I don't feel like eating all day. “I haven’t eaten anything for several days”: why I lost my appetite and why it’s dangerous. How to live if you don’t want anything or how to get out of apathy

When waking up, many people skip breakfast. There are many reasons for this: there is no time, desire or opportunity, but more often than not, a person simply does not want to. So why don’t you feel like eating in the morning?

The fact is that the human stomach constantly produces gastric juice or acid necessary for digesting food. At night, when the body is at rest and no food is supplied, gastric juice begins to accumulate. In high concentrations, this acid can harm the body by beginning to corrode the walls of the stomach. But our body is not stupid and has developed a way of self-defense. To prevent the walls from suffering, special mucus is secreted during sleep, which protects the surface of the stomach. This mucus is the answer to the question of why there is no appetite in the morning.

Over time, the mucus disappears and gastric juice is activated. With a long absence of food, juice can harm us, increasing the risk of gastritis or ulcers.

There is a simple way to get hungry - to do this you need to drink a glass of water. The infused liquid will start the digestion process, and the release of toxins will also begin. Thus, a full breakfast helps the body get rid of toxins and waste, and speeds up metabolism by 5%. Turmeric is also very useful for digestion and metabolism.

What are the consequences of skipping breakfast?

If you want to remove fat from your belly and sides, be sure to eat breakfast. It has long been proven that people who eat heavily in the morning are less likely to be overweight. This is due to the fact that they do not have an urgent need for fatty or high-calorie foods. When the body has not received the required amount of energy and calories in the morning, it begins to compensate for it in severe hunger at lunch or dinner. The worst thing here is that this desire is overly enhanced, which is why most often people overeat. This also leads to an increased chance that you will want to eat something at night, and this threatens obesity.

In addition, people who skip breakfast are at risk for cardiovascular diseases. Such diseases occur due to the formation of blood clots in the vessels, and they can be caused by a slow metabolism of nutrients. Also, impaired metabolism leads to an increase in cholesterol levels in the blood and the formation of atherosclerosis.

That’s why, even if you don’t have an appetite in the morning, force yourself. Start with a glass of water and a small portion of porridge or cottage cheese. Over time, begin to increase the portion, and select foods high in protein and vitamins. In just a couple of weeks, your body will get used to it and you will notice a difference.

It is known that a healthy appetite is a sign of good health. After all, even minor problems with a physical or psychological condition affect it. If the lack of desire to eat is accompanied by nausea, weight loss, especially rapid weight loss, you need to undergo a medical examination.

Very often these phenomena are accompanied by some pathological conditions and serious illnesses. For example, these could be symptoms of hormonal imbalance, liver disease, or the development of diabetes.

So, loss of appetite, nausea, weight loss - let's talk about the probable causes of these conditions, find out other, additional symptoms if the cause lies in any disease. We'll also look at a few folk recipes to improve appetite:

Reasons for not wanting to eat and why you feel sick all the time, but are not pregnant

Let’s make a reservation right away that the lack of appetite itself is not necessarily a sign of any health problems. If you just don’t feel like eating, and there are no other painful symptoms, this is most likely a temporary phenomenon and your appetite will soon return to normal. By the way, this phenomenon is often observed in children.

Often these symptoms are observed during overwork, stress, nervous disorders, slagging of the body, as well as during fasting for the purpose of losing weight, while following strict diets.

But if other negative phenomena and signs are added, attention should be paid to this. Let's look at some diseases that are accompanied by lack of appetite, nausea, weight loss and other symptoms:

Pathological conditions:

Food poisoning, intoxication of the body: In this case, you don’t want to eat because the body is actively removing toxins. Usually intoxication with low-quality products, alcohol, medicines etc. is also accompanied by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and headache. To help the body, you should temporarily refuse food and consult a doctor.

Organ diseases gastrointestinal tract(gastritis, peptic ulcer, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, dysbiosis, etc.): Almost always, diseases of the liver, stomach, pancreas are accompanied by loss or significant decrease in appetite, nausea, and weight loss. They are also accompanied by pain and other symptoms.

For example, gastritis is accompanied by lack of appetite, pain in the stomach area, especially before or after eating, dizziness, and weight loss. Belching, nausea, vomiting, and general weakness are also observed.

With pancreatitis, the symptoms considered today are supplemented by pain in the chest area, abdomen, back, and muscles. In addition, yellowness of the mucous membranes and skin, fever, and indigestion are observed.

When infected with helminths, in particular Giardia, additional signs are: bloating, increased gas formation, digestive disorders, skin rashes. Weakness and a slight increase in temperature may be observed.

Oncological diseases are also accompanied by these signs. For example, patients often refuse to eat certain foods, often meat.

If there are additional symptoms, severe general weakness and sudden weight loss, the development of a malignant neoplasm can be suspected. In this case, you must immediately consult a doctor.

The symptoms described today often accompany treatment with certain drugs: antibiotics, anesthetics. I often don’t feel like eating, I feel nauseous after taking medications to treat diabetes, or after chemotherapy sessions.

Loss of appetite, nausea, weight loss are often observed in those suffering from diseases nervous system, mental disorders.

With depression, there is almost always a lack of appetite, weight loss, and eating food causes nausea. To a person in a depressed state, any food seems tasteless, since depression disrupts taste perception.

Also, this pathology, as well as severe stress and nervous disorders, often lead to an exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which also negatively affects normal appetite.

I don’t want to eat - what should I do??

If these phenomena continue long time, other painful symptoms have joined them, you need to see a doctor and undergo an examination. If the results reveal a certain disease, the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment.

You may need the help of a specialist: a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, oncologist, as well as a nutritionist or psychotherapist. As a rule, negative symptoms disappear and appetite is restored after successful treatment.

Traditional recipes to improve appetite

For emotional disorders that cause a lack of desire to eat, drink herbal infusions of chamomile, pepper heel or lemon balm for 10 days. An infusion of herbs or dill seeds improves appetite.

A deficiency of zinc in the body also negatively affects normal nutritional requirements. Therefore, on the advice of a doctor, you can take zinc supplements, as well as yeast with vitamin B.

How to live if you don’t want anything? One day a person realizes that nothing in life interests him. And the person doesn’t want to work and doesn’t really want to study, and in other areas of life there’s complete chaos. I'm tired of even sleeping and having fun. It’s completely unclear what to do with yourself.

If you think that you are alone in this, then you are mistaken. Every person feels something like this from time to time. However, some people come out of this state, and some don’t.

Let's look at why people get into this state and how to get out of it. In this article we will look at the main cases when a person thinks that he doesn’t want anything.

Reasons why you don't want anything

In fact, if a person does not have serious organic damage to the nervous system (we are not considering this case), then the person in any case wants something. For example, each of us strives to feel good.

Another question is that not everyone sees the ways through which this “good” can be achieved. For example, a person wakes up and thinks that it would be nice to earn money in order to solve many of his life issues with the help of money. However, then the person thinks that in order to do this he needs to do work that this person disgusts.

It is quite natural that people do not want to do what they find disgusting. However, instead of finding something to his liking, a person begins to reproach himself for his laziness. Thus, he (or she) also reduces his self-esteem. Self-esteem is the fuel for our soul.

Low self-esteem

When our self-esteem is low, literally everything that surrounds us is difficult for us. A person begins to believe that he is not worthy to ask for something better for himself, and if he nevertheless dares, he does it so uncertainly that he is refused. When a person is in such a position, then for him all paths in life are disgusting.

Low self-esteem allows fear and uncertainty into our lives. When faced with them, a person begins to confirm his low self-esteem. “Yes, I really am worthless.”

Defeat in life

It happens that a person strives somewhere for a very long time and to no avail. It takes a lot of effort and energy, but there is still no result. One morning a person wakes up and says to himself: “Fuck it all!” The man spent a lot of effort and received nothing in return. Then the person begins to think that something is wrong with him. This again reduces self-esteem.

After such a defeat, a person feels a loss of strength for quite a long period of time. He simply doesn't have the energy to want anything.

Underactivation of the nervous system

The opposite situation may also occur, when a person leads a too calm lifestyle. He sleeps until two o'clock in the afternoon, then picks his nose for several hours, then gets ready for another three hours, goes to McDonald's, eats and trudges home to sleep.

When a person can afford such a lifestyle, his nervous system “falls asleep.” Hormones and neurotransmitters begin to be produced more slowly and the person loses the ability to take active actions.

By the way, what more people does during the day, the more his nervous system is activated and the more he can do (if he sleeps enough). This is such a vicious circle. People who are least busy have less free time, since they have a nervous system like a turtle.


The reason may be that the person is simply exhausted. This happens due to lack of sleep, poor nutrition, and poor daily routine.

All this reduces a person’s ability to take active action. Gradually, the human brain begins to work worse and worse, until the person becomes like a vegetable.

The opposite situation may also occur when a person sleeps too much. In this case, the person feels even worse. No one has canceled physiology; it has a strong influence on the human psyche.

How to live if you don’t want anything or how to get out of apathy?

Below I will write a series of practical steps that are guaranteed to increase your love of life and activity, if the cause is not serious hormonal imbalances or organic damage.

  1. Normalization of sleep patterns.You need to sleep 8 hours, always at night. For example, from 23.00 to 7.00
    This is necessary to normalize brain chemistry.
  2. Normalization of nutrition.Five meals a day, as in kindergarten. You can even copy the menu. They feed in a similar way in hospitals and in the army. It may not be very tasty, but it is very healthy.
    Allows you to normalize metabolic processes in the body.
  3. Activation of the nervous system.After waking up, you need to go somewhere and do something. It doesn't have to be anything difficult, even walking fresh air will do.
    This allows subjective time to be accelerated. Time stretches and there is a feeling that there is a lot to do. In addition, your mood improves and positive thoughts begin to come to your mind.
  4. Normalization of self-esteem. Increasing self-esteem on your own is quite problematic. Why? The fact is that our self-esteem depends on how others evaluate us.
    The problem is that those around us are often not interested in us. We can wait quite a long time for someone to notice us and appreciate us. It is much easier to contact a psychologist who can quickly resolve this issue.

Good luck!

A healthy person has a healthy interest in food. To maintain the body in working condition, it has to be fed regularly. Feeling hungry is a signal of the need to “recharge.”

But sometimes we don’t feel like eating at normal times, and sometimes we feel indifference or even aversion to food. Why does my appetite disappear? The reasons can be different, from the most banal to the extremely serious. Therefore, you should not neglect this.

We have to find out why people lose their appetite and what problems the body signals by refusing to accept food. How to react if your child has lost his appetite? What to do if the expectant mother has no appetite?

Lost appetite: reasons

Easy to install and not dangerous reasons loss of appetite

Distinguish light form disturbances of appetite, that is, its decrease (hyporexia) and complicated when a person has no appetite at all (anorexia). At the stage of hyporexia, you can still try to fight the disorders on your own, but anorexia poses a great danger to human health and life, which means self-medication is unacceptable!

Loss of appetite may indicate serious problems in the functioning of internal organs. Especially if your appetite has suddenly disappeared. There is no doubt about the seriousness of the situation when the temperature simultaneously jumped and the appetite disappeared.

If loss of appetite is the only symptom, then we are talking about temporary disruptions in the body’s functioning. Let's look at why this happens.

  • Appetite decreases under the influence of external factors, often weather conditions. Personally, I eat almost nothing for days on end during abnormally hot summers. It’s normal that you don’t feel like eating; the body correctly requires more fluid to restore its loss. Drink a lot and don't force yourself to eat. Your appetite will be restored as soon as the heat subsides.
  • Changing your usual place of residence can be a challenge both physically and psychologically. If you've lost your appetite after moving, don't worry. Give yourself time to get used to new conditions and circumstances, and your body to adapt.
  • Chronic fatigue may lead to appetite disturbances. The fact is that the body spends a lot of energy on the process of digesting food. When a person is tired, the subconscious mind tells you to conserve your strength. In addition, when you fall off your feet from unbearable stress, not only physical, you can be so lazy to take care of food that it is easier for the body to refuse it.

  • Another common cause of loss of appetite is the body's protest against certain medications. If you take medications, biological supplements, dopings for a long time, contraception, weight loss drugs, view side effects in the instructions and expiration date of the drugs. To restore your appetite, you will have to replace a specific drug or stop using such drugs altogether. Stop self-medication, in particular with herbs, and categorically refuse expired medications. Simple actions can easily restore lost appetite.
  • Abuse of diet In order to lose weight, you risk causing great harm to your health. Diets are dangerous because they artificially create a deficiency of vital substances. Due to improper diets, nutrition becomes irrational, which in turn leads to rapid weight loss and loss of appetite. If it comes to this, gradually exit the diet. Next time, choose a diet after consulting a nutritionist and strictly follow his recommendations.
  • Loss of appetite is often a consequence bad habits . Smoking, alcohol abuse, drug use in any way slowly but surely destroys internal organs and disrupt processes occurring in the body, in particular digestion. Lack of appetite is a predictable result of a long-term unhealthy lifestyle. It's never too late to give up unhealthy foods. Finally do it!
  • Psychological reasons Loss of appetite is common. The body perceives any strong disturbances as stress. It doesn’t matter what they are, positive or negative. A wedding or divorce, a long-awaited meeting or its cancellation, an important victory or defeat - such events can significantly reduce your appetite. The only difference is that after positive experiences, disruptions in the body associated with an unwillingness to eat quickly normalize, while negative ones often develop into a depressed state or even depression. If you have not only poor appetite, but also mood swings for a long time, consider this a sufficient reason to consult a doctor. Don't expect depression to go away with time. The longer you wait, the harder it will be for you to return to normal life. Know: along with your mood, your appetite will return.

Loss of appetite as a symptom

Unfortunately, lack of appetite is often a sign of serious health problems. Learn about the symptoms that may accompany food aversions and the causes of this condition.

If you just don’t feel like eating, and there are no other painful symptoms, then you shouldn’t dwell on it. Most likely, this is a temporary symptom and it will go away soon.

But often poor appetite is accompanied by parallel symptoms, for example:

  • headache + lack of appetite;
  • nausea + lack of appetite.

If you are suffering from a complex of symptoms, contact your general practitioner or family doctor. A primary care specialist will refer you to one of his highly specialized colleagues: psychotherapist, gastroenterologist, nutritionist, endocrinologist, oncologist. Hurry up for a consultation.

Dangerous causes of loss of appetite:

  • Poisoning (intoxication) - food, drugs, gases, toxins, alcohol... The body does not perceive anything, on the contrary, it works to remove the poison. If you suffer from nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite and diarrhea at the same time, you are most likely poisoned. This is exactly the case when it is better to refuse food for a certain time. Call an ambulance immediately or rush to the infectious diseases department.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: cholecystitis, dysbacteriosis, gastritis, ulcers. The most common set of symptoms with them: lack of appetite, abdominal pain.
  • Dysfunction of the endocrine system.
  • Diseases of the nervous system, mental disorders.
  • Diseases of the liver and pancreas may be accompanied by symptoms: lack of appetite, nausea, weakness.
  • Infectious diseases, in particular tuberculosis, are a number of other possible reasons why you don’t want to eat.
  • Oncological diseases. Cancer patients refuse certain foods, most often meat. In the combination of severe weakness and lack of appetite lies the danger of cancer.

Symptoms that, in combination with loss of appetite, should alert you

Call ambulance if loss of appetite is accompanied by dangerous sets of symptoms, such as:

  • diarrhea, lack of appetite
  • pain, lack of appetite, nausea
  • vomiting, lack of appetite
  • fever, lack of appetite.

With such symptoms, it is extremely dangerous to remain without medical supervision.

No appetite: what to do

It is not for nothing that a good appetite is considered a sign of good health. When a person doesn't feel hungry for longer than usual, it causes anxiety. It immediately becomes clear that not everything is in order with your health, mental or physical. No one has ever managed to feel good without refueling the body on time. The discomfort and weakness caused by the lack of nutrients that enter the body with food are so strong that people literally lose their zest for life. If you lose your appetite, what to do is not always clear. At first, people tend to neglect the situation, but meanwhile it becomes so complicated that the strength and desire to correct it disappear. We offer a selection of effective, proven tips on what to do when you don’t feel like eating anything.

First of all, try to restore the natural need for food using elementary methods.

  • Why not work up an appetite in the park or on the embankment? Choose a place for a walk where there is a lot of greenery. Having saturated your lungs with enough oxygen, you may want to eat very quickly. It wouldn't hurt to walk past a place where street food smells delicious. The mouth-watering smells will surely wake up your sleeping taste buds!
  • Physical activity in nature is an excellent appetite activator. Jogging, cycling, any sport with a ball or rackets, fitness, dancing, yoga, or better yet, swimming are suitable. Exercising in water makes you ravenous! But don't overexert yourself, because exhaustion can have the opposite effect. It’s very good if you don’t study alone. Good company and pleasant fatigue will certainly return your lost appetite.
  • Often, interruptions in appetite are associated with non-compliance with sleep and eating patterns. Restore your usual daily routine if it has been changed or simply wait until the adaptation period has passed.
  • It happens that loss of appetite is caused by the monotony of your diet or loneliness. Perhaps you are simply tired of the usual menu or too lazy to cook something new for yourself, and have no one to share the meal with. Make an effort - treat yourself to something delicious. “Colorful food”, fresh berries, vegetables and fruits, pleasing to the eye, greatly stimulate the appetite. If you don’t feel like doing something for yourself, invite guests. You won’t feed them banal potatoes, will you?! But stuffed zucchini with potato sailboats will seduce you even during the cooking process. There is also a simpler option for those who are not capable of culinary feats. Organize a meeting of old friends. With them for company you will enjoy everything!

  • There is a high probability of overcoming your lack of appetite by doing your favorite things. Just find time to do what makes you happy. In a depressed state, there can be no talk of new hobbies, but remembering old ones is very useful. Listen to the music you've been listening to, look through the exhibits of a long-forgotten collection, re-read a book that made an impression on you. It may happen that you won’t even notice how you start snacking on everything that comes to hand.
  • If you have bad habits, do your best to break them. We do not promise that appetite will return immediately, because the body’s recovery process from negative impacts– long lasting. However, after a while you will definitely feel a surge of energy and hunger.

If you have no appetite during pregnancy

By the forces of your own body future mom ensures the development of new life. This requires more physical and psychological resources than usual. Extraordinary emotions, excessive anxiety, increased responsibility, sudden hormonal surges are factors that significantly change a person’s condition. Of course, they, in turn, affect appetite. During different periods of pregnancy, it either disappears or grows exorbitantly. A pregnant woman finds herself between two extremes: eating for two, but not overeating. At first glance, it is paradoxical that appetite worsens during pregnancy. We will explain why this happens.

The worst thing that loss of appetite during pregnancy can indicate is an exacerbation of existing diseases, any of the above. It is clear that you will have to undergo treatment, as well as the fact that self-medication is out of the question.

In a healthy pregnant woman, sluggish interest in food has clear explanations directly related to her condition. Mostly, lack of appetite during pregnancy is observed in the first trimester.

Toxicosis is the most common reason why a pregnant woman eats little. It usually lasts up to three months, during which a woman can even lose weight. The pregnant woman is feeling nauseous and has no appetite, that’s understandable. But toxicosis itself is a consequence of certain processes characteristic of the pregnancy period. Exacerbation of olfactory receptors causes aversion to certain odors. A woman's increased sensitivity and vulnerability to the changes that occur to her is often expressed by poor appetite. Hormonal surges suppress appetite due to decreased digestive function. In addition to the above reasons, a pregnant woman’s reluctance to eat can be explained by a lack of iron or folic acid. They are necessary in sufficient quantities to form a healthy fetus. If they are lacking, the body signals this by refusing to accept food, especially one that does not contain them. We should not forget about the factors that greatly influence the desire or reluctance to eat. The good news is that all these are normal and temporary phenomena. At the same time, we warn you not to take the fact that you lost your appetite during pregnancy as infantile, because you simply must provide your unborn child with everything necessary.

If a woman in the second trimester of pregnancy complains: “I don’t feel hungry,” this basically only means that the uterus, putting pressure on the intestines, provokes stagnation of digested foods in the body.

In the third trimester, the baby’s enlarged body presses on the stomach through the wall of the uterus, and accordingly, the stomach’s capacity decreases, which suppresses the feeling of hunger. Women are also often worried about gaining excess weight and “not to feed” the fetus, fearing a difficult birth, so they subconsciously limit themselves in food.

The basic principle of nutrition for a pregnant woman: eat little, often and only the best!

What should a pregnant woman do to improve her appetite?

  1. First of all, walk a lot. Be physically active, without excessive exertion, of course. Do things that make you happy and avoid things that make you sad.
  2. Take tests on time, saturate the body with necessary microelements through nutrition or, if necessary, vitamin preparations.
  3. Eat in small portions, but often, 5-7 times a day. Consume liquid foods. Drink a lot.
  4. Sleep longer at night and allow yourself naps during the day.

During pregnancy, lack of appetite is a mostly alarming symptom. However, it is forbidden to ignore it, if only because up to 80% of the health of the unborn child depends on the mother’s nutrition. And the woman herself needs to prepare for childbirth. Pretty compelling to do your best to eat a balanced diet during this crucial period, isn't it?

The child has lost his appetite: what to do?

The ideal child in terms of nutrition for many parents is the one who eats everything that is given and when given. Indeed, it is very convenient. But this practically never happens and should not happen. This is easy to explain: you can’t convince a child that he needs to eat, it’s healthy. He eats when he wants, and doesn't eat when he doesn't want to.

In general, a child refuses to eat in the following cases:

  1. The child is full. This is good.
  2. The child is sick. This is bad, but in this case you need to treat, not feed.
  3. The child does not like what is offered. Well, there is only one way out: prepare something else, after asking what the child would like.
  4. The child shows temper or whims while eating - this is a defensive reaction. Do not encourage him by persuading him to definitely eat, do not succumb to provocations.

None of the reasons mentioned gives adults the right to force a child to eat! This won't do any good. Any coercion is very harmful: for relationships, for the psyche and for health, first of all.

Of course, a child’s lack of appetite can be looked for in other ways. We have collected possible reasons and recommendations for eliminating them.

Useful tips

Accustom your child to healthy childhood foods. And then he will not have problems with lack of appetite, and even with weight. Let the child not know the taste harmful products as long as possible. Instead of candy - dried fruits, instead of chips - homemade crackers, instead of sugar - honey, instead of store-bought juices and water - plain water, compotes and compotes. Enlist the support of relatives and people in contact with the child. Prohibit giving your child lollipops and other edible garbage!

It is difficult to accustom a child to a culture of nutrition and healthy food if you yourself do not demonstrate this every day in everyday life. Be an example or do not demand from your child what is unusual in his environment.

If a child has no appetite, the reasons may not be related to satiety. By turning food into a cult, you let your child know what food means to you. great importance. And the child uses this as a means of influencing you.

Reduce the importance of food. Let me not eat. The stubborn little guy will miss several lunches. So what? He won’t die of hunger, but he will make sure that blackmail with food doesn’t work.

Remember the right balanced diet- a guarantee of health. Make sure your child has a healthy appetite, but don't force him to eat too much. Let everyone develop according to their individual needs.

Often, illness due to lack of appetite sends us an alarm signal. Usually in such cases there are accompanying symptoms. However, not always. If a child simultaneously has a high or low temperature, lack of appetite, or weakness, act immediately.

Poor appetite: how to regain interest in food

In the absence of appetite, the reasons cannot always be determined quickly. But in the meantime, you can try to regain your interest in food. If walking, physical activity, and improving your mood with all available methods do not work, there are many other ways that will help you achieve a positive result.

Treat yourself to vitamin therapy. Special medications will help bring a disturbed appetite back to normal. We do not specifically name them, because self-medication can cause more harm than good. See your doctor and start with taking a multivitamin, or one of the following vitamins: B12, iron, ascorbic acid, strictly observing the dose.

But foods that increase appetite can be safely consumed in moderation. If you have a poor appetite, introduce the following foods into your daily diet: lemon and other citrus fruits, sour apples, pomegranates, black radish, onions, garlic, sauerkraut, wild garlic, cranberries, rowan, blackberries, raspberries. Be sure to drink fresh juices.

Another option, which also requires consultation with a doctor, is tinctures and herbal decoctions that stimulate the appetite. These include: dandelion roots, ginseng, rosea, marsh calamus, wormwood, mint and lemon balm, yarrow, thyme, dill seeds and greens (fennel for newborns), plantain leaves and others. You can use single-component products or pharmacy preparations.

RECIPE FOR HERBAL TINCTURE FOR APPETITE: Prepare a mixture: 50 g of wormwood, 100 g of St. John's wort, 100 g of calamus root. 2 tbsp. l. After collecting these herbs in the evening, pour them into a thermos and pour two glasses of boiling water over them. In the morning, strain and divide into 4 servings (150 g each). Take 4 times a day 15 minutes before meals.

RECIPE FOR MELISSA TEA FOR APPETITE: Grind 2 tbsp. l. lemon balm. Pour two glasses of boiling water and let it brew for four hours. Drink ½ glass before each meal during the day.

you have not experienced such a load that would require a good replenishment of protein and fat in the body. Let's say you sit all day in the office and do nothing physically except sit on a chair and talk, or watch what is happening on the Internet. If you type all day, then you burn calories under any circumstances, because typing is actually very hard, and if you don’t do anything, then you won’t really want to eat. You need to thoroughly exhaust your body at least a couple of times a week, don’t shy away from going there, our bodies are adapted not only for such stress, but also for running and performing acrobatic stunts. The main thing is to force yourself.

The second reason why you don’t want to eat

this is probably due to the fact that you crave pieces of food all day. Let’s say you had breakfast in the morning, sat down at the computer and started running to the kitchen every hour for half an hour, either to grab a gingerbread to chew, or to grab some tea with some sweets. Naturally, you constantly replenish food reserves in your body. If you eat sweets at this time, even just a little, you simply kill your appetite. Ten sweets can replace lunch, because it is a very energy-rich food and contains a lot of carbohydrates.

The third reason why you don’t feel like eating

This is most likely poisoning by some product. The body wants to remove this product from the body and now it cannot be interfered with by the intake of new food. The body restores the intestinal microflora and this will take some time.

The fourth reason could be

Let’s say you are used to constantly sitting at the computer, doing nothing, you always have food every day, you do absolutely no work. Therefore, your brain is aimed at constant entertainment and the absence of any brain or physical activity. Then of course you don’t want to eat. You need to do something that will signal your brain to be more active, even for example, singing songs or talking about something constantly, and also, for example, calculating and carrying out some kind of mathematical operations in your head or planning something. After all, people who work really want to eat even without physical activity For dinner. Again, I repeat, even the secretaries who type texts really want to eat after this. Well, of course, the regime also plays a role here, if you sleep fifteen hours a day, you usually need very little food and once a day is normal.

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