom as a character from a fairy tale. And the jury, together with the guests, must guess who it is. All the items you need are laid out on the table.

4th competition “Riddles and jokes”

All children love fairy tales, especially fairy tales. Miracles and a fascinating plot occupy a child’s imagination, distracting him from running around and noisy games and making him hold his breath in anticipation of magic. But does a fairy tale serve only an entertaining role? Scientists have long proven that fairy tales also have an educational function. It’s not for nothing that folk wisdom is passed down from generation to generation through fairy tales...

Result: Both teams did it successfully.

6 competition “Where do these things come from?”(see Appendix 3)

The most important thing that a fairy tale teaches us is to remain a child at heart, and therefore a little bit of a Wizard.

Exercise: Each team has envelopes on the table containing the mosaic. The teams' task is to collect three different pictures from the mosaic and remember the names of fairy tales in which these objects are mentioned.

1. Key (“Pinocchio”)
2. Suitcase with a cross (“Doctor Aibolit”)
3. Flower (“Scarlet Flower”)
4. Boots (Puss in Boots)
5. Rybka ("Goldfish")
6. Falcon (“Finist clear falcon”)

Result: Both teams showed speed and agility.

Who agrees to dance?

I invite everyone to stand in a circle.

The dance “Step back, step forward” is performed.

7th competition “Riddles”

Riddles are a great treasury of human thought. They have collected wisdom and a thirst for knowledge. It is no coincidence that in fairy tales the heroes so often ask riddles. Wisdom has always been held in high esteem. This is especially evident in Russian folk tales. Try playing with your children at home. Well, now we’ll test your ingenuity and intelligence.

Exercise: Each team is given riddles in turn. Your task is to find and show the correct answer as quickly as possible.

(distribute pictures to teams) (see Appendix 4)

Fairy tale


He loved his master, he served him faithfully, he wore boots and defeated the evil cannibal (Puss in Boots)

The aroma of sweet apples lured that bird into the garden, the feathers glow with fire, and it is as light in the night as during the day. (Firebird)

They were waiting for mother with milk, but they let the wolf into the house. Who were these little children? (Kids)

It looks simple, but it can be golden. No wonder Tortilla kept it at the bottom of the pond (Golden Key)

He stands in front of the forest and smokes with a crooked pipe, there Yaga - the forest grandmother - yawns sweetly on the stove (A hut on chicken legs)

She was an artist, beautiful as a star, she ran away from the evil Karabas forever (Malvina)

Ivan's arrow is like a bird in flight, Ivan's wife lives in a swamp. Who? (Princess Frog)

As a child, everyone laughed at him and tried to push him away. After all, no one knew that he was born a white swan (Ugly duck)

Pinocchio buried them in a wonderful field because he was stupid and didn’t go to school (Golden coins)

The duck knows, the bird knows where Koshchei death lurks. What is this item? Give me a quick answer my friend (Needle)

Result: The teams confidently and quickly gave answers, for this we say well done to them!

And now everyone dance, the sun is smiling,

Because all the kids like their mother’s holiday!

"Finnish dance"

Summing up the game.

Leading: Well, now let's sum it up. Let's give the jury the floor.

Leading: Today you were cheerful, resourceful, everyone actively participated in competitions. We liked both teams, but the “...” team had more chips, but friendship is above all, so friendship won in our KVN! Shake hands and share your smiles with everyone.

In memory of our KVN, we give you medals (medals are handed out)

(see Appendix 5).

Thank you all for your attention

For the cheerful ringing laughter

For the excitement of competition.

Dear parents! Our unusual holiday for mothers is over. May our joint efforts bear fruit, may our children continue to love fairy tales, read fairy tales to them more often, and may their every day be associated with an exciting journey into the world of books.

Mom - this means tenderness,

This is affection, kindness,

Mom is serenity

This is joy, beauty!

Mom is a bedtime story,

This is the morning dawn

Mom is a hint in difficult times,

This is wisdom and advice!

Mom is the green of summer,

This is snow, an autumn leaf,

Mom is a ray of light

Mom means LIFE!

We wish you to always remain so beautiful and elegant and give you handbags to complement your outfits. The children made them with their own hands. (Presentation)

For your participation in our holiday, for the fact that you are always with us, your children give a dance.

"Dance Far From Mom"

Appendix 2

Fairy tale "TURNIP"

Leading:- Dear viewers,

Would you like to see a fairy tale?

Surprisingly familiar

But with creative additions!

In one, well, very rural area,

Far from being famous

What are often found in Rus'

Grandfather once planted a turnip!

(We’ll put the turnip on a stool,

What did grandfather prepare in advance?

(Gestures “Turnip” to take his place)

Our turnip grew by morning

And the tops shake in the wind.

And now everything is in order:

In the morning the grandfather went out to the garden beds.

He groaned and stretched

Yes, I turned to Turnip

What a miracle, miracles!

Grandpa rubs his eyes

Because I was surprised:

This is how the vegetable was born!

Grandfather grabbed the turnip,

I pulled as hard as I could.

He pulls and pulls, but he can’t pull it out!

The turnip did not leave the garden,

You know, she’s firmly rooted in the ground!

What to do? Call grandma

To make it easier to pick turnips.

Grandma in a new short shawl

I’m ready to help my grandfather.

Grandma came closer,

Grab Grandpa Grandma!

Grandfather grab the turnip again!

And come on, pull and tear!

Grandma called her granddaughter

So that the Granddaughter helps them.

Only for the Granddaughter, to be honest,

It's all not interesting!

The granddaughter is a fashionista, which means

My granddaughter paints her nails thickly.

She must admit, quite

Somehow I have no time for vegetables.

But, so as not to anger our ancestors,

Still, I decided to help.

Granddaughter for Grandma,

Grandma for Grandfather,

Grandfather for Turnip.

They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out!

Grandma and Grandpa are very sorry -

The harvest is lost.

The matter was resolved by the Granddaughter,

She called Bug for help.

The bug came running quickly,

I didn’t even gnaw a bone,

Moreover, despite all this,

Wags his tail happily.

Bug for Granddaughter,

Granddaughter for Grandma,

Grandma for Grandfather,

Grandfather for Turnip.

They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out!

Wagging his tail a little,

I decided to call the bug Cat.

An hour later she appeared

She purred and washed herself. Her appearance told:

Someone had a delicious lunch.

There was very little oil

And now it’s completely gone.

The cat yawned sweetly

She stretched out her paws to the Bug.

Cat for Bug,

Bug for Granddaughter,

Granddaughter for Grandma,

Grandma for Grandfather,

Grandfather for Turnip.

They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out!

Apparently everyone is too tired.

We must call Mouse for help!

The mouse went out into the garden,

Pushed the people away

I grabbed the tops tightly

And she took out the root vegetable!

And by all indications

This is no ordinary mouse.

Our fairy tale ends

And whoever listened - well done!


Introduce parents and children to games that develop children’s mathematical abilities.

Teach adults and children to interact with each other as play partners. Practice folding squares from pieces.

To develop logical thinking, speech, attention, memory, creativity, and curiosity in children.

Foster friendly relationships between children and respect for others. Help create a positive emotional mood.


Team emblems

2 sheets of castles

Keys made from cardboard

Didactic games: “Tangram” and “Fold the picture”

Two posters with drawn semicircles

Matryoshka dolls – six pieces


tables, chairs, easels, projector, screen

Hall decoration:

The hall is decorated with balloons. On the central wall there is an inscription - “KVN”



Municipal budget preschool

educational institution "Kindergarten No. 28"


intellectual KVN

with the participation of parents and children

preparatory school group

general developmental orientation


Teacher I.N. Shiryakova




Introduce parents and children to games that develop children’s mathematical abilities.

Teach adults and children to interact with each other as play partners. Practice folding squares from pieces.

To develop logical thinking, speech, attention, memory, creativity, and curiosity in children.

Foster friendly relationships between children and respect for others. Help create a positive emotional mood.


Team emblems

2 sheets of castles

Keys made from cardboard

Didactic games: “Tangram” and “Fold the picture”

Two posters with drawn semicircles

Matryoshka dolls – six pieces


tables, chairs, easels, projector, screen

Hall decoration:

The hall is decorated with balloons. On the central wall there is an inscription - “KVN”


Ved: Hello, dear adults and dear children! Today we gathered at the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. Guys, you and your parents will solve problems and complete tasks using ingenuity.

Two teams take part in the Club meeting: a team of children - “Pochemuchki” and a team of parents - “Znayki”. Each team has its own captain. (Introduction of the captains.)

The jury consists of...(List names, invite jury members to take seats at a separate table). Each task is graded using a 2-point system.

1 COMPETITION “Greetings”

I invite the teams to greet each other.

Team "Why"

We are the team "Whychek"

And we don’t like to be bored

With pleasure today

Let's play in competitions!

Team "Knowledge"

We will fight with you

But we just won't give up.

It is not fate that leads to victory,

But only our knowledge!

2 COMPETITION “Captains Competition”

The next competition for captains who will help us officially open KVN. I ask the captains to come up, get the key and find it among the others. (There are 6-7 keys drawn on a piece of paper.) You need to find yours.

3 COMPETITION “Verbal Duel”

Team "Why"

  1. Orange, lemon, banana, pear are...
  2. Dried grapes are...
  3. King of beasts
  4. Where can I buy medicine? What about glasses?
  5. Paper gluing agent
  6. Capital of Russia
  7. Which figure has neither beginning nor end?
  8. First letter in the alphabet
  9. How is a square different from a circle?

10) What is the best and fastest way to pick a watermelon from a tree?

11) The table has 4 corners. If one corner is sawed off, how many corners will remain?

12) There are 2 apples and 3 pears on the table. How many vegetables are on the table?

Team "Knowledge"

  1. A thorny bush with edible berries?
  2. Forest orderly
  3. Who is Gerda Kai related to?
  4. Fairytale hero who loved to ride on the stove
  5. Whose name does the Opera and Ballet Theater in Nizhny Novgorod bear?
  6. How many steps are there on our porch?
  7. Why does a goose come out of the water dry?
  8. The more you take me, the bigger I become. (Hole)
  9. What language will Scottish and German Shepherds speak?

10) How to get 10 from two smaller numbers?

11) How to bring water in a sieve?

12) 3 black grouse were sitting on a tree. The hunter shot one of them. How many birds are left on the tree?

13) Name the works of N. Nosov

Presenter: Well done! I invite the jury to sum up the results after the competitions...Thank you!


Trouble has happened in the land of Geometry. And all this happened because of magic squares. They loved to fall apart and were proud of each other about this skill. One day all the pieces got mixed up and couldn't become squares again. We need to collect them quickly. (7 participants from each team come out. At the signal, participants must select pieces by color, and then put them into squares on the floor. Music plays)

Presenter: Well done, teams. And now I invite the children and their parents to compete in a sports relay race.

5 COMPETITION “Sports relay race - Collect a nesting doll”

You see on the other side of the site there are halves of nesting dolls. You need to move the halves and assemble the nesting dolls correctly.

Presenter: Well done, participants!

I invite the teams to take their seats. How wonderfully you demonstrate today not only your knowledge, but also your speed, dexterity and dexterity. (The jury gives the floor)


Host: I know that both adults and children love fairy tales. And today I invite you to solve fairytale crosswords.

Fairy tales ask: “And now, you, friends, will recognize us!”

I suggest the team “Knowledge” solve the crossword first.

  1. Remember the title of the fairy tale:

“Finist is clear...” (Falcon)

  1. A small insect that saved the inhabitants of the swamp from a bear in the fairy tale by D. Mamin-Sibiryak. (Mosquito)
  2. In one oriental fairy tale, a poor boy became the owner of a treasure - a magic lamp. Remember his name. (Aladdin)
  3. The name of the girl whom the fairy godmother dressed up as a princess for her kindness and hard work and helped her get to the ball. (Cinderella)
  4. The name of an evil, powerful character in a Russian folk tale. (Koschei)
  5. The name of the main character in one of L. Caroll's fairy tales. (Alice)

For the team “Why”:

  1. The tail is fluffy,

Golden fur,

Lives in the forest

He steals chickens from the village. (Fox)

  1. She has horns longer than her tail, there are seven little kids... (Goat)
  2. Clucking, clucking,

Convenes children

He calls everyone under his wing. (Chicken)

  1. Running from the hill

Ears flattened. (Hare)

  1. Who is cold in winter

Is he wandering around angry and hungry? (Wolf)

  1. The little animal is jumping,

Not a mouth, but a trap.

Will fall into a trap

And a mosquito and a fly. (Frog)


Presenter: I know that our children love to draw, but I would like to see how their parents draw, so the next competition is “Finish the picture.” I prepared posters with semicircles drawn on them (5-6 semicircles and felt-tip pens). You need to run up, draw something on the semicircle to make an object, go back and pass the felt-tip pen to your teammate... (5-6 people from each team participate in the competition)

Host: These are the wonderful pictures you got. I think that it will be very difficult for the jury to evaluate this competition and sum up the results of the competitions. While the jury is summing up the results, I invite everyone to sing together the song “Smile” by V. Shainsky.

(The jury gives the floor. The jury announces the result)

Presenter: Well, the team became the winner... We sincerely congratulate you on the victory, and we ask the opposing team not to be upset. (There may also be an option with a draw. In this case, friendship wins)

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2024 my-cross.ru. Cats and dogs. Small animals. Health. Medicine.