Presentation on the topic of the work of a master. Presentation of the profession of master of general construction works, head of the creative group. Qualities that ensure success

Presentation of the profession “Master of Civil Works” Head of the creative group: Efitorova Ksenia Petrovna

Content: general characteristics professions History of the profession Type and class of the profession Prospects for career growth Professionally important qualities Medical contraindications Tools and devices Paths to obtaining a profession My position in implementation professional activity I'm proud of my profession

" of the important tasks should be the creation of so-called educational chains - lyceum, college, university, which work in direct contact with employers." "Such experience already exists in individual regions, and the time has come to use it on a national scale,” calls on D. Medvedev.

Bricklayer is a sought-after profession in the construction field. A mason is a construction worker who lays and repairs stone structures from building materials natural or artificial origin. Masons build residential buildings, high-rise buildings, industrial complexes, bridges and hydraulic structures He can work in repair and construction companies, organizations involved in the construction of roads, houses, bridges, restoration workshops. “+” good earnings, benefits, opportunity to earn extra money. An installer is a specialist in assembling and installing various building structures, technological equipment, apparatus, mechanisms, and devices into the designed position. “+” stable demand in the labor market, high salaries.

: Today, to build a residential building, it is necessary to use special mechanisms and large quantity people of various construction professions. A builder must know a lot and be able to do a lot. But there were times when a construction crane, reinforced concrete, brick and even nails were unheard of. Caves became the first habitation of man. As soon as a person had a house, the profession of BUILDER appeared. The earth has preserved for us the great buildings of the ancients: dolmens, pyramids, ancient temples, mysterious cities and unusual buildings, the meaning of which we do not know!

We will most likely never know all the secrets of the ancient builders! But if their buildings have survived to this day and continue to amaze us, then we have something to learn! Oh, and the Egyptians had a hard time doing the brickwork by hand! Groaning loudly, without a crane Laying bricks weighing a ton or two! So there were three extra pallets left: Cheops, Ramses and Tutankhamun.

IN different parts Light, we can discover stone structures that are thousands of years old. A mason is a specialist who builds buildings from brick or stone. Crews of masons perform stone masonry various designs for industrial and residential facilities. Highly qualified professional masons construct buildings and structures from brick, natural and artificial stone, and glass blocks. A team of masons can also carry out repair and restoration work. The construction profession is not only popular, but also one of the highest paid. A builder is not even a profession, but a collective concept for a whole suite of creative specialties.

TYPE AND CLASS OF PROFESSION The profession of a mason belongs to the “Man - Technology” type. Professions of this type are characterized by: working with hands, reproducing existing samples, strictly following instructions, performing monotonous work and obtaining a specific practical result Individual

Workplace mason depends on the location of the masonry. This can be work in the open air, during the construction of external elements of buildings (walls, fences, fences, small architectural forms, for example, gazebos), work indoors during the construction of main walls, masonry interiors. In this case, the mason can move from one type of work station to another while performing a construction task. BRISONER'S WORKPLACE

Career prospects As a mason, you can build a career from a trainee (general worker) to a specialist mason (foreman). It is possible to receive higher education By technical specialties.) - foreman, construction engineer, architect. Group 3 MOR 02 -13 - and our master of industrial training we invite you to study with us at the Cheboksary College of Transport and Construction Technologies.

Requirements for the knowledge and skills of a specialist A person who wants to master the profession of a mason needs good training in physics, chemistry, and materials science. You also need to know safety precautions, signal transmission techniques, the basic properties of natural and artificial building materials and solutions, technologies for the construction and installation of building parts, purposes, rules for working with inventory, tools, and devices. Requirements for the individual characteristics of a specialist To successfully master the profession of a mason, you must have the following professionally important qualities: a well-developed eye; developed muscle-joint sensation, strength, dexterity, consistency and interchangeability in the work of both hands; sensitivity to pressure uniformity and force dosage; spatial imagination; technical thinking; sustained attention; visual-figurative memory Medical contraindications Medical restrictions for a bricklayer: cardiovascular diseases; respiratory diseases; disorders in the musculoskeletal musculoskeletal system; tendency to colds; severe visual and hearing defects

Each work operation during the masonry process is performed with certain tools. The mason performs production operations using hand tools: trowel, hammer-pick, bucket-shovel, jointer. Trowel - a steel spatula polished on both sides with a wooden or plastic handle - is intended for leveling mortar over the masonry, filling vertical joints with mortar and trimming excess mortar in the seams Mortar spatula - serves for feeding and spreading mortar on the wall, mixing it in a box Joining - serves for processing seams, smoothing and compacting the face seams of brickwork while simultaneously giving them a convex, concave or flat shape. A hammer-pick is used by a mason when cutting whole bricks into incomplete bricks and when chiseling them. Mason's box - designed for receiving and supplying mortar to the mason's workplace. In industrial construction, a box design is used that is designed to lift up to five loaded boxes in a “garland”.

The quality of the masonry is checked using control instruments: a plumb line, a level, a rule, a square, and a mooring cord. Plumb lines, consisting of a steel cone-shaped body, a twisted cord and an aluminum strip, are used to check the verticality of walls, piers, pillars and corners of the masonry, i.e. to hang the masonry. The building level is used to check the horizontal and vertical position of the masonry. The body of the level is made of aluminum alloy; two glass tubes-ampoules are fixed on the body, bent along a curve of a large radius, filled with non-freezing liquid so that a small air bubble remains in them. A tape measure and a folding meter are measuring tools that are used to mark the axes and positions of structures and make control measurements of the masonry.

FIRST AMONG EQUALS—MASTER “My home is my fortress” - people understood this simple truth already at the dawn of civilization and since then began to master construction. Therefore, construction is one of the most ancient, important, necessary and at the same time difficult professions in the world. After all, it is the builders, despite the summer heat and winter cold, who build houses and erect entire neighborhoods. Through their labor, cities grow, acquiring their unique appearance. Our republic, our city, needs highly qualified specialists. Our future is ours! In our technical school, having received the profession “Master of Civil Works,” you have the opportunity to unleash your creative potential for the benefit of the prosperity of your native republic. The priority direction of the technical school’s activities is social partnership. The social partners of the technical school are the largest enterprises in the city of Cheboksary. Among them are SU-28 LLC, Pamis LLC, SUOR LLC, UK Starko LLC, etc. You can find a profession in one of the best educational institutions republic-technical school, with wonderful traditions, rich and interesting story, who turns 39 this year. My fellow students and I invite you to the fascinating world of professions and specialties at the Cheboksary College of Transport and Construction Technologies, where you will lay the foundation for your future. Building houses is a good thing. Builder is a necessary profession, builds brick lace beautifully, reliably, quickly, skillfully.

Professional qualities: technical thinking; good distribution and stability of attention; well-developed eye; speed of reaction; good spatial orientation; responsibility; visual-figurative memory. Worldview qualities: emotional and value attitudes, the ability for self-knowledge and self-development, patriotic and tolerant personality traits. I am a professional – Cognitive qualities: ability to feel the world, ask questions, look for the causes of phenomena, etc. a competent person who has knowledge, a formed system of values ​​and is able to solve life and professional problems. Communication skills: ability to interact with other people, will perform various social roles. Information skills: ability to work with information, find it, transform and transmit, use modern technologies. My tactics are to believe in my capabilities, abilities, and have my own opinion. Be able to set a goal and achieve it.

My master and mentor Ksenia Petrovna Efitorova We are proud of our masters. And we love our masters. Without them, like without a fishing rod, the catch would be meager of knowledge. My profession is a builder, And let the people be proud of me, After all, I am not just a resident in life, I am a creator and a poet. And that poem in the style of buildings Built like a rhyme of lines, From the Mind of acquired knowledge, The Prophet brought them from the Creator. To build a beautiful house, to create a creation in the wilderness, to give away the power of knowledge and the creative impulse of the Soul. Direct all your aspirations to create on Earth and turn them into those creations that leave a mark for themselves. We create a project and build, Investing a piece of ourselves, Tripling our capabilities, We dare and create, loving. We are building a monument during our lifetime, so that descendants a century later can say about it: “Worthy! It was not in vain that the man lived his life.”

Everywhere - scope, flight of imagination... What a pity that you don’t see the facade! After all, everyone here will live like in a fairy tale. Creation is art and joy! Today we will sing a hymn to the builder! The one who builds both bridges and buildings. The builder is indispensable for us, and we have been building since the beginning of the universe! Thank you for your noble work! For the school there are bright, cozy apartments! Let them always wait for you with love at home! We wish you happiness, sunshine, peace!

My profession is “Construction Master” finishing works“We are not stokers, not carpenters, We must admit honestly to you, We are special workers, we are plasterers - painters. We are friends with a brush and a roller, We will decorate any house for you, And we will straighten the walls with a spatula, So that it would be pleasant to live in it!

Plasterer The first plasterers appeared in Ancient Egypt about 7000 years ago. They worked with plaster and clay. Their task was to level the surface of the walls both inside and outside the buildings. This was high quality technology as their work survives to this day. Over the centuries, changes occurred not only in the composition of the solution, but also in the type of tools used. The profession belongs to the “Man-Technology” and “Man-Artistic Image” types. Profession class: performing (algorithmic). To successfully master the profession of plasterer, knowledge of construction technologies, chemistry, physics, mathematics, and materials science is required. It is also important to know the rules for preparing parts and assemblies for the technological process, the causes of defects in work, technical requirements for the work performed, measures to prevent defects and ways to eliminate them.

Painter Profession class: heuristic (creative) + performing (algorithmic). The profession of a painter belongs to the “Man - Artistic Image” type, as it is associated with the creation and embodiment of various color images. It also belongs to the “Man - Technology” type, as it is associated with the operation of technical devices and the management of technical devices. It requires a high level of development of visual-figurative and spatial thinking, good motor skills, physical endurance, and an aptitude for manual and technical work.

To master the profession you need: Subtle perception of shades of gray tones; Good volumetric and plane eye; High sensitivity of the motor system; Physical strength and endurance; Patience; Visual acuity and light perception; Flexibility, mobility of arms, legs and whole body; Developed vestibular apparatus, sense of balance; Ability to focus attention for a long time; Good hand-eye coordination; Spatial imagination and technical thinking; Accuracy; Equilibrium;

Medical restrictions for finishing construction workers: Cardiovascular diseases; Respiratory diseases; Disturbances in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system (sciatica, osteochondrosis, etc.); Mental illnesses and disorders nervous system; Irritability; Allergic diseases; Severe visual and hearing defects.

Base for admission
Training period
Form of study Language of instruction Cost of education
9 classes 2 years 10 months full-time Russian for free

The profession “master of finishing and construction works” includes such professions as plasterer, tiler, construction painter, and synthetic material tiler.
A builder is a creator, and a builder-finisher can turn the created structure into a cozy and beautiful home. This is exactly what the training course for the profession “Master of Construction and Finishing Works” is aimed at.
Probably, if you made a list of all construction operations, the longest part would be finishing work. A person with the profession of finishing work master supervises and directly participates in them. Almost everyone, especially men, has attempted to perform the functions of this specialist at an amateur level.
But the desire to save money on the services of experienced craftsmen quite often costs even more for the owner of the premises. After all, in order to finish an apartment or office space beautifully and efficiently, you need the presence of at least one intelligent specialist who knows what he is doing and competently organizes the work of the rest of the workers.
A finishing work master is a useful and necessary specialist. Several people in this profession can work on the same floor of the same house. This is because finishing work includes a wide range of operations: dismantling walls, floors, windows, doors, old plumbing, tiles, electrical wiring and almost everything else that can be seen in the house. This is followed by replacement and installation of new elements internal structure premises.
In most organizations, the finishing foreman is the supervisor of the workers. He is responsible for ensuring that everything is completed according to the project and the wishes of the customer.
With us you will learn modern methods finishing the home, giving it the desired shape and aesthetics, you will master the necessary skills, master the most modern techniques of construction and finishing work, learn how to work with construction tools and measuring instruments. Our training laboratory allows you to consolidate all acquired skills in practice.

Professionally important qualities:
good health,
physical endurance and strength,
developed coordination of movements,
visual acuity,
accurate eye gauge,

Possible places of work:
Work in the field of construction, repair and operation of houses and structures both in specialized organizations and in the relevant departments of organizations and enterprises in any field of activity.

Lyudmila Makeeva
Presentation “Construction. Construction professions"

Compiled by teacher L. A. Makeeva.

Among the clouds, at a height, We are together building a new house So that people live happily in it in warmth and beauty. builders

architect Invents and plans construction of houses and cities

mason A house is growing in an alley, a mason is laying walls. With him is an assistant - a trowel, a trowel - a spatula. There will be a home built on time, The masonry will be strong.

crane operator The steel crane walks and walks over the brick wall. The crane operator on duty is watching over his openwork boom. He tirelessly presses the levers in the cockpit, talks to crane: - Help the workers.

Roofer So that the house is dry and warm, so that snow does not blow into the house in winter, a master roofs the roof.

painter The painter came to the new house, painted the walls, doors, floors... And he entrusted the platband on the window to me to paint. plasterer tiler

carpenter White sawdust is flying, flying from under the saw. This carpenter makes windows and floors. Planes the planks with an axe, a plane. I made the window sills without a hitch.

Everyone is glad to see him when there is a waterfall in the kitchen. plumber


I am higher than the house And easily with one hand I lift a huge load Who, tell me, am I? Where building a new house, A warrior walks with shield: I took a walk, unsteadily - the platform became level. He begins to dig, replaces a hundred shovels.

What kind of people professions work at construction site? welder assembler glazier crane operator plumber roofer electrician painter mason plasterer excavator driver gas fitter carpenter

Publications on the topic:

Presentation “All professions are needed, all professions are important.” Career guidance for preschoolers Career guidance important task in introducing preschoolers to the world of professions. Familiarization with the work of adults aims to give children specific information.

GBDOU kindergarten No. 28 of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities on the cognitive and speech development of children in Krasnogvardeisky.

Professions. Presentation of the interactive game “Who needs what for work” Interactive game "Who needs what for work." Completed by: teacher Pilyaeva T.P. MBDOU "TsRR-D/s No. 3" Attention of a child at a young age.

Org. moment Interesting from the history of house construction. “Guys, tell me what house do you live in?” Children's answers. “What do you think, in the ancient.

Summary of educational activities for children of the senior group “All professions are needed, all professions are important. Construction professions" The goal is to expand and concretize children’s ideas about people’s professions. Objectives: Educational: consolidate nouns in speech.

Summary of the lesson on cognitive development “Construction. Construction professions" Summary of the lesson on cognitive development “Construction. Construction professions” Purpose: Generalization and systematization of children’s knowledge about construction.

Presentation on cognitive development “All professions are important” Presentation on cognitive development "Introduction to sociocultural values." Why did I choose this one for him for the project? As a result of observations.

"In the world of professions" "In the world of professions"
If you are lucky
choose work and
soul into it, then
happiness itself
will find it."
K.D. Ushinsky.
Group 202

One person is not in
able to cope
with all that he
need to do
in order to live.
Therefore, already from
ancient times
division arose
labor and appeared
diverse world
professions. What
what is a profession?

Word profession
comes from Latin
"profiteer" that
translated as
"to declare one's business"
"speak publicly"
Profession means gender
labor activity,
requiring a certain
preparation and being

Every day people are in a hurry
to work. Do they like it
the occupation they
have you chosen for yourself?
Does this help
their life choice
comfort and
well-being? No wonder D.
Rockefeller said: "Yours
well-being depends on
your own
solutions." How we
make our decision?
What helps us with this?
What should serve
a guide to complex
world of professions?

We are in our lives
constantly faces
problem of choice.
Choosing a profession is one thing
of the most serious
the most important
life decisions.
Having made a choice, we do not
we just determine
main occupation for the whole
life, but also often
we define our
social circle, style
life, and sometimes fate.


The history of this profession dates back to ancient times. More
in the third and second millennia BC
tiles were used to decorate temples and
palaces. As the researchers note, the first
the tiles were similar in size to mosaics, although
outwardly she looked rather like a small
brick. Apply to the front side of the tile
ornament. Masters of this craft
were in great demand. Profession
tiler is still a
one of the most popular construction
Their work is the pride of Russia

Dominant activities

carrying out various
preparatory work:
a) preparing the solution;
b) preparation of facing
c) washing lined
surfaces, etc.;
performing simple

performing complex
facing works (cladding
curved surfaces, columns,
pilaster, etc.);
execution of decorative

Carrying out professional activities

professional activity
high level of development
fine motor skills and dexterity
(fine motor coordination, precision of movements
ability lasting
engage in monotonous
work (performed frequently
repetitive movements);
ability to perceive
and distinguish a wide range
colors and shades;
high noise immunity.

Areas of application of professional knowledge

Palaces of culture,
sports centers.
Residential buildings
Kindergartens and
much more

Safety precautions

When performing operations
on the surface of the eye
Protect with glasses. Work
should wear a hat and
mittens. When working with
protect fingers with solution
hands from contact with
tiles and mortar.
working with gloves.
It is forbidden to work
faulty tool

three main ways to lay ceramic tiles

Methods for laying ceramic
glazed tiles on
vertical surface:
1 - “diagonally”;
2 - “seam to seam”;
3 - "running".

Applying mortar under tiles

Styling reception
tiles by
a – installation
tiles; b –
settling tiles

Sequence of work when tiling

Wall cladding Grouting

Sealing seams Care of the facing surface

Qualities that ensure success

Qualities that provide
high level of development of concentration and stability of attention (the ability to focus on one object while
simultaneous distraction from
others and keep attention
for a long time without distraction);
good eyesight and eye;
developed attention to detail;
developed spatial-figurative thinking;
Creative skills;

Qualities that hinder the effectiveness of professional activity

poor eyesight;
diseases of the upper
respiratory tract (asthma,
allergies, etc.);
low level of development
concentration and stability
lack of creative
low level of development of subtle
motor coordination.


Today, thanks to the rapid development
construction technologies appeared
a large number of new modern
materials for construction and finishing
premises. The Ukrainian market was flooded
foreign goods, technologies and
equipment. At the same time, many acquaintances
and familiar materials have acquired new ones
quality, which expanded the scope of their
Profession of tiler in
our time has become the most popular among
all construction professions. Tiler workers are always in demand both in
state construction companies,
and in private ones. It is also important that
Having acquired this profession, you will always
you can do it yourself
refurbish your home in your own way
discretion and to your taste.

My profession is tiler

Of all our professions
No tiler
more important!
Everyone around him appreciates him.
Happy is he to whom he
Tiler job
will always find
And never and nowhere
will disappear!
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