Does red wine improve immunity? How to boost and strengthen weakened immunity. Dangerous effects of alcohol on the immune system

You should help your own army of defenders cope with the disease using friendly and, if possible, natural means. Of course, we are not talking about severe conditions threatening the development of complications or leading to chronicity of the disease.

A person from birth is endowed with multi-level protection of the body from foreign interventions - immunity - a huge, complex and multifunctional system for recognizing and destroying factors of aggression, with the subsequent preservation of the integrity of the body.

Hundreds of studies have been devoted to protecting the immune system, ways to strengthen and enhance it, mountains of books and seas of articles have been written. But the problem is as inexhaustible as it is relevant. And therefore, talk about medicinal properties ah, wine from the point of view of its effect on immunity would be quite appropriate.

Reading about the grapevine, about its unique features, about chemical composition berries and the biological value of viticulture products, you involuntarily catch yourself thinking that grapes are a plant with intelligence! The whole world reveres the grapevine and the olive tree as sacred ancient symbols of Eden, given by the Creator to man and his descendants for eternal life.

For thousands of years, wine has been used in medicinal purposes. Homer's Iliad mentions the names of two doctors Machaon and Padalirius, who treated all ailments only with wine or remedies prepared on its basis. Nowadays, the relevance of wine as a medicinal factor has somewhat decreased, giving way to synthesized drugs, side effect which is immunosuppression. However, in certain cases, wine is preferred, for example, in the American diet in removing toxins from the blood. And blood purified from poisons, in turn, more easily fulfills its protective function. Even cautious homeopaths created the drug Ampelopsis from Virginia grapes, recommended for a wide range of diseases.

When grape combs are used in wine production, a large number of tannins. The latter reliably protect the gastric mucosa from the penetration of harmful substances from food into the blood, and clean blood, like a clear conscience, heals the body in the first case and the soul in the second!

Grape juice prepared for wine production contains a monosaccharide - arabinose, which is not fermented by yeast and is completely converted into wine. Physiologists and biochemists know that arabinose takes Active participation in stimulating the human immune system, so its increased content makes the wine medicinal. It's a shame they don't tell us this on the label! In addition, grape berries contain beneficial dextrins, which are especially abundant in those affected by Botrytis cinerea. Dr. Eilo used their properties to strengthen immunity, recommending drinking white wines from Sauternes for colds and viral epidemics, diluting the wine with seltzer water.

Another important factor for protecting and treating the human body is the acidity of wine. The nature of enzymatic processes during wine production and the bactericidal nature of the latter depend on the pH level of the juice. It is thanks to organic acids that the growth of E. coli, Salmonella, Vibrio cholerae and other pathogenic microorganisms is suppressed in the intestine. It is known that even swamp water mixed with red wine becomes harmless to drink.

The biological value of wine is also determined by the level of polyphenols it contains. Firstly, they provide an antioxidant effect - the most important quality for modern humanity, since we are suffocating from free radicals in the air, food, and water, and, secondly, they contain a large amount of vitamin P, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Here it must be noted with regret that in old wines most of polyphenols precipitate, so old wine has less medicinal properties than young wine, however, lovers of aged wines are unlikely to be bothered by this circumstance, since mature wine has many other advantages.

By the way, young wines contain another component - the enzyme invertase, which is produced by yeast. It is found only in fermenting must and young wine. Its advantage is that it breaks down sucrose into healthy fructose and glucose, which are easily absorbed by the body and stimulate the immune system.

Speaking about wine as a protector of immunity, two principles should be highlighted. The first is the dose-dependent nature of the use of wine for disease prevention. Any dose abuse will inevitably turn benefit into harm. Even if you drink a lot of water, you can die from poisoning, let alone wine. And, secondly, strong alcohol-containing drinks, as well as beer, on the contrary, suppress the immune system, weaken the body’s protective properties tenfold and cannot be recommended in the context of this topic.

So, for medicinal purposes, young wines made from well-ripened grapes that grow on the slopes and “have seen their reflection in the water” are most suitable! Such grapes ripen under two suns: under the rays of the natural sun and reflected from the water surface of a river or lake at the foot of a hill.

Find the right wine and be healthy!

However, experts have long known that resveratrol, a compound from wine, preserves blood vessels and the heart, and also prevents the formation of cancer. Recently, scientists who work at the School of Medicine at the University of California found that ethanol also brings benefits. This component increases the effectiveness of vaccination. This was proven in an experiment with monkeys. In total, the scientists used twelve rhesus monkeys that were conditioned to drink alcohol.

What the experiment showed

Each monkey was vaccinated against smallpox. The animals could then receive either a solution of ethanol (four percent) or sugar water. This regime was maintained for nine months. Some animals consumed more ethanol, others less. It turned out that monkeys who drank a lot and frequently were less protected from smallpox.

Along with this, the animals that drank ethanol in a volume equivalent to a glass of wine per day were much healthier than the first group of macaques. Particularly useful in this sense. The subjects who drank a glass of wine were stronger than those monkeys who were given a sugar solution. It was concluded that the subjects’ immunity was activated. It is likely for this reason that those who drink alcohol in moderation are protected from premature death and a variety of diseases. Take into account, .

Our immunity guards the health of the body day and night. However, no matter how reliable he is, sometimes there comes a time when he, too, cannot cope and gives way. Today we will talk about how to raise and strengthen weakened immunity using folk remedies.

A person needs vitamins. Without them, our body begins to hurt. This is where the reason for weakened immunity often lies.

Herbal infusions will help us nourish our body and its immune system with vitamins. Herbs will help strengthen our immunity in autumn and winter. And the body especially acutely lacks vitamins in the spring.

Eucalyptus, juniper, sage and calendula

Here is one great recipe to boost your immunity. We need to pour a liter of boiling water:

  • tablespoon eucalyptus
  • tablespoon juniper berries
  • a tablespoon of calendula flowers (marigold)
  • tablespoon sage leaves

We infuse these ingredients for thirty minutes, then strain and drink a third of a glass after meals every day for four weeks.

How to recognize decreased immunity?

Warts and herpes rashes very clearly indicate that the body's immunity is weakened. If all sorts of rashes begin to appear frequently on your skin, this is a signal from the body for help.

Strengthening factors

In addition to vitamin infusions, you need to harden yourself, eat right, and carry out cleansing procedures. Walking also helps strengthen the immune system. fresh air, no stress. All these factors together can strengthen the immune system and ensure long-term health.

Also, to strengthen the immune system, you can drink tinctures of eleutherococcus, ginseng, and zamanikha. They are sold in pharmacies. These plants add energy and stimulate the vitality of our body.

How to strengthen your child’s immunity before kindergarten

Pass 1 kg of cranberries and 2 lemons (remove the seeds) through a meat grinder, add 1 glass of honey to this mixture, mix well.

Feed your child 1-2 tbsp. spoons with tea 2-3 times a day. And he will go to kindergarten stronger and healthier. And there won’t be any ailments there.

Iodine on the heels - immunity is fine

One evening I went to my neighbor’s house and saw that she was lubricating her granddaughter’s heels with iodine. The baby was happy to put his legs up; it was obvious that he was used to the procedure and liked it. I asked what and how. And a neighbor told me this story.

During the war, their family was evacuated and lived in the Altai Territory. There is no need to tell anyone how people lived in the evacuation: there was a war going on, they were hungry, cold. The winters are harsh and the children are weak. And so the neighbor’s grandmother, in order to protect her children from illnesses and especially from colds, smeared her grandchildren’s heels with iodine at night, before going to bed.

Applies it for a week, then takes a break for 2-3 weeks. By morning, not a trace of iodine remains. The children were saved and all remained healthy. And my neighbor has learned this method of strengthening the immune system and uses it regularly. I also adopted it. My little granddaughter is also growing up. And it won’t hurt to improve your health.

I would be glad if this super-simple and affordable remedy helps someone resist colds and strengthens the immune system.

Aloe with honey on Cahors

Here is another excellent means of increasing the body’s resistance to all sorts of ailments. I have also been using it for a long time and successfully and recommend it to everyone.

You need to take aloe leaves and grind them through a meat grinder. Some people grind it on a fine grater - the same thing. Then measure with a glass how much liquid mass is obtained by volume and add the same amount of honey to it. And after that, add red wine to the mixture - Cahors in a volume of 1 to 1 with a mixture of honey and aloe.

For example, if you have a mass of aloe in the volume of a third of a glass, then add another third of a glass of honey to it. You will get 2/3 cup of the mixture. Now add another 2/3 glass of red wine to it.

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