Make apple juice at home. How to properly make apple juice at home. Diet apple juice - preparations for the winter without sugar

It’s hardly worth mentioning once again the significant differences between apple juice made at home and what was bought in a store. Homemade juice is definitely much better the best option. And this is understandable, because apple juice at home for the winter is guaranteed to retain almost all the vitamins contained in apples.

And if the drink is made with the addition of another fruit, then it turns into a real vitamin bomb, which will become a delicious salvation in the cold season.

Preparing apple juice for the winter using a juicer is actually not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. And even more than that - if you master the simple basics of sterilization, then you can even start experimenting. Create own recipes, combining other fruits and vegetables with ripe apples. Everything is in your hands, young housewives.

How to properly make a juicer with a juicer

If you have a juicer, you can significantly save your time in the process of making apple juice for the winter. She will also become your personal assistant in creating various recipes for juices based on apples, with the addition of other vegetables or fruits. Such juices are also called blended. That is, mixed.

The most popular additives for apple juice are grapes, pears, plums and currants. And among the vegetables, zucchini, carrots, tomatoes and pumpkin predominate.

If we talk about the quantitative ratio of blended juices, the ideal would be 1 to 1. That is, for every kilogram of apples there is a kilogram of another fruit or vegetable. Granulated sugar is added mainly to taste, but you should not exceed the limit of a hundred grams per liter of finished juice.

The process of making blended drinks goes like this: all the ingredients are passed through a juicer, and ready-made juices are mixed. And this mixture must be sealed either by sterilizing or pasteurizing. This is the most important basic to remember.

Selecting apple varieties for making a drink

Before choosing the variety of the main fruit to create apple juice for the winter, you need to decide on the final result that you want to get.

So, depending on the variety, ready drink It may come out sweet, or it may come out sour.

Apples "White filling"

In addition, big fans of apple juice with pulp should pay attention to the following varieties:

  • Antey;
  • White filling;
  • Freedom.

These apples themselves have a dense structure, so the finished juice is guaranteed to have a lot of pulp.

Apples "Antonovka"

And those who like sourness in taste should take a closer look, for example, at Antonovka and Nizhegorodka. By the way, professional chefs highly recommend canning juices made from sour apples. They last an order of magnitude longer than sweet juice.

A very important point! It will be useful to learn to distinguish between summer apple fruits and those that ripen quickly enough. In addition, you should not mix different varieties with each other. And even more so - sour and sweet. This will be completely unnecessary.

Traditional apple juice recipe

If this is your first time trying to prepare apple juice at home for the winter, then you can start with the traditional recipe. After all, it is the lightest and does not require any additives.

Sugar is added there to taste, only if the juice is too sour for you. Once you have mastered this basics, you can then move on to more advanced recipes.


  • Apples - as many as you have;
  • Sugar - optional.

First of all, do not forget that the jars where your juice will be stored must be sterilized.

When sorting and washing the apples, be sure to cut off all rotten areas and cut out the core.

Usually, to obtain juice, a juicer or a meat grinder is used. Or they grate it and then squeeze out the pulp through gauze.

Since today we are talking about making juice using a juicer, use one for these specific recipes. And then, the option with this device is the easiest and most convenient. And it requires much less power compared to other methods.

Filter the drink prepared in a juicer and pour it into a large saucepan or deep bowl. It is important that the cookware is not aluminum.

Place the pan on gas and bring to a boil as quickly as possible. But here you need to have time to catch the moment when the juice begins to bubble. When you notice small bubbles, remove the foam that appears and turn off the gas.

Filter the drink through a gauze cloth. Taste the juice and add granulated sugar if necessary. Add sweetness to taste, but try not to exceed the amount of a hundred grams per liter of liquid.

Heat the juice again to about eighty degrees. Pour it hot into jars, seal and let cool. You can leave them indoors for the first couple of weeks, and then be sure to move them into the dark and cool.

IN traditional recipe It is not necessary to warm the juice again. This is needed more in order to get rid of sediment in advance, which may form later. But this sediment in no way affects the taste of the drink or the duration of its storage.

At the same time, the use of this pasteurization option in the process of making apple juice for the winter is excellent if the jars have to be stored in a heated room.

Recipe: tomatoes in apple juice for the winter

We bring to your attention such a sudden, non-standard, but very interesting recipe for preservation in apple juice for the winter. The juice in this case will act as a marinade. This recipe is sure to become a favorite for those who do not like or cannot have tomatoes canned with vinegar. Everything is done quite simply.


  • Tomatoes - how many will fit in a liter jar;
  • Apple juice – 1 liter;
  • Salt – 1 tablespoon;
  • Spices - to taste;
  • Hot water - for pouring tomatoes.

Wash the selected tomatoes and make punctures at the base with a toothpick or fork. Then place the fruits in a pre-sterilized jar. Pour over the tomatoes hot water for a quarter of an hour. Then drain the water and repeat the procedure.

Sprinkle the tomatoes with salt. If desired, you can add spicy seasonings. But this is not for everyone. Bring apple juice to a boil and pour over tomatoes. Seal the jar, turn it over and let it cool. Your tomatoes in apple juice are ready for the winter!

Apple juice without pulp

Many people really like to drink juice without pulp or sediment. Making this apple juice for the winter using a juicer is really easy. Just follow the recipe provided.


  • Apples – 3 kilograms;
  • Sugar – 2 tablespoons.

Wash the apples thoroughly and cut into quarters. Don't forget to remove the tail and core. Pass the fruits through a juicer. The original juice will be quite cloudy.

That's why it needs to be filtered. You can use gauze, bandage or cotton as a filter.

There is no need to boil the strained juice. It will be enough to warm it up to eighty degrees. And now you can pour it into jars. Add sugar while heating. Before sealing the jars, they must be sterilized already filled.

Juice without pulp is considered one of the most popular among fans of this drink.

Apple juice with pulp

Interestingly, there are quite a lot of variations for making juice from apples with pulp and they are all different. Here is one of such variations.


  • Apples – 3 kilograms;
  • Sugar – 2 tablespoons;
  • Water – 1 glass.

Cut the washed fruits into medium pieces, place them in a saucepan and press down on top with some weight. Under pressure, the apples will give juice. When this happens, add sugar to the water and boil.

After removing the fruit from the gas, mash the pieces with a wooden pestle to a puree and put it on the gas again for about five minutes. After pouring the juice into jars, sterilize it for twenty minutes before sealing. Now you can roll it up. Enjoy!

Apple-pumpkin juice for the winter with citrus fruits

This variation of juice for the winter will be an excellent solution for strengthening the immune system. Keep in mind that the ingredients for making apple-pumpkin juice for the winter are indicated in this list for one liter jar.

  • Apple juice – 0.5 liters;
  • Pumpkin – 0.5 kilograms;
  • Orange – 1 piece;
  • Zest – 1 tablespoon;
  • Lemon – 0.5 pieces;
  • Zest – 1 teaspoon;
  • Sugar – 0.1 kilograms;
  • Water – 0.5 cups.

Peel the pumpkin from skin and seeds. Cut the pulp into medium cubes and hold over steam or scald in a small amount of boiling water until it becomes soft. This should be done in order to make it more convenient to bring the pumpkin pulp to a puree state. Which, subsequently, is what needs to be done.

You won't need citrus pulp. All you need is juice. So put them through a juicer. Like apples, if you didn’t already have ready-made juice in stock. Grate the zest.

Prepare syrup from water and granulated sugar. After this, mix all the resulting ingredients in one pan and put on gas. Remove the juice from the heat when the first bubbles appear and it begins to boil. Now you can pour apple and pumpkin juice into jars for the winter.

But don't rush to roll it up. The juice must first be sterilized, and then rolled up and left to cool. Thick consistency, rich color and bright flavor of orange and lemon make this juice look like real nectar. And what could be more pleasant in the cold winter than such a wonderful piece of summer mood.

Apple-grape juice

Many of us have known this blend since childhood. So among those who are engaged in canning or simply love homemade juices, this option is no less popular than just apple juice.

In this recipe, quantitative advantage is given to grapes. However, the proportions can be freely varied depending on the number of berries available.


  • Clarified apple juice – 1 liter;
  • Dark grape juice – 1 liter;
  • Light grape juice – 3 liters.

The cooking process itself is incredibly simple. Pass grapes and apples through a juicer. Each juice must be produced separately, in the required quantity. Then mix all the available juices in a saucepan and boil.

Boil for about five minutes. Don't forget to remove the foam. Strain the liquid through a gauze cloth and boil again. Then pour into jars and seal with a key.

This juice ends up being quite concentrated. Therefore, before drinking, it is advisable to dilute it with water.

Apple-peach juice

Simply amazing drink. Fans will definitely appreciate it. Apple and peach create an amazing flavor alliance. So, when you start making apple juice for the winter using a juicer, be sure to try this option.


  • Apples – 3 kilograms;
  • Peaches – 5 kilograms;
  • Granulated sugar – 3 tablespoons.

Rinse all fruits thoroughly and remove the skins. Pass through a juicer. If you have not sterilized your jars, do so now. Sterilization should not take less than ten minutes.

Combine apple and peach juices and let it boil. Pour granulated sugar into the juice mixture and boil for about seven minutes. Afterwards, you can pour the juice into jars and seal them.

Apple-orange juice

This option, it must be said, is used very rarely. But apple juice can be given a completely new taste if you mix it with orange. You can take different proportions from those proposed, changing the taste and level of sweetness in one direction or another.


  • Apples – 2 kilograms;
  • Oranges – 3 pieces;
  • Sugar - optional.

Pass the apples through a juicer and filter the resulting juice through a gauze cloth. Process the oranges in the same way. Mix the prepared juices together.

Pour the finished drink into a saucepan. Add sugar if necessary and bring to a boil. As soon as the juice boils, fill the jars that have been sterilized in advance. Then place them on the lids and let them cool. You can enjoy it!

Carrot-apple juice for the winter

This juice is not only good for the body, but also very tasty. Be sure to try carrot-apple juice for the winter if you haven’t already. Moreover, it couldn’t be easier to prepare.


  • Apples – 1 kilogram;
  • Carrots – 1 kilogram.

Peel all the fruits and wash them. Be sure to remove the seed capsule from the apples. Run both fruits and vegetables through a juicer. Mix both drinks in a saucepan and boil on low gas. Don't forget to remove the foam.

Boil the juice for about three more minutes, then seal and leave the jars to cool upside down. That's all! Carrot-apple juice is ready for the winter.

Apple juice for the winter without added sugar

This juice recipe uses absolutely nothing except, of course, apples.

This juice will help cleanse the body of accumulated debris, in return enriching it with vitamins.

And the absence of sugar in the drink will have the best effect on your figure. The only condition of the recipe is that the apples must be sweet varieties.


  • Apples - as many as you have.

Wash the fruits and run them through a juicer. Pour the juice into an enamel pan and let it boil. Boil for three minutes, then pour into jars. They must be sterilized in advance.

Now the juice can be sealed. Rearrange the jars bottom up and cover with some kind of blanket or blanket. Leave alone until the juice cools. And later move it to a cool place.

Apple and pear juice for the winter

The recipe for this juice blend can also be called quite popular. During production, it is important to remember that granulated sugar must be poured here in any case. And it doesn’t matter if the pears turned out to be sweeter than the apples. The concentration of organic sugars in them is still less. Therefore, without adding sugar, the juice may turn out to be sour or without a particularly pronounced taste.


  • Apples – 1 kilogram;
  • Pears – 1 kilogram;
  • Sugar – 2 tablespoons per liter of finished juice.

Wash all fruits thoroughly and cut into quarters. Be sure to remove the cores. Pass all the fruits through the juicer. Mix the resulting juices in an enamel pan and put on gas. Add sugar to the heated juice and boil.

Please note that during the cooking process quite a lot of foam will be released. And it must be removed in time. As soon as the juice boils, immediately remove the pan from the heat and filter through a gauze cloth.

Pour the prepared juice into prepared jars and seal with metal lids. Cover with something so that the jars cool slowly. That's all.

Apple juice using a meat grinder

If you want to make your own homemade juice, but you don’t have a juicer or years of opportunity to use one, then this recipe is just for you. Here the juice will need to be filtered from fresh pulp that has gone through a meat grinder. To do this, the gauze fabric needs to be folded in about four layers. If you have a special press, use it. This will make the whole process much easier.


  • Apples - as many as you have;
  • Sugar - optional.

Peel the fruits from seed pods and cut into quarters. After this, leave the resulting mass for a couple of hours. Filter the juice through a gauze cloth or using a special press.

Pour it into a saucepan or deep bowl and boil. But don't let it boil completely. If necessary, add granulated sugar and seal in prepared jars. Leave to cool.

Apple juice through a juicer for the winter

To make delicious apple juice, you can also use a juicer. The use of this device will speed up the process of making a fruit drink by an order of magnitude. Please note that in this recipe the quantities of ingredients are described for a six-liter juice cooker.


  • Apples – 5 kilograms;
  • Sugar – 3 tablespoons;
  • Water – 4 liters.

Cut the washed fruit into quarters, be sure to cut out the seed pod. Place the pieces in a pressure cooker colander and sprinkle with granulated sugar. Pour water into the lower container and boil. Place a juicer container over the pan of water, which is designed to collect the leaking juice. And also a saucepan with apples. Close the device tightly.

After all this has boiled for about half an hour, loosen the “grip” of the clamp on the tube and drain the first portion of juice. It should be about a glass. The first drink is not sterile, so it must be poured back into the container with the pulp to boil again.

Meanwhile, the fruits were steaming. The pieces shrank due to the fact that they gave up some of their juice. At this moment, the intensity of the fire must be reduced. Apple juice should be cooked through a juicer for the winter for another forty minutes. The deadline is one hour.

It's time to turn off the juicer. Now you need to leave it alone for another twenty minutes to let the juice drain. Afterwards you need to remove the clamp from the tube and drain the existing drink. The residues are drained through the wall of the liquid collector. Pour the drink into sterilized jars or glass bottles. That's all that needed to be done.

In general, the complete process of making apple juice through a pressure cooker for the winter takes about an hour and a half. Ultimately, from the amount of ingredients indicated in the list, an average of three liters of drink is obtained. But in general, cooking time may depend on the type of fruit. If the apples have turned into puree, then the device can be turned off.

Let's sum it up

As you can see, there are a lot of ways to preserve apple juice. And they all differ from each other in details. Having studied the basics of sterilization, you will be able to prepare juices with various blends in the future and even invent your own recipes!

In fact, it is not as difficult and troublesome as it might seem at first glance. But now you will always have fresh, healthy juice in your home. Enjoy!

The nutritional value

(1 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)
Content per 100 g % of normal
Calorie content 42 kcal 2.72%
Squirrels 0.4 g 0.43%
Fats 0.4 g 0.59%
Carbohydrates 9.8 g 6.95%
Alimentary fiber 0.2 g 1%
Water 88 g 3.21%

The most delicious and useful look Today's drink is apple juice. Apple juice for the winter is made through a juicer by those chefs who care not only about the taste of the resulting product, but also about its beneficial qualities. The process of preparing such a preparation is so simple that even the most inexperienced cook can handle it. The product prepared by the housewife will not only be an excellent health product, but also a good addition to the main dishes prepared for festive table.

The main advantages of the dish include: juice passed through a juicer retains much more beneficial properties, is more nutritious and easier to prepare. The disadvantage of this production method is that only ripe fruits are suitable for its preparation.

The benefits of apples for the human body

The beneficial properties of apples are so great that a huge number of people eat them. On the one hand, this fruit has a low calorie content, and on the other hand, it is easy to digest. It is great for people who want to lose weight. The calorie content of 100 grams of product is 47.5 kilocalories. It is very often used for various diets. Apples help people lose weight quickly by consuming a tasty food product.

Apples contain the following groups of vitamins: C, E, A, H, PP, K, B1, B5, B6, B9. In addition, they contain a huge number of micro- and macroelements. Some of the most important are trace elements such as magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, iron, zinc, cobalt, copper and iodine. The main advantages include the huge content of fiber, organic acids, pectins, carbohydrates and dietary fiber in fruits. It is precisely because of the large number of positive properties of the fruit that preparing apple juice for the winter through a juicer is so popular.

Choosing a variety for canning

Choosing the right type of fruit will largely depend on the desired result you want to achieve. The juice can have a pleasant mild sweet taste or sourish taste. By choosing a sweet variety of apples, you can get a drink with a sweetish taste, and a sour one with sourness. Apples Cosmonaut Titov, Freedom, Antey, Elena - have a dense structure, so the juice made will have a lot of pulp and not a lot of liquid. This product is suitable for those who like to drink juice smoothly.

Fans of sour taste can pay attention to the following varieties of fruits: Nizhegorodka, Antonovka. Professionals recommend canning apples with sourness; they last much longer than sweet ones.

Important! You should not mix different types of apples when creating juice. It is also necessary to distinguish between quickly ripening and summer fruits of this fruit.

Apple juice for the winter through a juicer: video

Secrets of making apple juice

In order to winter preparation turned out more pleasant to the taste, it is recommended to adhere to some important cooking secrets:

  • The time for pasteurization of juices largely depends on the volume of its preparation. A jar of 1 liter size will be processed for 15 minutes, 1.5 liters - 20 minutes, 3 liters - 30 minutes.
  • Experienced cooks add sugar syrup to the preparation instead of sugar. The recipe for its preparation is simple: 200 grams of sugar are dissolved in water, mixed, filtered through a thick piece of gauze. This juice is tastier and milder in taste.
  • Enameled containers are used for cooking juice, since they are more harmless than aluminum or steel.

Preparing apple juice for the winter through a juicer can be prepared according to various recipes, but using these recommendations, the product will be of higher quality.

Sterilizing juice jars

The sterilization process ensures not only the tightness of the container, but also long-term storage of the workpiece. Heating of juice cans, in order to destroy all dirt and germs, mainly occurs along with the preparation. Since the juice has a liquid consistency, it should be sterilized using a special method.

Sterilization of juice at home, both fruit and vegetable, should be carried out at a temperature not exceeding 85 degrees Celsius. At the same time, the sterilization process is quite long, it lasts from 1 to 3 hours. Famous chefs guarantee excellent results.

Cans of juice subjected to this type of heating last much longer and are completely sealed. For this method To destroy microbes, various utensils are used: a large saucepan, a bucket or a special container for sterilizing jars.

Very often housewives ask how to seal apple juice for the winter so that it can be stored for a long time? To do this, heat the container with its contents in a pan filled with water. The amount of liquid in it should be enough to cover the shoulders of the jar with its contents. Before lowering glass containers into water, its temperature should be no more than 70 degrees Celsius.

The sterilization time can begin to be counted from the moment the water begins to boil. During this period of time, it is recommended to cover the jar with a lid. At the initial stage, the fire should be strong, at the second - weaker, in order to constantly maintain the temperature at a boil. The juice preparation will be sterilized within 10-15 minutes. After the jar is removed from the pan, it must be immediately closed with a tin lid and rolled up. In this case, special attention should be paid to the quality of the rolling tool.

Choosing a juicer for juice

The modern market is ready to offer the buyer both manual and electric juicer options. The first type of device is suitable for daily single preparation, and the second for mass production. The first device will be much cheaper than the second. The manual model is suitable for processing a small number of apples at home; for a large number of such fruits, you should purchase a professional model. Preparing apple juice for the winter using a juicer can be done using a hand-held device.

Many buyers consider the most important characteristics of a juicer to be dimensions And appearance. However, this is a household approach to technology; in fact, such a device contains other, much more important characteristics. The main quality of the device is the principle of its operation, it is divided into:

  • screw;
  • centrifuge.

The first option is more economical, but the quality of the product decreases. Happening this phenomenon, for the reason that the juice heats up during fruit processing. The second model is more expensive, but it retains the pleasant taste of the product, its beneficial features. In addition, the screw model significantly saves electrical energy.

The power of the device is a very important property; it must be at least 300 W. Juicers with a power of about 500 W are considered to be of the highest quality. This indicator affects the performance of the device.

DIY apple juicer

You can assemble the juicer with your own hands from washing machine activator type. The operation of the device is based on centrifugal rotation. From the bottom old typewriter The activator and shaft are removed and installed on a shaft of the required diameter. 3 knives are installed on the threaded part using nuts at an angle of 60 degrees. The hole for the drain is covered. A stainless steel mesh with a mesh size of 1.5 millimeters lies on the wall of the centrifuge with an overlap of 40-50 millimeters. A lid made of rubber with a stopper is placed on its bottom, tightly closing it. Everything is thoroughly washed with baking soda, and the timer relay is turned off.

Afterwards, 2-3 apples are placed into the homemade structure on rotating knives. They are thoroughly crushed within half an hour. You can put 3 liters of applesauce into the centrifuge at one time. After completing each procedure, the device must be thoroughly washed. The assembled apparatus can prepare about 10 liters of juice with pulp per hour. This device performance is perfect for home use.

Apple juice for the winter through a juicer: without pulp recipe

Many people prefer to drink juice without pulp. Creating a similar product is very simple if you follow next recipe. Main components needed for cooking:

  • apples – 3 kilograms;
  • sugar – 50 grams.

Instructions for making apple juice:

    Selected and thoroughly washed apples are cut into 4 parts, the core is removed, and sent to the juicer.

    The juice turns out very cloudy, so it needs filtration. As a filter, you can use a small piece of cotton cloth, gauze or a sterile bandage. Cooks prepare jam from the resulting pulp.

    The strained juice does not need to be brought to a boil, but it needs to be heated to 85 degrees Celsius, after which it can be poured into separate jars. It, together with the container, must be sterilized before rolling. Sterilization time is 20 minutes.

recipe for cooking without pulp) is one of the most common.

Ask the chef!

Didn't manage to cook the dish? Don't be shy, ask me personally.

Apple juice for the winter through a juicer, transparent without pulp

The cooking sequence is very simple:

  • peeled apples are cut into small pieces, after removing the cores;
  • the fruit is passed through a juicer;
  • after that, it is filtered through a fine sieve, separating the pulp from the clear juice;
  • at the end of the procedure, the juice is heated to a boil and it is sterilized along with the container in which it will be located.

Apple juice for the winter through a juicer with pulp

Many chefs advise making apple juice from a juicer for the winter, and there are a wide variety of recipes. The main components of this drink:

  • sour and sweet varieties of apples – 2-3 kilograms;
  • water – 250 milliliters;
  • sugar - 2 large spoons.

Cooking sequence:

  1. We wash the fruits with water and chop them into small pieces, place them in a large saucepan, press them down with something heavy so that the apples release juice, add granulated sugar and water, and bring to a boil.
  2. After that, remove from the heat and mash the apples using a wooden masher, put the puree back on the fire for about 5 minutes.
  3. Afterwards, carefully sterilize the container with the product for 20 minutes and roll up the lid.

Apple and carrot juice for the winter

This is a healthy and attractive-tasting food product.

Ingredients needed for cooking:

  • apples – 1 kilogram;
  • carrots – 1 kilogram.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We select the ripest apples and carrots, wash, peel, cut out the core, pass the prepared products through a juicer, bring the resulting mass to a boil over low heat. Remove the foam that appears with a strainer.
  2. Boil the juice for 2-3 minutes; cover with a tin lid.

Persico - apple juice

This drink is very tasty. Two healthy fruits are in perfect harmony with each other. The result is a very nutritious and tasty juice.

Product Components:

  • peaches – 5 kilograms;
  • apples – 3 kilograms;
  • sugar – 70 grams.

Product preparation process:

  1. We wash the apples and peaches well with water, peel them, and put the fruits in a juicer.
  2. Sterilize the jars and boil the lids for about 10 minutes.
  3. Pour the apple and peach juice into a large bowl and bring to a boil, then add sugar to the resulting mixture, boil for about 7 minutes, pour into jars and close with lids.

Bottom line

Apple juice for the winter is prepared very simply and quickly using a juicer. It can be prepared at home not only using an expensive juicer, but also using a home-made device. Apple juice has a lot of valuable qualities that support the normal functioning of the human body.

In contact with

Among the large number of fruit drinks, apple juice is the most affordable and popular. Based on its vitamin and mineral composition, scientists call it “living water,” since it not only rejuvenates our body, but also prevents various diseases, especially if the drink is consumed freshly squeezed.

Homemade or packaged: advantages and disadvantages

In supermarkets and small stores you can see apple juices from different manufacturers. If you look at their composition, you can come to the conclusion that many of them are far from natural.

Any packaged drink necessarily contains a preservative and added sugar in various quantities; it increases the calorie content of the drink and thereby adds extra pounds, and the content of a large number of preservatives can cause the development of various diseases. You can consume such juices in small quantities without any particular benefit to the body.
The best and correct solution is homemade juice from high-quality raw materials. To obtain it you will have to spend time and effort, but this natural product will allow:

  • thanks to a large number of antioxidants, maintain normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • speed up metabolic processes and, as a result, will help in the fight against extra pounds;
  • for older people, maintain clarity of mind and memory and reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease;
  • avoid problems with skin and hair, as it has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect;
  • for women bearing a child, it will replenish the body with vitamins and minerals (contains more than 30 micro- and macroelements) and reduce toxicosis, which occurs in many pregnant women;
  • avoid bowel problems. Pectin, which is part of apples, forms a jelly mass that absorbs all toxins and improves intestinal function;
  • relieve asthma attacks in patients suffering from asthma;
  • cleanse the liver and bile ducts of toxins that accumulate in them.

Harm from a store-bought product:

  • chemical additives can contribute to the development of gastritis and stomach ulcers;
  • If the product is taken regularly, its high sugar content can cause the development of diabetes;
  • preservatives and stabilizers act on the principle of antibiotics - they destroy harmful microorganisms and do not spare beneficial ones, disturbing the intestinal microflora.

Did you know? In the old days, some Slavic peoples gave the bride an apple before the wedding, which she had to throw behind the altar in order to have children.

How to choose apples for a recipe

To get a tasty drink, you need to choose good, juicy fruits without any signs of spoilage or damage. Apples harvested in late August or early September are best suited. It is at this time that the fruits become the most juicy. Suitable:, "Anuxis" and others. Apples should be large and firm; overripe ones will not yield much liquid.

Step-by-step recipe for making homemade apple juice for the winter

Making juice at home is not a complicated or time-consuming process. The time spent (6 kg of apples will take approximately 1.2 hours) will reward you with an excellent vitamin drink.

What you will need: kitchen appliances and supplies

To complete the process you will need:

  • juicer;
  • container for apples;
  • a saucepan for the resulting drink;
  • skimmer;
  • kitchen thermometer;
  • glass jars or bottles with screw caps;
  • ladle for pouring the resulting product.

Required Products

To prepare 1.5 liters of juice you need 5 kg of apples and sugar (to taste). The fruits should be firm and not overripe, with a sweet taste.

Cooking process

Execution sequence:

Important! You can make jam from the collected foam by adding sugar and boiling it to a thicker consistency.

Rules and conditions for storing apple juice

During long-term storage, many useful material They quickly break down, so the ideal option is freshly squeezed juice, consumed within 15 minutes after preparation. But there are times when a lot of drink is obtained from a rich harvest of apples, and the question immediately arises about how best to preserve it in order to get the maximum benefit from the product in the future. There are several storage methods:

  • Leave the freshly squeezed juice in the refrigerator for no more than 4 hours. It should be stored in a glass or plastic container with a tight-fitting lid to prevent air from entering. Contact with oxygen causes the destruction of some components of the vitamin and mineral composition of apples and the drink acquires a brown tint. At the same time, with prolonged exposure, the fresh juice becomes softer, which is good for people with problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Pour the freshly squeezed product into plastic containers and store in the freezer. With this type of storage, boiling of the product is not required and, as a result, vitamins and minerals are completely preserved and the taste remains unchanged. Defrosting occurs when room temperature, and to speed up the process, the container can be placed in a container with warm water;
  • canned drink for long-term storage. This method is used to store the boiled product with the addition of a preservative (sugar) in hermetically sealed containers. When heated, a certain amount of vitamins and minerals is destroyed, but in winter, if there is a shortage of them, a liter of juice per day will be a good help for maintaining normal immunity.

Important! To slow down the oxidation and destruction of iron in the drink, it is necessary to acidify it with a small amount lemon juice.

Little tricks: how to make juice clearer

The resulting drink can be clarified by doing the following:

  • the squeezed juice needs to stand for a little, and then strain through several layers of gauze, and also squeeze out the grounds from the filter;
  • Pour the drink into a small container and place in a water bath. Leave for 4 minutes after the water boils and remove the resulting foam with a slotted spoon;
  • Cool quickly by placing in a pan of cold water for 3 hours. During this time, the juice will separate into a clear liquid and sediment, which will sink to the bottom of the container;
  • Carefully pour off the top transparent layer. For better lightening, the procedure can be repeated.

About the benefits of the product

With a rich vitamin and mineral composition, the drink has low calorie content and is equally beneficial for everyone.

For men

Benefits of the product for the stronger half of humanity:

  • normalizes blood composition, strengthens bones and increases the body's endurance to physical activity;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • reduces the risk of asthma, cancer problems and Alzheimer's disease;
  • strengthens the cardiovascular system;
  • restores male hormones and potency.

Did you know? American Norman Walker, who lived 99 years, always had 1 glass of apple juice in his daily diet, which allowed him to maintain a healthy heart, good memory and clarity of mind until the end of his days.

For women

A varied amount of vitamins and minerals will help:

  • strengthen the immune system;
  • renew blood and increase hemoglobin;
  • avoid depression and depression;
  • be on guard female beauty- strengthen teeth, nails, hair.

For children

After one year of age, babies are recommended to drink 200 ml of freshly squeezed drink daily. This will allow:

  • avoid hypovitaminosis and anemia;
  • develop mental abilities;
  • it is easy to tolerate acute respiratory infections.

More about healthy juices

In addition to apple juice, carrot, pumpkin, grape and other juices are beneficial for the body.


The juice obtained from it perfectly tones and strengthens the body, and has a good effect on vision. Its benefits last only for 30 minutes after spinning, so it should be prepared in such an amount that can be consumed at a time.


contains a large number of fiber, the main function of which is cleansing gastrointestinal tract. Also, drinking 0.5 glasses of juice twice a day will help maintain blood sugar at the proper level, reduce “bad” cholesterol, increase blood clotting, as well as speed up metabolic processes in the body and improve immunity.


Grape juice is so beneficial that there is even a whole medical direction called ampelotherapy. Grape juice is used to treat inflammatory processes in the kidneys, anemia, and tuberculosis. initial stage, as well as nervous disorders and inflammatory processes of bone tissue.

Video recipe for making apple juice

Apple juice is rightfully considered a storehouse of vitamins. Thanks to mineral elements, the product strengthens the immune system, fights colds, and increases vitality. For this reason, experienced housewives want to preserve the juice in order to be able to enjoy it in the winter. We have collected for you a golden collection of the most delicious recipes, which you can easily turn into reality yourself. Let's look at the important aspects in order.

How to properly squeeze juice from apples

To prepare juice, only sweet varieties of apples are used; in some cases, distillation of fruits with sourness is allowed. The second option involves adding granulated sugar, which can cause heartburn.

Give preference to the following varieties: Simirenko, Antonovka, Anis, Grushovka, Golden. Recipes allow for mixing apples different types, it all depends on personal preferences. The listed varieties are optimally suited for distillation, since they are moderately sweet, but at the same time have a touch of sourness.

After choosing the fruits, you need to sort them out. It is important to understand that only healthy apples without wormhole are used for juice. Each fruit is thoroughly washed with a foam sponge. If store-bought products are used for pasture, wax and possible chemicals are removed from them using baking soda.

Next, the apples are laid out on a flat surface and wrapped in a towel. After this, they are placed on a paper napkin until the moisture has completely evaporated. When the fruits are dry, the core is cut out. Next, the preparation process proceeds according to the instructions for the juicer. The fruits are pre-chopped with a knife or sent whole to the device.

Apple juice preparation technology

  1. Place the apples in the sink, wash each fruit under warm water, and use baking soda. When all the dirt has been removed, sort out the fruits, cut out damaged and rotten areas, remove leaves and tails.
  2. Give preference only to ripe fruits if game is not used. Spread a cotton towel on the table, place the fruit to drain, and dry at room temperature.
  3. Using a thin knife, peel the apples. Try to cut the skin so thin that only the hard, smooth part is removed. It is under it that there is a concentration of useful elements that need to be preserved.
  4. Cut out the core, remove the seeds and substrate, chop the fruits into cubes of equal size. The size of the pieces directly depends on the characteristics of the juicer. If the device turns large pieces into puree well, don’t waste time on trifles; chop the apples in half.
  5. When planning the amount of the final product, proceed from the following indicators: in most cases, when processing 11-12 kg. Apples yield about 4-5 liters of juice. It is difficult to say the exact figure, because all varieties vary in ripeness and juiciness.
  6. Select a bottle with a neck diameter that matches the size of the juicer spout. Such a move will prevent possible contact of the final product with oxygen. Whenever possible, choose ceramic or glass containers rather than plastic. The latter option reduces the shelf life of the final product. Also, do not use metal utensils, as they tend to oxidize.
  7. Place the selected vessel under the neck, place the fruit pieces into the cavity of the juicer, and turn on the device. Depending on the manufacturer, the speed of juice dispensing varies significantly. Since apples are quite juicy, they grind faster than, say, carrots. As a rule, 5 minutes of operation of the device is enough to obtain 3.5-5 liters of the final product.
  8. In addition to squeezing, the juicer cleans the liquid from the pulp, as in the previous case, the result directly depends on the manufacturer. As practice shows, a relatively small amount of pulp can be seen on top of the juice. You can either stir it to create a pulpy product or strain it. In the case of the latter option, use a sieve or make a filter from gauze fabric folded in several layers.
  9. As for the pulp from spent apples, it has virtually no benefit; throw it away or use it for your own purposes. After completing all manipulations, disassemble the device, wash it thoroughly in the shower, and dry it. Leave it assembled or disassembled until next time.

There are a sufficient number of ways in which you can prepare apple juice for winter preservation.

First you need to take care of the container into which the product will be poured. Wash it thoroughly with warm water, treat the cavity and outer walls with baking soda, and pour boiling water over it.

You can also sterilize the jars by placing them in a pan of water and then boiling them thoroughly (about 10-15 minutes). After preparing the dishes, select suitable way conservation and proceed with the procedure.

Option #1. Warming up
The cooking technology is as follows: the juice is poured into a wide pan with an enamel coating, after which it is placed on the stove and heated evenly to 88-98 degrees.

If you do not have a thermometer, a visual inspection will help you find out about the required stage. Small bubbles will begin to appear on the surface of the liquid; under no circumstances bring the composition to a mass boil.

Apple juice can be transferred to a place for long-term storage only after it has been infused at room temperature for about 12-14 hours.

Option #2. Light boiling
The technique is designed for those cases when, when squeezing apple juice, there are doubts regarding the quality of the fruits used. For example, you are not sure that you have completely removed spoiled areas or cleaned the fruit properly.

Experienced juice makers do not recommend boiling juice for a long time, but heat treatment over high heat for 5 minutes is acceptable. Of course, with this method of pasteurization most of useful elements will lose their properties, but the taste and overall impression of using the product will remain unchanged.

Pour the juice into a thick-walled saucepan, bring to a boil and note the time. After the specified period (5-7 minutes), pour the product into clean (sterile) jars, seal, turn over the neck, and wrap with a warm cloth.

The cooling time at room temperature is about 12 hours, after this time the jar needs to be turned over and placed in a dark place (cellar, basement, closet, etc.).

Option #3. Closed pasteurization
This method is good because the juice is boiled after it is transferred to the jar without preheating. To carry out the procedure correctly, prepare a wide saucepan with high sides, pour the juice into glass containers, close the lid, but do not roll it up.

Place the jar in the pan, add warm water, turn on the stove. Simmer over medium heat until the first bubbles begin to appear. Make sure that the level of poured water only reaches the shoulders of the container, otherwise it may burst. Next, cover the pan with a lid and bring the juice to a temperature of 85 degrees, no more.

After this period, reduce the heat to the minimum mark, boil the jar of juice for 20-30 minutes, depending on its size. As soon as the pasteurization process comes to an end, carefully remove the container with mittens, immediately roll it up and wrap it in a blanket. Let the juice cool to room temperature (about 12-15 hours), then take it to a dark room for long-term storage.

Important! After preparing and pasteurizing the juice, label each jar. Be sure to indicate the date of preparation so as not to violate storage conditions. The duration of aging during which the product can be consumed ranges from 22-24 months.

As for adding sugar to a drink, this is a purely individual matter. You can stir in the bulk mixture during the heating stage, or you can be content with the natural taste of apple juice.

  1. To prepare the drink, it is important to maintain the correct proportions. Experienced housewives are advised to mix 2 parts apple juice with 1 part carrot juice, and you can add granulated sugar at the rate of 10 grams. per 100 ml. final product.
  2. Wash the carrots, peel them, and dry them with paper towels. Chop into small pieces, place in a deep container, and pour over boiling water. Wait about 20 minutes.
  3. Wash and peel the apples, remove the peel from them with a knife with a thin blade. Remove the core and chop the fruit into equal-sized pieces.
  4. Mix the apple and carrots, squeeze the juice out of them using a juicer, remove the pulp by passing the mixture through a sieve. Pasteurize using one of the methods described above (“Light boiling”, “Heating”, “Closed pasteurization”).
  5. At the stage heat treatment add granulated sugar to the juice, wait until the crystals dissolve. After this, pour into jars, seal, cool, and put in a dark place.

Apple-pumpkin juice

  1. Peel the pumpkin from the hard skin and remove the fibrous seed structure from the cavity. Wash the fruit, cut into small pieces, steam them for 10 minutes.
  2. Wash the apples, remove the peel with a thin knife, remove the core. Cut the fruit into pieces of equal size and scald with boiling water.
  3. Dry the fruits well, place them in a blender or juicer, then remove the pulp with a gauze filter, add ground cinnamon, vanillin and filtered water in a small amount to the juice to slightly dilute the composition.
  4. If you wish, you can add a little lemon juice to the mixture to give the drink a citrusy note. As soon as the juice is obtained, pasteurize it using the “Light boiling” method, the only thing is that the cooking time must be increased to half an hour.
  5. At the end of the manipulations, pour the composition into sterile jars, seal, and let cool in a wrapped blanket. Move the container to a place for long-term storage.

It is not difficult to prepare apple juice at home if you have an understanding of basic processing technologies. Always wash and dry the fruits, separate the pulp from the liquid, and boil the jars. Consider making apple-pumpkin and apple-carrot juice.

Video: apple juice without a juicer

The apple harvest at our dachas is often so large that we have to store them for the winter. There are many options for preparations: it can be jam, jam, compote. One of the most delicious preparations is apple juice. Make it at home healthy drink It’s not at all difficult to make from apples.

Clarified drink

To make apple juice, some simple equipment is required, but summer residents, as a rule, always have household electric juicer one design or another. To know how to properly prepare this delicious product, just read a couple of instructions, and you can safely get down to business:

The blanks obtained using the described method can be stored at room temperature for several years.

Preparing juice with pulp

If you don't have a juicer at home, no problem: you can easily find a lot of recipes on how to make apple juice in this case too. True, it will not be light, but the pulp contains the most important elements for the body, they are especially important in baby food.

  1. It is advisable to choose sweet apples and sort them carefully.
  2. Wash apples under the tap with warm water.
  3. Chop as finely as possible into an enamel pan.
  4. Fill with water so that the apples are completely covered with it.
  5. Heat slowly, stirring constantly, until the apples soften and begin to be easily crushed with a slotted spoon or spoon.
  6. Turn off the fire and allow the product to cool slightly.
  7. Rub everything through a sieve, removing the peel.
  8. Jars and lids are prepared as usual: washed and sterilized.
  9. The pureed apples, which now look like liquid porridge, are heated in a saucepan to a boil, poured into jars, rolled up, turned upside down for 10-12 hours, covered with a towel.

The product obtained in this way is, of course, not for everybody, but it is even more useful than the clarified one.

Using a juicer

In addition to juicers, certain Juice cookers are popular among housewives, working on a completely different principle. In this device, sliced ​​apples are treated with water steam during the cooking process, which extracts the juice from the fruit. Preparing raw materials for a juice cooker is absolutely identical to that when using a regular saucepan. Sliced ​​apples are placed in the mesh part of the juicer, and water is poured into its bottom. The unit is put on fire or connected to the electrical network (there are various models).

In most models, the resulting juice is drained into a receiving container through a silicone hose. The whole process takes from one and a half to three hours, depending on the size and quality of the juicer. As a rule, the product turns out even lighter than with a juicer. Rolling it into jars is no different from what was described above.

Blend types of drink

Here are the basic ways to make apple juice. Usually, at the same time as the apples in the garden, they ripen and other fruits. Almost any of them can be mixed with apples and blends can be prepared not only from a mixture of fruits, but also from apples with some vegetables, for example, carrots or pumpkin. You just need to remember that some juices do not contain enough acids, and therefore are poorly stored at home.

So, you can almost go to apples add currants, carrots, raspberries, cherries in any proportions. But you shouldn’t put a lot of pears: depending on how sour the apples are, the amount of pears can be from 10 to 25%. Otherwise, you will have to add to the blend, for example, citric acid. You shouldn’t add too many apricots, especially if you want to make clarified juice: it’s impossible to make it clear using apricots.

Thus, the answer to the question of how to make apple juice is very simple: this technology is available to anyone who has minimal kitchen skills and loves to prepare food for the winter.

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