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Breathing exercises help not only to lose weight without dieting and exercise, but also to slow down the aging process. Choose one of five effective programs and get your perfect figure in just 15 minutes a day!

Excess weight is a disruption to the functioning of the entire body. For the weight loss process to be effective and harmonious, you need an integrated approach to its restoration. Typically, this requires following balanced diet and provide the body with sufficient physical activity. However, many who want to lose extra pounds cannot always restrict themselves too much in diet or exercise - for good reasons or due to a lack of willpower. In addition, exhausting diets or workouts often have little effect, and visible success becomes noticeable only after a few months. Therefore, many people who lose weight give up the fight halfway through, having lost faith in their success. A way out of this situation could be breathing exercises for weight loss. Unlike physical exercise, it allows you to see positive results after just a few workouts, and without strict dietary restrictions.


The effectiveness of breathing practices has been proven over time and big amount real examples: thanks to such activities, thousands of people of different ages became slimmer and improved their health. Techniques correct breathing contribute to the activation of many processes important for weight loss:

  • dulling the feeling of hunger;
  • improving digestion;
  • breakdown of fat deposits;
  • increasing vigor;
  • strengthening the immune system.

Just 15 minutes of regular breathing exercises a day can speed up the loss of extra pounds many times over and ensure that you maintain a stable weight for a long time.

How it works

The amount of oxygen entering the blood depends on the quality of breathing. Its increase has a beneficial effect on major systems, including:

  • digestive – metabolic processes are activated;
  • excretory – toxic substances are removed;
  • endocrine, nervous – relieves stress and tension.

Breathing exercises are the only weight loss option that helps not only reduce total body weight, but also local reduction of problem areas, which cannot be achieved by any other natural methods.

Effect on digestion

Sustained weight loss or the appearance of new fat deposits is directly dependent on the rate of processing of incoming food into useful energy. Oxygen provides absorption nutrients intestines, so its insufficient intake during so-called “shallow” breathing significantly slows down metabolism and the breakdown of fats.

The breathing technique is especially useful in this regard for women 40 years of age and older, when unpleasant hormonal changes in the body begin to occur, as a result of which metabolism deteriorates and excess weight appears, usually in the abdomen or other problem areas. At this age, even diets with training are often powerless. But special breathing techniques that ensure sufficient oxygen saturation of the blood can slow down age-related changes, preventing the appearance of extra pounds. In fact, such a system is indispensable for quickly losing belly fat at any age. With regular training or dieting, it is these fat deposits that are the most difficult to break down, while special breathing techniques allow you to get rid of them first.

Cleansing the body

Breathing exercises promote the active removal of harmful substances accumulated in fat cells. About 70% of these toxins can be converted into a gaseous state and then simply exhaled through proper breathing. Oxygen also oxidizes fat deposits, promoting faster destruction of fat cells, which leads to weight loss with a decrease in the volume of all problem areas.

Relief from stress and overeating

Another useful action breathing practice – reducing the level of stress hormones in the blood. Thanks to this effect, it is possible to eliminate one of the main causes overweight body associated with the habit of “eating” stress.

Any breathing exercises for quick weight loss are based on one principle: a specially designed inhalation-exhalation pattern promotes the intake of more oxygen than during normal breathing, and the exercises performed ensure its flow to problem areas and the activation of all fat-burning processes in the body.

To obtain the above results, you just need to start breathing correctly, combining special breathing techniques with simple training. Such training does not involve much effort and does not require much time to practice, but must be carried out in strict compliance with all requirements.

Proper weight loss with breathing exercises

For classes to be effective and bring real benefits, any such technique requires compliance with three basic rules:

  • training should be regular, and the decisive role is played not by intensity, but by consistency;
  • you should not combine exercises with a very strict diet, it is enough to switch to proper nutrition, since such training consumes a huge amount of energy, which must be replenished;
  • You only need to practice on an empty stomach (with the exception of the oxysize technique), the best time for this is the morning, immediately after waking up or at any other time - three hours after eating.

How to do breathing and physical exercise correctly and how to combine them with each other is described differently in each technique. At the same time, there are many nuances, the accuracy of which determines the effectiveness of the final result.


There are several main varieties breathing techniques, most of which are an independent treatment and preventive program that goes well with other activities aimed at losing weight. Breathing exercises are also often part of health practices, such as yoga.

The most common types of such techniques include:

  • oxysize;
  • Strelnikova;
  • jianfei;
  • Qigong.

In addition, there is a separate breathing exercise for quickly losing belly fat, which is most popular among overweight people, as it helps reduce the most problematic area and very quickly gives visible results.

Breathing exercises for the abdomen

This technique differs from all others in that the set of exercises, which is carried out in combination with proper breathing, is aimed at training not the whole body, but only the abs and waist. Although this happens positive influence throughout the body, since oxygen activates all processes necessary for its life.

Universal technique

Before practicing this system, you should master a special technique of diaphragmatic breathing, learning how to:

  • take a quick breath through your nose;
  • exhale slowly through your mouth for six counts.

Another important condition for such exercises is strong tension in the abdominal muscles with each exhalation and relaxation as you inhale.

For women 40 years and older

A special breathing system for middle-aged or older women helps remove fat deposits on the abdomen, which greatly spoil the figure. The complex consists of 4 exercises and is performed like morning exercises for 15 minutes. You need to breathe as follows:

  • inhale slowly through your nose, exhale slowly through your mouth;
  • inhale slowly through your nose, exhale with two sharp exhalations through your nose;
  • inhale slowly through your nose, exhale slowly through your nose, then take two sharp breaths;
  • slowly inhale through your nose, exhale a little through your nose, and finish exhaling through your mouth.

With each inhalation, you need to draw in your stomach as much as possible, and with each exhalation, relax and protrude. All exercises are repeated three times in a row, and then in a circle.

Performing these exercises daily helps to quickly normalize your abs, tighten your stomach, and reduce your waist. However, a more effective exercise for losing weight would be not for individual muscles, but for the whole body in a comprehensive manner. Therefore, it is better to pay attention to one of the most famous breathing practices in the world - bodyflex. This unique system was developed by a 53-year-old mother of three children, who was able to use it to move from clothing size 56 to 44.


The bodyflex program is based on a combination of aerobic breathing and special exercises and poses. The exercises are performed at a slow pace, but at the same time they provide a load several times higher than strength exercises.

Features of the technique

Bodyflex, like most similar programs, also involves breathing from the diaphragm, but its peculiarity is that when performing some exercises you need to make quite loud sounds. In this case, inhalation is always done through the nose, exhalation through the mouth. One breathing exercise lasts 22 seconds, but you don’t need to count them - if done correctly, everything will work out by itself.

The breathing pattern is as follows:

  • exhale all the air, then exhale the rest of it, slightly rounding and stretching your lips forward;
  • take a quick, sharp, deep breath, as if after a long lack of air;
  • hold your breath for 3 seconds;
  • exhale sharply as follows: open your mouth strongly, tense the diaphragm and abdominal muscles, exhale explosively with the sound “p-a-h-h”;
  • hold your breath as much as possible (recommended for eight counts), drawing in your stomach as much as possible;
  • take a deep breath, relaxing all the muscles to make the sound “s-sh-sh”.

Even one such activity promotes an increased supply of oxygen, which activates the breakdown of fats, elevates mood, improves well-being, and fills the body with energy.

Simultaneously with breathing, physical exercises are performed in bodyflex, which are divided into three types:

  • isometric, working with one muscle group;
  • isotonic, forcing several muscle groups to work;
  • stretching, aimed at developing elasticity.

It is thanks to this an integrated approach ensures quick visible results.

Training results

A large amount of oxygen entering the blood during aerobic respiration, helps to activate processes important for weight loss:

  • metabolism accelerates, digestion improves;
  • lymph flow increases, which improves the removal of harmful substances;
  • the intensity of contraction of the stomach increases, helping to reduce its volume;
  • The breakdown of fat is activated, due to which the subcutaneous fat layer disappears.

As a result of regular training, the following is observed:

  • reduction in volumes;
  • elimination of cellulite;
  • getting rid of psycho-emotional stress, improving mood;
  • improvement of skin condition;
  • normalization of the work of all systems, organs, processes;
  • general health, body rejuvenation;
  • gaining flexibility, elegance, grace.

This technique does not require much time, is suitable for all ages and provides a quick visible effect - in one week you can get rid of 5-10 cm in volume.

Just one hour of bodyflex allows you to burn 3500 kcal, while with the same duration of time you burn 150 kcal, aerobics - 250 kcal, running - 700 kcal.

The uniqueness of the bodyflex system is manifested in the fact that it simultaneously reduces overall volumes while correcting specific problem areas. However, such a high load is not suitable for every body, so you need to approach it with caution, taking into account contraindications and possible consequences.


It is prohibited to practice bodyflex if you have:

  • serious cardiovascular diseases;
  • high blood pressure;
  • problems with the spine (postoperative period, presence of implants);
  • acute inflammatory or infectious processes;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • tumor neoplasms;
  • any bleeding;
  • pregnancy.

Another limitation is that you cannot perform bodyflex breathing exercises on a full stomach, otherwise nausea or vomiting may occur. You only need to exercise on an empty stomach, it is best if it is in the morning immediately after waking up, or later, but three hours after eating. Training should be carried out on fresh air or in a well-ventilated room. You should also not start classes without first mastering breathing techniques, which usually takes about 4 weeks of daily training.

If the bodyflex system does not suit some parameters or seems too rigid, you can pay attention to another technique - oxysize. The weight loss mechanism here is the same, but is based on a softer breathing system without sharp exhalations, so such breathing exercises are suitable for absolutely everyone.


Oxysize is an innovative weight loss program by American Jill Johnson, very similar to the bodyflex technique, but with some differences. The main advantages are that this program has absolutely no contraindications, and classes can be carried out even after meals. On the other hand, such a system is suitable only for those who are overweight due to excess fat deposits. If you need to get rid of muscle mass, oxysize will not bring significant benefits.

Features of the technique

This technique is based on a combination of continuous diaphragmatic breathing with a certain load on specific muscles. Its main feature is the breathing cycle for one exercise, which is performed according to a special scheme:

  • one breath;
  • three breaths;
  • one exhale;
  • three breaths.

Unlike bodyflex exercises, exercises are performed with constant breathing without delays and without sharp retraction of the abdomen under the ribs, which makes this technique less stressful for the body.

Training results

Oxysize primarily fights excess volume, practically without reducing weight, since it eliminates only fat, which has a small mass. But if you follow proper nutrition during exercise, you can simultaneously get rid of extra pounds. The author of this program recommends four meals a day with a predominance of natural products and avoiding all junk food. At the same time, you cannot reduce the calorie content of your diet too much - it should be 1500-1700 calories.

Since this oxygen technique works more to burn fat, the greatest effectiveness can be achieved in the fight against cellulite and reducing problem areas - the abdomen, arms, thighs, where the most deposits usually appear. If you need to remove not only fat, but also become more graceful by reducing muscle volume, Strelnikova’s weight loss system is more suitable.

Breathing exercises by Strelnikova

The technique of proper breathing, developed by Alexandra Strelnikova, was originally intended for the treatment of the respiratory system. But, since a significant decrease in body volume was noticed with regular exercise, this system began to be used for the purpose of losing weight.

Features of the technique

Strelnikova’s breathing exercises are considered “paradoxical”, since they involve a large number of fast movements, after which inhalations are performed with a non-expanding chest. To achieve a positive weight loss result using this program, several important rules must be followed:

  • the basis of the exercise is inhalation - it should be sharp, noisy, reminiscent of sniffing;
  • exhalation follows each inhalation - it should be absolutely natural without holding or pushing out air;
  • all movements are performed while inhaling at the pace of a marching step;
  • the number of approaches and breaths should be increased gradually, while the number of approaches should always remain a multiple of 4, the number of breaths – 8;
  • break between approaches – 3-5 seconds.

Regularly performing such exercises leads to an increase in lung volume, develops the habit of breathing correctly, and maintains an accelerated metabolism in the future.

Training results

The effectiveness of Strelnikova’s system is based on accelerating metabolism, which is achieved due to the fact that air, with short and sharp breaths, penetrates as deeply as possible into the lungs and supplies a large amount of oxygen to the blood. Thanks to this, a number of processes are launched:

  • blood supply and lymph flow improves;
  • metabolism is activated;
  • a significant amount of internal energy is consumed;
  • subcutaneous fat is broken down, providing this energy;
  • neuropsychic disorders are eliminated;
  • increases tone, improves mood;
  • local congestion is relieved.

Thanks to these actions, the weight does not return, and the acquired slimness is not lost over time. In addition, Strelnikova’s system helps not only to lose weight, but also to improve health, strengthen the body, and prevent the development of many diseases. However, before you start exercising, you should make sure there are contraindications.


It is believed that the Strelnikova system is suitable for everyone and has no contraindications. But practicing this method is not recommended in the following cases:

  • acute conditions with fever;
  • severe disturbances in the functioning of organs or systems;
  • acute thrombophlebitis.

In addition, this system should not be treated as the only method of getting rid of excess weight. It will only work simultaneously with proper nutrition and physical activity. In order to lose weight without dieting or exercising, the Chinese Jianfei method is better suited. According to Rose Yu Bin, who first presented this system in Russia, in 2 months she got rid of 10 kg, without doing anything for this except breathing exercises.

Chinese gymnastics jianfei

The principle of losing weight with jianfei is based on the fact that such exercises help dull appetite and significantly reduce the amount of food consumed. This type of respiratory system is also based on diaphragmatic (abdominal) breathing, but with the simultaneous performance of only three simple posture exercises.

Features of the technique

The practice of proper breathing according to the Jianfei method can radically change not only the figure, but even the inner world of a person. Before doing such exercises, you need to clear your mind by focusing on your goal.

While many diets do not always give the expected weight loss, and are often even harmful to health, Chinese Jianfei gymnastics is not only effective and safe, but even necessary for a person. When it is performed, the body’s own forces are activated and its self-healing processes are activated.

The technique is a sequential combination of “upper” and “lower” breathing, while the inhalation-exhalation technique is separate for each exercise:

  • “wave” - a deep slow inhalation with the abdomen drawn in and the chest raised, then a second delay and the same exhalation with the stomach protruded and the chest drawn in;
  • “frog” - alternating inhalations and exhalations through the mouth and nose, holding the breath for 3-5 seconds and completely filling the abdomen with air;
  • “lotus” - you need to breathe in three stages: for the first five minutes, control the inhalation and exhalation, doing them deeply, slowly, without raising the stomach and chest; then five minutes - a natural uncontrolled inhalation, then the same deep, long, relaxing exhalation as in the first stage; Finally, ten minutes of simply breathing naturally, without paying attention to depth and rhythm.

By doing just three of these exercises, you can achieve significant weight loss and overall health. Moreover, each of them has its own directional effect:

  • “wave” reduces appetite, eliminates the feeling of hunger, promotes faster satiety, it can be performed before or instead of meals;
  • “frog” normalizes blood circulation, accelerates metabolism, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • “Lotus” eliminates fatigue, calms, and gives energy.

You can perform the entire complex at once or each exercise separately with different frequencies depending on the needs of the body or the presence of specific problems.

Training results

Jianfei gymnastics helps saturate all organs with oxygen, which contributes to:

  • improving metabolism;
  • normalization of water-salt balance;
  • restoration of tissue gas exchange;
  • strengthening and healing the body.

In addition to eliminating hunger, jianfei training relieves fatigue and tension, and normalizes important processes in the body. Thanks to this, a person gets rid of extra pounds gradually, without harm to health.

The result of losing weight using this system depends on compliance with the recommended rules and systematic exercise. If you do everything correctly, weight loss will begin literally from the second day, and after 3 months you can get rid of 8-12 kilograms.


Of the three indicated exercises, only the “frog” has contraindications - it is not recommended to do it:

  • during pregnancy;
  • for diseases of the spine;
  • in the postoperative period;
  • with a tendency to internal bleeding.

The “wave” and “frog” exercises should be performed on an empty stomach. “Lotus” is only a meditation pose that does not require any effort, so it has no restrictions. The result on such a system is achieved consistently, but rather slowly. For accelerated weight loss, but no less beneficial, the ancient Chinese practice of qigong is more suitable.


Qigong is a system of traditional exercises that emerged from Taoist psychopractices aimed at healing the soul and body. It includes a whole range of different techniques, of which a combination of a special diet and a special breathing technique is used to lose weight.

Features of the technique

Qigong breathing exercises are part of health practice and are based on a combination of a special breathing technique with a healthy diet. The diet requires adherence to several principles:

  • harmony of all tastes: salty, sweet, bitter, sour, spicy;
  • refusal of meat;
  • no overeating;
  • dinner 4 hours before bedtime.

No more restrictions, everything else is according to the rules balanced nutrition. But it is extremely important to perform breathing exercises correctly while normalizing your diet.

At its core, qigong is not so much gymnastics as working with Qi energy, the free flow of which ensures the health of the body. A feature of such a system is the presence of a large number of types of breathing, the main of which are:

  • natural – shallow, free, soft, long;
  • direct abdominal – carried out using the abdomen: protrusion as you inhale, retraction as you exhale;
  • reverse abdominal - the opposite of direct: retraction on inhalation, protrusion on exhalation;
  • with delays - after inhalation or exhalation of varying durations;
  • latent – ​​thread-like, almost invisible to others.

All these types of breathing can be combined with each other, forming other varieties.

In addition, there are many exercises in qigong, which are divided into three categories:

  • static;
  • dynamic;
  • on balance and coordination.

They are not executed all at once. The main thing here is to carefully practice one movement and only after that start another.

Training results

Chinese breathing exercises allow you to control weight without feeling hungry or tired from physical activity. As a result of the lessons:

  • the blood is enriched with oxygen, blood flow improves, which reduces appetite and clears the mind;
  • eliminates stress and tension leading to overeating;
  • the speed of metabolic processes increases;
  • diseases that cause obesity are cured;
  • muscles are strengthened;
  • tissue elasticity increases.

In addition, qigong can be structured in such a way as to get rid of specific problems, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.


It is not recommended to do qigong gymnastics if you are very tired, after insomnia or severe nervous tension. Only a calm state will ensure maximum effect. Immediately before and after exercise, you should not eat anything cold, since it is believed that such food takes energy from the stomach and negates the benefits of any exercise. In addition, there is a whole list of conditions in which qigong practices are contraindicated:

  • general heaviness or weakness;
  • mental disorders;
  • cardiovascular disorders;
  • blood diseases;
  • musculoskeletal problems;
  • severe pathologies of body structure;
  • relapse of chronic diseases;
  • taking potent drugs;
  • postoperative period;
  • severe deviations from normal body temperature;
  • exercising too intensely.

It should be noted that even if there are contraindications, qigong practice can be effective, but it can only be practiced under the guidance of a Master.

In addition, there are other breathing exercises that can be used instead of qigong. You should know that of all the breathing techniques, only the Indian yoga system, the so-called pranayama, is not recommended for women, since it ages the face.

Having decided to lose weight or get healthier with the help of breathing exercises, you need to consciously choose the type that best suits your goals, individual characteristics, needs and problems of the body, taking into account your state of health, character, and lifestyle.

Only with the right approach and strict adherence to all recommendations can you really not only lose weight, but also improve your health.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)

Mar 29 2016


Many people mistakenly think that there are two ways to lose extra pounds: through exercise or by changing your diet. Weight loss is closely related to metabolic rate. Breathing exercises for losing belly fat can help with this. Deep breathing enriches the organs with oxygen, burning fat cells. By performing special exercises in parallel, you will work out problem areas, your waist and stomach will acquire the desired shape.

Types of breathing exercises for losing belly fat

The more developed the lungs, the more intense our breathing, the more adipose tissue is burned, due to the strengthening of oxidative and reduction processes in the body. All breathing exercises not only help to improve your body health, reduce stress, but also help you lose weight. Most of these gymnastics are popular among women due to their ability to provoke weight loss in the abdomen and sides.

Bodyflex exercises

Such gymnastics allows you to lose weight with the help of breathing, due to the active access of oxygen to tissues and internal organs, in combination with various exercises for individual muscle groups. Bodyflex for the abdomen is a breathing technique during which carbon dioxide accumulates in the cells, the arteries dilate, preparing the cells for an active influx of oxygen. The technique must be performed in the morning, after drinking a glass of warm water. After exercise, do not eat for two hours. During training, the following processes occur:

  1. The volume of the stomach decreases.
  2. Fat is burned quickly.
  3. The immune system is maintained normally, because During exercise, the intestines are massaged, which retains up to 90% of beneficial bacteria - regulators of human immunity.

Contraindications to the use of bodyflex practice:

  • headache;
  • nosebleeds;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • heart problems.

Main stages of the breathing program:

  1. Exhale all the air through your mouth.
  2. Inhale sharply through your nose.
  3. Exhale sharply through your mouth.
  4. Hold your breath, straighten your shoulders, exhale through your mouth and inhale through your nose.
  5. After quickly exhaling through your mouth, hold your breath for 10 seconds, while pulling your stomach under your ribs as far as possible.
  6. Repeat 5 times.


This type of breathing exercises has a great effect on the human condition. With the help of qigong, it is possible to learn to control your breathing, body, psyche and consciousness. This program has a large number of application aspects. One of them is balancing metabolic processes in the body and maintaining normal weight. To achieve results, you need to do qigong exercises every day. Here are some exercises for losing weight:

  1. Breathing exercise for the abdomen “Fanning the Fire.” You need to place your palms on your stomach and focus on exhaling air so that your abdominal muscles press against your spine. At this stage, the breath is held for 7 seconds and exhaled sharply. Perform 10 cycles. This is how they massage internal organs, bringing them to a healthy state.
  2. Slow, deep belly breathing can help improve your metabolism and help you lose weight.


An inactive lifestyle and constant lack of time contribute to the accumulation of unattractive fat deposits on the sides. Yoga offers a twenty-minute set of breathing exercises for losing belly fat. These techniques must be done in the morning on an empty stomach, in a sitting position with your legs crossed:

  1. Uddiyana Bandha. Exhale, pull in your stomach and press it under your ribs to create vacuum pressure inside. Hold for as long as you can, then take a smooth breath. Repeat the exercise five times until light sweat appears on your forehead.
  2. Agnisara Dhauti Kriya. Exhale as in the previous exercise, hold for a few seconds and exhale sharply. Repeat inflating and deflating the abdomen 50 times, dividing into two approaches. This exercise helps cleanse the intestines and give you energy.
  3. Nauli (stomach rotation) is done in a standing position. To start this exercise, you need to lean forward, put your hands on your knees, and lower your head down. Exhale and draw in your stomach, tucking it under your ribs. Release the front part of it, feeling the internal muscles, make them rotate, first in one direction, then in the other. This creates a wave. Do this until a rush of heat and light perspiration appears.

According to Strelnikova

The basis of breathing exercises according to A. N. Strelnikova is a short breath that sends air to the entire depth of the lungs. With the help of this system, the diaphragm is trained, as a result - tension in the abdominal muscles. Due to daily training, peristalsis is normalized gastrointestinal tract, appetite decreases and weight loss occurs. Charging technique:

  1. Raise your arms bent at the elbows at shoulder level with your palms forward. Clenching your fingers into a fist, inhale through your nose in short stages, as if you were sniffing the air. As you exhale freely, open your palms. Attention should be concentrated only on inhalation. Its frequency should correspond to about two times per second. One exercise includes 96 breaths.
  2. Place your arms bent at the elbows at waist level, lower them down when straightening, and take a sharp short breath in through your nose. When raising your palms, exhale. Repeat 30 times.


This set of exercises is effective thanks to special breathing exercises. During its execution circulatory system is actively saturated with oxygen, and exercise stress promotes its delivery to problem areas. The result is a reduction in adipose tissue. The advantage of such gymnastics is that it takes only 20 minutes a day to perform it. In a month of daily training, it is possible to reduce your waist size by 10 cm. Basic breathing exercises for quickly losing belly fat:

  1. Inhale calmly through your nose, count to three and exhale in three short stages.
  2. Standing on straight legs, squeeze your gluteal muscles and inhale through your nose, while instructors advise smiling so that more air can enter.
  3. One inhalation through the nose in three stages and a sharp exhalation.
  4. Repeat the complex 10 times.

Holotropic Breathwork

This type of gymnastics is a special set of methods for using unusual states of consciousness. Includes conscious, connected breathing, accompanied by specially selected music. Holotropic practice makes it possible to heal on different levels, including getting rid of obesity and losing weight in the abdominal area. Training Features:

  1. It is not recommended to engage in holotropic practice on your own.
  2. Classes are held in the presence of two trainers, a man and a woman.
  3. Holotropic breathwork is practiced in a group of five or more people.
  4. Lying on the mat, you need to breathe rhythmically, faster than always, accompanied by pleasant ethnic music.
  5. After the process, the group engages in drawing mandalas.

Breathing trainer for weight loss

To learn how to breathe for health benefits, you need to train your diaphragm using a special simulator. This device helped me lose weight a large number of people. To achieve the desired effect in the fight against weight, you need to breathe through this device three times a day for two minutes, always before meals. The breathing simulator not only puts stress on the abdominal muscles, but also teaches proper diaphragmatic breathing.

A story about breathing exercises for losing belly fat. About eastern directions: qigong, Japanese exercises for losing belly fat and Chinese. You will learn what Bodyflex and Oxysize are, and much more. Go!

- Stop it, you damned lizard! - Vanya yelled, straining his diaphragm.

Zmey-Gorynych stopped spitting plasma and stared at him in bewilderment.

“He said it himself: today we will do the “breath of fire,” he recalled.

“I was actually talking about something else,” Ivan admitted...

Hello friends! As long as a person breathes, he lives. No one can live without oxygen important process in our body. This time I will tell you about breathing exercises for losing belly fat, and I will share useful ideas on how to make your life easier by working with your head.

The tale of “porridge from an axe” and other little tricks

Wise people say that the diaphragm (the muscular partition between the chest and abdominal cavities) is the most important respiratory organ. And that's true! She must certainly participate in this process. And do it fully, and not flutter like a rag in the wind.

I'll start right away with useful exercises, which develop diaphragmatic breathing, are available at home, and are sure to be beneficial for weight loss.

  1. Marina Korpan offers Bodyflex. The basis of this method of losing weight is breathing exercises and muscle stretching. The technique is as follows:

  • as you exhale, draw in the abdominal wall as much as possible;
  • hold the air for eight seconds;
  • while inhaling, we protrude our belly to the limit;
  • exhale through your mouth;
  • bend over, pulling up;
  • repeat from the beginning.

Example of one Bodyflex cycle:

  • lay down on your back;
  • did a breathing exercise;
  • after exhaling, tear off the upper part of the body from the floor and hold for ten seconds;
  • stretched your arms forward, springing your body;
  • while exhaling, sank to the floor;
  • we did everything from the beginning.

This is not a bad load on the abs. The author also advises eating as little as possible and training your body to be “full,” even if it is hungry.

Korpan also offers an express method, composed of its own techniques.

  1. American Pam Grout suggested doing the following:

  • one-two-three-four - inhaled through the nose, inflating the belly;
  • on five counts - keep the air inside;
  • at eight similar intervals - slowly let go of ourselves;
  • repeated several more times in a row.

It's called Queen of the Beach. They say that the author has lost weight. Of course, with such exercises it is mandatory. If you eat everything in a row, no methods will help.

  1. Oxysize is similar to bodyflex, but you don’t need to hold your breath. But it is recommended for all exercises.

When engaging in this type of training, you need to give up fatty and spicy foods, as well as fried foods, and eat food enriched with vitamins at least 4 times a day. It is clear that with such a restriction, the metabolism will stabilize and the excess will begin to disappear.

  1. Strelnikova’s method, tested and popular among doctors, was developed to combat colds and general tone. And although the original method does not say a word about losing weight, this type is useful for general stimulation of the body.

Techniques include squats, turns and bends, during which the diaphragm begins to work hard. In combination with other types of gymnastics and avoidance of excesses this method will give excellent results. Reviews from specialists and patients are evidence of this.

You can download Strelnikova’s complex in pictures, or use the video below:

Breathing exercises for losing belly fat: eastern directions

  1. Japanese exercises with a roller.

  • Ventilation of the lungs is done when you lie with a rolled up towel or other device placed under your back, at the level of the navel. This is a very good activity for the back and arms.
  1. Qigong is an ancient gymnastics that combines breathing techniques and:

  • stretch marks;
  • holding the body in a static position;
  • hangs;
  • pull-ups.

In this case, techniques with “deep” breathing are required, when the press is included in the process.

To achieve overall harmony, everything is done to smooth, calm and pleasant music.

Well-known techniques include:

  • “Breath of Fire”, which is based on deep exhalations with retraction of the abdominal wall, and passive inhalations;
  • Slow and deep breathing with even inhalations and exhalations.

Air, as in all other types of activities, is drawn in only through the nose.

  1. Another type of Chinese gymnastics is jianfei. It uses three techniques:

  • “wave” - inhale through the chest (suck in the stomach), exhale (pull in the chest), performed while lying down;
  • “frog” - sitting, elbows on knees, hands clasped, forehead resting on this “lock” - smile, put our thoughts in order and breathe, following the instructions, relaxing either the stomach or the chest;
  • “lotus” - we sat in the “buddha pose”, and saturated ourselves with oxygen, relaxing and without thinking, easily and smoothly.

As with any other activity, don’t forget about high-quality and healthy food. And for complete relaxation and combat, you can drink special tea: ginger, lemon and honey - classic combination East.

The nonsense is funny and not very

  1. Babies breathe through their tummy not because “it’s more correct,” but because for 9 months in the womb they received oxygen through the umbilical cord. The lungs didn't work. It takes time for this organ to begin to function well. Kids are forced to help with their poorly developed diaphragm.
  1. Abdominal breathing alone will not help you lose weight. Opera vocalists sing with their bellies; they have a highly developed abdominal type, but at the same time they are often plump and even fat.
  1. Men are more accustomed to working with their abs because they are adapted to stress. Start exercising and your stomach will begin to “breathe”, whether you want it or not. But this does not mean that one of the two methods is more correct.
  1. It’s not inhaling and exhaling that will relieve the “feeling of hunger,” but...

There are breathing exercises for losing weight in the abdomen and in general for the whole body. It's called bodyflex. The whole point of Bodyflex exercises is to saturate the cells with oxygen, which gives us energy, activates all processes, including memory, attention, digestion, blood circulation and of course.

My dears, hello, Svetlana Morozova is with you again. Of course, not everything is so simple here, you say. But let's take a look.

Friends, read the article further, there will be a lot of interesting things in it! And anyone who wants to: restore their health, get rid of chronic ailments, start eating properly and much more, starting from today, go to this and get FREE video lessons from which you will learn:
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  • Why is cholesterol necessary?
  • Causes of sclerosis.
  • Is there an ideal protein for humans?
  • Is vegetarianism acceptable?

New generation gymnastics

I like the new ones promising directions. Almost the same as the people's councils, proven by generations. In fact, all innovations are based on the well-forgotten old. I'll explain now.

Bodyflex - this method of slimness and health was created and developed in the eighties of the last century by an American resident Greer Childress. And the basics were not taken out of thin air: Grieg practiced yoga for a long time and persistently and actively studied everything that happens in our body: all its processes, reactions.

I didn’t just scroll through the Internet, but meticulously interviewed doctors, collected data, consulted with specialists, tried it on myself, friends, and relatives. And as a result, the Idea was born. From the age-old foundations of yoga and medical data.

In 3 months, the creator of the method lost everything she had gained after three births. Clothing size 54 before, and 42 after. Agree, the result is impressive. Very much.

What is Bodyflex? Let's break it down into its components.

Breathing exercises for losing belly fat

The basis, breathing must occur in a special way: deeply, using the diaphragm, in a special order. Therefore, initially, before starting this system, it is necessary to learn the basics of diaphragmatic breathing:

  • Take a deep sharp breath through the nose, during which we must fill the stomach and lungs as completely as possible.
  • Smooth long exhalation through the mouth, we must, like you, squeeze the air out of ourselves, pulling the stomach towards the spine as far as possible.
  • A pause of up to 10 seconds, during which we try to pull the stomach as much as possible under the ribs to form a “cup,” as they say.
  • Normal inhalation and exhalation.

That is, it turns out that carbon dioxide While holding our breath, we shake the body, awaken the cells, and prepare them to receive an increased portion of oxygen.

And by the way. Helps (note for addicts).

Breathing exercises for losing belly fat: training

So we returned to the forgotten old. Because all the exercises here are poses (asanas) from yoga, only simplified and accelerated. Therefore, it turns out that Bodyflex is essentially an express yoga technique.

All exercises were initially chosen not for the sake of, but for general muscle tone. Losing weight here is rather pleasant by-effect. And the level of load had to be suitable not only for professionals, but also for beginners who are not particularly physically developed.

As a result, all breathing exercises for losing belly fat are divided into groups:

  • Stretching. Not only as a warm-up and cool-down, but also as an independent exercise - we improve the performance of our muscles and prevent spasms from overexertion.
  • Isometric load. When tension occurs in isolation, on a specific muscle group. For example, a popular example is with the palm clenched into a fist.
  • Isotonic load. Here, during the exercise, several muscle groups are involved, including deep ones.

And during one workout all types of exercises should be present. One of the features is that not only the muscles of the body are worked out, but also the muscles of the face.

Since breathing completely saturates the muscles with oxygen (and not, as sometimes happens, when during training they breathe quickly and shallowly, almost causing themselves to faint), the effect of such training is more voluminous.

The results are visible and on the skin(improves color and tone, tightens the skin of the neck, chin, armpits) and according to the figure(, the hated cellulite goes away, sagging muscles in the most problematic areas are tightened: chest, buttocks, inner thighs and arms), and By condition of the pelvic organs(we accompany breathing with the work of the abdomen, which means goodbye to menstrual pain).


Remember that 70% of success is... Do not go hungry under any circumstances, otherwise the effect will be exactly the opposite. You can eat a little of everything. But we limit sweet, salty, fatty and floury foods - this is the law of harmony. And of course, at least daily.

Breathing exercises for losing belly fat: technique

So, now a direct description of the Bodyflex training itself.

All you need is a gymnastics mat, 20 minutes daily and a positive attitude. Choose a convenient place. Include videos, for example, shot by Marina Korpan, a coach and follower of Bodyflex. If you work with an instructor, it’s absolutely great. There are not very many of them now, but the effect of training with a specialist is usually higher (you sort out all the mistakes, subtleties, nuances).

We work out on an empty stomach, you understand. If not in the morning before breakfast, then you can do it at any time, the main thing is at least 3 hours after eating. You shouldn't drink before or during training either.

So, are you ready? Let's get started. Here are the most basic poses:

In reality there are many more poses, look at the picture.

You can create your own program by choosing exercises for your problem areas.


When Bodyflex can cause harm:

  • During pregnancy;
  • In the postpartum and postoperative period;
  • During menstruation;
  • For asthma and other respiratory diseases;
  • For illnesses;
  • At ;
  • In case of visual impairment;
  • For thyroid diseases;
  • At a temperature.

What could be an alternative in such cases:

  1. Fukutsuji method. Japanese gymnastics with a roller, in which exercises are aimed at returning bones shifted by obesity to their normal position.
  2. Jianfei. Also breathing exercises, but Chinese. Here, diaphragmatic breathing alternates with chest breathing, so the main exercises are wave-like: air in the chest, retracted stomach. As you exhale, the chest retracts and the stomach inflates. And vice versa.
  3. Qigong. In essence, this is the same combination of respiratory and motor, but there is a more mystical background: initially, with the help of Qigong, they tried to establish a connection between the body and the cosmos. Although reviews show that Qigong also helps to lose weight.

That's it, friends. There would be a desire to lose weight, but there will be ways.

I wish you to achieve an ideal figure - from your point of view, and not imposed by stereotypes.

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