Folk remedy for worms in cats

It involves the use of medications. Along with them, you can use folk remedies.

Cats often become infected with helminthiasis

Signs that should alert a pet owner include:

Types of helminths in cats

Types of helminths in cats

Medicines for worms

There are special preparations for kittens, so you cannot use products intended for adult animals for deworming.

Recommended deworming medications for cats
  • Pyrantel, Milbemax. They have a paralyzing effect on round helminths, as a result of which the latter are eliminated from the body. Thus, intoxication is eliminated.
  • Praziquantel is effective against the fluke that attacks the lungs. Fenalidon and Fenasal are prescribed against flatworms.
  • Detrazine allows you to quickly get rid of roundworms.

Opisthorchiasis requires complex treatment.

Basic rules for giving medicine to a cat: any medications must be fed before meals; it is important to strictly follow the prescribed dosage; sometimes it may be necessary to cleanse the intestines before taking the medicine; After 14 days, the anthelmintic drug is given again.

If the animal refuses to eat a tablet with food, it can be given forcibly - placed on the root of the tongue so that the cat is forced to swallow the medicine. Another option is to knead and, after stirring with a small amount of water, inject the solution into the mouth using a syringe.

When are medications contraindicated?

When using anthelmintic drugs, it is important to read the indications for use

In some cases, worms in cats cannot be treated with medication. Medical therapy is not prescribed:

  • Kittens less than 3 weeks old.
  • Pregnant and lactating cats.
  • Animals with additional diseases.

The doctor may not allow deworming due to the individual characteristics of the animal.

Rid your pet. There are many recipes that are effective against helminthiasis and are absolutely safe for the health of the animal. They can be used for small kittens and pregnant cats. The only drawback is the lengthy treatment.

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2024 Cats and dogs. Small animals. Health. Medicine.