Mongolian Gerbil - “The cutest rodents, no smell at all, but never buy more than two animals of the same sex, otherwise everything will end in bloody fights.” Mongolian Gerbil - “The cutest rodents, no smell at all, but never buy big ones.”

To the casual observer, it may seem that all you have to do to find and choose a pet is to go to your local pet store or animal shelter, count out the money, and bring home a fluffy, cute puppy (or maybe a kitten or a small boa). If only it were that simple! How to choose the right pet for you?

Dwelling size

In big Vacation home you can have a large dog and a mini pig, and even a pond with ducks. Fortunately, there is enough space for an animal of any size and even more than one.

IN small apartment It’s better to get a pet of the appropriate size: a guinea pig, fish, budgie, cat, hamster, etc.

Maintenance cost

You also need to find out how expensive it is to maintain a particular animal. After all, equipping a terrarium for a turtle or an exotic lizard will cost a decent amount. And puppies and kittens are not cheap at all, but you also need to think about the costs of vaccination and possible treatment.

Everything needs to be taken into account: necessary equipment, nutrition, treatment, care.

Life style

Probably the most important thing is that your future pet matches your lifestyle (are you a homebody or, on the contrary, like to travel). The animal is completely dependent on you, so if your work involves constant business travel, it is better not to take an animal.

Another important factor that is worth paying attention to is your attitude towards household chores. Let's face it: Almost every animal leaves a lot of garbage. Animals molt, fur and feathers must be collected with a vacuum cleaner, and scales must be swept away. It is necessary to regularly clean litter boxes, cages, and aquariums.

If you like a clean, hassle-free home but want a pet, consider getting a gerbil, fish, or small bird that will happily live in a small cage or aquarium.


It is also worth thinking about possible allergies. If you've never had a pet before or if your child has never interacted with one, play a little with your neighbor's dog or cat. You certainly don't want to bring home a furball and discover that your child is allergic to it.

Of course, your personal preferences are also important. Let's take a closer look at several types of rodents that are most often kept by animal lovers.

Features of some rodents


These are small rodents that are among the most important pests in the world. But in recent years, in many developed countries, rats have begun to be bred as pets. Homes contain only two bred forms of the widespread gray rat, or pasyuk, which, unlike their relatives, are not carriers of diseases.

domestic rat

Connoisseurs and amateurs appreciate the following positive properties of rats:

  • they are more intelligent, more curious, more affectionate than other small pets;
  • they need a little space and inexpensive food;
  • caring for them is extremely easy.

Communication with this little animal will bring great pleasure to both you and your child.

There are a huge number of color variations of rats - for every taste.

Rats are very smart and active pets. Watching them play is very interesting and sometimes even very calming. These rodents need constant attention and then they will respond to you with devoted friendship.

Rats well trainable, understand their nickname, the commands “come to me”, “home”. If a rat escapes from its cage, don't worry, it will get hungry and come back. Rats are very smart, they know where their home is. Children love to carry a rat on their shoulder and stroke it. The rat is very interesting to watch; its front legs are like human hands. The way she washes herself and eats is simply a sight to behold.

Rats can also squeak, sometimes sit and sit, and then begin to “talk.”

Rat - very clean pet. They have almost no smell, unless, of course, the cage in which they are kept is regularly cleaned. They don't make noise. They are much quieter compared to hamsters.

Rats does not need large spaces for their maintenance, but it is important to remember that aquariums are completely unsuitable for them. Animals will suffer if you put them in a glass prison.

Rats omnivorous and often taste everything they come across. So, if you want your property not to be damaged by their teeth, you will have to constantly keep the rat in sight.

It is important to know that rats have a fairly short lifespan - about three years.

Since rats are becoming more popular, they are sold in most pet stores. When purchasing, pay attention to the fur, it must be clean and lie flat, there should be no bare spots on it. The eyes should be shiny and clear, without dry crusts. The nose should be clean and there should be no discharge from it. The ears are clean, without wounds.

Of course, you can’t tell everything about rats, but those who get one rat then get another.


These animals are very energetic, active and emotional. By their nature, they are telepaths, as they react to a person’s emotions and even thoughts, as if predicting our further actions. You get the impression that this animal is talking to you, only not out loud, but mentally, and you understand perfectly well what it is telling you.


Chinchillas are very diverse in their behavior. Just as no two people are alike, no two chinchillas are alike. They never cease to amaze you, fascinate, inspire, calm and delight you in such a way that there are not enough words to describe and convey these feelings!

Chinchillas have a pleasant unusually silky to the touch and velvety in appearance - fur.

Chinchillas do not have sweat or sebaceous glands, so they has no smell. Even the feces and urine of this animal do not have such a sharp characteristic odor as that of rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters and other animals. As a result, the chinchilla's bedding or litter box is changed no more than once a week.

At the chinchilla always clean fur, although it does not need to be washed in water. She bathes in special fine sand. When bathing, she gets rid of moisture that her fur absorbs from the external environment, or from our hands when we hold or stroke her. Also in these animals there are no fleas and ticks, since they simply cannot live in this dense undercoat.

Chinchillas do not shed seasonally, so they are the most hypoallergenic animal.

Chinchillas don't bite people because they have enough high intelligence, although they have very sharp front incisors, and if only the animal feels aggression or danger from a person or any animal, then it can bite or pinch, but at first it does not hurt, as if warning that next time it will hurt more.

Chinchillas do not scratch since they do not have claws, but have nails, which they chew on themselves, which is why they have soft, delicate “hands.” Only on the hind legs the nails are rougher.

The chinchilla's cage should be spacious with shelves or at least one shelf, since chinchillas like to sit on some kind of elevation and also jump on shelves - after all, they are mountain animals. The size of the cage must be at least 60 cm wide, 40-50 cm deep and at least 60 cm high, otherwise the smaller space of the cage will oppress the animal.

You only need to feed your chinchilla once a day at home.. She eats 1-2 tablespoons of special dry food per day and also drinks little (simple boiled cool water, which is poured into a special drinking bowl).

Life expectancy of a chinchilla at home depends on the correct diet and natural factors of the area or region in which the chinchilla lives - on average 15 years.

Chinchillas are good amenable to training and education, but they cannot be pampered. Because it’s like children - what you put in is what you get out. And re-education can be very difficult, but still possible if you know how to do it.

When choosing a chinchilla, you need to pay attention to the following aspects:

  • Before purchasing an animal, find out more about it. Find out what they eat, what conditions they live in, how to care for them, how to raise them, etc.
  • One of the most important criteria is appearance. There are several basic colors of chinchillas. Choose according to your taste.
  • Chinchillas, like people, vary in behavior. One animal will look phlegmatically at the world around it and sit calmly on your lap. Another chinchilla will rush around the apartment and cage, storm the wheel and behave actively. Choose an animal that matches your temperament.
  • It is important to remember that the animal will behave naturally in a calm environment. So, in pet stores, all the animals often sit quietly and huddle in the corners - this is due to the noise and the abundance of strangers and animals.

Good luck with your choice and the joy of communicating with this wonderful pet - the chinchilla!

Decorative rabbits

They are very pleasant and cute animals, so keeping, raising and caring for them brings a lot of joy to the house. Rabbits are very playful and love communication and attention.

Decorative rabbit

Compared to other pets The cost of keeping rabbits is much lower, but you will receive no less happiness and smiles from communicating with them.

Decorative rabbits are smart, are easy to train. There is no need to walk them; they can learn to go to the litter box. You can purchase a harness and walk your little pet at any time and anywhere, which will bring a lot of joy to you and your children.

The cage for any decorative rabbit should be at least 70 cm. At the bottom, as bedding, wood filler (pressed sawdust) and hay with a layer of 3-5 cm are best suited.

Choose the right location for the cage- not on the aisle, protected from drafts but well ventilated, inaccessible to other animals, at a sufficient distance from heating appliances, TV, radio or constantly opening doors.

It is recommended to use a heavy feeder; a ceramic one is best, because... Rabbits have a tendency to turn everything over. You can hang a hanging feeder. The rabbit should always have fresh water. Automatic drinking bowls for rodents (with a ball) are very convenient.

There should be enough hay in the cage, since this is the main food for rabbits; Pet stores sell ready-made grain food for rabbits in various variations (you can choose the one that’s right for your pet).

Juicy food - fruits, vegetables, green grass - can be offered to adults. It is best for rabbits from 1-1.5 months to start with carrots and apples. Cabbage should be given to rabbits no earlier than 3-4 months. It may cause bloating.

Mineral stone, twigs for grinding teeth, should also be in the cage, especially if the animal receives little roughage.

The cage filler must be changed at least 2 times a week.

When letting you go for walks around the apartment, you need to close the windows and doors to avoid drafts and your pet's escape. Carefully monitor the animal so that it does not get injured.

Rabbits should never be picked up by the ears!

The more affectionately they are treated, the more affection they receive in return. Your love and care is what they expect from you. Often new owners want to immediately hold the rabbit in their arms and are disappointed when he constantly strives to escape, but imagine for a moment that in the wild a rabbit is food for many predators and he feels confident only standing on the ground, where he can control his movements.

At first it is better to leave the rabbit alone so that he explores the new home, eats some food, and gets comfortable. Then you can start dating. It is in your power to behave in such a way that the decorative rabbit, forgetting about shyness, understands that you are his friend. It will get better every day. As a result, your reward will be the endless love and devotion of this amazing creature, who will remain by your side for the next 8-10 years.

The peculiarity of the guinea pig as a member of the household is that without complications it can be left alone in the apartment for the whole day and, if the food is properly prepared, the guinea pig can be left alone without supervision; besides, she is a diurnal animal, and in addition, she allows herself to be stroked and caressed.

Guinea pig

For young children from about five years old, a guinea pig is an ideal pet, as well as for adults who have never owned an animal before. For many reasons she is recommended as the first animal. Anyone who has once gotten to know a guinea pig becomes very attached to this affectionate animal.

An adult male guinea pig weighs 800-1500g, and a female 600-1200g. Therefore, the cage for a guinea pig must be appropriate. For one pig, 30x40 cm in bottom area.

Also necessary accessories for the animal: a specialized ball drinker, bedding (this can be sawdust or special wood pellets). And here houses and labyrinths are not recommended. This will only complicate your contact with the animal.

And one more interesting fact: guinea pigs do not run in a wheel!

It is better to place the cage away from drafts, heating devices, direct sunlight, in a place with good ventilation, out of reach of other pets (cats, dogs), because Guinea pigs are very shy.

Guinea pigs should always have food lying around! Vegetarian guinea pigs. They can eat any non-poisonous fruits, vegetables and herbs, but if you are not sure that the animal ate it, then do not experiment. Introduce everything new into your diet little by little and not all at once. Vegetables and fruits are given washed and cut into large pieces.

The animal must be fed 2 times a day. Sample menu for the day:

  • Specialized food for guinea pigs or oats - 60% of the daily diet,
  • carrots, apples – 20% of the daily diet,
  • hay, twigs, white bread crackers - 20% of the daily diet.

Guinea pigs live from five to eight years, and sometimes longer if they are kept correctly. In addition, they are practically not aggressive. For example, they bite and scratch much less often than rabbits.

Remember, a guinea pig is a herd animal! Therefore, when buying one individual, you must be completely sure that you can give your pet enough attention so that he does not get bored.

In general, keeping pigs alone is not recommended.

Therefore, it is better to buy a pair at once, but be sure to same-sex. Otherwise, very soon you will find yourself the owner of a small “herd” of small and not very healthy pigs (the result of early pregnancy and constant childbirth), one of them may even die.


Many people get these cute and touching creatures in the hope of finding a devoted friend. But in fact, domestic hamsters are very characteristic creatures and it is simply not possible to impose your love on them; it must be conquered.

Hamsters are crepuscular animals. It means that only in the evening do they become truly cheerful. This circumstance must be taken into account when purchasing a hamster.

During daylight hours, the hamster retires to its hole and sleeps. The optimal temperature for a hamster is between 21-25°C. At temperatures below 10°C they go into hibernation.

Hamsters need very strong wire cage, since they are all other materials. The wire should lie horizontally so that the animals can climb around the cage. Due to the fact that hamsters are solitary animals and often do not get along together, It is recommended to have only one hamster. It is enough to have a cage measuring 25 cm in length, 25 cm in depth and 20 cm in height.

As burrow dwellers, hamsters are very fond of a sleeping place, which should be filled with cellulose in which the hamster could burrow. To provide the hamster with the ability to move in a cage, it is necessary to place it in it.

The hamster can also be kept in a terrarium. However, with the help of branches it is necessary to provide him with the opportunity to move sufficiently. The top of the terrarium must be covered with wire mesh so that the hamster cannot jump out.

Hamster nutrition- an interesting and unique process. It is recommended to feed your hamster no more than three times a day, and preferably twice. Give dry food once a day, and the rest vegetables and fruits. Try to give a large portion at night. At night, hamsters drag food into the house and the hamsters eat it there.

Make sure that no spoiled vegetables and fruits remain in the cage. The hamster can get poisoned.

A hamster needs a varied diet. Often, food for a hamster is also a kind of entertainment. To eliminate vitamin deficiency, your pet needs green food.

Like humans, hamsters need water to function normally. The daily moisture requirement for a hamster is 20 ml per 100 g of animal weight. If your hamster drinks more, he may have health problems. If you notice that your hamster drinks more than normal, it is better to contact your veterinarian. You should also pay attention to the quality of drinking water. Only filtered boiled water can be given.

If you just brought your pet from the store, leave him alone for a while, let him calm down, get used to it. Taming hamsters is a gradual process. First, give him the opportunity to get used to your hand and not be afraid of it. If you constantly grab or squeeze him, then, on the contrary, he will hide from you and run away, maybe even bite.

Hamsters are nocturnal animals, try not to wake him up during the day, let him sleep.

When the hamster adapts to its new home, offer it food from your hand. You must “convince” your hamster that it is your hands that will feed, water and hold him, and therefore he should not be afraid and trust your gentle hands.

To prevent your hamster from being afraid of human hands, you must ensure that small children were also careful when handling the hamster: they did not squeeze him tightly, did not beat him, did not throw him into a cage from a height and did not force him to do something that the animal cannot and should not do by nature.

Mongolian gerbils are adorable little mice! It is impossible to remain indifferent while looking at these little ones. These sweet little faces that “smile” all the time, tiny paws with five fingers and miniature claws with which mice take grains as if with hands. And these funny ponytails with tassels at the end!

And one of the most important advantages is that gerbils do not have an unpleasant mouse smell at all! Not at all and absolutely! So when you get gerbils, you don’t have to worry about a mouse smell appearing in the house.

I had a dream to buy a large three-story cage with different ladders and other entertainment for rodents and put at least 10 gerbils of the same sex there. But it turned out that this is unrealistic, since gerbils can only get along together and not always!

Be sure to read and do not repeat my sad experience!

At first I bought one female gerbil. After a few months, I wanted to buy her a girlfriend so she wouldn’t get bored. I didn’t know that mice bought at different times and from different litters need to be housed correctly. I just put a new mouse next to the old one. Fortunately, there were no problems at all; they immediately got along peacefully. But in general, a new gerbil must first be placed in the next cage and placed next to the cage of another gerbil so that they get used to the smell, then after a week, add bedding to each other in the cage so that they also get used to the smell, and only then carefully introduce one mouse to another and make sure that a fight does not start.

Then I bought another gerbil, and another. I had four females in total. She immediately put all the new ones into the cage, everyone got along peacefully, there were no fights, they slept in an embrace. These moments are even in the photo. That's why the dream arose to buy a whole large cage of these cuties.

Moreover, there is no unpleasant smell from one mouse, or from four!

I also added a male akomis (Egyptian spiny mouse) to four gerbils; I will write a review about him a little later. He was also well received. By the way, he does not perceive gerbils at all as females. So hybrids of gerbil and akomis cannot happen.

But the idyll did not last long.

Probably, when my mice were completely grown up, the struggle for leadership began. terrible fights began. Two gerbils began to attack the other two weaker ones. Akomis was not touched at all. In the end, everything ended very sadly; I did not have time to save one gerbil. She was bitten a lot, although I put her in another cage, the mouse died.

After that, I read on the Internet that gerbils can only live in pairs of a male and a female (but if you don’t want to breed mice, you can’t keep mice of different sexes together), or in a same-sex pair. In such a pair, one mouse is the leader, and the second obeys it in everything. So they live beautifully and peacefully.

It is best to take a same-sex pair from the same brood at once.

But it happens that both gerbils do not yield and fights begin. Then they will have to be seated in different cells, otherwise the fights will continue until one of them dies. If this happens, then it is better not to add new gerbils to them; they may not be accepted. It's better to let them live alone.

So, after the tragedy with the death of one mouse, there were three left. Fights began again, this time two leading mice took part in them, and the third did not get involved in the fight. Having caught one of the leaders, I moved it into a separate cage. And she left the second leader mouse with a calm, submissive mouse and an akomis. The fights stopped.

After a while, I tried to seat the mice back, but the leaders immediately started a fight again, I had to immediately calm them down and seat them.

A little about maintenance and feeding.

For bedding, I use wood cat litter and sawdust. I change them every couple of weeks, there is no smell from the cells at all. I often bring the mice twigs from different trees, preferably fruit trees, willow, birch. They love to chew on them, chewing them off completely. They love to chew paper napkins. In the summer I bring green grass, they eat it and make “mouse nests”. The main diet is a mixture of grains: sunflower, wheat, rye, corn, oats. They also eat pieces of apples and pears.

Of course, gerbils cannot eat any of the “human food”. If you feed them only grain, grass and tree branches, the mice will live a long time and die a natural death from old age, and not from disease.

They live for about 2.5-3 years.

Now there is only one gerbil left, she still lives in the same cage with the akomis. First, the one who lived in a separate cage died, then the second died after a while. Both lived for about 3 years.

At night, gerbils make noise, dig up the bedding in the cage, and gnaw something. Therefore, if such noise bothers you, you can take the cage to another room at night.

You shouldn't expect a gerbil to be very tame. These animals are not aggressive, they can be handled, but they can also bite, and just like that. Never handle gerbils; if your hands smell like food, they will bite, thinking it is food.

To catch them if necessary, it is best to grab them by the tail and quickly transplant them into or out of the cage.

You can let them out for a walk, for example, in a large basin with high sides. Gerbils are very nimble and can easily slip out of your hands and run away. Mice will not sit quietly on your hand.

You only need to buy an iron running wheel, and feeders too. Mine had a wheel with plastic legs and parts - all the plastic was chewed off. They also completely chewed up the plastic feeder, so I had to make a feeder out of a tin can.

And here are some more photos of the adorable black and white gerbil.

This is rare, usually the animals are one color.

In the article I will look at the different species and which rodent to choose as a pet, their maintenance and breeding. I’ll tell you about the features of caring for each type of animal on the list.

The most popular types of rodents for home keeping


The cost of the animal is from 200 rubles and above.

This is a cute nocturnal animal. It is quite difficult to tame it, but it is possible. To maintain it you will need strong rods with a house, a couple of ladders or tunnels and feeders.

The cost of the animal is from 300 to 500 rubles.

Or the Chilean squirrel weighs on average 300-500 g and reaches a length of 30 cm. The rodent itself is inexpensive, but its maintenance requires money and time. First of all, he needs a home. Since it is a squirrel, it needs an appropriate cage. The cost of a cage for squirrels is 3000-3500 rubles.

Degu is a school animal, so it does not get along well with other animals. Alone, the Chilean squirrel lives much shorter. It is comfortable to keep them in pairs.

The degu's coat is dense and coarse, so it should be brushed regularly. The animal can handle this on its own, but it needs a sand bath installed in the cage.

Grabbing or lifting a degu by the tail is strictly prohibited. If you squeeze its tail, the skin will come off and the animal will run away. The exposed portion of the tail bleeds and dies.

Degus are very sensitive to heat and high humidity, cold and noise. The optimal temperature for it is 24-26 degrees. Strong odors also have an unfavorable effect on the condition of the animal.

Also, a cage with an animal should not be placed next to such indoor plants as:

  • Sanseviera;
  • Indoor feces (Spathiphyllum);
  • Feronia;
  • Threader;
  • Flamingo flower.

The main quality of degus is their sociability. A walk is one way to establish contact with your baby.

Degus should be released into an apartment under exceptional supervision. He will chew on everything that gets in his way.

In this article we looked at several types of rodents and their breeds. We also learned how to care for each species. We noticed some features of the rocks.

Pet rodents have always been very popular. Parents often purchase them for their children. Previously, the main types of rodents kept at home were hamsters and mice, but now you can find more unusual animals in the pet store. When choosing a pet, you need to take into account its behavioral characteristics, as well as its attitude towards people. If you communicate with him regularly, he will get used to his owner and become a true friend.

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    Popular pet rodents

    Rodents that live in indoor environments do not require the same amount of human attention as a dog or cat. Usually there is no need for animals to be toilet trained, because they relieve themselves on the wood floor in the cage. You can leave your pet with your neighbors during your vacation, as it is easy to care for.

    List of pet rodents that are popular:

    • hamsters;
    • rats;
    • mice;
    • chinchillas;
    • chipmunks;
    • proteins;
    • degu;
    • Guinea pigs;
    • gophers;
    • marmots;
    • hares;
    • rabbits;

    To choose a pet, you need to know what each type of rodent is.

    Small animals

    Small pet rodents are very popular because they are easy to care for. A house must be equipped for them, in which a feeder, a drinking bowl and small toys are placed.


    The hamster is a very popular pet rodent. But you need to keep in mind that this is a nocturnal and aggressive animal. He often sleeps during the day. If you add a relative to it, conflicts will begin, sometimes leading to the death of one of the animals. To accustom a rodent to your hands, you will need persistence and patience. Otherwise, it may bite painfully.

    Hamsters need a durable wire cage, equipped with a wheel, a house, and tunnels. They are unpretentious in food. It is recommended to give them seeds, peas, oats, rye, and wheat. Among succulent foods, the animals prefer carrots, cucumbers, cabbage (not white cabbage), celery, beets, apples, and corn. Hamsters are very shy, so it is forbidden to shout or talk loudly near the cage. The average lifespan of this small rodent is 2–3 years.


    Decorative mice adapt quicklyto new living conditions, unpretentious in maintenance and care. Most often, these representatives of rodents are nocturnal. They calmly go into the arms of their owner. Mice should be kept in a metal cage, because they chew through wooden housing. The bottom is covered with paper or shavings. The home is also equipped with various toys - ladders, branches, pots, running rings. Decorative mice live in groups and, without communication, withdraw into themselves and may even die from boredom.

    Rodents should be fed:

    • grain;
    • corn;
    • barley;
    • oats

    It is recommended to give them dry food. Since mice have a very high metabolism, you need to constantly monitor the fullness of the feeder. To avoid problems with teeth, it is recommended to provide them with branches of fruit trees, on which they will grind down their incisors. The lifespan of mice is from 2up to 5 years.


    Ornamental rats are small animals with a longer nose than mice. They are smart, sociable, and easily make contact with people. You can't leave them alone, as they will get bored. For the animals, they purchase a low, long cage (from 60 cm in length), in which ladders, ropes, and hammocks are placed, since they love this kind of obstacle.

    Rats are omnivores and eat food of animal and plant origin.

    Can be given to rodents:

    • boiled chicken bones;
    • persimmon;
    • cucumbers;
    • carrot;
    • apples;
    • grain mixture for rats;
    • yogurt;
    • Super premium dog food.

    You should not place the cage in a draft, because rodents often suffer from colds. Rats live very short lives - only 3 years.

    Guinea pigs

    Guinea pigs are also suitable for home keeping. The animals received this name due to the fact that they were brought from America, and also due to the sound they make, similar to grunting. They are also known as Guinea pig, cavy or kewi.

    Guinea pigs can become attached to their owner and enjoy interacting with him. The popularity of this animal is due to its unpretentiousness, attractive appearance, good-natured character and peaceful temperament.

    Due to improper diet, guinea pigs often get sick and even die. They mainly feed on hay. The rest of the diet is grain mixtures sold at the pet store. Vegetables and fresh herbs will also work. Water should always be freely available.

    The following herbs are suitable for guinea pigs:

    • clover;
    • wheatgrass;
    • mallow;
    • plantain;
    • dandelion leaves;
    • yarrow;
    • shepherd's purse;
    • sedge;
    • nettle.

    For coarse fibers, animals are given tomatoes, different varieties of cabbage, hay, apples, beets, turnips, dandelions, bran moistened with water, cereals, seeds, potatoes, parsley, broccoli, and lettuce. It is forbidden to feed the animal stale or expired food, moldy foods, unripe or rotten fruits or vegetables. With proper care, pigs live 8–9 years.


    The squirrel is a small forest animal, nimble and easy to climb. It weighs about 25 kg, and its body length reaches 20–28 cm. The tail is the longest part and is equal to a third of the entire body. The rodent needs to be trained immediately after it adapts to new conditions. It is necessary to feed him by hand as often as possible and try to ensure that he makes contact with a person. Squirrels have a short memory and without constant communication they quickly run wild.

    Since these are active animals, a good option for them would be a high enclosure with a height of at least a meter, and its width and length should be 50 cm. A birdhouse or nest, several branches, shelves and planks are placed in it.

    The enclosure should be cleaned once a week. The drinking bowl and feeder are washed once a day. The squirrel must be fed fresh and dried mushrooms, pine nuts, hazelnuts, acorns, beetles and various insects. They are also given spruce or pine cones with seeds, aspen or willow catkins, and young birch leaves. If well cared for, squirrels can live up to 15 years.


    Chipmunks adapt well to life in captivity. They are easy to care for and not picky about food. The animals do not get along with each other, so they must be kept in an individual cage. It’s easy to tame them: you should constantly give them treats from your hands, they will remember that a person is not dangerous to them, but is a source of food.

    Choose a spacious cage for a chipmunk. The bottom is covered with any organic matter. These pets are very clean, so the cage and all its components should be cleaned, washed or changed regularly. The peculiarity of the animals is that they themselves choose a place for the toilet and do not relieve themselves anywhere else.

    The chipmunk is fed cereals, sunflower seeds, cereals, and thick porridges. You can give them fruits, berries, sugar, and cookies as treats. Solid food is alternated with soft food. You can also purchase special balanced food for chipmunks.

    You are allowed to let the animal roam around the house, observing it. Be sure to close all windows and doors before doing this so that he does not escape. The lifespan of a chipmunk is 10 years.


    Degus are small animals that look like a rat or a jerboa. Other common names for the animal include Chilean squirrel and bush rat. It is distinguished by its high activity, but is not the most demanding in terms of content.

    Degus love to live in spacious cages. The aviary should have enough space for research. A house and several shelters in the form of burrows are installed inside it (you can use old clay pots for this). The cage should have shelves located at different levels. Be sure to provide bowls, drinking bowls, a bath with sand for bathing, and lay bedding. You also need a running wheel and a strong block for grinding down teeth.

    The degu diet includes:

    • hay;
    • lettuce, plantain;
    • leaves, bark and branches of linden, pear, willow, apple tree;
    • flowers and leaves of dandelion and clover;
    • alfalfa;
    • grain mixture (cereals, oats, millet, barley, wheat);
    • dried fruits (pears, apples).

    Degus should not be bathed in water, but in sand. To do this, purchase a special bath and pour fine clean sand and 1 tsp into it. talc. Such bathing degreases the coat, which is very important for the health of the animal. In captivity, degus live 6-8 years.

    Large rodents

    Large pet rodents are also popular.

    Many of them are undemanding in maintenance and care.


    Chinchillas are rodents with very soft and beautiful fur. They are distinguished by their cleanliness, timidity, and nocturnal lifestyle. They make high demands on their content. The animal should only be in a cage, since any exit from it is a great stress for the animal.

    A chinchilla's home should be spacious and comfortable. The higher it is, the better. Rodents love to jump and climb on bars. The cage must be equipped with at least two shelves. It is also equipped with a drinking bowl, a feeder, a house, a hole, branches and stones, and a stone for pointing teeth.

    Chinchillas are herbivores. At home, their diet should consist of dry grass, tree bark, hay, and cereals. It is forbidden to give raw food to animals. Leaves, branches, fruits and berries must be dried.

    Once a week the animal is bathed in sand. To do this, you can purchase volcanic dust or special sand for chinchillas. It is prohibited to wet the fur. It takes a long time to dry, which can cause your pet to catch a cold. The lifespan of chinchillas is about 20 years.


    Nutria resemble beavers in appearance and are usually bred for their fur and meat, but they can also serve as pets. Without taking into account the tail, these rodents reach a length of 60 cm, and their weight ranges from 5 to 12 kg.

    Nutria is a school animal and therefore needs company. She quickly gets used to people and has an affectionate character. When kept at home, animals need a cage with a ratio of at least 80x60x50 cm. It should contain a sleeping place, feeders, and toys. A tray or tray is placed directly under the cage.

    Nutria can be given granulated feed; their diet must include fruits and vegetables. Animals like bread crackers, but you should not give them fresh bread. Rodents are prone to obesity, so it is forbidden to feed them baked goods and other food from the table.

    The pet needs to be provided with regular water treatments, since in nature nutrias settle near bodies of water. It is better to bathe the animal daily. To do this, you need to pour a full bath of cold water so that the rodent can swim freely in it. At home, nutria can live up to 12 years.


    At home they also keep such nimble predators as ferrets (ferrets). The animal's body length can reach 60 cm excluding the tail, and its weight can range from 1 to 2.5 kg.

    These rodents are very active, they like to explore secluded places, run and hide. For this reason, they must be closely monitored when walking around the apartment, and put on a leash when outside. Ferrets are curious and playful pets that enjoy spending time with their owners. They can also be stubborn.

    The basis of ferret nutrition is meat in the form of boiled and raw chicken, turkey, and offal. From time to time they can be given boneless sea fish, lean beef or lamb. About 15% of the diet should consist of porridge, eggs, and cottage cheese. You can give your pet specialized food for ferrets.

    Animals should be bathed once every 1-2 weeks. Ferrets live at home for 6-10 years.

“Buy a dog!” - the child begs. He promises to always, always obey, not bite his nails, clean up his toys, and study well at the same time. You are a reasonable person, so you don’t believe a single word. But month after month passes, and the pressure does not weaken. “Well, let’s buy someone already!” – one of the adult family members finally gives in. Although we are still not talking about a dog - there is too much fuss. Then the main dog substitutes come to the rescue - pets, size XS. Choose together with your child!

Chinese, Djungarian, Syrian - there are all sorts of hamsters. But they need almost the same conditions and food.

These cheekies are very independent. They like a separate living space, so that there are no neighbors. An uninvited guest, placed by the owner “so that the little one wouldn’t be bored,” can be chewed to death by the toothy little one. Well, or vice versa, the newcomer will finish off his new friend. Do you need it? But the feeling of loneliness is also not good for the hamster. That is, the cage must be spacious, but in moderation, otherwise the poor thing will get lost in it.

How long do they live: about two to three years, some centenarians up to five.

What they eat: mainly grains (special mixtures are sold in pet stores), lettuce, vegetables and fruits. They eat carrots, beets, pears, apples, but cabbage and potatoes are harmful to them. Hamsters also need protein - meat, cottage cheese, but not more than twice a week. Offer your hamster a twig of linden or birch, and he will understand you correctly - he needs to grind his teeth.

Attention! Do not bathe your baby in water, he may catch a cold. Place a plastic box with sand in the cage where your pet will clean its fur.

Guinea pigs

The ancient Incas were pragmatic people and tamed these rodents not for the sake of a pretty face, but to eat them. Well, and also sacrifice to the gods. You can still find guinea pig dishes in restaurants in Peru and Ecuador. True, the animal received this name only in our country. They nicknamed him Pig because he can squeal as well as a pig. And since it was brought to Europe, and then to Russia from South America, the Russians began to call it overseas, or sea. Pigs come in different breeds - long-haired, completely hairless, similar to Sphynx cats, and wire-haired.

Your pet prefers to live in a cage with a plastic tray, which needs to be cleaned regularly.

How long do they live: with good care 5-10 years.

What they eat: Guinea pigs need a lot of hay, greens and vegetables. They also eat grain mixtures from pet stores. There is no need to give the animals milk or cottage cheese - they are lactose intolerant. Meat will also give them nothing but an upset stomach.

Attention! Don't stop pigs from eating their droppings. Vitamins of groups B and K are absorbed only after passing through the stomach again. So if you find it unpleasant to watch, turn away.


This animal came to us from Chile; it cannot stand the cold. The ideal temperature for him is +25C, and make sure that the cage is not in a draft. Moreover, if he lives in it alone, he will soon become sad and wither - these animals love communication, they need company.

How long do they live: 5 years.

What they eat: Never give degus food for other rodents. As a last resort, for chinchillas, but the most proper nutrition for degus is special food sold in pet stores. Also, the animal must be given hay and greens. Keep in mind that all degus are prone to diabetes due to problems absorbing sugar. Under no circumstances give the animal sweets or even fruits! Treats for degus: chokeberries, blueberries, cranberries.

Attention! Degus love the smell of cigarettes, so when you let the animal out for a walk, make sure that it doesn’t get to the pack.


These fluffies look like both a squirrel and a rabbit. They have thick, beautiful fur, and to keep it that way, the animal needs to bathe in the sand. His large cage should also contain a special hard stone for grinding teeth and wooden sticks.

How long do they live: about 10-15 years, some up to 20.

What they eat: granulate, hay, fruit, bread crusts. In winter, you can give them dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, prunes).

Attention! It is better not to walk with chinchillas on the street, where they can easily pick up some kind of infection. Maximum - balcony or loggia. The animals also shed a lot, the whole room will be covered in fur, and are susceptible to the harmful effects of Wi-Fi (they say they even die).

It doesn't matter what breed of rabbit you prefer - a fold-eared ram or an Angora, or maybe a lion's head. Recommendations for care are almost the same: if it’s a cage, then a very spacious one, or better yet, a whole room; if you go for a walk, then use a harness and leash.

How long do they live: 5-7 years.

What they eat: rabbit diet - hay, special grain mixtures, lettuce, cucumbers, carrots. In spring, include dandelion leaves in your diet. Make sure that no leaves of other grass get into the bouquet for the eared one, otherwise it will be poisoned. Rabbits should not be given cabbage or nuts.

Attention! Rabbits do not like to be petted under the chin - they immediately begin to bite.


Many years ago, in the homes of Italy and Spain, ferrets were adopted instead of cats; they even went rabbit hunting with them. If you decide to buy such a cute little animal, keep in mind that this is a burrowing animal that constantly tries to crawl into any crevice, or, even better, to get stuck in it. Puppies are terribly curious and try to taste everything. And it doesn’t matter to him that you haven’t even opened this mascara yet, and the owner of the house hasn’t had time to print out this latest magazine. And don’t forget to hide the wires, otherwise you will be left without a computer and TV.

The ferret cannot sit in a cage all the time; he needs to move around the entire apartment or at least one room. But the animal will still need a house for shelter. Just like the toilet tray, which he needs to be accustomed to from childhood.

You can bathe your ferret, but not more than once or twice a month.

How long do they live: on average 8-10 years.

What they eat: Ferrets are predators, so the basis of their diet is meat (mainly boiled chicken or turkey, pork and lamb are prohibited). You also need to give vegetables, sometimes cottage cheese, excluding all salty, sweet and milk. The animal will be extremely grateful to you if you treat it with a ferret treat: a frog or worms. Om-Nom-nom!

Attention! Never leave your ferret under air conditioning or in a car in the sun - they cannot tolerate either hypothermia or overheating.

Alexandra Ulyanova

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2024 Cats and dogs. Small animals. Health. Medicine.