Treatment of colpitis in postmenopause with folk remedies. Atrophic colpitis symptoms and treatment in women. Treatment prognosis and complications in the absence of timely therapeutic measures

Inflammation of the vaginal mucosa. In women who have entered the postmenopausal period, the likelihood of developing atrophic colpitis increases many times over. The pathology is mainly associated with a significant decrease in the production of the hormone estrogen. The disease may also be referred to in medical documentation as atrophic postmenopausal vaginitis, senile, age-related or senile colpitis.


Senile colpitis most often occurs in old age. Approximately 10 years after the complete cessation of menstruation, signs of atrophic changes are detected in almost half of women, and the likelihood of the disease increases every year. The risk of development also occurs in young women who experience artificial menopause after removal of the ovaries or their irradiation.

The main reason is hypoestrogenism, that is, low estrogen levels. The lack of these sex hormones leads to the following changes in the vaginal mucosa:

  • Slowing down and gradual complete cessation of epithelial proliferation.
  • Thinning of the mucous layer.
  • Reduced secretion production by the glands.
  • Reducing the number of lactobacilli, disrupting microflora and the occurrence of bacterial vaginosis.
  • Increased dryness and vulnerability of the inner walls of the vagina.
  • Activation of opportunistic flora.

Injury from gynecological instruments during an examination, microtraumas received during sex, contribute to the penetration of infection deeper, and then an inflammatory reaction develops.

The risk group includes patients with diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism and other endocrine pathologies, with a weakened immune system and HIV infection.

Frequent use of scented gels and soaps for intimate hygiene, wearing underwear made of synthetic fabrics, insufficient hygiene of the genital organs, and frequent sexual intercourse contribute to the occurrence of senile colpitis.


The disease develops slowly and at the very beginning there are no obvious signs of senile colpitis. A woman may periodically pay attention to itching and pain in the vagina, which sometimes increases after intimate hygiene with soap. As pathological changes intensify, more pronounced signs of the disease begin to appear, these include:

If even one symptom is observed for a long time, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a gynecologist.


A gynecologist can make a diagnosis based on a combination of complaints and factors predisposing to the development of senile vaginitis. To confirm the diagnosis, a number of examinations are prescribed:

To exclude the development of vaginitis under the influence of specific pathogens (trichomoniasis, candidiasis), it is necessary to take tests to detect infection.


The main treatment for atrophic colpitis is replacement therapy with hormonal agents. Its main goal is to restore the trophism of the vaginal mucous layer and prevent exacerbations of inflammation. Estrogens are prescribed up to 5 years.

  • When prescribing hormone replacement therapy, drugs such as Angeliq, Estradiol, Climodein, Tibolone and a number of others are chosen.
  • To eliminate the inflammatory reaction, suppositories or ointments are prescribed - Estriol, Ovestin.
  • If there a large number of In injured areas of the mucous membrane, Methyluracil suppositories are prescribed for better healing.
  • Phytoestrogens – hormones of plant origin – are recommended for use.
  • If contraindications to the use of hormones are identified, baths made from a decoction of chamomile, St. John's wort, and calendula are prescribed. Douching can also be done with these decoctions. You can read more about treatment with folk remedies at the link.

In a video clip from a popular program, you can learn in detail about the causes, symptoms and treatment of atrophic vaginitis:

Prognosis and possible complications

The course of atrophic colpitis is generally favorable, but during relapses the quality of life suffers greatly. The atrophic process can spread to the cervix and its body. An unpleasant consequence of senile vaginitis is urinary incontinence, which increases as the pathology progresses.


Prevention involves taking special hormones at the onset of menopause. Non-specific preventive measures also include good physical activity, absence of bad habits and extra pounds, rational and healthy eating. Compliance with all hygiene rules and wearing underwear made from natural fabrics.

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More than half of postmenopausal women suffer from atrophic colpitis (vaginitis). Many of them regard the appearance of discharge and discomfort in the area of ​​the external genitalia as an inevitable manifestation of age-related changes. However, if measures are not taken in time, vaginitis can provoke a number of serious gynecological diseases.

General information about atrophic vaginitis

Atrophic colpitis (vaginitis) occurs in postmenopause. It is this age category of women that is characterized by structural changes in the vaginal mucosa, which are associated with the natural decline of hormonal function.

Therefore, such inflammation is also called senile, senile or postmenopausal colpitis.

In some cases, caused by early menopause, as well as removal of the ovaries or uterus, atrophic vaginitis develops at a younger age. This is due to the cessation of the cyclic synthesis of ovarian hormones, primarily estrogens.

Reasons and ways to combat age-related colpitis in women - video

Reasons for the development of senile colpitis during menopause: who is at risk

The main reason for the development of atrophic or age-related colpitis is estrogen deficiency. The cyclic formation of ovarian hormones during reproductive age not only ensures the possibility of pregnancy and childbearing, but also affects the processes of maintaining the tissues of the genitourinary system in a certain tone.

Estrogen receptors are found in many organs:

  1. Glandular cells of the vaginal mucosa.
  2. Smooth muscle elements of the vaginal wall.
  3. In the muscles that form the pelvic floor, which support the internal genital organs and prevent their prolapse.

When the production of sex hormones decreases, changes in these structures begin. The vaginal mucosa becomes thinner, the glandular cells stop producing secretions, and a state of dryness occurs. Such changes contribute to the fact that even minimal stretching and physical impact leads to tissue trauma. Microorganisms penetrate through these small defects, causing swelling and inflammation.

This susceptibility to the disease is also due to changes in the vaginal flora in postmenopause. Lactobacilli, which are responsible for acidity, disappear, which gradually increases, thereby creating good conditions for propagation of coccal flora. The formation of lactobacilli is also associated with a certain level of estrogen.

Inflammation of the mucous membrane in old age is chronic and persistent. The infection can easily spread to the upper section, to the pelvic area, with the development of inflammation of the internal genital organs.

Women at risk for developing senile colpitis include:

  1. Postmenopausal.
  2. Suffering from chronic infectious diseases (pyelonephritis, salpingo-oophoritis and others).
  3. With low immunity (including carriers of the AIDS virus).
  4. Having endocrine diseases ( diabetes and hypothyroidism).
  5. After removal of the ovaries or uterus.
  6. After a course of radiation therapy in the pelvic area.

Additional negative factors influencing the occurrence of age-related colpitis are:

  • insufficient genital hygiene;
  • use of intimate hygiene products with chemically aggressive components (perfume);
  • wearing synthetic underwear.

Symptoms of atrophic vaginitis in postmenopause

In some cases, the disease is asymptomatic. Women may sometimes be concerned about an increase in vaginal discharge, but if this is the only symptom they often neglect to visit a doctor.

Genetic hearing disorders can be treated with antioxidants:

If you do not take action, then over time the following appears:

  1. Itching in the vagina and in the external genital area. It is especially pronounced in women suffering from diabetes. Intensifies after sexual intercourse, washing and prolonged wearing of tight synthetic underwear.
  2. Burning sensation in the vagina and perineum.
  3. Discomfort when urinating, even burning. Uric acid salts irritate the thinned vaginal mucosa.
  4. Discharge white with an unpleasant odor.

If these signs appear, you should immediately seek qualified help.

What diagnostic methods can a doctor use: examination, smear cytogram for flora, colposcopy and others

To make a diagnosis of atrophic colpitis, the following are used:

Atrophic colpitis is differentiated from candidomycosis, as well as sexually transmitted infectious diseases:

  • syphilis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • chlamydia.

For this purpose, enzyme immunoassay is used to determine antibodies to pathogens and PCR methods.

The most effective is florocenosis - determination of DNA and RNA fragments for 16 types of pathogens using polymerase chain reaction(PCR).

How to treat postmenopausal colpitis: hormone replacement therapy in the form of suppositories, creams, use of systemic agents

Therapy for atrophic colpitis is carried out at home, but under the supervision of the attending physician. To reduce the risk of ascending infection and the addition of dysuric disorders, it is necessary to strictly adhere to all recommendations.

Since the main reason for disruption of the normal function of the vaginal mucosa in the postmenopausal period is a lack of estrogen, it is first necessary to compensate for their deficiency. The main goal of treatment is to restore vaginal tissue and reduce the risk of relapse of inflammation.

Estrogens are used topically in the form of suppositories and ointments, as well as systemically (that is, orally or as a patch).

For local use the following is prescribed:

  • Ovestin (cream, suppositories) - replenishes estrogen deficiency in women;
  • Estriol (suppositories, ointment) - normalizes hormonal background, eliminates the inflammatory process of the mucous membrane and reduces the manifestations of menopause;
  • Acylact (suppositories) - restores the vaginal microflora.

This treatment lasts two weeks with mandatory re-examination and examination. When a bacterial infection occurs, antibiotic therapy is necessary taking into account the sensitivity of the flora. In this case, you can use Fluomizin (vaginal tablets) - a broad-spectrum antiseptic and antibacterial agent that will help eliminate discomfort in a short time.

Systemic estrogen therapy is carried out over a long period of time, over several years. Use products containing natural ingredients (phytoestrogens):

  • Estradiol;
  • Climodien;

Medicines and dosages are prescribed by the attending physician.

Systemic estrogen replacement therapy is carried out taking into account contraindications, which are:

  1. Liver diseases.
  2. History of angina pectoris.
  3. Malignant formations of the endometrium and mammary gland.
  4. Venous thrombosis and tendency to thrombosis.

In these cases, local treatment is prescribed with herbal decoctions that have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties.

Drug treatment: Fluomizin, Ovestin, Acylact - photo gallery

Angelique is an estrogen-gestagen low-dose anti-menopausal drug Ovestin that replenishes estrogen deficiency in postmenopausal women and reduces postmenopausal symptoms Estriol is a hormonal agent that normalizes hormonal levels, relieves inflammation of the mucous membrane of the genital organs, and also eliminates the symptoms of menopause
Fluomizin is a broad-spectrum antiseptic that will help eliminate discomfort in a short time
Acylact is used to restore vaginal microflora

Folk remedies: chamomile, St. John's wort, aloe, sea buckthorn oil

The use of herbs is an auxiliary component of therapy, however, in the presence of serious cardiovascular diseases or cancer, it becomes the only way to combat this problem.

For treatment, sitz baths, douching with a decoction of herbs and tampons are used.

For douching use:

  1. A decoction of a mixture of herbs: oak bark, chamomile flowers, St. John's wort and nettle leaves.
  2. A rich decoction of calendula flowers.
  3. Divorced alcohol tincture peony flowers (three tablespoons per 500 ml of boiled water).

The douching solution should be room temperature. The procedure is carried out once a day at night for two weeks.

For sitz baths use:

  1. A rich decoction of Rhodiola rosea.
  2. Decoction of juniper fruits.

The procedure is carried out once a day at night for 35–40 minutes. The solution should be warm, but not hot. The course of treatment is 7–10 days.

Photo gallery of folk remedies

Treatment prognosis and consequences

If all recommendations are followed, the treatment prognosis is favorable. The vaginal mucosa is restored, atrophic changes are reduced. In some cases, they do not disappear completely, but replenishing the hormone deficiency is sufficient to activate protective functions and eliminate the conditions for the long-term existence of the infection.

However, relapses of atrophic colpitis are likely, since the natural level of hormones in older women is reduced. Therefore, a preventive course of local hormone therapy and herbal treatment must be taken on the recommendation of the attending physician.

What happens if you don't get treatment?

If treatment is not started on time, the following consequences and complications are possible:

  1. Dysuric disorders - urinary incontinence, frequent urge. This is due to the fact that the fabrics Bladder(sphincter) also have estrogen receptors. An insufficient amount of this hormone leads to weakening of muscle elements and the development of urinary disorders.
  2. Purulent discharge from the genital tract, indicating the addition of a coccal infection.
  3. Pain in the lower abdomen. This symptom indicates an ascending infection. In this case, signs of intoxication may occur - fever, chills, general weakness.

Prevention of postmenopausal colpitis

All women at risk of developing atrophic colpitis are advised to adhere to dietary and lifestyle restrictions:

  • give up spicy and salty foods;
  • eliminate bad habits (alcohol, smoking);
  • monitor your weight;
  • limit sexual contacts;
  • wear loose underwear made from natural materials;
  • adhere to careful hygiene of the genitals without the use of chemical additives;
  • Follow the recommendations of your doctor in the presence of concomitant pathologies (diabetes mellitus and other diseases).

Age-related colpitis significantly reduces the quality of a full life of an elderly woman. However, unpleasant and dangerous consequences can be avoided if treatment is carried out in a timely manner.

is a non-inflammatory disease that is characterized by thinning of the vaginal mucosa, dryness and the development of dyspareunia. A change in acid-base status is also observed. The disease is manifested by a feeling of tightness and burning. The main cause of atrophic colpitis is a lack of estrogens, which are necessary for storing glycogen and maintaining the composition of normal microflora. Diagnosis is carried out during a gynecological examination, using colposcopy, cytological examination and pH-metry. Treatment is aimed at replenishing estrogen deficiency.


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General information

Changes in blood flow in the vessels of the vagina are observed. Tissues suffer from hypoxia, which enhances the release of endothelial growth factor, which stimulates the formation of microcapillaries in the epithelial membrane. The epithelium is easily damaged and bleeds during manipulation. A long-term state of hypoxia can cause ulceration.


A special classification of atrophic colpitis has not been developed. Mechanisms that trigger thinning of the epithelium and the appearance characteristic symptoms, as well as treatment methods are similar in all cases of pathology, regardless of its cause. In the International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision, two variants of the disease are distinguished:

  • Postmenopausal atrophic vaginitis.
  • Conditions associated with artificial menopause.

Symptoms of atrophic colpitis

Symptoms of the disease appear gradually. First, a feeling of discomfort in the area of ​​the labia and the vestibule of the vagina begins to disturb. Later it turns into a feeling of dryness and tightness of the skin. Sometimes pronounced atrophic processes on the labia minora lead to burning, irritating pain. At the same time, sclerotic changes appear on the vulvar ring.

Lack of estrogen affects the entire urogenital tract. After the appearance of dryness and itching, atrophic processes spread to muscle and connective tissue. Women develop vaginal prolapse, which leads to urinary incontinence and leakage during laughter and coughing. The urge to urinate, and sometimes to defecate, becomes imperative.


Women need to be examined annually by an obstetrician-gynecologist to notice pathological changes at an early stage. If diagnostic results reveal signs of severe dysplasia, a consultation with an oncologist is scheduled. The examination is aimed at assessing the degree of atrophic changes in non-inflammatory colpitis. Are used:

  • Gynecological examination. When examined in the speculum, the vaginal mucosa looks thinned, permeated large quantity capillaries, bleeds easily when touched by mirrors. In women who are sexually active, petechial hemorrhages can be noticed.
  • Vaginal smear. The change in the composition of the vaginal microflora is determined. The number of Dederlein bacilli decreases, the number of cocci increases, and with bacterial vaginosis key cells appear. Sometimes fungal hyphae or their cells are visible.
  • Determination of vaginal pH. The study is carried out with vaginal secretions using special test strips. During the premenopausal period, it can fluctuate at the level of 3.8-4.5; after 7-10 years from the moment of cessation of menstruation, the pH increases to 5.5-6 and continues to rise.
  • Cytological examination. The vaginal epithelium is atrophic, with a reduced amount of glycogen. Together with pH-metry data, this allows you to set an index of vaginal health. On average, at the beginning of menopause it is 4-5 points, later it decreases to 1-2.
  • Colposcopy. With extended colposcopy, branching vessels that bleed easily are visible on the pale pink surface of the mucous membrane. When treated with Lugol's solution, the epithelium is stained unevenly.

Treatment of atrophic colpitis

When treating the disease, preference is given to local means, whose action is limited to the urogenital tract. The woman is being treated at home, but periodically visits a gynecologist at the antenatal clinic. Hospitalization to the gynecology department is not required. Conservative therapy is carried out with the following drugs:

  • Estriol. For the treatment of atrophic colpitis, it is prescribed in the form of a cream or suppositories intravaginally. The course is selected individually, first the body is saturated with the hormone, then a smaller maintenance dosage is used. According to indications, it is used in tablets for oral administration.
  • Estradiol valerate and levonorgestrel. Available in the form of dragees, 21 pcs. packaged. Indicated in cases where treatment is required not only for senile colpitis, but also for other symptoms of menopause. The duration of hormone replacement therapy is determined individually.
  • Estradiol and prasterone. For the treatment of signs of atrophic colpitis, it is recommended in the form of an oil solution intended for intramuscular administration. It is a depot form and can be prescribed in combination with local treatment with estriol cream.
  • Tibolone. Used after natural or surgical menopause. It acts systemically, helps eliminate the manifestations of atrophic vaginitis, as well as other signs of menopause, and reduces the risk of developing osteoporosis.
  • Antibiotics and antiseptics. To treat bacterial vaginosis, metronidazole suppositories or tablets are used. For diagnosed candidal colpitis, antifungal suppositories are prescribed. Treatment of nonspecific inflammation is carried out with suppositories with antiseptics, antibiotics or complex drugs.

Prognosis and prevention

If you consult a doctor in a timely manner and there are no contraindications to hormonal treatment, you can reduce unpleasant symptoms and alleviate the condition with the help of local medications. Prevention of atrophic colpitis consists of healthy way life, prevention of sexually transmitted infections, proper use oral contraceptives. It is impossible to stop the onset of menopause, but with rational behavior during this period, a preventive visit to a gynecologist once a year, you can prepare for its arrival.

How to live and fight senile colpitis? This question worries many. Many people probably know some information about what senile colpitis is, its symptoms and treatment. Female body, especially the genitals, is susceptible to all kinds of diseases. These include inflammatory processes, allergic manifestations, and all kinds of fungal infections.

To prevent complications from gynecological diseases, you must regularly visit your doctor. Systematic examinations and observation by a gynecologist should occur twice a year.

Main signs of colpitis

Age-related colpitis is one of the gynecological diseases. This is an inflammatory process of the female genital organs. During menopause, a woman may experience some discomfort, itching and burning in the vagina. Colpitis in elderly women is caused by atrophic changes in the mucous membrane of the vagina and genital organs. The functionality of the ovaries decreases, the acidity of the vaginal microflora can drop to a catastrophic level. In especially severe cases, the secret fluid no longer contains an acidic, but an alkaline environment. Pathological flora begins to develop.

Colpitis can pass unnoticed, without causing concern and without revealing itself in any way. Sometimes mucous discharge appears, bloody, with obvious signs of pus. But a woman usually associates these symptoms with other diseases. More common signs include:

  • burning;
  • swelling of the labia;
  • strong mucous discharge, which may have a milky or cheesy consistency, with obvious signs of blood or pus;
  • disgusting smell;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • frequent urine output;
  • lethargy;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • in severe cases, fever.

With senile colpitis (colpitis during menopause), dryness in the genitals is most often observed. Sometimes the dryness is so progressive that itching occurs. If there is severe itching, purulent-bloody discharge and other symptoms, you should consult a doctor to check for the formation of malignant tumors.

Causes of the disease and diagnosis

A number of categories of elderly women are susceptible to colpitis:

  • with untimely onset of menopause;
  • with normal (age-related) menopause;
  • those who have undergone chemical therapy for the pelvic organs;
  • HIV-infected;
  • patients with diabetes mellitus;
  • with reduced immunity;
  • having reduced thyroid function.

Disease-provoking actions can be added to these risk groups. During a medical examination, minor damage to the vaginal mucosa may occur. The infection can occur through sexual contact without using a contraceptive. These reasons can also provoke senile colpitis or aggravate its course. With additional factors that worsen the course of the disease, colpitis can develop into a form that will produce constant relapses (recurrences) after stages of remission (recovery).

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In order for the remission stage to last as long as possible, it is necessary to carry out treatment in a timely manner and maintain personal hygiene. Unprotected sexual intercourse should be avoided and chemical scented gels and bactericidal soaps should be avoided. These products contribute to an imbalance in the acid-base environment of the vagina. You should make a clear choice in favor of underwear made from natural materials. Synthetics do not allow air to circulate freely, thereby creating all the conditions for the viability of bad microbes.

To diagnose senile (senile) colpitis, the following manipulations are performed in the gynecological office: examination with a mirror, determination of the acidity level, and other tests. If necessary, cervical and vaginal secretions are diagnosed. This is done if there is a suspicion of specific factors in the occurrence and development of colpitis, for example, sexually transmitted diseases.

Treatment using folk remedies

Non-traditional methods of treating various female diseases are always offered and used as more gentle. Natural components do not harm other organs and systems of the human body.

For senile colpitis, the use of cauterizing liquids and ointments is prohibited, and the use of tampons is also prohibited. Douching with chamomile infusion or decoction is indicated. When suffering from senile colpitis, the vagina must be moisturized with vitamin ointments. These can be ointments containing aloe juice, rosehip oil, sea buckthorn extract. You can use baby cream.

Colpitis in old age can be successfully treated with herbs:

  1. Mix 50 g of knotweed grass, 50 g of nettle (leaves), 10 g of cinquefoil root, oak bark and 20 g of chamomile (inflorescence). Place the dry mixture in a hermetically sealed container to prevent moisture from entering. From this mixture you will need 2 tbsp. spoons, which need to be poured with a liter of water, boil and continue cooking for 10 minutes. To douche, you need to cool the resulting medicinal liquid, then strain. It is always best to do douching before going to bed.
  2. Pour cut marigold flowers (medicinal calendula) into a glass of hot (100°C) water and leave for one hour. You need to take 2 tbsp. spoons of calendula. Cool and then strain. This calendula infusion is suitable for douching. It is also indicated for oral use (2 tablespoons or 5 teaspoons 2-3 times a day).
  3. Place 20 g of immortelle (sandy) in boiling drinking water and leave for one hour. You need to take 0.5 liters of water. This medicinal infusion is used for douching.
  4. You need to take 1 tablespoon or 3 teaspoons (without top) of oak bark, chop well, pour a glass of boiling (100 ° C) water, and keep in a water bath. Then leave the resulting liquid for 10-12 hours. Strain and douche. The duration of such procedures is 10 days.
  5. A very good decoction is a mixture of the following herbs and plants: garden peony, creeping clover, white water lily, field cornflower, chamomile, willow (grass), cat's paws (flowers), garden rose petals, knotweed. Everything is taken little by little and in equal quantities. Take a tablespoon from this dry mass and add a liter of boiling water (100°C). It is boiled for 10 minutes, then allowed to brew and filtered. You should drink the resulting folk medicine before meals 3 times a day. Drink half a glass at the same time. You can also add honey or sugar. The course of treatment is 3 months, then a break is taken for 2 weeks. After this, treatment is repeated (3 months).
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