Sexual intercourse on ultrasound. Real X-rays that will shock and surprise you (21 photos). Other options for prolonging sexual intercourse

What doctors have to deal with! Here are the most shocking x-rays:

The dentist discovered the source of the toothache. Patrick Lawler complained of pain along the roof of his mouth, which turned out to be caused by a 10cm nail that a construction worker had accidentally inserted into his skull six days earlier.

According to multiple international press reports, 11-year-old Chinese schoolboy Liu Cheong faced death when his friend shot him in the head with a 40cm arrow. The arrow entered his skull through his eye socket and lodged in his head. By some miracle, the boy escaped fatal brain injury.

Let's not forget about the classic shots: a mug of beer in anus!

A 16-year-old cheated death when a 12cm knife was stabbed into his head. The teenager was taken to hospital with a kitchen knife protruding from his forehead.

8-year-old Haley Lents from Indiana swallowed 10 magnets and 20 steel balls from a Magnetix toy set. Magnets and balls were attracted to each other in her digestive tract, making eight holes in the intestines, which is why the parents had to take the girl to the hospital for emergency surgery. Lents later told reporters that the magnets and steel balls “looked like candy.”

The 5cm nail seen in this X-ray was discovered after a Seoul man... South Korea, went to the hospital with a severe headache. After examining and interviewing the man, doctors believed that the nail was the result of an accident that occurred four years ago, but the man did not notice that there was a nail in his head.

X-ray shows a mobile phone in the lower intestine of a prisoner from El Salvador. The man was one of four imprisoned members of the Mara Salvatrucha street gang. Workers at the Zacatecoluca prison in San Salvador detained men with contraband mobile phones, spare SIM cards and chargers.

This photo shows part of a 60-year-old man who came to Nishtar Hospital in Multan, Pakistan. He decided to see a doctor after thieves inserted a Pepsi can into his anus and then stole his two buffaloes.

This X-ray shows the ignition key piercing the eyelid of 17-month-old Nicholas Holderman of Kentucky and traveling to the child's brain. Although doctors initially believed the object had penetrated Nicholas' eyeball, another team later confirmed the boy had not suffered permanent injury.

This guy was picking his teeth with scissors, but he started laughing and the scissors fell into his throat. He survived and was not seriously injured!

X-ray of scissors left inside the stomach of Pat Skinner from Hurstvlle during surgery at St George Hospital, Sydney.

X-ray of the diamond ring inside Wilfredo Gonzalez-Cruz, 30, of Chicago. A man stole a ring from a woman's house in Cicero and then swallowed it.

This photo shows a quarter swallowed by a six-year-old girl.

A vibrator stuck in the anus did not prompt the man to go to the point emergency care. He simply tried to remove the stuck object using salad tongs. The problem is that the tongs are also stuck.

This incident was not an accident, but a deliberate act. The deceased Ryan Dunn from the TV show "Jackass" deliberately inserted a model car just to mock the emergency doctors.

A man from China complained of stomach pain. The man had to see doctors after he was unable to remove the bottles using a twisted piece of wire. When medical professionals asked him about the pain, he stated that he did not understand why he was experiencing discomfort. However, his memory suddenly returned when doctors showed X-rays of the bottle and the wire inside him. He confirmed that he inserted the bottle at home after which it got stuck, and said that he tried to pull the bottle out with a steel wire in a panic attack.

A 52-year-old woman from the Netherlands named Margaret Daalman went to the hospital complaining of stomach pain and one glance at the picture explains the cause of the discomfort. Surgeons in Rotterdam were amazed by images showing 78 different cutlery items in her stomach.

Wu Moude, 22, landed on a steel bar that buried 15 centimeters into his head under his chin. The extraction required a five-hour operation, during which surgeons cut open Wu's windpipe and skull.

A man from China told doctors that he was moving furniture in his house when he noticed a mouse. He picked up a steel crowbar and chased the animal, but tripped and landed on rebar, which hit him in the anus. Doctors feared that if they simply pulled on the hooked rod, it would cause even more harm. Firefighters cut off the outside of the crowbar before surgically removing the rest.

A Chinese teenager slipped and stabbed himself in the face with a 7cm knife he was using to peel an apple. Ren Hanzhi's father recalls: “He walked to the sofa and peeled an apple as he walked. Suddenly he slipped and a sharp knife pierced his face. I didn’t dare pull out the knife because my son was screaming loudly.” Chief surgeon Peng Liwei, who performed the operation to remove the knife, commented: “This is a shocking case. The knife, whose length exceeds 20 centimeters, entered the boy’s face 7 centimeters.” The operation was successful and the patient fully recovered in about a month.

Photo diagram: sexual intercourse

The most frequently asked question now is how to prolong sexual intercourse for men? The statistics are inexorable: the average duration of sexual intercourse is two to three minutes. This time is clearly not enough for most women. That's why a lot of guys think about it. The biggest stumbling block in sex life considered premature ejaculation.

Unlike a man, a woman can reach the peak of pleasure and continue having sex. Other processes occur in a man’s body: the erection becomes weak, strength disappears, and fatigue appears.

Experts offer quite a few ways to overcome this problem, but first it is recommended to get to the bottom of the reason for the regular fiasco.

The reasons for early ejaculation can be various factors:

  • Young age, inexperience. In this case, regular sex with a regular partner will help you.
  • Too much excitement prevents you from prolonging intimacy and pleasing your chosen one;
  • Diseases of the pelvic organs.
  • Psychological problems, neurosis, overstrain, fatigue, depression.
  • Physiological features of the structure of the male genital organ.
  • Treatment with certain medications.
  • Alcohol abuse, drug use.

If premature ejaculation is not related to a health condition and does not require medical intervention in the form of medication or surgery, it is advisable to listen to the following advice:

Pharmacy products for prolonging sexual intercourse

generic Dapoxetine

In order to increase the time of sexual contact, men use different methods. In most cases, it is advisable to visit a specialist who, by examining and prescribing the necessary tests, will help determine the cause of premature ejaculation. As a result, it may be assigned drug treatment, surgical intervention is possible, which will be a radical solution to the problem. But most representatives of the stronger half can cope with early ejaculation more simple methods. For example: use generic dapoxetine.

Other options for prolonging sexual intercourse

If you did not find the reasons for your early ejaculation in the above list, you can be recommended to familiarize yourself with specialists and trainers in this field.

Present to your attention three simple ways increase intercourse time:

What not to do to prolong sexual intercourse

  1. Do not pinch the urethra. Such actions lead to inflammatory processes in the prostate gland - a guarantee of prostatitis and retrograde ejaculation. If the above tips do not help to cope with the problem, the best solution is to visit a urologist, sexologist and other doctors.
  2. Also, don’t “bury your head in the sand” after a problem arises. In order not to lose self-confidence, pay attention to oral stimulation of your woman, because this allows you to prolong foreplay, make sex varied, this will not give the girl a reason to be dissatisfied with what is happening.

Try different techniques described above until you figure out which technique works best for you. Do not hesitate to contact a specialist, because a professional solution to the problem will allow you to quickly forget about premature ejaculation.

To find out what happens in the brain of an excited woman, scientists from Rutgers University (USA) used MRI. They found that when the vagina, cervix, clitoris and nipples were stimulated, completely different areas of the brain were activated.

According to studies conducted in State University New York, sperm may help fight depression. It contains chemicals that elevate mood, increase feelings of intimacy and affection, and also have a beneficial effect on sleep.

On average, a woman's orgasm lasts 20 seconds - that's 14 seconds longer than a man's.

With strong arousal, blood flow increases not only to the genitals, which increase in volume, but also to the face, as a result of which some people may experience a stuffy nose.

196°C - this is the temperature at which sperm are stored in sperm banks.

Some women experience orgasm during childbirth.

In addition to humans, bonobos (or pygmy chimpanzees) and dolphins also engage in sex for pleasure.

For an erection of an average-sized penis, a blood flow of two tablespoons is sufficient.

Despite the fact that many use this excuse to avoid sex, in fact, sex can actually relieve headaches, since it helps normalize blood pressure, as well as the production of endorphins - hormones that are the human body's natural pain reliever.

According to statistics, 85% of men who died of a heart attack during sexual intercourse were cheating on their wives at the time of death.

Residents of Greece have sex on average 138 times a year, making them the world's most sexually active people. The most “lazy” in the world in terms of sex are Japanese couples: they indulge in passion only 45 times a year.

The volume of seminal fluid that the average man ejaculates in his entire life is approximately 17 liters, which is about 500 billion sperm.

During ejaculation, the first muscle contraction shoots sperm out at a speed of 45 km/h - faster than the current world record for the 100 meter race (44.24 km/h).

During orgasm, the heart rate for men and women averages 140 beats per minute. This heart rate in a person in a normal, non-excited state is considered tachycardia.

Marilyn Monroe, the most famous sex icon of the 20th century, admitted to a friend that, despite three husbands and an army of lovers, she almost never experienced an orgasm.

One teaspoon of semen contains approximately 5 calories. Having rough sex for half an hour burns, on average, 100-200 calories.

The vibrator was originally developed in the 19th century to treat women diagnosed with hysteria. There is even a play written about it, “In the Next Room,” also known as “The Vibrator Play,” presented in 2009.

In one chicken egg can accommodate the number of female eggs needed to repopulate our planet to its current population size.

And the number of sperm required for this can fit in one aspirin capsule.

In Aztec culture, avocados were considered a very powerful aphrodisiac. The associations with the sight of the fruits were so strong that virgins were forbidden to collect them.

Chocolate contains phenylethylamine, Chemical substance, which causes a feeling of euphoria and is responsible for increasing sexual attractiveness - it is also produced in the brain when a person falls in love.

Scientists have repeatedly observed female penguins “providing sexual favors” to males who were not their mates in exchange for pebbles to build a nest for their young. Yes, female penguins continue to reveal themselves to us in unexpected ways.

The oldest known drawing of a person using a condom during sexual intercourse is painted on a wall in a cave in France. According to scientists, this drawing is 12-15 thousand years old.

IN Ancient Greece performing oral sex was referred to as “playing the flute.”

During World War I, members of Britain's Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) discovered that semen could be used as invisible ink. True, they stopped using it for these purposes immediately after they realized what kind of smell it emanated after a while.

Sexual intercourse is natural and extremely important process, providing the possibility of conception naturally. That is why the issue of the anatomy of sexual intercourse in medicine receives well-deserved attention. In fact, its main purpose can be considered transmission by a man female body its genetic material. Based on these ideas, sexual intercourse is fruitful only if it results in conception.

However, in fact, sexual intercourse is, first of all, a way of expressing the natural attraction of a man and a woman to each other. Without it, not only pregnancy becomes impossible, but also the building of normal relationships between partners.

Basic components of sexual intercourse

All elements of sexual intercourse, which include sexual desire, erection, ejaculation and orgasm, are closely interconnected, which makes the presence of each component impossible in the absence of the previous one. For example, only expressed libido can provide the degree of erection that is necessary for sexual intercourse. A good erection for a man, in turn, makes it possible for both him and his partner to achieve orgasm.

Thus, normally, sexual function can be realized only if the components of sexual intercourse are interconnected. If there are any disorders, each of the listed components can be affected individually, however, over time, problems with one of the elements lead to sexual dysfunction as a whole.

The operation of this entire system is controlled by the sexual center, which is influenced not only by external stimuli, but also by internal factors in the form of sex hormones contained in the blood.

Technique of sexual intercourse

When considering the issue of the anatomy of sexual intercourse, considerable attention is paid to the technique of its implementation. However, it cannot be reduced to purely mechanical actions carried out according to a planned scenario. Every sexual intercourse, and even more so intimate life each couple are individual, and represent a natural expression of the needs of a man and a woman for affection and sexual pleasure.

Sexual intercourse begins with mutual foreplay, which increases sexual arousal of partners. Their duration is individual for each couple and is largely determined by the temperament of the man and woman. On average, foreplay can take from 5 to 20 minutes. The sexual act itself begins at the moment of insertion of the penis into the vagina and ends with ejaculation and the achievement of orgasm. Most often, the moment of highest sexual pleasure for partners occurs at different time, however, it is quite possible to achieve mutual orgasm. This requires a certain experience and desire of both partners.

Thus, treating sexual intercourse solely as a way to conceive a child not only deprives this side of the life of a man and woman of its beauty and attractiveness, but also has a detrimental effect on their relationship as a whole.

What frequency of sexual intercourse is considered normal?

The frequency of its occurrence is also directly related to the concept of the anatomy of sexual intercourse. It should be noted that the norm in this case is a relative concept, because the number of sexual acts that suits one couple is unacceptable for another. Even in the same couple, partners may have different opinion about the intensity of their sexual life depending on the individual needs of the person.

The frequency of sexual intercourse directly depends on age characteristics. In youth, the intensity of sexual activity is usually the highest, and can reach several times a day. Then it gradually decreases, settling in the period of maturity around 2-3 sexual intercourses per week. However, these are just average values, since the frequency of intimate relationships of each individual person is constantly influenced by numerous factors of a biological, personal and social nature. So, in his youth, how many sexual acts a man is able to perform, for example, in a week, is determined mainly by his physiological characteristics. In adulthood, the number of sexual acts very much depends on the psychological state of the man and the quality of his relationship with his partner.
The average number of sexual intercourses per week for the same man can also temporarily increase or decrease under the influence of external factors. For example, activity on the part of a partner or a change of environment can increase the intensity of sexual activity, while a busy work schedule or unfavorable living conditions, on the contrary, have a detrimental effect on a man’s sexual desire.

One of the important indicators that allows you to assess how many sexual acts can be considered normal for a particular man is the presence of ejaculation. That is, normally, sexual intercourse should end with ejaculation. If it does not occur or the amount of ejaculate is negligible, this indicates exhaustion of the body, which is subjected to excessive stress.

Frequency of sexual intercourse and likelihood of pregnancy

When considering the issue of the anatomy of sexual intercourse, the topic of optimal intensity of sexual activity often arises, ensuring high probability conception. That is, when planning a pregnancy, couples often wonder how many sexual acts they should have, for example, per week, in order to achieve the conception of a child as quickly as possible.
According to statistics, conception is most likely through daily sex. This frequency of sexual intercourse increases the chances of a long-awaited pregnancy by up to 25%. If the couple has intimate relationships every other day, the probability of conception decreases to 22%. Having sex once a week reduces the chances of pregnancy by up to 10%, since a couple with a large partner most often misses the most favorable days for fertilization.

Experts recommend being most active in sexual activity during the period of ovulation in a woman (from 10 to 18 days menstrual cycle). During this week, daily sexual intercourse is the most effective. The seven days following the onset of ovulation are also quite favorable for conception, but at this time it is better to reduce the intensity of sexual activity a little, having sex every other day.

To increase the likelihood of pregnancy, the number of sexual acts performed during the day should also be taken into account. The more ejaculations a man has in one day, the more mobile his sperm become. However, with each new sexual intercourse, the number of sperm in the ejaculate decreases, since the body requires a certain time to produce them. That is, the more intense sex life During the day, the fewer sperm become, but the higher their quality. However, one should not conclude from this that the probability of conception is affected by the amount of sperm itself, since the volume of ejaculate is not always directly related to its productivity.
The topic of sexual intercourse and all the nuances related to it is very complex and multifaceted, because it cannot be considered as an exclusively physiological process. It is necessary to take into account the entire set of factors that determine the quality of sexual life. Only this approach will allow you to find answers to all your questions, cope with existing problems and avoid the emergence of new ones.

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