Sad cat. The saddest cat (photo): All about the furry celebrity. Meeting a Disgruntled Cat

We all feel sad from time to time. But the sight of a sad cat is so unnatural in nature that it arouses special human attention. After all, cats are attractive precisely because of their irrepressible liveliness, mischief, playfulness and mischief. A sad cat is usually a sick cat, although there are exceptions. Such an exception, for example, is the world famous Grumpy Cat, who, among other things, turned out to be a cat.

We all feel sad from time to time. But the sight of a sad cat is so unnatural in nature that it arouses special human attention

Grumpy Cat

The popularity of the eternally dissatisfied face, which the blue-eyed angry cat reluctantly shows to people named Grumpy Cat, has surpassed the fame of her more cheerful relatives. People try to guess what breed the sad cat has, because his gloomy male-type face with sagging cheeks and a gloomy expression in his eyes prevents him from being called a cat.

Nevertheless, this is a cat very similar in appearance to the Ragdoll or Snowshoe breed, but descended from a mongrel yard cat and the same mongrel mother. As expected, there are reasons why a cat is dissatisfied with life, and not small ones. No, Grumpy Cat is not sick in any way, he is well fed, he is constantly taken care of, many people come to look at him and caress him, and some, including children, write letters to him and wish not to be sad.

The saddest cat has genetic mutations that prevent him from moving normally: his front legs are shorter than his back ones.

Blue-eyed Grumpy brings her owner Tabatha Bandesen a good income: in 2014 alone, according to journalists, she received about $100 million from the Grumpy Cat brand. Income comes from advertising cat food, selling souvenirs and books, his own blog and the Grumppuccino drink, which is prepared in one of the coffee shops in California.

Currently, the animal's owners are planning to shoot a full-length film with their pet and nurse in the title role.

The story of a sad cat (video)

Red Ben

And yet, sad kittens and cats are sick animals suffering from wounds or loneliness. Once you cure them, feed them, give them something to drink and take them into your home, they become cheerful and happy again. A very sad cat named Ben, who was badly abused by dogs, ended up in a shelter, refused to eat and looked so unhappy that he was about to be euthanized. The red cat lost an ear, his spine was damaged, and there were huge lacerations on his body.

Unable to bear it, the veterinary service employee took him home. Literally an hour later, the cat was no longer recognizable: all the sadness disappeared as soon as he realized that he was taken into the house. He purred and caressed, was happy and immediately began to eat. The owner talked about this in a separate blog, which she started for the cat, where she now reports on how he lives to everyone interested in his fate and health and posts his pictures. Ben has acquired a beautiful pink shade of fur and is now simply glowing with happiness.

The story of the black cat

The sad black cat, which Canadian resident Joanna Dake acquired as a Sphynx, turned out to be an ordinary, but very clean-shaven kitten. It was precisely the fact that he was in pain and bad that explained his sad appearance. The scammers, in pursuit of profit, mercilessly shaved off all the hair from the baby, they pulled out all the hairs from him even between his fingers and paw pads. It’s hard to even imagine how painful it was for him during this painful procedure.

A week after purchase, the kitten began to grow fur. Now he has a very cheerful face, but his owner gets sad from time to time, remembering that she paid more than $600 for a mongrel kitten. Her attempts to contact the Humane Society were unsuccessful. They didn’t look for the scammers, and they still go unpunished. And while they are free, other sad kittens may appear, who were tortured only to be passed off as purebred sphinxes and sold at a higher price.

Sad cat (video)

Otitis and Molly

A very touching story about a sad old cat without ears, Otitis, and the young student Molly, who adopted him from a shelter, was told by journalists from the news publication Love Meow. A girl who grew up on an American farm survived a car accident, after which she suffered from anxiety attacks. Since she spent a lot of time with animals since childhood, loved them and understood them well, she decided to adopt a cat with problems from a shelter to help him.

The dejected expression on Otytis' muzzle was complemented by the complete absence of ears, pure white fur, black nose and blue eyes. She chose him from all the animals presented on the shelter's website. No one except Molly ever paid attention to him. Today, the young American considers the decision to take Otitis the most correct in her life, which simply saved her. She assures that all anxiety attacks fade away next to a strong, warm and loving cat who does not leave her side even when she is sleeping.

Cats really need love, but people need it just as much. And if there is more love in the world, we will see sad cats less and less often.

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Almost all social network users have seen the Sad Cat. It is used in memes, jokes and funny pictures. As a result, the cat became the face of many products, appeared on television and gained worldwide popularity. However, few people know his story. It all started literally with one photo that blew up the Internet.

A sad cat only looks sad. Thanks to genetics, he has a sad-looking face with a white nose and cheeks. His gray bulging eyes have drooping upper eyelids, his nose is flattened, and the slits of his mouth do not diverge to the sides, like all cats, but go downward with the tips.

He has a small tail and an awkward gait due to the curvature of his hind legs and the short length of his front legs. So it’s worth not only admiring the Sad Cat, but also feeling sorry for the poor guy. The main reason for a cat’s “angry” behavior is a deformed jaw. Thanks to these features, it seems as if the cat is dissatisfied with something or is constantly sad.

The most interesting thing is that this is not a Grumpy Cat, but a Grumpy Cat, who, by the way, has a brother, Pokey, with the same facial anomaly. Both pets are dwarf, although they have ordinary yard parents.

The cat, born in 2012, was named Tardar Sauce by its owners. But global popularity gave the pet a second name - Grumpy Cat or Grumpy Cat.

The secret of the popularity of the most disgruntled cat in the world.

In September 2012, a funny photo appeared on the Reddit blog of user Kataliadis. It depicted an amazing cat - the mixture of sadness, irritation and boredom on his face was amazing and touching. According to the cat's owner, the success was so overwhelming that she quit her job as a waitress a few days after her brother posted Tard's photo. And in 2 years of fame, Grumpy Cat brought the owner $100 million. Compared to the average fees of leading Hollywood actors, this is much more.

Oddly enough, the photo of Grumpy Cat appeared online not on Tabata’s initiative. Her brother was amused by Tard's appearance and decided to photograph her. The guy later posted the photo on his blog. Many doubted the authenticity of the cat's face, and then the guys made a video for YouTube to dispel doubts. Almost immediately, Tabatha was bombarded with calls and offers. The girl was so busy with them that she quit and began protecting her cat.

It all started with memes (pictures with a funny image with thematic captions attached to it). Various expressions and catchphrases have been attributed to the angry cat. People reposted pictures of the funny cat and contributed to its popularity. Today, many of them end up on T-shirts, mugs and other souvenirs. We can say that no other meme has matched the popularity of the cat.

Today, the Gloomy Cat has become a real star. He is spotted at parties in Hollywood, popular TV shows and prestigious exhibitions. He was even invited to the MTV and Oscar awards. Jennifer Lopez herself parodied the cat, and famous comedian Jim Carrey was also delighted with her.

The dissatisfied cat even “released” his book – “A Grumpy Book”. There the pet expresses all its dissatisfaction with the world around it in a humorous manner. It cannot be said that the success of the cat Grumpy is solely his merit. Tabatha and her brother Brian did a lot to ensure that their popularity did not wane and brought in money. So they organized their business and sell products with images of a cat. For example, Grumpy Cat soft toys do not stay on store shelves.

In addition to souvenirs and books, Tabata produces drinks under the Grumppuccino brand (loosely translated as “Angry Cappuccino”).

Even the famous company “Friskies” offered the cat a contract. Now an angry face decorates food boxes. He even made it into the Christmas window of Macy's, one of the most popular department stores in the United States. The showcase is traditionally decorated with animals, as an invitation to take them from the street. They also raise money to prevent cruelty to fellow human beings. And Grumpy Cat was very successful in this.

Outside the cameras, Sad Cat is a very cute and funny cat. She has no health problems, but she moves strangely, so she evokes more pity than laughter. The baby is affectionate, like any other cat, happy to sit on your lap and loves being stroked.

The owners do not plan to breed Grumpy Cats. The popularity of Tarde is a physical deviation, so it is better to avoid such experiments. Tabata recommends adopting cats from nurseries and shelters and not paying attention to their faces. Affection and tenderness can be obtained from any pet of any appearance.

Grumpy Cat became a star literally all over the world, but did not catch star fever. This cute and funny cat was found on the street and brought so much joy to her owners. Therefore, when you see her photo on the Internet, think about other pets who are waiting for their owners. Perhaps among them there is a Cheerful or Smiling cat.

The sad cat, whose photo is presented in the article, has become a real Internet celebrity; this whole story began with just one photo posted on the Internet.

The seemingly eternally dissatisfied face now looks at people from T-shirts, drink packages in coffee shops and from television screens.

Since September 2012, the sad cat, whose photo is presented in the article, has gained incredible popularity.

The kitten received the unusual nickname Grumpy Cat because of the displeased expression on its face.

Originating from a mongrel cat, it literally blew up the Internet, becoming mega-popular.

Meeting a Disgruntled Cat

In fact, Grumpy Cat is a cat that was born in 2012.

At first, the owners called it Tardar Sauce, a shortened form of Tard.

She was subsequently renamed Grumpy Cat, which literally translates to “angry cat.”

Cat Tarde is angry again

As a result of genetic changes? her jaw has an unusual shape, which is very noticeable in the photo of the saddest cat.

The owners explain this by the pet's dwarfism. Pussy Pokey's brother was born with a similar pathology.

Both individuals have a pronounced deformation of the muzzle, bulging eyes, and shorter tails than usual.

Tard moves awkwardly due to the curvature of her hind legs, and her front legs are shorter than normal. Therefore, she may resemble a cat.

The cat is noted to be slow when moving, and it also has an unusual voice.

Interesting! The angry cat Tard has her own blog on the Internet, where you can see what the saddest cat looks like in the photo from different angles.

Grumpy Cat: History of Popularity

The story of the sad cat begins in the fall of 2012. At this time, the owner’s brother posted a photo of her on the Internet, where her pussy was only six months old.

The photo attracted a lot of attention, but at the same time raised doubts.

The photo of the saddest cat looked unrealistic, and users believed that it had been put through an editor.

To dispel these speculations, the owners posted a video of a kitten playing on Youtube.

So it became clear that Tard is a truly unique individual - the saddest cat that can be found on the Internet.

The Angriest Cat on the Internet

The story of the sad cat and his popularity did not stop there. In addition to YouTube, the following milestones can be noted.

  1. Grumpy Cat became the heroine of news releases and videos posted on the Internet.
  2. She had a chance to participate in advertising.
  3. Photos of the saddest cat on the internet are getting more and more likes.
  4. She was declared the most influential pet on MSNBS.
  5. 2013 was a special year: Grumpy Cat received the Webby Awards.

Interesting! Despite its dissatisfied face, the pussy continues to live life to the fullest. She, like other cats, will not refuse to play and caress.

What is known about the Grumpy Cat breed

Looking at the photo where the saddest cat is depicted with a dissatisfied expression on his face even while sitting in a cat, many wonder what breed it is.

In appearance it may resemble, but it is not.

In fact, the breed of the sad cat is not defined, which did not prevent it from achieving incredible fame.

The unusual appearance did not prevent Tarde from achieving success, but contributed to it

  1. According to those who saw the cat's father, this is an ordinary yard cat with a white belly. You can immediately tell from him that he often fights with his relatives who live nearby.
  2. From the story of the sad cat, Tarde's mother was also a street cat. The owner discovered her during childbirth. The cat was in serious condition, but recovered over time. The kitten that was born looked unusual. It was Pokey, Tard's older brother. The owner explained his pronounced pathologies as a result of difficult childbirth or health problems in the cat. In the photo this is a very sad cat, just like his little sister.

In the new litter of the same cat, of all the kittens, only one cat had pronounced deviations.

This was Grumpy Cat. They decided to leave her because of her unique external characteristics.

The front legs of a sullen cat are shorter than usual

Important! Two conclusions can be drawn from comparing Pokey and Tard: this genetic mutation is not related to the sex of the animal. Since the kittens are from different litters, it is passed on through the maternal line.

Pokey and Tard have a number of similar characteristics.

This is especially true for their faces: unusually shaped jaws, large bulging eyes.

It was noted that the brother’s movements are distinguished by better coordination.

Tarde with his older brother

At the same time, it is clear that the sad cat Pokey is without a breed, it is an ordinary street cat, while in Tard many look for signs of the Snowshoe or Snowshoe breed.

When observing a cat, it becomes obvious that it is difficult for her to move. The veterinarian notes no health problems for her.

Genetic mutations not only did not prevent her from living an ordinary cat’s life, but also brought her fame.

Poki, Tard's older brother, also had difficulty moving at first. However, over time, his movements became more coordinated.

Although in comparison with cats that do not have such disorders and play friskyly with, he looks a little clumsy.

The gloomy appearance of the Tarde cat does not prevent her from being playful and cheerful.

The sad cat, whose story is described above, purrs, loves having her belly stroked, and spends time on her lap. They play happily together with Pokey.

Upon a visit from a stranger, it was noticed that Tard was more friendly and outgoing than her older brother.

Sullen pussy is “dissatisfied” even with a cozy lounger

Meeting the owners of a sullen cat

The owner of the dissatisfied pussy is named Tabatha Bandesen.

She is raising her daughter alone and has to combine work and college studies.

Their year of meeting Tard's pussy had not been easy, and the addition of a furry friend gave them a positive boost.

Tabatha has a brother, Brian, who came with him from Ohio.

He promotes the Grumpy Cat website, posting new materials and photos of the saddest cat every day.

Tard is difficult to move due to short front legs

According to Tabata, thousands of frames have to be taken to get bright, high-quality images.

From the albums you then have to choose the best photos, where the saddest cat is in all its glory.

From the story of the sad cat, when Tard was born, Tabatha's daughter, Crystal, really liked her.

Now, together with their mother, they are developing interesting ideas for the production of cat brand souvenir products.

The hostess is often given the opportunity to take part in television shows and give interviews.

Interesting! Tabatha does not plan to breed cats with unhappy faces. Instead, she encourages people to help animals in shelters.

What is pussy Tard doing now?

The gloomy cat's fame began when a photo of the saddest cat was posted on one of the Reddit pages.

Now she has millions of subscribers on famous social networks - Instagram and Facebook. She also takes part in other events.

Tarde at the peak of popularity

  1. Advertisement for cat food.
  2. Own blog.
  3. Souvenirs.
  4. A drink in a Californian coffee shop.
  5. A number of books.

Interesting! In addition to the above, there are plans to prepare a full-length film about a sad cat.

In 2013, an agreement was concluded with the Grenade Beverage coffee shop.

As part of the agreement, the use of the “Saddest Cat” brand and photo for the packaging of the Grumppuccino drink is allowed.

In 2015, the owner filed a lawsuit against the company due to non-compliance with the conditions.

The complaint alleges that the owner was not paid the required interest, and under the Grumpy Cat brand, in addition to the drink, roasted coffee and T-shirts appeared.

Now the coffee shop is facing demands to compensate the funds under the contract in triple amount and pay legal costs.

Interesting! According to some media estimates, the Grumpy Cat brand brought about $100 million to the owner of the sad kitten in 2014.

Grumpy Cat reaches new heights

Dwarfism, a short tail, characteristic of, and an extraordinary jaw shape ensured the incredible popularity of the Tarde pussy, although the breed of the sad cat is unremarkable.

Her face becomes relatively cheerful only when she plays with her owners.

Tabatha and her brother now need to devote a lot of time to updating the Grumpy Cat website and attending various events with her.

In particular, they were invited to Madame Tussauds, where the size of the animal was determined.

Based on these data, an automatic toy is produced that is capable of making 5 types of movements.

The presentation is planned from San Francisco, then the exhibit is sent to 5 other departments of the museum.

Tarde's measurements are celebrated at Madame Tussauds

The story of the sad cat literally conquered the Internet.

The saddest cat: All about the furry celebrity

The sad cat, whose photo is presented in the article, has become a real Internet celebrity; this whole story began with just one photo posted on the Internet. The seemingly eternally dissatisfied face now looks at people from T-shirts, drink packages in coffee shops and from television screens.

“What a sad, dissatisfied cat,

Does he look angrily, as if he’s about to bite?

An extraordinary cat, born from completely ordinary mongrel parents, became popular throughout the world overnight. Why did this cat attract the attention of millions of people? We will tell you about an unusual cat that has become known to everyone under the name “Angry Cat” (Tarde) in this article.

Grumpy cat (sad cat) - who is it?

The sad cat whose photo you see is a cat. This cat has already died, but remains in the hearts of the entire Internet.

The cat was born in 2012. The cat's father and mother are ordinary mongrel domestic cats. Of all the kittens born that day, only 2 were anything special, including Tard. The second cat differed only in that it had short pedigree legs (like those of the decoy cat) and an appearance similar to the Burmese breed (like the Tard cat).

The unusual “facial features” of a cat (the corners of the muzzle are pulled down) are a congenital pathology that is associated with some other congenital problems of the animal. Due to the dwarfism gene, the cat has some physiological problems that do not have much impact on its existence. Some clumsiness (when walking, due to problems with the hind legs), fear of heights and a dissatisfied expression on the face - this is how the cat differs from its fellows.

It will be interesting:

When the cat was born, the owners were very concerned that the kitten was so unhappy, they even took him to the veterinarian. But the veterinarian dispelled their doubts, convincing them that the cat did not suffer from any depression. According to him, the cat’s facial expressions were passed on to him through his genes.

The cat's face has such an unusual displeased expression that it seems as if she is offended by the whole world.

That is why the nickname “Sad Cat” became her name. No matter what others try to do, the facial expressions of a dissatisfied cat remain unchanged. Although, if you are interested and want to see the angry cat in a more cheerful way, then watch the video below where she opens her mouth to play. There her expression is much more cheerful, you can say that she is laughing.

A cat with a dissatisfied face is quite happy with life and knows how to have fun. She knows how to cuddle, loves to play around and hide, loves when her tummy is stroked.

How did the popularity of the sad cat begin?

The dizzying career of an Internet star began for several reasons:

  1. The birth of an extraordinary cat with congenital pathologies, thanks to which she became popular. It turned out as in the famous saying (there would be no happiness, but misfortune would help).
  2. Photo of a cat. Interest in the most gloomy cat in the world appeared immediately when a photo of the cat appeared on the Internet (which was posted by the owner’s brother). Millions of users of the World Wide Web were “chained” to a photograph of an angry cat, dissatisfied with life. At first many people thought it was photoshop. The cat's owner did not like this accusation. He hastened to prove that the cat exists by posting a video on YouTube. That's when they started talking about her video plots, there was no trace of doubt left.
  3. News and filming on television. The cat was talked about in many news stories, videos of which can be seen on the Internet.
  4. Cat food commercial featuring Grumpy cat.
  5. Popularity on the Internet. The cat has its own pages on social networks, where the number of “likes” is growing daily. Choose yours too

It looks like she doesn’t show interest in games, doesn’t “hunt”, doesn’t run around and chatter, but sits sadly in the corner, preferring not to be touched - most likely, the animal is sick. She is not in a position to complain, but from some signs one can understand that her health is not all right and she needs help.

It is worth observing the animal’s behavior for several days without making hasty conclusions. Sometimes cats are simply “not in the mood” to play; they can react to changes in the weather - with the onset of cold weather they try to sit out in the warmth. Still, some signs clearly indicate health problems.

Alarming symptoms

The cat refuses to eat or eats very little. This happens when an animal’s sexual instincts awaken. But if there are no specific signs of sexual desire, refusal to eat is an alarming symptom.

When sexual heat occurs, the cat screams, raises the back of its body, rolls on the floor, sometimes becomes more affectionate or, on the contrary, aggressive for no reason.

The animal does not exhibit hunting instincts: the cat does not try to play, does not react to rustling moving objects, etc.; the animal tries not to make unnecessary movements.

The cat has stopped “taking care of itself”: it doesn’t lick itself, doesn’t clean its fur.

Body temperature is increased. Not every animal will allow you to measure its body temperature with a thermometer, but when you hold a cat in your arms, you can feel that it is hotter than usual. The normal body temperature of a cat is 38 degrees Celsius.

A cat's body temperature can be measured by inserting a thermometer into the rectum.

The stool has changed: it has become too liquid, there is an admixture of blood, or, on the contrary, there is no stool for more than two days.

The animal is vomiting. It is common for cats, especially long-haired cats, to regurgitate hair that ends up in the stomach as a result of licking. But if a cat vomits frequently, especially every time after she has eaten or drunk, this is not normal.

With all these symptoms, the animal must be shown to a veterinarian - a specialist will make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Why else can a cat be sad?

If the animal is healthy, but behaves unusually quietly, perhaps something has changed in the environment, and this is alarming it. Perhaps the cat is afraid of someone or something. Maybe there is a new tenant in the house, a person or an animal? Did the newcomer offend your furry pet?

Or maybe the cat was offended by the owner? Yes, this happens too. Cats, although independent animals, are completely bored without company. She can be angry with her owner for several days if he leaves her alone for a long time.

In any case, if the cat is sad, it is worth giving her a little more affection and attention to her cat problems.

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