Popular brands of sunglasses for men. How to choose the right sunglasses - useful tips. Porsche and Porsche design sunglasses

Show business stars and top models do not part with dark glasses, not only because this stylish and fashionable accessory allows you to “disengage” yourself from prying eyes or neglect cosmetics. They know very well: sunglasses- one of the best means to prevent crow's feet and wrinkles between the eyebrows. And doctors never tire of repeating that the eyes need to be protected from the sun and burns even more than the skin.

1. Keep in mind: it is a misconception that glasses with plastic lenses are worse

Today, most manufacturers prefer plastic; such glasses are lighter, more practical, and plastic glasses are absolutely not inferior in quality to glass ones. And sometimes they even surpass them, since it is more difficult to apply special filters to the glass that protect the eyes from UVA and UVB rays. By the way, the statement that any glass glasses do not transmit ultraviolet radiation is nothing more than a myth. Glass itself only blocks part of the ultraviolet rays; in order for UV protection to be complete, additional coatings must be applied to it.

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5 secrets for choosing the perfect sunglasses


5 secrets for choosing the perfect sunglasses

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5 secrets for choosing the perfect sunglasses


2. Before purchasing, ask for a passport!

To choose good sunglasses, be sure to look at the passport (certificate) for them. It must indicate the most important characteristics glasses, namely: what wavelength and what percentage of ultraviolet radiation they block. Good sunglasses should block ultraviolet wavelengths of at least 400 nm, which are the most dangerous to the eyes. There are also standards for light transmission, depending on which all sunglasses are divided into five categories.

Zero (look for the number “0”) are very light, only slightly darkened glasses for cloudy weather, transmitting 80-100% of the light. The first (number “1”) is slightly tinted glasses for partly cloudy weather; such glasses are well suited for early spring or mid-autumn in mid-latitudes. The second category (number “2”) - glasses of medium darkness, which are suitable for sunny weather in the middle zone, but for the south they are rather weak. The third and most common category (number “3”) is glasses for summer, the beach, and bright sun. These are the ones we usually take with us on vacation. Glasses of the fourth group (number 4") transmit less than 8-10% of light; they are recommended for very strong sun, for example, high in the mountains, or at sea near the equator. In addition, glasses for bright sunshine should have polarized lenses that dampen the sun's glare on the surface of water and snow.

The easiest way to tell if your glasses are dark enough or not is how comfortable you feel wearing them. If you squint in the sun, despite wearing dark glasses, it means the darkness is too weak. And keep in mind: the color and tone of the glass does not affect UV protection in any way: high-quality lenses of group zero can block even 100% of ultraviolet radiation (the international standard is at least 95%).

3. Don't skimp on sunglasses

When choosing sunglasses, you need to remember that this is not an accessory, but, first of all, a means of protecting your eyes from ultraviolet radiation. And it depends on the quality of the glass how good this protection will be, not to mention the fact that bad glass will inevitably negatively affect vision. An independent study of one of the specialized magazines published in the USA and dedicated to optics showed that none of the several hundred models that street vendors sell for an average of $5-15 meet quality standards, and bright stickers from the “100% UV protection” series - nothing more than a fiction. Saving on sunglasses means saving on health, which is fraught with blurred vision, cataracts, corneal or retinal burns, and other eye damage caused by ultraviolet radiation. The darkening of the glasses causes the pupil to dilate and, if UV filters are not applied to the lenses, an increased amount of ultraviolet radiation penetrates into the eyes. Thus, it is better not to wear sunglasses at all than to wear bad ones.

Buy glasses only from specialized points of sale, shops or opticians. Even if it is not an expensive model, it will be of high quality. Besides, if you don’t chase trendy models, good sunglasses are an accessory that you buy for several years. Well, if you doubt the quality and origin of the glasses you have already purchased, many optical stores have special devices on which you can check their light transmission and degree of UV protection.

4. Pay attention to color

The eyes feel most comfortable in glasses with lenses of neutral colors - gray, gray-brown, gray-green. But doctors do not recommend wearing pink, blue, orange and, especially, yellow glasses for a long time - your eyes will quickly get tired. There is also an opinion that these colors overstimulate the retina and cause so-called optical stress; the eyes become very strained and get tired quickly. But dim greenish lenses, on the contrary, calm the nerves and can even reduce eye pressure. In the opinion of many ophthalmologists, nearsighted people are most comfortable in lenses of brownish shades, while farsighted people are most comfortable in grayish and greenish ones. Read more about how different colors affect our nervous system and health, the program experts will tell you "In the shape of".

5. Size matters too!

The larger the size of the lenses, the better the sunglasses will protect the eyes and skin around them from the rays of the sun, so one can only rejoice at the fashion for large, massive glasses. Glasses with massive temple bases also provide good protection from side effects. sun rays(this is especially important if you are driving, relaxing in the mountains or at sea, where there is a lot of sun).

Various articles 1

Brands sunglasses. What's better?

26-06-2018, 19:45

Summer is one of the brightest times of the year in all respects. It is during this period that you want to escape from stuffy apartments and offices and spend as much time as possible in nature. But don’t forget to protect your eyes from the blinding rays of the sun. And the best assistant in this will be sunglasses from world brands.

Choice matters

When choosing sunglasses, the question always arises: what to choose - an economical price or a well-known brand. But, as practice shows, you always need to remember the quality and functionality of glasses, choosing those that will not only look stylish on your face, but also really protect from the sun.

When buying sunglasses, you should remember that they should fit comfortably and not interfere with movement. It is important to decide on the type of lenses, based on the scope of use of the glasses (for recreation, sports, driving, etc.). High-quality sunglasses not only protect the owner’s eyes from ultraviolet rays, but also help the skin of the face, protecting it from premature wrinkles and the harmful effects of the sun, thereby preventing premature aging.

The name is responsible for everything

Today, the global market, including accessories, has changed a lot. Of course, honorable brands continue to occupy top positions on it. But every year they are being squeezed out and replaced by new names, offering high quality at a more affordable price. Today, the top three global brands of sunglasses are as follows:

- 3rd place – FENDY (Italy);

2nd place – PRADA (Italy);

1st place – RAY-BAN (Italy).

Yes, it was the representatives of sunny Italy who managed to lead the top three undisputed world leaders in sunglasses. Although among young people, glasses from the USA from the company DKNY are more popular. The durable titanium body combines perfectly with protective lenses and high-quality plastic frames. Plain and patterned glasses are incredibly popular among young people, although their cost varies between 10 thousand rubles.

Sunglasses FENDY are particularly practical and wear-resistant. At the same time, customers are offered glasses in a stylish design, and from this year

A the lineup FENDY has replenished mirror lenses. The average cost of glasses reaches 16,000 rubles.

As for PRADA, there are no surprises to be expected here. Everything, as usual, is at the highest level. Glasses costing between 14-15 thousand rubles have incredible durability and a unique style that can satisfy even the most capricious buyers. Bright and reliable glasses are suitable for both the elderly and middle-aged people. At the same time, glasses from PRADA provide a really high degree of protection of the skin and eyes from ultraviolet radiation, including due to mirror lenses.

RAY-BAN sunglasses took a confident first place due to their incredible popularity among world pop and film stars. Yes, celebrities also love reliable quality and unique style at a very reasonable price, considering that they offer branded goods. Lenses with special protection, a metal body base and a comfortable frame - all this at an average price of 11-12,000 rubles. And this is not a fairy tale - this is RAY-BAN.

Financial savings without quality savings

However, those who do not want to pay dearly for quality sunglasses should not be upset. Global manufacturers have taken care of them too. The list of leaders offering high-quality eye and face protection from ultraviolet radiation, while allowing you to save your personal budget, looks like this:

- 3rd place – VITTORIO RICHI (Holland);

2nd place – LEGNA (Italy);

1st place – POLAROID (Italy)

Stylish design, adding brightness to the image, is combined in VITTORIO RICHI with the lightness and reliability of the frame. The special lens material allows you to protect your eyes and face from bright sunlight, and the cost of only 1,500 rubles will pleasantly surprise you with its affordability.

The Italians have managed to achieve incredible success in this category, offering still high quality, but from a less popular manufacturer from the South. LEGNA sunglasses are perfect for both amateurs healthy image life, and for those who regularly wear glasses to protect themselves from ultraviolet radiation. Strength, durability and several lens color options for specific purposes - all this for an average price of 2,300 rubles.

POLAROID sunglasses have long proven themselves with the most the best side on the world market. Today, their models are, perhaps, truly the leaders in the quality-price tandem. It is difficult to find glasses from other companies that offer models with sun absorbers, shock-absorbing lenses and incredibly comfortable and wear-resistant rectangular frames in the price category of 4 to 5 thousand rubles.

Oh sport, you are life

Modern society devotes a lot of time to a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, sunglasses manufacturers have also paid close attention to sports fans. Here the top three are very diverse.

In third place is the Israeli BRADEX with an average cost of 600 rubles. At the same time, the manufacturer offers a real set of five interchangeable lenses and several frames for various applications and weather conditions. The main task of sunglasses is multifunctionality combined with practicality and reliability.

The second place was glasses from the French company JULBO. Here the pricing policy starts from 7,000 rubles. Do not forget that the first models This brand of sun protection accessory was released back in 1888. Today, manufacturers are ready to offer their options to fans of running, lovers of ski resorts, as well as swimming and even rock climbing. The models are distinguished by a high degree of transparency, combined with maximum protection from exposure to sunlight.

It is not surprising that in the field of sports, Italian masters are again winning. OAKLEY sunglasses, in the average price range from 12 to 13 thousand rubles, are the standard of practicality, stylish design and the highest quality. Increased impact resistance, effective protection from ultraviolet radiation and maximum comfort - all these factors allow Italian-made glasses models to remain incredibly popular among athletes and fans of a healthy lifestyle.

In general, sunglasses have long ceased to be just an accessory. They are part of a person’s image, a reliable protector from natural forces and an indicator of the individuality of their owner. The main thing is to do it right choice among a rich assortment of sunglasses, without forgetting their main task and without losing sight fashion trends modern world.

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So that they protect the eyes, fit correctly, and do not break a week after purchase. Their purchase should be taken responsibly, since counterfeit glasses not only do not provide protective effects, but also contribute to the deterioration of vision. If in Russian realities a fake RayBan is quite suitable for the season, then in Thailand it is better to choose quality over price.

Frame and lens material

First, pay attention to the lenses. Which lenses for sunglasses to choose? nature itself suggests - the glass that fashionistas are chasing is less scratched, but only partially blocks ultraviolet radiation. But high-quality polymers, like polycarbonate, prevent rays A and B from reaching the retina. Infrared rays only block polarized sunglasses, and classics, especially fashion ones, do not hinder them at all.

Advice! If you have to drive a car often, then it is best to leave your choice on plastic glasses, as they are safer in case of a possible accident (what to do if?). Such glass will either simply fly out of the frame, or even if it breaks, the risk of injury is minimized.

The frame material can be any. Lightweight plastic has its advantages, for example, it is durable and lasts a long time. Metal models with wooden inserts look no less stylish, and they are stronger than plastic. It’s just important to carefully consider the places where the lenses are attached to the frame; if the metal frame is overtightened, cracks can form at the fixation points, they dramatically spoil the appearance of the accessory and reduce its service life.

Glass color and tint level

Not all sunglasses are ideally dark. The barrier to sunlight is not the intense coloring of the lenses. Even, on the contrary, extremely dark lenses without a protective filter against ultraviolet radiation harm the eyes even more than translucent “chameleon” glasses. The fact is that behind dark lenses, the pupil involuntarily expands and literally absorbs harmful rays.

Radiation protection

If you still can't decide, then try choose sunglasses by type of protection. Manufacturers indicate the barrier indicator and type of filter on a special insert included with the accessory. Additionally, some manufacturers mark on the insert the conditions in which it is recommended to use the glasses.

  • “0” – minimal protection from all types of radiation, the filter transmits at least 80% of light.
  • “1” and “2” – categories of average radiation protection. The first category transmits from 43 to 80 percent of light, and the second - 18–43 percent.
  • “3” is an excellent solution for relaxation and living by the sea, visits to nature and daytime city walks. Glass filters transmit no more than 18% of light.
  • “4” – glasses for Thailand, a place where the sun does not spare either the eyes or the skin (). Their light transmission is 3–8 percent.

You can choose sunglasses to suit your face, but do not forget about light transmission, it should be level 3 or 4 for eye comfort in Thailand.

Polarizing coating

Choose the right sunglasses Understanding all their characteristics will help. Optical store salespeople often mention polarization when talking about eyewear models for car enthusiasts and beach lovers. Essentially, the presence of a polarizing filter indicates that the lenses have a special coating applied to them to block glare and reflections. Therefore, for those who have decided choose quality sunglasses To stay at resorts in Thailand, you need to pay attention to models with good polarization. Scientifically speaking, such a filter cuts off the peaks of the amplitudes of light waves that exceed a given norm.

How to check polarized glasses when purchasing?

There are three methods known to us.

  1. Hologram. Look at the hologram, indistinguishable without glasses; stores usually have them. Just ask the seller for it.
  2. Smartphone. Turn on the display to maximum brightness and set a white background, bring polarized glasses to your eyes and turn them vertically 90°, the lenses should darken to complete opacity.
  3. Two in one. Put on the glasses, present the second (same) ones at a distance of 10-15 cm from the first and slowly turn them to an angle of 90°. The lenses should darken completely; if partial transparency remains, then the filter in one of the glasses is not 100% polarizing.

Advice! Leave your choice on polarized glasses, since ordinary ones will not be able to protect your eyes as effectively as those described above.

Photochromic coating

The photochromic layer turns ordinary lenses into “chameleons”. Depending on the lighting, the percentage of light rays transmitted photochromic sunglasses changes, allowing them to be used even at night for driving a car. This filter works as follows: when light hits the glasses with a photochromic filter, they begin to darken, therefore, at night, the glasses become transparent.

Choosing sunglasses to suit your face

The simplest answer to the question is how to choose sunglasses according to your face shape, this is advice to try on the model you like. But sometimes there is no time to try on the entire assortment of the store, or you plan to order an accessory on the Internet, which eliminates the possibility of putting them on and going to the mirror. In this case, stylists have created a series of recommendations that will help choose the right shape of sunglasses, focusing only on facial type and features. But first, let's look at some practical advice from professionals.

What does the label tell us...

The edges of the glasses frames should protrude slightly beyond the boundaries of the face. But they should not be wider than 1.5 cm. On a wide face, massive frames will look heavy, but for those with elongated shape For the head, you should choose options that will protrude slightly at the temples, thereby adjusting the width of the cheekbones. The thickness of the frame is a matter of taste, but sometimes it also indicates which sunglasses to choose. So, those with fine features (narrow lips and bridge of the nose) should not get carried away with models decorated with a scattering of stones. In turn, models without frames will clearly lose against the background of plump lips and a wide snub nose.

Which glasses suit your face shape?

Round face type. When the widest area is the cheeks, and the height is almost equal to the width of the face, you need to try to visually lengthen it with glasses. Models with square or rectangular lenses are suitable for this. It is important that the corners are rounded and the frame is clearly distinguished by color, then the desired effect will be achieved.

Square face type. The angularity of the forehead and jaw indicates that glasses should smooth out this geometry. The frame in this case should be indirect, slightly rounded along the top line. Massive frames will fit perfectly, but it is important not to overdo it, otherwise the accessory will, on the contrary, emphasize what needs to be hidden.

Triangular face type. High cheekbones and a pointy chin– the main features of a triangular face shape. In this case, the glasses should balance the heavy top and narrow bottom. To do this, take a closer look at them, the shape of the lenses is called “cat’s eye”; models with oval lenses, slightly narrowed downward, are also suitable.

Oval face type. This is the case when you can decide on any experiments. Owners of this face shape will suit both square and round frames any thickness and type.

Oblong face type. This type requires glasses that widen the cheekbones. Large glasses with soft frame lines have this feature. It’s great if the top line of the frame is different in color, this will smooth out the lack of pronounced cheekbones and cheekbones.

Video: in addition to the post on choosing glasses

This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Sunglasses have always been considered a fashionable attribute. Although initially they were produced in almost the same shape, without thinking about the design, because they were intended only to protect the eyes from UV radiation. Over time, this shortcoming was corrected, and now famous fashion houses compete to create the best ultra-modern and luxury models, which connoisseurs of style and taste immediately want to add to their collection.

Rating of the best brands sunglasses

Nomination place Name of product price
Best Cheap Sunglasses Brands 1 best quality lenses
2 the best inexpensive models for every day
3 the best youth collections at an affordable price
The Best Legendary Sunglasses Brands 1 the most iconic models
2 best designer frames
3 the most exotic frames
4 most popular premium glasses
5 best creative and bold designs
6 best classic models
7 the most legendary brand
8 the most expensive materials
Top brands sports sunglasses 1 best glasses for outdoor activities
2 the most wear-resistant glasses for sports

Best Cheap Sunglasses Brands

Many well-known brands specialize in producing inexpensive models that have all the protective properties, look modern and stylish, and despite their affordable price, can become a trendy accessory. We present such manufacturers below.

The famous brand was created in 1937 in Cambridge. The first sunglasses released by Polaroid sold out within hours. Since then, the brand has been proving that the models it once invented with polarized lenses in combination with modern frames will always be fashionable and in demand. Thanks to their unique property, the accessories are distinguished by 100% protection from UV radiation, real color rendition, and glare-free images.

Modern glasses are made of plastic and metal, some are produced in a combined form. Glasses are mirrored or classic in green or black. Maximum protective properties, unsurpassed quality and affordable prices have made the brand especially in demand among lovers of noble simplicity and practicality.

The brand was created relatively recently, but has already gained popularity among lovers of fashion accessories, which not only have a unique design, but also quite affordable prices. This makes the products of this brand accessible to all connoisseurs of modern and stylish things. Sunglasses are made from multi-layered plastic or metal, and designers often create interesting combinations of these materials.

A variety of models are designed for daily wear, walking on the beach, and playing sports. The range is so large that everyone can choose a model with the perfect fit and feel comfort and convenience. The glasses protect well from solar radiation and are practical. Lenses come in a variety of colors and shades with varying degrees of darkness.

The Italian brand included in our rating is good example a combination of sophisticated and sophisticated design and a very affordable price for a wide range of buyers. It came to the Russian market in 2007 and was immediately loved for its unique style and variety of models. All glasses are made of metal alloys that are resistant to corrosion. They are light and flexible. Additional varnish coating makes them more durable and resilient.

Polarized lenses provide maximum protection from solar radiation, are resistant to scratches and damage, and can be used with gradient or solid tint. Men's and women's collections are divided into business, classic and sports styles. Each of them takes into account the most fashionable trends, combined with functionality and simplicity.

The Best Legendary Sunglasses Brands

Famous brands with almost a century of history produce exclusive items, many of which are worn only on special occasions. They are created according to unique sketches by world-famous designers, made from exotic materials, and decorated with precious stones.

The brand included in the rating declared itself back in 1937, immediately becoming the world leader in the production of optical products. The first sunglasses were produced for pilots by order of the US Air Force. They protected from direct sunlight, air flow and glare and became a mandatory attribute for the American military. Gradually, the civilian population appreciated such an accessory, and the mass popularization of today’s well-known “aviators” began.

Many models created more than half a century ago have not lost their relevance and have now become iconic. Today, Ray-Ban accessories are fashionable glasses that are true classic style. Despite this, innovative technologies and materials are used in their production. Models with polycarbonate or mineral lenses and color collections with frosted glass are becoming increasingly popular.

It is difficult to imagine a person who would not know the famous brand, which began its triumphant march in 1978 in Paris. Today Versace is one of the most influential fashion houses, whose collections are sold out almost instantly. The logo depicts the head of Medusa Rondanini, which, according to legend, had incredible beauty and witchcraft, and, according to the creator of the brand Gianni Versace, it best symbolizes the style and concept of the company.

The main principles of the brand have always been elegance and sophisticated style. Designers adhere to this when creating sunglasses. In addition to high-quality lenses made of polycarbonate and mineral glass, they are distinguished by an exclusive frame, which is made of expensive materials and decorated with Swarovski crystals and various gold-plated elements.

Compared to many brands included in the rating, Tom Ford presented its first collection only in 2005. But today it already occupies a leading position in the production of fashion accessories that are preferred by world stars. Sophistication and simplicity have become the hallmark of the company, which is why all models are distinguished by a noble style without any unnecessary elements.

The frames are made from high-quality premium materials: plastic, leather, metal and even bone. All of them are durable and wear-resistant, which guarantees their long-term operation. The brand's insignia is the letter T in gold, located on the temple or the inside of the frame. The lenses are made of polycarbonate, which is resistant to damage and abrasion.


The Italian brand, created more than a century ago in Milan, is considered one of the world's most influential fashion houses. The first collection of sunglasses was released in 2000, and today accessories from this brand are the most popular among customers. Unique sketches, innovative technologies, luxurious materials - Prada designers use all this when creating them.

The frame is made of metal or plastic of the highest quality, reptile skin is often used, and horn or bone inserts are added. The shape of the lenses is varied: rectangular, trapezoidal, oval, teardrop-shaped. The predominant color is coffee or smoky. The arms are decorated with rhinestones, precious stones, and crystals. All sunglasses have a unique number to protect against counterfeiting.

The first men's clothing collection was released in 1974. The Italian brand presented classic suits with a unique cut for those times. The eyewear line was launched 30 years ago, and today the brand's accessories are considered the standard of style and luxurious luxury attributes. Classic models never go out of fashion, but the company releases more and more creative and daring collections every year. Monolenses fixed on top of the frame, space glasses with extravagant temples or a massive bridge on the eyebrow line surprise with their futuristic shapes.

The creators do not forget about other, no less popular styles. Retro glamor remains in demand, which is perfect for a romantic look; sporty chic, captivating with its aggressive lines and mirrored lenses with maximum protection from UV rays.


Another representative of sunny Italy in the ranking has almost a century-old history and today is the most famous and recognizable brand all over the world. Designers adhere to two main principles when creating accessories - elegance and simplicity. All of them are made from ECO materials that are absolutely safe for health and hypoallergenic. Frames are made according to innovative technologies metal, plastic, cellulose acetate; Lenses are made of polarized glass.

The brand prefers classics, creating models with a variety of color shades, smooth shapes, square or rounded lines, decorative elements that have become mandatory attributes of the corporate style.

Founded by the famous Coco Chanel, the company is an undisputed trendsetter. Each new collection becomes a world event, and accessories remain popular and in demand for more than one season. Sunglasses protect your eyes 100% from ultraviolet radiation, and the frames can rightfully be called a work of art. Luxurious and elegant, they never cease to amaze and delight connoisseurs of beauty with their exclusive designs.

A special feature of this brand’s glasses: on the temples of many models there is the Chanel signature logo - two connected letters C. The frames are presented in noble colors: black, brown, gray, burgundy, which once again emphasizes their sophistication and elegance.


The company was founded in 1925 in Rome by a married couple and was engaged in sewing fur and leather products. In just a short time, the products of the Italian brand became popular throughout Europe. Today Fendi is the personification of impeccable taste, and accessories are considered luxury items and are sold in limited quantities. Designers always take a bold approach to creating new collections; as a result, unique, sometimes daring models are born that become instantly popular.

Frames are created in black, brown, blue, olive. Often the brand logo is located on the temples. For special fashionistas, the lenses are encrusted with diamonds. In addition to the exclusive design, the glasses provide maximum protection from ultraviolet rays, have an ideal fit, are reliable and durable.

Best Sports Sunglasses Brands

Despite the fact that nowadays sunglasses are a stylish and fashionable accessory, their direct purpose is protection from harmful UV rays. Models for athletes are made of durable materials, the frames are thin and light, the lenses are made of unbreakable glass or plastic. Our rating includes 2 brands that produce the best sports glasses of the highest quality and functionality.

The brand has long been recognized throughout the world; its sunglasses are used by athletes, military personnel, and all outdoor enthusiasts. This success is easily explained: the unique features of each model distinguish the company from other well-known manufacturers of sports accessories. The brand was the first to produce functional glasses with maximum protection from rain, wind, sunlight, and splashes. They were made of impact-resistant glass, futuristic in shape, and brightly colored. In addition, they held tightly, did not move when moving and did not slip.

Today, the brand continues to introduce innovative developments, producing polymer lenses with high optical clarity, a special protective coating against scratches and against the effects of human body fats. Thanks to this, the service life of the glasses is increased several times.

The interesting history of the creation of the brand later influenced its commercial success. A company of fishermen was dissatisfied with the quality of the glasses, and in 1983 they decided to start their own business to produce practical, comfortable and functional accessories for outdoor activities and sports. Ideal shape, special strength, 100% protection - all this is Costa Del Mar.

The brand associates its products with brutal and strong men who go on long fishing trips or sail on a yacht on the open sea. These sunglasses are ideal for water sports or just having fun in nature. Polarized lenses reduce glare, and the form-fitting design prevents slipping during active movements.

Attention! This rating is subjective in nature, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Expensive designer sunglasses are not just a fad, but a status symbol. Few mere mortals can afford them. The cost of glasses takes into account the quality of the materials used, the brand name, the name of the designer, the ability to change color from light to dark (depending on lighting), scratch resistance and many other factors

Basically, sunglasses should perform two functions - protect your eyes from exposure to sunlight and bright light and hide them from prying eyes. And for them to become a symbol of social status, they must also be fashionable. Most expensive sunglasses are made of gold and platinum, and are encrusted with precious stones - diamonds and emeralds. The most expensive glasses in the world belong to the following brands: Dolce & Gabbana, Chopard and Bulgari. Many of the glasses are produced in limited quantities or specifically for certain celebrities and fashionistas to highlight their individuality, which also explains high cost.

10. Lugano Diamonds Sunglasses – $27,000

Lugano Diamonds, a privately owned jewelry company, was founded in 1974 and is currently located in Newport Beach, California. When she decided to produce sunglasses, she began collaborating with famous designer Barton Pereira. The glasses are available in different styles, such as gold frames with pink lenses and 2.85 carats of pink diamonds or brown lenses, leopard print and 3.59 carats of black diamonds. Each pair of glasses costs $27,000.

9. Bulgari Parentesi Diamond Sunglasses – $31,000

Luxury brand Bulgari is celebrating its 130th anniversary since the company was founded in 1884 in Rome. The capital of Italy for the company is not only a location, but also a source of inspiration for the creation of jewelry, watches, perfumes, and leather goods. The temple arms of these Bulgari sunglasses are set with 206 diamonds weighing 2.5 carats. Naturally, the glasses are produced in limited edition - only 10 exclusive pairs at a very high price.

8. Bently Platinum Sunglasses – $45,276

Bentley Motors Ltd is well known as a manufacturer of respectable and luxurious cars in the world. It was founded in 1919 by W. O. Bentley, and in 1931 it was bought by the Rolls Royce Corporation. A few years ago, Bentley released 100 pairs of sunglasses as a gift to buyers of the “Lausnne” luxury car. The frames of the glasses are made of platinum and they cost $45,000. A cheaper version is available for $14,000, albeit in rose, yellow and white gold.

7. Bulgari Flora Sunglasses - $59,000

Once again Bulgari offers its luxury framed glasses floral motifs, made of 18-karat white gold and inlaid with blue sapphires, diamonds and aquamarines. The glasses are priced at $59,000, but basic glasses, without as many diamonds and with less gold, are available for $25,000.

6. “The Diplomat I” Sunglasses by Maybach - $60,000

Maybach is a German luxury car brand founded in 1909. As a result of many years of competition with the giants of the automotive industry, Rolls Royce and Bentley, the company gave up in 2013 and was bought by Daimler AG. A few years ago, the company released a limited edition (only 5 pairs) of chic sunglasses, in honor of one of the Maybach cars. The frame of the glasses is made of 18-karat yellow gold and encrusted with 174 diamonds weighing 1.18 carats. The tortoiseshell frames of the glasses with the Maybach logo are made of ox horn.

5. Luxuriator Style 23 Canary Diamond Sunglasses – $65,000

Jewelry by Franco is a Los Angeles-based company that specializes in women's and men's wedding jewelry. Style 23 glasses are representatives of the Luxuriator collection and cost about $65,000. For that kind of money, you get luxury glasses with 18-karat gold and platinum frames, as well as hand-cut diamonds that line the sides of the frames. Dark lenses may change color depending on the light intensity. The arms are made of natural ox horn.

4. CliC Gold Sport Sunglasses – $75,000

CliC Gold was founded by Ron Lando, who has been making eyewear for 35 years. After producing the world's most expensive reading glasses in 2012, the company decided to collaborate with contemporary jewelry designer Hugh Power to launch a line of the world's most expensive sunglasses. It took 40-50 hours to make a pair of glasses. The entire frame is made of pure gold, which makes them terribly impractical. The lenses from Carl Zeiss Super ET are coated inside with a special coating, and the lock on the bridge was even patented. A total of 100 pairs of these glasses were produced.

3. Emerald Sunglasses by Shiels Jewelers – $200,000

Shiels Jewelers is an Australian company founded in 1945 by Jack Shiels. At first, she was engaged in the sale of gifts, silver goods, jewelry, and the production of sunglasses began only in 1977, when the company was bought by Albert Bensimon and his wife Noura. The company spent 5 years to create emerald lenses, like those in these expensive glasses. The designers were inspired to create glasses by the Roman Emperor Nero, who used emeralds to protect his eyes from the sun while attending gladiator fights. This unique pair of glasses also boasts a gold frame set with diamonds.

2. DG2027B Sunglasses by Dolce and Gabbana – $383,609

These glasses were the most expensive in the world for many years. World famous designers Italian house Dolce and Gabbana fashion designers have created amazingly beautiful and luxurious eyewear for their clients. Model DG2027B with brown lenses is presented in a gold frame. The name of the fashion house is on the arms and encrusted with diamonds.

1. De Rigo Vision and Chopard Sunglasses – $408,000

The most expensive and trendy sunglasses in the world are the creation of the Swiss company Chopard and designers from De Rigo Vision. The cost of the glasses is $408,000. The ends of the arms are made of 60 grams of 24-karat gold. The glasses are beautiful, but very expensive. The company's logo, the letter "C", is located on the temples and is encrusted with 51 diamonds weighing 4 carats.

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