allowance. Novikov, Yuri Vladimirovich - Ecology, environment and people: Textbook. guide Quotes and Statuses with meaning

3rd ed., rev. and additional - M.: 2005. - 736 p.

This manual outlines the basic concepts and laws of ecology, discusses the problems of preserving the habitat and its impact on human health. The problems of preserving the atmosphere, water reserves of the planet, its subsoil, flora and fauna are described in detail. Tutorial intended for university students, college and high school students; can be recommended to teachers and university lecturers teaching the course “Ecology” and “Environmental Protection”, as well as to anyone interested in environmental issues.

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Doctrine of the biosphere 17

Environment and human health 27


Anthropogenic emissions into the atmosphere 33

Greenhouse effect 46

Earth's Ozone Shield 52

Acid rain 58

Vehicle exhaust 62

Air protection 109

State control over atmospheric air protection 134

Chapter 3. WATER OF LAND 144

Sources of water pollution 164

Reservoirs and hydraulic structures 174

Self-purification of reservoirs 181

Environmental problems of Baikal and Ladoga 184

Sanitary conditions for wastewater discharge 195

Protection of reservoirs 204

Chapter 4. SEAS AND OCEANS 234

Pollution and self-purification of seas and oceans 244

Environmental problems of the Caspian, Azov and...

Relax - look at pictures, jokes and funny statuses

Various aphorisms

It is difficult to answer the question “Who are you?” the woman who woke up next to you...

Quotes and Statuses with meaning

Don't look for meaning in life, give it to it!!!

Jokes from school essays

The honey bee has a shape oral apparatus- sting.

1. Novikov Yu.V. Ecology, environment and man: Textbook. M.: Fair, 1998.

2. Environment and sustainable development in Kazakhstan. UNDP Kazakhstan publication series. Almaty, No. UNDPKAZ 06,2004.

3. Radkevich V.A. Ecology. Minsk: graduate School, 1997.

4. Stadnitsky G.V., Rodionov A.I. Ecology. St. Petersburg: Chemistry, 1996.

5. Tarasov A.O. Ecology and nature conservation. Saratov, 1990.

6. Shilov I.A. Ecology. M.: Higher School, 2001.

7. Ecology / Ed. V.V. Denisova Rostov-on-Don: March, 2002.


8. Akimova T.A., Khaskin V.V. Ecology. M.: UNITY Publishing House, 1998.

9. Alekseev S.V., Gruzdeva N.V., Muravyov A.G. and others. Workshop on ecology: Textbook. M.: JSC MDS, 1996.

10. Beysenova A.S., Shildebaev Zh.B., Sautbaeva G.Z. Ecology. Almaty: Gylym, 2001.

11. Brodsky A.K. Short course in general ecology. St. Petersburg, 1992.

12. Odum Yu. Ecology in 2 volumes. M.: Mir, 1986.

13. Reimers N.F. Nature management. M.: Mysl, 1990.

Plan seminars

A week Name of discipline topics Reporting form Questions
Introduction. Ecology: subject and tasks Abstract, oral response 1. Subject, objectives, research methods of ecology as a science 2. Structure of modern ecology 3. Relationship of ecology with other sciences 4. Levels of organization of living systems in ecology 5. Types and methods of environmental research 6. Main environmental problems
Autecology - ecology of an individual Essay, oral response 1.Ecology of an individual - out ecology 2.Main environments of life essay
Patterns of organisms Oral response, summary 1. Habitat. 2.Environmental factors. Consider the classification of environmental factors according to Yu. Odum. 3. Basic ideas about adaptations. 4. Limiting factors. 5. The influence of temperature on organisms. Light and its role in the life of organisms. Water in the life of organisms.
Oral response, summary 1.Statistical indicators. 2.Dynamic indicators. 3.Life expectancy. 4.Ecological survival strategies. 5. Regulation of population density.
Ecology of populations Paperwork. Round table. Study the causes and patterns of aggression. Is it possible to build an ideal society where everyone is equal and there is no anger, envy or war. The role of aggression in our lives, as well as in the lives of animals.
Paperwork. Draw a diagram of the transfer of matter and energy. Ecosystem concept. Draw a diagram of the food chain in the lake. Draw a diagram of the food relationships of organisms in an ecosystem. The principle of biological accumulation.
Synecology – ecology of communities Round table. Prepare messages Ecological pyramids. Cyclicity of the ecosystem. Ecological succession. Succession processes and climax.
Discussion. Prepare messages. 1. Noosphere, utopia or reality. 2. Signs of the noosphere. 3. Transition of the biosphere into the noosphere.
Prepare an abstract. 1. International environmental protection objects. 2. International Environmental Conference 1972 3. Environmental Summits 1992. 2002.
Oral response, summary Non-renewable mineral resources and non-renewable energy resources.
Round table, group work Problems of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere
Oral response, summary Problems of the Third World. Overcoming backwardness is an urgent problem of sustainable development
Conversation Environmental education, education and worldview
Colloquium Basic concepts of the discipline, terms, definitions
Abstract, oral response Laws “On Environmental Protection”, “On Specially Protected Natural Territories”, “On Environmental Expertise”, 1998 “On Radiation Safety”, 200 - Law “On the Protection of Atmospheric Air”.
Thematic plan of the discipline
Name of discipline topics Number of hours
Lek. Pr/sem SRS
Subject "Ecology and sustainable development". Short story environmental development
Ecology of an individual – autecology
Patterns of organisms
Demecology – ecology of populations
Ecology of populations
Synecology – ecology of communities
Synecology – ecology of communities
Biosphere-noosphere concept of V.I. Vernadsky
Sustainability concept
Natural resource potential of the biosphere
Global environmental problems, causes and consequences
Social and environmental problems of our time
Nature conservation and sustainable development
Environmental issues of sustainable development
Environmental law, audit and insurance

Topic 1 Introduction

Definition of ecology as a science. Goals, objectives and methods of ecology. A brief history of the formation and development of environmental knowledge. Sections of ecology: autecology, de-ecology, synecology, global ecology. The relationship of ecology with other sciences. The role of ecology in solving practical problems. Environmental problems, their place and role in modern economic and political trends. Definition of the concept of “Sustainable Development” and the role of ecology in the implementation of the concept of Sustainable Development.

Literature: , , , , ,

Topic 2 Ecology of an individual – autecology

Limiting factors. Liebig's law of the minimum. Shelford's law of tolerance. Range of tolerance. Stenobiont and eurybiont organisms. Ecological significance of the main abiotic factors: illumination, temperature, humidity, salinity, etc. Signal value of abiotic factors. Indicative value of organisms. Adaptation and its types.

Literature: , , , , ,

Topic 3 Ecology of populations - demecology

Spatial placement and its nature: random, uniform and group. Survival curves, exponential growth, biotic potential. Factors dependent and independent of population density. Intraspecific regulation of numbers (competition). Ecological niche, potential and realized niche.

Literature: , , , , ,

Topic 4 Ecology of communities – synecology

Energy losses during the transition from one trophic level to another, rule 10%. Ecological pyramids (numbers, biomass, energy). Types of relationships between organisms: competition, predation, parsitism, symbiosis, commensalism, amensalism.

Interspecific competition as one of the main mechanisms of maintenance species structure communities. The principle of competitive exclusion by G.F. Gause.

Integrity and sustainability of ecosystems. Ecological succession, primary and secondary. Changes in species diversity in the process of natural succession and under anthropogenic influences.

Literature: , , , , ,

Topic 5.Biosphere and its sustainability

Formation of the concept of the biosphere. Evolution of the biosphere. The doctrine of V.I. Vernadsky about the biosphere and noosphere. Living matter concept. Revealing the global role of living matter. The concept of anthropogenic impact as a powerful geological and geochemical factor. The place of man in the ecological system. Cycle of substances in the biosphere. Global biogeochemical cycles. Basic biogeochemical laws of V.I. Vernadsky. Modern biosphere. Increased production and environmental pressure. The fundamental role of the doctrine of the noosphere V.I. Vernadsky in developing the concept of Sustainable Development.

Literature: , , , , ,

Topic 6. Sustainable Development Concept

The history of the concept of “sustainable development”: the Club of Rome, the works of Meadows and Forester (The Limits to Growth, 1972). Declaration of the First UN Conference on the Environment (Stockholm, 1972). World summits in Rio de Janeiro (1992) and Johannesburg (2002). Charter for Sustainable Development of European Cities (Aalborg, Denmark, 1994). Factors of Sustainable Development: environmental (border of the corridor in which civilization should develop), economic factor (transformation of the market system), social (agricultural production, human rights, demography). Strategies and principles of sustainable development.

Literature: , , , , ,

Topic 7. Natural resources and their rational use of natural resources as one of the aspects of sustainable development

How to optimize the environment theoretical basis rational environmental management. Characteristic natural resources Earth: lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere. Classification of natural resources: exhaustible, inexhaustible, renewable, non-renewable. Biological resources and food security. Protection of Nature.

Literature: , , , , ,

Topic 8. Anthropogenic factors of instability in the biosphere

Differentiation of anthropogenic load on the environment depending on the type of civilization at various stages of its development. The role of nature in the formation and development of human society. History of interaction between nature and society: main stages (biogenic, agricultural, industrial, informational), features and lessons.

Literature: , , , , ,

Topic 9. Social and environmental problems of our time and sustainable development

Social and environmental crisis and sustainable development. Population growth and changes in its quality. Factors influencing fertility, methods and methods of family planning. Urbanization problems. Poverty and unequal income distribution. Problems of the energy crisis and ways to solve them. World food problem, solutions. Resource crisis, causes and consequences, solutions.

Literature: , , , , , ,

Topic 10. Nature conservation and sustainable development

Principles and methods of environmental protection. Protected areas as a form of environmental protection. Protecting genetic diversity. Biosphere reserves. The Red Book and its role in the conservation of biodiversity. Development of the fundamentals of rational environmental management and environmental protection as necessary condition transition to sustainable development. The role of environmental education and enlightenment in ensuring sustainable development of humanity.

Literature: , , , , , , , , , , ,

Topic 11. Current environmental problems of sustainable development of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Processes of destabilization of the natural environment in the Republic of Kazakhstan, causes and consequences. Social and environmental problems of the Aral Sea region. Consequences of nuclear tests for humanity. Semipalatinsk nuclear and other test sites on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Anti-nuclear movement Nevada-Semey. Methods and criteria for assessing the state of the environment. Environmental monitoring, principles of its organization. Chemical, physical and biological monitoring. Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of environmental protection. Environmental education and upbringing of the population in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Literature: , , , , ,

Topic 12 Global environmental problems of our time

Global environmental problems of our time: climate change, ozone layer destruction, acid rain, desertification, reduction of biodiversity. Environmental problems associated with the intensification of agriculture and industry. Environmental consequences use of pesticides. Formation of forms of agricultural pests resistant to pesticides. Biological methods of controlling agricultural pests. The effect of environmental pollutants on living organisms.

Literature: , , , , , ,

Abstract topics:

1. Environmental problems of Kazakhstan

2. Radiation and life

3. Social and environmental problems of the Aral region

4. Nuclear tests. Consequences. Semipalatinsk nuclear test site and other test sites on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Anti-nuclear movement Nevada - Semey

5. Reserves of the Republic of Kazakhstan

6. Red Book of the Republic of Kazakhstan

7. Ecological state of land resources in Kazakhstan

8. Evolution of the Earth

9. Theories of the origin of life

10. Theory of biopoiesis

“Man is part of nature” - Constitution Russian Federation. The very concept of progress was invented by people. Man is a biosocial being. Fundamentals of forest legislation. Birds delight us with their singing. Responsibility for environmental violations. Top of the pyramid or link in the chain? Don't pick the flowers, don't pick them! Is man the crown of nature?

“The Nature of Light” - Philosophical Dictionary. About the two main meanings of the word LIGHT. Scientific and technical dictionary. Plane of polarization polarizer polarized light unpolarized light. Nature of light physics lesson in 11th grade. Straight-line propagation. Uncreated. Wave optics. 1st group “Theologians” 2nd group “Linguists” 3rd group “Physicists”.

“Man and Nature” - Nature and Man. Do not touch chicks and young animals. Don't pollute water bodies. Living - non-living. Don't ruin bird's nests and anthills. FRANCE 1948 Work in groups. Nature conservation rules. FIRE LILY or SARDAAN. Nature. Red is the color of anxiety. Don't make noise in the forest. Red Book. Siberian Crane or White Crane.

“Nature, society, man” - Sensory (sensory) cognition. Communication. General (determine success in various types activities). Permanent, temporary. Diversity and unity of the world. A way of behavior determined by a person’s status. STR - scientific and technological revolution. Destructive. Understated. Conflicts. Construction of the temple. Social norms (legal, moral).

“The world around us, Man and Nature” - Man is the king of nature (! ?) Is nature a temple or a habitat? Remains of plants and animals. Vladimir Soloukhin. What will you do? So that the seagulls hover in the blue sky. What advice do you have for your brother? These applications can be used additionally in work on this topic. Ivan Bunin Leaf fall. Creators. Do not touch.

“Nature and Man” - Climatologists. Amazing discoveries await you if you... Why is the weather different? Physicists! Is there a relationship between atmospheric pressure and precipitation? What is the difference between a breeze and a monsoon? You have to reveal the secret of the following events and phenomena: Will water boil on Elbrus at 100°C? Who runs the weather kitchen?

This manual outlines the basic concepts and laws of ecology, discusses the problems of preserving the habitat and its impact on human health. The problems of preserving the atmosphere, water reserves of the planet, its subsoil, flora and fauna are described in detail. The textbook is intended for university students, college and high school students; can be recommended to teachers and university lecturers teaching the course “Ecology” and “Environmental Protection”, as well as to anyone interested in environmental issues.

The doctrine of the biosphere.
The doctrine of the biosphere - the thin shell of the Earth, the composition, structure and energy of which are essentially determined by the past or contemporary activities of living organisms - is the pinnacle of the scientific achievements of V. I. Vernadsky. The biosphere, according to the scientist, consists of seven interconnected substances: living, biogenic, inert, bioinert, radioactive, cosmic, scattered atoms. Everywhere within its boundaries one can find either living matter itself or traces of its biochemical activity. Air, water, oil, coal, limestone, clay, shale, marble and granite are created by the living substances of the planet. Upper layers earth's crust, currently devoid of life, were processed by living organisms in other geological eras. The simplest structure of the modern active part of the biosphere is biogeocenosis.

Vernadsky's teaching became the basis of the modern understanding of the interrelations and conjugate evolution of all structures of the biosphere. It is this ideology that guides the scientists developing the international and national programs “International Hydrological Decade”, “World Climate Program”, “International Biological Program”. Naturally, the doctrine of the biosphere serves scientific basis rational management and solutions environmental problems. Vernadsky believed that the appearance of man marked a new stage in the development of the biosphere, and now its fate depends on him. Consequently, humanity needs to develop a unified strategy for interaction with nature, form an environmental consciousness, new thinking, and create qualitatively new technologies.

Table of contents
Doctrine of the biosphere 17
Environment and human health 27
Anthropogenic emissions into the atmosphere 33
Greenhouse effect 46
Earth's Ozone Shield 52
Acid rain 58
Vehicle exhaust 62
Air protection 109
State control over atmospheric air protection 134
Chapter 3. WATER OF LAND 144
Sources of water pollution 164
Reservoirs and hydraulic structures 174
Self-purification of reservoirs 181
Environmental problems of Baikal and Ladoga 184
Sanitary conditions for wastewater discharge 195
Protection of reservoirs 204
Chapter 4. SEAS AND OCEANS 234
Pollution and self-purification of seas and oceans 244
Environmental problems of the Caspian, Azov and Black Seas 259
Protection of seas and oceans 271
Chapter 5. SUBSTRAINES 288
Mining and the environment 290
Rational use and protection of subsoil 294
Chapter 6. SOILS 313
Soil formation factors 318
Preserving the fertility of agricultural lands 321
Soil erosion and its control 322
Soil aridization 330
Land degradation and pollution 331
Protection and use of soils and land resources 339
Soil and human health 349
Uses and importance of pesticides 355
Consequences of using pesticides 361
Biological plant protection 366
Transgenic plants 371
Agrochemicals and the environment 381
Environmental protection when using pesticides and agrochemicals 387
Chapter 8. PLANT WORLD 400
Recreational use of forests 410
Destruction and degradation of forests and vegetation 413
Forest protection 418
Specially protected natural areas 446
Thermal power engineering 473
Hydrogen Energy 501
Hydropower 508
Nuclear energy 517
Fusion energy 552
Non-traditional renewable energy sources 557
Environment and health of the population of large cities 577
Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation 583
Urban planning for the development of territories of the Russian Federation 605
Zoning of territories for urban planning activities 611
Underground space of the city 615
Green spaces 622
Green areas 630
Solid waste disposal 636
Removal individual species consumer waste 656
Industrial solid waste disposal 674
Hazardous waste 682
Control in the field of waste management 693

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