Royal jelly: medicinal properties and applications. “Royal jelly: beneficial properties, recipes for use and contraindications” Medicinal jelly

Royal jelly is a secretion product of honey bees. It is produced by insects to feed the larvae and the main bee of the hive - the queen. The natural product contains a large amount of substances beneficial to the human body. In folk medicine it is used to treat various diseases and strengthen the immune system.

The milk is creamy in color. Its taste contains sour tones, it has a sharp and burning aroma. The pH of royal jelly is 3.5–4.5. Store the product in the refrigerator in a hermetically sealed container at a temperature of +3 °C. In heat, it begins to intensively oxidize and lose its healing properties. The dry matter content in it is about 34%.

According to its consistency, bee jelly can be:

  • thick - intended for feeding the queen;
  • liquid - for feeding larvae.

The larvae feed on royal jelly during the first 3 days of their development. Nectar-gathering worker bees, 4–15 days old, secrete a cream-like product from the maxillary and pharyngeal glands. Their mixture forms a creamy mass called royal jelly.

Honeybees simultaneously lay from 9 to 150 queen cells in the absence of a queen. Larvae settle in them. Cells with larvae are filled with 2-3 mg of milk, and the queen cell with 200-400 mg.

How to get royal jelly

When collecting the product, beekeepers take into account the biological characteristics of insects. Bees are stimulated to produce royal jelly by introducing a queen to a new colony of larvae. The best time to collect is considered to be midsummer. Each beekeeper has his own tricks, but they are all based on general principles.

Bees spend a lot of energy feeding the larvae, since the entire brood can die in a few minutes. In this regard, the nurse has to produce up to 1300 doses of milk

A special feature of the collection is that the bees do not store it for long-term storage. The product can only be collected during the period when queen bees are growing. One way to extract milk is to use bowls. The essence of the process comes down to the fact that one-day-old larvae are transferred from their native places to small wax plates.

The environment in which they will be located must have:

  • relative air humidity 90–95%;
  • temperature 25–30 °C.

To transfer larvae from one environment to another, special spatulas are used. Before transfer begins, the larvae must undergo their first moult. After this process, their white coating becomes shiny. Add 1 drop of milk to the bottom of the bowls intended for placing larvae, the freshness of which should not exceed a day.

Using two or three drops to fill the bowls leads to a deterioration in the quality of the future product. The bowls intended for obtaining royal jelly are placed on a grafting frame, which is installed where the motherless bee colony lives. On the third day after installation, the frame can be removed to collect milk.

You can increase its amount if certain conditions are met:

  • To produce the product, young bees with glandular functioning indicators above average are selected;
  • during the “milking” period, the bees are fed with sugar syrup;
  • To increase queen cells, nests are insulated and their size is reduced.

Collection requires sterility. In home beekeeping, the bowls are processed at a temperature of 30 °C. The product is extracted after removing the larvae from them using a special spatula. It must be made of the same material as the container for collecting milk. To eliminate the possibility of chemical reactions, the walls of prefabricated vessels are treated with wax.

The duration of milk production by one bee colony is 3 weeks.. The quality of the collected product must meet certain requirements. In the Russian Federation they are formulated in GOST 28888–90.

Composition of the product

An important component of royal jelly is acetylcholine. It plays a huge role in strengthening memory and maintaining sexual functions. 66% of the bee product consists of water. About 15 - 19% of its composition belongs to representatives of the protein group. It includes enzymes:

  • lipoproteins;
  • albumins;
  • globulins and other protein substances.

The group of non-protein substances includes peptides and amino acids. The chemical composition depends on many factors. Among them:

  • a species of race of milk-producing bees;
  • biological environment surrounding the nest.

The effect of milk on the body: medicinal properties and contraindications

The effect of royal jelly on the human body is complex. Very often it is used as a dietary supplement. Regular use of the product slows down the aging process and strengthens the immune system. The deoxyribonucleic acid contained in milk allows a person to maintain youth. She is a carrier of information about health, youth and beauty. Arthritis is treated with royal jelly in China. Despite the benefits of the product, it is recommended to take it in moderation.

Beneficial features

Some types of proteins contained in bee products, when interacting with potassium, affect blood pressure. These substances relieve tension from the walls of blood vessels and improve their elasticity. Among the useful properties of the product:

In folk medicine you can find a large number of recipes for the treatment of various inflammatory processes. Using a bee product as a dietary supplement can help a person lose weight.

Consuming honey with royal jelly can speed up your metabolism.

Preparations based on royal jelly are used to treat gastritis, colitis and many other types of diseases.

Contraindications and possible side effects

Eating royal jelly may be dangerous for hypertensive patients. Doctors recommend using the product with caution for people with cancer, problems with the adrenal glands and those suffering from individual intolerance to the product. Pure royal jelly is a powerful biostimulant. The product and drugs based on it are especially dangerous for people with rare endocrine Addison's disease.

Before including royal jelly in your diet, you need to check your body's sensitivity to it. At the slightest sign of an allergy, its use must be prohibited. The product can be used for medicinal purposes only if the body has a healthy reaction and no more than 20–30 g per day. An overdose leads to increased heart rate and excessive agitation.

For men

No more than 1-2 times a year, men are recommended to undergo a rejuvenation course based on taking a bee product according to a special scheme. Athletes use a rejuvenation course during periods of intense training in order to adapt to physical activity. The mechanism of action of the product is aimed at:

  • relieving stress, which directly affects the decrease in male potency;
  • increased spermatogenesis.

The course of rejuvenation leads to the normalization of metabolic processes and stimulation of the male reproductive glands. A side effect is often the relief of headache symptoms, which were based on prostatitis. The standard duration of the rejuvenation course is 14 days. During this period, the drug is taken 2 times a day, 100 mg. This is done 1 hour before meals.

The product is also used to strengthen potency. For sexual weakness, the drug is taken 3 times a day, 30 mg, the course duration is from two to three weeks.


Bee milk contains immunoglobulins. They increase the immunity of the female body. Biotin is responsible for the metabolic processes occurring in it. Thanks to it, the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood decreases. Ribonucleic and deoxyribonucleic acids are involved in tissue regeneration processes and help preserve youth. Young beauties use the product to solve skin problems.

The product has proven its effectiveness in treating menstrual irregularities. During this period, it relieves premenstrual symptoms and normalizes the functioning of the reproductive system. The ability of the product to regulate the body's metabolic processes is very important for women.

How to use milk for expectant and nursing mothers

In modern medicine, bee jelly is used to treat infertility in women and smooth the course of the entire pregnancy. The hormones contained in the product prevent the risk of miscarriage. Conducted research on the product made it possible to find out what effect it has on the hormonal levels of women. The product stimulates the production of eggs capable of fertilization.

During treatment, every morning women take 20–30 mg of milk, which dissolves in the sublingual area

In the early stages of pregnancy, the product helps cope with toxicosis. Thanks to its intake, hemoglobin levels are normalized. The product facilitates the birth process.

For nursing mothers, the product is important for its ability to intensify the lactation process. The recommended daily dose for women during this period is 25–30 mg.

For children

Suppositories with royal jelly can be used to treat various ailments and to improve the health of children when they reach the age of 20 days. They are inserted into the anus. Thanks to suppositories of this type, children's appetite improves. They are gaining weight well. The substances contained in the product block the development of dysbacteriosis in the child's body. They help cope with colic, increased gas formation and restless sleep. Consumption of a small amount of the product forms normal intestinal microflora in infants. This prevents the development of fungal diseases in the child’s mouth.

At any age, children are given bee jelly during periods of influenza epidemics. The product helps to cope with delays in physical and speech development, acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, and also participates in the formation of the child’s skeleton. The product improves sleep and nervous system function, strengthens the body. The product plays an important role in the functioning of the endocrine system - it stimulates the metabolic process. The daily dose is 10–15 mg.

How to take royal jelly for various diseases

Royal jelly is included in various medical preparations. The method of taking them and dosage depend on the type of disease:

  1. Colds and flu. To prevent diseases, a course of treatment lasts from two to three weeks. 3 times a day you need to take 20–40 mg of royal jelly.
  2. Dentistry. The oral cavity is treated with an alcohol solution of the product for stomatitis, gingivitis and periodontal disease. Bee's jelly, infused with alcohol, is diluted in one tablespoon of cold boiled water. The mixture is kept in the mouth until completely dissolved.
  3. Eye diseases. 10–15 drops of an alcohol solution of the product are diluted with a teaspoon of boiled water. A compress is made on the eyes for glaucoma, cataracts, conjunctivitis and blepharitis. To restore lost vision, the product is taken together with walnuts. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.
  4. Fungal diseases. When treating external manifestations of the disease, ointments prepared from bee products or alcohol solutions are used. They are applied to areas affected by fungus. Milk infused with alcohol is diluted with distilled water in a ratio of 1:2.
  5. Cardiovascular diseases. The product is used to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and the muscles of the heart, as well as to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. It is used to treat coronary heart disease and bronchial asthma. You should take 1/2 teaspoon of honey with royal jelly 3 times a day. Course - 1 month.
  6. For baldness and dandruff. For treatment, a solution of distilled water with honey and milk is used. It is rubbed into the scalp before washing at least 3 times a week. At the same time, the mixture is taken orally, 0.5 dessert spoon.
  7. For diaper rash of the skin. Aqueous and alcohol solutions are used. A recipe that is used for fungal diseases is effective.
  8. For healing wounds and ulcers. The wound is treated with a product infused with alcohol. Then a tampon soaked in a mixture of milk, honey and distilled water is applied. All ingredients are mixed in equal proportions.

Dosage forms

To store bee jelly, it is given various forms. The most common of them:

  1. Granules. They are a dry concentrate. The most famous drug of this group is Apilak. It is dry, adsorbed royal jelly. The drug granules dissolve well in liquid. Before use, they are diluted in neutral drinks. The best of them is milk. If there is no suitable liquid at hand, the granules can be placed under the tongue. The standard dosage is 5–10 granules. Drink 1-3 times a day. The course of treatment is 2–4 weeks.
  2. Frozen milk. To store the product, use airtight containers and a regular household refrigerator. Shelf life is 1.5–2 years. The product is frozen at a temperature of -17 °C. The standard dosage for treatment is 1/2 teaspoon. The course lasts 1–2 months.
  3. Honey with royal jelly. Preparation of the product does not require high temperatures. No preservatives are added to it.
  4. Capsules. When preparing the product, the milk is gently dried. Capsules are taken for a course of 2–3 months, no more than 3 times a year. The standard dosage is 1 capsule per day.

Types of dosage forms: examples in the photo

The granules retain their healing properties in sealed packaging for two years
Drugs of this type are most often produced in Asian countries.
The product is frozen immediately after collection
This method of preserving milk allows you to extend its shelf life.

How to choose a product

When purchasing bee jelly you should:

  • check documents for the product and the apiary where it was obtained;
  • pay attention to the integrity of the packaging, date of manufacture and expiration date;
  • method of storing the product during sale.

It is best to shop for bee products in specialized stores. The consistency of fresh royal jelly collection is similar to thick sour cream. It is not recommended to buy the product secondhand. Broken packaging is a sure sign of damage.

Storage methods

Royal jelly is a perishable product. In vacuum packaging it can be stored for up to two years at low temperatures. The shelf life depends on their value. It amounts to:

  • 9–10 months at t -2–5 °C;
  • one and a half years at t -18 °C.

The adsorbed product is stored in a dark glass container. It can be stored at +6 °C for 10 months.

Royal jelly has many beneficial properties. It is better to use a natural product after consulting a doctor. You cannot buy milk from random people in a place not suitable for trade.


Natural pharmacy has saved many wonderful potions for humans to maintain and strengthen health. Bee products occupy an important place among natural remedies. Add knowledge about bee jelly to your experience - information about its beneficial properties and areas of application will certainly be useful to you!

What is royal jelly

This super-healthy product has other names: royal jelly or white honey. Royal jelly is a secretion produced by young worker bees (5-15 days old). This substance is formed in the pharyngeal glands of insects when they chew bee bread (pollen) and honey. Bees use this product to feed their larvae, and the finest milk is sealed in special wax flasks. This food is intended only for the queen bee, who will consume this concentrate throughout her life.

On this diet, the queen of the hive grows twice as large as ordinary insects, lives for about 6 years, and during this period actively performs her function - she lays eggs every day, providing the swarm with new workers. Due to the high concentration of valuable substances in this bee secretion, it is very useful for people. This product is obtained from apiaries for further use for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. The necessary scrupulousness in the preparation and storage of white honey affects the fact that it has an expensive price, but this pays off with a lot of useful qualities.

Royal jelly - medicinal properties

The main indication for the use of such a product, which is suitable for everyone, is to strengthen the body’s defenses and effectively prevent bacterial and viral infections. The healing properties of royal jelly are also manifested in their effects on specific organ systems. Bee product:

  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, affecting the enzyme composition of gastric juice, bile secretion, and intestinal motility;
  • helps regulate blood sugar levels;
  • prevents the development of atherosclerosis, effectively reducing cholesterol levels;
  • balances hormonal levels;
  • promotes muscle building;
  • has a healing effect on tissue;
  • has a positive effect on the functioning of the central nervous system, as a result of which concentration improves and memory is strengthened.

Royal jelly - composition

What beneficial substances are provided by nature in the basis of this product? The composition of royal jelly includes:

  • proteins with properties similar to blood serum proteins;
  • fats: phospholipids, sterols, glycerols, decenoic acids;
  • carbohydrates: fructose, glucose, sucrose;
  • amino acids;
  • essential fatty acids;
  • a wide range of macro- and microelements;
  • vitamins A, E, D, C, group B;
  • mineral salts;
  • hormones: estradiol, progesterone, testosterone;
  • neurotransmitter acetylcholine;
  • enzymes;
  • other important biologically active substances.

Royal jelly - application

Thanks to a wide range of valuable active ingredients, this product is widely used in traditional medicine recipes as an effective tonic and general strengthening agent. The use of royal jelly has an effective therapeutic and preventive effect for diseases:

  • blood;
  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • respiratory tract;
  • eye;
  • gastrointestinal organs;
  • organs of the urinary system;
  • endocrine system;
  • genital area;
  • skin and hair.

Royal jelly for men

What is the special benefit of such a product for the stronger sex? Royal jelly for men is not only a valuable supplement that helps maintain optimal physical and mental shape. The effectiveness of this product on male fertility has been proven: it increases the level of testosterone in the blood, which has a positive effect on potency and spermatogenesis. Treatment with royal jelly is also successfully used for prostate adenoma and prostatitis.

Royal jelly for women

White honey is extremely useful for strengthening women's health and maintaining a beautiful appearance. In addition to its general strengthening properties for the whole body, royal jelly for women increases the chances of getting pregnant and bearing a healthy baby. It is good for nurses to use this product - it improves the functioning of the mammary glands during breastfeeding, and the high iron content here prevents the risk of anemia during lactation. The ability of bee jelly to soften PMS and hot flashes during menopause is also known.

The rich vitamin and mineral composition of this substance, extracted from beehives, explains the widespread use of this product by women for personal care. For example, pantothenic acid will help maintain a slim figure, and biotin will bring great benefits to hair, skin, and nails. In order to maintain beauty, white honey can be used both internally and externally - as part of masks and creams.

Royal jelly for children

There are many reviews about the benefits of using this product even for infants. Royal jelly is valuable for children because it can increase their appetite and strengthen their immune system. With the help of this secretion, malnutrition is effectively treated, and the baby begins to gain weight well. Rubbing the skin with an alcohol solution of bee jelly will help relieve your baby of diaper rash.


You need to know that in certain cases this extremely useful product should not be taken so as not to cause harm to the body. Contraindications for royal jelly are:

  • allergies and individual intolerance to bee products;
  • infectious diseases at the acute stage;
  • renal failure;
  • Addison's disease;
  • tumor processes.

How to take royal jelly

To get the maximum benefit from this bee secretion, you need to know how to properly use such a concentrate. Today, this product can be bought online or in a pharmacy in dry form in the form of tablets, granules, capsules. It is also sold as part of a lactose-glucose mixture or a mixture with honey. To produce these preparations, a large percentage of all useful components are adsorbed from the native substance. It is more convenient to take royal jelly in this form, because natural royal jelly quickly deteriorates under improper storage conditions.

Manufacturers indicate the specific dosage and duration of use in the instructions for the drugs, but before starting the treatment course it is recommended to agree on the daily dose and duration of treatment with your doctor. Please note important considerations for taking the absorbed product.

  • These drugs are not drunk with water, but taken sublingually - kept under the tongue until completely dissolved.
  • This medicine should be taken in the first half of the day, 20-30 minutes before meals, due to its inherent pronounced tonic effect.

Royal jelly price

The cost of such a valuable general health product varies depending on the manufacturer and how many grams of the secret itself are in the package. To make a profitable purchase, check out the approximate prices for drugs in this segment.

Beekeeping products, such as honey, propolis, etc., have long been considered unique and extremely useful substances. They are cures for many diseases, but royal jelly cannot be compared with them. It was called “royal jelly” because it is extremely healthy.

has nothing in common with regular milk. The substance is a white, jelly-like sticky mass (hence the name), which is produced by the pharyngeal glands of young bees (5-15 days old).

Bees produce two types of milk - more liquid And thicker. The liquid is intended for feeding larvae, which will later become ordinary bees, and the thick mass, which has a more nutritious and healthy composition, is fed to the royal queen and her larva.

Royal jelly contains:

  • Water - about 60%.
  • Proteins - 20-50%.
  • Fats - 5-15%.
  • Carbohydrates (sucrose, fructose, glucose) - 10-40%.
  • Vitamins: A, B1-B15, C, D, E, H, PP.
  • Fatty acid.
  • Folic acid.
  • Pantonenic acid.
  • Lactic acid.
  • Micro- and macroelements: manganese, phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc, silver, etc.
  • Choline.
  • Hormones (mainly estrogens).

Fresh milk or frozen milk has the greatest benefits according to all the rules. When frozen, nothing happens to it and all the beneficial substances are preserved. To extend the shelf life of the product, many beekeepers mix it with honey, propolis and various plant extracts, which does not reduce the beneficial qualities of royal jelly. In pharmacies you can purchase encapsulated or granulated royal jelly pellets as dietary supplements.


Royal jelly has been taken since ancient times to strengthen the body, raise its tone and enhance protective functions. However, these are not the only useful properties:

  • For nervous system disorders- strengthens nerve cells, helps the body fight depression, normalizes sleep, improves attention and memory. Also helps prevent the development of Alzheimer's disease.
  • For cardiovascular pathologies- strengthens blood vessels, makes them more elastic and resilient, reduces cholesterol and destroys cholesterol plaques in blood vessels, preventing the formation of blood clots. Milk also helps normalize blood pressure and alleviate the patient’s condition with angina pectoris.
  • For joint pain- ointments with the addition of royal jelly have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, help with arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism and other diseases.
  • For endocrine disorders- normalizes hormonal levels, improves the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • For infertility- since milk contains a large amount of female sex hormones, its consumption greatly increases the chances of conception. The product is useful when planning pregnancy and during gestation - it contributes to the favorable development of pregnancy. Helps breastfeeding women improve lactation.
  • For skin- increases tone and elasticity, tightens and smoothes wrinkles. Saturates the epidermis with useful substances, making it more radiant and healthy. Promotes faster healing of ulcers and cuts.


Despite its beneficial properties, royal jelly can harm the body:

  • Cause allergies- like all bee products, royal jelly is a strong allergen. If you are allergic to honey, most likely you will also be allergic to milk.
  • Sleep disorders- the substance has a tonic effect and can cause insomnia, so taking it at night is not recommended.
  • In case of overdose there may be dyspeptic disorders: abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea. Dry mouth, headaches, and breathing problems may also appear.

The use of the product is prohibited when:

  1. Adrenal diseases- the adrenal glands are responsible for the synthesis of many hormones and additional use of substances containing hormones and responsible for hormonal synthesis can lead to complications, as it will help the body synthesize hormones, of which there are already many in the body. For the same reason, milk should not be taken if you have Addison's disease.
  2. Oncological diseases- royal jelly is a strong stimulant and can cause accelerated growth of tumors and cancer cells. However, some experts are inclined to believe that consuming bee products for oncology is beneficial. But still, at the treatment stage it is better to refrain from taking royal jelly, and at the recovery stage, resort to it to help the body recover faster.

How to use it correctly

If you have the opportunity to purchase frozen or preserved royal jelly at an apiary or honey fair, then it is worth buying it. The product is sold in queen cells (special honeycombs where young bees lay milk).

Daily dosage - one mother liquor (approximately 250-300 mg of substance). You need to take the healing substance on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals. To do this, you need to carefully remove the contents from the mother liquor with a teaspoon and place it under your tongue. It takes a few minutes to dissolve the ball. You should not swallow it right away, otherwise the valuable substances will not be absorbed well enough by the body and will not bring any benefit.

The course of treatment is 21 day. After this, you need to take a break for 6 months and repeat the course again.

If royal jelly is used in the form of tablets or capsules, then you need to take it in accordance with the instructions included with the drug.

The substance can also be added to homemade masks and face creams, but before doing this, do an allergy test - apply a little milk to your wrist and leave for a day. If no adverse reactions occur, then you can safely use the milk.

extremely valuable and useful product, which can cure many diseases and, most importantly, help conceive and bear a healthy baby. Milk can be consumed even by small children - it will help strengthen the child’s body. However, you should definitely consult your doctor and pay attention to contraindications.

Of all beekeeping products, royal jelly is the most valuable, and all because it feeds the brood. If this product is able to provide the necessary vital energy to bees and stimulate the formation of all internal organs in the larva, can it also be beneficial for the human body? It turns out that it very well can. We will tell you further what benefits it brings and when it should be taken.

What is royal jelly?

Royal jelly is a kind of food that honey bees feed their larvae, starting from the age of three days, and the future queen eats it all her life. This food is produced by nurse bees in the maxillary gland. It looks like some kind of jelly-like substance of white-yellow color.

Characteristics of bee jelly: it is a biogenic stimulator of biological processes with a strong aroma and important value.

This valuable substance is extracted from mother liquors. It is possible to obtain the product in sufficient quantity only during the period when the larvae appear. Most of the milk is in the queen cell 4-5 days after its creation - about 400 mg. The beekeeper needs to have time to pick up the milk at this moment, until the bees seal the cells with the larvae.

Did you know? Royal jelly is often called “royal jelly”, since the process of its extraction is very painstaking, which is why its quantity is very limited. Therefore, previously only the royal family and those close to it could afford this natural product.

The product procurement process consists of the following stages:

  1. The larvae are transferred to a “grafting” frame.
  2. The uterus is removed.
  3. The filled mother liquor is removed.
  4. The substance is extracted and cleaned of larvae and wax.
  5. The finished raw materials are packaged and stored frozen.

The cells are unpacked by cutting off the caps with a knife or thin wire. The larvae are removed with tweezers. Milk is collected using a sterile syringe.

This is how the process of collecting milk in apiaries occurs. That's where they sell it. If it is impossible to buy the product at the apiary, then you can find a pharmacy equivalent.

It is sold in several forms:

Chemical composition of the product

In its pure form, the product has a sharply sour taste and contains many different substances:

  • water - 65–66.5%;
  • proteins - 9–19%;
  • sugar - 8–19%;
  • fats - 2–9%;
  • mineral salts - more than 1%.

Important!The composition of royal jelly also depends on the strength of the bee colony.

In addition, the product contains:
  • vitamins: A, D, C, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, B15, H, E, PP;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • free fatty acids (succinic, palmitic, stearic, decenoic);
  • hormones (estradiol, testosterone, progesterone);
  • acids (pyruvic, lactic);
  • mineral salts;
  • microelements;
  • acetylcholine;
  • sterols;
  • lipids;
  • decenoic acids;
  • germicidin.

The nutritional value of milk changes as the larvae grow older: by the age of a week, proteins and fats become less and less, and sugar increases.

Properties of milk for the human body

The given list of substances contained in royal jelly can be beneficial for the human body. But there is also harm from it.

Why it's useful

  • The product can have a positive effect on the human body in the following ways:
  • tones it;
  • increases resistance to viruses and infections, and also fights them;
  • improves the course of natural processes in tissues and muscles;
  • stimulates the elimination of toxins and radionuclides;
  • improves metabolic processes;
  • normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • helps the endocrine system work more efficiently;
  • increases visual acuity;
  • normalizes glucose levels;
  • stimulates processes that normalize hemoglobin levels;
  • promotes tissue regeneration and wound healing;
  • strengthens and improves the structure of nails, hair, skin;
  • improves the functioning of the central nervous system.

This list of useful actions allows you to use the product for both preventive and therapeutic purposes.

Contraindications and possible side effects

  • Unfortunately, there are contraindications for the use of this healing medicinal substance:
  • allergy to bee products;
  • infectious disease in the acute phase accompanied by fever;
  • severe form of arterial hypertension;
  • condition after heart attack and stroke;
  • increased blood clotting.

Possible side effects:

  • insomnia, increased excitability;
  • feeling of thirst;
  • bowel dysfunction;
  • redness or rash on the skin.

Important!If you exceed the dosage of royal jelly indicated by the doctor, a number of side effects are possible, which disappear when the dosage is reduced or the drug is discontinued.

For what diseases is royal jelly taken?

The mechanism of action of bee milk on the human body has not yet been fully studied. Despite this, it is actively used in medicine, for the treatment of various ailments, in cosmetology and as a dietary supplement.

Nervous system disorders

When disorders in the functioning of the central nervous system associated with vascular disorders or trophic changes are detected, royal jelly is often used. It can cope with problems such as asthenic syndrome, neuroses, involutional psychosis, and also relieve the consequences of encephalitis and schizophrenia.

We can also use the product to combat problems in the peripheral nervous system. It is included in various medications. It is also used in complex treatment together with bee venom against arthritis, polyneuritis, myositis, and neuralgia.

Gastrointestinal pathologies

Regular consumption of bee jelly improves appetite, improves metabolism and stimulates the production of digestive enzymes that take part in the breakdown of food. Accelerating the breakdown of food eases the load on the liver. In addition, the presence of a number of vitamins in the product is an obstacle to the development of pathogenic microflora, which provokes the development of various ailments.

Joint pain

Various ointments are prepared based on bee jelly. They are considered the best remedy for arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism and other joint pathologies.

Genitourinary disorders

The product can help get rid of acute and chronic problems with the genitourinary system. Easily eliminates inflammatory processes, helps cope with the symptoms of menopause and pain during menstruation.

Deviations in metabolism

A number of active substances present in royal jelly accelerate the course of metabolic processes. This allows it to be used in nursing premature babies and treating hypo- and atrophy in childhood. Accelerated metabolism is useful for adults in losing weight and gaining missing mass.

Respiratory system diseases

Typically, problems with the respiratory system are caused by bacteria or viruses. Bee jelly fights them well, which also improves the body’s protective functions, which allows you to quickly overcome the disease. The presence of disinfectants makes the product a natural antibiotic.

It was previously mentioned that the main contraindication to the use of royal jelly is allergic reactions. Therefore, before starting treatment with the product, it is necessary to conduct a test for the susceptibility of the body. If there is the slightest sign of intolerance, treatment with this drug is out of the question.

If the reaction is normal, then the permissible maximum dose per day is 20–30 g. The duration of the course cannot exceed 120 days within one year. Otherwise, the body will get used to receiving energy from the nutrient and will stop producing it on its own. In addition, it has been experimentally proven that a break in treatment enhances the effect of the drug.

For an adult body, female or male, in the case of treatment of various ailments, the daily dose of the drug is calculated relative to body weight: 0.3 g per 30 kg of weight. This amount of product is usually contained in one queen cell.

Did you know? Scientists know only 95% of the composition of royal jelly.

There are some rules that need to be remembered so that the use of the product brings the desired result. First of all, royal jelly should be consumed in the morning on an empty stomach, as it can invigorate the body, which is absolutely not necessary in the evening. The procedure for cleaning the oral cavity should be carried out after the morning meal, since if the procedure is carried out after consuming bee jelly, the toothpaste will destroy it, and it will not have time to act on the body.

For men

The effect of bee jelly on the male body is to relieve stress, which negatively affects potency, and to improve the process of sperm production. Therefore, men are recommended to take a so-called rejuvenation course with the help of bee food once or twice a year to improve the functioning of the reproductive system. The duration of this course is two weeks. During it, the medication is taken at a dose of 200 mg, divided into two doses per day. Should be consumed 60 minutes before meals.

If it is necessary to eliminate problems with potency, it is recommended to take 30 mg three times a day for two to three weeks.


Of course, royal jelly also has a positive effect on the female body, but there are some nuances of use during different life cycles, namely during pregnancy and lactation.


As to whether it is advisable for pregnant women to use the product, doctors have differing opinions. Some believe that the standard dosage for an adult body needs to be increased. Others believe that intensive use can cause hypervitaminosis, so it is possible to use milk in a dosage of 1 queen liquor twice a day.

Due to the fact that gynecologists do not have a consensus on the dosage of milk for pregnant women, each pregnant woman should be given instructions for using the product by her attending physician.


For breastfeeding women, the dosage of royal jelly should also be prescribed by the attending physician. Usually it is 25-30 g per day.

Video: Benefits and uses of royal jelly

For children

From the age of 20 days, babies are given suppositories containing bee jelly to strengthen the immune system, improve appetite, and eliminate dysbacteriosis. The child’s body should not receive more than 5 mg of the drug per day. The duration of treatment should be a maximum of a month.

In liquid form, milk is used in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, to eliminate delays in physical development, for the correct formation of the skeleton, and for the coordinated functioning of the endocrine system.

The dosage depending on age is as follows:

  • 1–6 years - half a queen liquor 1 time per day;
  • 6–12 years old - mother liquor 1 time per day.

Important! It is not recommended to give the product to children under 12 months.

Conditions and methods of storing royal jelly

Live jelly is a perishable product. Without treatment, it can be stored for no more than 2 hours, and then begins to lose its properties. If it is placed in vacuum packaging, its shelf life will be about two years.

More accurate data is determined by the temperature range:

  • -2…-5°С - 9–10 months;
  • -18°C - 1.5 years.
It is advisable to store the adsorbed substance at +6°C for 10 months in a dark glass container.

To store a natural product at home, it is better to use syringes in which milk will be packaged, 3-5 cubes each. Syringes should be wrapped in an opaque bag and placed in the freezer. This way it can be stored for more than 10 days. If milk is used daily, then it can be left on the shelf in the refrigerator, but it is advisable to use it up within a month.

As you can see, the therapeutic effect of the natural product is very extensive. It has a beneficial effect on both children's and adult bodies. But when using it for medicinal purposes, it is very important to follow the doctor’s recommendations, and also to be sure that the product is of high quality, so as not to harm yourself.

There are a large number of unique and healthy products in nature. Royal jelly of bees is one of these. It is considered the strongest biologically active stimulant and has a number of healing properties.

The milk of queen bees is a product of the production of the glands of nurse bees, which serves as the main food for bee larvae. This product does not belong to the main beekeeping products and bees do not store it for long periods of time, so its collection has its own certain difficulties.

Royal jelly is contained in small quantities in all larvae, but only in the larvae of future queens is it contained in larger quantities throughout development. Therefore, the most suitable time for collection is considered to be the breeding season of queen bees. Milk accumulates in the greatest quantity on the 4th-5th day of larval development.

Royal jelly collection consists of the following steps:

  • Creation of an additional frame onto which the larvae will be transplanted;
  • Preparing a family that will raise these larvae;
  • Removing closed queen cells and collecting milk from them using a syringe or spoon;
  • Returning the larvae to the family;
  • Packaging and storage.

A few hours after extraction, the properties of the milk change. An important condition for collection is efficiency and the availability of cooling equipment. Freezing helps slow down the process of destruction of beneficial properties.

How to take royal jelly

Bee jelly is used for preventive or therapeutic purposes for many diseases. The method of its use depends on the form of release of the drug and the goals of treatment.

Main methods of use:

  • The sublingual method is considered the most correct. Small tablets or fresh milk are dissolved under the tongue, which ensures the preservation of the active components and their absorption through the vessels of the oral cavity;
  • Oral administration requires additional preparation. It is necessary to neutralize gastric juice with a glass of mineral water or soda solution. Without such preparation, the juice will destroy its beneficial properties;
  • The rectal method is most often used for children. You need to make candles from milk and wax or purchase ready-made ones. This method is also suitable for adults;
  • External use is used in cosmetology. The milk is applied to the skin of the face and body, and is also used for compresses and rubbing. Alcohol solutions, ointments, creams, aerosols, etc. can be used;
  • It is possible to administer the medication by intramuscular injection. But this method is carried out only in a hospital setting by experienced medical workers. This method can be prescribed to older people as a general strengthening of the body.

When fresh, the milk has a white jelly-like consistency with a sourish-bitter taste. The most valuable thing is to take a fresh product, because... it retains all the beneficial properties.

It is not recommended to take milk before bedtime, because... it has tonic properties and will make it difficult to fall asleep.

Beneficial features

The unique healing properties of milk are due to its complex composition. It contains more than 400 types of useful substances. Among them, it should be noted - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, amino acids, hormones and much more.

The composition may vary slightly depending on where the bees live. All components are well balanced and effectively help as an additional therapy for many pathologies.

Beneficial features:

  • Increasing the body's immune forces;
  • Destruction of viruses and bacteria;
  • Improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Increased physical endurance;
  • Normalization of blood pressure;
  • Improving the process of nutrition of body tissues;
  • Normalization of hormonal balance;
  • Increased lactation;
  • Acceleration of tissue regeneration;
  • Normalization of the nervous system;
  • Strengthening hair and nails, smoothing wrinkles.

Due to its rich composition, royal jelly is used in the treatment of a large number of pathologies. It is recommended for both adults and children.


Royal jelly is a very useful product. But it belongs to dietary supplements and has its contraindications.

Use is prohibited if:

  • Allergic reaction to honey and bee products;
  • Malignant tumors;
  • Addison's disease;
  • Diseases of the adrenal glands;
  • Acute infectious processes in the body.

In these cases, use may cause harm to humans and worsen health conditions.

Before taking royal jelly, you should consult your doctor and strictly follow all product dosage recommendations. If the rules for taking and storing the medicine are not followed, side effects may occur.

Possible harm:

  • Nervous system disorder;
  • Increased blood pressure;
  • Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Skin rash;
  • Hormonal disorders.

How to store royal jelly at home

Bee milk outside the queen cells very quickly loses its beneficial properties. This fact makes it very difficult to store pure natural milk at home.

To preserve all the beneficial properties, you must follow several rules:

  • Fresh milk should be immediately placed in a glass container and tightly closed. Store the sealed jar in the refrigerator at a temperature below -6 degrees. Such conditions ensure the safety of the product throughout the year;
  • Preparing an alcohol solution from fresh milk will also help preserve all the medicinal properties of the product. The finished solution is poured into a glass container and stored in the refrigerator.

Royal jelly and honey medicinal properties

One of the ways to preserve the healing properties of royal jelly for a long period of time is to add it to Royal Jelly with honey.

The product effectively helps protect the body from seasonal colds and viruses. But when the virus enters the body, it can enhance its spread and effect.

Honey with royal jelly: how to distinguish a fake

Manufacturers of honey with milk often use various tricks in producing the product. These include high heat or the use of various additives and thickeners. Such measures significantly degrade the quality of the product and lead to a decrease in its usefulness.

How to protect yourself and purchase a quality product? There are several tips when choosing:

  • The product must be white or cream in color. An unnatural shade of white means that the product is of poor quality;
  • Natural honey completely dissolves in water and leaves no sediment. This can be easily checked by dissolving a little honey in a glass of water.

It is best to purchase honey directly from beekeepers or reliable sellers. This way you can be sure of the quality of the product.

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